Results for 'Michael Erbe'

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  1.  58
    Observing one’s hand become anarchic: An fMRI study of action identification.Dirk T. Leube, Günther Knoblich, Michael Erb & Tilo T. J. Kircher - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (4):597-608.
    The self seems to be a unitary entity remaining stable across time. Nevertheless, current theorizing conceptualizes the self as a number of interacting sub-systems involving perception, intention and action (self-model). One important function of such a self-model is to distinguish between events occurring as a result of one's own actions and events occurring as the result of somebody else's actions. We conducted an fMRI experiment that compared brain activation after an abrupt mismatch between one's own movement and its visual consequences (...)
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    Parietal somatosensory association cortex mediates affective blindsight.Silke Anders, Niels Birbaumer, Bettina Sadowski, Michael Erb, Irina Mader, Wolfgang Grodd & Martin Lotze - 2004 - Nature Neuroscience 7 (4):339-340.
  3.  45
    Non-verbal emotion communication training induces specific changes in brain function and structure.Benjamin Kreifelts, Heike Jacob, Carolin Brück, Michael Erb, Thomas Ethofer & Dirk Wildgruber - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  4.  20
    Hegels Erbe.Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep (eds.) - 2004 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
    Klappentext: Hegels theoretische Philosophie erlebt gegenwärtig eine Renaissance: Galt sie lange und gerade in der Analytischen Philosophie als bestenfalls von historischem Interesse, finden sich Hegelsche Argumente nun im Zentrum systematischer Debatten auf dem Gebiet der Ontologie, Semantik, Epistemologie und der Philosophie des Mentalen wieder. Philosophen wie etwa Robert B. Random und John McDowell berufen sich auf Hegel als zentrale Inspirationsquelle. Dabei ergeben sich in bezug auf die Deutung von Hegels System fur die Hegel-Forschung überraschende neue Perspektiven und Fragestellungen. Dieser Band (...)
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  5.  16
    Herder-Luther: das Erbe der Reformation in der Weimarer Klassik.Michael Maurer & Christopher Spehr (eds.) - 2019 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Wissenschaftler verschiedener Fachrichtungen (Theologen, Historiker, Padagogen, Literaturwissenschaftler und Musikwissenschaftler) haben sich 2017 mit der Frage befasst, wie weit Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) durch eine Interpretation seiner Position in Weimar als Superintendent besser verstanden werden konnte, arbeitend unter dem Bilde Luthers, sich diesem lebenslang verpflichtet fuhlend auch als Aufklarer. Kann man den "Theologen unter den Klassikern" aus dem Geflecht der Beziehungen zu Goethe, Schiller und Wieland losen, aus seinen Beziehungen zum Hof, zur Stadt, zur Schule in Weimar? Andererseits lebte er autonom (...)
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  6. Hegels Erbe—eine Einleitung.Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep - 2004 - In Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep (eds.), Hegels Erbe. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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  7. Hegels Erbe.Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante & Ludwig Siep - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (2):391-391.
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  8.  6
    Jüdische Religionsphilosophie als Apologie des Mosaismus.Michael Zank - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: In twenty lectures and essays, many of which are published here for the first time, Michael Zank looks at modern Jewish philosophy of religion as an apologetics of the Mosaic faith. He approaches the subject from thematic as well as historical angles and shows how Hermann Cohen, Franz Rosenzweig, Martin Buber, Leo Strauss and others wrestled with the Christian and philosophical legacies of Europe. He also offers reflections on what we can learn from these philosophical efforts for (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Dionysische Perspektiven. Eine philosophische Interpretation der Dionysos-Dithyramben.Michael Skowron - 2007 - Nietzsche Studien 36:296-315.
    Ausgehend von der methodischen Leitfrage, warum Nietzsche in den Dionysos-Dithyramben gerade diese besonderen Dithyramben ausgewählt und in dieser Folge zu einem Zyklus zusammengestellt hat, werden die DD nicht isoliert betrachtet, sondern von ihrer Komposition und ihrem narrativem Zusammenhang her. Die Komposition der neuen Dithyramben gliesdert sie einerseits symmetrisch in zwei 'gerechte' Teile, andererseits asymmetrisch in drei Triaden, die eine narrativ nachvollzichbare Verwandlung in den Dionysos-Dithyramben angzien. Sie führt von dem in der ersten Triade zur Sprache kommenden historischen Erbe Zarathustras (...)
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    Kapitalismus: Kult einer tödlichen Verschuldung: Walter Benjamins prophetisches Erbe.Kuno Füssel, Michael Ramminger & Walter Benjamin (eds.) - 2021 - Münster: Edition ITP-Kompass, Institut für Theologie und Politik.
