Results for 'Michael Dreyer'

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  1.  26
    Sola Scriptura: Hindrance or catalyst for church unity?Yolanda Dreyer, Matthias Zeindler, Anna Case-Winters, Rathnakara Sadananda & Michael Weinrich - 2013 - HTS Theological Studies 69 (1):01-08.
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    Hugo Preuss: Biografie eines Demokraten.Michael Dreyer - 2018 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Hugo Preuß war nicht nur einer der wichtigsten theoretischen Vordenker der modernen Demokratie in Deutschland, sondern war als Politiker auch wesentlich an der Verfassunggebung der Weimarer Republik beteiligt. Als Staatsrechtler entwickelte Preuß die demokratische Genossenschaftstheorie und zählt damit zu den Begründern des Pluralismus in Deutschland. Zudem war Preuß als politischer Publizist aktiv im Kampf für die Demokratisierung des Kaiserreiches und ergriff nach 1919 zur Verteidigung der Republik und zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus die Feder. Preuß war damit ein früher Verfechter des (...)
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    The Epistemology and Science of Justified Reason.Verdie Michael Dreyer - 2021 - Philosophia 50 (2):503-532.
    A theory of reasoned knowledge is presented by developing and demonstrating the methodology of a novel skeptical critique designed to extend the epistemological practice of belief justification to an epistemological practice of reason justification. Analyses of the reasoning found in the theorizations of certain seminal philosophers and leading scientists will reveal how the absence of the epistemic justification of reason defaults to the use of an unjustified form of reason that runs the play of an unrecognized and unchecked dialectic between (...)
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    Thomas Handbuch.Volker Leppin (ed.) - 2016 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: From an international and interdisciplinary viewpoint, Thomas Aquinas was the most important scholastic philosopher and theologian. His life, work and legacy are set out in this four section handbook which provides orientation in what is currently known about the man, his affinities and character, his work and its impact. The volume offers a summary of research up until now, as well as a basis for further investigation. Comprehensive indexes and literature sources mean it can be used as a (...)
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    Can a Global Bioethical Lens Engender Color Blindness? An Examination of Public Health Disasters.Michael O. S. Afolabi - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2):61-64.
    One of the central characteristics of public health disasters is the rapid overlapping of different needs and priorities that require making critical choices that inevitably elicit conflicti...
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  6. (1 other version)One and many in presocratic philosophy.Michael C. Stokes - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (1):127-128.
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    Kants Antinomie der praktischen Vernunft.Michael Albrecht - 1978 - New York: G. Olms.
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    Are Radical Genetic Enhancements a Type of Contemporary Edenic Deception?Michael O. S. Afolabi - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (7):53-55.
    Volume 19, Issue 7, July 2019, Page 53-55.
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    Public Health Disaster-Related Research: A Solidaristic Ethical Prism for Understanding Funders’ Duties.Michael O. S. Afolabi & Stephen O. Sodeke - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (11):37-39.
    Funding broadly connotes the notion of an institution and/or institutions making money and other resources available to individual researchers and organizations to accomplish specific projects. Whi...
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    guage library, 10.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1993. Pp. viii, 419.Michael Aceto - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 70--4.
  11. Parables of Power II: Versailles as an Instrument of Royal Power.Michael Adcock - 2011 - Agora (History Teachers' Association of Victoria) 46 (2):57.
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    Cultural tourism as pilgrimage.Michael Aeschliman - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (225):245-252.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 225 Seiten: 245-252.
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    Nietzsches Juden: ein Philosoph formt sich ein Bild.Michael Ahlsdorf - 1997 - Aachen: Shaker Verlag.
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    De sociale struktuur en het politieke proces : Een vergelijkende studie in 147 Belgische Gemeenten.Michael Aiken & Hugo Van Gassel - 1970 - Res Publica 12 (3):379-425.
    This paper is concerned with the question of how the social and economic structure of cities affects the degree of political competition and how in turn these factors affect the degree of a political stability. It isbased on a comparative empirical study of the outcomes of the communal elections of 1952, 1958 and 1964 in 147 Belgian cities that had a population size of 10.000 or more in 1947.In the first place the following generalizations are made with regard to the (...)
