Results for 'Mexican Law'

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  1.  24
    Mexican Regulation of Biobanks.Lourdes Motta-Murguia & Garbiñe Saruwatari-Zavala - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (1):58-67.
    Biobank-based research in Mexico is mostly governed by research and data protection laws. There is no direct mention of biobanks in either statutory or regulatory law besides a requirement that the Federal Ministry of Health and a Mexican institution devoted to scientific research approve the transfer of biological materials outside of Mexico for population genetics research purposes. Such requirements are the basis of Genomic Sovereignty in Mexico, but such requirements have not prevented international collaboration. In addition, Mexican law (...)
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    Brian Bix and Mexican Legal Philosophy: a Comment From the Perspective of the Sociology of Knowledge.Enrique Cáceres Nieto - 2011 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (5):417-435.
    My aim in this comment is to provide reasons that highlight the importance of the Spanish translation of Brian Bix’s book: “Jurisprudence, Theory and Context”. My comment stems from the sociology of knowledge and takes as a point of departure an empirical study about the state of the art of legal philosophy in Mexican Law Schools. My conclusion is that Brian Bix’s work shows how Mexican legal philosophy might be incorporated into current jurisprudential debate.Resumen: El objetivo de este (...)
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    The Features of the Mexican Constitution.Elena Vaitiekienė - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 115 (1):89-121.
    In Latin America there are two models of constitutions - the liberal and the most stable Constitution of the Argentine Nation, drafted in 1853, (which was discussed in our previous article) and one of the most radical, comprehensive and unstable – the Constitution of the United Mexican States of 1917. Although both of them were constructed under the model of the US constitution with the influence of Spanish and French constitutionalism and local national traditions, the Argentine constitutionalism has developed (...)
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    Femicide and Gun Control: The Application of Symbolic Penal Law in The Mexican Criminalization of Femicide.Lucas Martínez-Villalba - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (6):1755-1775.
    The criminalization of femicide in Mexico has been introduced as a tool to address the violence, discrimination, and oppression against women. The criminalization strategy has a symbolic function: going beyond deterring the crime to be used as tool for education. In that sense, the criminalization of femicide emerges as an educational tool used to introduce new principles and societal values, highlighting the reality of discrimination and subordination against women, thereby transforming an individual conduct into a watershed issue worthy of collective (...)
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    The Ratio Decidendi through Mexican Lens.Rodrigo Camarena González - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho.
    In March 2021, the Mexican Constitution was amended to transition to a system of precedents. This amendment mandates that the “reasons” of Supreme Court rulings will be binding on the lower courts. However, the reform is rooted in a long-standing practice of ‘Tesis’, i.e., abstract statements that the Court itself identifies when deciding a case. Moreover, there is no consensus as to what these reasons are and why they should be binding. The aim of this article is to identify (...)
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    Leonor de Caceres and the Mexican Inquisition.Margaret MacLeish Mott - 2001 - Journal of the History of Ideas 62 (1):81-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Ideas 62.1 (2001) 81-98 [Access article in PDF] Leonor de Cáceres and the Mexican Inquisition Margaret Mott Introduction: The Family and the Times The Carvajál family, well-known to historians of colonial Mexico, achieved its enduring status largely through the records of the Mexican Holy Office. 1 The governor, Luis de Carvajál, after becoming embroiled in a boundary dispute with the Viceroy of (...)
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    Abortion and conscientious objection: rethinking conflicting rights in the Mexican context.Gustavo Ortiz-Millán - 2018 - Global Bioethics 29 (1):1-15.
    ABSTRACTSince 2007, when Mexico City decriminalized abortion during the first trimester, a debate has been taking place regarding abortion and the right to conscientious objection. Many people argue that, since the provision of abortions is now a statutory duty of healthcare personnel there can be no place for “conscientious objection.” Others claim that, even if such an objection were to be allowed, it should not be seen as a right, since talk about a right to CO may lead to a (...)
