Results for 'Michael Fire'

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  1.  51
    Ethical Considerations when Employing Fake Identities in Online Social Networks for Research.Yuval Elovici, Michael Fire, Amir Herzberg & Haya Shulman - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):1027-1043.
    Online social networks have rapidly become a prominent and widely used service, offering a wealth of personal and sensitive information with significant security and privacy implications. Hence, OSNs are also an important—and popular—subject for research. To perform research based on real-life evidence, however, researchers may need to access OSN data, such as texts and files uploaded by users and connections among users. This raises significant ethical problems. Currently, there are no clear ethical guidelines, and researchers may end up performing ethically (...)
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    Ecologies of fire.Michael A. Peters - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (13):1307-1310.
  3. Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.Michael Wolff - 2018
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    Civilians in the Line of Fire in the Light of Catholic Social Teaching.Biju Michael - 2015 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 18 (4):7-26.
    In our world today, afflicted by wars between States, by conflict between groups within States, and by the scourge of terrorism, civilians constitute the ‘vast majority of casualties in situations of armed conflict’ (UN Security Council, Resolution 1894, 2009). Civilian victims of documented and un-documented armed conflicts and their destructive consequences run in the millions. An overwhelming majority of the dead, injured, disabled are civilians and damages caused by armed conflicts primarily affect the civilian infrastructure and the basic resources of (...)
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    Witness to the Fire: Creativity and the Veil of Addiction by Linda Schierse Leonard.Michael C. Clatts - 1992 - Anthropology of Consciousness 3 (1-2):26-27.
    Witness to the Fire: Creativity and the Veil of Addiction. Linda Schierse Leonard. Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1989. ISBN 0‐87773‐393‐7. Cloth $19.95. Pp. xviii. 390.
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    After the Fire: The Politics of Ashes.Michael Marder - 2012 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2012 (161):163-180.
    Two fires are kindled at the threshold of the metaphysical era, and both are extinguished, almost simultaneously, as soon as metaphysics exhausts itself in its final Nietzschean inversion. The political reality of the twenty-first century is, as a whole, a comet tail of these ancient blazes that, until recently, seemed to be older than time itself, gave the impression of being eternal, undying, inextinguishable. How to find one's bearings among the cinders and ashes of what the flames consumed? How to (...)
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    Earth, Wind, and Fire: Aristotle on Violent Storm Events, with Reconsideration of the Terms ἐκνεφίας, τυφῶν, κεραυνός, and πρηστήρ.Michael Williams, Zachary Herzog & Daniel W. Graham - 2022 - Apeiron 55 (3):417-442.
    Recent studies of Aristotle’s meteorology have often focused on questions of scientific methodology rather than on the empirical accuracy of the explanations. Here we wish to focus on Aristotle’s theory of storms, considering them in their historical context and in light of Aristotle’s theoretical commitments, but testing them in terms of their ability to explain the phenomena in question. Aristotle’s approach to storm events follows a general pattern of “outburst” theories proposed by Presocratic thinkers, in which wind, fire, and (...)
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    On the Fire in the Dark. [REVIEW]Michael Platt - 2006 - Review of Metaphysics 60 (1):168-169.
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    ‘Nine O’clock and All’s Well’, or ‘Fire, Fire, The Library’s Burning’: The Future of the Academic Library. [REVIEW]Michael Moss - 2008 - Minerva 46 (1):117-125.
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    «Fighting fire with fire» – om å bekjempe skeptisisme med skeptisisme.Jonathan Knowles, Michael Amundsen & Erling Skjei - 2013 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 48 (3-4):264-285.
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  11. To b or not to b: A pheromone-binding protein regulates colony social organization in fire ants.Michael J. B. Krieger - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (1):91-99.
    A major distinction in the social organization of ant societies is the number of reproductive queens that reside in a single colony. The fire ant Solenopsis invicta exists in two distinct social forms, one with colonies headed by a single reproductive queen and the other containing several to hundreds of egg‐laying queens. This variation in social organization has been shown to be associated with genotypes at the gene Gp‐9. Specifically, single‐queen colonies have only the B allelic variant of this (...)
