Results for 'Mert Bilgin'

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  1. The PEARL Model: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Sustainable Development.Mert Bilgin - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S3):545-554.
    This article formulates institutional virtues according to sustainable development (SD) criteria to come up with a paradigmatic set of corporate principles. It aims to answer how a corporation might obtain competitive advantage by combining "going ethical" with "going green." On the one hand, it brings out facts that indicate a forthcoming trend inclined to force relevant actors to comply with SD requirements. On the other hand, it suggests that SD may be implemented as a strategy to gain competitive advantage by (...)
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    Results of a beer game experiment: Should a manager always behave according to the book?Mert Edali & Hakan Yasarcan - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S1):190-199.
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    How to ‘decaffeinate’ a legislative report: emerging discourses on the climate change-migration nexus within the European Parliament.Mert Söyler, Martín Torino Zavaleta & Olivia Jane Whelan - forthcoming - Critical Discourse Studies.
    This paper examines the different discourses adopted concerning the climate change-migration nexus within the European Parliament (EP). It uses a critical discourse analysis approach to analyse a specific motion for resolution report, its amendments, and plenary debates, as well as an expert interview with the rapporteur to gain further insights into the political dynamics and challenges involved in the process. An own-initiative report is chosen for the analysis to reveal conflicting discourse-making processes between various political groups within the EP and (...)
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    Enîsü'l-celîs.A. Azmi Bilgin - 2008 - İstanbul: İstanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi. Edited by A. Azmi Bilgin.
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    The Prospects for Political Liberalism in Non‐Western Societies.Mehmet Fevzi Bilgin - 2007 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (3):359-376.
    This article assesses the prospects for the adoption of Rawls’s political liberalism in non‐Western contexts. The argument centers on the religious resurgence in non‐Western societies and presents an evaluation of the viability and acceptability of political liberal principles in the face of the normative, theoretical and practical challenges posed by this development. Political liberalism emerges as a significant theoretical and normative resource; nevertheless, the socio‐political conditions in non‐Western societies may fall short of satisfying the sociological requirements of political liberalism. A (...)
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    Shedding light on the relationships between Machiavellianism, career ambition, and unethical behavior intention.Mert Gürlek - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (1):38-59.
    Despite the long history of career research in the literature (Guerrier, 1987; Siu et al., 1997), researchers have largely neglected the dark sides of the antecedents and consequences of career amb...
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    Gamete derivation from stem cells: revisiting the concept of genetic parenthood.Heidi Mertes - 2014 - Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (11):744-747.
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    Ethical Aspects of the Use of Stem Cell Derived Gametes for Reproduction.Heidi Mertes & Guido Pennings - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (3):267-278.
    A lot of interest has been generated by the possibility of deriving gametes from embryonic stem cells and bone marrow stem cells. These stem cell derived gametes may become useful for research and for the treatment of infertility. In this article we consider prospectively the ethical issues that will arise if stem cell derived gametes are used in the clinic, making a distinction between concerns that only apply to embryonic stem cell derived gametes and concerns that are also relevant for (...)
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    Metni Döneminde İncelemek: Masdariyecizâde Hüseyin Efendi’nin Teslîs-i Zâviye ve Kavs Risalesini Neden Yanlış Anladık?Zehra Bilgin - 2023 - Nazariyat, Journal for the History of Islamic Philosophy and Sciences 9 (1):73-96.
    Mühendishâne-i Berrî-i Hümâyûn hocalarından Masdariyecizâde Hüseyin Efendi 1238/1822’de doksan dereceden küçük bir açının Eukleides geometrisi yöntemleriyle üç eşit parçaya bölünmesine dair antik prob- lem hakkında bir risale kaleme alır. Risale, köklerini Antik Yunan’da bulan bu meşhur problemin Eukleides geometrisinin araçları olan çizgilik (işaretsiz cetvel) ve pergel kullanılarak ulaşıldığı düşünülen çözümünü içerir. Ayrıca, sunulan ispat Mühendishâne eğitim kadrosunun her birinin onayını gösteren imzalarla kayıt altına alınmıştır. Akademik literatürde bu risaleye dair yapılan değerlendirmelere bakıldığında, çözümde kullanımı sınırlandırılmış araçlarla bir sonuca ulaşılamayacağının Hüseyin (...)
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    Modal Foundationalism in Brandom´s Interpretation of Hegel.Mert Yirmibe? - 2023 - Studia Hegeliana 9:65-74.
