Results for 'Mm Bauer'

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  1. L'évolution de la physique et la philosophie. « Pour ls Science ».Mm Bauer, Serrus de Broglie, L. Brunschvicg & A. Rey - 1936 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 43 (3):4-5.
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    Əli Əsgər Məmmədovun “Ərəb dili” kitabına dair.Vüsalə Məmmədova - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (3):119-123.
    Dünyada müxtəlif dillər mövcuddur. Hal-hazırda əlavə xarici dil öyrənməyə maraq artmaqdadır. Təbii ki bu hər bir şəxsin öz istəyinə və seçiminə bağlıdır. Yəni hər kəs, hər hansı bir dili öyrəndiyi zaman, qarşısında iki məqsəd dayanır; ya o dili sevir, ya da o dili öyrənmək onun üçün lazımdır. Hər bir vətəndaşın borcudur ki, əvvəlcə öz ana dilini mükəmməl şəkildə öyrənsin. Lakin elm və texnologiyanın yüksək inkişaf etdiyi bir zamanda yalnız ana dilini bilmək kifayət etmir. İnsanın hər bir sahədə inkişafı üçün bacardığı (...)
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  3. Cognitive Self‐Enhancement as a Duty to Oneself: A Kantian Perspective.Katharina Bauer - 2018 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 56 (1):36-58.
    Recently some bioethicists and neuroscientists have argued for an imperative of chemical cognitive enhancement. This imperative is usually based on consequentialist grounds. In this paper, the topic of cognitive self-enhancement is discussed from a Kantian point of view in order to shed new light on the controversial debate. With Kant, it is an imperfect duty to oneself to strive for perfecting one’s own natural and moral capacities beyond one’s natural condition, but there is no duty to enhance others. A Kantian (...)
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  4. Dix-huitième Semaine de Synthèse.Mm Kucharski, P. Masson-Oursel, B. Rochot, J. Delevsky, P. Sergescu & Fr Le Lionnais - 1952 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 57 (3):373-373.
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    (1 other version)III. Die Verzauberung.Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer - 2013 - In Paul Michael Lützeler & Michael Kessler (eds.), Hermann-Broch-Handbuch. De Gruyter. pp. 127-166.
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    Feminist Interpretations of Simone de Beauvoir.Nancy Bauer - 2010 - Penn State Press.
    Feminist scholars reacted to news of Beauvoir's death in 1986 by initiating a reevaluation of her life's work, a task encouraged by Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, her adopted daughter, who edited for posthumous publication many of Beauvoir's personal notebooks and letters to Sartre. Some of the most exciting new interpretations of Beauvoir's philosophy that have resulted are brought together here for the first time; many of them, indeed, were written expressly for this first volume of essays on Beauvoir's philosophy (...)
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    Prisca Bauer, Words matter. A hermeneutical-phenomenological account to mental health.Francesca Bauer Brencio - 2020 - Phenomenology and Mind 18:68-77.
    The problem of names of illnesses is both a problem of words and values that should address not only the classification of disorders, but also a fundamental question both for medical sciences and humanities: can psychiatric nosology and classifications fit with the ontological constitution of human beings? This paper aims to discuss the so-called “psychiatric object” and its language and it intends to provide a hermeneutical-phenomenological account to mental health. In doing so, the paper will firstly examine the “psychiatric object” (...)
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  8. Personnel relationships and spiritual formation in the indian seminaries.Mm Vallipalam - 1988 - Journal of Dharma 13 (3):291-304.
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  9. Sartre as a Transcendental Realist.Mm Vandepitte - 1970 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 1 (2):22-26.
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    Über die Prinzipien des Schönen / De pulchrii principiis: Eine Preisschrift.Bruno Bauer, Douglas Moggach & Winfried Schultze - 2018 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
    Die Philosophische Fakultat der Berliner Universitat stellte im Jahr 1828 eine Preisaufgabe, an deren Losung alle Studenten der Universitat teilnehmen konnten. Einem Vorschlag Hegels folgend ging es um eine Auseinandersetzung mit den "Prinzipien des Schonen" bei Kant. Nach anonymer Bewertung der eingegangenen Arbeiten wurde die von Bruno Bauer mit dem Preis geehrt. Wahrend die im Laufe der Jahre gestellten Aufgaben und erteilten Gutachten fast vollstandig erhalten sind, ist das Vorhandensein der von Bauer handschriftlich in lateinischer Sprache verfaten Arbeit (...)
