Results for 'Michele Brenner'

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  1.  51
    Historical Perspectives.Deron R. Boyles, Kathryn Cramer, Timothy Reagan, Thomas Baker, Michele Brenner, Karen Buchanan, Christine Colling, Catherine Drinan, Karen Durbin, John Farra, Melinda Gale, Christy Godwin, George Gostovich, Leslie Greger, Jennifer Howe, Anne Lesch, Carolyn Miller, Holly Powell, Kaycee Taylor, Jesse Tepper, Kelly Wainwright, Todd Wiedemann & Kimberley Zacher - 1997 - Educational Studies 28 (3-4):260-274.
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    Epistemology Historicized: The French Tradition.Anastasios Brenner - unknown
    Following the standard view, scientific theories are formal systems, which receive empirical content by way of certain correspondence rules. The task of philosophy of science is then to make explicit the structure of such systems. In contrast to this view, one can point to the French tradition in philosophy of science. What characterizes this tradition is recourse to historical study, which has evolved from an attempt to bridge the fields of philosophy of science and history of science by a closer (...)
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    Auguste Comte. Oeuvres: Cours de philosophie positive, leçons 46–51. Ed., Michel Bourdeau, Laurent Clauzade, and Frédéric Dupin. Paris: Hermann, 2012. Pp. 430. €48.00. [REVIEW]Anastasios Brenner - 2014 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 4 (1):176-178.
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    Riding the Long Wave.Michel Husson - 1999 - Historical Materialism 5 (1):77-102.
    Robert Brenner's contribution to the history of post-war capitalism provides a stimulating basis for the opening of a debate on this subject. I will begin with some critical remarks before putting forward a number of alternative propositions on the functioning of contemporary capitalism.
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  5. Studi e ricerche-Analisi nominale e analisi verbale nel> di Platone.Michele Esposti Ongaro - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (2):240.
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    Lo spettro di Blanco: una nota a Ugo Mattei.Michele Surdi - 2012 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 24 (46).
    By noting the end of the dualism between public and private law, between state and international law and between goods and services, the article comments and interprets Ugo Mattei’s doctrine about new forms of property. Cognitive transformations, both technological and social, do not prelude to a new and different juridical intermediation as guarantee of the communal regime of goods. These new forms of property, when confronted with the domain that private economic property continues to exercise, do not announce neither the (...)
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    Mater Dolorosa: Negotiating Support in NSW Youth Justice Conferencing.Michele Zappavigna & J. R. Martin - 2014 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 27 (2):263-275.
    At the heart of Youth Justice Conferencing, a form of restorative justice aimed at addressing youth crime, is the notion that young persons who have committed an offence should be ‘reintegrated’ into their communities (Braithwaite in Crime, shame and reintegration. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989). This paper focuses on the role of parents as support persons, in particular the ‘crying mum’, an identity often leveraged by the Convenor when prompting the young person to express remorse to the circle. We explore (...)
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  8.  7
    Le christianisme: une pensée puissante d'après Claude Tresmontant: catéchèse en vue de la nouvelle évangélisation.Michèle Juin - 2016 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    L'oeuvre de Claude Tresmontant est un formidable appel à un développement théologique digne des défis actuels du XXIe siècle, fondé sur les bases solides théologiques reconnues par l'Eglise, en particulier les conciles. Tresmontant qui connaît parfaitement l'hébreu s'est livré à une recherche approfondie sur le véritable contenu du christianisme. Sa pensée est celle d'une métaphysique qui nous réconcilie avec le réel : il donne toute sa place dans la réflexion à ce que les sciences de la nature nous enseignent.
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  9.  19
    History, Cinema's Auxiliary.Michele Lagny & Dianah Jackson - 1986 - Substance 15 (3):8.
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    Recensione di V. Bochicchio, Costruttivismo e psicopatologia.Michele Giovanni Laquale - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (1):99-102.
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    Ferrea razionalità e logica ineludibile nel monismo ontologico assoluto di Parmenide.Michele Abbate - 2013 - Anuario Filosófico 46 (1):79-119.
    La interpretación monista de la ontología de Parménides aquí propuesta parece confirmada por la lógica ineludible que impregna enteramente su pensamiento. A pesar del carácter fragmentario de su poema, es posible reconstruir la férrea racionalidad de la ontología parmenídea. Esta lógica intrínsecamente coherente pone de manifiesto la absoluta necesidad de la naturaleza monística del ser. En esta perspectiva parece evidente la absoluta incompatibilidad de la perfecta racionalidad y coherencia de la verdad con la dimensión engañosa e inconsistente de la doxa.
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    Hilbert’s τ and ϵ in Proof Theory: a proof-theoretical representation of universal and existential statements.Michele Abrusci - 2018 - In Alessandro Giordani & Ciro de Florio, From Arithmetic to Metaphysics: A Path Through Philosophical Logic. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-22.