    Brandom’s reading of Hegel’s metaphysics offers an excitingly rich interpretation within the context of contemporary modal metaphysics. Brandom reads Hegel’s determinate negation in the way that the concepts of material incompatibility and material consequence relations operate. Brandom recognizes incompatibility as a modal concept and places it as a primitive in the foundation of Hegel’s metaphysics. This paper examines of Brandom’s modal foundationalist claim in comparison to how Hegel conceives of modality in his Logic. Upon this examination, the paper suggests that (...)
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  11. Serbest plan, serbest cephe, serbest ev.İhsan Bilgin - 1999 - Cogito 18:144-157.
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    The force of dissimilar analogies in bioethics.Heidi Mertes & Guido Pennings - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (2):117-128.
    Although analogical reasoning has long been a popular method of reasoning in bioethics, current literature does not sufficiently grasp its variety. We assert that the main shortcoming is the fact that an analogy's value is often judged on the extent of similarity between the source situation and the target situation, while in (bio)ethics, analogies are often used because of certain dissimilarities rather than in spite of them. We make a clear distinction between dissimilarities that aim to reinforce a similar approach (...)
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  13. Security.Pinar Bilgin - 2020 - In Arlene B. Tickner & Karen Smith, International relations from the global South: worlds of difference. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  14. Temporal error monitoring: Monitoring of internal clock or just motor noise?Sena N. Bilgin & Tadeusz W. Kononowicz - 2025 - Consciousness and Cognition 130 (C):103849.
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    Cheating at Some Department Whose Basic Function is to Train Academician.Esra Lüle Mert - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1813-1829.
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  16. V poiskakh istoricheskoĭ istiny: ocherk metodologii kritiki burzhuaznoĭ istoriografii.A. N. Mert︠s︡alov - 1984 - Moskva: "Myslʹ".
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    UTx With Deceased Donors Also Places Risks and Burdens on Third Parties.Heidi Mertes & Kristof Van Assche - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):22-24.
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    Post-Demokrasi, Dissensus ve Estetik Sanat Rejimi.Mert Erçetin - 2024 - Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanat Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 30 (2):101-117.
    Jacques Rancière, Dissensus: Politika ve Estetik Üzerine adlı kitabında uzlaşımı (consensus) şiar edinen post-demokratik devletin, bireyin toplumun bir parçası olarak tanımladığını belirterek politikanın Platon’un Devlet diyaloğunda sunduğu polis’e indirgendiğini öne sürmektedir. Çözüm olarak politikanın, birey (tikel) ile toplum (tümel) arasındaki uyuşmazlığın (dissensus) teşhir edilmesi olarak yeniden düşünülmesini öneren Rancière, Platon’un bir tür an-arşi olarak gördüğü demokrasinin politikayı olanaklı kılması sayesinde aslında ‘daha iyi bir yaşamı’ (eu zen) vaat ettiğini öne sürer. Böylece, post-demokraside öznelliği uzlaşıma dayanan bir söylemde karışan bireyin sesi, (...)
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    From Capture to Inhibition: How does Irrelevant Information Influence Visual Search? Evidence from a Spatial Cuing Paradigm.Christine Mertes, Edmund Wascher & Daniel Schneider - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  20. Hakikat-Sonrası ve İdeoloji: Lee McIntyre’ın yorumu hakkında Louis Althusser üzerinden bir tartışma.Mert Erçetin - 2022 - Üsküdar Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 14 (1):133-149.
    Lee McIntyre Hakikat-Sonrası (Post-Truth, 2018) adlı kitabında, hakikat-sonrası (post-truth) kavramını pazarlama ve televizyon dünyalarındaki tarihsel kökenlerine ve davranışsal psikolojideki kaynaklara dayanarak düşünsel bir kökene bağlar. McIntyre, bu kavramın yalnızca epistemolojik bir sorun olduğunu öne sürer. Bu makalede; ilk olarak hakikat-sonrası kavramı ile hakikatin bağdaşım kuramı arasında benzerlikler belirtilerek ortaya çıkan ortak epistemolojik sorunlar incelenecektir. Daha sonra, kişiselleştirme teknolojileri ve bunların istenmeyen sonuçları olan yankı odası, filtreleme baloncuğu ve siber-balkanlaştırma ile Althusser’in devletin ideolojik aygıtları arasında bir koşutluk kurularak McIntyre’ın yaklaşımı sorunsallaştırılacaktır. (...)
