Results for 'Chiara Granata'

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  1.  42
    Shaping pseudoneglect with transcranial cerebellar direct current stimulation and music listening.Silvia Picazio, Chiara Granata, Carlo Caltagirone, Laura Petrosini & Massimiliano Oliveri - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Il rito delle pulci: Wittgenstein morfologico.Chiara Cappelletto - 2004 - Milano: Il castoro.
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  3. Attenzione E coscienza. Ward, Bradley E il dibattito su «mind».Chiara Giuntini - 2010 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 6 (2):299-329.
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    Koinon and koinônia: A Particular Case of Participation in John Philoponus.Daniele Granata - 2018 - Peitho 9 (1):101-120.
    The aim of this study is to discuss an original philosophical contribution made by Philoponus, who in In Cat. 18, 14–22 equates koinon in its most peculiar meaning with the concept of koinônia understood as a particu­lar case of Platonic methexis. First, the paper analyzes the passages where the Neoplatonic commentators of the Categories distinguish four distinct meanings of the Aristotelian concept of koinon. Subsequently, this article emphasizes the differences between Philoponus’ herme­neutical suggestions and those of the other commentators. Philopo­nus (...)
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    Some Doubts about Resemblance Theories in Music.Vincent Granata - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:125-145.
    Le but de cet article est de montrer les limites des théories de la ressemblance en musique. Ces théories cherchent à justifier que nous puissions attribuer des émotions à une musique, et soutiennent que l’expression musicale des émotions est analogue à l’expression émotionnelle chez les êtres humains. Une musique triste devrait alors posséder quelque propriété en vertu de laquelle elle puisse ressembler à l’expression de la tristesse chez une personne. Ces approches ont le défaut de reposer sur une notion de (...)
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  6. Un nuovo modo di intendere il diritto di proprietà: H. Spencer e il dibattito tardo-vittoriano sulla nazionalizzazione delle terre.Chiara Leproni - forthcoming - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica.
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    Continuous Decentering—Sextus and Dōgen.Chiara Robbiano - 2022 - Journal of Buddhist Philosophy 4:165-182.
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    Imaginal Politics: Images Beyond Imagination and the Imaginary.Chiara Bottici - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Between the radical, creative capacity of our imagination and the social imaginary we are immersed in is an intermediate space philosophers have termed the imaginal, populated by images or (re)presentations that are presences in themselves. Offering a new, systematic understanding of the imaginal and its nexus with the political, Chiara Bottici brings fresh perspective to the formation of political and power relationships and the paradox of a world rich in imagery yet seemingly devoid of imagination. Bottici begins by defining (...)
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    A History of the Mind and Mental Health in Classical Greek Medical Thought.Chiara Thumiger - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Hippocratic texts and other contemporary medical sources have often been overlooked in discussions of ancient psychology. They have been considered to be more mechanical and less detailed than poetic and philosophical representations, as well as later medical texts such as those of Galen. This book does justice to these early medical accounts by demonstrating their richness and sophistication, their many connections with other contemporary cultural products and the indebtedness of later medicine to their observations. In addition, it reads these (...)
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  10.  18
    The Politics of Imagination.Chiara Bottici & Benoît Challand (eds.) - 2011 - New York: Birkbeck Law Press.
    _The Politics of Imagination_ offers a multidisciplinary perspective on the contemporary relationship between politics and the imagination. What role does our capacity to form images play in politics? And can we define politics as a struggle for people’s imagination? As a result of the increasingly central place of the media in our lives, the political role of imagination has undergone a massive quantitative and a qualitative change. As such, there has been a revival of interest in the concept of imagination, (...)
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  11. Whose life to save? Scarce resources allocation in the COVID-19 outbreak.Chiara Mannelli - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):364-366.
    After initially emerging in China, the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has advanced rapidly. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently declared it a pandemic, with Europe becoming its new epicentre. Italy has so far been the most severely hit European country and demand for critical care in the northern region currently exceeds its supply. This raises significant ethical concerns, among which is the allocation of scarce resources. Professionals are considering the prioritisation of patients most likely to survive over those with remote (...)
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  12.  76
    A Philosophy of Political Myth.Chiara Bottici - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In this book, originally published in 2007, Chiara Bottici argues for a philosophical understanding of political myth. Bottici demonstrates that myth is a process, one of continuous work on a basic narrative pattern that responds to a need for significance. Human beings need meaning in order to master the world they live in, but they also need significance in order to live in a world that is less indifferent to them. This is particularly true in the realm of politics. (...)
