  1.  18
    Valence and perceived control in personal and collective future thinking: the relation to psychological well-being.Nazike Mert & Qi Wang - 2024 - Cognition and Emotion 38 (5):675-690.
    Prior studies have shown that people imagine their personal future to be more positive than their country’s collective future. The present research extends the nascent literature by examining the valence and perceived control of personal and national future events in a new experimental paradigm, the cultural generalizability of the findings, and the relation of future thinking to psychological well-being. US college students (Study 1) and US and Turkish community participants (Study 2) imagined what might happen to them and their country (...)
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    Why do Americans foresee a grim future for their country? The influences of country well-being, national identity, and news coverage.Nazike Mert & Qi Wang - 2025 - Cognition 256 (C):106052.
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  3.  36
    Effects of musical training and culture on meter perception.Charles Yates, Timothy Justus, Nart Bedin Atalay, Nazike Mert & Sandra Trehub - 2017 - Psychology of Music 45 (2):231–245.
    Western music is characterized primarily by simple meters, but a number of other musical cultures, including Turkish, have both simple and complex meters. In Experiment 1, Turkish and American adults with and without musical training were asked to detect metrical changes in Turkish music with simple and complex meter. Musicians performed significantly better than nonmusicians, and performance was significantly better on simple meter than on complex meter, but Turkish listeners performed no differently than American listeners. In Experiment 2, members of (...)
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  4.  44
    Remembering melodies from another culture: Turkish and American listeners demonstrate implicit knowledge of musical scales.Timothy Justus, Charles Yates, Nart Bedin Atalay, Nazike Mert & Meagan Curtis - 2019 - Analytical Approaches to World Music 7 (1).
    Beyond the major-minor tonality that characterizes classical and contemporary Western musical genres, Turkish classical and folk music offer experimental psychologists a rich modal system in which cognition, development, and enculturation can be studied. Here, we present a cross-cultural experiment concerning implicit knowledge of musical scales. Five groups of participants—American musicians and nonmusicians, Turkish musicians and nonmusicians, and Turkish classical and folk music listeners—were asked to listen to brief melodies composed using the member tones of either the major scale or the (...)
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