Results for 'Michela Bernardi'

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  1.  5
    Stato sociale e libertà politica in Tocqueville.Michela Bernardi - 2010 - Saonara (PD) [i.e. Padua, Italy]: Il prato.
  2.  74
    Methods of cheating and deterrents to classroom cheating: An international study.Richard A. Bernardi, Ania V. Baca, Kristen S. Landers & Michael B. Witek - 2008 - Ethics and Behavior 18 (4):373 – 391.
    This study examines the methods students use to cheat on class examinations and suggests ways of deterring using an international sample from Australia, China, Ireland, and the United States. We also examine the level of cheating and reasons for cheating that prior research has highlighted as a method of demonstrating that our sample is equivalent to those in prior studies. Our results confirm the results of prior research that primarily employs students from the United States. The data indicate that actions (...)
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    La politique du citoyen.Bruno Bernardi - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (1):3-21.
    Bernardi, Bruno | : L’analyse d’un passage peu commenté du Contrat social montre que Rousseau aborde d’une façon singulière la problématique aussi classique qu’actuelle des rapports entre liberté et sécurité. La position de sujet et celle de citoyen découlent toutes deux de la nature du corps politique. Elles sont porteuses de deux types d’exigences : la protection des personnes et des biens dans un cas, celle de la liberté civile et politique dans l’autre. Rousseau n’oppose pas ces exigences entre (...)
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    Reflections on the hegemonic exclusion of critical realism from academic settings: alone in a room full of people.Cecilia de Bernardi - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (4):374-389.
    ABSTRACTIn this paper, I discuss my personal experience of the issues that can arise when adopting critical realism in academic contexts dominated by irrealist methodological approaches. I draw inspiration for my analysis from the concept of Gramscian hegemony and the concept of ‘authenticity’. These concepts are related because hegemonic processes prevent individuals from freely expressing themselves. In my case, academic hegemony has resulted in social pressure to sacrifice my authentic critical realist self in order to achieve academic success. I also (...)
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    Interview with Invited Speaker Michela Massimi, Philosophy as a Way of Life.Michela Massimi & Peter West - 2018 - Perspectives 8 (1):31-34.
    Michela Massimi is a Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of Edinburgh and was the keynote speaker for Philosophy as a Way of Life. She is currently the PI for an ERC-funded project ʽPerspectival Realism. Science, Knowledge, and Truth from a Human Vantage Point.ʼ Massimi has extensive experience working on interdisciplinary projects and has frequently engaged in public philosophy. In this interview, she discusses the future of research in the UK post-Brexit, the challenges and rewards of interdisciplinary (...)
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    The uniqueness of the fixed-point in every diagonalizable algebra.Claudio Bernardi - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (4):335 - 343.
    It is well known that, in Peano arithmetic, there exists a formula Theor (x) which numerates the set of theorems. By Gödel's and Löb's results, we have that Theor (˹p˺) ≡ p implies p is a theorem ∼Theor (˹p˺) ≡ p implies p is provably equivalent to Theor (˹0 = 1˺). Therefore, the considered "equations" admit, up to provable equivalence, only one solution. In this paper we prove (Corollary 1) that, in general, if P (x) is an arbitrary formula built (...)
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    (1 other version)The association among bribery and unethical corporate actions: an international comparison.Richard A. Bernardi & Katie M. Vassill - 2004 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 13 (4):342-353.
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    On the relation provable equivalence and on partitions in effectively inseparable sets.Claudio Bernardi - 1981 - Studia Logica 40 (1):29 - 37.
    We generalize a well-knownSmullyan's result, by showing that any two sets of the kindC a = {x/ xa} andC b = {x/ xb} are effectively inseparable (if I b). Then we investigate logical and recursive consequences of this fact (see Introduction).
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  9. Understanding Perspectivism (Open Access): Scientific Challenges and Methodological Prospects.Michela Massimi & Casey D. Mccoy - 2019 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
    This edited collection is the first of its kind to explore the view called perspectivism in philosophy of science. The book brings together an array of essays that reflect on the methodological promises and scientific challenges of perspectivism in a variety of fields such as physics, biology, cognitive neuroscience, and cancer research, just as a few examples. What are the advantages of using a plurality of perspectives in a given scientific field and for interdisciplinary research? Can different perspectives be integrated? (...)
