Results for 'Monuments. '

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  1. Monuments as commitments: How art speaks to groups and how groups think in art.C. Thi Nguyen - 2019 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 100 (4):971-994.
    Art can be addressed, not just to individuals, but to groups. Art can even be part of how groups think to themselves – how they keep a grip on their values over time. I focus on monuments as a case study. Monuments, I claim, can function as a commitment to a group value, for the sake of long-term action guidance. Art can function here where charters and mission statements cannot, precisely because of art’s powers to capture subtlety and emotion. In (...)
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  2. Racist Monuments: The Beauty is the Beast.Ten-Herng Lai - 2025 - The Journal of Ethics 29 (1):21-41.
    While much has been said about what ought to be done about the statues and monuments of racist, colonial, and oppressive figures, a significantly undertheorised aspect of the debate is the aesthetics of commemorations. I believe that this philosophical oversight is rather unfortunate. I contend that taking the aesthetic value of commemorations seriously can help us a) better understand how and the extent to which objectionable commemorations are objectionable, b) properly formulate responses to aesthetic defences of objectionable commemorations, and c) (...)
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    Monument to Defeat: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in American Culture and Society.Lawrence A. Tritle - 2012 - In Tritle Lawrence A., Cultures of Commemoration: War Memorials, Ancient and Modern. pp. 159.
    Monument or memorial? Defeat or withdrawal? The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington DC pays tribute to more than 58,000 Americans who died fighting an unpopular war. Yet today the ‘Wall’, as it is known to most Americans, is the most visited site managed by the US National Park Service. Weekend visitors will happen upon an almost festive place as thousands of people pass by looking at the names – what do they think, imagine? This chapter discusses not only the story (...)
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  4. Racist Monuments and the Tribal Right: A Reply to Dan Demetriou.Travis Timmerman - 2019 - In Bob Fischer, Ethics, Left and Right: The Moral Issues that Divide Us. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is a short reply to Dan Demetriou's "Ashes of Our Fathers: Racist Monuments and the Tribal Right." Both are included in Oxford University Press's Ethics, Left and Right: The Moral Issues That Divide Us.
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    Monumental upheavals: Unsettled fates of the Captain Cook statue and other colonial monuments in Australia.Bronwyn Carlson & Terri Farrelly - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 169 (1):62-81.
    Monuments and statues are forms of commemoration. They typically pay tribute to people or events and aim to serve as a permanent marker, a link between present and past generations, committing them to memory and assigning them with importance and meaning. While commemorations can be beneficial in terms of recognising a legacy of the past and helping foster relationships between opposing groups, they can also be divisive and painful, failing to acknowledge other dimensions of historical fact and further hardening the (...)
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  6. The monumental.Argyro Loukaki (ed.) - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Monumental is an interdisciplinary collection of original, cutting-edge contributions by international researchers pursuing the epistemology and ontology of monuments over time and geography. The contributors are specialists in geography, architectural theory and history, prehistoric, Greek and Roman archaeology, modern art, Byzantine studies, landscape theory and heritage reception. Against the global climate of flux and uncertainty in the present turbulent world, the durability of monuments as "urban permanences" emerges as one of the few remaining spatial and mental anchorages. As such (...)
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    Les monuments érigés à Délos et à Athènes en l’honneur de Ménodôros, pancratiaste et lutteur.Nathan Badoud, Myriam Fincker & Jean‑Charles Moretti - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:345-416.
    Les monuments de Délos et d’Athènes célébrant le pancratiaste et lutteur Ménodôros fils de Gnaios font l’objet d’une analyse conjointe, qui débute par la restitution de leurs bases et la reconstitution du groupe statuaire que portait le premier d’entre eux ; suit un nouvel établissement du texte des inscriptions (ID 1957 et 2498 à Délos, Agora XVIII, C196 / IG II/III3, 4.1, 599, à Athènes), doublé d’une étude des couronnes composant le palmarès de l’athlète. Les données prosopographiques amènent à dater (...)
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    The Monumental Configuration of Athenian Temporality: Space, Identity and Mnemonic Trajectories of the Periklean Building Programme.Ben Stanley Cassell - 2018 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 2:20-45.