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    The Nativistic Legacy of the Americanization Era in the Education of Mexican Immigrant Students.René Galindo - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (4):323-346.
    Nativism is a forgotten ideology which nevertheless operates in the current era as illustrated by the resurgence of anti-immigrant sentiment and restrictionistic policies in response to growing Latino/a immigration. This response to Latino/a immigration recalls a historic era from the early 1900s known as the Americanization period which was also characterized by a strong nativist agenda and harsh restrictionistic policies. Developments from the Americanization period continue to influence immigration and education policies in the current era and are visible in the (...)
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  9. Commentary: The need for balancing the reproductive rights of women and the unborn in the mexican court room.María de Jesús Medina Arellano - 2010 - Medical Law Review 18 (3):427-33.
  10. The Spatial Dynamics of National Minority Categories in Czechia– a Discourse Historical Perspective.Sylva Reznikova - forthcoming - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique:1-16.
    The absence of a universally recognized definition of national minority is perceived as problematic by legal scholars on the international level as well as in domestic jurisdictions [Kymlicka, Will. 2015. Solidarity in diverse societies: Beyond neoliberal multiculturalism and welfare chauvinism. _Comparative Migration Studies_., Ringelheim, Julie. 2010. Minority Rights in a Time of Multiculturalism-The Evolving Scope of the Framework Convention on the Protection of National Minorities. _Human rights law review_., Velázquez, Elisa Ortega. 2017. Minority rights for immigrants: From Multiculturalism (...)
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  11.  39
    Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in Mexico: a theoretic ideal or everyday practice?Sonja Kaufmann & Christian R. Vogl - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (2):457-472.
    Third-party certification, the most common organic certification system, has faced growing criticism in recent years. This has led to the development of alternative certification systems, most of which can be classed as Participatory Guarantee Systems. PGS have been promoted as a more suitable, cheaper and less bureaucratic alternative to TPC for local markets and are associated with additional benefits such as empowering smallholder farmers, facilitating farmer-to-farmer learning and enhancing food security and sovereignty. PGS have spread rapidly in the past few (...)
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  12.  25
    El pensamiento ilustrado novohispano y la revolución de independencia.José Luis Soberanes Fernández - 2012 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (6):217-280.
    During the 17th century a new approach to reality originated in Europe: the Enlightenment, which elaborated its own theories about society, law and government, finally emerging in the late 18th and early 19th centuries into what is known today as the Bourgeois Liberal Revolution. This essay will assess the impact the Enlightenment had in 18th century Mexican intellectual circles, and how influential it was to the Mexican War of Independence, as well as to the incipient Mexican constitutionalism (...)
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  13.  37
    Why Following the Rules Matters: The Customs of War and the Case of the Texas War of Independence.Dov H. Levin - 2008 - Journal of Military Ethics 7 (2):116-135.
    It is commonly assumed that the pre-codified, customary law of war had little true influence on the decisions or behavior of combatants in the western world. Evaluating this assumption concerning the custom (or norm) of the giving of quarter to enemy combatants in the Texas War of Independence of 1835--1836, this paper finds a strong and widely accepted norm on this subject already by the early 19th century, which exerted significant influence on the behavior in and the results and consequences (...)
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  14.  18
    Practicing Accountability, Challenging Gendered State Resistance: Feminist Legislators and Feminicidio in Mexico.Paulina García-Del Moral - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (5):844-868.
    In the late 1990s, Mexican feminists mobilized transnationally to demand state accountability for the feminicidios of women in Ciudad Juarez. Feminicidio refers to the misogynous killing of women and the state’s complicity in this violence by tolerating it with impunity. Drawing on debates of the Mexican Federal Congress and interviews with feminist state and non-state actors, I examine feminist legislators’ response to transnational activism, which was to pass the “General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of (...)