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    Bilingual Language Switching: Production vs. Recognition.Michela Mosca & Kees de Bot - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Perspectival realism.Michela Massimi - 2022 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What does it mean to be a realist about science if one takes seriously the view that scientific knowledge is always perspectival, namely historically and culturally situated? In this book, Michela Massimi articulates an original answer to this question. The book begins with an exploration of how scientific communities often resort to several models and a plurality of practices in some areas of inquiry, drawing on examples from nuclear physics, climate science, and developmental psychology. Taking this plurality in science (...)
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  12. Two Kinds of Exploratory Models.Michela Massimi - 2019 - Philosophy of Science 86 (5):869-881.
    I analyze the exploratory function of two main modeling practices: targetless fictional models and hypothetical perspectival models. In both cases, I argue, modelers invite us to imagine or conceive something about the target system, which is known to be either nonexistent or just hypothetical. I clarify the kind of imagining or conceiving involved in each modeling practice, and I show how each—in its own right—delivers important modal knowledge. I illustrate these two kinds of exploratory models with Maxwell’s ether model and (...)
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  13. Semantic composition and presupposition projection in subjunctive conditionals.Michela Ippolito - 2006 - Linguistics and Philosophy 29 (6):631 - 672.
    The goal of this paper is to offer a compositional semantics for subjunctive and indicative will conditionals, and to derive the projection properties of the types of conditionals we consider and in particular those of counterfactual conditionals. It is argued that subjunctive conditionals are "bare" conditional embedded under temporal and aspectural operators, which constrain the interpretation of the modal operators in the embedded conditional. Furthermore, it is argued that a theory of presupposition projection à la Heim together with the present (...)
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    Defining Leadership in Smart Working Contexts: A Concept Synthesis.Michela Iannotta, Chiara Meret & Giorgia Marchetti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Preface.Michela Massimi - 2008 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 63:v-v.
    The debate on scientific realism has raged among philosophers of science for decades. The scientific realist's claim that science aims to give us a literally true description of the way things are, has come under severe scrutiny and attack by Bas van Fraassen's constructive empiricism. All science aims at is to save the observable phenomena, according to van Fraassen. Scientific realists have faced since a main sceptical challenge: the burden is on them to prove that the entities postulated by our (...)
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  16. Presuppositions and Implicatures in Counterfactuals.Michela Ippolito - 2003 - Natural Language Semantics 11 (2):145-186.
    In this article, I propose a semantic account of temporally mismatched past subjunctive counterfactuals. The proposal consists of the following parts. First, I show that in cases of temporal mismatch, [past] cannot be interpreted inside the proposition where it occurs at surface structure. Instead, it must be interpreted as constraining the time argument of the accessibility relation. This has the effect of shifting the time of the evaluation of the conditional to some contextually salient past time. Second, I will propose (...)
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  17.  85
    Weinberg's proof of the spin-statistics theorem.Michela Massimi & Michael Redhead - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 34 (4):621-650.
    The aim of this paper is to offer a conceptual analysis of Weinberg's proof of the spin-statistics theorem by comparing it with Pauli's original proof and with the subsequent textbook tradition, which typically resorts to the dichotomy positive energy for half-integral spin particles/microcausality for integral-spin particles. In contrast to this tradition, Weinberg's proof does not directly invoke the positivity of the energy, but derives the theorem from the single relativistic requirement of microcausality. This seemingly innocuous difference marks an important change (...)
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  18.  19
    Examining the Decision Process of Students' Cheating Behavior: An Empirical Study.Richard Bernardi, Rene Metzger, Ryann Scofield Bruno, Marisa Wade Hoogkamp, Lillian Reyes & Gary Barnaby - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (4):397-414.
    This research examines the association between attitudes on cheating and cognitive moral development. In this research, we use Rest's (1979a) Defining Issues Test, the Attitudes on Honesty Scale (Authors) and Academic Integrity Index (Authors); the last two are adaptations of the DIT. A total of 220 students from three universities participated in the study (66 psychology majors and 154 business majors). The data indicate that 66.4 percent of the students reported that they cheated in high school, college, or both high (...)