    This paper intends to illustrate the monuments of the Periklean building programme as embodying acts of temporal configuration; organizing synoptic episodes into an ethno-cultural continuum. A required element to this process is the issue of space, both in its experienced and imagined aspects, as the framework by which temporality is fixed and recounted. By viewing the monuments and accompanying iconography as spatio-temporal configurations, we can see the generation of those elements necessary for the formation of cultural identity via memory. This (...)
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    Monument and memory.Jonna Bornemark, Mattias Martinson & Jayne Svenungsson (eds.) - 2015 - Zürich: Lit.
    A century after the World War I, studies on the politics of memory and commemoration have grown into a vast and vital academic field. This book approaches the theme "monument and memory" from architectural, literary, philosophical, and theological perspectives. Drawing on diverse sources - from Augustine to Freud, from early photographs to contemporary urban monuments - the book's contributors probe the intersections between memory and trauma, past and present, monuments and memorial practices, religious and secular, remembrance and forgetfulness. (Series: Nordic (...)
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    A monument’s many faces: the meanings of the face in monuments and memorials.Federico Bellentani - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (255):95-116.
    This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of the significance and meanings of faces within monuments and memorials. The presence of faces in monuments and memorials transcends cultures and spans throughout history. Faces serve as vital components of public statues, conveying the emotions of depicted characters and establishing communicative connections with observers. Moreover, they are employed within memorials to commemorate the deceased. Memorial museums frequently feature corridors adorned with portraits of those who perished in wars, terrorist attacks or natural disasters. The (...)
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    Monument to Medieval Syrian Book Culture: The Library of Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī. By Konrad Hirschler.Guy Burak - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (1).
    A Monument to Medieval Syrian Book Culture: The Library of Ibn ʿAbd al-Hādī. By Konrad Hirschler. Edinburgh: EdinBurgh University Press, 2019. Pp. x + 624, illus. $130.
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  12. The Ethics of Racist Monuments.Dan Demetriou & Ajume Wingo - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
    In this chapter we focus on the debate over publicly-maintained racist monuments as it manifests in the mid-2010s Anglosphere, primarily in the US (chiefly regarding the over 700 monuments devoted to the Confederacy), but to some degree also in Britain and Commonwealth countries, especially South Africa (chiefly regarding monuments devoted to figures and events associated with colonialism and apartheid). After pointing to some representative examples of racist monuments, we discuss ways a monument can be thought racist, and neutrally categorize removalist (...)
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    Monuments after Empire? The Educational Value of Imperial Statues.Penny Enslin - 2020 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 54 (5):1333-1345.
    The Black Lives Matter campaign has forced a reassessment of monuments that commemorate historical figures in public spaces. One of these, a statue of General Lord Roberts, stands in Glasgow, once the Second City of the Empire. A critical reading of this monument as a memorial text in a landscape of power contrasts the intended heroic depiction of Roberts with the excluded histories of those who were on the receiving end of his actions. I consider possible courses of action in (...)
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    Monuments and monsters: Education, cultural heritage and sites of conscience.Christine Sypnowich - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (3):469-483.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Un monument honorifique au forum de Philippes.Michel Sève & Patrick Weber - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):467-479.
    Une découverte récente permet d'interpréter un monument situé à proximité du temple Est du forum : il s'agit d'une longue base pour au moins cinq, et peut-être sept dames dont quatre avaient été prêtresses de Livie. Ce monument, mis en place à l'extrême fin du Ier s. ou au début du n* s. ap. J.-C, a curieusement été respecté lors des importants travaux exécutés au début du règne de Marc-Aurèle. Étude des dédicaces et de la base, et réflexions sur les (...)
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    Monument Near Luzy.Davi Walders - 1999 - Feminist Studies 25 (3):599.
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  17. Monumental Origins of Art History: Lessons from Mesopotamia.Jakub Stejskal - 2024 - History of Humanities 9 (2):377-399.
    When does art history begin? Art historiographers typically point to the Renaissance (Vasari) or, alternatively, to Hellenism (Pliny the Elder). But such origin stories become increasingly disconnected from contemporary disciplinary practices, especially as the latter try to rise to the challenge of conducting art history in a more diversified and global way. This essay provides an alternative account of art history’s origin, one that does not try to alleviate the sense of disconnect, but rather develops a global, non-Eurocentric account. The (...)
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    Silenos’ Monuments of Bravery.Andreas P. Antonopoulos - 2018 - Hermes 146 (4):447.
