Results for 'Melanie Böckmann'

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  1. Complexity: a guided tour.Melanie Mitchell - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What enables individually simple insects like ants to act with such precision and purpose as a group? How do trillions of individual neurons produce something as extraordinarily complex as consciousness? What is it that guides self-organizing structures like the immune system, the World Wide Web, the global economy, and the human genome? These are just a few of the fascinating and elusive questions that the science of complexity seeks to answer. In this remarkably accessible and companionable book, leading complex systems (...)
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  2. 179 Melanie Klein.Melanie Klein - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery (eds.), Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 178.
  3. Auditory processing in severely brain injured patients: Differences between the minimally conscious state and the persistent vegetative state.Melanie Boly, Marie-Elisabeth E. Faymonville & Philippe Peigneux - 2004 - Archives of Neurology 61 (2):233-238.
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    Rand's Literary Romanticism.Tore Boeckmann - 2016 - In Allan Gotthelf & Gregory Salmieri (eds.), A Companion to Ayn Rand. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 426–449.
    This chapter draws on Ayn Rand's esthetic discourse, especially her essay collection The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature and her lecture course on fiction‐writing, edited and published as The Art of Fiction: A Guide for Writers and Readers. First, it looks briefly at Romanticism in its historical context. Next, the chapter discusses how plot enables a writer to show the events of a story as following logically from the values and premises of the characters, and how this method implies (...)
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    Selling 'Em by the Sack: White Castle and the Creation of American Food (review)'.Cathy Boeckmann - 1997 - Symploke 5 (1):240-241.
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    Wirklichkeitsverlust durch Medien?Klaus Boeckmann - 1990 - Communications 15 (1-2):9-20.
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    Metaphysik des Irgendwie: Georg Simmel als Philosoph.Melanie Riedel - 2021 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
    Together with Max Weber, Georg Simmel is one of the founders of modern sociology. He is less well known as a philosopher. Here he emerges as a modern author who tries to uphold the claim of philosophy under the conditions of relativism, scientific positivism and historicism. His very own understanding of a this-worldly metaphysics as well as his affinity for mysticism play a prominent role in this"--Summary on t.p. verso.
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    Educating nurse leaders in ethics and end-of-life care.Melanie Simpson - 1998 - Bioethics Forum 15 (4):25-28.
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    Marxism, Morality, and the Politics of Desire: Utopianism in Fredric Jameson's The Political Unconscious.Staci L. von Boeckmann - 1998 - Utopian Studies 9 (2):31-50.
  10.  22
    Expressing the Inexpressible in Lyotard and Pseudo-Dionysius: Bearing Witness as Spiritual Exercise.Mélanie Victoria Walton - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Rigorously studying the inexpressible expression provoked by the silenced testimony of the Holocaust survivor, in Jean-François Lyotard's The Differend, and the religious faithful, in Pseudo-Dionysius' The Divine Names, proves to dissolve the apparent heterogeneity of postmodernism and Neoplatonist Christian mysticism and open radical new lines of dialogue. Expressing the Inexpressible critically evaluates each thinker and tradition, rethinks witnessing, testimony, sublimity, and apophaticism, and then engages them together to forge a new reading of silence and eros.
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  11. Expanding the space of f2f: Writing centers and audio-visual-textual conferencing.Melanie Yergeau, Kathryn Wozniak & Peter Vandenberg - forthcoming - Topoi.
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    Imagination, Illness, and Injury: Jungian Psychology and the Somatic Dimensions of Perception.Melanie Starr Costello - 2006 - Routledge.
    How does the body influence the way we see the world? _Imagination, Illness and Injury_ examines the psychological factors behind perceptual limitations and distortions and links a broad range of somatic manifestations with their resolution. Melanie Starr Costello applies Jungian theory to a variety of cases, attributing psychosomatic phenomena to cognitive processes that are common to us all. She analyses the role of illness in several life narratives, and interprets the appearance of somatic phenomena during important phases of analytic (...)
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  13. Thought Experiments in Science, Philosophy, and the Arts.Melanie Frappier, Letitia Meynell & James Robert Brown (eds.) - 2012 - Routledge.
    From Lucretius throwing a spear beyond the boundary of the universe to Einstein racing against a beam of light, thought experiments stand as a fascinating challenge to the necessity of data in the empirical sciences. Are these experiments, conducted uniquely in our imagination, simply rhetorical devices or communication tools or are they an essential part of scientific practice? This volume surveys the current state of the debate and explores new avenues of research into the epistemology of thought experiments.
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    The accidental transgressor: Morally-relevant theory of mind.Melanie Killen, Kelly Lynn Mulvey, Cameron Richardson, Noah Jampol & Amanda Woodward - 2011 - Cognition 119 (2):197-215.
