Results for 'Method in political philosophy'

945 found
  1.  23
    Deweyan Experimentalism and the Problem of Method in Political Philosophy.Joshua Forstenzer - 2019 - New York, USA: Routledge.
    This book proposes a pragmatist methodological framework for generating practically relevant political philosophy. It draws on John Dewey's social and political philosophy to develop an "experimentalist" method, thus charting a middle course between idealism and realism in political philosophy. Deweyan experimentalism promises to balance civic deliberation, empirical facts, and moral considerations by reconstructing Dewey's pragmatist conceptions of 'philosophy' and 'democracy' from the perspective of social action. While some authors have taken the steps (...)
  2.  23
    Deweyan Experimentalism and the Problem of Method in Political Philosophy by Joshua Forstenzer.Daniel Herbert - 2020 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 55 (4):464-468.
    With his recent contribution to Dewey studies, Deweyan Experimentalism and the Problem of Method in Political Philosophy, Joshua Forstenzer delivers a timely and highly readable examination of Dewey's democratic ideal and its contemporary relevance. Outstanding in its scholarship and compelling in its argument, Forstenzer's fascinating study presents an extensive interpretation of Dewey's experimentalist approach to democratic politics, while highlighting its significant interdisciplinary value and practical interest. Focussing particularly upon its experimentalist character and renunciation of a priori idealisations, (...)
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    Deweyan experimentalism and the problem of method in political philosophy.Nicholas Tampio - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (4):179-181.
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    Dramatization as method in political theory.Iain Mackenzie & Robert Porter - 2011 - Contemporary Political Theory 10 (4):482-501.
    The aim of this article is to give an account of a methodological link between drama and political theory. This account is drawn primarily from the early philosophical work of Deleuze. Following Deleuze, we will refer to it as ‘the method of dramatization’. We will argue that dramatization is a method aimed at determining the quality of political concepts by ‘bringing them to life’, in the way that dramatic performances bring to life the characters and themes (...)
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    Geometrical Spirit and Natural Right. Inquiry into the Methods of Political Philosophy in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. [REVIEW]Günther Küchenhoff - 1973 - Philosophy and History 6 (2):162-165.
  6.  28
    Introduction: Methods in Normative Political Theory/Philosophy.Ruhi Demiray & Aaran Burns - 2017 - Public Reason 9 (1-2).
    This special volume of Public Reason consists of the papers developed out of the delegates` presentations in two subsequent ECPR Summer School on Methods in Normative Political Theory/Philosophy at Keele University organized in 2014 and 2015. They reflect the diversities of the problems and the richness of the discussions concerning the methodologies in contemporary philosophy, as they were discussed deeply in the foregoing events. In other words, they well illustrate the multi-layered and multi-dimensional problems of the contemporary (...)
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    Method and Politics in Plato's Statesman (review).Francisco J. Gonzalez - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (1):159-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Method and Politics in Plato’s Statesman by M. S. LaneFrancisco J. GonzalezM. S. Lane. Method and Politics in Plato’s Statesman. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xiii + 229. Cloth, $59.95.This rewarding book not only is another sign of growing interest in the Statesman, but also does much to justify this interest. The reasons for the dialogue’s relative neglect until recently are easily stated: readers have (...)
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    (1 other version)Odera Oruka’s Philosophic Sagacity: Problems and Challenges of Conversation Method in African Philosophy.Godwin Azenabor - 2009 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 1 (1):69-86.
    This paper examines the implications and challenges of Odera Oruka’s conversation approach to the study of contemporary African philosophy as enunciated in his “Philosophic sagacity”. In Oruka’s method, African philosophy is conceived as a joint venture and product of both the ancient and modern Africanphilosophers. Consequently, it utilizes interview, discussion and dialogue.
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    Political Philosophy as Phenomenology: On the Method of Hegel's Philosophy of Right.György Markus - 1997 - Thesis Eleven 48 (1):1-19.
    Hegel's Philosophy of Right represents a unique theory type in the history of political philosophy. It is a normative theory that departs in its construction from an empirical facticity without reducing norms to facts. It unifies teleological and deontic considerations. It is a theory of the normatively requisite institutional structures able to realize the demands of a historically particular form of individuality, and simultaneously it presents the phenomenology of modern subjectivity committed to the ultimate value of true (...)
