Results for 'Moretti’fs modal graph'

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  1. “Setting” n-Opposition.Régis Pellissier - 2008 - Logica Universalis 2 (2):235-263.
    Our aim is to show that translating the modal graphs of Moretti’s “n-opposition theory” (2004) into set theory by a suited device, through identifying logical modal formulas with appropriate subsets of a characteristic set, one can, in a constructive and exhaustive way, by means of a simple recurring combinatory, exhibit all so-called “logical bi-simplexes of dimension n” (or n-oppositional figures, that is the logical squares, logical hexagons, logical cubes, etc.) contained in the logic produced by any given (...) graph (an exhaustiveness which was not possible before). In this paper we shall handle explicitly the classical case of the so-called 3(3)-modal graph (which is, among others, the one of S5), getting to a very elegant tetraicosahedronal geometrisation of this logic. (shrink)
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  2. The geometry of standard deontic logic.Alessio Moretti - 2009 - Logica Universalis 3 (1):19-57.
    Whereas geometrical oppositions (logical squares and hexagons) have been so far investigated in many fields of modal logic (both abstract and applied), the oppositional geometrical side of “deontic logic” (the logic of “obligatory”, “forbidden”, “permitted”, . . .) has rather been neglected. Besides the classical “deontic square” (the deontic counterpart of Aristotle’s “logical square”), some interesting attempts have nevertheless been made to deepen the geometrical investigation of the deontic oppositions: Kalinowski (La logique des normes, PUF, Paris, 1972) has proposed (...)
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  3.  21
    Multi-modal graph contrastive encoding for neural machine translation.Yongjing Yin, Jiali Zeng, Jinsong Su, Chulun Zhou, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou, Degen Huang & Jiebo Luo - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence 323 (C):103986.
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  4. Logical Pluralism is Compatible with Monism about Metaphysical Modality.Nicola Ciprotti & Luca Moretti - 2009 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 87 (2):275-284.
    Beall and Restall 2000; 2001; 2006 advocate a comprehensive pluralist approach to logic, which they call Logical Pluralism, according to which there is not one true logic but many equally acceptable logical systems. They maintain that Logical Pluralism is compatible with monism about metaphysical modality, according to which there is just one correct logic of metaphysical modality. Wyatt 2004 contends that Logical Pluralism is incompatible with monism about metaphysical modality. We first suggest that if Wyatt were right, Logical Pluralism would (...)
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    CureGraph: Contrastive multi-modal graph representation learning for urban living circle health profiling and prediction.Jinlin Li & Xiao Zhou - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 340 (C):104278.
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    Modal reduction principles: a parametric shift to graphs.Willem Conradie, Krishna Manoorkar, Alessandra Palmigiano & Mattia Panettiere - 2024 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 34 (2):174-222.
    Graph-based frames have been introduced as a logical framework which internalises an inherent boundary to knowability (referred to as ‘informational entropy’), due, e.g. to perceptual, evidential or linguistic limits. They also support the interpretation of lattice-based (modal) logics as hyper-constructive logics of evidential reasoning. Conceptually, the present paper proposes graph-based frames as a formal framework suitable for generalising Pawlak's rough set theory to a setting in which inherent limits to knowability exist and need to be considered. Technically, (...)
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  7.  59
    Gamma graph calculi for modal logics.Minghui Ma & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2018 - Synthese 195 (8):3621-3650.
    We describe Peirce’s 1903 system of modal gamma graphs, its transformation rules of inference, and the interpretation of the broken-cut modal operator. We show that Peirce proposed the normality rule in his gamma system. We then show how various normal modal logics arise from Peirce’s assumptions concerning the broken-cut notation. By developing an algebraic semantics we establish the completeness of fifteen modal logics of gamma graphs. We show that, besides logical necessity and possibility, Peirce proposed an (...)
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  8. Modal Logic: Graph. Darst.Patrick Blackburn, Maarten de Rijke & Yde Venema - 2001 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Maarten de Rijke & Yde Venema.
