Results for 'Michael Bresalier'

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  1. Neutralizing flu:“Immunological Devices” and the Making of a Virus Disease.Michael Bresalier - 2008 - In Kenton Kroker, Jennifer Keelan & Pauline Mazumdar, Crafting Immunity: Working Histories of Clinical Immunology. Ashgate. pp. 107--44.
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    Michael Bresalier, Modern Flu: British Medical Science and the Viralisation of Influenza, 1890–1950 London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. Pp. xxvii + 458. ISBN 978-1-137-33953-9. £95.00 (hardcover). [REVIEW]Jim Harris - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Science:1-2.
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    Abigail Woods; Michael Bresalier; Angela Cassidy; Rachel Mason Dentinger. Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine: One Health and Its Histories. (Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in Modern History.) xvii + 280 pp., figs., tables, bibl., index. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018. €30 (cloth). ISBN 9783319643366. [REVIEW]Etienne S. Benson - 2020 - Isis 111 (2):410-411.
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    Abigail Woods, Michael Bresalier, Angela Cassidy, and Rachel Mason Dentinger, Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine: One Heath and Its Histories , 288 pp., $40.00 Hardcover, ISBN 978-3319643366. [REVIEW]Georgina M. Montgomery - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (3):605-607.
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  5. An essay on moral responsibility.Michael Zimmerman - 1988 - Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Littlefield.
    This superbly crafted account of the notion of moral responsibility and of its relations to freedom, control, ignorance, negligence, attempts, omissions, compulsion, mental disorders, virtues and vices, desert, and punishment fills that gap. The treatment of character and luck is particularly sophisticated and well-argued.
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    Beyond Individual Choice: Teams and Frames in Game Theory.Michael Bacharach - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    This is a revision of game theory which takes account of agents' own descriptions of their situations, and which allows people to reason as members of groups.
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    An Essay on Human Action.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1984 - P. Lang.
    An Essay on Human Action seeks to provide a comprehensive, detailed, enlightening, and (in its detail) original account of human action. This account presupposes a theory of events as abstract, proposition-like entities, a theory which is given in the first chapter of the book. The core-issues of action-theory are then treated: what acting in general is (a version of the traditional volitional theory is proposed and defended); how actions are to be individuated; how long actions last; what acting intentionally is; (...)
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    Intervening agents and moral responsibility.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1985 - Philosophical Quarterly 35 (141):347-358.
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    Strawson or Straw Man? More on Moral Responsibility and the Moral Community.Michael J. Zimmerman - 2017 - The Journal of Ethics 21 (3):251-262.
    In a recent article in this journal, I argued against the popular twofold Strawsonian claim that there can be no moral responsibility without a moral community and that, as a result, moral responsibility is essentially interpersonal. Benjamin De Mesel has offered a number of objections to my argument, including in particular the objection that I mischaracterized Strawson’s view. In this article, I respond to De Mesel’s criticisms.
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    Catholic social teaching and the employment relationship: A model for managing human resources in accordance with Vatican doctrine.Michael A. Zigarelli - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (1):75-82.
    Using relevant encyclicals issued over the last 100 years, the author extracts those principles that constitute the underpinnings of Catholic Social Teaching about the employment relationship and contemplates implications of their incorporation into human resource policy. Respect for worker dignity, for his or her family's economic security, and for the common good of society clearly emerge as the primary guidelines for responsible human resource management. Dovetailing these three Church mandates with the economic objectives of the firm could, in essence, alter (...)
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  11. Lukas Bleichenbacher (2008) Multilingualism in the Movies: Hollywood Characters and their Language Choices.Michael Abecassis - 2010 - Film-Philosophy 14 (2):118-124.
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    Methadone and intake of palatable fluids.Michael L. Abelson & Larry D. Reid - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (1):71-72.
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    guage library, 10.) Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1993. Pp. viii, 419.Michael Aceto - 1994 - In Stephen Everson, Language: Companions to Ancient Thought, Vol. 3. Cambridge University Press. pp. 70--4.