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  10.  21
    Towards a reconstructive approach in political philosophy.Hans Arentshorst - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 134 (1):42-55.
    This paper compares the democratic theories of Pierre Rosanvallon and Axel Honneth. The aim is to show how their work could form the basis of a ‘reconstructivist’ approach in political philosophy that rehabilitates the insights of 19th-century thinkers such as Guizot and Hegel concerning the benefits of combining political philosophy with history and sociology. Whereas the dominant procedural approaches in political philosophy tend to disconnect normative theory from the actual study of society and its (...)
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    X-Phi and Theory Acceptance in Political Philosophy.Søren Flinch Midtgaard - forthcoming - Res Publica:1-19.
    X-Phi and Theory Acceptance in Political Philosophy -/- What is the relevance of experimental philosophy (X-Phi) to theory acceptance in political philosophy? To answer this question, the paper distinguishes between four views, to wit: (i) X-Phi as a systematic method to avoid or reduce biases in our moral intuitions—The De-Biasing View; (ii) X-Phi as a tool for assessing the fruitfulness or consequences of various concepts—The Fruitfulness View; (iii) X-Phi as the best way to unearth (...)
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  12.  21
    How political philosophies can help to discuss and differentiate theories in community ecology.Annette Voigt - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-25.
    This paper uses structural analogies to competing political philosophies of human society as a heuristic tool to differentiate between ecological theories and to bring out new aspects of apparently well-known classics of ecological scholarship. These two different areas of knowledge have in common that their objects are ‘societies’, i.e. units composed of individuals, and that contradictory and competing theories about these supra-individual units exist. The benefit of discussing ecological theories in terms of their analogies to political philosophies, in (...)
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  13.  39
    The politics of method in the human sciences: positivism and its epistemological others.George Steinmetz (ed.) - 2005 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The Politics of Method in the Human Sciences provides a remarkable comparative assessment of the variations of positivism and alternative epistemologies in the contemporary human sciences. Often declared obsolete, positivism is alive and well in a number of the fields; in others, its influence is significantly diminished. The essays in this collection investigate its mutations in form and degree across the social science disciplines. Looking at methodological assumptions field by field, individual essays address anthropology, area studies, economics, history, the (...)
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  14.  34
    To ‘Graze Freely in the Pastures of Philosophy’: The Pedagogical Methods and Political Motives of Socrates and the Sophists.Coleen Zoller - 2010 - Polis 27 (1):80-110.
    This paper offers an innovative interpretation of Socrates’ disavowal of being a teacher as well as a new way of understanding Plato’s depiction of sophistry. The author identifies two different types of sophists, forthrightly frivolous sophists and slyly flattering sophists, in order to compare the pedagogical methods and political motives of each of these two types of sophists with those of Plato’s Socrates. In the course of this comparison it is made clear that Socrates endeavours to be not a (...)
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  15.  63
    Order, experience, and critique: The phenomenological method in political and legal theory.Sophie Loidolt - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):153-170.
    The paper investigates phenomenology’s possibilities to describe, reflect and critically analyse political and legal orders. It presents a “toolbox” of methodological reflections, tools and topics, by relating to the classics of the tradition and to the emerging movement of “critical phenomenology,” as well as by touching upon current issues such as experiences of rightlessness, experiences in the digital lifeworld, and experiences of the public sphere. It is argued that phenomenology provides us with a dynamic methodological framework that emphasizes correlational, (...)
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  16.  44
    Rousseau, Fanon, and the Question of Method in Political Theory.Michael J. Monahan - 2015 - Radical Philosophy Review 18 (1):169-173.
  17.  10
    Introducing political philosophy: a policy-driven approach.Will Abel - 2021 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Elizabeth Kahn, Tom Parr & Andrew Walton.
    The opening chapter familiarises students with the aims and methods of political philosophy. It explains the tools required to practice the discipline, and discusses how to apply these to political arguments. Each of the fifteen subsequent chapters focuses on a distinct area of public policy, such as affirmative action, humanitarian intervention, immigration, and parental leave. The authors introduce students to the moral questions that lie at the heart of these political disputes, as well as to some (...)
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  18.  47
    Advances in Experimental Political Philosophy.Matthew Lindauer, James R. Beebe & Justin Sytsma (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Bloomsbury.
    Brings together cutting-edge research on the use of empirical scientific methods to illuminate traditional and contemporary issues in political philosophy.
