Results for 'Muhammad Baqir Ansari'

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  1.  84
    An Empirical Study of Macroeconomic Factors and Stock Returns in the Context of Economic Uncertainty News Sentiment Using Machine Learning.Ayesha Jabeen, Muhammad Yasir, Yasmeen Ansari, Sadaf Yasmin, Jihoon Moon & Seungmin Rho - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-18.
    Stock markets accurately reflect countries’ economic health, and stock returns are tightly related to economic indices. One popular area of financial research is the factors that influence stock returns. Several investigations have frequently cited macroeconomic factors, among numerous elements. Therefore, this study focuses on the empirical analysis of the relationship between macroeconomic factors and stock market returns. When a stock market becomes increasingly volatile, it becomes susceptible to economic uncertainty news, and information on social media platforms. Thus, we incorporated a (...)
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    Analisis kritis filsafat Muhammad bāqir al-ṣadr terhadap sistem ekonomi neoliberal.Firdausi Firdausi & Kholid Al Walid - 1970 - Kanz Philosophia a Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 7 (2):135-158.
    The neoliberal economic system is a system that is used to support economic and political activities in the worldwide. But a series of failures was created by this system. The fundamental problems are economic inequality at the state level and economic gap at the community level. This study aims to prove the fragility of the neoliberal economic system by using Muhammad Bāqir al-Ṣadr's sharpy analysis of materialism capitalism. This study uses a critical literature study method. The main references are (...)
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    Imposture and Rebellion: Consideration of the Personality of Prophet Muhammad by Ma‘ruf ar-Rusafi.Abdou Filali-Ansary - 2010 - Diogenes 57 (2):62-74.
    This paper is devoted to an analysis of Ma‘ruf ar-Rusafi’s work The Personality of Mohammed or the Elucidation of the Holy Enigma. While ar-Rusafi is traditionally known as a poet who combines great evocative power with a superb mastery of language and strict adherence to classical form, this canonical image is seriously complicated by the iconoclastic character of this book, completed in 1933 but unpublished until 2002. It totally rejects the orthodox theory of prophecy as passive transmission, and insists on (...)
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    Modern debates on prophecy and prophethood in Islam: Muhammad Iqbal & Said Nursi.Mahsheed Ansari - 2023 - New York: Routledge ;.
    While prophethood is the backbone of the Islamic tradition and an uncompromised tenet of faith, the impact of modernity with its ambivalent status afforded to the prophet and institution of prophethood shook many Muslim scholars. Through analysis of these modern debates on prophethood in Islam, this book situates Muhammad Iqbal's (1877-1938) and Said Nursi's (1877-1960) discourses within it and assesses their implications on the modern period. This book introduces the 'what, who and how' of the prophets in the Islamic (...)
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    Eulogies to the Prophet Muḥammad in Andalusian Poetry.Harun Özel - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (2):621-645.
    The first eulogies (Qaṣāīd) about the Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh) appeared when he was still alive. Ḥassān ibn Thābit (d. 60/680 [?]), ʿAbd Allāh b. Rawāḥa (d. 8/629) and Kaʿb b. Mālik (d. 50/670), important Muslim poets of the period, praised the Prophet and inspired future generations of poets. Depending on the developments in the following centuries, there had been a great increase in the number of poems sung to express enthusiastic feelings towards the Prophet and to defend him and his (...)
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    De la biblioteca de Ibn Ḥakam de Menorca a la de la ṭarīqa al-Sanūsiyya: a propósito de un manuscrito del siglo XIII conservado en Bengasi (Libia) (Manuscripta libica I).Aurélien Montel - 2023 - Al-Qantara 44 (1):e04.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un manuscrito conservado en la biblioteca de la Universidad de Bengasi (Libia) que contiene el Kitāb al-Ǧawhara fī nasab al-nabī ṣallā Allāh ʽalayhi wa-sallam wa-aṣḥābihi al-ʽašara por Abū ʽAbd Allāh Muḥammad b. Abī Bakr b. ʽAbd Allāh b. Mūsà al-Anṣārī al-Barrī al-Tilimsānī (596/1200-681/1282). Aunque ha sido mencionado en algunas publicaciones, no llamó la atención de los especialistas de la historia cultural de al-Andalus. Debido a la situación actual de la institución de conservación, no ha (...)