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  12. Consumed by night's fire-The dark romanticism of Guy Debord.Michael Lowy - 1998 - Radical Philosophy 87:31-34.
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    "These Children That Come at You with Knives": "Ressentiment", Mass Culture, and the Saturnalia.Michael André Bernstein - 1991 - Critical Inquiry 17 (2):358-385.
    In what is probably the most arresting of all the textual developments of the Saturnalian dialogues, the reader’s emotional identification with the voice of rage and thwarted rebellion is ever more thoroughly compelled by the structure and tone of succeeding works, at the same time that the dangers of that role, both for its bearer and for others, are ever more explicitly argued. Readers of Le Neveau de Rameau are not forced by the inner logic of the text to choose (...)
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  14.  55
    Green Mass: The Ecological Theology of St. Hildegard of Bingen.Michael Marder - 2021 - Stanford University Press.
    Green Mass is a meditation on—and with—twelfth-century Christian mystic and polymath Saint Hildegard of Bingen. Attending to Hildegard's vegetal vision, which greens theological tradition and imbues plant life with spirit, philosopher Michael Marder uncovers a verdant mode of thinking. The book stages a fresh encounter between present-day and premodern concerns, ecology and theology, philosophy and mysticism, the material and the spiritual, in word and sound. Hildegard's lush notion of viriditas, the vegetal power of creation, is emblematic of her deeply (...)
  15.  55
    (2 other versions)First-Person Microethics Deriving Principles from belowLife As We Know It: A Father, a Family, and an Exceptional ChildWaist-High in the World: A Life among the NondisabledTime on Fire: My Comedy of TerrorsSigns of Life: A Memoir of Dying and Discovery.Arthur W. Frank, Michael Bérubé, Nancy Mairs, Evan Handler, Tim Brookes & Michael Berube - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (4):37.
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  16.  51
    The legality of operation Iraqi freedom under international law.Michael N. Schmitt * - 2004 - Journal of Military Ethics 3 (2):82-104.
    This article evaluates the legality of Operation Iraqi Freedom, the March 2003 attack on Iraq. The author rejects assertions that Security Council Resolution 1441 (2002), standing alone, contained a mandate to employ force; on the contrary, the Resolution was only adopted on the understanding that it did not. The law of self-defense, including its ?preemptive? variant, similarly provided no legal basis for the action because the degree of Iraqi support to terrorism was insufficient and the threat of use of weapons (...)
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    A Note on Statius, Thebaid 9.120f.Michael Dewar - 1987 - Classical Quarterly 37 (2):533-535.
    Hippomedon is stoutly defending the body of his fallen comrade Tydeus against a mass of Thebans who press him hard: there is a break in the attack allowing him to return fire while his allies Alcon and Idas with their troops come to his aid. It is grammatically possible that iaculantum could be taken with tela, but style and word order make this most unlikely.
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    Sex differences in the inference and perception of causal relations within a video game.Michael E. Young - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:103575.
    The learning of immediate causation within a dynamic environment was examined. Participants encountered seven decision points in which they needed to choose which of three possible candidates was the cause of explosions in the environment. Each candidate was firing a weapon at random every few seconds, but only one of them produced an immediate effect. Some participants showed little learning, but most demonstrated increases in accuracy across time. On average, men showed higher accuracy and shorter latencies that were not explained (...)
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  19. New Marist wineskins: The evolving role of the Marist Brothers within a broader ecclesial community.Michael Green - 2015 - The Australasian Catholic Record 92 (2):141.
    Green, Michael The Marists were one of the ecclesial families to emerge from the extraordinary spiritual and missionary renewal currents flowing through the nineteenth-century French Church, and more specifically its Lyonnais fervour. Their founders imagined a new way of being Church, one that was self-consciously Marian both in its intent and in its character. They saw themselves sharing in the eternal 'work of Mary', as they called it, of mothering Christ-life to birth, of nurturing its growth in themselves and (...)
