Results for 'Mladen Kozul'

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  1.  11
    Les Lumières imaginaires: Holbach et la traduction.Mladen Kozul - 2016 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    Dans les années 1760, l'atelier du baron d'Holbach est, avec Ferney au temps de Voltaire, le principal lieu de diffusion des idées hétérodoxes qui permettent la radicalisation des Lumières en France. L'activité de traduction d'Holbach, plus importante en quantité que son activité d'auteur, est étudiée ici pour la première fois de manière systématique. En comparant les ouvrages clandestins traduits et publiés par Holbach avec leurs vrais ou prétendus originaux (majoritairement anglais), Mladen Kozul analyse les manipulations énonciatives, thématiques et (...)
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    Too Muchness, the Surplus of Immanence, Manatheism.Mladen Dolar - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (3):9-20.
    This paper tries to provide some clues and red threads through the magisterial work of Eric Santner. The first part takes the point of departure in his book on Schreber (My Own Private Germany) and tries to lay down a basic narrative that subtends most of Santner’s work and can be encapsulated by “the secret history of modernity.” This narrative is briefly spelled out through the relationship of Schreber the father (the “surplus father” as the continuation of the enlightenment), Doctor (...)
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  3. Više je ipak bolje: Epistemički interesi i prirodne vrste (eng. The more the merrier: Epistemic interests and natural kinds).Mladen Bošnjak & Zdenka Brzović - 2021 - Prolegomena: Journal of Philosophy 20 (2):235-259.
    In this paper, we focus on the propensity toward identifying natural kinds with successful scientific categories in contemporary discussions of natural kinds within the philosophy of science. Success in this case is understood as the fulfillment of epistemic interests or goals in a given field of scientific research. The prevailing view is that, in order to have a theory of natural kinds that successfully captures current scientific practice, the relevant epistemic interests are the current interests of scientists working in a (...)
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    Is Autism a Mental Disorder According to the Harmful Dysfunction View?Mladen Bošnjak - 2023 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 23 (67):89-111.
    The supporters of the neurodiversity movement contend that autism is not a mental disorder, but rather a natural human variation. In a recent paper Jerome Wakefi eld, David Wasserman and Jordan Conrad (2020) argued against this view relying on Wakefi eld’s harmful dysfunction theory of mental disorder (the HD theory). Although I argue that the HD theory is problematic, I contend that arguments offered by Wakefi eld et al. (2020) against those of the neurodiversity movement are plausible, except in one (...)
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  5. Hennessy–Milner theorem for interpretability logic.Mladen Vukovic - 2005 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 34 (4):195-201.
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  6. Mimezis in komedija.Mladen Dolar - 2012 - Problemi 5.
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    Razmišljanja o statici podgrade mlaznim betonom.Mladen Hudec - forthcoming - Colloquy.
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    Znanost i religija u okviru čistoga uma.Mladen Živković - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (4):835-855.
    Iako opsežan, ovaj članak ima skromnu svrhu: sažeto i što je moguće jasnije iznijeti osnovne Kantove teze za promišljanje odnosa znanosti i religije, te pozvati na pomnjivo iščitavanje njegova opusa, kako bi u promišljanje odnosa znanosti i religije išli s Kantom, a ne mimo njega. Kantov opus nudi intrigantne povode da ga se pokuša isčitavati s ovoga stanovišta. Polazište je dano rezultatima Kritike čistoga uma. U njoj treba potražiti odgovore na pitanja: Kako je moguća priroda, iskustvo, spoznaja prirode i sama (...)
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    Govor i subjektivnost: na rubovima arheologije znanja.Mladen Kozomara - 1998 - Beograd: Plato.
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  10. Proteins and Genes, Singletons and Species.Branko Kozulić - unknown
    Recent experimental data from proteomics and genomics are interpreted here in ways that challenge the predominant viewpoint in biology according to which the four evolutionary processes, including mutation, recombination, natural selection and genetic drift, are sufficient to explain the origination of species. The predominant viewpoint appears incompatible with the finding that the sequenced genome of each species contains hundreds, or even thousands, of unique genes - the genes that are not shared with any other species. These unique genes and proteins, (...)
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    Philosophy and Life. Philosophical and Socio-Cultural Anthropology of Nikola Skledar.Mladen Labus - 2009 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 29 (1):205-214.