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    Exclusion principle and the identity of indiscernibles: A response to Margenau's argument.Michela Massimi - 2001 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 52 (2):303--30.
    This paper concerns the question of whether Pauli's Exclusion Principle (EP) vindicates the contingent truth of Leibniz's Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles (PII) for fermions as H. Weyl first suggested with the nomenclature ‘Pauli–Leibniz principle’. This claim has been challenged by a time-honoured argument, originally due to H. Margenau and further articulated and champione by other authors. According to this argument, the Exclusion Principle—far from vindicating Leibniz's principle—would refute it, since the same reduced state, viz. an improper mixture, can (...)
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  20. Classifying positive equivalence relations.Claudio Bernardi & Andrea Sorbi - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):529-538.
    Given two (positive) equivalence relations ∼ 1 , ∼ 2 on the set ω of natural numbers, we say that ∼ 1 is m-reducible to ∼ 2 if there exists a total recursive function h such that for every x, y ∈ ω, we have $x \sim_1 y \operatorname{iff} hx \sim_2 hy$ . We prove that the equivalence relation induced in ω by a positive precomplete numeration is complete with respect to this reducibility (and, moreover, a "uniformity property" holds). This (...)
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  21. Four Kinds of Perspectival Truth.Michela Massimi - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 96 (2):342-359.
    In this paper, I assess recent claims in philosophy of science about scientific perspectivism being compatible with realism. I clarify the rationale for scientific perspectivism and the problems and challenges that perspectivism faces in delivering a form of realism. In particular, I concentrate my attention on truth, and on ways in which truth can be understood in perspectival terms. I offer a cost-benefit analysis of each of them and defend a version that in my view is most promising in living (...)
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    Discussione su "L'ora di religione", di Marco Bellocchio.Sandro Bernardi & Mario Pezzella - 2003 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 16 (2):375-384.
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    Der Traum vom neutralen Blick: Parmenides und Wittgenstein als radikale Realisten.Jörg Bernardy - 2017 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Dieser Essay beschreibt die Geburt der faktischen Vernunft und erzahlt vom Ursprung des faktischen Zeitalters bei Parmenides und Wittgenstein bis in unsere Gegenwart hinein. Parmenides und Wittgenstein trennen ganze 2500 Jahre und doch stehen beide fur einen radikalen Realismus und eine zeitlose Ontologie in der Geschichte des Denkens: gemeinsam ist ihnen ein neutraler Blick von oben. Jeder neutrale Realismus ist ein Versuch, gegen die Sinnlosigkeit des Lebens anzugehen. Ob unerschutterliche Seinskugel oder philosophische Leiter, die immer wieder uberwunden werden muss, beides (...)
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  24. Globalizzazione, individualizzazione e morte delle classi sociali: uno studio empirico su 18 paesi europei.Fabrizio Bernardi - 2009 - Polis (Misc) 2:221-246.
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    Prisciano e il futuro del congiuntivo.Michela Rosellini - 2009 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 153 (2):300-309.
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    L'elemento femminile nel pensiero di Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.Annamaria Tassone Bernardi - 2023 - San Pietro in Cariano (Verona): Gabrielli editori.
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    Acosmismo come religione: Giovanni Gentile e Piero Martinetti interpreti di Spinoza.Michela Torbidoni - 2019 - Roma: Edizioni di Comunità.
  28.  93
    Fostering Ethics Research: An Analysis of the Accounting, Finance and Marketing Disciplines.Richard A. Bernardi, Michael R. Melton, Scott D. Roberts & David F. Bean - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):157-170.
    This study compares the level of ethics research published in 25 business-ethics journals and the Top-40 journals for the accounting, finance, and marketing disciplines. This research documents an increasing level of ethics research in the accounting and marketing disciplines starting in 1992. While the level of finance doctorates reported by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) has increased at a higher rate (40.4%) than accounting (18.4%) and marketing (32.2%) since 1995, this increase has not been reflected in (...)
