Results for 'Mikaël Molet'

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  1.  28
    A focused attention intervention for coping with ostracism.Mikaël Molet, Benjamin Macquet, Olivier Lefebvre & Kipling D. Williams - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1262-1270.
    Ostracism—being excluded and ignored—thwarts satisfaction of four fundamental needs: belonging, self-esteem, control, and meaningful existence. The current study investigated whether training participants to focus their attention on the here-and-now reduces distress from an ostracism experience. Participants were first trained in either focused or unfocused attention, and then played Cyberball, an online ball-tossing game for which half the participants were included or ostracized. Participants reported their levels of need satisfaction during the game, and after a short delay. Whereas both training groups (...)
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    Response production during extinction training is not sufficient for extinction of evaluative conditioning.Adrien Mierop, Mikael Molet & Olivier Corneille - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (6):1181-1195.
    ABSTRACTTwo high-powered experiments examined the role of evaluative response production in the extinction of evaluative conditioning by positioning EC in the procedural and conceptual framewo...
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    Language facilitates introspection: Verbal mind-wandering has privileged access to consciousness.Mikaël Bastian, Sébastien Lerique, Vincent Adam, Michael S. Franklin, Jonathan W. Schooler & Jérôme Sackur - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:86-97.
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    Does Naturalism Make Room for Teleology? The Case of Donald Crosby and Thomas Nagel.Mikael Leidenhag - 2019 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 40 (1):5-19.
    This article explores an important metaphysical issue raised by Donald Crosby in his Nature as Sacred Ground1—namely, the reality and nature of teleology and the explanatory relevance of teleology for understanding human mentality. Crosby, in his endeavor to construct a metaphysical system on which to base religious naturalism, acknowledges the importance of positively accounting for teleology. Teleology is crucial for accounting for human freedom, and if teleology falls prey to reductionism, then a dangerous dissonance is created between naturalism and the (...)
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    Imagining and Sleeping Beauty: A Case for Double-Halfers.Mikael Cozic - 2011 - International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 52 (2):137-143.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a case for the double-halfer position in the sleeping beauty. This case relies on the use of the so-called imaging rule for probabilistic dynamics as a substitute for conditionalization. It is argued that the imaging rule is the appropriate one for dealing with belief change in sleeping beauty and that under natural assumptions, this rule results in the double-halfer position.
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    Is There a Suspension of Subjectivity?Mikael Brorson - 2023 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 28 (1):99-113.
    This article examines the Kierkegaard reception of the Danish theologians K. Olesen Larsen and Johannes Sløk, who both understood Kierkegaard as attempting to radically subvert the freedom of the human being. Initially, I show how current Kierkegaard research on the question of subjectivity, freedom and indirect communication differs from the readings of Olesen Larsen and Sløk. Subsequently, and in contrast to this, Olesen Larsen’s somewhat ambivalent attempt to read Kierkegaard as undermining human freedom is presented. Third, I show how Sløk (...)
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  7. Utmaningars kunskapsteori.Mikael Janvid - 2010 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 1.
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  8. Depictive Traces: On the Phenomenology of Photography.Mikael Pettersson - 2011 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 69 (2):185-196.
    Ever since their invention, photographic images have often been thought to be a special kind of image. Often, photography has been claimed to be a particularly realistic medium. At other times, photographs are said to be epistemically superior to other types of image. Yet another way in which photographs apparently are special is that our subjective experience of looking at photographs seems very different from our experience of looking at other types of image, such as paintings and drawings. While the (...)
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    Experimental evidence for a synchronization of sensory information to conscious experience.Mikael Bergenheim, Hakan Johansson, Brittmarie Granlund & J. Pederson - 1996 - In Stuart R. Hameroff, Alfred W. Kaszniak & Alwyn Scott, Toward a Science of Consciousness: The First Tucson Discussions and Debates. MIT Press.
