Results for 'Milan Kopecky'

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  1. Český humanismus.Milan Kopecký - 1988 - Praha: Melantrich.
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  2. Komenskýs Fortuna und ihre literarischen Analogien.Milan Kopecký - 1989 - Acta Comeniana 8:111-119.
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    Mistr dialogu Milan Machovec: sborník k nedožitým osmdesátinám českého filosofa.Milan Machovec, Kamila Jindrová, Pavel Tachecí & Pavel Žďárský (eds.) - 2006 - Praha: Akropolis.
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  4. Dialektik und Differenz: Festschrift für Milan Prucha.Milan Pr Ucha, Annett Jubara & David Benseler (eds.) - 2001 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
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    Arguments as Drivers of Issue Polarisation in Debates Among Artificial Agents.Felix Kopecky - 2022 - Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 25 (1).
    Can arguments and their properties influence the development of issue polarisation in debates among artificial agents? This paper presents an agent-based model of debates with logical constraints based on the theory of dialectical structures. Simulations on this model reveal that the exchange of arguments can drive polarisation even without social influence, and that the usage of different argumentation strategies can influence the obtained levels of polarisation.
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  6. Inconsistent belief aggregation in diverse and polarised groups.Felix Kopecky & Gregor Betz - 2025 - Philosophy of Science 92 (1):40-58.
    How do opinion diversity and belief polarisation affect epistemic group decision-making, particularly if decisions must be made without delay and on the basis of permissive evidence? In an agent-based model, we track the consistency of group opinions aggregated through sentence-wise majority voting. Simulations on the model reveal that high opinion diversity, but not polarisation, incurs a significant inconsistency risk. These results indicate that epistemic group decisions based on permissive evidence can be particularly difficult for diverse groups. The results also improve (...)
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  7. How virtue signalling makes us better: moral preferences with respect to autonomous vehicle type choices.Robin Kopecky, Michaela Jirout Košová, Daniel D. Novotný, Jaroslav Flegr & David Černý - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (2):937-946.
    One of the moral questions concerning autonomous vehicles (henceforth AVs) is the choice between types that differ in their built-in algorithms for dealing with rare situations of unavoidable lethal collision. It does not appear to be possible to avoid questions about how these algorithms should be designed. We present the results of our study of moral preferences (N = 2769) with respect to three types of AVs: (1) selfish, which protects the lives of passenger(s) over any number of bystanders; (2) (...)
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    Todor Kuljić, Prognani pojmovi: neoliberalna pojmovna revizija misli o društvu, Clio, Beograd, 2018.Milan Urošević - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (3):459-461.
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  9. Argumentation-induced rational issue polarisation.Felix Kopecky - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (1):83-107.
    Computational models have shown how polarisation can rise among deliberating agents as they approximate epistemic rationality. This paper provides further support for the thesis that polarisation can rise under condition of epistemic rationality, but it does not depend on limitations that extant models rely on, such as memory restrictions or biased evaluation of other agents’ testimony. Instead, deliberation is modelled through agents’ purposeful introduction of arguments and their rational reactions to introductions of others. This process induces polarisation dynamics on its (...)
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    Moraltheologie im aufgeklärten theresianisch-josephinischen Zeitalter: sittliche Bildung und Ausgestaltung der Morallehre zum eigenständigen systematischen Lehrfach.František Kopecký - 1990 - St. Ottilien: EOS Verlag.
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  11. The international program geosphere-biosphere-global-changes as a solution to questions of the global environment of mankind.M. Kopecky - 1985 - Filosoficky Casopis 33 (6):821-822.
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  12. Dissent and Civil Disobedience: An Arendtian Perspective.Milan Hanys̆ - 2018 - In Veronika Teryngerová & Hans Rainer Sepp (eds.), Ethics in politics? Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz.
  13. A remark on universal, absolute-time.M. Kopecky - 1982 - Filosoficky Casopis 30 (3):448-449.
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  14. System approach and the improved of social-control.A. Kopecky - 1987 - Filosoficky Casopis 35 (6):838-849.
  15. Zło i wina w filozofii Hegla.Milan Sobotka - 1975 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 21.
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    Significance of sentinel lymph node biopsy labeled by technetium Tc99m and patent blue in treatment of patients with the breast cancer.Milan Višnjić, Predrag Kovačević, Marina Vlajković, Lidija Đorđević & Goran Đorđević - 2005 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 12:76-80.
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    Techno-solutionism and the standard human in the making of the COVID-19 pandemic.Stefania Milan - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Quantification is particularly seductive in times of global uncertainty. Not surprisingly, numbers, indicators, categorizations, and comparisons are central to governmental and popular response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This essay draws insights from critical data studies, sociology of quantification and decolonial thinking, with occasional excursion into the biomedical domain, to investigate the role and social consequences of counting broadly defined as a way of knowing about the virus. It takes a critical look at two domains of human activity that play a (...)