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  29.  46
    Pauli's Exclusion Principle: The origin and validation of a scientific principle.Michela Massimi - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    There is hardly another principle in physics with wider scope of applicability and more far-reaching consequences than Pauli's exclusion principle. This book explores the principle's origin in the atomic spectroscopy of the early 1920s, its subsequent embedding into quantum mechanics, and later experimental validation with the development of quantum chromodynamics. The reconstruction of this crucial historic episode provides an excellent foil to reconsider Kuhn's view on incommensurability. The author defends the prospective rationality of the revolutionary transition from the old to (...)
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  30.  79
    Das Leibgedächtnis. Ein Beitrag aus der Phänomenologie Husserls.Michela Summa - 2011 - Husserl Studies 27 (3):173-196.
    ZusammenfassungDie Unterscheidung von verschiedenen Gedächtnisformen und -systemen sowie die Beziehung zwischen Gedächtnis und Leiblichkeit stehen sowohl im Fokus der kognitionswissenschaftlichen, als auch der phänomenologischen Debatte. In diesem Artikel wird versucht, beide Ansätze zum Thema in einen Dialog zu bringen. Das Leibgedächtnis wird hier zunächst phänomenologisch als der konkreteste Ausdruck des impliziten Gedächtnisses bestimmt. Basierend auf Edmund Husserls Analysen zum Zeitbewusstsein und zur leiblichen Erfahrung werden folglich die Strukturen und die Dynamik des Leibgedächtnisses hervorgehoben. Dabei wird gezeigt, dass das Leibgedächtnis sowohl (...)
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  31. Exploring consciousness in emotional face decoding: An event-related potential analysis.Michela Balconi - 2006 - Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs 132 (2):129-150.
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    Consciousness, emotion and face: An event-related potentials (ERP) study.Michela Balconi & Claudio Lucchiari - 2005 - In Ralph D. Ellis & Natika Newton (eds.), Consciousness and Emotion: Agency, Conscious Choice, and Selective Perception. John Benjamins. pp. 121.
  33.  27
    Structural differences in the production of written arguments.Bianca De Bernardi & Emanuela Antolini - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (2):175-196.
    The purpose of this study is to analyse the structure of written argumentative texts produced by pupils in grades 3, 5, 7 and 11 in relation to three different tasks: Group A — subjects are assigned a topic question consisting of a single statement ; Group B — subjects are given a topic question consisting of both a statement and its opposite ; Group C — subjects are given an initial and a final sentence of a text, which they have (...)
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    Computer simulations and experiments: The case of the Higgs boson.Michela Massimi & Wahid Bhimji - 2015 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 51 (C):71-81.
  35.  33
    Enhancement of Pleasure during Spontaneous Dance.Nicolò F. Bernardi, Antoine Bellemare-Pepin & Isabelle Peretz - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
  36.  49
    Three problems about multi-scale modelling in cosmology.Michela Massimi - 2018 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 64:26-38.
  37. Scientific Perspectivism and Its Foes.Michela Massimi - 2012 - Philosophica 84 (1):25-52.
    In this paper, I address a prominent realist challenge recently raised by Anjan Chakravartty (2010) against scientific perspectivism. I offer a response to the challenge, by rethinking scientific perspectivism as a view on how we form scientific knowledge, as opposed to a view about what sort of objects we have scientific knowledge of. My response follows Ernest Sosa’s perspectivism in epistemology by drawing a distinction between truth and justification for our knowledge claims. With this distinction in place, I pledge to (...)
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  38. Kant’s dynamical theory of matter in 1755, and its debt to speculative Newtonian experimentalism.Michela Massimi - 2011 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 42 (4):525-543.
    This paper explores the scientific sources behind Kant’s early dynamic theory of matter in 1755, with a focus on two main Kant’s writings: Universal Natural History and Theory of the Heavens and On Fire. The year 1755 has often been portrayed by Kantian scholars as a turning point in the intellectual career of the young Kant, with his much debated conversion to Newton. Via a careful analysis of some salient themes in the two aforementioned works, and a reconstruction of the (...)
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  39. Points of view: Kant on perspectival knowledge.Michela Massimi - 2018 - Synthese 198 (S13):3279-3296.