    Es sind in diesem Jahr 2021 genau hundert Jahre her, dass Walter Benjamin 1921 in einem Fragment mit dem Titel "Kapitalismus als Religion", der zunächst nicht zur Publikation gedacht war, mit prophetischer Klarheit entscheidende Grundzüge des Kapitalismus benannte. Dieses Fragment gelangte seitdem nicht nur zu einer grossen Berühmtheit, sondern gewann auch an Aktualität immer mehr dazu. Die hier anlässlich dieses Jubiläums versammelten Beiträge versuchen, den von W. Benjamin mit seinem Text durch das komplexe Universum der kapitalistischen Moderne geöffneten Bahnen zu (...)
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  11. Zur neueren französischen sozialgeschichtsforschung. Die gruppe um die "annales." By Michael erbe[REVIEW]E. M. E. M. - 1980 - History and Theory 19 (1):107.
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  12.  77
    Research Ethics Governance in Times of Ebola.Doris Schopper, Raffaella Ravinetto, Lisa Schwartz, Eunice Kamaara, Sunita Sheel, Michael J. Segelid, Aasim Ahmad, Angus Dawson, Jerome Singh, Amar Jesani & Ross Upshur - 2017 - Public Health Ethics 10 (1).
    The Médecins Sans Frontières ethics review board has been solicited in an unprecedented way to provide advice and review research protocols in an ‘emergency’ mode during the recent Ebola epidemic. Twenty-seven Ebola-related study protocols were reviewed between March 2014 and August 2015, ranging from epidemiological research, to behavioural research, infectivity studies and clinical trials with investigational products at early development stages. This article examines the MSF ERB’s experience addressing issues related to both the process of review and substantive ethical issues (...)
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    Innovations in research ethics governance in humanitarian settings.Doris Schopper, Angus Dawson, Ross Upshur, Aasim Ahmad, Amar Jesani, Raffaella Ravinetto, Michael J. Segelid, Sunita Sheel & Jerome Singh - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):10.
    Médecins Sans Frontières is one of the world’s leading humanitarian medical organizations. The increased emphasis in MSF on research led to the creation of an ethics review board in 2001. The ERB has encouraged innovation in the review of proposals and the interaction between the ERB and the organization. This has led to some of the advances in ethics governance described in this paper.
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  14.  22
    Review of Hegels Erbe, Herausgegeben von Christoph Halbig, Michael Quante and Ludvig Siep. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch, 2004, 434 pp. [REVIEW]Heikki Ikäheimo - 2006 - SATS 7 (1).
  15. Living with Uncertainty: The Moral Significance of Ignorance.Michael J. Zimmerman - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Every choice we make is set against a background of massive ignorance about our past, our future, our circumstances, and ourselves. Philosophers are divided on the moral significance of such ignorance. Some say that it has a direct impact on how we ought to behave - the question of what our moral obligations are; others deny this, claiming that it only affects how we ought to be judged in light of the behaviour in which we choose to engage - the (...)
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  16.  59
    Catholic social teaching and the employment relationship: A model for managing human resources in accordance with Vatican doctrine.Michael A. Zigarelli - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1):75-82.
    Using relevant encyclicals issued over the last 100 years, the author extracts those principles that constitute the underpinnings of Catholic Social Teaching about the employment relationship and contemplates implications of their incorporation into human resource policy. Respect for worker dignity, for his or her family's economic security, and for the common good of society clearly emerge as the primary guidelines for responsible human resource management. Dovetailing these three Church mandates with the economic objectives of the firm could, in essence, alter (...)
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  17. Responsibility and awareness.Michael J. Zimmerman - 2009 - Philosophical Books 50 (4):248-261.
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  18.  3
    The Wisdom of Youth.Travis Dumsday (ed.) - 2016 - Washington, DC: American Maritain Association.
    Both Jacques and Raïssa Maritain produced large and diverse bodies of writing, and their creative lives spanned decades and encompassed the most turbulent periods of the twentieth century. Scholarly engagement with their work continues to reap new insights, and that includes engagement with the writings produced in the earlier portions of their respective careers. Those earlier portions were themselves remarkably productive, and issued not only in important writings but also in profoundly influential professional and personal relationships nurtured and developed with (...)
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  19.  88
    Rights, compensation, and culpability.Michael Zimmerman - 1994 - Law and Philosophy 13 (4):419 - 450.
  20.  15
    Algorithms for the coalitional manipulation problem.Michael Zuckerman, Ariel D. Procaccia & Jeffrey S. Rosenschein - 2009 - Artificial Intelligence 173 (2):392-412.
