Results for 'Mochè Catane'

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  1.  2
    Martin Buber, 1878-1978: exhibition, Jewish National and University Library, Berman Hall, Jerusalem, April 1978.Margot Cohn, Mochè Catane & Akibah Ernst Simon (eds.) - 1978 - [Jerusalem: The Library.
  2.  42
    An Introduction to Early Greek Philosophy.John Catan - 1969 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 29 (3):473-474.
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    Ethique et société: les déontologies professionnelles à l'épreuve des techniques.Raymond Moch (ed.) - 1997 - Paris: A. Colin.
    Sous l'égide de l'Institut Frédérick R. Bull, un collectif d'auteurs s'interroge sur les conséquences économiques, sociales et humaines de l'emploi généralisé des techniques nouvelles innovées par le traitement de l'information et notamment le secret professionnel, la déontologie médicale, la justice et la morale policière, la déontologie de l'ingénieur, les pouvoirs et systèmes médiatiques.
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    Aristotle: The Collected Papers of Joseph Owens.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1981 - State University of New York Press.
    “Great philosophers as well as great artists have the gift of inspiring profoundly different conceptions and meaning in the individuals who contemplate their work,” writes Joseph Owens. Even now, twenty-three centuries after the philosopher’s death, the study of Aristotle continues to challenge us and to broaden our intellectual outlook. In this volume, John R. Catan has gathered together 18 major essays by the well-known aristotelian scholar Joseph Owens that have influenced current opinion on the philosopher. The collection represents the first (...)
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    (1 other version)The Relationship Between Science and Democracy on Philip Kitcher’s Perspectives.Moch Zihad Islami & Lailiy Muthmainnah - 2023 - Kanz Philosophia : A Journal for Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism 9 (2):263-292.
    The relationship between science and democracy has been an interesting and important issue in the study of philosophy as well as political science. Democracy does not only apply in the political realm but can also be seen in the context of science. This paper uses a political-philosophical approach to explore the relationship between science and democracy from the perspective of Philip Kitcher. As far as the philosophical research model used in this research is the concept of figure thinking by using (...)
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    La relativité des phénomènes.Gaston Moch - 1921 - Paris,: E. Flammarion.
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    (2 other versions)A History of Ancient Philosophy I: From the Origins to Socrates.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1985 - State University of New York Press.
    Beginning with the origins of Western philosophy, the profound creation of the Hellenic genius, Reale presents an appreciation of the Naturalists, the Sophists, Socrates, and the Minor Socratics. Special attention is paid to the Eleatics because their problems decisively mark Platonic and Aristotelian philosophy. Interpretation of the Sophists benefits from the recent reevaluation of their thought. Socrates himself would be inconceivable without the Sophists since he is one of them. Socrates is given major prominence. Plato, Aristotle, and all of Hellenistic (...)
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    Plato and the Foundations of Metaphysics: A Work on the Theory of the Principles and Unwritten Doctrines of Plato with a Collection of the Fundamental Documents.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    This is a book about the relationship of the two traditions of Platonic interpretation -- the indirect and the direct traditions, the written dialogues and the unwritten doctrines. Kramer, who is the foremost proponent of the Tubingen School of interpretation, presents the unwritten doctrines as the crown of Plato's system and the key revealing it. Kramer unfolds the philosophical significance of the unwritten doctrines in their fullness. He demonstrates the hermeneutic fruitfulness of the unwritten doctrines when applied to the dialogues. (...)
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    The Concept of First Philosophy and the Unity of the Metaphysics of Aristotle.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1980 - State University of New York Press.
    Reale’s monumental work establishes the exact dimensions of Aristotle’s concept of first philosophy and proves the profound unity of concept that exists in Aristotle’s Metaphysics. Reale’s opposition to the genetic interpretation of the Metaphysics is an updated return to a more traditional view of Aristotle’s work, one which runs counter to nearly all contemporary scholarship. Reale argues that Aristotle’s first philosophy includes a study of being, a study of substance, a study of divine substance, and a study of principles and (...)
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    Aquinas: God and Action.John R. Catan - 1984 - Noûs 18 (1):125-132.
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    A History of Ancient Philosophy Iv: The Schools of the Imperial Age.John R. Catan (ed.) - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    This book covers the first 500 years of the common era. These years witnessed the revivals of Aristotelianism, Epicureanism, Pyrrhonism, Cynicism, and Pythagoreanism; but by far the most important movement was the revival of Platonism under Plotinus. Here, the historical context of Plotinus is provided including the currents of thought that preceded him and opened the path for him. The presuppositions of the Enneads are made explicit and the thought of Plotinus is reconstructed. The author reorients the expositions of Middle (...)