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    Ebû Hayy'n el-Endelüsî’nin Kit'bu’l-İdr'k li-lis'ni’l-Etr'k Adlı Eserinin Dilbilim Açısından İncelenmesi.Yusuf Doğan - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):329-329.
    Mamluks reigned in Egypt a long time is an era of Kipchak Turks that have influence management, and Kipchak Turks has been influential in a period in the administration there. During this period, that Turkish rulers do not know Arabic language well, Turkish language is spoken in the palace and also idea of being closer to Turkish manager screated an interest in learning. One of the famous scholars realizing that interest is Abū Ḥayyān al-Andalusī. Abū Ḥayyān by learning Turkish language (...)
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    Valency-Based Topological Properties of Linear Hexagonal Chain and Hammer-Like Benzenoid.Yi-Xia Li, Abdul Rauf, Muhammad Naeem, Muhammad Ahsan Binyamin & Adnan Aslam - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-16.
    Topological indices are quantitative measurements that describe a molecule’s topology and are quantified from the molecule’s graphical representation. The significance of topological indices is linked to their use in QSPR/QSAR modelling as descriptors. Mathematical associations between a particular molecular or biological activity and one or several biochemical and/or molecular structural features are QSPRs and QSARs. In this paper, we give explicit expressions of two recently defined novel ev-degree- and ve-degree-based topological indices of two classes of benzenoid, namely, linear hexagonal chain (...)
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    Pembacaan baru konsep talak: Studi pemikiran Muhammad sa‘id al-‘asymāwī.Muhammad Fauzinuddin Faiz - 2016 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (2).
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    Anxiety impairs inhibitory control but not volitional action control.Tahereh L. Ansari & Nazanin Derakshan - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (2):241-254.
  11.  48
    Civil unrest and the current profile of consanguineous marriage in khyber pakhtunkhwa province, pakistan.Aftab Alam Sthanadar, Alan H. Bittles & Muhammad Zahid - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (5):698-701.
    Information on the current prevalence and types of consanguineous marriages in Malakand District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KPK), Pakistan, was collected from 1192 rural couples. Some 66.4% of marriages were between couples related as second cousins or closer (F≥0.0156), equivalent to a mean coefficient of inbreeding (α) of 0.0338. The data suggest that the prevalence of consanguineous unions in Malakand has been increasing during the last decade, in response to the high levels of violence across KPK.
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    Fostering the Environmental Performance of Hotels in Pakistan: A Moderated Mediation Approach From the Perspective of Corporate Social Responsibility.Bilal Ahmed, Hongming Xie, Malik Zia-Ud-Din, Muhammad Zaheer, Naveed Ahmad & Manman Guo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:857906.
    The Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been a mere victim of climate change in recent years. The country needs emergency measures at every level to mitigate environmental dilapidation. The role of enterprises in the country’s environmental efforts is critical. In this regard, the hotel sector is known for its outsized carbon footprint. Knowing this, the current study aims to improve a hotel enterprise’s environmental performance as an outcome of corporate social responsibility. The study also considers the mediating role of pro-environmental (...)
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  13. Neuroeducation–a critical overview of an emerging field.Daniel Ansari, Bert De Smedt & Roland H. Grabner - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (2):105-117.
    Abstract In the present article, we provide a critical overview of the emerging field of ‘neuroeducation’ also frequently referred to as ‘mind, brain and education’ or ‘educational neuroscience’. We describe the growing energy behind linking education and neuroscience in an effort to improve learning and instruction. We explore reasons behind such drives for interdisciplinary research. Reviewing some of the key advances in neuroscientific studies that have come to bear on neuroeducation, we discuss recent evidence on the brain circuits underlying reading, (...)
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  14.  42
    Impact of Ethical Leadership on Organizational Safety Performance: The Mediating Role of Safety Culture and Safety Consciousness.Nusrat Khan, Ifzal Ahmad & Muhammad Ilyas - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (8):628-643.
    We examined a largely ignored but imperative dimension of safety literature by testing the impact of ethical leadership style on organizational safety performance. We also tested dual mediating paths of safety culture and safety consciousness in the relationship between ethical leadership style and organizational safety consciousness. Data were collected from a large public sector telecom company in Pakistan. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the reliability and validity of the study scales and model fit. Preacher and Hayes’s macro of (...)
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  15.  46
    Are non-abstract brain representations of number developmentally plausible?Daniel Ansari - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):329-330.