    Tekst predstavlja osvrt na knjigu Nikole Skledara Filozofija i život i pokušaj je kritičkog prikaza, u osnovnim crtama, njegova teorijskog i intelektualnog profila, uzimajući u obzir i neke druge njegove knjige. Osnovni je cilj pokazati jednu izgrađenu i izvorno otvorenu antropologiju koja, u interpretaciji čovjekova povijesnog opstanka, ima egzistencijalni, hermeneutički i humanistički karakter. Tekst razmatra glavne teme kao što su: odnos filozofije i suvremenog života, suvremeni odgoj/obrazovanje i filozofija čovjeka, integralna bioetika, filozofija prema religiji i znanosti, eros i thanatos, o (...)
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    Unified quantum logic.Mladen Pavičić - 1989 - Foundations of Physics 19 (8):999-1016.
    Unified quantum logic based on unified operations of implication is formulated as an axiomatic calculus. Soundness and completeness are demonstrated using standard algebraic techniques. An embedding of quantum logic into a new modal system is carried out and discussed.
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    Moral thinking vs. moral acting or moral thinking and moral acting.Mladen Pecujlija - 2012 - Ethics 8 (3).
  14. Personality and Blood Types Revisited: Case of Morality.Mladen Pecujlija, Gordana Misic-Pavkov & Maja Popovic - 2014 - Neuroethics 8 (2):171-176.
    Although a large body of research exists concerning connections between personality traits and blood types, no studies can be found within the literature on the links between morality and one’s blood type. We have conducted research examining whether blood type has any impact on the degree to which moral foundations, according to Haidt, are observable in an individual. Our study focused on 240 adult male and female subjects, with an average age of 43.47 years; each group was based on the (...)
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    Naturalistic Foundations of the Idea of the Holy: Darwinian Roots of Rudolf Otto's Theology.Mladen Turk - 2013 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 12 (35):248-263.
    The very influential theoretical concepts proposed by Rudolf Otto in his 1917 classic The Idea of the Holy are often seen as examples of properly religious content that cannot be approached by any other means except religious. This conclusion is challenged by closer readings of Otto’s writings on naturalism and religion where he, despite of being at times critical of some versions of naturalism, expresses his thorough commitment to naturalist ic explanations. Otto’s views are presented as compatible with recent cognitive-scientific (...)
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    The Criminal Responsibility of High-Functioning Autistic Offenders in Croatia.Mladen Bošnjak, Marko Jurjako & Luca Malatesti - 2022 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):137-148.
    This paper investigates, from a philosophical perspective, whether high functioning autists are legally responsible for the crimes they may commit. We do this from the perspective of the Croatian legal system. According to Croatian Criminal Law, but also criminal laws adopted in many other countries, the legal responsibility of the person is undermined due to insanity when two conditions are satisfied. The first may be called the incapacity requirement. It states that a person, when committing the crime, suffers cognitive or (...)
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  17.  36
    A Voice and Nothing More.Mladen Dolar - 2006 - MIT Press.
    Plutarch tells the story of a man who plucked a nightingale and finding but little to eat exclaimed: "You are just a voice and nothing more." Plucking the feathers of meaning that cover the voice, dismantling the body from which the voice seems to emanate, resisting the Sirens' song of fascination with the voice, concentrating on "the voice and nothing more": this is the difficult task that philosopher Mladen Dolar relentlessly pursues in this seminal work.The voice did not figure (...)
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    The Principles of Interpretability.Mladen Vuković - 1999 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 40 (2):227-235.
    A generalized Veltman semantics developed by de Jongh is used to investigate correspondences between several extensions of intepretability logic . In this paper we present some new results on independences.
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  19. O Skoposti.Mladen Dolar - 2002 - Problemi 7.
    O SKOPOSTIIn o nekaterih z njo povezanih rečehTema in variacijeKAZALOINTRODUKCIJATEMAPRVA VARIACIJA: Asket in potrošnikDRUGA VARIACIJA: Iztrebki in ljubezenTRETJA VARIACIJA: Obresti in viceČETRTA VARIACIJA: Kuga in fantazmePETA VARIACIJA: Zlato in svinecŠESTA VARIACIJA: Antonio in ShylockSEDMA VARIACIJA: Funt mesa in hčiOSMA VARIACIJA: Milost in užitekDEVETA VARIACIJA: Duša in nadjazDESETA VARIACIJA: Les non-dupes errentENAJSTA VARIACIJA: JewgreekBibliografija.
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  20. Panakustikon.Mladen Dolar - 2004 - Problemi 5.
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  21. What's the Matter? On Matter and Related Matters.Mladen Dolar - 2020 - In Russell Sbriglia & Slavoj Zizek, Subject lessons: Hegel, Lacan, and the future of materialism. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
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    Danilo Pejović – ein Lehrer des Denkens.Mladen Živković - 2019 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 39 (2):393-414.