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    Intrinsic religiosity and counterproductive work behavior: The mediating role of Islamic work ethic.Mert Gürlek - 2022 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 31 (3):809-822.
    This research aims to examine the impact of intrinsic religiosity on counterproductive work behavior directed toward the organization (CWB‐O) and the mediating role of Islamic work ethic in this impact. The data were collected from employees working in the hotel and restaurant industry (n = 684). The findings revealed that intrinsic religiosity had a positive and significant effect on Islamic work ethic. It was found that Islamic work ethic also had a negative and significant effect on CWB‐O. Similarly, intrinsic religiosity (...)
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    Eurasian Business Perspectives: Proceedings of the 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference.Mehmet Huseyin Bilgin, Hakan Danis, Ender Demir & Ugur Can (eds.) - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume of Eurasian Studies in Business and Economics includes selected papers from the 24th Eurasia Business and Economics Society Conference, held in Bangkok. The theoretical and empirical papers gathered here cover diverse areas of business and management from different geographic regions; yet the main focus is on the latest findings on evolving marketing methods, analytics, communication standards, and their effects on customer value and engagement. The volume also includes related studies that analyze sustainable consumer behavior, and business strategy-related topics (...)
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    Nahum Brown. Hegel’s Actuality Chapter of the Science of Logic: A Commentary.Mert Can Yirmibeş - 2020 - The Owl of Minerva 51 (1):101-109.
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  24. Embryonic Stem Cell–Derived Gametes and Genetic Parenthood: A Problematic Relationship.Heidi Mertes & Guido Pennings - 2008 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 17 (1):7-14.
    The recent success in generating live offspring from embryonic stem cell –derived gametes in mice sparked visions of growing tailor-made sperm for men faced with infertility. However, although this development will almost certainly lead to new insights into the processes underlying spermatogenesis and thus in the possible causes of male infertility, it is less certain if deriving sperm from ES cells, which are in turn derived from a sterile man, can make someone a genetic parent. As the gap between newly (...)
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    Valence and perceived control in personal and collective future thinking: the relation to psychological well-being.Nazike Mert & Qi Wang - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (5):675-690.
    Prior studies have shown that people imagine their personal future to be more positive than their country’s collective future. The present research extends the nascent literature by examining the valence and perceived control of personal and national future events in a new experimental paradigm, the cultural generalizability of the findings, and the relation of future thinking to psychological well-being. US college students (Study 1) and US and Turkish community participants (Study 2) imagined what might happen to them and their country (...)
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    A Research on the Use of Foreign Origin Words by Turkish Language Teacher Candidates.Esra Lüle Mert - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:2357-2369.
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    Türkçe Öğretmen Adaylarının Okuma İlgi Düzeylerinin Farklı Değişkenler Açısından İncelenmesi.Esra Lüle Mert - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):959-959.
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    Türkçe Öğretmen Adaylarının Yazılı Anlatım Becerileri ve Dil Duyarlıkları Üzerine Bir İnceleme.Esra Lüle Mert - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 7):689-689.
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    Türkçe Öğretmen Adaylarının Üstbilişsel Dinlediğini Anlamaya Yönelik Farkındalık.Esra Lüle Mert - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 21):501-501.
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    Subtle Distinctions: How Attentional Templates Influence EEG Parameters of Cognitive Control in a Spatial Cuing Paradigm.Christine Mertes & Daniel Schneider - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Hegel’s treatment of modality in the context of contemporary modal metaphysics.Mert Can Yirmibeş - 2022 - Dissertation, University of Warwick
    This thesis is a study on the nature of modality in Hegel’s Logic and contemporary modal metaphysics. The thesis has two aims: Firstly, it examines Lewisian modal realism, as well as the post-Lewisian modal metaphysical accounts of modal actualism and modal essentialism in order to reveal that each position appeals to a non-modal foundation to make modal concepts explicit. Each position thus falls under what Hegel regards as pre-critical metaphysics by suggesting a modally unaccountable ground for modal concepts. The very (...)
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    The role of anticipated decision regret and the patient's best interest in sterilisation and medically assisted reproduction.Heidi Mertes - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (5):314-318.
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    Why do Americans foresee a grim future for their country? The influences of country well-being, national identity, and news coverage.Nazike Mert & Qi Wang - 2025 - Cognition 256 (C):106052.