    This modern, advanced textbook reviews modal logic, a field which caught the attention of computer scientists in the late 1970's.
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  9. Peirce and Modal Logic: Delta Existential Graphs and Pragmaticism.Jon Alan Schmidt - 2025 - Cognitio 26 (1):1-15.
    Although modern modal logic came about largely after Peirce’s death, he anticipated some of its key aspects, including strict implication and possible worlds semantics. He developed the Gamma part of Existential Graphs with broken cuts signifying possible falsity, but later identified the need for a Delta part without ever spelling out exactly what he had in mind. An entry in his personal Logic Notebook is a plausible candidate, with heavy lines representing possible states of things where propositions denoted by (...)
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  10.  37
    Using modal logics to express and check global graph properties.Mario Benevides & L. Schechter - 2009 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 17 (5):559-587.
    Graphs are among the most frequently used structures in Computer Science. Some of the properties that must be checked in many applications are connectivity, acyclicity and the Eulerian and Hamiltonian properties. In this work, we analyze how we can express these four properties with modal logics. This involves two issues: whether each of the modal languages under consideration has enough expressive power to describe these properties and how complex it is to use these logics to actually test whether (...)
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  11.  53
    Topology of Modal Propositions Depicted by Peirce’s Gamma Graphs: Line, Square, Cube, and Four-Dimensional Polyhedron.Jorge Alejandro Flórez - forthcoming - Logic and Logical Philosophy:1-14.
    This paper presents the topological arrangements in four geometrical figures of modal propositions and their derivative relations by means of Peirce's gamma graphs and their rules of transformation. The idea of arraying the gamma graphs in a geometric and symmetrical order comes from Peirce himself who in a manuscript drew two cubes in which he presented the derivative relations of some gamma graphs. Therefore, Peirce's insights of a topological order of gamma graphs are extended here backwards from the cube (...)
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  12. Graph Games and Logic Design.Johan van Benthem & Fenrong Liu - 2020 - In Fenrong Liu, Hiroakira Ono & Junhua Yu (eds.), Knowledge, Proof and Dynamics. Springer. pp. 125–146.
    Graph games are interactive scenarios with a wide range of applications. This position paper discusses old and new graph games in tandem with matching logics and identifies general questions behind this match. Throughout, we pursue two strands: logic as a way of analyzing existing graph games, and logic as an inspiration for designing new graph games. Our aim is modest: we propose a perspective that complements existing game-theoretic and computational ones, we raise questions, make observations, and (...)
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  13. The hardness of the iconic must: can Peirce’s existential graphs assist modal epistemology.Catherine Legg - 2012 - Philosophia Mathematica 20 (1):1-24.
    Charles Peirce's diagrammatic logic — the Existential Graphs — is presented as a tool for illuminating how we know necessity, in answer to Benacerraf's famous challenge that most ‘semantics for mathematics’ do not ‘fit an acceptable epistemology’. It is suggested that necessary reasoning is in essence a recognition that a certain structure has the particular structure that it has. This means that, contra Hume and his contemporary heirs, necessity is observable. One just needs to pay attention, not merely to individual (...)
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    Erdős graphs resolve fine's canonicity problem.Robert Goldblatt, Ian Hodkinson & Yde Venema - 2004 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 10 (2):186-208.
    We show that there exist 2 ℵ 0 equational classes of Boolean algebras with operators that are not generated by the complex algebras of any first-order definable class of relational structures. Using a variant of this construction, we resolve a long-standing question of Fine, by exhibiting a bimodal logic that is valid in its canonical frames, but is not sound and complete for any first-order definable class of Kripke frames (a monomodal example can then be obtained using simulation results of (...)
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  15. Modal Knowledge, Evolution, and Counterfactuals.Thomas Kroedel - 2016 - In Bob Fischer & Felipe Leon (eds.), Modal Epistemology After Rationalism. Cham: Springer.