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  11. Rabia-al-adawiyya devotion to God.Mm Jaoudi - 1990 - Journal of Dharma 15 (3):232-239.
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  12. The anti-leninist substance of the new philosophers concept of social revolution.Mm Jurukova - 1984 - Filosoficky Casopis 32 (5):640-645.
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    Discussion: Sur le Principe formel de la pensée.Mm H. Mébville, D. Christoff, S. Gagnebin & Et F. Gonseth - 1953 - Dialectica 7 (2):95-98.
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  14. Bhiology and pilosophy.Cjvan Mm Klaauw - 1961 - In Raymond Klibansky (ed.), Philosophy in the mid-century. Firenze,: Nuova Italia. pp. 315.
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    Home-Based Telemedicine: A Survey of Ethical Issues.Keith A. Bauer - 2001 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 10 (2):137-146.
    In the past decade, digital technology, fiber optics, cellular phones, satellite television, home computers, and the Internet have substantially transformed business, education, and leisure practices. These technologies are becoming so integrated into our daily routines that their ubiquity often goes unnoticed. We are, nonetheless, in the midst of a telecommunications revolution, and the healthcare industry is becoming a major player. The burgeoning field of home-based telemedicine is evidence of this.
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  16. Social conflict and value education in contemporary india.Mm Agrawal - 2002 - In Kireet Joshi (ed.), Philosophy of value-oriented education: theory and practice: proceedings of the National Seminar, 18-20 January, 2002. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research. pp. 375.
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    11 Hobbes on law.Mm Goldsmith - 1996 - In Tom Sorell (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Hobbes. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 274.
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  18. L'éducation de la démocratie, leçons professées à l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes sociales.Mm Ernest Lavisse, Alfred Croiset, Ch Seignobos, P. Malapert, G. Lanson & J. Hadamard - 1903 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 11 (5):10-11.
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    Discussion: Sur le Principe formel de la pensée.D. Christoff Mm H. Mébville - 1953 - Dialectica 7 (2):95-98.
    ZusammenfassungPrinzipien und Dialektik. Zwei Arten Dialektik: Die Rückkehr zum «Anhypoteton» und das dialektisierende Denken. Beide Tendenzen sind gleichsam charakterisiert durch die Hervorhebung der Aktivität des Denkens. Das formale Denken aber sucht den Ursprung dieser Aktivität, während das dialektisierende Denken deren Anwendung feststellen will. Auf dem Suchen nach einem ersten Ursprung ist das formale Denken in Gefahr bloss formale Bedingungen zu erreichen. Das dialektisierende Denken will aber nur die Orientierung in dem gegebenen gegenwärtigen Suchen feststellen; dabei scheint es die Idee einer (...)
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  20. Nafsiologi: suatu pendekatan alternatif atas psikologi.Sukanto Mm - 1985 - Jakarta: Integrita Press.
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  21. Paul Ricoeur: una ontologia militante P. R.: une ontologie militante.Fafian Mm - 1976 - Pensamiento 32 (126):131-156.
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  22. LL.Mm Nn (ed.) - forthcoming
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    Social Influence by Artefacts.Martin W. Bauer - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (1):68-83.
    A review of the paradigms of social influence – suggestion, imitation, normalization, conformity, compliance, conversion – leads me to diagnose a triple malaise: the shrinkage of paradigms to cognitive dual-processing theories of information; the dominant methodology of laboratory experiments falls short of the reality of (mass) communication; and the focus of social influence on inter-subjectivity is only half of the story. I will suggest two extensions of social influence theory to include mass media communication and the inter-objectivity of artefacts. We (...)