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    Site-Worship and the Iconopoietic Power of Kinetic Devotions.Michele Bacci - 2019 - Convivium 6 (1):20-47.
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    Technological Grounding: Enrolling Technology as a Discursive Resource to Justify Cultural Change in Organizations.Michele H. Jackson & Paul M. Leonardi - 2009 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 34 (3):393-418.
    In technologically grounded organizations, culture is bound tightly to the material characteristics of the technology that the organization manufactures, distributes, or services. Technological grounding helps explain why high-technology organizations often experience cultural integration problems following a merger. Examining the recent merger of US West and Qwest, this article analyzes how powerful actors strategically used the process of technological grounding to enroll a core technology to situate postmerger integration in technological terms, creating a discourse of inevitability that then justified publicly Qwest's (...)
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  15.  11
    Treading a Fine Line: Characterisations and Impossibilities for Liberal Principles in Infinitely-Lived Societies.Michele Lombardi & Roberto Veneziani - 2012 - B.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics 12 (1):24.
    This paper extends the analysis of liberal principles in social choice recently proposed by Mariotti and Veneziani (2009a) to infinitely-lived societies. First, some novel characterisations of inegalitarian leximax social welfare relations are derived based on the Individual Benefit Principle (IBP), which incorporates a liberal, non-interfering view of society. This is surprising because the IBP does not explicitly incorporate any preference for inequality, nor does it assign priority to well-off members of society. Second, some impossibility results are derived that highlight a (...)
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  16.  18
    Logica e ontologia nella filosofia analitica.Michele Marsonet - 1994 - Acta Philosophica 3 (1).
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  17. Unravelling the human side of the board: the role of motivational and cognitive compatibility in board decision making.Michele Morner, Eva-Maria Renger & Reynaldo Valle Thiele - 2010 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 5 (4):323-342.
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  18.  53
    Social welfare, the neo-conservative turn and educational opportunity.Michele S. Moses - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (2):275–286.
    This essay examines the educational opportunities of people in poverty who receive social welfare assistance. The dominant political theory underlying social policy (including education policy) in the United States has evolved from 1960s and 1970s welfare liberalism into 1980s and 1990s style neo-conservatism—a theory that embraces principles of the market and individual liberty as paramount social values. Against this backdrop, I review two recent books that provide compelling evidence for this turn and I call for increased understanding of the relationship (...)
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  19.  25
    In memoria di Leviatano. Un esperimento con Foucault.Michele Spanò - 2015 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 27 (52).
    This essay is an attempt to deal seriously with the Foucauldian concept of governmentality. Instead of charting its emergence and its uses in Foucault’s disperse texts, the essay contends with governmentality as a concept able to refresh our very understanding of politics. Governmentality is described as the best concept through which to interrupt the “natural” relationship linking modern western States to sovereignty. This is why governmentality is coupled with apparently distant legal and political historically oriented lines of thought. The essay (...)
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  20.  32
    Le vie della spiritualità monastica a Bisanzio.Michele Trizio - 2009 - Quaestio 9:412-417.
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    Neoplatonic source-material in Eustratios of Nicaea's commentary on Book VI of the Nicomachean ethics.Michele Trizio - 2009 - In Charles Barber & David Jenkins, Medieval Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics. Boston: Brill. pp. 101--71.
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    La biopedagogia: dottrina e practica di una nuova scienza dell'educazione.Michele M. Tumminelli - 1954 - Milano,: Editrice "La Scuola do oggi".
  23. Traditio and Novitas: For a study of the sources of Tommaso Campanella's philosophy.Michele Vittori - 2006 - Rinascimento 46:595-617.
  24.  17
    Unmögliche und unvollständige Gegenstände bei Alexius Meinong.Michele Lenoci - 2022 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 99 (2):228-238.
    This essay presents a personal remembering of Rudolf Haller and deals with his interpretation and evaluation of Meinong’s theory of impossible and incomplete objects in order to better understand the objects of fiction and imagination.
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    La logica di Croce e altri scritti.Michele Maggi - 1994 - Napoli: Bibliopolis.
    La logica di Croce -- Croce oggi -- Lo storicismo assoluto e l'ideologia sociale -- Il negativo e l'ombra del male -- Il concetto della natura e la storia -- Universalismo e mondo tedesco nella Kulturphilosophie di Ernst Cassirer -- Storicismo e marxismo di Gramsci.
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  26. Aisthētika theōrēmata.Panagiōtēs Andreou Michelēs - 1971
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    Liminaire.Michèle Émond & Maurice Burgevin - 2002 - Horizons Philosophiques 12 (2):I.
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  28.  13
    Civil anger as paying attention.Michele Moses - 2020 - Philosophy of Education:20-27.