    The theory put forward by Cohen Kadosh & Walsh (CK&W) proposing that semantic representations of numerical magnitude in the parietal cortex are format-specific, does not specify how these representations might be constructed over the course of learning and development. The developmental predictions of the non-abstract theory are discussed and the need for a developmental perspective on the abstract versus non-abstract question highlighted.
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  16.  91
    One Way of Being Ambiguous.Rosabel Ansari & Jon McGinnis - 2022 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 96 (4):545-570.
    This study provides the historical background to, and analysis and translations of, two seminal texts from the medieval Islamic world concerning the univocity of being/existence and a theory of “ambiguous predication” (tashkīk), which is similar to the Thomistic theory of analogy. The disputants are Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (1149–1210), who defended a theory of the univocity of being, and Naṣīr al-Dīn al-Ṭūsī (1201–1274), who defended the theory of ambiguous predication. While the purported issue is whether a quiddity can cause its own (...)
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  17.  82
    Culture and education: new frontiers in brain plasticity.Daniel Ansari - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (2):93-95.
  18. Knowledge, language, thought, and the civilization of Islam: essays in honor of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas.MohdNor Wan Daud, Muhammad Zainiy Uthman & Muhammad Naguib Al-Attas (eds.) - 2010 - Skudai, Johor Darul Ta'zim, Malaysia: UTM Press.
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    Comparative jurisprudence: a comparative appraisal of Western jurisprudence and Islamic jurisprudence.Abdul Haseeb Ansari - 2018 - New Delhi, India: Serials Publications Pvt..
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    Supporting a Member Secretary of an Ethics Committee.Salik Ansari - 2023 - Asian Bioethics Review 15 (4):361-363.
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    The ethical philosophy of Miskawaih.M. Abdul Haq Ansari - 1964 - Aligarh,: Aligarh.
  22. Preface : situating Arkoun.Abdou Filali-Ansary - 2012 - In Abdou Filali-Ansary & Aziz Esmail (eds.), The construction of belief: reflections on the thought of Mohammed Arkoun. London: Saqi Books in association with the Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations.
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    Transitive Islam: millenial philosophy.Ansari Yamamah - 2021 - Amman: Arabian Novel For Publishing And Distribution. Edited by Suasana Ginting & Sabrun Jukhoir.
  24.  19
    Concepts of what is allowed and forbidden in Islam through the analysis of Ibn Taymiyyah’s fatwa.Lyudmila B. Maevskaya & Khaisam Muhammad Aga - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (2):e0240016.
    Resumo: O estudo das ideias de Ibn Taymiyyah sobre o haram e o halal, no Islã, continua a ser relevante para a compreensão da jurisprudência islâmica, da ética, da identidade cultural e das questões contemporâneas. O objetivo do artigo é analisar as obras de Ibn Taymiyyah e identificar seus conceitos mais importantes para a comunidade muçulmana. Os métodos de análise das fatwas escritas por Ibn Taymiyyah e os métodos de interpretação e comparação dos conceitos de proibido e permitido, no Islã, (...)
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    The Greening of engineers: A cross-cultural experience.Ali Ansari - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (1):105-115.
    Experience with a group of mechanical engineering seniors at the University of Colorado led to an informal experiment with engineering students in India. An attempt was made to qualitatively gauge the students’ ability to appreciate a worldview different from the standard engineering worldview—that of a mechanical universe. Qualitative differences between organic and mechanical systems were used as a point of discussion. Both groups were found to exhibit distinct thought and behavior patterns which provide important clues for sensitizing engineers to environmental (...)
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  26. The Ontological and Epistemological Necessity of Local Beables in Quantum Mechanics.Maryam Ansari & Alireza Mansouri - 2021 - Persian Journal for Analytic Philosophy 25 (38):33-56.
    Bell introduces local beables in contrast to quantum mechanical observables. The present article emphasizes the importance and necessity of introducing local beables in quantum mechanics from the ontological and epistemological points of view. We argue that suggesting beables in the ontology of quantum mechanics is necessary to give an adequate account of its testability.
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  27. Abu call Ahmad Ibn Muhammad miskawayh.Muhammad Miskawayh - 1999 - In Seyyed Hossein Nasr & Mehdi Amin Razavi (eds.), An anthology of philosophy in Persia. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1--274.
  28. Connecting Education and Cognitive Neuroscience: Where will the journey take us?Daniel Ansari, Donna Coch & Bert De Smedt - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (1):37-42.