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  12.  30
    Aristotle, the Immobile Mover.John R. Catan & Giovanni Reale - 1976 - Philosophy Research Archives 2:245-371.
    This is a translation of II Motore Immobile (Metafisica, libro XII), Traduzione intégrale, introduzione e commento by Giovanni Reale (Editrice La Scuola, Brescia, 4th Ed. 1971)- The author offers a unitary reading of the famous twelfth book of Aristotle's Metaphysics. The book is intended for students who wish to read the text itself of Aristotle’s, so that the introduction and commentary to the text and the summaries of the entire Metaphysics as well as the twelfth book gives the student ample (...)
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  13.  26
    Plato on Noetic Intermediaries.John Catan - 1969 - Apeiron 3 (2):14 - 19.
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    Recollection and Posterior Analystics II, 19.John Catan - 1970 - Apeiron 4 (2):34.
    Which are "innate" but "unnoticed" point–as is usually held–to the platonic doctrine of recollection or to some other source? my argument is two- pronged: negatively i argue that aristotle is not describing his hearers as impeded by plato's notion of recollection; the other, positive, that he is describing a misunderstanding of his own quite different doctrine of nous in the minds of his hearers. I show that the two elements of the aporia fit the teaching of aristotle on nous found (...)
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  15.  37
    The Aristotelian Aporia Concerning Separate Mind.John R. Catan - 1968 - Modern Schoolman 46 (1):40-50.
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    Government Policy and Women's Experience: The Case of Teachers in France.Leslie Page Moch - 1988 - Feminist Studies 14 (2):301.
  17. Initiation aux théories d'Einstein.Gaston Moch - 1922 - Paris,: Larousse.
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    La Logique Des Attitudes.Franqois Moch - 1956 - Dialectica 10 (3):191-203.
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    Oui, non ‐ peut‐être.François Moch - 1955 - Dialectica 9 (3‐4):244-262.
    RésuméAu cours d'un travail, quel qu'il soit, la pensée classe les jugements en trois catégories: ceux qu'elle accepte, ceux qu'elle rejette, ceux qu'elle réserve. Elle applique donc une logique à trois valeurs — la « Logique de la Composition » — dont l'etude entraîne des conséquences dans des domaines variés. Dans son domaine propre, elle permet de déflnir avec précision les instants logiques d'une théorie quelconque. Mais le choix d'une logique détermine le degré de généralité qu'il est possible de donner (...)
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    Pratique et connaissance.François Moch - 1962 - Dialectica 16 (1):45-55.
    RésuméVivre, agir, c'est participer à des répétitions qui laissent en nous une marque et finissent par nous faire acquérir une pratique. La réflexion vient ensuite, utilise ces marques, en forme des images qu'elle peut évoquer à volonté, et qu'elle structure en représentations: langage intérieur, puis langage de communication. Une « intuition » est l'affleurement conscient d'une marque laissée par la pratique, et son insertion quasi‐instantanée dans le système des représentations internes. Les progrès alternés dans la pratique, dans l'association des images, (...)
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    Réflexions sur Les probabilités.François Moch - 1957 - Dialectica 11 (3‐4):375-391.
    RésuméLa probabilité présente, en Physique classique, des caractères paradoxaux; relative à un état de connaissance, et n'apportant de renseignements que sur un ensemble nombreux d'essais, elle semble pourtant se définir comme un caractère objectif de l'événement isolé; elle suppose qu'on doive répondre » peut‐ětre « à certaines questions, alors que la Logique classique n'admet d'autre réponse que » oui « ou » non «. Utilisée par la micro‐physique, elle brise l'unité des fondements physico‐mathématiques qui se manifestait dans la Logique bivalente, (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Aristotle: The Collected Papers of Joseph Owens.Joseph Owens & J. R. Catan - 1983 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 16 (4):275-277.
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    Beneficiary effects in prosocial decision making: Understanding unequal valuations of lives.Arvid Erlandsson, Stephan Dickert, Hajdi Moche, Daniel Västfjäll & Cassandra Chapman - unknown
    To understand human prosocial behaviour, one must consider not only the helpers and the requesters, but also the characteristics of the beneficiaries. To this aim, this articles reviews research on beneficiary effects in prosocial decision making, which implies that some human lives are valued higher than others. We focus on eight beneficiary attributes that increase willingness to help: (1) Temporal proximity, (2) Young age, (3) Female gender, (4) Misery, (5) Innocence, (6) Ingroup, (7) Identifiability (8) High proportion. We demonstrate that (...)