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  15. The Pizarrist Rebellion the Birth of Latin America.Marcel Bataillon & Nora McKeon - 1963 - Diogenes 11 (43):46-62.
    On the eve of Mexican independence one of the intellectual leaders of the movement, Dr. Servando Teresa José de Mier, whom the “new despotism” had incarcerated in the prison of San Juan de Ulúa, reflected on the Idea of the Constitution Conferred upon America by the Kings of Spain before the Invasion of the Old Despotism. He evoked with fervor the epoch—at the height of the reign of Charles V—when Fray Bartolome de Las Casas introduced the new laws protecting (...)
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  16.  70
    Hegemony, commodification, and the state: Mexico's shifting discourse on agricultural germplasm. [REVIEW]Francisco Martínez Gómez & Robert Torres - 2001 - Agriculture and Human Values 18 (3):285-294.
    In this work, we examine the debate over thecommodification of agricultural germplasm in Mexico using aneo-Marxist theoretical framework. Specifically, we examine Mexico's movement away from a ``Farmers' Rights'' framework, whichtreats germplasm as a ``common good'' towards the passage of theMexican Federal Law on Plant Varieties, which sees germplasm as acommodity. In order to understand this legal change, the recenthistory of this discourse in Mexico is examined. Usingtheoretical insights based in an analysis of this discourse, weexamine the ideological elements of this (...)
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  17.  24
    Disposable Subjects: Staging Illegality and Racial Terror in the Borderlands.Armando García - 2019 - Critical Philosophy of Race 7 (1):160-186.
    This article draws on Gloria Anzaldúa's philosophy to analyze Latina/o cultural forms as responses to the lawful violence that renders migrants and other minoritarian peoples as disposable subjects. The article turns to Latina/o playwrights and undocumented poets whose art forms, produced under the deportation regime, express a desire for freedom from terrorizing governance. Focusing on Lydia, a play by Mexican American playwright Octavio Solis, and poetry by an undocumented artist, Yosimar Reyes, it links these representations of “illegal” migrants to (...)
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  18.  34
    The Reproductive Rights Counteroffensive in Mexico and Central America.Gabriela Arguedas Ramírez & Lynn M. Morgan - 2017 - Feminist Studies 43 (2):423.
    Abstract:This essay reviews the 2013 Human Life International (HLI) propaganda video, Central America and Mexico: Fighting for Life, Faith, and Family, which, we argue, illustrates the well-orchestrated counteroffensive against reproductive and sexual rights movements occurring in the region. First we summarize the film's key themes, including the assertion that Catholicism is fundamental to Mexican and Central American identities and that the international “pro-abortion movement” is waging war against Catholics. Second, we note the development of a new strategic alliance between (...)
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  19.  18
    Analysis and Characterization of the Spread of COVID-19 in Mexico through Complex Networks and Optimization Approaches.Edwin Montes-Orozco, Roman-Anselmo Mora-Gutiérrez, Sergio-Gerardo de-los-Cobos-Silva, Eric A. Rincón-García, Miguel A. Gutiérrez-Andrade & Pedro Lara-Velázquez - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-12.
    This work analyzes and characterizes the spread of the COVID-19 disease in Mexico, using complex networks and optimization approaches. Specifically, we present two methodologies based on the principle of the rupture for the GC and Newton's law of motion to quantify the robustness and identify the Mexican municipalities whose population causes a fast spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Specifically, the first methodology is based on several characteristics of the original version of the Vertex Separator Problem, and the second is (...)
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  20.  58
    Informed consent in clinical research at a general hospital in Mexico: opinions of the investigators.Laura Vargas-Parada, Simon Kawa, Alberto Salazar, Juan Jose Mazon & Ana Flisser - 2006 - Developing World Bioethics 6 (1):41-51.