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    Visually Driven Activation in Macaque Areas V2 and V3 without Input from the Primary Visual Cortex.Michael C. Schmid & Mark A. Augath - unknown
    Creating focal lesions in primary visual cortex (V1) provides an opportunity to study the role of extra-geniculo-striate pathways for activating extrastriate visual cortex. Previous studies have shown that more than 95% of neurons in macaque area V2 and V3 stop firing after reversibly cooling V1 [1,2,3]. However, no studies on long term recovery in areas V2, V3 following permanent V1 lesions have been reported in the macaque. Here we use macaque fMRI to study area V2, V3 activity patterns from 1 (...)
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  21.  53
    Diagnosis and Metaphor.Michael Hanne - 2015 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 58 (1):35-52.
    Human beings rely on metaphor as a primary cognitive device for interpreting the world around them. Metaphors figure especially strongly in discourse around health, illness, and medicine. It is not just that patients use metaphors to describe their personal experience of being unwell, or that medical professionals employ metaphor to convey a diagnosis, describe a treatment, or explain the function of an organ to their patients. Metaphor, it is argued, lies at the heart of the process of diagnosis. Moreover, diagnosticians (...)
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    Grading Arson.Michael T. Cahill - 2009 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 3 (1):79-95.
    Criminalizing arson is both easy and hard. On the substantive merits, the conduct of damaging property by fire uncontroversially warrants criminal sanction. Indeed, punishment for such conduct is overdetermined, as the conduct threatens multiple harms of concern to the criminal law: both damage to property and injury to people. Yet the same multiplicity of harms or threats that makes it easy to criminalize arson (in the sense of deciding to proscribe the underlying behavior) also makes it hard to criminalize (...)
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  23. Feminism Under Fire by Ellen R. Klein. [REVIEW]Michael Baur - 1996 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (1):164-165.
    In this clearly written, highly readable book, Klein offers an extended critique of "feminist philosophy," or the position which holds that "traditional science, philosophy of science, and epistemology ought to be abandoned and that feminist science, philosophy of science, and epistemology ought to be put in its place".
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  24. Prometheus' Legacy: Responsibility and Technology.Michael Klenk & Martin Sand - 2020 - In Birgit Recki, Welche Technik? Dresden: Text & Dialog. pp. 23-40.
    A prominent view in contemporary philosophy of technology suggests that more technology implies more possibilities and, therefore, more responsibilities. Consequently, the question ‘What technology?’ is discussed primarily on the backdrop of assessing, assigning, and avoiding technology-borne culpability. The view is reminiscent of the Olympian gods’ vengeful and harsh reaction to Prometheus’ play with fire. However, the Olympian view leaves unexplained how technologies increase possibilities. Also, if Olympians are right, endorsing their view will at some point demand putting a halt (...)
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  25. Causation and Responsibility.Michael S. Moore - 1999 - Social Philosophy and Policy 16 (2):1-51.
    In various areas of Anglo-American law, legal liability turns on causation. In torts and contracts, we are each liable only for those harms we havecausedby the actions that breach our legal duties. Such doctrines explicitly make causation an element of liability. In criminal law, sometimes the causal element for liability is equally explicit, as when a statute makes punishable any act that has “caused… abuse to the child….” More often, the causal element in criminal liability is more implicit, as when (...)
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    Comments on Karen Fang's Review of City on Fire: Hong Kong Cinema.Lisa Odham Stokes & Michael Hoover - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (5).
    Karen Fang 'The Poverty of Sociological Studies of Hong Kong Cinema: Stokes and Hoover's _City on Fire_' _Film-Philosophy_, vol. 7 no. 36, October 2003.
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    Semina ignis : The Interplay of Science and Myth in the Song of Silenus.Michael Paschalis - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (2):201-222.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Semina Ignis:The Interplay of Science and Myth in the Song of SilenusMichael Paschalis1. Introductionhinc lapides Pyrrhae iactos, Saturnia regna,Caucasiasque refert uolucris furtumque Promethei(Virg. Ecl. 6.41-42)The list of myths in Virgil's Eclogues 6.41-42 has intrigued critics since the time of Servius. The problem most commonly pointed out is its lack of chronological and logical order vis-à-vis the mainstream mythological tradition. Virgil does not mention the first creation of man but (...)
