Results for 'Monica Duchesne'

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  1.  30
    A Systematic Review of Electrophysiological Findings in Binge-Purge Eating Disorders: A Window Into Brain Dynamics.Joao C. Hiluy, Isabel A. David, Adriana F. C. Daquer, Monica Duchesne, Eliane Volchan & Jose C. Appolinario - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:619780.
    Binge-purge eating disorders (BP-ED), such as bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder, may share some neurobiological features. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a non-invasive measurement modality that may aid in research and diagnosis of BP-ED. We conducted a systematic review of the literature on EEG findings in BP-ED, seeking to summarize and analyze the current evidence, as well as identify shortcomings and gaps to inform new perspectives for future studies. Following PRISMA Statement recommendations, the PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science databases were (...)
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  2. Does clinical equipoise apply to cluster randomized trials in health research?Ariella Binik, Charles Weijer, Andrew McRae, Jeremy Grimshaw, Monica Taljaard, Robert Boruch, Jamie Brehaut, Allan Donner, Martin Eccles, Antonio Gallo, Raphael Saginur & Merrick Zwarenstein - 2011 - Trials 12.
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    The Importance of Protesters’ Morals: Moral Obligation as a Key Variable to Understand Collective Action.José-Manuel Sabucedo, Marcos Dono, Mónica Alzate & Gloria Seoane - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A Life With No Direction: New Frontiers in Psychopathology.Ivan Formica, Maria Caterina Branca, Carmela Mento, Antonio Di Giorgio, Calogero Iacolino & Monica Pellerone - 2018 - World Futures 74 (5):282-296.
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    Ethical issues raised by cluster randomised trials conducted in low-resource settings: identifying gaps in the Ottawa Statement through an analysis of the PURE Malawi trial.Tiwonge K. Mtande, Charles Weijer, Mina C. Hosseinipour, Monica Taljaard, Mitch Matoga, Cory E. Goldstein, Billy Nyambalo & Nora E. Rosenberg - 2019 - Journal of Medical Ethics 45 (6):388-393.
    The increasing use of cluster randomised trials in low-resource settings raises unique ethical issues. TheOttawa Statement on the Ethical Design and Conduct of Cluster Randomised Trialsis the first international ethical guidance document specific to cluster trials, but it is unknown if it adequately addresses issues in low-resource settings. In this paper, we seek to identify any gaps in theOttawa Statementrelevant to cluster trials conducted in low-resource settings. Our method is (1) to analyse a prototypical cluster trial conducted in a low-resource (...)
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    Addresses for correspondence.Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa, Maxine Sheets-Iohnstone, Elizabeth Behnke, Monica Alarcén & Eugene Gendlin - 2012 - In Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.), Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. John Benjamins. pp. 453.
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    An Iterative Information-Theoretic Approach to the Detection of Structures in Complex Systems.Marco Villani, Laura Sani, Riccardo Pecori, Michele Amoretti, Andrea Roli, Monica Mordonini, Roberto Serra & Stefano Cagnoni - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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    Resultado de intercomparación entre el laboratorio de metrología de variables eléctricas de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira y el laboratorio de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana FAC en las magnitudes de voltaje AC y tiempo.Luís Gregorio Meza Contreras, María Mónica Palacio & William Ardila Urueña - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Estresse e resiliência em doença de Chagas.Daniela Cristina Grégio D. Arce Mota, Ana Maria T. Benevides-Pereira, Mônica Lúcia Gomes & Silvana Marques de Araújo - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:57-68.
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    Estresse e resiliência em doença de Chagas.Daniela Cristina Grégio D'Arce Mota, Ana Maria T. Benevides-Pereira, Mônica Lúcia Gomes & Silvana Marques de Araújo - 2006 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 24:57-68.
    Estudos indicam que o estresse altera o sistema imune e pode influir na etiologia, progressão e severidade de doenças. A resiliência pode ser definida como a capacidade que algumas pessoas desenvolvem e as ajudam a passar por situações adversas na vida, a superá-las, e ainda a saírem fortalecidas ou..