    ABSTRACT In Mexico informed consent is a legal requirement that ensures that patients who are invited to participate in clinical trials are provided with all the information needed to decide whether to participate, or not, in a research protocol. To improve our understanding of the problems physicians in developing countries encounter, when obtaining informed consent (IC), we examined their opinion on the importance of IC in clinical research, the quantity and quality of the information provided to the participant, and the (...)
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  21.  51
    Graffiti and Colonial Unknowing: A Comment on Mishuana Goeman's "Caring for Landscapes of Justice in Perilous Settler Environments".Anna Cook - 2024 - The Pluralist 19 (1):64-70.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Graffiti and Colonial Unknowing:A Comment on Mishuana Goeman's "Caring for Landscapes of Justice in Perilous Settler Environments"Anna Cookin "caring for landscapes of justice in Perilous Settler Environments," Dr. Goeman shows how the NDN Collective's initiatives, Chemehuevi photographer Cara Romero's Tongvaland project, and the works of Gabrieliño Tongva artist Mercedes Dorame "exemplify communities of care" that work toward "the unmapping of settler terrains" ("Caring for Landscapes" 51). Her address highlights (...)
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  22.  39
    Novel ethical dilemmas arising in geriatric clinical practice.Elisa Constanza Calleja-Sordo, Adalberto de Hoyos, Jorge Méndez-Jiménez, Nelly F. Altamirano-Bustamante, Sergio Islas-Andrade, Alejandro Valderrama, Carmen García-Peña & Myriam M. Altamirano-Bustamante - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (2):229-236.
    The purpose of this study is to determine empirically the state of the art of the medical care, when healthcare personal is confronted with ethical dilemmas related with the care they give to the geriatric population. An observational, longitudinal, prospective and qualitative study was conducted by analyzing the correlation between healthcare personnel–patient relationship, and ethical judgments regarding dilemmas that arise in daily clinical practice with geriatric patients. Mexican healthcare personnel with current active practices were asked to write up an (...)
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  23. "Our Original Barbarism": Man vs. Nature in Thomas Jefferson's Moral Experience.Maurizio Valsania - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (4):627-645.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Our Original Barbarism":Man vs. Nature in Thomas Jefferson's Moral ExperienceMaurizio ValsaniaJefferson, perhaps more than any other early democratic theorist, recognized that the development of social institutions and government could not be left to chance or to the "Laws of Nature."1One of the most fundamental fact about Thomas Jefferson—maybe the fundamental fact about Thomas Jefferson—is that he was a white man, and a landholding white man at that. Scholars of (...)
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  24.  46
    The people of California are suffering': The ideology of white injury in discourses of immigration.Lisa Marie Cacho - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (4):389-418.
    This article examines how the ideology of white injury both conceals and sustains inequitable social relations in turn‐of‐the‐millenium California. Understanding the political and economic context of California in the early 1990s in relation to media, law, and culture helps explain why Californian citizens passed the unconstitutional initiative, Proposition 187, in 1994. Targeting undocumented Mexican immigrants, this ‘color‐blind’ Proposition functioned to conflate economic insecurities with racial anxieties. An analysis of culture, law, and media discloses how racial anxieties limit our understandings (...)
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  25.  7
    Una visita a Hans Kelsen en México.Imer B. Flores - 2014 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (8):53-94.
    Revisiting the influence of Hans Kelsen in Mexico requires a revision not only of his visits to Mexico and of the Mexicans to him, but also the different accounts of his thought that exist in Mexico. Hence, we commence by remembering his visits to Mexico —from the cancelled to the consummated, including a endless lists of invitations to visit the country; we continue with the visits of the Mexicans to Kelsen; and we conclude with a visit to Kelsen in Mexico, (...)
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  26.  20
    Epistemic Modality Constructions as Stable Idiolectal Features: A Cross-genre Study of Spanish.Andrea Mojedano Batel, Amparo Soler Bonafont & Krzysztof Kredens - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (2):595-621.