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    Market Fairness: The Poor Country Cousin of Market Efficiency.Michael J. Aitken, Angelo Aspris, Sean Foley & Frederick H. de B. Harris - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 147 (1):5-23.
    Both fairness and efficiency are important considerations in market design and regulation, yet many regulators have neither defined nor measured these concepts. We develop an evidencebased policy framework in which these are both defined and measured using a series of empirical proxies. We then build a systems estimation model to examine the 2003–2011 explosive growth in algorithmic trading on the London Stock Exchange and NYSE Euronext Paris. Our results show that greater AT is associated with increased transactional efficiency and reduced (...)
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    Aphasia I: Clinical and anatomic issues.Michael P. Alexander - 2000 - In Martha J. Farah & Todd E. Feinberg, Patient-Based Approaches to Cognitive Neuroscience. MIT Press. pp. 165--181.
  17. Hodgson on retribution.Michael Louis Corrado - 2019 - In Allan McCay & Michael Sevel, Free Will and the Law: New Perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Was uns wichtig ist - oder warum die Wahrheit zählt.Michael Bordt (ed.) - 2010
    Die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise stellt unsere Gesellschaft vor Herausforderungen, die wir so nicht kannten. WAs ist jetzt eigentlich wirklich wichtig - fur uns Menschen, individuell und als Teil eines Systems? Ist jetzt vor allem Sicherheit angesagt? Oder Gerechtigkeit? Menschliche Beziehungen? Und Verantwortung wer hat sie, wer nimmt sie an und kann sie mir jemand abnehmen? Bringt uns die Globalisierung zusammen oder fuhrt sie zur Ausbeutung jedes Einzelnen? Was fur eine Rolle spielt dabei die Religion? Dass die Antworten auf diese Fragen (...)
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  19. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 154, 2007 Lectures.Chisholm Michael - 2008
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  20. Television prospect: Some reflexions of a documentary film-maker.Michael Clarke - forthcoming - The Cinema.
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    The evolution of concepts: A timely look.Michael Corballis & Thomas Suddendorf - 2010 - In Denis Mareschal, Paul Quinn & Stephen E. G. Lea, The Making of Human Concepts. Oxford University Press. pp. 365.
  22. Mark R. Wynn, Emotional Experience and Religious Understanding: Integrating Perception, Conception and Feeling Reviewed by.Michael Funk Deckard - 2007 - Philosophy in Review 27 (4):308-309.
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    The I.W.W. and Wilsonian Democracy.Michael R. Johnson - 1964 - Science and Society 28 (3):257 - 274.
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    Hegel's charlatanism exposed.Michael Kelly - 1911 - London, Eng.,: G. Allen & co..
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    Das Immoralische.Michael Manfé (ed.) - 2017 - Hamburg: Avinus.
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    Graphs as a Tool for the Close Reading of Econometrics (Settler Mortality is not a Valid Instrument for Institutions).Michael Margolis - 2017 - Economic Thought 6 (1):56.
    Recently developed theory using directed graphs permits simple and precise statements about the validity of causal inferences in most cases. Applying this while reading econometric papers can make it easy to understand assumptions that are vague in prose, and to isolate those assumptions that are crucial to support the main causal claims. The method is illustrated here alongside a close reading of the paper that introduced the use of settler mortality to instrument the impact of institutions on economic development. Two (...)
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  27.  11
    The Aesthetics of Discontent: Politics and Reclusion in Medieval Japanese Literature.Michael F. Marra - 1991
    This series of interpretations of selected classics examines premodern Japanese literature from the perspective of conflictual ideologies. Professor Marra's analysis of such works as the Ise Monogatari, the Hojoki, and Tsurezuregusa highlights the existence of discontent in the authors of the so-called high tradition and explains the means these authors used to express their social dissatisfaction in literary texts. His aim is to recover the validity of the historicist approach in literary studies by focusing on the importance of the context (...)
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    Photographs and Words.Michael Katakis, Michael Palin & Kris L. Hardin - 2011 - British Library.