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    Stoic theology: Proofs for the existence of the cosmic God and of the traditional Gods (review).Michael Papazian - 2009 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 47 (3):pp. 467-468.
    Meijer's book, a comprehensive study of Stoic theological arguments, defends the thesis that the Stoics were not narrowly interested in proving the existence of a god. The theology of the Stoa began with its founder, Zeno of Citium, presenting arguments that the cosmos is an intelligent being, though Zeno himself seems not to have explicitly identified that intelligent being as god. A clear statement equating the cosmos with god had to wait until the rise of the third head of the (...)
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Saving Life, Limb, and Eyesight: Assessing the Medical Rules of Eligibility During Armed Conflict”.Michael L. Gross - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (10):1-3.
    Medical rules of eligibility permit severely injured Iraqi and Afghan nationals to receive care in Coalition medical facilities only if bed space is available and their injuries result directly from Coalition fire. The first rule favors Coalition soldiers over host-nation nationals and contradicts the principle of impartial, needs-based medical care. To justify preferential care for compatriots, wartime medicine invokes associative obligations of care that favor friends, family, and comrades-in-arms. Associative obligations have little place in peacetime medical care but significantly (...)
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    Looking beyond the brain: Social neuroscience meets narrative practice.Michael David Kirchhoff & Daniel D. Hutto - 2015 - Cognitive Systems Research 35:5-17.
    Folk psychological practices are arguably the basis for our articulate ability to understand why people act as they do. This paper considers how social neuroscience could contribute to an explanation of the neural basis of folk psychology by understanding its relevant neural firing and wiring as a product of enculturation. Such a view is motivated by the hypothesis that folk psychological competence is established through engagement with narrative practices that form a familiar part of the human niche. Our major aim (...)
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  31. Not-Exact-Truths, Pragmatic Encroachment, and the Epistemic Norm of Practical Reasoning.Michael J. Shaffer - 2012 - Logos and Episteme 3 (2):239-259.
    Recently a number of variously motivated epistemologists have argued that knowledge is closely tied to practical matters. On the one hand, radical pragmatic encroachment is the view that facts about whether an agent has knowledge depend on practical factors and this is coupled to the view that there is an important connection between knowledge and action. On the other hand, one can argue for the less radical thesis only that there is an important connection between knowledge and practical reasoning. So, (...)
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    Parallel reasoning in structured connectionist networks: Signatures versus temporal synchrony.Trent E. Lange & Michael G. Dyer - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):328-331.
    Shastri & Ajjanagadde argue convincingly that both structured connectionist networks and parallel dynamic inferencing are necessary for reflexive reasoning - a kind of inferencing and reasoning that occurs rapidly, spontaneously, and without conscious effort, and which seems necessary for everyday tasks such as natural language understanding. As S&A describe, reflexive reasoning requires a solution to thedynamic binding problem, that is, how to encode systematic and abstract knowledge and instantiate it in specific situations to draw appropriate inferences. Although symbolic artificial intelligence (...)
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  33. Introduction to Special Issue on 'Actual Causation'.Michael Baumgartner & Luke Glynn - 2013 - Erkenntnis 78 (1):1-8.
    An actual cause of some token effect is itself a token event that helped to bring about that effect. The notion of an actual cause is different from that of a potential cause – for example a pre-empted backup – which had the capacity to bring about the effect, but which wasn't in fact operative on the occasion in question. Sometimes actual causes are also distinguished from mere background conditions: as when we judge that the struck match was a cause (...)
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    Pyropolitics in the World Ablaze.Michael Marder - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    This new edition includes recent examples of the uses and accusations of ‘incendiary speech’ both by Donald Trump and by European populist right and exploration of threats of global warming that have now reached a turning point in our collective relation to the dangers and promises of fire.
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    Clarifying the Relationship Between Vice and Mental Disorder: Vice as Manifestation of a Psychological Dysfunction.Michael B. - 2008 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 15 (1):35-38.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Clarifying the Relationship Between Vice and Mental Disorder: Vice as Manifestation of a Psychological DysfunctionMichael B. First (bio)KeywordsDSM-IV, psychiatric diagnosis, impulse control disorders, sexually violent predator commitmentIndividuals generally present for psychiatric evaluation for one of two reasons: either because they themselves are suffering from a psychiatric symptom that causes distress (e.g., severe panic) or impairs their ability to function effectively (e.g., memory loss), or else they are brought to (...)
