Results for 'Miklós Kiss'

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  1.  14
    Impossible puzzle films: a cognitive approach to contemporary complex cinema.Miklós Kiss - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. Edited by Steven Willemsen.
    Contemporary Complex Cinema. Complex conditions: the resurgence of narrative complexity ; Complex cinema as brain-candy for the empowered viewer ; Narrative taxonomies: simple, complex, puzzle plots -- Cognitive Approach to Contemporary Complex Cinema. Why an (embodied-)cognitive approach? ; Various forms of complexity and their effects on sense making ; Problematizing narrative linearity ; Complicating narrative structures and ontologies ; Under-stimulation and cognitive overload ; Contradictions and unreliabilities ; A cognitive approach to classifying complexity ; Deceptive unreliability and the twist film (...)
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  2. Film narrative and embodied cognition: the impact of image schemas on narrative form.Miklós Kiss - 2015 - In Maarten Coëgnarts & Peter Kravanja, Embodied cognition and cinema. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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    Reachability is harder for directed than for undirected finite graphs.Miklos Ajtai & Ronald Fagin - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):113-150.
    Although it is known that reachability in undirected finite graphs can be expressed by an existential monadic second-order sentence, our main result is that this is not the case for directed finite graphs (even in the presence of certain "built-in" relations, such as the successor relation). The proof makes use of Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games, along with probabilistic arguments. However, we show that for directed finite graphs with degree at most k, reachability is expressible by an existential monadic second-order sentence.
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  4. Why John von Neumann did not Like the Hilbert Space formalism of quantum mechanics (and what he liked instead).Miklos Rédei - 1996 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 27 (4):493-510.
  5. Kreativitási gyakorlatok, fafej, indigo: Erdély Miklós művészetpedagógiai tevékenysége, 1975-1986.Miklós Erdélyi, Sándor Hornyik & Annamária Szőke (eds.) - 2008 - Budapest: MTA Művészettörténeti Kutatóintézet.
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    Phänomenologie des Scheins: Die Seinsweise der gesellschaftlichen Scheinformen.Miklós Almási - 1977 - Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
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  7. Az értelmezés és a magyarázat közötti különbség, avagy a negatív pozitivizmus.Kiss Endre - 2004 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 4.
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    Non-standard Stochastics with a First Order Algebraization.Miklós Ferenczi - 2010 - Studia Logica 95 (3):345-354.
    Internal sets and the Boolean algebras of the collection of the internal sets are of central importance in non-standard analysis. Boolean algebras are the algebraization of propositional logic while the logic applied in non-standard analysis (in non-standard stochastics) is the first order or the higher order logic (type theory). We present here a first order logic algebraization for the collection of internal sets rather than the Boolean one. Further, we define an unusual probability on this algebraization.
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    Haiderism East of Austria:Reaction, Impact and Parallels.Miklós Haraszti - 2000 - Constellations 7 (3):305-315.
  10.  47
    The Hungarian Independent Peace Movement.Miklos Haraszti - 1984 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1984 (61):134-143.
  11. György Lukács nel '56.Mikloś Vásárhelyi E. Antonino Infranca - 1949 - In Lelio La Porta & György Lukács, Lukács chi?: dicono di lui. [Rome]: Bordeaux.
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    Erkenntnis als mächtigster Affekt.Endre Kiss - 2003
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  13. Graduality and closedness in consonantal phonotactics.. A percpetually grounded approach.Zoltán Kiss - 2005 - In Sylvia Blaho, Luis Vicente & Erik Schoorlemmer, Proceedings of Console Xiii. pp. 171--195.
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    Reformulation of the hidden variable problem using entropic measure of uncertainty.Miklós Rédei - 1987 - Synthese 73 (2):371 - 379.
    Using a recently introduced entropy-like measure of uncertainty of quantum mechanical states, the problem of hidden variables is redefined in operator algebraic framework of quantum mechanics in the following way: if A, , E(A), E() are von Neumann algebras and their state spaces respectively, (, E()) is said to be an entropic hidden theory of (A, E(A)) via a positive map L from onto A if for all states E(A) the composite state ° L E() can be obtained as an (...)
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  15. Founded on classical mechanics and interpretation of classical staistical mechanical probabilities.Miklos Redei - unknown
    The problem of relation between statistical mechanics (SM) and classical mechanics (CM), especially the question whether SM can be founded on CM, has been a subject of controversies since the rise of classical statistical mechanics (CSM) at the end of 19th century. The first views rejecting explicitly the possibility of laying the foundations of CSM in CM were triggered by the "Wiederkehr-" and "Umkehreinwand" arguments. These arguments played an important role in the debate about Boltzmann's original H-theorem and led to (...)