  21. Hilbert’s Program: An Essay on Mathematical Instrumentalism.Michael Detlefsen - 1986 - Dordrecht and Boston: Reidel.
    An Essay on Mathematical Instrumentalism M. Detlefsen. THE PHILOSOPHICAL FUNDAMENTALS OF HILBERT'S PROGRAM 1. INTRODUCTION In this chapter I shall attempt to set out Hilbert's Program in a way that is more revealing than ...
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  22.  78
    In Defense of Speciesism.Michael Wreen - unknown
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  23.  8
    Value and Normativity.Michael J. Zimmerman - 2015 - In Iwao Hirose & Jonas Olson (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Value Theory. New York NY: Oxford University Press USA.
    This chapter discusses the nature of and relation between value and normativity. Words such as “good” and “bad” give expression to value, while words such as “right,” “wrong,” “ought,” and “reason” give expression to normativity. Some philosophers hold the view that value is to be understood in terms of normativity, others hold the view that normativity is to be understood in terms of value. This chapter examines both views, explaining how each is plausible and yet also problematic.
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    Conditionals.Michael Woods - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by David Wiggins & Dorothy Edgington.
    Conditionals has at its center an extended essay on this problematic and much-debated subject in the philosophy of language and logic, which the widely respected Oxford philosopher Michael Woods had been preparing for publication at the time of his death in 1993. It appears here edited by his eminent colleague David Wiggins, and is accompanied by a commentary specially written by a leading expert on the topic, Dorothy Edgington. This masterly and original treatment of conditionals will demand the attention (...)
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  25.  21
    Intermediate size discrimination in seven- and eight-year-old children.Michael D. Zeiler & Ann M. Gardner - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (2):203.
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    New dimensions of the intermediate size problem: Neither absolute nor relational response.Michael D. Zeiler - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (6):588.
  27.  21
    Reinforcement of responding and not responding: Alternative responses.Michael D. Zeiler & Gay M. Fite - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (3):276-278.
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  28.  37
    Transposition in adults with simultaneous and successive stimulus presentation.Michael D. Zeiler - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (1):103.
  29.  33
    Menschenbild und Ethik: Zur Klärung eines vertrackten Verhältnisses.Michael Zichy - 2019 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 24 (1):7-48.
    ZusammenfassungOb und inwieweit Menschenbilder in der Ethik eine Rolle spielen (sollen), ist hoch umstritten - auch deswegen, weil das Verhältnis zwischen Ethik und Menschenbild ziemlich unklar ist. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht, dieses Verhältnis zu klären und darzulegen, dass die Rede vom Menschenbild in der Ethik an mehreren Stellen relevant und sinnvoll ist. Zu diesem Zweck wird erstens der Begriff des Menschenbildes definiert und einige verbreitete Missverständnisse ausgeräumt. Zweitens werden drei in der Ethik verbreitete Modelle der Beziehung zwischen Ethik und Menschenbild (...)
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  30.  8
    I shall never have a roomful of books again.Michael Zifcak - 2002 - Logos 13 (1):36-37.
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  31.  24
    A further contribution to the tactual perception of form.Michael J. Zigler & Rebecca Barrett - 1927 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 10 (2):184.
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  32.  33
    Introduction.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1991 - Ethics 101 (2):236.
  33.  32
    Innovations and Challenges in Teaching Information Ethics Across Educa-tional Contexts.Michael Zimmer - 2010 - International Review of Information Ethics 14:12.
    Renewed attention to integrating information ethics within graduate library and information science programs has forced LIS educators to ensure that future information professionals - and the users they interact with - participate appropriately and ethically in our contemporary information society. Along with focusing on graduate LIS curricula, information ethics must become infused in multiple and varied educational contexts, ranging from elementary and secondary education, technical degrees and undergraduate programs, public libraries, through popular media, and within the home.Teaching information ethics in (...)
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  34.  27
    Some important themes in current Heidegger research.Michael E. Zimmerman - 1977 - Research in Phenomenology 7 (1):259-281.
  35.  44
    The Heterodox Hegel.Michael E. Zimmerman - 1996 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 34 (2):308-309.
    308 JOURNAL OF THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY 34:2 APRIL 1996 cal rereading: Kant's substantial rather than exclusively procedural conception of free- dom and autonomy; the constitutive rather than merely regulative function of pure practical reason; and the latter's cognitive-cum-conative nature. But this should not detract from Neiman's original and provocative work, which deserves widespread attention. GONTER ZOLLER University of Iowa Cyril O'Regan. The Heterodox Hegel. SUNY Series in Hegelian Studies. Albany: State University of New York Press, a994. Pp. xi + (...)
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    Assessing project approval procedures as formalised forms of public participation.Michael Zschiesche - 2012 - Poiesis and Praxis 9 (1):145-156.