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    Caracterización de materiales sólidos porosos mediante termoporometría.Claudia Bernal, Betty L. López, Sergio Andrés Urrego Restrepo, María Ligia Sierra García & Mónica Mesa Cadavid - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Walking the Line: The White Working Class and the Economic Consequences of Morality.Kieran Bezila, Steve G. Hoffman & Monica Prasad - 2016 - Politics and Society 44 (2):281-304.
    Over one-third of the white working class in America vote for Republicans. Some scholars argue that these voters support Republican economic policies, while others argue that these voters’ preferences on cultural and moral issues override their economic preferences. We draw on in-depth interviews with 120 white working-class voters to defend a broadly “economic” interpretation: for this segment of voters, moral and cultural appeals have an economic dimension, because these voters believe certain moral behaviors will help them prosper economically. Even the (...)
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    Voces de la periferia.Jorge Iván Gaviria Mesa & Mónica Lucía Granda Viveros - 2015 - Ratio Juris 10 (21):77-94.
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    Research ethics for emerging trial designs: does equipoise need to adapt?Spencer Phillips Hey, Charles Weijer, Monica Taljaard & Aaron S. Kesselheim - 2018 - Bmj 360.
    Key messages The research environment has changed since clinical equipoise was first proposed 30 years ago New trial designs—such as umbrella and basket trials, adaptive platform trials, and cluster randomised trials—raise new ethical challenges for evaluating the state of scientific uncertainty and communicating about risks with patients and participants Clinical equipoise needs to evolve We propose the design of specific guidelines to provide ethics committees and trialists with instructions for how to evaluate equipoise in the context of new designs and (...)
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  15. El derecho al juego como test-case de los derechos del niño y adolescente.Mónica González Contró - 2009 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 31:47-72.
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    Espace et temps dans l’Iran ancien.Jacques Duchesne-Guillemin - 1969 - Revue de Synthèse 90 (55-56):259-280.
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    Présentation.Jean Duchesne - 2008 - Cités 34 (2):119-122.
    Aaron Lustiger naît à Paris le 17 septembre 1926. Ses parents sont venus de Pologne et tiennent un magasin de bonneterie, d’abord à Montmartre, puis à Montparnasse. Le jeune Aaron découvre seul la Bible alors qu’il est élève au lycée Montaigne, et l’antisémitisme nazi à l’occasion de séjours linguistiques en Allemagne.Lorsqu’éclate...
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    From Biomolecules To Psychology.Jules Duchesne - 1970 - Diogenes 18 (70):124-137.
  19. Tra stoicismo e platonismo: concezione della filosofia e del fine ultimo dell'uomo in Seneca.Monica Natali - 1994 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 86 (3):427-447.
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    (1 other version)Introduction. Les mathématiques dans les écoles militaires.Mónica Bruneau Blanco - 2020 - Philosophia Scientiae 24:5-11.
    Aborder l’histoire des mathématiques et son enseignement à travers les institutions scientifiques est une démarche dorénavant courante et souvent pertinente. De nombreux travaux l’ont montré en particulier dans le cadre des grandes institutions scientifiques militaires comme l’École polytechnique [Belhoste 1994], [Bret 2002]. L’histoire de l’enseignement et de la diffusion des sciences, en particulier des mathématiques, a été renouvelée depuis une vingtaine d’années tant en France que dans d’...
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  21. El arte de las costumbres. Una mirada sobre el debate de la civilidad en España a finales del siglo XVIII.Mónica Bolufer - 2009 - Res Publica. Murcia 22:195-224.
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  22. Éthique et collaboration avec les communautés autochtones : la pratique ethnographique et les angles morts de la bureaucratie de la recherche.Émile Duchesne - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 6 (3-4):146-151.
    The enthusiasm for research in an Indigenous context has led to the introduction of formal guidelines for researchers to visit communities. While welcome, this has not been achieved without increased bureaucratization of research relationships. It appears that many Indigenous communities, with their limited resources, are ill-equipped to deal with the administrative imperatives of Indigenous research protocols. Based on the experiences of anthropological field research in the Innu context, this article shows how respectful research relationships could be established outside the bureaucratic (...)
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  23.  39
    Discovery of Jiang Yuanting's Daozang Jiyao in Jiangnan: A Presentation of the Daoist Canon of the Qing Dynasty.Monica Esposito - 2010 - Journal of Religious Studies (Misc) 3:003.