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    Modification of the Embryo's Genome: More Useful in Research Than in the Clinic.Heidi Mertes & Guido Pennings - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (12):52-53.
  35.  19
    The Personalized Patient Preference Predictor: A Harmful and Misleading Solution Losing Sight of the Problem It Claims to Solve.Heidi Mertes - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (7):41-42.
    In the age where AI is showing increasing potential to solve problems in unprecedented ways, it becomes tempting to see it as the solution for every problem, resulting in a focus on the means (i.e....
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    Ethical values supporting the disclosure of incidental and secondary findings in clinical genomic testing: a qualitative study.Marlies Saelaert, Heidi Mertes, Tania Moerenhout, Elfride De Baere & Ignaas Devisch - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-12.
    Incidental findings and secondary findings, being results that are unrelated to the diagnostic question, are the subject of an important debate in the practice of clinical genomic medicine. Arguments for reporting these results or not doing so typically relate to the principles of autonomy, non-maleficence and beneficence. However, these principles frequently conflict and are insufficient by themselves to come to a conclusion. This study investigates empirically how ethical principles are considered when actually reporting IFs or SFs and how value conflicts (...)
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    ‘Workable utopias’ for social change through inclusion and empowerment? Community supported agriculture (CSA) in Wales as social innovation.Tezcan Mert-Cakal & Mara Miele - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 37 (4):1241-1260.
    The focus of this article is community supported agriculture (CSA) as an alternative food movement and a bottom-up response to the problems of the dominant food systems. By utilizing social innovation approach that explores the relationship between causes for human needs and emergence of socially innovative food initiatives, the article examines how the CSA projects emerge and why, what is their innovative role as part of the social economy and what is their transformative potential. Based on qualitative data from four (...)
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    Unpublished Hieroglyphic Luwian Inscriptions from Adıyaman Museum.Tayfun Bilgin & Muzaffer Özçiris - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 141 (4):767.
    In this article we present the first edition of five Hieroglyphic Luwian inscriptions of Ancoz and Samsat provenance from the Adıyaman Museum, provide clarification on the records of previously published inscriptions from Ancoz and Samsat, suggest a join with an existing Ancoz inscription, and offer a discussion on the nature of the rulers of Kummuh.
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    İlkokul 1. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin 4+4+4 Uygulaması Sonucunda Yaşadıkları Sorunların Öğretmen Görüşleri.Hilal BİLGİN - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):335-335.
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    Türkiye'de Ve Bazı Avrupa Birliği Ülkelerindeki Öğretmen Yetiştirme Uygulamalarının Karşılaştırılmal.Hilal BİLGİN - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):279-279.
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    Toplumsal Çözülmeye Çözüm Denemesi: Yûnus Emre Örneği.Büşra BİLGİN - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):39-61.
    Since the beginning of human coexistence, besides solidarity and domestication, many problems and difficulties have arisen in society and individual individuals. Although the members of the society seem to have tried to comply with the duty of living together, the society started to experience a collapse. The inability of people to digest each other, not to accept their differences and to marginalize, and the tendency to see oneself as superior and privileged to others have been the biggest factors that have (...)
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  42. Does human genome editing reinforce or violate human dignity?Seppe Segers & Heidi Mertes - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (1):33-40.
    Germline genome editing is often disapproved of at the international policy level because of its possible threats to human dignity. However, from a critical perspective the relationship between this emerging technology and human dignity is relatively understudied. We explore the main principles that are referred to when 'human dignity' is invoked in this context; namely, the link with eugenics, the idea of a common genetic heritage, the principle of equal birth and broader equality and justice concerns. Yet the concept is (...)
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    The ethics of ectogenesis‐aided foetal treatment.Seppe Segers, Guido Pennings & Heidi Mertes - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (4):364-370.
    In this paper, we aim to stimulate ethical debate about the morally relevant connection between ectogenesis and the foetus as a potential beneficiary of treatment. Ectogenesis could facilitate foetal interventions by treating the foetus independently of the pregnant woman and provide easier access to the foetus if interventions are required. The moral relevance hereof derives from the observation that, together with other developments in genetic technology and prenatal treatment, this may catalyse the allocation of a patient status to the foetus. (...)
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    Participation(s) in Transnational Environmental Governance: Green Values versus Instrumental Use.Ayşem Mert - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (1):101-121.