  14. Supererogation and Doing the Best One Can.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1993 - American Philosophical Quarterly 30 (4):373 - 380.
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    Rights, compensation, and culpability.Michael Zimmerman - 1994 - Law and Philosophy 13 (4):419 - 450.
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    Unterbestimmtheit und pragmatische Aprioris: vom Tribunal der Erfahrung zum wissenschaftlichen Prozess.Michael Anacker - 2012 - Münster: Mentis.
  17. Denying moral luck.Michael J. Zimmerman - 2019 - In Ian M. Church & Robert J. Hartman, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. New York: Routledge.
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    Canonical formulas for modal and superintuitionistic logics: a short outline.Michael Zakharyaschev - 1997 - In Maarten de Rijke, Advances in Intensional Logic. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 195--248.
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    Popper, grünbaum and de facto irreversibility.Michael J. Zenzen - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (4):313-324.
  20. Much Ado About Nothing? On the Categorial Status of et and ne in Medieval French1.Michael Zimmermann & Georg A. Kaiser - 2010 - Corpus 9:265-290.
    In this article, we reconsider the syntactical analysis as well as the categorial status of two Medieval French elements, et and ne. In this connection, we illustrate and compare various approaches which principally differ with regard to the assignment of a unique category or of various categories to these elements. In the context of this comparison, we address some of the questions pertaining to their motivations and the evidence which has been offered in their favor, showing that approaches which assign (...)
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  21. (1 other version)The reappearing tool: transparency, smart technology, and the extended mind.Michael Wheeler - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (4):857-866.
    Some thinkers have claimed that expert performance with technology is characterized by a kind of disappearance of that technology from conscious experience, that is, by the transparency of the tools and equipment through which we sense and manipulate the world. This is a claim that may be traced to phenomenological philosophers such as Heidegger and Merleau-Ponty, but it has been influential in user interface design where the transparency of technology has often been adopted as a mark of good design. Moreover, (...)
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    Conceptions of Parenthood: Ethics and the Family.Michael W. Austin - 2007 - Routledge.
    Provides a philosophical analysis of the numerous and distinct conceptions of parenthood. This work considers such issues as the nature and justification of parental rights, the sources of parental obligations, the value of autonomy, and the moral obligations and tensions present within interpersonal relationships.
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    (1 other version)Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networks.Michael A. Arbib (ed.) - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Choice Outstanding Academic Title, 1996. In hundreds of articles by experts from around the world, and in overviews and "road maps" prepared by the editor, The Handbook of Brain Theory and Neural Networkscharts the immense progress made in recent years in many specific areas related to two great questions: How does the brain work? and How can we build intelligent machines? While many books have appeared on limited aspects of one subfield or another of brain theory and neural networks, the (...)
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  24. Are our concepts CONSCIOUS STATE and CONSCIOUS CREATURE vague?Michael V. Antony - 2008 - Erkenntnis 68 (2):239 - 263.
    Intuitively it has seemed to many that our concepts conscious state and conscious creature are sharp rather than vague, that they can have no borderline cases. On the other hand, many who take conscious states to be identical to, or realized by, complex physical states are committed to the vagueness of those concepts. In the paper I argue that conscious state and conscious creature are sharp by presenting four necessary conditions for conceiving borderline cases in general, and showing that some (...)
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  25. (1 other version)Philosophy and democracy.Michael Walzer - 1981 - Political Theory 9 (3):379-399.
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    Acting like an algorithm: digital farming platforms and the trajectories they (need not) lock-in.Michael Carolan - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1041-1053.
    This paper contributes to our understanding of farm data value chains with assistance from 54 semi-structured interviews and field notes from participant observations. Methodologically, it includes individuals, such as farmers, who hold well-known positionalities within digital agriculture spaces—platforms that include precision farming techniques, farm equipment built on machine learning architecture and algorithms, and robotics—while also including less visible elements and practices. The actors interviewed and materialities and performances observed thus came from spaces and places inhabited by, for example, farmers, crop (...)