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    Doctors' dilemmas: medical ethics and contemporary science.Melanie Phillips - 1985 - New York: Methuen. Edited by John Dawson.
  16. Narrative of a Child Analysis.Melanie Klein - 1961 - .
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    How bizarre? A pluralist approach to dream content.Melanie G. Rosen - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 62:148-162.
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    Working Together: Critical Perspectives on Six Cross-Sector Partnerships in Southern Africa.Melanie Rein & Leda Stott - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S1):79 - 89.
    This paper examines six cross-sector partnerships in South Africa and Zambia. These partnerships were part of a research study undertaken between 2003 and 2005 and were selected because of their potential to contribute to poverty reduction in their respective countries. This paper examines the context in which the partnerships were established, their governance and accountability mechanisms and the engagement and participation of the partners and the intended beneficiaries in the partnerships. We argue that a partnership approach which has proven successful (...)
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  19. Remembrance and Denial of Genocide: On the Interrelations of Testimonial and Hermeneutical Injustice.Melanie Altanian - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (4):595-612.
    Genocide remembrance is a complex epistemological/ethical achievement, whereby survivors and descendants give meaning to the past in the quest for both personal-historical and social-historical truth. This paper offers an argument of epistemic injustice specifically as it occurs in relation to practices of (individual and collective) genocide remembrance. In particular, I argue that under conditions of genocide denialism, understood as collective genocide misremembrance and memory distortion, genocide survivors and descendants are confronted with hermeneutical oppression. Drawing on Sue Campbell’s relational, reconstructive account (...)
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  20. New Directions in Psycho-Analysis.Melanie Klein, Paula Heinmann & Roger Money-Kyrle - 1956 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 7 (25):105-110.
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    Health as a virtue: Thomas Aquinas and the practice of habits of health.Melanie L. Dobson - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Pickwick Publications.
    The stories from the Clergy Health Initiative and Word Made Flesh missionary organization exhibit transformations that ushered Christian leaders into deeper love of God, neighbor, and themselves.
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    The preliminary validity and reliability of the Assessment of Barriers to Learning in Education – Autism.Melanie Howell, Tom Bailey, Jill Bradshaw & Peter E. Langdon - unknown
    Background: Few robust autism-specific outcome assessments have been developed specifically for use by teachers in special schools. The Assessment of Barriers to Learning in Education – Autism is a newly developed teacher assessment to identify and show progress in barriers to learning for pupils on the autism spectrum with coexisting intellectual disabilities. Aims: This study aimed to conduct a preliminary validity and reliability evaluation of the ABLE-Autism. Methods and procedures: Forty-eight autistic pupils attending special schools were assessed using the ABLE-Autism. (...)
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  23. On the Criteria for the Termination of a Psycho-Analysis.Melanie Klein - 1950 - International Journal of Psychoanalysis 31:78–80.
    If the conflicts and anxieties experienced during the first year of life have been adequately worked through, then the patient is ready for termination of analysis even though such termination evokes painful feelings and early anxieties. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2018 APA, all rights reserved).
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    Personhood and Subjectivation in Simondon and Heidegger.Melanie Swan - 2014 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 24 (3):65-75.
    Twentieth century philosophers such as Simondon and Heidegger propose theories of subjectivation that inform our thinking about the definition of personhood and how it arises; including in the potentially wide-ranging context of personhood beyond the human. Simondon’s theory of transindividuation unfolds as a series of decenterings that provides a context for future persons that is a dynamic world of processes without fixity or attachment to any one kind of subject. Subjects participate in but do not cause individuation; and they exist (...)
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  25. Im Denken über Musik eingewoben : Materialität.Melanie Unseld - 2018 - In Nikolaus Urbanek & Melanie Wald-Fuhrmann (eds.), Von der Autonomie des Klangs Zur Heteronomie der Musik: Musikwissenschaftliche Antworten Auf Musikphilosophie. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler.
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    10 Hardly Black and White.Mélanie V. Walton - 2013 - In Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo & Dan Flory (eds.), Race, Philosophy, and Film. New York: Routledge. pp. 50--166.
    The cinematographic successes of Craig Brewer’s Black Snake Moan and Lars Von Trier's Manderlay are contingent upon the palpability of tension and attraction created by their respective, many racial and sexual relations, thus both films aggressively bring them to the fore by excessively rehearsing old stereotypes and taboos, and inverting the expected agents therein, to reveal their persistent, still-relevant power. Both films similarly test our convictions and squeamishness, but do so from entirely different moral stances. Brewer explores how an act (...)
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  27. Higher education pedagogies: a capabilities approach.Melanie Walker - 2006 - New York: Open University Press.
    This book sets out to generate new ways of reflecting ethically about the purposes and values of contemporary higher education in relation to agency, learning, public values and democratic life, and the pedagogies which support these.
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    Social Media, E‐Health, and Medical Ethics.Mélanie Terrasse, Moti Gorin & Dominic Sisti - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (1):24-33.