    The aim of this paper is to cast new light on an important and often overlooked notion of perspectival knowledge arising from Kant. In addition to a traditional notion of perspectival knowledge as "knowledge from a vantage point", a second novel notion — "knowledge towards a vantage point" —is here introduced. The origin and rationale of perspectival knowledge 2 are traced back to Kant's so-called transcendental illusion. The legacy of the Kantian notion of perspectival knowledge 2 for contemporary discussions on (...)
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    Phenomenological explanation: towards a methodological integration in phenomenological psychopathology.Michela Summa - 2023 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 22 (3):719-741.
    Whether, and in what sense, research in phenomenology and phenomenological psychopathology has—in addition to its descriptive and hermeneutic value—explanatory power is somewhat controversial. This paper shows why it is legitimate to recognize such explanatory power. To this end, the paper analyzes two central concerns underlying the debate about explanation in phenomenology: (a) the warning against reductionism, which is implicit in a conception of causal explanation exclusively based on models of natural/physical causation; and (b) the warning against top-down generalizations, which neglect (...)
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  41. .Michela Massimi & Angela Breitenbach - unknown
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    Moral distress in nurses in oncology and haematology units.Michela Lazzarin, Andrea Biondi & Stefania Di Mauro - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (2):183-195.
    One of the difficulties nurses experience in clinical practice in relation to ethical issues in connection with young oncology patients is moral distress. In this descriptive correlational study, the Moral Distress Scale-Paediatric Version (MDS-PV) was translated from the original language and tested on a conventional sample of nurses working in paediatric oncology and haematology wards, in six north paediatric hospitals of Italy. 13.7% of the total respondents claimed that they had changed unit or hospital due to moral distress. The items (...)
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    Shadow of HIV exceptionalism 40 years later.Michela Blain, Stephaun E. Wallace & Courtney Tuegel - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (11):727-728.
    During the AIDS epidemic in the 1980s, it was crucial that providers take steps to protect patients by managing HIV with the perspective of ‘HIV exceptionalism’. However, in 2020, the social and historical barriers erected by this concept, as demonstrated in this patient’s case, are considerably impeding progress to end the epidemic. With significant medical advances in HIV treatment and prevention, the policies informed by HIV exceptionalism now paradoxically perpetuate stigma and inequities, particularly for people of colour. To improve overall (...)
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    Topological aspects of branching-time semantics.Michela Sabbadin & Alberto Zanardo - 2003 - Studia Logica 75 (3):271 - 286.
    The aim of this paper is to present a new perspective under which branching-time semantics can be viewed. The set of histories (maximal linearly ordered sets) in a tree structure can be endowed in a natural way with a topological structure. Properties of trees and of bundled trees can be expressed in topological terms. In particular, we can consider the new notion of topological validity for Ockhamist temporal formulae. It will be proved that this notion of validity is equivalent to (...)
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    Dilemmas of dating: The case of aprioristic sexual lookism.Rossella De Bernardi - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    The Reception of Husserlian Phenomenology in North America.Michela Beatrice Ferri & Carlo Ierna (eds.) - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book presents a historiographical and theorical analysis of how Husserlian Phenomenology arrived and developed in North America. The chapters analyze the different phases of the reception of Edmund Husserl’s thought in the USA and Canada. The volume discusses the authors and universities that played a fundamental role in promoting Husserlian Phenomenology and clarifies their connection with American Philosophy, Pragmatism, and with Analytic Philosophy. Starting from the analysis of how the first American Scholars of Edmund Husserl's thought opened the door (...)
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    Ontology after Philosophical Psychology: The Continuity of Consciousness in William James's Philosophy of Mind.Michela Bella - 2019 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    Ontology after Philosophical Psychology develops a theoretical and historical analysis of William James’s psychology of the stream of consciousness and its connections with his philosophy of radical empiricism. This context enables a fuller understanding of James’s epistemological effort to deal with science, as well as his pluralistic metaphysics.
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    Crossroads between nature and culture: an introduction.Giorgio Bernardi, Bernardino Fantini & Ariane Dröscher - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 36 (3):301-304.
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    [The controversy over animal electricity in 18th-century Italy: Galvani, Volta, and others].W. Bernardi - 2000 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 54 (1):53-70.
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    The Effect of Client Ethics on Audit Managers’ Information Search and Decision Confidence.Richard A. Bernardi - 1996 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 15 (4):37-59.
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