  24.  7
    4 Evidence for Life beyond Earth?Monica M. Grady - 2008 - In Andrew Bell, John Swenson-Wright & Karin Tybjerg (eds.), Evidence. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 19--73.
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  25. Afterword : Ethics as Institutional Process.Monica Heller - 2016 - In Dena Plemmons & Alex W. Barker (eds.), Anthropological ethics in context: an ongoing dialogue. Walnut Creek, California: Left Coast Press.
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  26. La violencia de género en la consulta de atención primaria.Mónica Jiménez Jiménez - 2009 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 59 (960):64-66.
    La violencia de pareja hacia las mujeres es un problema de salud de primer orden con graves repercusiones para la salud física y mental de las víctimas y de los conviventes, y de esta forma ha sido recogido por las principales organizaciones con competencias en salud.
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    Postcolonial Hope and Agency as a Contestation of Ideological Utopias in Claude McKay's: Amiable with Big Teeth.Mónica Fernández Jiménez - 2023 - Utopian Studies 33 (3):479-494.
    Abstractabstract:This article analyzes Claude McKay's last novel, Amiable with Big Teeth—recently discovered in 2017—as a piece of postcolonial utopianist writing. The novel participates in an important debate on the role of utopias and utopian writing as ideological mechanisms that perpetuate colonial structures such as the nation-state. Through a critique of the Popular Front project in the black community of 1930s Harlem, Amiable with Big Teeth vindicates local knowledges and the assessment of the specific conditions of the present—ever-changing and transformable—in the (...)
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  28. Ignotosque deos ignotyo carmine adorar: qualche osservazione sullo scongiuro.Monica Longobardi - 1999 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 20:41-76.
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    Contrary to Thoughtlessness: Rethinking Practical Wisdom.Monica Mueller - 2012 - Lexington Books.
    This work examines thoughtlessness and seeks to illuminate the necessity and extent that reflection is involved in becoming practically wise within an Aristotelian virtue ethical framework. Derived from an Arendtian reading of Kantian aesthetic judgment, an account of thinking and judging is offered to supplement traditional accounts of practical wisdom.
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    Everything changes and nothing changes.Monica Sassatelli - 2006 - In Gerard Delanty (ed.), The handbook of contemporary European social theory. New York: Routledge. pp. 95.
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  31. Arbitrary imitation, pattern completion and the origin and evolution of human communication.Monica Tamariz - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 66--72.
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  32. Patricide and the fascist sublime.Monica Achen - 2015 - In Kimberly Jannarone (ed.), Vanguard performance beyond left and right. Ann Arbor: Univ Of Michigan Press.
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    Man's dominion: our violation of the animal world.Monica M. Hutchings - 1970 - London,: Hart-Davis. Edited by Mavis Caver.
    An investigation of ways in which man violates the animal world and examination of role played by various societies throughout the world in protection of animals.
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    Growing the New “Hemp’Age”- Alternative Responsible Business Models.Monica Macquet - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:324-329.
    This paper highlights alternative responsible business models with an outspoken and profound dedication to contribute to a sustainable development. Themarket of alternatives and their networking activities to make the alternative market grow will be discussed in terms of programs and anti-programs. Another issue brought up is their ability to stick to the responsible knitting, as they grow and develops in a capitalistic market surrounding.
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    La Pandemia: el sentir de los estudiantes de educación superior.Monica Lozano Medina - 2023 - Voces de la Educación 8 (15):190-208.
    El objetivo de este estudio es mostrar el sentir de los estudiantes de licenciatura durante la contingencia sanitaria. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo a través de la narrativa de 35 estudiantes. Los principales resultados muestran que éstos se enfrentaron a diversos sentimientos y retos en su aprendizaje a lo largo de casi dos años de confinamiento.
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    Christopher Bartley , An Introduction to Indian Philosophy . Reviewed by.Monica Prabhakar - 2012 - Philosophy in Review 32 (3):158-160.
  37. Biopiracy or fallacy : Identifying real biopiracy cases in ecuador.Monica Ribadeneira Sarmiento - 2009 - In Evanson C. Kamau & Gerd Winter (eds.), Genetic resources, traditional knowledge and the law: solutions for access and benefit sharing. Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
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  38. Byzantine visual propaganda and the inverted heart motif (1).Monica White - 2006 - Byzantion 76:330-359.