    In Sophocles' Ichneutai Silenos reproaches the Satyrs for their cowardice. Among other things that he says to them, he contrasts their current attitude to his own bravery in youth; in lines 154-155 he speaks of many monuments of bravery, which he has left in the homes of the nymphs. After illustrating the syntax of these lines and offering a new translation, the author goes on to investigate the possible reference of these "monuments of bravery" and hence of the (alleged) exploits (...)
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    Monumental Questions.Daniel Sportiello - 2018 - Northern Plains Ethics Journal 6 (1):1–17.
    In recent years, there has been renewed controversy about monuments to the Confederacy: these monuments, their detractors insist, are instruments of white supremacy—and, as such, ought to be lowered immediately. The dialectic is by now familiar: though some insist that these monuments are mere sites of memory, others note the relevant memory is that of the Confederacy—and that, because of this, the monuments are inevitably racist. Worse, the monuments were raised by racist individuals for racist ends; no surprise, then, that (...)
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    Philosophical Perspectives on Ruins, Monuments, and Memorials.Jeanette Bicknell, Carolyn Korsmeyer & Jennifer Judkins (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    This collection of newly published essays examines our relationship to physical objects that invoke, commemorate, and honor the past. The recent destruction of cultural heritage in war and controversies over Civil War monuments in the US have foregrounded the importance of artifacts that embody history. The book invites us to ask: How do memorials convey their meanings? What is our responsibility for the preservation or reconstruction of historically significant structures? How should we respond when the public display of a monument (...)
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    Colonial monuments as slurring speech acts.Arianne Shahvisi - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (3):453-468.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    Mythen, Monumente und die Multimedialität der memoria: die ‚corporate identity‘ der gens Fabia.Karl-Joachim Hölkeskamp - 2018 - Klio 100 (3):709-764.
    Zusammenfassung Am Ende des 2. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. hatte die gens Fabia – eine der ältesten und prominentesten patrizischen gentes – ein ganzes Spektrum von Strategien der Selbstdarstellung vor ihren Standesgenossen und dem Volk entwickelt, die besonders dicht miteinander vernetzt waren: Dazu gehörten einerseits die ambivalenten Mythen wie die Abstammung der gens von Herakles, der Untergang der Fabii am Cremera-Bach und ihre Verwicklung in das Desaster an der Allia; die diversen, von prominenten Mitgliedern geweihten Tempel wie diejenigen für Venus und (...)
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    Monumental changes: The civic harm argument for the removal of Confederate monuments.Timothy J. Barczak & Winston C. Thompson - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (3):439-452.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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    The Monumental Reconstruction of Memory in South Africa: The Voortrekker Monument.Robyn Kimberley Autry - 2012 - Theory, Culture and Society 29 (6):146-164.
    This article addresses debates around the fate of antiquated symbols of colonial domination in postcolonial societies. The handling of apartheid material culture still generates controversy more than 15 years after the country’s first democratic elections. Built in 1949 to commemorate the Great Trek into the interior of the country, the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria has stood as the embodiment of Afrikaner nationalism and mythology. A number of factors prevented the demolition of the site, including the spirit of national reconciliation. In (...)
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    Ruins, Monuments, and Memorials: Philosophical Perspectives on Artifacts and Memory.Jeanette Bicknell, Jennifer Judkins & Carolyn Korsmeyer (eds.) - 2019 - Taylor & Francis.
    This collection of newly published essays examines our relationship to physical objects that invoke, commemorate, and honor the past. The recent destruction of cultural heritage in war and controversies over Civil War monuments in the US have foregrounded the importance of artifacts that embody history. The book invites us to ask: How do memorials convey their meanings? What is our responsibility for the preservation or reconstruction of historically significant structures? How should we respond when the public display of a monument (...)
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    Delphica 3. Le monument des ‘Navarques’.Jean-François Bommelaer - 2011 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 135 (1):199-235.
    Le monument dit «des Navarques », élevé à Delphes par Lysandre après la victoire remportée sur les Athéniens à Aigos-Potamoi (405 av. J.-C.), est connu depuis longtemps par des textes et par des dalles inscrites provenant de la plinthe des statues. Plusieurs localisations et plusieurs restitutions architecturales en ont été proposées sur la base d’une documentation souvent inexacte ou mal comprise et toujours incomplète. Critique des principales hypothèses. Une connaissance plus étendue du secteur et de l’ensemble des éléments, y compris (...)