    In recent years there have been growing calls for forging greater connections between education and cognitive neuroscience. As a consequence great hopes for the application of empirical research on the human brain to educational problems have been raised. In this article we contend that the expectation that results from cognitive neuroscience research will have a direct and immediate impact on educational practice are shortsighted and unrealistic. Instead, we argue that an infrastructure needs to be created, principally through interdisciplinary training, funding (...)
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    Enhancing Regional Stability: Implementation and Impact of Conflict Management Strategies in Kuningan Regency, Indonesia.Soni Akhmad Nulhaqim, Eva Nuriyah Hidayat, Muhammad Husni Thamrin, Maulana Irfan, Nadila Auludya Rahma Putri & Wandi Adiansah - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:388-399.
    This research study investigates the implementation of the Conflict Management Socialization and Mapping of Conflict Prone Areas program by the National Unity and Political Affairs Agency (Bakesbangpol) in Kuningan Regency, Indonesia. Using qualitative methods, including interviews and a literature review, the study examines how Bakesbangpol Kuningan detects and manages potential conflicts to maintain regional stability. Findings reveal that the program effectively utilizes early detection initiatives and community engagement forums such as Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and collaborates with various stakeholders, including (...)
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  30. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, the humanist: a reassessment of the poetry and personality of the poet-philosopher of the East.Muhammad Iqbal - 1997 - Lahore: Iqbal Academy. Edited by Syed Ghulam Abbas.
    Includes an introd. of 49 p. by S. G. Abbas.
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    Evaluation of the role of Islamic lifestyle in communication skills of Muslim couples.Ahmad Zuhri, Andrés A. Ramírez-Coronel, Sulieman I. S. Al-Hawary, Ngakan Ketut Acwin Dwijendra, Iskandar Muda, Harikumar Pallathadka, Muhammad M. Amiruddin & Denok Sunarsi - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    Lifestyle refers to a set of personal and group behaviours related to normative and semantic aspects of social life. Any coherent set of behavioural patterns derived from religious teachings that exist in life can be considered a religious lifestyle. Considering that the dominant religion in Jordan is Islam, the present study focused on the Islamic lifestyle. In addition, given that the correct relationship between couples has been compared to life-giving blood in marriage, and since the quality of marital role plays (...)
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  32. Adabiyāt-I ʻālam Men̲ Saīr-I Aflāk Kī Rivāyat.Aslam Anṣārī - 2006 - Urdū Ikaiḍamī Pākistān.
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    Discusiones sobre la teología de al-Bāqillānī en el Magreb: el Tasdīd fī šarḥ al-Tamhīd de ‘Abd al-Ŷalīl b. Abī Bakr al-Dībāŷī al-raba‘ī.Hassan Ansari & Jan Thiele - 2018 - Al-Qantara 39 (1):127-168.
    This paper presents a unique manuscript copy of a fifth/eleventh-century Maghribī commentary on al-Bāqillānī’s Kitāb al-Tamhīd. The work, entitled al-Tasdīd fī sharḥ al-Tamhīd, was written by ‘Abd al-Jalīl b. Abī Bakr al-Dībājī —also known as Ibn al-Ṣābūnī— who had studied the Kitāb al-Tamhīd with al-Bāqillānī’s disciples in Qayrawān. The present study first reviews the transmission of al-Bāqillānī’s work to the Islamic west. It then continues to present the author of the commentary, to reconstruct the work’s genesis and to describe its (...)
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  34. Ibn òHazm selon certains savants shåi'ites.Hassan Ansari - 2013 - In Camilla Adang, Maribel Fierro & Sabine Schmidtke (eds.), Ibn Ḥazm of Cordoba: the life and works of a controversial thinker. Boston: Brill.
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    The problem of definition in Islamic logic: a study of Abū al-Najā al-Farīd's Kasr al-mantiq in comparison with Ibn Taimiyyah's Kitāb al-radd alā al-manṭiqiyyīn.Zainal Abidin Baqir - 1998 - Kuala Lumpur: International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization. Edited by Farid, Abu al-Naja, 10th/11th Cent, Ibn Taymīyah & Ahmad ibn Abd al-Halīm.
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    La Tolérance a-t-elle un Avenir?Abdou Filali-Ansary - 2000 - Philosophica 66 (2).
  37. Three Kinds of Social Kinds.Muhammad Ali Khalidi - 2013 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 90 (1):96-112.