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  13. Pietro Aureoli, La conoscenza divina delle creature. Le Quaestiones 2 e 3 della Distinctio 35 dello Scriptum. Introduzione, testo latino e traduzione italiana a fronte a cura di Chiara Paladini.Chiara Paladini & Peter Auriol - 2020 - Roma RM, Italia: TabEdizioni.
    Le Quaestiones 2 («Se l’oggetto adeguato della conoscenza divina sia l’essenza di Dio o l’ente universale») e 3 («Se le creature secondo le loro proprie nature e le loro essenze siano vita in Dio e nel Verbo») della Distinctio 35 dello Scriptum di Pietro Aureoli sono importanti per la ricostruzione sia del pensiero del loro autore che della storia della dottrina delle idee divine nel Medioevo. Aureoli rifiuta il modello tradizionale di causalità esemplare, secondo cui Dio avrebbe creato il mondo (...)
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  14.  8
    Eraclito allievo di Pirrone: per una revisione di Philop. In Cat. 2,7–24.Daniele Granata - 2018 - Méthexis 30 (1):197-213.
    In this article I try to solve an hermeneutical problem concerning some lines (2,7–24) of the Commentary to the Categories of John Philoponus. There, the commentator would seem committing an error, stating that Heraclitus was a disciple of Pyrrho by the expression «ὁ δὲ μαθητὴς αὐτοῦ Ἡράκλειτος (2,15)». I will present the edition of the text made by Busse with its translation and exegesis and, then, I will compare the passage in Philoponus with similar ones in other Neoplatonic commentators to (...)
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    Introduzione alla filosofia della scienza.Dalla Chiara & Maria Luisa - 2000 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by G. Toraldo di Francia.
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    L’expression des émotions dans la musique : avant-propos du traducteur.Vincent Granata - 2022 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 30 (2):67-70.
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    Une branche francophone de l’esthétique analytique.Vincent Granata & Guillaume Schuppert - 2022 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 30 (2):5-8.
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  18.  21
    Elena Marano: pedagogista, filantropa, scrittrice.Chiara Longo - 2023 - Roma: Armando editore.
    Saggio storico-pedagogico costruito su scritti editi e inediti di Elena Marano, pedagogista, filantropa, scrittrice vissuta tra la il XIX e il XX secolo ad Adrano (Ct). Ancorato alla pedagogia tradizionale, il suo pensiero trae alimento da ideologi del Risorgimento (Mazzini e Gioberti), si confronta con studiosi e intellettuali coevi, si apre a forme di rigenerazione didattico-educative i cui temi precorrono la contemporaneità: riposizionamento morale per contrastare emergenza educativa, istruzione diffusa per abbattere disagio sociale e analfabetismo, formazione delle bambine per favorire (...)
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  19.  29
    La valle di Giosafat e le crepe della metafisica.Chiara Selogna - 2005 - Doctor Virtualis 4:79-96.
    Il trascendentalismo della prassi per andare oltre lo scetticismo e oltre ogni pretesa da parte della filosofia di cogliere l'essere nella sua definizione universale e razionale. Una proposta anche storiografica.
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  20.  12
    Il sistema audiovisivo: tra estetica e complessità.Chiara Simonigh - 2020 - Milano: Meltemi.
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  21.  17
    Parole non consumate: donne e uomini nel linguaggio.Chiara Zamboni - 2001 - Napoli: Liguori.
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  22.  75
    On complicity and compromise.Chiara Lepora - 2013 - Oxford United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by Robert E. Goodin.
    Drawing on philosophy, law and political science, and on a wealth of practical experience delivering emergency medical services in conflict-ridden settings, Lepora and Goodin untangle the complexities surrounding compromise and complicity.
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  23.  85
    Moral dilemmas in self-driving cars.Chiara Lucifora, Giorgio Mario Grasso, Pietro Perconti & Alessio Plebe - 2020 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 11 (2):238-250.
    : Autonomous driving systems promise important changes for future of transport, primarily through the reduction of road accidents. However, ethical concerns, in particular, two central issues, will be key to their successful development. First, situations of risk that involve inevitable harm to passengers and/or bystanders, in which some individuals must be sacrificed for the benefit of others. Secondly, and identification responsible parties and liabilities in the event of an accident. Our work addresses the first of these ethical problems. We are (...)
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  24. A Philosophy Of Political Myth - Chiara Bottici. [REVIEW]Chiara Erbosi - 2010 - Humana Mente 4 (12).