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    How to Interfere with Nature.Mark A. Michael - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 23 (2):135-154.
    The principle that we should not interfere with nature plays a prominent role in both popular and academic accounts of environmental ethics. For example, it is often cited to justify the claims that we should not actively manage wilderness areas and that we should not extinguish naturally occurring fires in those areas. It is far from clear, however, exactly what that principle entails for our treatment of species and ecosystems. Does all human interaction with nature amount to interference? If there (...)
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  37. Kant's Aethereal Hammer: When Everything Looks Like a Nail.Michael Bennett McNulty - 2025 - In Gabriele Gava, Thomas Sturm & Achim Vesper, Kant and the systematicity of the sciences. New York: Routledge.
    Throughout Immanuel Kant’s works on natural philosophy, he utilizes an omnipresent aether to explain a wide variety of physical events: including optical, thermodynamical, chemical, and magnetic phenomena. Kant even went as far as claiming that the existence of an omnipresent physical aether can be deduced a priori (without appeal to experience, observation, or experiment), in the notorious “aether proof” of his _Opus postumum_. In retrospect, these commitments are widely seen as a blunder, especially after the demise of the luminiferous aether (...)
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    Neural Suppression Elicited During Motor Imagery Following the Observation of Biological Motion From Point-Light Walker Stimuli.Alice Grazia, Michael Wimmer, Gernot R. Müller-Putz & Selina C. Wriessnegger - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Introduction: Advantageous effects of biological motion detection, a low-perceptual mechanism that allows the rapid recognition and understanding of spatiotemporal characteristics of movement via salient kinematics information, can be amplified when combined with motor imagery, i.e., the mental simulation of motor acts. According to Jeannerod’s neurostimulation theory, asynchronous firing and reduction of mu and beta rhythm oscillations, referred to as suppression over the sensorimotor area, are sensitive to both MI and action observation of BM. Yet, not many studies investigated the use (...)
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  39.  13
    A History of Photography in Fifty Cameras.Michael Pritchard - 2014 - University of Chicago Press.
    The ubiquity of camera phones today has made us all photographers, and as these nano-devices attest, the history of photography, perhaps more so than any other art, is also a history of technology, one best revealed in the very vehicle that makes it possible—the camera. Through brief, illustrated chapters on fifty landmark cameras and the photographers who used them, Michael Pritchard offers an entertaining look at photography as practiced by professionals, artists, and amateurs. A History of Photography in Fifty (...)
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    Contradictory Information: Better Than Nothing? The Paradox of the Two Firefighters.J. Michael Dunn & Nicholas M. Kiefer - 2019 - In Can Başkent & Thomas Macaulay Ferguson, Graham Priest on Dialetheism and Paraconsistency. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag. pp. 231-247.
    Prominent philosophers have argued that contradictions contain either too much or too little information to be useful. We dispute this with what we call the “Paradox of the Two Firefighters.” Suppose you are awakened in your hotel room by a fire alarm. You open the door. You see three possible ways out: left, right, straight ahead. You see two firefighters. One says there is exactly one safe route and it is to your left. The other says there is exactly (...)
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  41. The influence of anxiety and literature's panglossian nose.Michael Austin - 2007 - Philosophy and Literature 31 (2):215-232.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Influence of Anxiety and Literature's Panglossian NoseMichael AustinIScheherazade may be the protagonist of The Thousand and One Nights, but her stories are the heroes. Her audience for these stories consists only of her sister and her husband, the great sultan Shahryar, who three years earlier had vowed to avenge his wife's infidelity by marrying a new woman each night and executing her the following morning. With the supply (...)
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    An Investigation of Ethics Officer Independence.W. Michael Hoffman, John D. Neill & O. Scott Stovall - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):87-95.