    The chapter defends an evolutionary explanation of modal knowledge from knowledge of counterfactual conditionals. Knowledge of counterfactuals is evolutionarily useful, as it enables us to learn from mistakes. Given the standard semantics for counterfactuals, there are several equivalences between modal claims and claims involving counterfactuals that can be used to explain modal knowledge. Timothy Williamson has suggested an explanation of modal knowledge that draws on the equivalence of ‘Necessarily p’ with ‘If p were false, a contradiction (...)
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  16.  33
    Modal Model Theory.Joel David Hamkins & Wojciech Aleksander Wołoszyn - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (1):1-37.
    We introduce the subject of modal model theory, where one studies a mathematical structure within a class of similar structures under an extension concept that gives rise to mathematically natural notions of possibility and necessity. A statement φ is possible in a structure (written φ) if φ is true in some extension of that structure, and φ is necessary (written φ) if it is true in all extensions of the structure. A principal case for us will be the class (...)
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    Enhancing Existential Graphs: Peirce's Late Improvements.Jon Alan Schmidt - 2024 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 60 (2):187-204.
    Charles Peirce developed Existential Graphs as a diagrammatic syntax for representing and reasoning about propositions, with three parts: Alpha for propositional logic, Beta for first-order predicate logic, and Gamma for aspects of modal logic, second-order logic, and metalanguage. He made several adjustments between 1909 and 1911 that merit further consideration: using heavy lines to denote possible states of things in which attached propositions would be true, drawing a red line just inside the edge of a page and writing postulates (...)
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  18.  42
    The modal logic of stepwise removal.Johan van Benthem, Krzysztof Mierzewski & Francesca Zaffora Blando - 2022 - Review of Symbolic Logic 15 (1):36-63.
    We investigate the modal logic of stepwise removal of objects, both for its intrinsic interest as a logic of quantification without replacement, and as a pilot study to better understand the complexity jumps between dynamic epistemic logics of model transformations and logics of freely chosen graph changes that get registered in a growing memory. After introducing this logic (MLSR) and its corresponding removal modality, we analyze its expressive power and prove a bisimulation characterization theorem. We then provide a (...)
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  19.  64
    Realizability semantics for quantified modal logic: Generalizing flagg’s 1985 construction.Benjamin G. Rin & Sean Walsh - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (4):752-809.
    A semantics for quantified modal logic is presented that is based on Kleene's notion of realizability. This semantics generalizes Flagg's 1985 construction of a model of a modal version of Church's Thesis and first-order arithmetic. While the bulk of the paper is devoted to developing the details of the semantics, to illustrate the scope of this approach, we show that the construction produces (i) a model of a modal version of Church's Thesis and a variant of a (...)
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  20.  81
    Peirce and Łukasiewicz on modal and multi-valued logics.Jon Alan Schmidt - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-18.
    Charles Peirce incorporates modality into his Existential Graphs by introducing the broken cut for possible falsity. Although it can be adapted to various modern modal logics, Zeman demonstrates that making no other changes results in a version that he calls Gamma-MR, an implementation of Jan Łukasiewicz's four-valued Ł-modal system. It disallows the assertion of necessity, reflecting a denial of determinism, and has theorems involving possibility that seem counterintuitive at first glance. However, the latter is a misconception that arises (...)
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    Modal counterparts of Medvedev logic of finite problems are not finitely axiomatizable.Valentin Shehtman - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (3):365 - 385.
    We consider modal logics whose intermediate fragments lie between the logic of infinite problems [20] and the Medvedev logic of finite problems [15]. There is continuum of such logics [19]. We prove that none of them is finitely axiomatizable. The proof is based on methods from [12] and makes use of some graph-theoretic constructions (operations on coverings, and colourings).
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  22.  39
    Peirce's Logical Graphs for Boolean Algebras and Distributive Lattices.Minghui Ma - 2018 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (3):320.
    Peirce introduced Existential Graphs in late 1896, and they were systematically investigated in his 1903 Lowell Lectures. Alpha graphs for classical propositional logic constitute the first part of EGs. The second and the third parts are the beta graphs for first-order logic and the gamma graphs for modal and higher-order logics, among others. As a logical syntax, EGs are two-dimensional graphs, or diagrams, in contrast to the linear algebraic notations. Peirce's theory of EGs is not only a theory of (...)