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  16. La Ruse De La Raison: Théorie De La Connaissance Et Philosophie De L'histoire.Miklos Vetö - 1998 - Hegel-Studien 33.
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    Reichenbach’s common cause principle and quantum correlations.Miklós Rédei - 2002 - In Tomasz Placek & Jeremy Butterfield, Non-locality and Modality. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 259-270.
    Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle is the claim that if two events are correlated, then either there is a causal connection between the correlated events that is responsible for the correlation or there is a third event, a so called (Reichenbachian) common cause, which brings about the correlation. The paper reviews some results concerning Reichenbach’s notion of common cause, results that are directly relevant to the problem of how one can falsify Reichenbach’s Common Cause Principle. Special emphasis will be put on (...)
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    Heuristic, methodology or logic of discovery? Lakatos on patterns of thinking.Olga Kiss - 2006 - Perspectives on Science 14 (3):302-317.
    . Heuristic is a central concept of Lakatos' philosophy both in his early works and in his later work, the methodology of scientific research programs. The term itself, however, went through significant change of meaning. In this paper I study this change and the ‘metaphysical’ commitments behind it. In order to do so, I turn to his mathematical heuristic elaborated in Proofs and Refutations. I aim to show the dialogical character of mathematical knowledge in his account, which can open a (...)
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  19. Does ought imply can?Miklos Kurthy - 2017 - PLoS ONE 12 (4):e0175206.
    Most philosophers believe that a person can have an obligation only insofar as she is able to fulfil it, a principle generally referred to as “Ought Implies Can”. Arguably, this principle reflects something basic about the ordinary concept of obligation. However, in a paper published recently in this journal, Wesley Buckwalter and John Turri presented evidence for the conclusion that ordinary people in fact reject that principle. With a series of studies, they claimed to have demonstrated that, in people’s judgements, (...)
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    The Devout and the Disabled: Religious and Cultural Accommodation‐as‐Human‐Variation.Miklos I. Zala - 2017 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 35 (4):809-824.
    This article shows that we can identify a subset of religious and cultural accommodation cases that follow the structure of a particular disability model: the Human Variation Model. According to this model, disadvantageous disability arises because most social arrangements are tailored to the needs of individuals with typical characteristics; people with atypical features are frequently left out from these arrangements. Hence, the latter need personalised resources tailored to them, or their social and/or material environment ought to change according to their (...)
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  21.  62
    When can non‐commutative statistical inference be Bayesian?Miklós Rédei - 1992 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 6 (2):129-132.
    Abstract Based on recalling two characteristic features of Bayesian statistical inference in commutative probability theory, a stability property of the inference is pointed out, and it is argued that that stability of the Bayesian statistical inference is an essential property which must be preserved under generalization of Bayesian inference to the non?commutative case. Mathematical no?go theorems are recalled then which show that, in general, the stability can not be preserved in non?commutative context. Two possible interpretations of the impossibility of generalization (...)
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  22. Logical independence in quantum logic.Miklós Rédei - 1995 - Foundations of Physics 25 (3):411-422.
    The projection latticesP(ℳ1),P(ℳ2) of two von Neumann subalgebras ℳ1, ℳ2 of the von Neumann algebra ℳ are defined to be logically independent if A ∧ B≠0 for any 0≠AεP(ℳ1), 0≠BP(ℳ2). After motivating this notion in independence, it is shown thatP(ℳ1),P(ℳ2) are logically independent if ℳ1 is a subfactor in a finite factor ℳ andP(ℳ1),P(ℳ2 commute. Also, logical independence is related to the statistical independence conditions called C*-independence W*-independence, and strict locality. Logical independence ofP(ℳ1,P(ℳ2 turns out to be equivalent to the (...)
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    On the definition and the representability of quasi‐polyadic equality algebras.Miklós Ferenczi - 2016 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 62 (1-2):9-15.
    We show that the usual axiom system of quasi polyadic equality algebras is strongly redundant. Then, so called non‐commutative quasi‐polyadic equality algebras are introduced (), in which, among others, the commutativity of cylindrifications is dropped. As is known, quasi‐polyadic equality algebras are not representable in the classical sense, but we prove that algebras in are representable by quasi‐polyadic relativized set algebras, or more exactly by algebras in.
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  24. How local are local operations in local quantum field theory?Miklós Rédei & Giovanni Valente - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (4):346-353.
  25.  26
    It’s common sense – you don’t need to believe to disagree!Miklós Kürthy, Graham Bex-Priestley & Yonatan Shemmer - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (2):695-717.