    As crucial elements of green ideology, political participation and inclusiveness have become indispensable to democratic decision-making as green values gained ground across the world. It is often assumed that through the inclusion and participation of more stakeholders, the global environmental governance architecture has become increasingly democratic since the 1990s. This article asks whether civil society participation in the relevant United Nations platforms democratises transnational and global environmental governance, or simply simulates democratic participation without giving stakeholders the chance to contribute to (...)
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    İbn Dakīkulʿîd’in Şerḥu’l-İlm'm bi-Eḥ'dîs̱i’l-Aḥk'm’ında Hadisleri Anlama Yöntemi Olarak Hakikat-Mecaz Olgusu.Recep Bilgin - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):526-546.
    Hadislerin doğru anlaşılması ve yorumlanması çabası ilk defa Hz. Peygamber döneminde başlamış, tâbiîn ve tebeu’t-tâbiîn döneminde hadislerin tedviniyle birlikte hız kazanmış ve bu hususta önemli çalışmalar yapılmıştır. İlerleyen süreçte fıkıh usulünün verilerini kullanarak ahkâm hadislerinden hüküm çıkarma ve lafız-mâna ilişkisi konusunda hakikat-mecaz ekseninde yeni yorum yöntemleriyle uygulamalı olarak ele alınan eserler telif edilmiştir. Bu eserlerin başında İbn Dakīkulʿîd’in, Şerḥu’l-İlmâm bi-eḥâdîs̱i’l-aḥkâm’ı gelmektedir. Şerḥu’l-İlmâm hadis şerh edebiyatında muhteva zenginliğini arttıran ve kullanılan bazı izah yöntemlerini geliştirerek kendisinden önceki şerhleri geride bırakmış bir eserdir. (...)
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    The curious case of “trust” in the light of changing doctor–patient relationships.Seppe Segers & Heidi Mertes - 2022 - Bioethics 36 (8):849-857.
    The centrality of trust in traditional doctor–patient relationships has been criticized as inordinately paternalistic, yet in today's discussions about medical ethics—mostly in response to disruptive innovation in healthcare—trust reappears as an asset to enable empowerment. To turn away from paternalistic trust‐based doctor–patient relationships and to arrive at an empowerment‐based medical model, increasing reference is made to the importance of nurturing trust in technologies that are supposed to bring that empowerment. In this article we stimulate discussion about why the move towards (...)
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    Modern Revolution and Its Restorative Logic: Burke, Tocqueville, and Marx.Onur Bilginer - 2025 - The European Legacy 30 (2):129-150.
    This article examines the views of Burke, Tocqueville, and Marx on the nature and extent of modern revolution and its restorative logic. I argue that, while all three supported the introduction of changes in society, they differed on how to steer the course of such changes, which resulted in a peculiar meaning of modern revolution. Each of them proposed good and bad versions of modern revolution, offered specific ways of protecting the good versions from producing perverse effects, and warned against (...)
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  48. Laiklik Tartışması ve Siyasal İslâm.Nuray Mert - 1994 - Cogito 1:89-103.
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    The effect of Covid-19 on ethical sensitivity.Selda Mert, Aylin Aydin Sayilan, Ayfer Peker Karatoprak & Canan Baydemir - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (7-8):1124-1136.
    Background: In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, healthcare workers increasingly encounter serious ethical issues that negatively affect their professionalism. Purpose: The study aims to examine the ethical sensitivity levels of physicians and nurses working in surgical units during the Covid-19 pandemic and the associating factors. Method: The sample of this cross-sectional online questionnaire–based study consists of 161 healthcare workers working at the surgical units in Turkish hospitals. The data were collected using the “Nurse Descriptive Information Form” developed by the (...)
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    Perception of care quality and ethical sensitivity in surgical nurses.Selda Mert Boğa, Aylin Aydin Sayilan, Özlem Kersu & Canan Baydemİr - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (3):673-685.
    Background: It is stated that high ethical sensitivity positively affects the quality of nursing care. However, the relationship between nursing care quality and ethical sensitivity has not been clearly demonstrated in researches. Aim: This study was carried out to determine the relationship between surgical nurses’ care behaviors and their ethical sensitivity. Method: The sample of this cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study consists of 308 nurses who worked at the surgical departments in four Turkish hospitals. The data were collected using the “Nurse Description (...)
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