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  24. (1 other version)The Concept of First Philosophy and the Unity of the Metaphysics of Aristotle.Giovanni Reale & John R. Catan - 1981 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 14 (2):117-119.
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    La Metafisica. [REVIEW]John R. Catan - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 49 (1):153-155.
    These volumes are the much augmented and heavily revised commentary and text by Giovanni Reale of Aristotle's Metaphysics, which was originally issued in two volumes in the series Collana di Filosofi Antichi from the Centro di Studi Filosofici di Gallarate, published by Luigi Loffredo Editore, Naples. The volumes are part of the collection entitled "Temi metafisici e problemi del pensiero antico. Studi e testi," published by the Centro di Ricerche di Metafisica of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan. (...)
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  26.  53
    St. Thomas Aquinas on the Existence of God: Collected Papers of Joseph Owens. [REVIEW]Joseph Owens & John R. Catan - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (2):297-302.
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  27. Moche. Lima: Lib.Borja Arturo Jimenez - forthcoming - Studium.
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    Moch François. Ensembles, espèces et logique. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences , vol. 232 , pp. 201–202. [REVIEW]Paul Bernays - 1951 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):279-279.
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    Moch François. On peut éviter les antinomies classiques sans restreindre la notion d'ensemble. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l'Académie des Sciences , vol. 242 , pp. 1402–1404. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (3):322-322.
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    Bertha von Suttner, Bas les armes! Roman, avant-propos de Marie-Antoinette Marteil, préface de Gaston Moch.Marie-Claire Hoock-Demarle - 2016 - Clio 44.
    Il faut saluer la réédition aux Éditions Turquoise de la traduction de Die Waffen nieder!, l’ouvrage antimilitariste de la pacifiste autrichienne Bertha von Suttner, qui, dès sa parution en 1889, devint le best-seller incontesté de la fin du siècle, immédiatement traduit en une vingtaine de langues et en français en 1899. C’est du reste cette traduction, la seule existant à ce jour en langue française, qui est rééditée ici avec la préface d’époque signée par Gaston Moch, dreyfusard de la prem...
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    “Ffor as moche as yche man may not haue þe astrolabe”: Popular Middle English Variations on the Computus.Laurel Means - 1992 - Speculum 67 (3):595-623.
    The medieval computus was intended primarily for literate and numerate ecclesiastical users; reading the Latin computus required a good knowledge of technical Latin, while understanding its calculations presupposed some formal education in arithmetic and astronomy. By the mid-thirteenth century, users would have included a small group of literate and numerate laymen; by the mid-fifteenth century, users would have included the less educated and even semiliterate, as a consequence of a more extensive range of computus material made available for the purpose (...)
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    St. Thomas Aquinas on the Existence of God: The Collected Papers of Joseph Owens John R. Catan, editor Albany: State University of New York Press, 1980. Pp. xii, 291. $9.95. [REVIEW]Paul Vincent Spade - 1982 - Dialogue 21 (4):772-773.
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    Persuasion with Limited Sight.Alex Lascarides & Markus Guhe - 2019 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 10 (1):1-33.
    Humans face many game problems that are too large for the whole game tree to be used in their deliberations about action, and very little is understood about how they cope in such scenarios. However, when a human player’s chosen strategy is conditioned on her limited perspective of how the game might progress, then it should be possible to manipulate her into changing her planned move by mentioning a possible outcome of an alternative move. This paper demonstrates that human players (...)
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    A Heideggerian Critique of Aquinas and a Gilsonian Reply.John Fx Knasas & A. Gilsonian Reply To Heidegger - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (3):415-439.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:A HEIDEGGERIAN CRITIQUE OF AQUINAS AND A GILSONIAN REPLY JOHN F. X. KNASAS Center for Thomistic Studies Houston, Texas I IN HIS BOOK, Heidegger and Aquinas: An Essay on Overcoming Metaphysics, John Caputo investigates among other points a claim of Etienne Gilson's followers. Their claim is that Heidegger's charge of an oblivion or forgetfulness of being cannot be pinned on Aquinas.1 Aquinas escapes the charge because he alone in (...)
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    Italian and French Democracies’ Containment of Communist Unrest in the Early Cold War.Pascal Girard - 2024 - History of Communism in Europe 14:65-85.