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  39. Do Perceptions of Ethical Conduct Matter During Organizational Change? Ethical Leadership and Employee Involvement.Monica M. Sharif & Terri A. Scandura - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (2):185-196.
    Ethical leadership matters in the context of organizational change due to the need for followers to trust the integrity of their leaders. Yet, there have been no studies investigating ethical leadership and organizational change. To fill this gap, we introduce a model of the moderating role of involvement in change. Organizational change and involvement in change are proposed as context-level moderators in the relationships of ethical leadership and work-related attitudes and performance. We employ a sample of 199 supervisor–subordinate pairs from (...)
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    Strategies in Syllogistic Reasoning.Monica Bucciarelli & P. N. Johnson-Laird - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (3):247-303.
    This paper is about syllogistic reasoning, i.e., reasoning from such pairs of premises as, All the chefs are musicians; some of the musicians are painters. We present a computer model that implements the latest account of syllogisms, which is based on the theory of mental models. We also report four experiments that were designed to test this account. Experiments 1 and 2 examined the strategies revealed by the participants' use of paper and pencil as aids to reasoning. Experiment 3 used (...)
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    Understanding acts of consent: Using speech act theory to help resolve moral dilemmas and legal disputes.Monica R. Cowart - 2004 - Law and Philosophy 23 (5):495 - 525.
    Understanding what it means toconsent is of considerable importance sincesignificant moral issues depend on how this actis defined. For instance, determining whetherconsent has occurred is the deciding factor insexual assault cases; its proper occurrence isa necessary condition for federally fundedhuman subject research. Even though mosttheorists recognize the legal and moralimportance of consent, there is still littleagreement concerning how consent should bedefined, or whether different domains involvingconsent demand context-specific definitions.Understanding what it means to consent isfurther complicated by the fact that currentlegal (...)
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  42. Embodied cognition.Monica Cowart - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Ontologia della reciprocità e riflessione pedagogica: saggio sulla filosofia dell'amore di Maurice Nédoncelle.Monica Amadini - 2001 - Milano: Vita e pensiero.
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  44. Groundwaters shallow systems and indicators of environmental changes in the south of Córdoba Province, Argentina.Mónica Blarasin - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  45. La música en la publicidad.Mónica Gómez Canicio - 2005 - Critica 55 (924):60-63.
  46. Da imagem à comunicação: situações éticas desafiadoras no ambiente organizacional.Mônica Cristine Fort - 2013 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 19 (2).
    Na sociedade definida por Bauman como líquida, manter o foco no trabalho em equipe para o sucesso das organizações parece ser tarefa cada vez mais fluida. Discutir esse quadro é a proposta deste artigo, que apresenta exemplos de situações éticas desafiadoras no ambiente corporativo, como o medo, a rotina, a flexibilidade, o fracasso, os riscos, o coletivo. Para tanto, o texto aborda a imagem organizacional e os valores associados a ela e que podem ajudar a construir um significado positivo ou (...)
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  47.  13
    Nietzsche filólogo. Ambivalencias de Una grecia subterránea.Mónica Salcido Macías - 2008 - Signos Filosóficos 10 (19):95-113.
    En este ensayo se reflexiona sobre el sentido de la interpretación nietzscheana de Grecia, que aunque problemática y filosófica, se inserta en la tradición clasicista de Occidente. Ubicando el clima intelectual en el que surgió El nacimiento de la tragedia, se postula que el pensador alemán no puede..
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    Urban boundaries and love: The rebirth of political thought within the disturbing education.Monica Mesquita - 2015 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 9 (2).
    In a process of emancipatory collective education proposed by the Urban Boundaries Project, this paper discusses the importance of the educational process not as cloistered but as critical tool to the current hegemonic system, and thus its roots in our situationality, as well as in our relations of survival. The concept of love as a political category will be argued from the modes of production of the urban human beings and its relations among the productive forces, the relations of production, (...)
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  49. Diagonale. București.Lovinescu Monica - forthcoming - Humanitas.
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  50. Connoisseurs, Scientists and the Mineral Kingdom.Monica Price & Mike Rumsey - 2023 - In Christina Marie Anderson & Peter Stewart (eds.), Connoisseurship. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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