    Forensic authorship analysis is based on two assumptions: that every individual has a unique idiolect, and that features characteristic of that idiolect will recur with a relatively stable frequency. Yet, a speaker’s language can change with age, affective states, according to audience, or genre. Thus, studies on authorship analysis should adopt the theory that while some linguistic parameters of an idiolect can remain stable, others can change depending on various circumstances. This investigation, which takes a constructional and functional-based approach to (...)
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  27.  21
    Religious Ethics and Migration: Doing Justice to Undocumented Workers by Ilsup Ahn. [REVIEW]Andy Draycott - 2016 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 36 (2):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Religious Ethics and Migration: Doing Justice to Undocumented Workers by Ilsup AhnAndy DraycottReligious Ethics and Migration: Doing Justice to Undocumented Workers Ilsup Ahn New York: Routledge, 2014. 204PP. $145.00Ilsup Ahn addresses the controverted issue of immigration, focusing on the plight of undocumented migrants. His theoretical discussions are decidedly Eurocentric, with substantial investment in explicating Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Giorgio Agamben, and Jürgen Habermas, while his practical test cases (...)
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  28.  73
    Are Dietary Intakes and Eating Behaviors Related to Childhood Obesity? A Comprehensive Review of the Evidence.P. K. Newby - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (1):35-60.
    Childhood obesity is a serious problem for increasing numbers of children around the world. According to the International Obesity Task Force, 1 of 10 schoolaged children worldwide is overweight or obese, a number totaling 155 million; of these, 2-3% are obese. Prevalence is highest in the Americas and Europe, followed by the Near/Middle East, with smaller but growing numbers in the Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan regions of the world.In the United States, which provides the data for much of this report, prevalence (...)
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  29.  49
    Moving Forward the Discussion on Childhood Obesity.P. K. Newby - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (1):7-9.
    Childhood obesity is a serious problem for increasing numbers of children around the world. According to the International Obesity Task Force, 1 of 10 schoolaged children worldwide is overweight or obese, a number totaling 155 million; of these, 2-3% are obese. Prevalence is highest in the Americas and Europe, followed by the Near/Middle East, with smaller but growing numbers in the Asia-Pacific and Sub-Saharan regions of the world.In the United States, which provides the data for much of this report, prevalence (...)
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  30.  30
    Anti-discrimination jurisprudence: US v. Carrillo-Lopez.Kevin Jobe - 2022 - International Journal of Discrimination and the Law 1 (August 2022):1-8.
    In August 2021, a U.S. Federal District Court ruled that §1326 of the Immigration Naturalization Act (INA) which criminalizes illegal reentry violated the Equal Protection clause of the Fifth Amendment because it has disparate impact upon and discriminatory intent against Mexican and Latinx individuals. While §1326 has been unsuccessfully challenged in numerous other federal courts, US v. Carrillo-Lopez stands out in its originality of interpretation regarding the discriminatory intent of a federal statute. In this case commentary, the reasoning of (...)
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  31. Introduction to the Ethics of Illegality.José Jorge Mendoza - 2009 - Oregon Review of International Law 11 (1):123-128.
    In this article I use the tropes of El Cucuy (the Mexican version of the boogyman), La Llorona (the wailer), and La Migra (the border patrol) to provide the beginnings of an ethical critique of the treatment of undocumented immigrants in the United States.
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  32. Stem Cell Regulation in Mexico: Current Debates and Future Challenges.Maria de Jesús Medina-Arellano - 2011 - Studies in Ethics, Law, and Technology 5 (1):Article 2.
    The closely related debates concerning abortion, the protection of the embryo and stem cell science have captured the legislative agenda in Mexico in recent years. This paper examines some contemporary debates related to stem cell science and the legal and political action that has followed in the wake of the latest Supreme Court judgment on abortion, which debates are directly linked to the degrees of protection of the embryo stipulated in the Mexican Constitution. While some Mexican states have (...)