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  10. Människan utan egenskaper. Om de normativa grundvalarna för den postmoderna konstruktivismens genusteori.Mikael Carleheden - 1999 - Res Publica (Misc) 1:50-67.
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    Commentary 02 on Bernal 1953.Mikael Hård - 2008 - Centaurus 50 (1-2):103-104.
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  12. Dödens återkomst.Mikael Kurkiala - 2022 - Skellefteå: Artos Academic, Artos & Norma bokförlag.
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  13.  15
    Les Merina et leurs tombeaux: note de lecture de l'ouvrage de Maurice Bloch, Placing the dead: tombs, ancestral villages and kinship organization in Madagascar.Louis Molet - 1972 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 2:203-207.
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    Vers une sociologie du christianisme africain: note de lecture de l'ouvrage de David Barrett, schim and renewall in Africa: an analysis of six thousand contemporary religious movements.Louis Molet - 1970 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 2:181-185.
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    Reconciliation in Workplace Bullying Contexts.Mikael Nilsson - 2024 - De Ethica 8 (3):36-50.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss reconciliation in workplace bullying contexts. Bullying is a complex and subtle phenomenon that appears in multilayered workplace contexts, which makes reconciliation a controversial issue. What might reconciliation mean in escalated and deeply harmful bullying processes in ordinary workplaces? By discussing this question, I also address the urgent ethical question of justice and the distribution of responsibilities in reconciliatory processes. Drawing from previous research on bullying interventions, primarily focusing on the views of interventions (...)
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  16.  50
    Theological pragmatism: A critical evaluation.Mikael Stenmark - 2000 - Heythrop Journal 41 (2):187–198.
    Theological pragmatists like Daly, Kaufman, McFague and Reuther claim that the God we should believe in and the kind of images we should use to express our religious faith should be evaluated primarily on the basis of the consequences they have for the maintenance of certain political or moral values. These views are presented and critically evaluated. One difficulty is that their pragmatism seems to clash with our intuition and experience that there is no automatic fit between our moral aspirations (...)
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    Idéal délibératif et idéal démocratique.Mikaël Cozic - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (2):539-545.
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    Scientism: Science, Ethics and Religion.Mikael Stenmark - 2001 - Ashgate.
    Can science tell us everything there is to know about reality? The intellectual and practical successes of science have led some scientists to think that there are no real limits to the competence of science, and no limits to what can be achieved in the name of science. Accordingly, science has no boundaries; it will eventually answer all our problems. This view (and similar views) have been called Scientism. In this important book scientists' views about science and its relationship to (...)
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  19. Photography and Music: Ansel Adams meets Cage, Richter and Richards.Mikael Pettersson - 2024 - Debates in Aesthetics 18 (2):83–98.
    Ansel Adams pointed to an analogy between photography and music, in particular to similarities between, on the one hand, negatives and prints in photography, and, on the other hand, scores and performances in classical music. Dawn M. Wilson uses her ‘multi-stage view’ of photography to (among other things) make the analogy more precise. She also invites others to expand on the analogy. In this piece I do so by, first, discussing darkness in photography and silence in music; and, second, covers (...)
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  20.  56
    Representation theorems and the semantics of decision-theoretic concepts.Mikaël Cozic & Brian Hill - 2015 - Journal of Economic Methodology 22 (3):292-311.
    Contemporary decision theory places crucial emphasis on a family of mathematical results called representation theorems, which relate criteria for evaluating the available options to axioms pertaining to the decision-maker’s preferences. Various claims have been made concerning the reasons for the importance of these results. The goal of this article is to assess their semantic role: representation theorems are purported to provide definitions of the decision-theoretic concepts involved in the evaluation criteria. In particular, this claim shall be examined from the perspective (...)
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  21. Seeing depicted space (or not).Mikael Pettersson - 2018 - In Anna Bergqvist & Robert Cowan, Evaluative Perception. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    What is it to see something in a picture? Most accounts of pictorial experience—or, to use Richard Wollheim’s term, ‘seeing-in’—seek, in various ways, to explain it in terms of how pictures somehow display the looks of things. However, some ‘things’ that we apparently see in pictures do not display any ‘look.’ In particular, most pictures depict empty space, but empty space does not seem to display any ‘look’—at least not in the way material objects do. How do we see it (...)