    After a brief interlude of legality ending in 1947, France and Italy faced violence fuelled by Communist organisations; the most important took place from the autumn of 1947 to the autumn of 1948 and greatly impressed governments and public opinion, sustaining fear of a Communist uprising. Facing this challenge to public order were resolute Ministers of the Interior Mario Scelba and Jules Moch. Their policy gained them the reputation of reso­lute anti-Communists going beyond the limits of democratic legality. This paper (...)
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    Feministische Demokratietheorie: Thesen zu einem Projekt.Barbara Holland-Cunz - 1998 - Opladen: Beiträge zur Politik und Zeitgeschichte.
    Die ersten Überlegungen zu diesem Text entstanden bereits im Wintersemester 1994/95, als ich noch am Otto-Suhr-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin gearbeitet habe. Die wissenschaftlich äu­ ßerst anregende Atmosphäre und die stets spannenden Seminardis­ kussionen, für die ich mich noch einmal herzlich bedanken möch­ te, bilden den impliziten Grundstein meiner demokratietheoreti­ schen Überlegungen. Die äußeren Begleitumstände des Schreibens waren dagegen leider nicht durchgängig erfreulich. Ich möchte deshalb ganz be­ sonders denjenigen danken, die sich die Zeit genommen haben, den Großteil des Manuskripts (...)
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    Cachez ce beau que je ne saurais voir!: de la laideur à l'avènement de l'imbeau au XXIe siècle.Bertrand Naivin - 2023 - Paris: Hermann.
    Du succès de la saga Moi, moche et méchant au #chubby sur Instagram, du selfie au photo-dumping, du désormais incontournable pull moche arboré à Noël à l’improbable design de la Citroën AMI, il semble qu’aujourd’hui, la Beauté avec un grand B ne soit plus en vogue. Normatif et dictatorial, artificiel et trompeur, prompt à l’asservissement et au rejet du différent, le Beau est alors à présent accusé d’intolérance et de propagandisme. Dès lors, la Laideur est devenue en art une source (...)
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    Aristotle: The Collected Papers of Joseph Owens.Joseph Owens - 1981 - State University of New York Press.
    In this volume, John R. Catan has gathered together 18 major essays by the well-known aristotelian scholar Joseph Owens that have influenced current opinion on the philosopher.
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    Migraciones y (Des) usos del sistema de salud. Narrativas sobre dificultades de acceso y estrategias de atención/autoatención en un barrio periurbano de La Matanza.Yamila Soledad Abal - 2021 - Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política 51:033-033.
    In the context of the PICT 3166/2015 Project “Migrations, Interculturality and Territory: Multiscale Mapping on Social Inclusion”, we have developed a line of research to explore the specific characteristics of the health-disease-care process in peri urban neighborhoods in González Catán inhabited by impoverished social groups whose lives are shaped by diverse moving experiences. Based on a qualitative approach, we analyze the accounts of those living in the neighborhood, exploring the juxtaposition of different inequalities, how this affects healthcare access, and the (...)
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    Middle Horizon Imperialism and the Prehistoric Dispersal of Andean Languages.William H. Isbell - 2012 - In Isbell William H., Archaeology and Language in the Andes. pp. 219.
    The dispersal of the Romance language family by the Roman Empire is an attractive model for examining the spread of Quechua. Wari and Tiwanaku are often considered the first Andean empires, during the Middle Horizon. Despite being contemporaries sharing the same religious iconography, they were unlikely to have spoken and dispersed the same language. Tiwanaku material culture rather implies ethnic and linguistic diversity, not least in its best-documented colonization in Moquegua. Wari, meanwhile, appears culturally and administratively unified, colonizing and controlling (...)
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    Storia della filosofia antica. [REVIEW]M. B. B. - 1982 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (4):897-900.
    This massive study of the history of ancient philosophy is the result of the author's twenty-five years of research while teaching at the Catholic University of Milan, Italy. The importance and popularity of the work is shown by the fact that at the time of the completion of the fifth volume in January of 1979, the first four volumes had already gone through either two or three editions. Reale's work has been preceded by many scholarly studies in the field of (...)
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    Toward a New Interpretation of Plato. [REVIEW]Joseph A. Novak - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (4):972-974.
    The purpose of this substantive volume is to familiarize English readers with the Tübingen interpretation of Plato’s thought. Although there are a few other works in English on the German school of Platonism—Catan himself had earlier translated a work of Krämer, the founder of the school— this is by far the most detailed. Moreover, the work also tries to be a systematic defense of the position of the school and to amplify the explanatory power of the position by exploring further (...)
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