    In this paper, we examine whether ethics officers are able to perform their assigned duties independently of organizational management. Specifically, we investigate whether inherent conflicts of interest with company management potentially hinder the ability of ethics officers to serve as an effective monitor and deterrent of unethical activity throughout the organization. As part of our analysis, we conducted 10 detailed phone interviews with current and retired ethics officers in order to determine whether practicing ethics officers feel the need for additional (...)
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  43. Hegel and the Classical Pragmatists: Prolegomenon to a Future Discussion.Michael Baur - 2014 - In Judith M. Green, Richard J. Bernstein and the Pragmatic Turn in Contemporary Philosophy: Rekindling Pragmatism's Fire. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 39-52.
    As Richard Bernstein has suggested, there is a very rich and interesting story to be told about how the classical pragmatists (Dewey, Peirce, and James) understood G. W. R Hegel, made use of Hegel, and ultimately distanced themselves from Hegel. That story cannot be told here. Indeed, the story is so rich and complicated that even its beginnings cannot be told here. But what can be provided, perhaps, is a limited, though hopefully illuminating, perspective on a few salient aspects of (...)
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    Nudge versus boost: A distinction without a normative difference.Andrew Sims & Thomas Michael Müller - 2019 - Economics and Philosophy 35 (2):195-222.
    :Behavioural public policy has come under fire by critics who claim that it is illiberal. Some authors recently suggest that there is a type of BPP – boosting – that is not as vulnerable to this normative critique. Our paper challenges this claim: there's no non-circular way to draw the distinction between nudge and boost that would make the normative difference required to infer the permissibility of a policy intervention from its type-membership. We consider two strategies: paradigmatic examples and (...)
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    Feuer, Seele und Logos: Untersuchungen zu einigen Heraklit-Fragmenten.Heinz-Michael Bartling - 1990 - Cuxhaven: Junghans-Verlag.
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    Colloquium 3 Inclination and the Place of the Elements in De Caelo.Josh Michael Hayes - 2023 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 37 (1):63-96.
    In De Caelo III 2, Aristotle observes that each element is determined by an intrinsic principle to move to its proper place: earth downward, fire upward, and water and air to their respective places in the middle. However, how are we to determine the cause of elemental motion? Aristotle admits that this ranks among the most difficult problems (μάλιστα δ’ ἀπορεῖται) as it is directly related to the argument of Physics VIII 4, which defends the view that whatever is (...)
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    From Parnassus to Eden.Christopher Michael McDonough - 1999 - American Journal of Philology 120 (2):297-301.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:From Parnassus to EdenChristopher McDonoughFor Rebekah SmithIn these pages some seven years ago, Robert Renehan (1992) discussed the passage from book 19 of the Odyssey in which the young Odysseus’ cousins sing a healing incantation over his wound in the wilderness of Mount Parnassus. 1 Renehan was specifically interested in bringing to light the Old Irish comparanda, so as to display the Indo-European roots of this particular form of (...)
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    Aging and the Use of Context in Ambiguity Resolution: Complex Changes From Simple Slowing.Karen Stevens Dagerman, Maryellen C. MacDonald & Michael W. Harm - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (2):311-345.
    Older and younger adults' abilities to use context information rapidly during ambiguity resolution were investigated. In Experiments 1 and 2, younger and older adults heard ambiguous words (e.g., fires) in sentences where the preceding context supported either the less frequent or more frequent meaning of the word. Both age groups showed good context use in offline tasks, but only young adults demonstrated rapid use of context in cross‐modal naming. A 3rd experiment demonstrated that younger and older adults had similar knowledge (...)
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    Michael Riordan and Lillian Hoddeson, Crystal fire: The birth of the information age. New York and London: W. W. Norton & company, 1997. Pp. X+352. Isbn 0-393-04124-7. £27.50, $56.95. [REVIEW]Jon Agar - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Science 33 (2):231-254.
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    The Poverty of Sociological Studies of Hong Kong Cinema, on Lisa Odham Stokes and Michael Hoover City on Fire: Hong Kong Cinema.Karen Fang - 2003 - Film-Philosophy 7 (5).
    Lisa Odham Stokes and Michael Hoover _City On Fire: Hong Kong Cinema_ London: Verso, 1999 ISBN 1-85984-203-8 372 pp.
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