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  27. Primary "Ousia": An Essay on Aristotle's Metaphysics Z and H.Michael J. Loux - 1991 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Michael J. Loux here presents a fresh reading of two of the most important books of the Metaphysics, Books Z and H, in which Aristotle presents his mature theory of primary substances. Focusing on the interplay of Aristotle's early and late views, Loux maintans that the later concept of ousia should be understood in terms of a theory of predication that carries interesting implications for contemporary metaphysics. Loux argues that in his first attempt in identifying ousiai in the Categories, (...)
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    Some dilemmas for an account of neural representation: A reply to Poldrack.Michael L. Anderson & Heather Champion - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2).
    “The physics of representation” aims to define the word “representation” as used in the neurosciences, argue that such representations as described in neuroscience are related to and usefully illuminated by the representations generated by modern neural networks, and establish that these entities are “representations in good standing”. We suggest that Poldrack succeeds in, exposes some tensions between the broad use of the term in neuroscience and the narrower class of entities that he identifies in the end, and between the meaning (...)
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    Concepts and cases in nursing ethics.Michael Yeo - 2020 - Peterborough, Ontario, Canada: Broadview Press. Edited by Anne Moorhouse, Pamela Khan & Patricia Rodney.
    Concepts and Cases in Nursing Ethics is an introduction to contemporary ethical issues in health care, designed especially for Canadian audiences. The book is organized around six key concepts: beneficence, autonomy, truth-telling, confidentiality, justice, and integrity. Each of these concepts is explained and discussed with reference to professional and legal norms. The discussion is then supplemented by case studies that exemplify the relevant concepts and show how each applies in health care and nursing practice. This new fourth edition includes an (...)
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  30. Sexual ethics and AIDS: a liberal view.Michael Yeo - 1991 - In Christine Overall & William P. Zion, Perspectives on AIDS: Ethical and Social Issues. Oxford University Press. pp. 75--90.
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    Aboriginal overkill overstated.Michael J. Yochim - 2001 - Human Nature 12 (2):141-167.
    In this article I critique Charles Kay’s aboriginal overkill hypothesis, which states that Native Americans numbered 100 million or more in precolumbian North America, extensively humanized the landscape, and suppressed wildlife numbers, thus allowing wildlife browse to proliferate. By examining Kay’s source use and pertinent information, I find that he makes four kinds of significant mistakes: exaggerations, failure to provide necessary data, errors of omission, and errors of logic. Through examples I illustrate that Kay’s errors compromise his hypothesis. Kay uses (...)
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    Peering into Vulnerable Genes: Genetic Risk and Population Screening.Michael J. Young - 2015 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 5 (3):222-224.
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    Sex differences in the inference and perception of causal relations within a video game.Michael E. Young - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:103575.
    The learning of immediate causation within a dynamic environment was examined. Participants encountered seven decision points in which they needed to choose which of three possible candidates was the cause of explosions in the environment. Each candidate was firing a weapon at random every few seconds, but only one of them produced an immediate effect. Some participants showed little learning, but most demonstrated increases in accuracy across time. On average, men showed higher accuracy and shorter latencies that were not explained (...)
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    Schopenhauer’s Uncertainty.Michael Yuen - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 75:257-262.
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    Kallisthenes von Olynth – ein verkannter Oppositioneller?Michael Zahrnt - 2013 - Hermes 141 (4):491-496.
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    Inventing Industrial Statistics.Michael Zakim - 2010 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 11 (1):283-318.
    This Article explores the success of the new science of statistics in establishing order within the pandemonium of industrial revolution in the nineteenth century. This success was based on the fact that the expanding circulation of both men and goods that characterized capitalism constituted the ontological foundation of statistics as well. In this respect, one can say that statistics turned variety and multiplicity into the basis of system, if not of uniformity. The study focuses on the 1850 federal census of (...)