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  22.  28
    Historical thinking in a digital environment: Swedish history teaching analysed through a TPACK lens.Mikael Bruér - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:57-71.
    This paper presents results from a large-scale study of history teachers in Swedish secondary schools. The study examines perceptions of history, content being taught, teaching methods and use of digital technology. The study uses the Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework to analyse the results together with narrative theory. The main results indicate that knowledge of the past and contemporary perspectives from a canonical tradition are prioritised, together with a content-based lecture-style pedagogy. The use of digital technology does not (...)
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  23. The Facets of Social Capital.Mikael Rostila - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (3):308-326.
    The emergence of the two facets of social capital, the individual and the collective, has contributed to much of the confusion in the field of social capital. The overall objective of this article is to elaborate on a theoretical model aiming at clarifying some bridges between the facets and dimensions of social capital previously suggested in the literature. Initially, the article shortly presents and discusses some important definitions of social capital. Furthermore, limitations and shortcomings of previous definitions are discussed. Moreover, (...)
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  24.  21
    Weighing in on Evidence: Documents and Literary Manuscripts in Early Medieval Japan.Mikael S. Adolphson - 2018 - In Sabine Kienitz, Michael Friedrich, Christian Brockmann & Alessandro Bausi, Manuscripts and Archives: Comparative Views on Record-Keeping. De Gruyter. pp. 297-318.
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    Researching Resistance and Social Change: A Critical Approach to Theory and Practice.Mikael Baaz, Mona Lilia & Stellan Vinthagen - 2017 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International. Edited by Mona Lilia & Stellan Vinthagen.
    Provides a robust theoretical and methodological framework for researching of resistance and social change.
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  26. Dialogue and Critique : On the Theoretical Conditions of a Critique of Society.Mikael Carleheden - 2015 - In Katarzyna Jezierska & Leszek Koczanowicz, Democracy in Dialogue, Dialogue in Democracy: The Politics of Dialogue in Theory and Practice. Burlington, VT: Routledge.
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    How incentive systems arrived in Sweden - a tale of travelling ideas and ghost myths in action.Mikael Cäker, Mikael Wickelgren & Thomas Andersson - 2018 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 11 (1):67.
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    The individual or the institution? Ethics and behavioural responses to social insurance.Mikael Dubois - 2007 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 24 (3):316–328.
    abstract Individuals tend to change their behaviour as a response to insurance. Such behavioural responses to insurance are commonly seen as ethically and morally problematic. This is especially true of effects on behaviour from social insurance. These effects have been seen as an ethical problem, associated with irresponsibility, fraud and an immoral character. This article discusses the relevance of four different types of reasons for claims that behavioural responses to social insurance are immoral. These reasons are independent reasons con‐tract related (...)
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  29.  11
    Okändhetens följeslagare: med frågan som drivkraft och mysteriet som färdmål.Mikael Enckell - 2015 - [Helsinki]: Schildts & Söderströms.
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    When is imitation imitation and who has the right to imitate?Mikael Heimann - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):693-693.
    It is suggested (1) that motivation must not be overlooked, (2) that most social imitation does not involve novel behaviors, and (3) that newborn babies do imitate.
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  31. Review Essay Casullo on the Nature and Existence of A Priori Justification.Mikael Janvid - 2006 - SATS 7 (2).
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    Religious naturalism: The current debate.Mikael Leidenhag - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (8):e12510.
    This paper provides a survey of contemporary religious naturalism. It presents reductive and non‐reductive versions of religious naturalism, and some arguments in favour of this naturalistic perspective. Finally, it discusses three crucial demarcation issues that contemporary religious naturalism faces.
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    La franc-maçonnerie française.Louis Molet - 1976 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 3:405-421.