    Formalised public participation in project approval procedures is rarely addressed in technology assessment. Empirical data about public participation processes are taken into account even more rarely. This article explores the practice of public participation in infrastructure projects in the Federal Republic of Germany on the basis of empirical data from the period of 1990 to 2010. The author compares the empirical data about participation processes with the targets of the public participation and asks for the reasons for the lack of (...)
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  37.  13
    Bibliography.Michael P. Zuckert - 1998 - In Natural Rights and the New Republicanism. Princeton University Press. pp. 377-390.
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    Chapter 2. Aristotelian Constitutionalism and Reformation Contractarianism: From Ancient Constitution to Original Contract.Michael P. Zuckert - 1998 - In Natural Rights and the New Republicanism. Princeton University Press. pp. 49-76.
  39. Reconsidering Lockean Rights Theory: A Reply to My Critics.Michael Zuckert - 2005 - Interpretation 32 (3):257-268.
  40.  48
    Evaluating differential predictions of emotional reactivity during repeated 20% carbon dioxide-enriched air challenge.Michael J. Zvolensky, Matthew T. Feldner, Georg H. Eifert & Sherry H. Stewart - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (6):767-786.
    The present study explored psychological predictors of response to a series of three 25 second inhalations of 20% carbon dioxide-enriched air in 60 nonclinical participants. Multiple regression analyses indicated that only anxiety sensitivity physical concerns predicted self-reported fear, whereas both physical anxiety sensitivity concerns and behavioural inhibition sensitivity independently predicted affective ratings of emotional arousal. In contrast, the psychological concerns anxiety sensitivity dimension predicted ratings of emotional displeasure (valence), and both psychological anxiety sensitivity concerns and behavioural inhibition sensitivity independently predicted (...)
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  41.  4
    Unterbestimmtheit und pragmatische Aprioris: vom Tribunal der Erfahrung zum wissenschaftlichen Prozess.Michael Anacker - 2012 - Münster: Mentis.
  42.  86
    Remote Obligation.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1987 - American Philosophical Quarterly 24 (2):199 - 205.
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  43.  93
    The essential nature of sharing in science.Michael J. Zigmond - 2010 - Science and Engineering Ethics 16 (4):783-799.
    Advances in science are the combined result of the efforts of a great many scientists, and in many cases, their willingness to share the products of their research. These products include data sets, both small and large, and unique research resources not commercially available, such as cell lines and software programs. The sharing of these resources enhances both the scope and the depth of research, while making more efficient use of time and money. However, sharing is not without costs, many (...)
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  44.  26
    Aristotle’s Theory of Substance: The Categories and Metaphysics Zeta.Michael V. Wedin - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (207):256-258.
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  45.  14
    The things that matter: essays inspired by the later work of Jacques Maritain.Heidi Marie Giebel (ed.) - 2018 - Washington, D.C.: American Maritain Association.
    In the final year of his long life, eminent Thomist philosopher Jacques Maritain prepared a final book for publication: a collection of previously unpublished writings entitled Approaches san entraves, later translated into English as Untrammeled Approaches. That collection, both in its conversational yet reverent tone and in its weighty topics - faith, love, truth, beauty - gives the reader the sense that she is receiving from a great teacher and friend the most important nuggets of wisdom for the next generation. (...)
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  46. Minds, things, and materiality.Michael Wheeler - 2012 - In Jay Schulkin (ed.), Action, perception and the brain: adaptation and cephalic expression. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In a rich and thought-provoking paper, Lambros Malafouris argues that taking material culture seriously means to be ‘systematically concerned with figuring out the causal efficacy of materiality in the enactment and constitution of a cognitive system or operation’ (Malafouris 2004, 55). As I understand this view, there are really two intertwined claims to be established. The first is that the things beyond the skin that make up material culture (in other words, the physical objects and artefacts in which cultural networks (...)
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    Subsidiary obligation.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1986 - Philosophical Studies 50 (1):65 - 75.
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  48. In Defence of Ontological Emergence and Mental Causation.Michael Silberstein - 2006 - In Philip Clayton & Paul Davies (eds.), The re-emergence of emergence: the emergentist hypothesis from science to religion. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 203.
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    (1 other version)A dutch book theorem and converse dutch book theorem for Kolmogorov conditionalization.Michael Rescorla - 2018 - Review of Symbolic Logic 11 (4):705-735.
  50.  28
    A Hunger for Aesthetics: Enacting the Demands of Art.Michael Kelly - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    For decades, aesthetics has been subjected to a variety of critiques, often concerning its treatment of beauty or the autonomy of art. Collectively, these complaints have generated an anti-aesthetic stance prevalent in the contemporary art world. Yet if we examine the motivations for these critiques, Michael Kelly argues, we find theorists and artists hungering for a new kind of aesthetics, one better calibrated to contemporary art and its moral and political demands. Following an analysis of the work of Stanley (...)
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