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  19. Tacit Knowledge, Working Life and Scientific Method in Style, Politics and the Future of Philosophy.A. Janik - 1989 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 114:211-224.
  20. Reflective equilibrium in political philosophy and its critics.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    This is a handout identifying twenty objections that have been made to the reflective equilibrium method.
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  21. Appropriation and Understanding in the History of Political Philosophy: On Quentin Skinner's Method.Michael Zuckert - 1985 - Interpretation 13 (3):403-424.
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  22.  34
    Political Philosophy and What People Think.Avner de Shalit - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (1):4-22.
    ABSTRACT In a democracy what people think matters. Political philosophers are mostly democrats. They often justify deliberative and participatory democracy. And yet when it comes to philosophizing they often turn a blind eye to what people think; they sometimes even express profound doubts about what people think and about consulting the public. I call this the political philosophy gap. It has been justified in several ways. In this paper I first consider and dismiss the most common justifications. (...)
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  23.  33
    Method and Politics in Plato’s Statesman. [REVIEW]Stanley Rosen - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 52 (3):695-697.
    In recent years there has been a renewed interest in Plato’s Statesman. The dialogue is certainly one of Plato’s most recalcitrant works and requires of its interpreter a peculiar combination of quickness and steadiness, and in particular, a sufficient immersion in and sympathy with Plato’s intention and style to attend with the requisite subtlety to the extremely heterogeneous content, much of which is initially soporific. In sum, one has to strike a happy balance between attention to the details, and the (...)
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  24.  58
    Political Philosophy.Adam Swift - 2013 - Polity.
    Politicians invoke grand ideas: social justice, democracy, liberty, equality, community. But what do these ideas really mean? How can politicians across the political spectrum appeal to the same values? This new edition of Adam Swift's highly readable introduction to political philosophy answers these important questions, and includes new material on global justice, feminism, and method in political theory, as well as updated guides to further reading. This lively and accessible book is ideal for students, but (...)
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  25.  6
    Philosophy, theory, and method in contemporary political thought.Michael A. Weinstein - 1971 - Glenview, Ill.,: Scott, Foresman.
  26.  45
    Consequentialism and the ideal theory debate in political philosophy.Andreas T. Schmidt - forthcoming - Journal of Social Philosophy.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  27.  15
    The philosophy and methods of political science.Keith Dowding - 2016 - London : New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    A short, lively and innovative text, this book addresses the question of what constitutes good practice in a variety of political science methods and examines the philosophy that underpins them. It argues for a pluralistic approach that will deliver effective analysis and an in-depth understanding of political events.
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  28.  25
    Experiments in moral and political philosophy.Hugo Viciana, Antonio Gaitán & Fernando Aguiar González (eds.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
    This volume presents new research on the use of experimental methodologies in moral and social philosophy. The contributions reflect the growing plurality of methodologies and strategies for implementing experimental work on morality to new domains, problems, and topics. Philosophers are exploring the ways in which empirical approaches can transform our idea of the good, our understanding of the social nature of norms and morality, as well as our methods of fulfilling ethical goals. The chapters in this volume extend experimental (...)
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  29.  5
    The Political Philosophies of Aquinas and Awolowo.Francis I. Ogunmodede - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (2):265-282.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE POLITICAL PHILOSOPHIES OF AQUINAS AND AWOLOW0 1 FRANCIS I. 0GUNMODEDE Semlnary of SS. Peter and Paul Ibadan, Nigeria Introduction W:HAT POSSIBLE connection is there between the hought of Aquinas and that of Awolowo? We must first observe a sharp difference in personality and approach to politics between the two men. Obafemi Awolowo ( 1909-87) was a recent Nigerian philosopher and politician whose works on politics include The (...)
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  30.  16
    The political philosophy of G.A. Cohen: back to socialist basics.Nicholas Vrousalis - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Gerald Allan Cohen was Chichele Professor of Social and Political Theory at All Souls College, Oxford for 23 years and is considered one of the most influential political philosophers of the past quarter-century. He died in 2009.The Political Philosophy of G. A. Cohen is the first full-length study of Cohen's highly influential thinking and method in political philosophy covering a range of fundamental topics such as equality, freedom and fraternity and his views on (...)
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  31.  27
    Experiments in Moral and Political Philosophy.Hugo Viciana, Antonio Gaitán & Fernando Aguiar (eds.) - 2023 - Routledge.