    Given the profound influence of social media and emerging evidence of its effects on human behavior and health, bioethicists have an important role to play in the development of professional standards of conduct for health professionals using social media and in the design of online systems themselves. In short, social media is a bioethics issue that has serious implications for medical practice, research, and public health. Here, we inventory several ethical issues across four areas at the intersection of social media (...)
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  29. Individual Responsibility for Climate Change.Melany Banks - 2013 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 51 (1):42-66.
    As we become more aware of the potential causes and consequences of climate change we are left wondering: who is responsible? Climate change has the potential to harm large portions of the global population and, arguably, is already doing so. Further, climate change is argued to be human-caused. If this is true, then it seems to be the case that we can analyze climate change in terms of responsibility. I argue that we can approach environmental harms, such as climate change, (...)
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    Substance Abuse and Workplace Fraud: Evidence from Physicians.Melanie Millar, Roger M. White & Xin Zheng - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (2):585-602.
    We examine the relation between worker substance abuse and workplace fraud in a sample of medical doctors. Relative to their peers, we observe that doctors engaging in substance abuse are between 50 and 100 times more likely to commit fraud in a given year. This result is consistent with research suggesting that substance abuse both creates financial pressures and impairs the functioning of cognitive self-regulatory mechanisms. Our results are robust in within-subject tests and between-subject tests, as well as in tests (...)
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    MIREOT: The minimum information to reference an external ontology term.Mélanie Courtot, Frank Gibson, Allyson L. Lister, James Malone, Daniel Schober, Ryan R. Brinkman & Alan Ruttenberg - 2011 - Applied ontology 6 (1):23-33.
    While the Web Ontology Language (OWL) provides a mechanism to import ontologies, this mechanism is not always suitable. Current editing tools present challenges for working with large ontologies an...
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  32. Den drømmende hjerne.Melanie G. Rosen - 2021 - Turbulens.
    Efter du er vågnet svedende med et hamrende hjerte, og efter du pludselig har indset, at du i virkeligheden ikke er i fare, men at du faktisk ligger sikkert i din seng, kan det være svært at forstå, hvordan du blot få sekunder tidligere var overbevist om, at du var ved at blive nedtrampet af en flok enhjørninger. Hvorfor har vi disse livagtige hallucinationer, når vi sover, og hvorfor, uanset hvor underlige de er, tror vi stadig, at vi er vågne, (...)
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    Research Responsibility Agreement: a tool to support ethical research.Melanie Murdock & Stephanie Erickson - 2023 - Research Ethics 19 (3):288-311.
    When engaging in community-based research, it is important to consider ethical research practices throughout the project. While current research practices require many investigators to obtain approval from an ethics review board before starting a project, more is required to ensure that ethical principles are applied once the investigations begin and after the investigations are complete. In response to this concern, as expressed by workers at a feminist non-profit during a community placement, we developed a tool to foster both greater ethical (...)
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  34. Hypnotic regulation of consciousness and the pain neuromatrix.Melanie Boly, Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville, Brent A. Vogt, Pierre Maquet & Laureys & Steven - 2007 - In Graham A. Jamieson (ed.), Hypnosis and Conscious States: The Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
  35. Malang cosmopolitanism in the 1950s.Melani Budianta - 2015 - In Sharmani Patricia Gabriel & Fernando Rosa (eds.), Cosmopolitan Asia: Littoral Epistemologies of the Global South. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Analysis and Interpretation in the Exact Sciences: Essays in Honour of William Demopoulos.Melanie Frappier, Derek Brown & Robert DiSalle (eds.) - 2011 - Dordrecht and London: Springer.
    The essays in this volume concern the points of intersection between analytic philosophy and the philosophy of the exact sciences. More precisely, it concern connections between knowledge in mathematics and the exact sciences, on the one hand, and the conceptual foundations of knowledge in general. Its guiding idea is that, in contemporary philosophy of science, there are profound problems of theoretical interpretation-- problems that transcend both the methodological concerns of general philosophy of science, and the technical concerns of philosophers of (...)
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  37. Spatial awareness, alertness, and ADHD: The re-emergence of unilateral neglect with time-on-task.Melanie A. George, Veronika B. Dobler, Elaine Nicholls & Tom Manly - 2005 - Brain and Cognition 57 (3):264-275.
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    Wissenskulturen, Experimentalkulturen und das Problem der Repräsentation.Melanie Hoffmann - 2009 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Diese Studie analysiert die Konzepte «Wissenskulturen» und «Experimentalkulturen», um sich dem Problem der Repräsentation mittels einer Mehrfaktoren-Analyse zu nähern.