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  23.  33
    Hybrid logic with the difference modality for generalisations of graphs.Robert S. R. Myers & Dirk Pattinson - 2010 - Journal of Applied Logic 8 (4):441-458.
  24. Modal Logics of Reactive Frames.Dov M. Gabbay & Sérgio Marcelino - 2009 - Studia Logica 93 (2-3):405-446.
    A reactive graph generalizes the concept of a graph by making it dynamic, in the sense that the arrows coming out from a point depend on how we got there. This idea was first applied to Kripke semantics of modal logic in [2]. In this paper we strengthen that unimodal language by adding a second operator. One operator corresponds to the dynamics relation and the other one relates paths with the same endpoint. We explore the expressivity of (...)
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    On the Modal Logic of Subset and Superset: Tense Logic over Medvedev Frames.Wesley H. Holliday - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (1):13-35.
    Viewing the language of modal logic as a language for describing directed graphs, a natural type of directed graph to study modally is one where the nodes are sets and the edge relation is the subset or superset relation. A well-known example from the literature on intuitionistic logic is the class of Medvedev frames $\langle W,R\rangle$ where $W$ is the set of nonempty subsets of some nonempty finite set $S$, and $xRy$ iff $x\supseteq y$, or more liberally, where (...)
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  26.  49
    A Modal Logic for Supervised Learning.Alexandru Baltag, Dazhu Li & Mina Young Pedersen - 2022 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 31 (2):213-234.
    Formal learning theory formalizes the process of inferring a general result from examples, as in the case of inferring grammars from sentences when learning a language. In this work, we develop a general framework—the supervised learning game—to investigate the interaction between Teacher and Learner. In particular, our proposal highlights several interesting features of the agents: on the one hand, Learner may make mistakes in the learning process, and she may also ignore the potential relation between different hypotheses; on the other (...)
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  27. Ultrafilter Extensions of Bounded Graphs are Elementary.Zalán Molnár - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-23.
    The main motivation of this paper is the study of first-order model theoretic properties of structures having their roots in modal logic. We will focus on the connections between ultrafilter extensions and ultrapowers. We show that certain structures (called bounded graphs) are elementary substructures of their ultrafilter extensions, moreover their modal logics coincide.
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    Symmetries in modal logics.Carlos Areces & Ezequiel Orbe - 2015 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):373-401.
    In this paper we develop the theoretical foundations to exploit symmetries in modal logics. We generalize the notion of symmetries of propositional formulas in conjunctive normal form to modal formulas using the framework provided by coinductive modal models introduced in [5]. Hence, the results apply to a wide class of modal logics including, for example, hybrid logics. We present two graph constructions that enable the reduction of symmetry detection in modal formulas to the (...) automorphism detection problem, and we evaluate the graph constructions on modal benchmarks. (shrink)
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  29. Dynamic Tableaux for Dynamic Modal Logics.Jonas De Vuyst - 2013 - Dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    In this dissertation we present proof systems for several modal logics. These proof systems are based on analytic (or semantic) tableaux. -/- Modal logics are logics for reasoning about possibility, knowledge, beliefs, preferences, and other modalities. Their semantics are almost always based on Saul Kripke’s possible world semantics. In Kripke semantics, models are represented by relational structures or, equivalently, labeled graphs. Syntactic formulas that express statements about knowledge and other modalities are evaluated in terms of such models. -/- (...)
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    A Catalog ofWeak Many-Valued Modal Axioms and their Corresponding Frame Classes.Costas D. Koutras - 2003 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (1):47-71.
    In this paper we provide frame definability results for weak versions of classical modal axioms that can be expressed in Fitting's many-valued modal languages. These languages were introduced by M. Fitting in the early '90s and are built on Heyting algebras which serve as the space of truth values. The possible-worlds frames interpreting these languages are directed graphs whose edges are labelled with an element of the underlying Heyting algebra, providing us a form of many-valued accessibility relation. Weak (...)