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  29.  83
    Husserl on Communication and Knowledge Sharing in the Logical Investigations and a 1931 Manuscript.Michele Averchi - 2018 - Husserl Studies 34 (3):209-228.
    In the Logical Investigations, Husserl argues that “sign” is an ambiguous word because it refers to two essentially different signitive functions: indication and expression. Indications work in an evidential way, providing information through a direct association of the sign and the presence of an object or state of affairs. Expressions work in a non-evidential way, pointing to possible experiences and displaying that the speaker or someone else has had such experience. In this paper I show that Husserl went back to (...)
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  30. Ethics vs. Metaphysics.Michele Odisseas Impagnatiello - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Sometimes, a metaphysical theory has revisionary ethical consequences: for example, some have thought that modal realism entails that there are no moral obligations. In these cases, one may be tempted to reject the metaphysical theory on the grounds that it conflicts with commonsensical ethics. This is an ethics-to-metaphysics inference. My claim is that this inference is in general irrational, and that the fact that a metaphysical theory has highly revisionary ethical consequences is no reason at all to reject the theory. (...)
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  31. Il realismo politico trasformativo.Michele Filippini - 2024 - Milano: Mimesis.
  32. Mathematical Fixtures.Michèle Friend - 2013 - In Michèle Friend, Pluralism in Mathematics: A New Position in Philosophy of Mathematics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
  33.  21
    Ontology and Conceptual Schemes.Michele Marsonet - 1997 - In Mark Sainsbury, Thought and Ontology. Franco Angeli. pp. 23--41.
  34.  18
    Scientific Realism and Pragmatic Idealism.Michele Marsonet - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 64:98-110.
  35.  20
    Science, Reality, and Language.Michele Marsonet - 1995 - State University of New York Press.
    This book explains why anti-realism is so popular with philosophers of science by showing that many contemporary philosophers of science and language, who define themselves as empiricists, in fact have evolved into linguistic idealists.
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    Enacting identity in microblogging through ambient affiliation.Michele Zappavigna - 2014 - Discourse and Communication 8 (2):209-228.
    This article explores how we use social media to construe identities and align with others into communities of shared values. The focus is on how ‘users of language perform their identities within uses of language’: How do personae using the microblogging service Twitter perform relational identities as they enact discourse fellowships? Addressing this question means understanding how personae enter into ambient affiliation. Such affiliation is ambient in the sense that social media users may not be interacting directly, but instead participating (...)
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  37.  6
    Introduzione alla bioetica.Michele Aramini - 2001 - Milano: Giuffrè.
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    The World of Convivium: between Post-modernism and new Discoveries.Michele Bacci & Ivan Foletti - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):11-15.
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  39. Quantum Formalism: Brief Epistemological Considerations.Michele Caponigro - forthcoming
    We argue about a conceptual approach to quantum formalism. Starting from philosophical conjectures (Platonism, Idealism and Realism) as basic ontic elements (namely: math world, data world, and state of matter), we will analyze the quantum superposition principle. This analysis bring us to demonstrate that the basic assumptions affect in different ways:(a) the general problem of the information and computability about a system, (b) the nature of the math tool utilized and (c) the correspondent physical reality.
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  40. La bellezza: atti del Meeting "Le due culture," VII edizione, Ariano Irpino, 2/6 settembre 2015.Michele Farisco (ed.) - 2016 - Soveria Mannelli: Rubbettino.
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    Il metodo gnoseologico nella filosofia di Pasquale Galluppi: discorsi critico-interpretativi.Michele Filipponio & Pasquale Galluppi - 1984 - Cosenza: Pellegrini. Edited by Pasquale Galluppi.
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  42. Filling the gap, or jumping over it? Emergentism and naturalism.Michele Di Francesco - 2005 - Epistemologia 28 (1):93-120.
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  43. Philosophical Presentation of Pluralism.Michèle Friend - 2013 - In Michèle Friend, Pluralism in Mathematics: A New Position in Philosophy of Mathematics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
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    Etica della persona e diritti umani: la prospettiva del personalismo polacco.Michele Indellicato - 2013 - Lecce: Pensa multimedia.
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  45. Il significato realistico della relatività.Michele Russo - 1983 - Caltanissetta: S. Sciascia.
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    Bioetica e psichiatria.Michele Schiavone - 1990 - Pàtron.
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  47. Essenza dell'essere e sua dialetticità.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1956 - Giornale di Metafisica 11 (3):297.
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  48. Introducción al estudio de Pascal.Michele F. Sciacca - 1947 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 6 (20):91.
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    La interioridad objetiva.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1963 - Editorial L. Miracle.
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  50. Risposta a Mons. Olgiati.Michele Federico Sciacca - 1950 - Giornale di Metafisica 5 (3):300.
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