    Pejović verkörpert in seiner Person das ursprüngliche philosophische Ethos und die Gelehrsamkeit. Die Stärke seines Denkens spiegelt sich in der verfeinerten Analyse des Themas wider. Sein literarisches Talent ist klar und er fühlt sich wie ein Virtuose und ein Künstler von Worten und Stil, der stellenweise poetisch ist. Er spricht leicht über die schwierigsten Themen der Philosophie. Er besitzt einen klaren, lehrreichen und enthusiastisch angemessenen, verfeinerten und raffinierten Ausdruck, der über alle unsere philosophischen Autoren hinausgeht. Dies wird bereits in den (...)
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    Od metafizike do fizike svjetla.Mladen Živković & Berislav Živković - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (3):559-570.
    Za svjetlo možemo reći da je istinski razbuđivač mišljenja , kako u metafizici tako u prirodnoj filozofiji i znanosti. Želimo ukazati na posebnost Petrića kao onoga mislioca s kojim je dokončana epoha od antike nasljeđene metafizike svjetla i koji otvara put za novovjekovnu fiziku svjetla, naročito u djelu Panaugia, ali ne samo u njemu. Nakon Petrića uslijedila su brojna uzbudljiva znanstvena otkrića koja su rezultirala dubokim uvidima u narav svjetla, u geometriji, a posebice u fizikalnoj optici: svjetlo se širi konačnom (...)
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    Biblija, kruh naš svagdašnji.Mladen Jovanović - 2010 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 4 (2):187-188.
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    Is the Reformation to be Blamed for Everything?Mladen Jovanović - 2011 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 5 (1):8-12.
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    The Bible: Our Daily “Bread”.Mladen Jovanović - 2010 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 4 (2):131-132.
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    Značaj kršćanske obitelji u suvremenom društvu.Mladen Jovanović - 2009 - Kairos: Evangelical Journal of Theology 2:299-304.
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    Unconsented acknowledgments as a form of authorship abuse: What can be done about it?Mladen Koljatic - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (2):127-134.
    Unwelcome or unconsented acknowledgments is an unethical practice seldom addressed. It constitutes a form of authorship abuse perpetrated in the acknowledgments section of published research, where the victim is credited as having made a contribution to the paper, without having given their consent, and often without having seen a draft of the paper. The acknowledgment may be written in such a way as to imply endorsement of the study’s data and conclusions. Through a real-life case, this paper explores the issue (...)
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    Subjektivnost i moć.Mladen Kozomara - 2001 - Beograd: Plato.
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    Filozofija i stvaralaštvo: teorijski portreti hrvatskih filozofa.Mladen Labus - 2016 - Zagreb: Plejada.
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  31.  14
    Some notes on correspondence theory of the system IL.Mladen Vuković - 2006 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12 (2):0022-4812.
  32.  31
    Bisimulations between generalized Veltman models and Veltman models.Mladen Vuković - 2008 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 54 (4):368-373.
    Interpretability logic is an extension of provability logic. Veltman models and generalized Veltman models are two semantics for interpretability logic. We consider a connection between Veltman semantics and generalized Veltman semantics. We prove that for a complete image-finite generalized Veltman modelW there is a Veltman model W ′ that is bisimular to W.
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  33.  44
    A Combined Argument: Beyond Wallerstein?Mladen Medved - 2018 - Historical Materialism 26 (3):125-142.
    InHow the West Came to Rule, Alexander Anievas and Kerem Nişancıoğlu offer an alternative to both Political Marxism and world-systems analysis by going beyond the nation-state as the unit of analysis in the former and the marginalisation of articulation and combination between modes of production in the latter. Their account also gives more room to non-European actors neglected in other interpretations of the rise of the West. However, I argue that their argument is much closer toWSAand that their critique of (...)
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  34. Tyche, clinamen, den.Mladen Dolar - 2013 - Continental Philosophy Review 46 (2):223-239.
    The paper takes as the starting point a dense and notorious quote by Lacan where he takes up in a single gesture three concepts of ancient philosophy, tyche, clinamen and den. The contention is that all three aim at the status of the object, although by different means and in different philosophical contexts, and the paper tries to spell out some crucial points concerning each. Tyche, usually translated as chance and put into an opposition with automaton, requires a reading of (...)
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  35.  23
    Virus and Idea.Mladen Dolar - 2022 - In Jure Simoniti & Gregor Kroupa, Ideas and Idealism in Philosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 269-282.
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    Cartesian Primary Qualities in Light of Some Contemporary Physical Explanations.Mladen Domazet - 2008 - Prolegomena 7 (1):21-35.