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    Compatibility and accessibility: lattice representations for semantics of non-classical and modal logics.Wesley Holliday - 2022 - In David Fernández Duque & Alessandra Palmigiano (eds.), Advances in Modal Logic, Vol. 14. College Publications. pp. 507-529.
    In this paper, we study three representations of lattices by means of a set with a binary relation of compatibility in the tradition of Ploščica. The standard representations of complete ortholattices and complete perfect Heyting algebras drop out as special cases of the first representation, while the second covers arbitrary complete lattices, as well as complete lattices equipped with a negation we call a protocomplementation. The third topological representation is a variant of that of Craig, Haviar, and Priestley. We then (...)
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  32. Bi-Heyting algebras, toposes and modalities.Gonzalo E. Reyes & Houman Zolfaghari - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 25 (1):25 - 43.
    The aim of this paper is to introduce a new approach to the modal operators of necessity and possibility. This approach is based on the existence of two negations in certain lattices that we call bi-Heyting algebras. Modal operators are obtained by iterating certain combinations of these negations and going to the limit. Examples of these operators are given by means of graphs.
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    Hypergraphs, Local Reasoning, and Weakly Aggregative Modal Logic.Yifeng Ding, Jixin Liu & Yanjing Wang - 2021 - In Sujata Ghosh & Thomas Icard (eds.), Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 8th International Workshop, Lori 2021, Xi’an, China, October 16–18, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 58-72.
    This paper connects the following three apparently unrelated topics: an epistemic framework fighting logical omniscience, a class of generalized graphs without the arities of relations, and a family of non-normal modal logics rejecting the aggregative axiom. Through neighborhood frames as their meeting point, we show that, among many completeness results obtained in this paper, the limit of a family of weakly aggregative logics is both exactly the modal logic of hypergraphs and also the epistemic logic of local reasoning (...)
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    Children ASD Evaluation Through Joint Analysis of EEG and Eye-Tracking Recordings With Graph Convolution Network.Shasha Zhang, Dan Chen, Yunbo Tang & Lei Zhang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Recent advances in neuroscience indicate that analysis of bio-signals such as rest state electroencephalogram and eye-tracking data can provide more reliable evaluation of children autism spectrum disorder than traditional methods of behavior measurement relying on scales do. However, the effectiveness of the new approaches still lags behind the increasing requirement in clinical or educational practices as the “bio-marker” information carried by the bio-signal of a single-modality is likely insufficient or distorted. This study proposes an approach to joint analysis of EEG (...)
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    Proof systems for various fde-based modal logics.Sergey Drobyshevich & Heinrich Wansing - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):720-747.
    We present novel proof systems for various FDE-based modal logics. Among the systems considered are a number of Belnapian modal logics introduced in Odintsov & Wansing and Odintsov & Wansing, as well as the modal logic KN4 with strong implication introduced in Goble. In particular, we provide a Hilbert-style axiom system for the logic $BK^{\square - } $ and characterize the logic BK as an axiomatic extension of the system $BK^{FS} $. For KN4 we provide both an (...)
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    Proof Systems for Two-Way Modal Mu-Calculus.Bahareh Afshari, Sebastian Enqvist, Graham E. Leigh, Johannes Marti & Yde Venema - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-50.
    We present sound and complete sequent calculi for the modal mu-calculus with converse modalities, aka two-way modal mu-calculus. Notably, we introduce a cyclic proof system wherein proofs can be represented as finite trees with back-edges, i.e., finite graphs. The sequent calculi incorporate ordinal annotations and structural rules for managing them. Soundness is proved with relative ease as is the case for the modal mu-calculus with explicit ordinals. The main ingredients in the proof of completeness are isolating a (...)
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    Someone knows that local reasoning on hypergraphs is a weakly aggregative modal logic.Yifeng Ding, Jixin Liu & Yanjing Wang - 2023 - Synthese 201 (2):1-27.