    "Many of the pages in Photographs and Words are filled with Michael Katakis' journal entries and Kris Hardin's observations. These are portraits of the human condition but this time in words, and like true photographs, they are fixed in time and cannot be altered."--Jacket.
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    Truth, Meaning, Justification, and Reality: Themes From Dummett.Michael Frauchiger (ed.) - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    This collection concentrates on vital themes from Michael Dummett, one of the most influential and creative analytic philosophers of our time. The contributors, who include some of Dummett's distinguished former students, critically reflect on various concerns of Dummett's ground-breaking work in philosophy of language, metaphysics, and philosophy of mathematics and logic. The essays direct towards aspects of Dummett's pioneering work in the history of analytical philosophy, particularly his interpretations of the works of Frege and of Wittgenstein, which in conjunction (...)
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    The Asking Mystery: A Philosophical Inquiry.Michael Gelven - 2000 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    How do we ask the great questions? What does it mean to ask so profoundly? What does it mean for us to ask at all? Michael Gelven confronts these questions as he explores humans as self-reflecting thinkers. He recognizes two central phenomena as fundamental: the recognition of our own possibility lying within our existence and the realization of our suspension between total ignorance and complete knowledge. Using concrete analyses, Gelven investigates the questions we ask that may seem initially unanswerable (...)
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    Against the grain: new approaches to professional ethics.Michael Goldberg (ed.) - 1993 - Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International.
    This book challenges current thinking on professional ethics and suggests new ways of looking at ethical issues. The contributors to the volume (Michael Goldberg, Richard P. Vance, Deborah Fernhoff, Nancey Murphy, Theophus H. Smith, Jack L. Sammons Jr., William H. Willimon, and Senator John C. Danforth) are outstanding representatives of their respective professions. In this book, using the categories of religion and narrative as methodological tools, they move readers to a more responsive, hopeful, and truthful conduct of the professions.
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    The end of life as we know it: ominous news from the frontiers of science.Michael Guillen - 2018 - Washington, DC: Salem Books, an imprint of Regnery Publishing.
    In nearly all aspects of life, humans are crossing lines of no return. Modern science is leading us into vast uncharted territory—far beyond the invention of nuclear weapons or taking us to the moon.Today, in labs all over the world, scientists are performing experiments that threaten to fundamentally alter the practical character and ethical color of our everyday lives. In The End of Life as We Know It, bestselling author Michael Guillen takes a penetrating look at how the scientific (...)
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    Emotions and the Body in Early Modern Medicine.Michael Stolberg - 2019 - Emotion Review 11 (2):113-122.
    Drawing on Latin treatises, letters, and autobiographical writings, this article outlines the changes in the—thoroughly somatic—learned medical understanding of the emotions (or “affectus/passiones...
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    Two Poems.Michael Trocchia - 2020 - Arion 28 (1):63-65.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Two Poems MICHAEL TROCCHIA SEE FOR YOURSELF The gods, in effect, have given Euenius the gift of inner vision…because he has lost his outer vision. —Michael Attyah Flower, The Seer in Ancient Greece Come to a field of stones baking in the late sun. Drop your knee to the groundup earth and feel the warmth climb your thigh. Run your finger across a palm-sized stone, as if (...)
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    Small God, Big City: Earth God Shrines in Urban Hong Kong.Michael Wolf - 2013 - Columbia University Press.
    Following the success of Hong Kong Corner Houses, German photographer Michael Wolf continues his collaboration with Hong Kong University Press to produce Small God, Big City. Wolf again uses his creative eye to draw attention to overlooked objects in the visually rich urban environment of Hong Kong. This time the object is the Earth God shrine, found commonly by the doorways of shops and homes throughout Hong Kong. Through his visually stimulating and thought-provoking photographs, Wolf challenges our sensitivity to (...)
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    The First Dynasty of Islam.Michael Bonner & G. R. Hawting - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (3):448.
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    Church-Going, Going, Gone!: A Movement of the Human Spirit Begins.Michael Horan - 2015 - Imprint Academic.