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    Morals and Society in the Light of Advaita Vedanta.Michael Zammit - 1996 - In Brian Carr, Morals and society in Asian philosophy. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon. pp. 1--109.
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    Modeling violations of the race model inequality in bimodal paradigms: co-activation from decision and non-decision components.Michael Zehetleitner, Emil Ratko-Dehnert & Hermann J. Müller - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:93369.
    The redundant-signals paradigm (RSP) is designed to investigate response behavior in perceptual tasks in which response-relevant targets are defined by either one or two features, or modalities. The common finding is that responses are speeded for redundantly compared to singly defined targets. This redundant-signals effect (RSE) can be accounted for by race models if the response times do not violate the race model inequality (RMI). When there are violations of the RMI, race models are effectively excluded as a viable account (...)
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    Absolute and relational discriminations involving three stimuli.Michael D. Zeiler & Ann G. Friedrichs - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (3):448.
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    Evolution is not rational banking.Michael D. Zeiler - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):696-697.
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    New dimensions of the intermediate size problem: Neither absolute nor relational response.Michael D. Zeiler - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (6):588.
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    Transposition in adults with simultaneous and successive stimulus presentation.Michael D. Zeiler - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (1):103.
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    Menschenbild und Ethik: Zur Klärung eines vertrackten Verhältnisses.Michael Zichy - 2019 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 24 (1):7-48.
    ZusammenfassungOb und inwieweit Menschenbilder in der Ethik eine Rolle spielen (sollen), ist hoch umstritten - auch deswegen, weil das Verhältnis zwischen Ethik und Menschenbild ziemlich unklar ist. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht, dieses Verhältnis zu klären und darzulegen, dass die Rede vom Menschenbild in der Ethik an mehreren Stellen relevant und sinnvoll ist. Zu diesem Zweck wird erstens der Begriff des Menschenbildes definiert und einige verbreitete Missverständnisse ausgeräumt. Zweitens werden drei in der Ethik verbreitete Modelle der Beziehung zwischen Ethik und Menschenbild (...)
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    The evolution of Australian publishing.Michael Zifcak - 1990 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 1 (3):18-25.
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    A further contribution to the tactual perception of form.Michael J. Zigler & Rebecca Barrett - 1927 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 10 (2):184.
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    The neurophysiology of post-contraction.Michael J. Zigler - 1944 - Psychological Review 51 (5):315-325.
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    Daniel Guevara.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1999 - Philosophy 74 (287).
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  48. Environmental Philosophy: From Animal Rights to Radical Ecology, 2nd ed.Michael E. Zimmerman, J. Baird Callicott, George Sessions, Karen J. Warren & John Clark (eds.) - 1993
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  49. Integral ecology: A perspectival, developmental, and coordinating approach to environmental problems.Michael E. Zimmerman - 2005 - World Futures 61 (1 & 2):50 – 62.
    Integral Ecology uses multiple perspectives to analyze environmental problems. Four of Integral Ecology's major analytical perspectives (known as the quadrants) correspond to the four divisions of the liberal arts and sciences: fine arts, natural science, social science, and humanities. Integral Ecology also utilizes the analytical perspective provided by the idea of cultural moral development. This perspective helps to reveal how stakeholders at different developmental stages disclose a phenomenon, in this case, a tropical forest that loggers propose to clear-cut. Integral Ecology (...)
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    Prima facie obligation and doing the best one can.Michael Zimmerman - 1995 - Philosophical Studies 78 (2):87 - 123.
    Analyses are given of the concepts of absolute and prima facie obligation. The former is a maximizing analysis: roughly, one ought absolutely to perform those actions which are performed in the best worlds accessible to one. The latter analysis is roughly this: one ought prima facie to perform those actions which are such that those accessible worlds in which they are performed are better than the closest accessible worlds in which they are not performed. Accounts of conditional obligation, both absolute (...)
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