    This paper connects the following four topics: a class of generalized graphs whose relations do not have fixed arities called hypergraphs, a family of non-normal modal logics rejecting the aggregative axiom, an epistemic framework fighting logical omniscience, and the classical group knowledge modality of ‘someone knows’. Through neighborhood frames as their meeting point, we show that, among many completeness results obtained in this paper, the limit of a family of weakly aggregative logics is both exactly the modal logic (...)
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    Canonicity and Completeness Results for Many-Valued Modal Logics.Costas D. Koutras, Christos Nomikos & Pavlos Peppas - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (1):7-42.
    We prove frame determination results for the family of many-valued modal logics introduced by M. Fitting in the early '90s. Each modal language of this family is based on a Heyting algebra, which serves as the space of truth values, and is interpreted on an interesting version of possible-worlds semantics: the modal frames are directed graphs whose edges are labelled with an element of the underlying Heyting algebra. We introduce interesting generalized forms of the classical axioms D, (...)
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    Peirce's Search for a Graphical Modal Logic (Propositional Part).Esther Ramharter & Christian Gottschall - 2011 - History and Philosophy of Logic 32 (2):153 - 176.
    This paper deals with modality in Peirce's existential graphs, as expressed in his gamma and tinctured systems. We aim at showing that there were two philosophically motivated decisions of Peirce's that, in the end, hindered him from producing a modern, conclusive system of modal logic. Finally, we propose emendations and modifications to Peirce's modal graphical tinctured systems and to their underlying ideas that will produce modern modal systems.
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    Historia Logicae and its Modern Interpretation.Jens Lemanski & Ingolf Max (eds.) - 2023 - London: College Publications.
    This book marks the inauguration of the Historia Logicae book series, which seeks to publish high-quality monographs, dissertations, textbooks, proceedings, and anthologies on the history of logic in either German or English. Serving as the inaugural volume in this series, the book explores the contemporary interpretation of logic across many centuries and cultures. The first section of the volume comprises a compilation of papers dedicated to ancient and medieval logic, examining prominent thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Seneca, Porphyry, Proclus, Boethius, (...)
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  41. Charles Sanders Peirce on Necessity.Catherine Legg & Cheryl Misak - 2016 - In Adriane Rini, Edwin Mares & Max Cresswell (eds.), Logical Modalities from Aristotle to Carnap: The Story of Necessity. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 256-278.
    Necessity is a touchstone issue in the thought of Charles Peirce, not least because his pragmatist account of meaning relies upon modal terms. We here offer an overview of Peirce’s highly original and multi-faceted take on the matter. We begin by considering how a self-avowed pragmatist and fallibilist can even talk about necessary truth. We then outline the source of Peirce’s theory of representation in his three categories of Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness, (monadic, dyadic and triadic relations). These have (...)
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  42.  22
    On the Subtle Nature of a Simple Logic of the Hide and Seek Game.Dazhu Li, Sujata Ghosh, Fenrong Liu & Yaxin Tu - 2021 - In Alexandra Silva, Renata Wassermann & Ruy de Queiroz (eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 27th International Workshop, Wollic 2021, Virtual Event, October 5–8, 2021, Proceedings. Springer Verlag. pp. 201-218.
    We discuss a simple logic to describe one of our favourite games from childhood, hide and seek, and show how a simple addition of an equality constant to describe the winning condition of the seeker makes our logic undecidable. There are certain decidable fragments of first-order logic which behave in a similar fashion and we add a new modal variant to that class of logics. We also discuss the relative expressive power of the proposed logic in comparison to the (...)
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    Importing Logics.João Rasga, Amílcar Sernadas & Cristina Sernadas - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (3):545-581.
    The novel notion of importing logics is introduced, subsuming as special cases several kinds of asymmetric combination mechanisms, like temporalization [8, 9], modalization [7] and exogenous enrichment [13, 5, 12, 4, 1]. The graph-theoretic approach proposed in [15] is used, but formulas are identified with irreducible paths in the signature multi-graph instead of equivalence classes of such paths, facilitating proofs involving inductions on formulas. Importing is proved to be strongly conservative. Conservative results follow as corollaries for temporalization, modalization (...)