    Descartes’ derivation of the primary qualities of matter and their role in explaining observed physical phenomena are briefly reviewed. The lesson drawn from Descartes’ methodology of explanation is that we ought to aim to reduce complex phenomena to simple unifying principles and conceptual primitives. Three proposed solutions to the apparent paradoxes in contemporary quantum physics (primarily associated with the notion of entanglement) are briefly compared with lessons taken from Descartes. It is argued that further research in this field should provide (...)
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    An Orthodox Christian Reflection: Genetic Enhancement Must Not Be the Creation Primacy Problem Between Man and God.Pecujlija Mladen & Cosic Đorde - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):78-80.
  38.  40
    The Comic Mimesis.Mladen Dolar - 2017 - Critical Inquiry 43 (2):570-589.
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    Do Business Schools Influence Students’ Awareness of Social Issues? Evidence from Two of Chile’s Leading MBA Programs.Mladen Koljatic & Monica Silva - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (3):595-604.
    This study explores the role that business schools have in developing favorable attitudes toward business involvement in corporate social responsibility. Two cohorts of incoming students from two internationally accredited MBA programs in Chile and two cohorts of graduating students from the same institutions were compared in terms of their attitudes toward the role of business in alleviating social ills and the role they assigned to business schools in preparing managers to effectively address social issues. The attitudes expressed by graduates of (...)
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    Bit in njen dvojnik.Mladen Dolar - 2017 - Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
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  41. Cogito jako podmiot nieświadomego.Mladen Dolar - 2007 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 2:39-62.
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  42. Državljan K.: Kafka in Welles.Mladen Dolar - 2009 - Problemi 4.
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    Hegel Ali Spinoza ob Macheryevi Knjigi.Mladen Dolar - 1983 - Filozofski Vestnik 4 (1-2).
    Članek poskuša ob Machereyevi knjigi pokazati, da je naslovna alternativa slabo zastavljena. Macherey zoperstavlja Heglovo strategijo, temelječo na univerzalnem subjektu, negaciji negacije in teologiji, in Spinozov radikalno anti-teleološki postopek ter ob problemih geometrične metode, atributov in determinacije kot negacije razkriva slepe pege Heglovega branja Spinoze. Avtor pa skuša nasprotno pokazati, da je pri tem podoba Hegla zvedena na nekaj počeznih preprostih formul, da se mora sama analiza Spinoze, kljub upravičeni kritiki Heglovih spregledov, zaplesti v notranja protislovja ter da je naposled (...)
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    Onkraj interpelacije.Mladen Dolar - 1988 - Filozofski Vestnik 9 (1).
    Avtor skuša pokazati nezadostnost Althusserjevega pojma interpelacije in zagovarja psihoanalitični koncept subjekta. Ta subjekt vznika natanko tam, kjer interpelacija spodleti in temelji na delu ireduktibilne eksteriornosti v samem jedru konstruirane interiornosti, je ostanek, ki ne more preiti v simbolni red in ki je ne-zamisljiv znotraj althusserjanske perspektive. Avtor ilustrira svoje stališče z več zgledi, ki segajo od melodramatskih zapletov do funkcioniranja transfera v psihoanalizi in od heglovskega pojma duha do »stalinističnega načina subjektivacije«, in zaključuje, da je vsaka ideologija nemožno prizadevanje, (...)
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  45. Od mimezis do moderne.Mladen Dolar - 2012 - Problemi 9.
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    Sinn oder Präsenz?Mladen Dolar - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2009 (1):16-33.
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  47. Telephone and psychoanalysis (Walter Benjamin).Mladen Dolar - 2008 - Filozofski Vestnik 29 (1):7 - +.
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  48. Touching Ground.Mladen Dolar - 2008 - Filozofski Vestnik 29 (2).
    The paper takes up the problem of tactility, the sense of touch, as a philosophical problem largely neglected by the philosophical tradition. It tries to show how touch immediately raises some basic philosphical concepts, the notion of inner/outer, subject/object, of difference, of the ways to conceive the limit, of appearance/the thing itself, the basic problem of counting (it takes two to touch), etc. It analyses the classical text on touching by Aristotle in De anima, trying to show how the notion (...)
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    Uprizarjanje konceptov: spisi o umetnosti.Mladen Dolar - 2019 - Ljubljana: Maska.
    Teater -- Ime -- Glas -- Komadi -- Slovenske reči -- Vizualno -- Was ist Kunst -- Koda.
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  50. What, if Anything, Is the Other?Mladen Dolar - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (8).
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