    It is often assumed that disagreement only occurs when there is a clash (e.g., inconsistency) between beliefs. In the philosophical literature, this “narrow” view has sometimes been considered the obvious, intuitively correct view. In this paper, we argue that it should not be. We have conducted two preregistered studies gauging English speakers’ intuitions about whether there is disagreement in a case where the parties have non-clashing beliefs and clashing intentions. Our results suggest that common intuitions tell against the default view. (...)
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  26. A Posztmodern Elemei A Misszionálás Szemszögébol.Kiss Endre - 1999 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 6.
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  27. A Szocializmus Vélt Vagy Valóságos Tudatalattija.Kiss Endre - 2003 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 3.
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  28. Stendhal hallgatja a Carment: A művészet szisztematikus helye Friedrich Nietzsche érett filozófiájában.Kiss Endre - 2002 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 1.
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  29. Chances of Human Ecology.Lajos Andras Kiss - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (2):166-176.
    The aim of this paper is to offer an overview of the main positions in ecological ethics as a special field of applied ethics. All approaches in this field endeavour to extend the area of ethics to the non-human world; they have built their systems using different theoretical constructions concerning the meaning of nature. One can enumerate the following main approaches of contemporary ethical views in human ecology: holistic, cosmocentric, biocentric, anthropocentric, pathocentric, and teleological ethics. The paper offers a consciously (...)
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  30. Goal, values, and agent dynamics.G. Kiss - 1996 - In N. Jennings & G. O'Hare, Foundations of Distributed Artificial Intelligence. Wiley. pp. 247--268.
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    Isaac Vossius, Catullus and the Codex Thuaneus.Dániel Kiss - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):344-354.
    For Bernd Niebling and his colleagues at the Lesesaal Altes Buch of the Universitätsbibliothek MünchenWhile the earliest complete manuscripts of Catullus to survive today were written in the fourteenth century, it is well known that poem 62 already appears in an anthology from the ninth century, the Codex Thuaneus (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Parisinus lat. 8071). However, the Thuaneus may once have contained one more poem of Catullus. In his commentary on the poet, which appeared in 1684 but had (...)
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  32. Greek Logic and Arabic Stylistics.Miklós Maróth - 2003 - In Miklós Maróth, Problems in Arabic philosophy. Piliscsaba: Avicenna Institute of Middle Eastern Studies. pp. 87--107.
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    Chromosome structure at interfaces between major chromatin types: Alpha‐ and Beta‐heterochromatin.George L. Gabor Miklos & James N. Cotsell - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (1):1-6.
    The chromocenter of Drosophila polytene chromosomes, which consists of two major chromatin types, has long been a troublesome region in molecular terms. The recent microcloning of part of this region, the isolation of a monoclonal antibody to a beta‐heterochromatin binding protein, and new in situ studies now shed a little more light on this chromosomal region.
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  34. (2 other versions)De Kant à Schelling, les deux voies de l'idéalisme allemand, tome I.MIKLOS VETÖ - 1998
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    The genome of Rickettsia prowazekii and some thoughts on the origin of mitochondria and hydrogenosomes.Miklós Müller & William Martin - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (5):377-381.
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  36.  21
    Aus dem Kitāb Aḥkām al-Qurʿān des Mālikiten Ibn Ḫawāz Mandād.Miklos Muranyi - 2014 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 91 (2):360-373.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 91 Heft: 2 Seiten: 360-373.
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    Facets of Quantum logic.Miklós Rédei - 2001 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 32 (1):101-111.
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    De Whitehead à Marion: éclats de philosophie contemporaine.Miklós Vetö - 2015 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Le présent volume rassemble des études consacrées à la philosophie contemporaine. Cette philosophie est née comme réaction et réponse aux positivismes et aux scientismes, mais également aux mises en question du Système et de l'Universel par Nietzsche. Dans l'aire anglo-américaine, elle est surtout représentée par la pensée du Procès, dans l'aire 'continentale' par la Phénoménologie. Elle re-pense à nouveaux frais des thèmes pérennes de la métaphysique comme le temps et l'espace, le bien et le mal, l'individu, l'amour, Dieu. Les auteurs (...)
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    La synthèse a priori kantienne comme l'essence commune de la liberté et du temps.Miklos Vetö - 1979 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 84 (1):70 - 91.
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    Eléments d'une doctrine chrétienne du mal.Miklos Vetö - 1981 - Librairie Philosophique J Vrin.
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    Student Nurse Attitudes Towards Homeless Clients: a challenge for education and Practice.Miklos Zrinyi & Zoltan Balogh - 2004 - Nursing Ethics 11 (4):334-348.