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    A Simple Logic of the Hide and Seek Game.Dazhu Li, Sujata Ghosh, Fenrong Liu & Yaxin Tu - 2023 - Studia Logica 111 (5):821-853.
    We discuss a simple logic to describe one of our favourite games from childhood, hide and seek, and show how a simple addition of an equality constant to describe the winning condition of the seeker makes our logic undecidable. There are certain decidable fragments of first-order logic which behave in a similar fashion with respect to such a language extension, and we add a new modal variant to that class. We discuss the relative expressive power of the proposed logic (...)
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  45. Peirce’s Contributions to Possible-Worlds Semantics.Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2006 - Studia Logica 82 (3):345-369.
    A century ago, Charles S. Peirce proposed a logical approach to modalities that came close to possible-worlds semantics. This paper investigates his views on modalities through his diagrammatic logic of Existential Graphs. The contribution of the GAMMA part of EGs to the study of modalities is examined. Some ramifications of Peirce's remarks are presented and placed into a contemporary perspective. An appendix is included that provides a transcription with commentary of Peirce's unpublished manuscript on modality from 1901.
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    Diffusion, Influence and Best-Response Dynamics in Networks : An Action Model Approach.Rasmus Kraemmer Rendsvig - 2014 - In Ronald de Haan (ed.), Proceedings of the ESSLLI 2014 Student Session. pp. 63-75.
    Threshold models and their dynamics may be used to model the spread of ‘behaviors’ in social networks. Regarding such from a modal logical perspective, it is shown how standard update mechanisms may be emulated using action models – graphs encoding agents’ decision rules. A small class of action models capturing the possible sets of decision rules suitable for threshold models is identified, and shown to include models characterizing best-response dynamics of both coordination and anti-coordination games played on graphs. We (...)
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  47.  44
    Advances in Peircean Mathematics: The Colombian School.Fernando Zalamea (ed.) - 2022 - De Gruyter.
    The book explores Peirce's non standard thoughts on a synthetic continuum, topological logics, existential graphs, and relational semiotics, offering full mathematical developments on these areas. More precisely, the following new advances are offered: (1) two extensions of Peirce's existential graphs, to intuitionistic logics (a new symbol for implication), and other non-classical logics (new actions on nonplanar surfaces); (2) a complete formalization of Peirce's continuum, capturing all Peirce's original demands (genericity, supermultitudeness, reflexivity, modality), thanks to an inverse ordinally iterated sheaf of (...)
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    Rhetorical relations in multimodal documents.Christopher Habel & Maite Taboada - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (1):65-89.
    We present a corpus-based study of coherence in multimodal documents. We concern ourselves with the types of relationships between graphs and tables and the text of the document in which they appear. In order to understand and categorize the types of relations across modalities, we are making use of Rhetorical Structure Theory, and propose that this can adequately describe these types of relations. We analyzed a corpus comprising three different genres, and consisting of about 1500 pages of material and almost (...)
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    Many-dimensional arrow logics.Dimiter Vakarelov - 1996 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 6 (4):303-345.
    ABSTRACT The notion of n-dimensional arrow structure is introduced, which for n = 2 coincides with the notion of directed multi-graph. In part I of the paper several first-order and modal languages connected with arrow structures are studied and their expressive power is compared. Part II is devoted to the axiomatization of some arrow logics. At the end some further perspectives of ?arrow approach? are discussed.
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    Number Theory and Infinity Without Mathematics.Uri Nodelman & Edward N. Zalta - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (5):1161-1197.
    We address the following questions in this paper: (1) Which set or number existence axioms are needed to prove the theorems of ‘ordinary’ mathematics? (2) How should Frege’s theory of numbers be adapted so that it works in a modal setting, so that the fact that equivalence classes of equinumerous properties vary from world to world won’t give rise to different numbers at different worlds? (3) Can one reconstruct Frege’s theory of numbers in a non-modal setting without mathematical (...)
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