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    Note de lecture: Eveline Porée-Maspero, étude sur les rites agraires des cambodgiens.Louis Molet - 1972 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 1:122-124.
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    Law, justice and the state: essays on justice and rights: proceedings of the 16th World Congress of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), Reykjavík, 26 May-2 June, 1993.Mikael M. Karlsson (ed.) - 1995 - Stuttgart: F. Steiner Verlag.
    Aus dem Inhalt: Views from the North: Hans Petter Graver: Law, Justice and the State: Nordic Perspectives u Jacob Dahl Rendtorff: The Danish Welfare State: Philosophical Ideals and Systemic Reality u Sigri!Dur *orgeirsdottir: Feminist Ethics and Feminist Politics u Kuellike Lengi: The Situation of Human Rights in Estonia u Einar Palsson: Pythagoras and Early Icelandic Law u Law, Discourse and Rationality: Mats Flodin: Internal and External Rationality of Legal Systems u Logi Gunnarsson: A Discourse About Discourse u Hjordi!s Hakonardottir: Legal (...)
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    The predictive function of Swedish word accents.Mikael Roll - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Swedish lexical word accents have been repeatedly said to have a low functional load. Even so, the language has kept these tones ever since they emerged probably over a thousand years ago. This article proposes that the primary function of word accents is for listeners to be able to predict upcoming morphological structures and narrow down the lexical competition rather than being lexically distinctive. Psycho- and neurophysiological evidence for the predictive function of word accents is discussed. A novel analysis displays (...)
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  37.  45
    Seeing What Is Not There: Pictorial Experience, Imagination, and Non-localization.Mikael Pettersson - 2011 - British Journal of Aesthetics 51 (3):279–294.
    Pictures let us see what is not there. Or rather, since what pictures depict is not really there, we do not really see the things they are pictures of. Ever since Richard Wollheim introduced the notion of seeing-in into philosophical aesthetics, as part of his theory of depiction, there has been a lively debate about how, precisely, to understand this experience. However, one (alleged) feature of seeing-in that Wollheim pointed to has been almost completely absent in the subsequent discussion, namely (...)
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  38. Epistemological Naturalism and the Normativity Objection or from Normativity to Constitutivity.Mikael Janvid - 2004 - Erkenntnis 60 (1):35-49.
    A common objection raised against naturalism is that a naturalized epistemology cannot account for the essential normative character of epistemology. Following an analysis of different ways in which this charge could be understood, it will be argued that either epistemology is not normative in the relevant sense, or if it is, then in a way which a naturalized epistemology can account for with an instrumental and hypothetical model of normativity. Naturalism is here captured by the two doctrines of empiricism and (...)
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  39. Epistemic Leaks and Epistemic Meltdowns: A Response to William Morris on Scepticism with Regard to Reason.Mikael M. Karlsson - 1990 - Hume Studies 16 (2):121-130.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Epistemic Leaks and Epistemic Meltdowns: A Response to William Morris on Scepticism with Regard to Reason Mikael M. Karlsson I. In an excellent paper which appeared in the April, 1989 issue of this journal,2 William Morris attemptsto demonstrate thatthe arguments which make up Hume's notorious chapter, "Of scepticism with regard to reason, are, in the first place, coherent—both internally and with the overall strategy of the Treatise—and, in the (...)
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  40.  44
    Mind wandering at the fingertips: automatic parsing of subjective states based on response time variability.Mikaël Bastian & Jérôme Sackur - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  41.  25
    Rationality in Science, Religion and Everyday Life.Mikael Stenmark - 1995 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    Mikael Stenmark examines four models of rationality and argues for a discussion of rationality that takes into account the function and aim of such human practices as science and religion.
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    The relevance of emergence theory in the science–religion dialogue.Mikael Leidenhag - 2013 - Zygon 48 (4):966-983.