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    Professional Ethics and the Concept of the 'Merits'.Robert F. Bauer - 1996 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 13 (1):21-30.
    ABSTRACT This paper examines the significance to professional decision‐making of the concept of the ‘merits’. The merits serve in practical affairs to delineate considerations appropriate to ethical decision‐making and require in particular the avoidance of ‘self‐interest’. Drawing on the example of politics, it is argued that the boundaries of the ‘merits’are never fixed across professional fields but rather are determined by the distinctive character of the professional's fiduciary responsibilities; and that properly understood, the merits may demand some ‘self‐interested’considerations which in (...)
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  25. Virtuous vs. utilitarian artificial moral agents.William A. Bauer - 2020 - AI and Society (1):263-271.
    Given that artificial moral agents—such as autonomous vehicles, lethal autonomous weapons, and automated financial trading systems—are now part of the socio-ethical equation, we should morally evaluate their behavior. How should artificial moral agents make decisions? Is one moral theory better suited than others for machine ethics? After briefly overviewing the dominant ethical approaches for building morality into machines, this paper discusses a recent proposal, put forward by Don Howard and Ioan Muntean (2016, 2017), for an artificial moral agent based on (...)
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  26. Instalados en la teologia de Pentecostés. Pobreza agustiniana.Mm Campelo - 1987 - Ciudad de Dios 200 (2-3):311-332.
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    Guest Editorial.Keith A. Bauer - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (4):358-359.
    In the advent of the 21st century there can be no doubt that we have entered uncharted territory as we continue to employ diverse information and communication technologies within healthcare. This is simply a matter of fact, at least for the Western world. But, as a question of value, what are the ethical and social ramifications of this healthcare trek? What assessments can we render on this murky, barely explored topography? A utopian answer is that ICT would deliver us to (...)
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  28. AI Assistants and the Paradox of Internal Automaticity.William A. Bauer & Veljko Dubljević - 2019 - Neuroethics 13 (3):303-310.
    What is the ethical impact of artificial intelligence assistants on human lives, and specifically how much do they threaten our individual autonomy? Recently, as part of forming an ethical framework for thinking about the impact of AI assistants on our lives, John Danaher claims that if the external automaticity generated by the use of AI assistants threatens our autonomy and is therefore ethically problematic, then the internal automaticity we already live with should be viewed in the same way. He takes (...)
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  29. Axiomatische Überlegungen zu Grundlagen für Maße der Verteilungsgerechtigkeit am Beispiel von Bedarfsgerechtigkeit.Alexander Max Bauer - 2017 - Forsch! 3 (1):23-42.
    Verteilungsgerechtigkeit befasst sich mit der Verteilung von Gütern innerhalb einer Gruppe, wobei verschiedene Verteilungsprinzipien und -ergebnisse als mögliche Ideale einer solchen Verteilung verhandelt werden. Diese normativen Ansätze sind oft rein verbal formuliert, wodurch ihre Anwendung auf unterschiedliche konkrete Verteilungssituationen, die hinsichtlich ihrer Gerechtigkeit beurteilt werden sollen, häufig schwer fällt. Eine Möglichkeit, fein abgestufte Gerechtigkeitsbeurteilungen verschiedener Verteilungen präzise erfassen zu können, besteht in der formalen Modellierung solcher Ideale durch Maße oder Indizes. Die Auswahl eines geeigneten Maßes, das ein gewisses Ideal abbilden (...)
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  30. Experience of nothingness, a form of humanistic religious-experience.Mm Raymond - 1989 - Journal of Dharma 14 (2):173-189.
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  31. Blumenberg und die Intermittenz des Bewusstseins.Marion Schümm - 2015 - In Michael Heidgen, Matthias Koch & Christian Köhler (eds.), Permanentes provisorium: Hans Blumenbergs Umwege. Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
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  32. Études sur Schiller, Bibliothèque de philologie et de littérature modernes.Mm Ch Schmidt, A. Fauconnet, Ch Andler, Xavier Léon, E. Spenlé & F. Baldensperger - 1906 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 14 (2):7-8.