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    Obava ze ztráty vlastního aktérství a absence morálního aktéra u autonomních dopravních prostředků.Robin Kopecký & Michaela Jirout Košová - 2023 - Filosofie Dnes 15 (1).
    Diskuse o filosofických problémech spojených s nástupem autonomní dopravy je často spojena s negativy a je vedena v duchu techno-pesimismu. Významný prostor v této debatě je věnován aplikaci vozíkového dilematu („trolley problem“) do řídících algoritmů vozů. V této eseji se však zamýšlíme nad dalším problémem našich morálních intuic – otázkou morálního aktérství. Pocit morální odpovědnosti si žádá faktickou kontrolu nad situací a kauzální odpovědnost. O tu bývalý řidič jako pasažér autonomního vozu přichází, ale přesto může cítit vinu. Prioritně bychom se (...)
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    A Generalization of the Satisfiability Coding Lemma and Its Applications.Milan Mossé, Harry Sha & Li-Yang Tan - 2022 - 25Th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing 236:1-18.
    The seminal Satisfiability Coding Lemma of Paturi, Pudlák, and Zane is a coding scheme for satisfying assignments of k-CNF formulas. We generalize it to give a coding scheme for implicants and use this generalized scheme to establish new structural and algorithmic properties of prime implicants of k-CNF formulas. Our first application is a near-optimal bound of n⋅ 3^{n(1-Ω(1/k))} on the number of prime implicants of any n-variable k-CNF formula. This resolves an open problem from the Ph.D. thesis of Talebanfard, who (...)
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  20. A humanist looks at the question of evil.David Milan - 2012 - The Australian Humanist 107 (107):18.
    Milan, David While esteemed Christian apologist C.S. Lewis ruefully puzzled over The Problem of Pain, the theologians invented their own word - 'theodicy' - to describe the futile attempts (to date) to resolve monotheism's conundrum - that of an omnipotent, all-loving deity magisterially presiding over a world in which widespread evil is so pervasive. And what a mind bender this is!
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  21. Without the human mind, would god exist?David Milan - 2013 - The Australian Humanist 110 (110):19.
    Milan, David An atheist and his christian friend are engaged in cordial conversation. The latter is taken aback and is rather indignant when his atheist friend declaims, 'On this question of the existence of god I believe that our respective positions are much closer than you imagine'. The Christian's firm riposte is that, by definition, such a harmony of viewpoints is impossible. Unfazed, his non-believing friend offers a thoughtful defence of his claim. He begins, 'You know that, since time (...)
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  22. Models for normal intuitionistic modal logics.Milan Božić & Kosta Došen - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (3):217 - 245.
    Kripke-style models with two accessibility relations, one intuitionistic and the other modal, are given for analogues of the modal systemK based on Heyting's prepositional logic. It is shown that these two relations can combine with each other in various ways. Soundness and completeness are proved for systems with only the necessity operator, or only the possibility operator, or both. Embeddings in modal systems with several modal operators, based on classical propositional logic, are also considered. This paper lays the ground for (...)
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  23. Apparent Speed of Gravity and Backward Causation.Milan M. Cirkovid & Miroljub Dugic - 2004 - Epistemologia 27 (1):107-118.
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    Mutabor.Milan Cvetojević - 2009 - Beograd: Ukronija.
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    Estetska diferencija i ajsthetički način mišljenja.Milan Damnjanović - 1994 - Theoria 37 (4):133-145.
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    Vizantija vo dijalog.Milan Ǵorǵeviḱ - 2015 - Skopje: Magor.
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  27. Napomene uz" privrednikovu knjigu o privredi".Milan Mesi - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  28. Moralne vrednosti u udruženom radu.Milan M. Miladinović - 1976 - Beograd: Privredni predgled.
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  29. Osnovny moralny prykmety komunystokh.Milan M. Miladinović - 1975
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  30. Rađanje ruske inteligencije iz duha prosvetiteljstva: Aleksandar Radiščev (I).Milan Subotić - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (3):293-315.
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  31. Vztah diderotovej filozofie к vede 18. storocia.Milan Zigo - 1963 - Filozofia 18:397.
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    Maldý Hegel na prahu moderny.Milan Znoj - 1990 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova.
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    From data politics to the contentious politics of data.Stefania Milan & Davide Beraldo - 2019 - Big Data and Society 6 (2).