    The purpose of this research was to describe attitudes of nursing students (and paramedic officers) towards marginalized clients. Convenience quota sampling in a major health faculty was employed. Students participated on a voluntary basis. A 58-item Likert scale, developed by the authors, assessed the student nurses’ attitudes. In general, attitudes towards homeless clients were neutral; detailed analyses, however, revealed that student nurses would decline to care for homeless clients in various situations. Personal experience with homeless patients and positive attitudes of (...)
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  42.  65
    On the Tension Between Physics and Mathematics.Miklós Rédei - 2020 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 51 (3):411-425.
    Because of the complex interdependence of physics and mathematics their relation is not free of tensions. The paper looks at how the tension has been perceived and articulated by some physicists, mathematicians and mathematical physicists. Some sources of the tension are identified and it is claimed that the tension is both natural and fruitful for both physics and mathematics. An attempt is made to explain why mathematical precision is typically not welcome in physics.
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    The ethics of online steering.András Miklós & Jeanine Miklós-Thal - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (3):1-14.
    This paper offers an ethical analysis of online steering, the practice of personalizing search results in e-commerce based on data about users. We first outline the parallels and differences between online steering and price discrimination, arguing that online steering is more likely to benefit consumers and enhance social welfare than price discrimination. Next, we argue that while online steering does not violate any plausible specification of the equal-treatment norm, it involves an element of manipulation that is absent in price discrimination (...)
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    Consequentialism and Its Demands: The Role of Institutions.András Miklós & Attila Tanyi - 2025 - Acta Analytica 40 (1):111-131.
    Consequentialism is often criticized as being overly demanding, and this overdemandingness is seen as sufficient to reject it as a moral theory. This paper takes the plausibility and coherence of this objection—the Demandingness Objection—as a given. Our question, therefore, is how to respond to the Objection. We put forward a response relying on the framework of institutional consequentialism we introduced in previous work. On this view, institutions take over the consequentialist burden, whereas individuals, special occasions aside, are required to set (...)
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    A Tanterv helye és szerepe Kiss Árpád neveléstudományi munkásságában: emlékkötet Kiss Árpád nyolcvanadik születésnapjára.Árpád Kiss, Nándor Horánszky & Zoltán Báthory (eds.) - 1988 - [Budapest]: Országos Pedagógiai Intézet.
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    Phasic affective signals by themselves do not regulate cognitive control.Miklos Bognar, Mate Gyurkovics, Henk van Steenbergen & Balazs Aczel - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (4):650-665.
    Cognitive control is a set of mechanisms that help us process conflicting stimuli and maintain goal-relevant behaviour. According to the Affective Signalling Hypothesis, conflicting stimuli are aversive and thus elicit (negative) affect, moreover – to avoid aversive signals – affective and cognitive systems work together by increasing control and thus, drive conflict adaptation. Several studies have found that affective stimuli can indeed modulate conflict adaptation, however, there is currently no evidence that phasic affective states not triggered by conflict also trigger (...)
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  47. Quantum probability theory.Miklós Rédei & Stephen Jeffrey Summers - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (2):390-417.
  48. Distinguishing causality principles.Miklós Rédei & Iñaki San Pedro - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 43 (2):84-89.
    We distinguish two sub-types of each of the two causality principles formulated in connection with the Common Cause Principle in Henson and raise and investigate the problem of logical relations among the resulting four causality principles. Based in part on the analysis of the status of these four principles in algebraic quantum field theory we will argue that the four causal principles are non- equivalent.
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  49.  33
    Die Araber Und Die Antike Wissenschaftstheorie: [Übersetzung Aus Dem Ungarischen von Johanna Till Und Gábor Kerekes].Miklos Maróth, Johanna Till & Gábor Kerekes - 1990 - Brill.
    The book then discusses another group of issues ("whether it is, what it is, how and why it is"), which determined the argumentation, the axiomatic ordering of the sciences, and concludes with a demonstration on the basis of concrete ...
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  50. Exhaustiveness, normativity, and communicative responsibilities.Miklós Márton & Tibor Bárány - 2022 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk & Martin Hinton, Philosophical Approaches to Language and Communication Vol. 2. Peter Lang. pp. 291-312.
    In this paper we analyze and discuss Jennifer Saul’s account of the famous Gricean notions of ‘what is said’ and ‘what is implicated’ and the alleged conflict between them and the so- called Speaker- Meaning Exhaustiveness Thesis (SMET), which is standardly attributed to Grice in the literature. SMET declares that speaker- meaning divides exhaustively into what is said and what is (conventionally or nonconventionally) implicated by the speaker. After a detailed interpretation of Saul’s position, we argue that her analysis partly (...)
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