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Mirjana Radojičić [4]Mirjana S. Radojičić [1]
  1.  23
    Globalization, values, interests.Mirjana S. Radojičić - 2003 - Filozofija I Društvo 2003 (22):133-148.
    U tekstu se razmatra priroda medjunarodnih odnosa i medjunarodne politike kakva se uoblicava nakon kraja Hladnog rata, politike ciji pravac u preteznoj meri odredjuju SAD kao jedina preostala super-sila. Namera autora je da ukaze na kljucne tacke divergencije moralno-vrednosne retorike i spoljno-politicke pragmatike ove mega-drzave. U tom smislu, razmatraju se slucajevi americkog stava, odnosno aktivnog tretmana dva dogadjaja koji su u politicko-bezbednosnom pogledu obelezili proteklu deceniju u svetsko-istorijskim razmerama - raspad/razbijanje Jugoslavije i kriza u Persijskom zalivu. Zakljucak autorke je da (...)
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  2.  47
    Non-governmental organizations and politics of interpretation of South-Slavic’s recent past.Mirjana Radojičić - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):109-125.
    In the text the author considers politics of interpretation of South-Slavic peoples' recent past, which was demonstrated by the most prominent activists of Serbian non-governmental organizations. By summarizing the interpretation in a few points, the author attempts to identify its key features: arrogance and extremism as a style, counter factuality as a strategy and anti-Serbian nationalism and racism as an ideological strongpoint. In the final section of the text, what is pleaded is a precise legal regulation of that delicate area (...)
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  3.  26
    NATO aggression against FRY: “A war on the border between law and morality”.Mirjana Radojicic - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (3):137-160.
    Predmet ovog rada su eticki aspekti agresije NATO na SRJ, odnosno Srbiju, sprovodjene od marta do juna 1999. godine. Rad je koncipiran kao svojevrstan kriticki dijalog sa J. Habermasom, odnosno njegovim stavovima iznesenim u tekstu?Bestijalnost i humanost - rat na granici prava i morala?. Nakon kraceg prikaza Habermasovog stanovista, u uvodnom delu rada autorka razmatra moralne implikacije njegovog stava o hirurskoj preciznosti bombardovanja i principu postede civilnog stanovnistva kao karakteristikama ove agresije od, kako tvrdi ovaj autor, visokog legitimirajuceg znacaja. Potom (...)
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  4.  68
    Serbia in the processes of European integrations: Between traumatic experience and real politic necessity.Mirjana Radojičić - 2006 - Filozofija I Društvo 2006 (30):135-148.
    The article contains an explanation of the topic to be dealt with by the author in the next research cycle. In the first part of the article author try to identify the main obstacles facing Serbia in the imperative processes of its European integrations. According to the author, those obstacles are numerous and mostly unique, based on the fact that in the last decade Serbian people was a subject of complete state disintegration to which the most powerful external contribution was (...)
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