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  33. Axiomatic Foundations for Metrics of Distributive Justice Shown by the Example of Needs-Based Justice.Alexander Max Bauer - 2017 - Forsch! 3 (1):43-60.
    Distributive justice deals with allocations of goods and bads within a group. Different principles and results of distributions are seen as possible ideals. Often those normative approaches are solely framed verbally, which complicates the application to different concrete distribution situations that are supposed to be evaluated in regard to justice. One possibility in order to frame this precisely and to allow for a fine-grained evaluation of justice lies in formal modelling of these ideals by metrics. Choosing a metric that is (...)
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    Strategien der Filmanalyse: zehn Jahre Münchner Filmphilologie: Prof. Dr. Klaus Kanzog zum 60. Geburtstag.Ludwig Bauer, Elfriede Ledig & Michael Schaudig (eds.) - 1987 - München: Verlegergemeinschaft Schaudig/Bauer/Ledig.
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  35. Philosophie der Lebenswissenschaften.Susanne Bauer, Lara Huber, Marie I. Kaiser, Lara Keuck, Ulrich Krohs, Maria Kronfeldner, Peter McLaughlin, Kären Nickelson, Thomas Reydon, Neil Roughley, Christian Sachse, Marianne Schark, Georg Toepfer, Marcel Weber & Markus Wild - 2013 - Information Philosophie 4:14-27.
    This paper summarizes (in German) recent tendencies in the philosophy of the life sciences.
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    Expanding Nallur's Landscape of Machine Implemented Ethics.William A. Bauer - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2401-2410.
    What ethical principles should autonomous machines follow? How do we implement these principles, and how do we evaluate these implementations? These are some of the critical questions Vivek Nallur asks in his essay “Landscape of Machine Implemented Ethics (2020).” He provides a broad, insightful survey of answers to these questions, especially focused on the implementation question. In this commentary, I will first critically summarize the main themes and conclusions of Nallur’s essay and then expand upon the landscape that Nallur presents (...)
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  37. Departed Souls? Tripartition at the Close of Plato’s Republic.Nathan Bauer - 2017 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 20 (1):139-157.
    Plato’s tripartite soul plays a central role in his account of justice in the Republic. It thus comes as a surprise to find him apparently abandoning this model at the end of the work, when he suggests that the soul, as immortal, must be simple. I propose a way of reconciling these claims, appealing to neglected features of the city-soul analogy and the argument for the soul’s division. The original true soul, I argue, is partitioned, but in a finer manner (...)
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  38. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature.Walter Bauer, William F. Arndt & Gingrich F. Wilbur - 1957
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    Letting Compassion Open the Door: Battered Women's Disclosure to Medical Providers.Heidi M. Bauer & Michael A. Rodriguez - 1995 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 4 (4):459.
    Domestic violence is an important social problem that strongly impacts the healthcare system. It is estimated that two to four million women are physically abused each year by their husbands, ex-husbands, or boyfriends. Many of these abused women enter the medical system as patients with physical injuries, somatic symptoms, or psychiatric problems. These patients represent a large proportion of women patients in a variety of clinical settings: 22–35% of women presenting to emergency departments, up to 37% of obstetric patients, and (...)
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  40. Die psychopathologie Des herrschers: Demetrius, ein tyrann aus verlorener selbstachtung.Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer - forthcoming - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft.
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  41. (1 other version)Physique Atomique et connaissance humaine.Niels Bohr, E. Bauer & R. Omnes - 1963 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 19 (1):105-106.
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  42. (1 other version)Sated but Thirsty: A Prolegomenon to Multidimensional Measures of Need-Based Justice.Alexander Max Bauer - 2022 - Axiomathes 32 (3):529-538.
    In attempts to compare different distributions with regards to need, so-called “measures of need-based distributive justice” have emerged in recent years. Each of the proposed measures relies on a single dimension of need that is taken into account. This is shown to be problematic since humans experience different kinds of need that appear to be incommensurable. A strategy to deal with this problem is introduced by using multidimensional measures.