    In this article, I call into question the relevance of emergence theories as presently used by thinkers in the science–religion discussion. Specifically, I discuss theories of emergence that have been used by both religious naturalists and proponents of panentheism. I argue for the following conclusions: (1) If we take the background theory to be metaphysical realism, then there seems to be no positive connection between the reality of emergent properties and the validity of providing reality with a religious interpretation, though (...)
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    Epistemics Strikes Back: Situationality and Interaction Orders in Conversation Analysis.Mikael Belov & Maria Erofeeva - 2023 - Sociology of Power 34 (3-4):50-71.
    Over the lifetime of Conversation Analysis (CA), scholars have discovered many systems of action organisation (machineries) describing how conversational turns occur, what actions are expected, and how intersubjectivity in conversation is maintained. However, when John Heritage proposed a new machinery that examines the knowledge orientation of participants in interactions, a debate broke out between conversation analysts in which Michael Lynch and his colleagues in radical ethnomethodology descend upon on epistemics. The controversy begins with Lynch accusing Heritage of cognitivism and the (...)
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    Les expertises judiciaires : le point de vue du pénaliste, ou comment le juge se dégage de son pouvoir de décision au profit de l’expert….Mikaël Benillouche - 2013 - Médecine et Droit 2013 (120):83-88.
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    Technoscientific Angst: Ethics and Responsibility. Raphael Sassower.Mikael Hård - 2001 - Isis 92 (2):435-436.
  46.  24
    Verbal and social interactions in the nurse–patient relationship in forensic psychiatric nursing care: a model and its philosophical and theoretical foundation.Mikael Rask & David Brunt - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (2):169-176.
    The present paper focuses on the nurse–patient relationship in forensic psychiatric care. From research in the field six categories of nurse–patient interactions are identified: ‘building and sustaining relationships’, ‘supportive/encouraging interactions’, ‘social skills training’, ‘reality orientation’, ‘reflective interactions’ and ‘practical skills training’. The content of each category of interaction in the context of forensic psychiatric care is described. A conceptual model is presented together with an empirical, philosophical and theoretical foundation for the use of verbal and social interactions in nurse–patient interactions (...)
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    How to study public imagination of autonomous systems: the case of the Helsinki automated metro.Mikael Wahlström - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (4):599-612.
    Means of transportation are changing through advances in automation. One issue to be considered in this development is public opinion regarding these systems, yet existing studies of automated transportation do not provide theoretical or methodological means for exploring public imagination, even though this would be relevant in exploring public acceptance of future technologies. Applied for studying public views on a future automated metro system, a method was devised that includes quantitative and qualitative analysis of media and questionnaire data. Although supportive (...)
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  48.  50
    The ideal of freedom in the Anthropocene: A new crisis of legitimation and the brutalization of geo-social conflicts.Mikael Carleheden & Nikolaj Schultz - 2022 - Thesis Eleven 170 (1):99-116.
    Modern social orders are legitimized by the ideal of freedom. Most conceptions of this ideal are theorized against the backdrop of nature understood as governed by its own laws beyond the realm of the social. However, such an understanding of nature is now being challenged by the ‘Anthropocene’ hypothesis. This article investigates the consequences of this hypothesis for freedom as an ideal legitimizing social order. We begin by discussing the conception of legitimation, after which we examine three classical notions of (...)
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  49. (1 other version)How to Relate Science and Religion a Multidimensional Model.Mikael Stenmark - 2005 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 58 (1):55-58.
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  50.  28
    Interview with Andreas Reckwitz: A Society of Singularities.Mikael Carleheden, Anders Petersen & Leon Handreke - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (7-8):287-305.
    This interview addresses Andreas Reckwitz’s main work, A Society of Singularities, but puts it in relation to his earlier and later writings. It starts with the strong and broad reception of this work in Germany. Next, it turns to how his understanding of the transformation of the social logics of modernity is related to other sociological understandings. In this way, the crucial distinctions of his work between the general and the particular, between formal rationalisation and culturalisation, are thematised. The next (...)
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