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    Imagining Europe: Myth, Memory, and Identity.Chiara Bottici & Benoît Challand - 2013 - Cambridge University Press.
    In Imagining Europe, Chiara Bottici and Benoît Challand explore the formation of modern European identity. Europe has not always been there, although we have been imagining it for quite some time. Even after the birth of a polity called the European Union, the meaning of Europe remained a very much contested topic. What is Europe? What are its boundaries? Is there a specific European identity or is the EU just the name for a group of institutions? This book answers (...)
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  26. Music and the Virtue of Humility. Philosophical and Psychological Foundations.Chiara Palazzolo - 2024 - Intersezioni 1:1-24.
    The aim of the article is to illuminate the idea that humility – understood as self-knowledge and a relational virtue in the Thomistic sense – is essential for professional excellence in music. The article begins by examining contemporary interpretations of humility and then refers to the conceptions of Augustine and Thomas Aquinas. It argues that 1) Aquinas’s conception of humility aligns well with current understandings of humility among professional musicians in Western classical music; 2) humility can be considered a role-specific (...)
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  27. Philosophy of Musical Relationships: Care Ethics and Moral Responsibility of Musical Agency.Chiara Palazzolo - 2024 - Philosophies 1 (6):1-17.
    This article addresses the inherently relational nature of musical agency, drawing upon interdisciplinary research. It argues that music does not exist in isolation but within social and emotional contexts shaped by a network of relationships among musicians. These interactions create a collaborative space that transcends mere technical execution, fostering a collective experience enriched by shared sensitivity and emotional engagement. Consequently, musical practice, whether compositional or performative, entails a moral responsibility, particularly challenging the perspectives of Levinas; Bauman; and Wilde, who traditionally (...)
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  28.  15
    Más allá de la dialéctica de la ilustración: Spinoza, sobre el mito Y la imaginación.Chiara Bottici - 2010 - Signos Filosóficos 12 (24):137-170.
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  29.  10
    Introduzione alla filosofia della scienza.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara & Giuliano Toraldo di Francia - 2000 - Roma: Laterza. Edited by G. Toraldo di Francia.
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  30. Temi e prospettive della Logica e Filosofia della Scienza. Volume 2.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara & Maria Clara Galavotti (eds.) - 1988 - CLUEB.
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  31. Toland e Bruno: ermetismo rivoluzionario.Chiara Giuntini - 1975 - Rivista di Filosofia 6:199-235.
  32. Esse alterius, ad alterum et alteri. La dottrina della relazione di Meister Eckhart.Chiara Paladini - 2016 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 2 (63):458-482.
    The study is aimed at clarifying Meister Eckhart's theory of relations, which involves all fields of his philosophy: gnoseological, theological, ontological. Its general features (concerning the ontological status of relations and relatives, the nature of the fundamentum relationis, and the origin ab altero proper to the relation) seem to denote a realist position, in opposition to the Nominalism. Yet, when he applies the theory to particular problems, it is evident that his position cannot be simply qualified as a realist one. (...)
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  33.  35
    The Case of the Sārasaṅgaha: Reflections on the Reuse of Texts in Medieval Sinhalese Pāli Literature.Chiara Neri - 2015 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 43 (4-5):335-388.
    The Sārasaṅgaha is a Pāli text of XIIth–XIIIth century by the Sinhalese monk Siddhattha Thera. Its themes include the aspiration to become a Buddha, shrines, meditation, theories on rain, wind, gender and more. The main body consists of citations from the Nikāyas, the Jātakas, the Visuddhimagga and above all, from commentarial literature. By analysing the way the Sārasaṅgaha refers to and establishes a dialogue with the quoted works, this paper promotes a new assessment of the cultural and textual tendencies that (...)
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  34.  60
    Early Local Activity in Temporal Areas Reflects Graded Content of Visual Perception.Chiara F. Tagliabue, Chiara Mazzi, Chiara Bagattini & Silvia Savazzi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
  35.  32
    The Privatized State.Chiara Cordelli - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    Why government outsourcing of public powers is making us less free Many governmental functions today—from the management of prisons and welfare offices to warfare and financial regulation—are outsourced to private entities. Education and health care are funded in part through private philanthropy rather than taxation. Can a privatized government rule legitimately? The Privatized State argues that it cannot. In this boldly provocative book, Chiara Cordelli argues that privatization constitutes a regression to a precivil condition—what philosophers centuries ago called "a (...)