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    Les monuments attalides du Dromos à Délos (I) : la « base des Galates ».Frédéric Herbin & François Queyrel - 2016 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 139:267-319.
    Cet article constitue la publication architecturale de la base dite « des Galates » (IG XI, 4, 1110), située devant l’extrémité Nord du Portique Sud, à Délos. L’analyse des vestiges conservés in situ et des blocs erratiques attribués au monument par R. Vallois, Chr. Llinas et nous‑mêmes, permet de resti­tuer une grande base à orthostates à peu près carrée. Les traces de fixation encore visibles à la face supérieure de son couronnement laissent penser que le monument supportait la représentation d’un (...)
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    Written monuments of historical and cultural heritage of Yakutia: problems of preservation and interpretation.Tat'yana Vladimirovna Pavlova-Borisova & Andrian Afanas'evich Borisov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article is devoted to an important area of scientific research related to the history and culture of Yakutia. Written monuments of historical and cultural heritage, along with material ones, occupy their permanent place. The solution to the problem of their preservation and interpretation is inextricably linked with publishing activities – modern technical capabilities increase its effectiveness. In the article we study the existing experience in this field by the example of the publication of Russian cursive sources of the XVII (...)
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    Monuments et insciptions de Delphes.Émile Bourguet - 1911 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 35 (1):456-491.
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    Monuments to the Truth of Christianity: Anti-Judaism in the Works of Adam Clarke.Simon Mayers - 2017 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 93 (1):45-66.
    The prevailing historiographies of Jewish life in England suggest that religious representations of the Jews in the early modern period were confined to the margins and fringes of society by the desacralization of English life. Such representations are mostly neglected in the scholarly literature for the latter half of the long eighteenth century, and English Methodist texts in particular have received little attention. This article addresses these lacunae by examining the discourse of Adam Clarke, an erudite Bible scholar, theologian, preacher (...)
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    Monuments funéraires de Rhénée.Marie-Thérèse Le Dinahet-Couilloud - 1970 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 94 (2):533-547.
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  32. Monument.Mariëtte Willemsen - 2015 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 55 (4):44-45.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    "Holy Place...": Religious Monuments of Modern Russia in the Context of an Actor-network Approach.Daniil Anikin - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (1):124-139.
    The article demonstrates the possibility of applying an ANT to the analysis of religious monuments. The study of religion within the framework of memory studies demonstrates the realization of a trend laid down in the works of Durkheim regarding the distinction between religion and sacralization as a social phenomenon. From this point of view, religion cannot be regarded as an isolated social institution, but is a way of expressing the functional need to form a sacralized set of social practices and (...)
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    Le monument de Daochos ou le trésor des Thessaliens.Anne Jacquemin & Didier Laroche - 2001 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 125 (1):305-332.
    A new examination of the remains still in place and the missing blocks from the Daochos monument leads to the restoration of a brick chamber on a stone base opening to the west. There must have been statues of family members of the tetrarch and hieromnemom Daochos of Pharsala there, as well as a second group of effigies placed differently. A bunch of marks suggests that the group was destroyed by a natural accident at the time when the statues were (...)
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  35. Counter-Monument Practices in Vienna, Austria.Sophie Uitz - 2025 - Filozofski Vestnik 45 (2).
    This article researches multidirectional memory and transnationality in recent examples of counter-monument practices in Austria’s capital city, Vienna, specifically in regard to fights against antisemitism, racist discrimination and anti-Romaism. How have multidirectional strategies shaped counter-mnemonic struggle? Additionally, to what extent are they influenced by transnationality? Three examples of counter-monument practices are discussed in parallel: (1) The protests against the “Lueger monument,” commemorating an antisemitic former mayor of Vienna; (2) the illegally installed Marcus Omofuma Stone, commemorating the racist police murder of (...)
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    (1 other version)Les monuments antiques de la Nubie seront-ils sauvés?Jean Sainte Fare Garnot - 1960 - Revue de Synthèse 81 (17-18):5-15.
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    Monuments of Indian Literature from Central Asia, Vol. 2.E. G., G. M. Bongard-Levin & M. I. Vorobyeva-Desyatovskaya - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (3):524.