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  33. Ecological Laws.Ecological Laws - unknown
    The question of whether there are laws in ecology is important for a number of reasons. If, as some have suggested, there are no ecological laws, this would seem to distinguish ecology from other branches of science, such as physics. It could also make a difference to the methodology of ecology. If there are no laws to be discovered, ecologists would seem to be in the business of merely supplying a suite of useful models. These models would need to be (...)
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  34.  27
    INTRODUCTION: Law Introduction.Stephen Law - 2012 - Think 11 (32):5-10.
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    Kids’ Law.Stephen Law - 2003 - The Philosophers' Magazine 24 (24):38-39.
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    On indeterminacy in law.Law Dictionary - 1985 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 30 (1).
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  37.  15
    Law Week Dinner.Law Council C. E. O. Peter Webb, Justice Mary Finn, Amy Burr, Warwick Burr, Christopher Ryan, Councillor Linda Crebbin & Michael Flynn - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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  38.  98
    Could a Machine Think?: Law Could a machine think?Stephen Law - 2002 - Think 1 (1):55-65.
    The year is 2100. Geena is the proud new owner of Emit, a state-of-the-art robot. She has just unwrapped him, the packaging strewn across the dining room floor. Emit is designed to replicate the outward behaviour of a human being down to the last detail . Emit responds to questions in much the same way humans do. Ask him how he feels and he will say he has had a tough day, has a slight headache, is sorry he broke that (...)
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    Thinking tools. Fallacy: Division: Law thinking tools • folio.Stephen Law - 2009 - Think 8 (21):83-83.
    Thinking tools is a regular feature that offers tips and pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously.
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    Thinking tools: Weak analogy: Law Thinking Tools.Stephen Law - 2007 - Think 5 (15):59-60.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously.
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    (2 other versions)INTRODUCTION: Law Introduction.Stephen Law - 2011 - Think 10 (27):5-8.
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  42. Thinking Tools: The Sherlock Holmes Fallacy: Law Thinking tools.Stephen Law - 2008 - Think 6 (17-18):219-221.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously.
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  43. The first integrated practice of legal translation in modern China: A study of the Chinese translation of Elements of International Law, 1864.Law Shanghai - forthcoming - Semiotica.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Thinking Tools: Seductive secrets of the shopping mall: Law Thinking Tools.Stephen Law - 2004 - Think 3 (8):53-54.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously. In this installment, we focus, not on faulty reasoning per se, but on an example of how we can be led astray or manipulated without our even realizing what is going on. Our critical faculties are entirely sidestepped!
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    1: Celebrity Endorsements and a Salesperson's Trick: Law Thinking tools.Stephen Law - 2002 - Think 1 (1):77-79.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces tips and pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously. Here we get to grips with two everyday reasoning errors.
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    Thinking tools 3: Flying saucers and open minds: Law Thinking tools.Stephen Law - 2003 - Think 1 (3):65-68.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously. Here I tell a cautionary tale about flying saucers and take a brief look at the virtues of ‘open-mindedness’.
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    Thinking Tools 2: Superstition and the Miser's Favourite: Law Thinking tools.Stephen Law - 2002 - Think 1 (2):99-101.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously. Here we get to grips with two everyday reasoning errors.
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    Thinking tools 4: How to sound like a guru: Law Thinking tools.Stephen Law - 2003 - Think 2 (4):85-87.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously. Here l explain some of the techniques commonly used by ‘gurus’ to dupe people into thinking they have something profound to say.
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  49.  38
    Thinking tools: The gambler's fallacy: Law Thinking tools.Stephen Law - 2003 - Think 2 (5):51-52.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously. Here we get to grips with an everyday reasoning error: the gambler's fallacy.
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  50.  76
    Thinking tools: The lottery fallacy: Law Thinking tools.Stephen Law - 2005 - Think 4 (11):65-66.
    Thinking Tools is a regular feature that introduces tips and pointers on thinking clearly and rigorously.
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