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  36. Pseudoscience after Feyerabend.Chiara Ambrosio & Ian Kidd - forthcoming - In Anthony Morgan (ed.), Science, Anti-Science, Pseudoscience, Truth. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Bigg Books.
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    Beyond associations: Sensitivity to structure in pre-schoolers’ linguistic predictions.Chiara Gambi, Martin J. Pickering & Hugh Rabagliati - 2016 - Cognition 157 (C):340-351.
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    Becoming being: on Parmenides' transformative philosophy.Chiara Robbiano - 2005 - Sankt Augustin: Academia.
    This study offers a new interpretation of the poem of the founder of Western philosophy: Parmenides. It shows that there is more in his poem than the description of Being by means of negative adjectives such as ingenerated and immobile. His words ask his audience to question their habits, to modify their goals, to engage in new enterprises and to look with a critical eye at their previous attempts to get knowledge. It operates as a travel guide that leads the (...)
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  39.  68
    A Cinema of Boredom: Heidegger, Cinematic Time and Spectatorship.Chiara Quaranta - 2020 - Film-Philosophy 24 (1):1-21.
    Boredom, in cinema as well as in our everyday experience, is usually associated with a generalised loss of meaning or interest. Accordingly, boredom is often perceived as that which ought to be avo...
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  40.  14
    Kant's recourse to the domestic anology in the Perpetual Peace.Chiara Bottici - 2005 - Jura Gentium 2:43-61.
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    Logic and Scientific Methods: Volume One of the Tenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Florence, August 1995.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Kees Doets, Daniele Mundici & Johan van Benthem (eds.) - 1996 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    This is the first of two volumes comprising the papers submitted for publication by the invited participants to the Tenth International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, held in Florence, August 1995. The Congress was held under the auspices of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science, Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. The invited lectures published in the two volumes demonstrate much of what goes on in the fields of the Congress and give (...)
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  42.  3
    Logic in the 20th century: a series of papers on the present state and tendencies of studies.Dalla Chiara & Maria Luisa (eds.) - 1983 - Milano: Scienta.
  43.  44
    Popper e a lógica da mecânica quântica.M. Chiara & R. Giuntini - 2010 - Critica.
  44.  8
    Epistemologia e ethica: la riflessione di Paul Ricoeur sul mind-body problem.Chiara Cotifava - 2017 - Ariccia (RM): Aracne editrice int.le S.r.l..
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  45. Variazioni meteorologiche sull'Arpeggione di Schubert.Maria Luisa Dalla Chiara, Giuliano Toraldo di Francia & Riccardo Luciani - 2003 - Rivista di Estetica 43 (24):50-51.
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  46. Feminismo.Chiara Zamboni E. Ida Dominijanni - 2020 - In Á. Lorena Fuster (ed.), Palabras clave: reflexiones para Fina Birulés. Barcelona: Icaria.
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  47. La problematica dei trapianti di organi: identità personale e legami sociali davanti a questa nuova frontiera della scienza.Chiara Erbosi - 2007 - Humana Mente 1 (3).
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  48. Toland e i liberi pensatori del '700.Chiara Giuntini - 1974 - Firenze: Sansoni. Edited by John Toland.
  49.  2
    Langage(s) de la musique : sur la nature du symbolisme musical.Vincent Granata - 2024 - Cahiers Philosophiques 177 (2):39-53.
    La musique est souvent traitée comme une forme de langage qui renvoie au monde, à la réalité et à l’existence. Mais si la musique nous parle, que dit-elle et comment le fait-elle? Cet article vise à clarifier le sens des concepts de signification et de langage lorsqu’ils sont appliqués à la musique. Il défend l’idée que la musique est bien une forme de langage, mais qui ne « parle » ni ne « dit » rien : son fonctionnement est sémiotique, (...)
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    Trajectories of Mother-Infant Communication: An Experiential Measure of the Impacts of Early Life Adversity.Lauren Granata, Alissa Valentine, Jason L. Hirsch, Jennifer Honeycutt & Heather Brenhouse - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Caretaking stability in the early life environment supports neurobehavioral development, while instability and neglect constitute adverse environments that can alter maturational processes. Research in humans suggests that different types of early life adversity can have differential effects on caretaker relationships and later cognitive and social development; however, identifying mechanistic underpinnings will require animal models with translational validity. Two common rodent models, maternal separation and limited bedding, influence the mother-infant relationship during a critical window of development. We hypothesized that these paradigms (...)
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