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    Monuments figurés de Delphes : Les caryatides du trésor de Siphnos.Théophile Homolle - 1900 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 24 (1):582-611.
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    Les monuments aux morts comme fondateurs de l'identité des survivants.Reinhart Koselleck, Jeffrey Andrew Barash, Mireille Delbraccio & Isabelle Mons - 1998 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1:33-62.
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    “A Monument of Union”: Social Change and Personal Experience at the Manea Fen Community, 1839–1841.John Langdon - 2012 - Utopian Studies 23 (2):504-531.
    In autumn 1839 George Dunn found himself traveling across the rain-swept open fen land of Cambridgeshire. His journey south from Warrington had taken fifteen hours, and he was now nearing his destination, a farm on the banks of the Old Bedford River. The flat, exposed landscape must have seemed particularly desolate in such weather, and while he was no doubt glad to be reaching his destination, Dunn's thoughts turned to the Slough of Despond.1 That he should have recalled a passage (...)
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  41. Monuments and War Memorials on the Battlefields of the Polish Armoured Division.Zbigniew Mieczkowski - forthcoming - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs.
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    Quelques monuments byzantins inédits.Gustave Schlumberger - 1893 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 2 (2).
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    Visualizing a monumental past: Archeology, Nasser’s Egypt, and the early Cold War.William Carruthers - 2017 - History of Science 55 (3):273-301.
    This article examines geographies of decolonization and the Cold War through a case study in the making of archeological knowledge. The article focuses on an archeological dig that took place in Egypt in the period between the July 1952 Free Officers’ coup and the 1956 Suez crisis. Making use of the notion of the ‘boundary object’, this article demonstrates how the excavation of ancient Egyptian remains at the site of Mit Rahina helped to constitute Nasserist revolutionary modernity and its relationship (...)
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    The Monumental Task of Kierkegaard’s Attack upon Christendom.Matthew T. Nowachek - 2016 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2016 (1):159-186.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 1 Seiten: 159-186.
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    Pastoral and Monumental: Dams, Postcards, and the American Landscape.Donald Conrad Jackson - 2013 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
    In Pastoral and Monumental, Donald C. Jackson chronicles America's longtime fascination with dams as represented on picture postcards from the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth century. Through over four hundred images, Jackson documents the remarkable transformation of dams and their significance to the environment and culture of America. Initially, dams were portrayed in pastoral settings on postcards that might jokingly proclaim them as “a dam pretty place.” But scenes of flood damage, dam collapses, and other disasters also captured people's attention. (...)
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    Nyahovsky teachings as a monument of pro-reform literature.L. O. Stasyuk - 2004 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 30:45-55.
    The activities of early Protestantism have been sufficiently researched, especially nowadays. But most of the works are mostly about his penetration into the Ukrainian land and adaptation to new socio-historical conditions. Unfortunately, the original base of early Protestantism, in particular Calvinism, has not been practically studied, though we have preserved two particularly noteworthy testimonies of Ukrainian Calvinists. One of them is the Gospel teachings that emerged in the sixteenth century. in Transcarpathia in the village of Nyagovo of the present Tyachiv (...)
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    The Ethics of Racist Monuments.Dan Demetriou & Ajume Wingo - 2018 - In David Boonin, Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 341-355.
    In this chapter, we focus on the debate over publicly maintained racist monuments as it manifests in the mid-2010s Anglosphere, primarily in the United States and South Africa. After pointing to some representative examples of racist monuments, we discuss ways a monument can be thought racist and neutrally categorize removalist and preservationist arguments heard in the monument debate. We suggest that both extremist and moderate removalist goals are likely to be self-defeating and that when concerns of civic sustainability are put (...)
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    Monuments Préislamiques D'Afghanistan, Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan, Tome XIXMonuments Preislamiques D'Afghanistan, Memoires de la Delegation Archeologique Francaise en Afghanistan, Tome XIX.Walter A. Fairservis, Bruno Dagens, Marc Le Berre & Daniel Schlumberger - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (2):279.
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    Chinese Monumental ArtPainting of Central Asia.Sherman E. Lee, Peter C. Swann, Mario Bussagli & Lothian Small - 1965 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 23 (4):508.
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    (1 other version)Monuments votifs de Delphes.Claude Vatin - 1981 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 105 (1):429-459.
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