    In _Church-going, Going, Gone!_ Michael Horan argues that although the Christian Church in Britain may be in terminal decline, that is not to be equated with a national decline in spiritual values. Most if not all people have some level of awareness of what he calls the 'Other-than-oneself', even though they have rejected, or never accepted, the Church’s now outdated teaching._ Church-going, Going, Gone!_ is concerned less with teaching than with learning. The book provides atheists, agnostics and believers-in-exile, as (...)
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  38. L'Europe et se violences: Contribution à une généalogie phénoménologique des violences extrêmes.Michael Staudigl - 2011 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 109 (1):107-136.
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    Special Editor’s Introduction to Interpersonal Perspectives and Knowledge.Michael Barber - 2007 - Modern Schoolman 84 (2-3):99-107.
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    Visualizing Narrative: Bridging the "Aesthetic Gap".Michael Benton - 1999 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 33 (2):33.
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    Evidentialism and the Great Pumpkin Objection.Michael Bergmann - 2011 - In Trent Dougherty, Evidentialism and its Discontents. Oxford, GB: Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 123-133.
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    Connaissance incertaine du marché et libéralisme économique. D’Adam Smith à la théorie néoclassique, et retour.Michaël Biziou - 2025 - Noesis 39:43-64.
    La théorie économique néoclassique a pour objectif de prouver, grâce à la mathématisation de ses raisonnements, que l’équilibre général des marchés par la concurrence peut exister. Elle entend élaborer ainsi une connaissance certaine dont la « main invisible » d’Adam Smith ne serait qu’une prémonition floue. Mais si les néoclassiques parviennent effectivement à cette connaissance certaine, celle-ci s’accompagne d’une double déception : sur le plan scientifique elle aboutit à une impasse, et sur le plan politique elle sert de caution à (...)
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  43. Schelling’s Real Materialism.Michael Blamauer - 2012 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 16:1-24.
    In this paper, some of Schelling’s core ideas on consciousness and nature are investigated with the aim ofemphasizing their historical and systematic relevance to the current discussion on consciousness andpanpsychism. The focus is on the reasons and consequences of Schelling’s “turn” from his early Fichteanidealism to the “real materialism” of his later Identity Philosophy. It is shown that Schelling’s way of copingwith the ontological problems of the emergence of consciousness from a natural basis is by all meanscomparable to current panpsychist (...)
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  44. Building Wealth with Conditional Cash Transfers.Michael Boylan - 2011 - In The Morality and Global Justice Reader. Westview Press. pp. 153.
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    Chapter Eight.Michael Boylan - 2007 - In The Extinction of Desire: A Tale of Enlightenment. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 91–103.
    This chapter contains section titled: A Story of Aisling — Part Three.
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    Dynamics of DNA methylation during development.Michael Brandeis, Mira Ariel & Howard Cedar - 1993 - Bioessays 15 (11):709-713.
    DNA methylation plays a role in the repression of gene expression in animal cells. In the mouse preimplantation embryo, most genes are unmethylated but a wave of de novo methylation prior to gastrulation generates a bimodal pattern characterized by unmethylated CpG island‐containing housekeeping genes and fully modified tissue‐specific genes. Demethylaton of individual genes then takes place during cell type specific differentiation, and this demodification may be a required step in the process of transcriptional activation. DNA modification is also involved in (...)
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  47.  10
    Möglichkeiten und Grenzen vorbeugender Kriminalitätsbekämpfung: Ein lerntheoretischer Ansatz.Michael Breland - 1974 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 18 (1):111-123.
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    Introducing the Early British Passibilists.Michael W. Brierley - 2001 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 8 (2):218-233.
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  49. Corliss Lamont.Michael Brodrick - 2007 - In John Lachs and Robert Talisse, American Philosophy: an Encyclopedia. ROUTLEDGE. pp. 449-450.
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    A Study of Accompaniment at the End of Life.Michael G. Brungardt - 2017 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 17 (4):649-660.
    In discussions of end-of-life care and what the often-used but often-misunderstood buzzword “accompaniment” means, the core of the issue has often been missed, leading to inappropriate responses by physicians, loved ones, and the dying persons themselves. Emphasis is often placed on the care of circumstances rather than the care of persons. In what follows, these issues are systematically addressed to show that when patients face physical death, a truly ethical response is authentic, loving accompaniment of them. This form of such (...)
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