    This article approaches the paradigm shift of datafication from the perspective of civil society. Looking at how individuals and groups engage with datafication, it complements the notion of “data politics” by exploring what we call the “contentious politics of data”. By contentious politics of data we indicate the bottom-up, transformative initiatives interfering with and/or hijacking dominant processes of datafication, contesting existing power relations or re-appropriating data practices and infrastructure for purposes distinct from the intended. Said contentious politics of data is (...)
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    On the Importance of SETI for Transhumanism.Milan M. Cirkovic - 2003 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 13 (2).
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    Izvan povijesnog događanja: dokumenti jednog vremena.Milan Kangrga - 1997 - Split: Feral Tribune.
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    Europe on the move: an exploration of ideas, ethics, and politics in European history.Milan Katuninec - 2022 - Bratislava: VEDA, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
    This book describes and analyses many interesting events in the political development of Europe from the Ancient world to the present day and offers opportunities for a comparative approach, which lays emphasis not only on the historical, economic and social context, but also on the spiritual and intellectual heritage of our European culture.
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  37. Defective Paradigms: Missing Forms and What They Tell Us.Rezac Milan - 2010
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  38. Sufizam–unutrašnja dimenzija islama.Milan Vukomanović - 2008 - Filozofija I Društvo 19 (2):129-151.
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  39. Mladý Hegel na prahu moderny.Milan Znoj - 1990 - Praha: Univerzita Karlova.
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    Axiomatizations of intuitionistic double negation.Milan Bozic & Kosta Došen - 1983 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 12 (2):99-102.
    We investigate intuitionistic propositional modal logics in which a modal operator is equivalent to intuitionistic double negation. Whereas ¬¬ is divisible into two negations, is a single indivisible operator. We shall first consider an axiomatization of the Heyting propositional calculus H, with the connectives →,∧,∨ and ¬, extended with . This system will be called Hdn . Next, we shall consider an axiomatization of the fragment of H without ¬ extended with . This system will be called Hdn + . (...)
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    Tit Livij, Od ustanovitve mesta 1–5.Milan Lovenjak - 2023 - Clotho 5 (1):363-365.
    Ob množici del grških in rimskih piscev, ki so bila prevedena v slovenski jezik, je Livijeva Zgodovina doslej ostala nekako ob strani. Razen posameznih odlomkov ni bilo prevedenega nič. Količina ohranjenega besedila, avtorjev slog z dolgimi stavčnimi periodami, izbranim besediščem in različnimi retoričnimi prijemi, vse to pred­stavlja za prevajalca gotovo precejšnjo oviro. Z novo knjigo, ki je pred kratkim izšla pri Slovenski matici in prinaša prvih pet Livijevih knjig v prevodu Primoža Simonitija, se sedaj to spreminja. Knjigo je uredil David (...)
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    Dialektik und Differenz: Festschrift für Milan Prucha.Milan Průcha, Annett Jubara & David Benseler (eds.) - 2001 - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
    InhaltStichworte zur Dialektik der Freiheit oder Durchaus untaugliche Ausfuhrungen zur Philosophie Milan PruchasJ. Kosta, Das interdisziplinare Forschungsprojekt des Prager Fruhlings von 1968J. Kotik, Der LandvermesserKonzepte der DialektikM. Theunissen, Dialektik der Endlichkeit - Hegel von Heraklit bis DerridaC. Iber, Begriff und Kategorien negativer Dialektik bei AdornoA. Arndt, Figuren der Endlichkeit - Zur Dialektik nach KantB. Scholze, Die dialektische Aufwertung der Rhetorik: Zu Adornos Theorie der DarstellungMotive der Philosophie Hegels und ihre WirkungM. Sobotka, Hegels Spruch: Gott ist totM. Rolli, Zum Vergangenheitscharakter (...)
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  43. Crno-beli svet: Prilog istoriji dualnih tipologija nacionalizma.Milan Subotić - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (26):9-65.
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    Kant and extragalactic revolution in astronomy.Milan M. Ćirković - 2004 - Theoria 47 (1-2):95-109.
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    On the failure of reductionism in cosmology.Milan M. Ćirković - 2008 - Theoria: Beograd 51 (1):19-29.
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    Čovjek i svijet: povijesni svijet i njegova mogućnost.Milan Kangrga - 1975 - Zagreb: Liber.
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    Šverceri vlastitog života: refleksije o hrvatskoj političkoj kulturi i duhovnosti.Milan Kangrga - 2001 - Spit: Kultura & Rasvjeta.
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  48. Logika.Milan Machovec - 1952 - [Praha]: Rovnost.
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  49. Novotomismus; o teologii a filosofii současného katolicismu.Milan Machovec - 1962 - Praha]: Nakl. politické literatury.
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  50. La doctrine sociale de Duguit.Milan P. Marković - 1933 - Paris,: Éditions P. Bossuet.
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