    Could some social kinds be natural kinds? In this paper, I argue that there are three kinds of social kinds: 1) social kinds whose existence does not depend on human beings having any beliefs or other propositional attitudes towards them ; 2) social kinds whose existence depends in part on specific attitudes that human beings have towards them, though attitudes need not be manifested towards their particular instances ; 3) social kinds whose existence and that of their instances depend in (...)
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  38.  24
    Problem of evil in Muslim philosophy: a case study of Iqbal.Muhammad Maroof Shah - 2007 - Delhi: Indian Publishers' Distributors.
    Sir Muhammad Iqbal, 1877-1938, Urdu poet and philosopher.
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    Individual differences in children’s mathematical competence are related to the intentional but not automatic processing of Arabic numerals.Stephanie Bugden & Daniel Ansari - 2011 - Cognition 118 (1):32-44.
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    Perspectives on Spare Embryos amongst IVF users: An Exploratory Study from a Selected District of the Southern Indian State of Karnataka.Salik Ansari & Ravi Vaswani - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-13.
    Perspectives of IVF users on their spare embryos is a less explored subject in the Indian context despite the country’s population and abundance of IVF clinics. We conducted a qualitative study using in-depth interviews in a selected district of the Indian state of Karnataka. Seven individuals were recruited independently of any assistance from an IVF clinic. The interviews explored participants’ knowledge and perception of the spare embryos using a set of guiding questions exploring the theme of the informed consent process, (...)
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    Three Shadow Plays by Muḥammad Ibn DāniyālThree Shadow Plays by Muhammad Ibn Daniyal.Everett K. Rowson, Muḥammad Ibn Dāniyāl, Paul Kahle & Muhammad Ibn Daniyal - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):462.
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    Imposture et rébellion.Abdou Filali-Ansary - 2010 - Diogène 2 (2):72-85.
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    Face recognition algorithm based on stack denoising and self-encoding LBP.Mohd Dilshad Ansari, Mudassir Khan & Yanjing Lu - 2022 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):501-510.
    To optimize the weak robustness of traditional face recognition algorithms, the classification accuracy rate is not high, the operation speed is slower, so a face recognition algorithm based on local binary pattern and stacked autoencoder is proposed. The advantage of LBP texture structure feature of the face image as the initial feature of sparse autoencoder learning, use the unified mode LBP operator to extract the histogram of the blocked face image, connect to form the LBP features of the entire image. (...)
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  44. His life.Mrs Nouchafarine Ansari - 1976 - Pakistan Philosophical Journal 15:51.
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  45. The Existential Threat of Climate Change: A Practical Application of Avicenna's Theory of Evil.Rosabel Ansari - 2023 - In Muhammad U. Faruque & Mohammed Rustom (eds.), From the divine to the human: contemporary Islamic thinkers on evil, suffering, and the global pandemic. New York: Routledge.
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    Perspektif baru tentang relasi Islam dan demokrasi di Indonesia: telaah epistemologis: monograf.Muhammad Azhar - 2018 - Bantul, Indonesia: Lp3M Umy.
    On Islam related to democracy and politics in Indonesia.
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    The construction of belief: reflections on the thought of Mohammed Arkoun.Abdou Filali-Ansary & Aziz Esmail (eds.) - 2012 - London: Saqi Books in association with the Aga Khan University Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilisations.
    This Festschrift honours Arkoun's scholarship, bringing together the contributions of eleven scholars of history, religious studies and philosophy. It offers a comprehensive selection of critical engagements with Arkoun's work, reflecting on his influence on contemporary thinking about Islam and its ideological, philosophical and theological dimensions.
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    From Analytic Philosophy to an Ampler and More Flexible Pragmatism: Muhammad Asghari talks with Susan Haack.Muhammad Asghari & Susan Haack - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 14 (32):21-28.
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    Love, Passion and Class in the Fiction of Muḥammad Ḥusayn HaykalLove, Passion and Class in the Fiction of Muhammad Husayn Haykal.Charles D. Smith, Muḥammad Ḥusayn Haykal & Muhammad Husayn Haykal - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):249.
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    Beyond magnitude: Judging ordinality of symbolic number is unrelated to magnitude comparison and independently relates to individual differences in arithmetic.Celia Goffin & Daniel Ansari - 2016 - Cognition 150 (C):68-76.
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