    This volume presents new research on the use of experimental methodologies in moral and social philosophy. The contributions reflect the growing plurality of methodologies and strategies for implementing experimental work on morality to new domains, problems, and topics. Philosophers are exploring the ways in which empirical approaches can transform our idea of the good, our understanding of the social nature of norms and morality, as well as our methods of fulfilling ethical goals. The chapters in this volume extend experimental (...)
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    Metaphysics, Method and Politics: The Political Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood.James Connelly - 2003 - Imprint Academic.
    This book argues that Collingwood developed a complete political philosophy of civilization. It also demonstrates that his philosophical work comprises a unity in which there is no fundamental discontinuity between his earlier and later writings.
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    Celebrating transgression: method and politics in anthropological studies of culture: a book in honour of Klaus Peter Köpping.Ursula Rao, John Hutnyk & Klaus-Peter Köpping (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    This book brings key authors in anthropology together to debate and transgress anthropological expectations.
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  34.  43
    The Basis of Universal Liberal Principles in Nussbaum’s Political Philosophy.Matthias Katzer - 2010 - Public Reason 2 (2):61-76.
    In her political philosophy, Martha C. Nussbaum defends liberal political principles on the basis of an objective conception of the good of human beings. This paper examines whether her argument succeeds. It identifies three methods to which Nussbaum refers in order to select the central human capabilities, whose exercise is seen as constituting the human good. It asks whether these methods – the interpretation of actual ways of human self-understanding, the search for necessary anthropological features, and the (...)
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  35.  48
    Methods in ethics: Introduction.Ben Colburn - 2015 - The Virtual Issue of the Aristotelian Society 3: Methods in Ethics.
    The Aristotelian Society’s Virtual Issue is a free, online publication, made publically available on the Aristotelian Society website. Each volume is theme-based, collecting together papers from the archives of the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society and the Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume that address the chosen theme. This year's Virtual Issue includes a selection of papers from across the Society’s fourteen decades, each accompanied by a specially commissioned present-day response. The aim of the volume is to aid reflection (...)
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  36. M.S. Lane, Method And Politics In Plato's Statesman. [REVIEW]Janet Sisson - 2001 - Philosophy in Review 21:187-189.
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    Aesthetic experience in the political philosophy of A. Kojève: towards understanding the practice and theory of the total state.Pavel Egorov - 2023 - Sotsium I Vlast 4 (98):21-36.
    Introduction. The article is focused on analyzing the aesthetic aspect of A. Kojève’s philosophy, the ability of his philosophy, from an aesthetic point of view, to clarify a number of key problems of the modern political and cultural environment. The purpose of the study is to determine the epistemological attitude of A. Kojève’s philosophy able to clarify the way in which his philosophy problematizes the current cultural and political reality. Methods. Hermeneutics, comparative analysis and (...)
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  38.  15
    Psychological Examination of Political Philosophies: Interrelationship Among Citizenship, Justice, and Well-Being in Japan.Masaya Kobayashi - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper examines assumptions concerning the relationship between citizenship, justice, and well-being, based on representative political philosophies, including egoism, utilitarianism, libertarianism, liberalism, and communitarianism. A previous paper raised the possibility of an inter-disciplinary framework for collaboration between psychology and political philosophy. This study picks up that thread and attempts to actualize a collaborative research effort based on a framework grounded in positive political psychology. The first part of this study reflects on the methodology situated between empirical (...)
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  39. Comptes rendus. M. Lane, Method and politics in Plato's Stateman.J. Pradeau - 2000 - Archives de Philosophie 63 (3):515-516.
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    Interpreting Hobbes's Political Philosophy.Sharon Lloyd (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The essays in this volume provide a state-of-the-art overview of the central elements of Hobbes's political philosophy and the ways in which they can be interpreted. The volume's contributors offer their own interpretations of Hobbes's philosophical method, his materialism, his psychological theory and moral theory, and his views on benevolence, law and civil liberties, religion, and women. Hobbes's ideas of authorization and representation, his use of the 'state of nature', and his reply to the unjust 'Foole' are (...)
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  41. Confucian Perfectionism: A Political Philosophy for Modern Times.Joseph Cho Wai Chan - 2014 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Since the very beginning, Confucianism has been troubled by a serious gap between its political ideals and the reality of societal circumstances. Contemporary Confucians must develop a viable method of governance that can retain the spirit of the Confucian ideal while tackling problems arising from nonideal modern situations. The best way to meet this challenge, Joseph Chan argues, is to adopt liberal democratic institutions that are shaped by the Confucian conception of the good rather than the liberal conception (...)