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    On Limiting Procedures.Mm Yanase - 1988 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 7 (3):125-129.
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    Der Wahrheitsbegriff in Kants Transzendentalphilosophie: Eine Untersuchung Zur Kritik der Reinen Vernunft.Sabrina Maren Bauer - 2020 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die Leitfragen dieser wahrheitstheoretischen Interpretation lauten: Welche Rolle spielt die Wahrheitsfrage in der ‚Kritik der reinen Vernunft‘ generell und in den einzelnen Abteilungen der Untersuchung? Welche Wahrheitskonzeption vertritt Kant, mit welchen Argumenten und welche Kritik konkurrierender philosophischer Positionen ist damit verbunden? Alle Hauptabteilungen der Kritik der reinen Vernunft werden in diesem Lichte erklärt, geprüft und kommentiert. Entgegen der verbreitenden Tendenz, den Wahrheitsbegriff bei der Interpretation der Kritik der reinen Vernunft in den Hintergrund treten zu lassen, wird demonstriert, dass sich deren (...)
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  45. Justice at the Margins: The Social Contract and the Challenge of Marginal Cases.Nathan Bauer & David Svolba - 2017 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 55 (1):51-67.
    Attempts to justify the special moral status of human beings over other animals face a well-known objection: the challenge of marginal cases. If we attempt to ground this special status in the unique rationality of humans, then it becomes difficult to see why nonrational humans should be treated any differently than other, nonhuman animals. We respond to this challenge by turning to the social contract tradition. In particular, we identify an important role for the concept of recognition in attempts to (...)
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    Making Corporations Responsible: The Parallel Tracks of the B Corp Movement and the Business and Human Rights Movement.Joanne Bauer & Elizabeth Umlas - 2017 - Business and Society Review 122 (3):285-325.
    The business and human rights movement shares several goals with the Benefit Corporation movement: corporations respecting human rights; maintaining a “wide aperture” so that all impacts of a company on people and communities are addressed; and creating rigorous standards of conduct and means of accountability. This paper argues that nonetheless the movements are traveling along parallel tracks and thus missing an opportunity for mutual learning that can improve their effectiveness. The BHR movement can look to B Corps for concrete examples (...)
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    Making Predictions: Computing Populations.Susanne Bauer, Christine Bischof & Christine Holmberg - 2013 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 38 (3):398-420.
    Statistics constitute the social universe of which they are gathered. The foundation necessary to develop quantified knowledge about society is the population. If quantified knowledge changes society, the question arises on how individuals become to be represented as population. The population has to be extracted from individuals in a process that we call “populationisation.” This encompasses the development of the individual into a segment of a population through the compilation of individual data into population data and its analysis. To describe (...)
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  48. Voyagers without Abode and the Departure to a Better World.Wolfgang Bauer - 1994 - Diogenes 42 (165):27-48.
    Transcending all ideological differences, the Book of Metamorphoses (Yijing, I-Ging) has been viewed in traditional Chinese culture as a basic work not only of the art of sooth-saying, but of an understanding of the world as a whole. Among the 64 situations described therein, the 56th deals with the constellation of ‘the wanderer’ (Lü). It is symbolized by the ‘fire’ above the ‘mountain’, i.e., a fleeting phenomenon whose ephemeral character is highlighted by the fact that it appears above something as (...)
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  49. Debating Hegel's legacy for contemporary feminist politics.Nancy Bauer [ - 2010 - In Kimberly Hutchings & Tuija Pulkkinen (eds.), Hegel's philosophy and feminist thought: beyond Antigone? New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Response to June Boyce-Tillman, "Towards an Ecology of Music Education".Elizabeth Anne Bauer - 2004 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 12 (2):186-188.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Response To June Boyce-Tillman, “Towards an Ecology of Music Education”Elizabeth BauerJune Boyce-Tillman explores the values implicit in the Western musical traditions that also dominate music education. She examines the five interlocking areas of materials, expression, construction, values, and spirituality and how these areas create a more holistic way of conceptualizing the musical experience within music education. By describing the divide between the values of system A and system B, (...)
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