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  42.  17
    Politics and Method in Plato's Political Theory.Klosko Klosko - 2006 - Polis 23 (2):238-349.
    For much of the past century, Barker and other scholars took Plato seriously as a political actor, and so considered his political activities and those of the school he founded in interpreting his political works. As a result, these scholars viewed the Republic and Laws as bearing on practical politics, perhaps as blueprints for intended political reform. Although I do not argue for the strong thesis that the works should be accepted as blueprints, I believe they (...)
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  43.  12
    Political philosophy of mind: inverting the concepts, expanding the niche.Sofia Tzima & Jan Slaby - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-24.
    This text maps out a territory for political philosophy of mind, with emphasis on habit, affect and an expanded notion of the social niche. We first survey the historical development of classic philosophy of mind towards the articulation of political philosophy of mind and discuss further influences for the field. We then outline commitments to relationality, dynamism, and emergence, to adopt a post-cognitivist view of cognition as embodied and situated, as ongoing dynamic interaction with the (...)
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  44. Embodying Justice in Ancient Egypt: The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant as a Classic of Political Philosophy.Chike Jeffers - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (3):421-442.
    This article is an introduction to an ancient Egyptian text called The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant and an argument that it ought to be seen as a classic of political philosophy. After contextualizing the tale as part of a tradition of moral and political philosophy in ancient Egypt, I explore the methods by which the text defines the proper roles of political authority and contrast its approach to justifying political authority with the argument (...)
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  45. Realism in Normative Political Theory.Enzo Rossi & Matt Sleat - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (10):689-701.
    This paper provides a critical overview of the realist current in contemporary political philosophy. We define political realism on the basis of its attempt to give varying degrees of autonomy to politics as a sphere of human activity, in large part through its exploration of the sources of normativity appropriate for the political and so distinguish sharply between political realism and non-ideal theory. We then identify and discuss four key arguments advanced by political realists: (...)
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  46.  15
    The Socratic Method Today: Student-Centered and Transformative Teaching in Political Science.Lee Trepanier - 2017 - Routledge.
    This exciting new textbook provides a sophisticated examination of the Socratic method for teaching political science students in higher education. It shows how the Socratic method is employed in the Platonic dialogs, compares its transformative approach to other student-centered teaching philosophies, and addresses the challenges of adopting the Socratic method in the contemporary classroom. The book is divided into three sections that integrate these practical aspects on the Socratic method with the theoretical considerations of Socratic (...)
  47. Hobbes's moral and political philosophy.Sharon A. Lloyd & Susanne Sreedhar - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The 17th Century English philosopher Thomas Hobbes is now widely regarded as one of a handful of truly great political philosophers, whose masterwork Leviathan rivals in significance the political writings of Plato, Aristotle, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, and Rawls. Hobbes is famous for his early and elaborate development of what has come to be known as “social contract theory”, the method of justifying political principles or arrangements by appeal to the agreement that would be made among suitably (...)
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  48. Mixed methods research and the variety of evidence in political science.Jaakko Kuorikoski & Caterina Marchionni - 2022 - In Harold Kincaid & Jeroen van Bouwel, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Political Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Socratic Rationalism and Political Philosophy[REVIEW]William S. Cobb - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (2):428-429.
    Stern uses a very thorough analysis of Plato's Phaedo as a means of attacking the traditional understanding of the Platonic-Socratic view of both the method and the results of philosophy that is found in the middle dialogues. Stern means by "political philosophy" the study of human affairs in general, and he sees Socrates' study of human affairs as described in the Phaedo as involving a type of rationalism that does not rest on a dogmatic assertion about (...)
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  50.  11
    What's the point of political philosophy?Jonathan Floyd - 2019 - Medford, Massachusetts: Polity.
    Idiots burn books for the same reason philosophers write them – they matter. But why exactly do political philosophy books matter, not to mention the hundreds of articles published every year? In part because they are interesting, but also because they are influential. They are mind-altering and, in turn, world-altering. Political philosophers write their books for the same reason political revolutionaries read them – they change the world. In this short and original book, Jonathan Floyd explains (...)
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