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  39. Difference and enlightenment in Haydn.Melanie Lowe - 2015 - In Olivia Ashley Bloechl, Melanie Diane Lowe & Jeffrey Kallberg (eds.), Rethinking difference in music scholarship. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Science and Hypothesis: The Complete Text by Henri Poincaré (New translation).Mélanie Frappier, Andrea Smith & David J. Stump (eds.) - 2017 - London: Bloomsbury.
    New Translation of Henri Poincaré's Science and Hypothesis, including new material and editorial commentary. New Introduction by David J. Stump.
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    The Dark Side of Cultural Intelligence: Exploring Its Impact on Opportunism, Ethical Relativism, and Customer Relationship Performance.Melanie P. Lorenz, Jase R. Ramsey, James “Mick” Andzulis & George R. Franke - 2020 - Business Ethics Quarterly 30 (4):552-590.
    ABSTRACTEmployees who possess cross-cultural capabilities are increasingly sought after due to unparalleled numbers of cross-cultural interactions. Previous research has primarily focused on the bright side of these capabilities, including important individual and work outcomes. In contrast, the purpose of this study is to demonstrate that the cross-cultural capability of cultural intelligence can lead to both positive and negative outcomes. Applying the general theory of confluence, we propose that expatriates high in CQ excel in customer relationship performance, while simultaneously behaving opportunistically. (...)
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  42. Ethical decision-making models: a taxonomy of models and review of issues.Melanie K. Johnson, Sean N. Weeks, Gretchen Gimpel Peacock & Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (3):195-209.
    A discussion of ethical decision-making literature is overdue. In this article, we summarize the current literature of ethical decision-making models used in mental health professions. Of 1,520 articles published between 2001 and 2020 that met initial search criteria, 38 articles were included. We report on the status of empirical evidence for the use of these models along with comparisons, limitations, and considerations. Ethical decision-making models were synthesized into eight core procedural components and presented based on the composition of steps present (...)
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  43. Self‐Representation and Perspectives in Dreams.Melanie Rosen & John Sutton - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (11):1041-1053.
    Integrative and naturalistic philosophy of mind can both learn from and contribute to the contemporary cognitive sciences of dreaming. Two related phenomena concerning self-representation in dreams demonstrate the need to bring disparate fields together. In most dreams, the protagonist or dream self who experiences and actively participates in dream events is or represents the dreamer: but in an intriguing minority of cases, self-representation in dreams is displaced, disrupted, or even absent. Working from dream reports in established databanks, we examine two (...)
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    Costly false beliefs: What self-deception and pragmatic encroachment can tell us about the rationality of beliefs.Melanie Sarzano - 2018 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 13 (2):95-118.
    Melanie Sarzano | : In this paper, I compare cases of self-deception and cases of pragmatic encroachment and argue that confronting these cases generates a dilemma about rationality. This dilemma turns on the idea that subjects are motivated to avoid costly false beliefs, and that both cases of self-deception and cases of pragmatic encroachment are caused by an interest to avoid forming costly false beliefs. Even though both types of cases can be explained by the same belief-formation mechanism, only (...)
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    Multi Scale Ethics—Why We Need to Consider the Ethics of AI in Healthcare at Different Scales.Melanie Smallman - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (6):1-17.
    Many researchers have documented how AI and data driven technologies have the potential to have profound effects on our lives—in ways that make these technologies stand out from those that went before. Around the world, we are seeing a significant growth in interest and investment in AI in healthcare. This has been coupled with rising concerns about the ethical implications of these technologies and an array of ethical guidelines for the use of AI and data in healthcare has arisen. Nevertheless, (...)
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  46. Toward a Philosophy of Blockchain: A Symposium: Introduction.Melanie Swan & Primavera de Filippi - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (5):603-619.
    This article introduces the symposium “Toward a Philosophy of Blockchain,” which provides a philosophical contemplation of blockchain technology, the digital ledger software underlying cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, for the secure transfer of money, assets, and information via the Internet without needing a third-party intermediary. The symposium offers philosophical scholarship on a new topic, blockchain technology, from a variety of perspectives. The philosophical themes discussed include mathematical models of reality, signification, and the sociopolitical institutions that structure human life and interaction. The (...)
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    Thinkers, writers and kinds of intellectual biographies: contribution to a symposium on Sophie Scott-Brown’s Colin Ward and the Art of Everyday Anarchy.Melanie Nolan - 2024 - History of European Ideas 50 (5):864-867.
    One of his obituarists describes Colin Ward (1924-2010) as ‘as one of the greatest anarchist thinkers of the past half century’, ‘a pioneering social historian’ and a chuckling anarchist.1 In the p...
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  48. Rethinking the right to know and the case for restorative epistemic reparation.Melanie Altanian - 2024 - Wiley: Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (4):728-745.
    THIS PUBLICATION IS AVAILABLE OPEN ACCESS. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights acknowledges the Right to Know as part of state obligations to combat impunity and thereby protect and promote human rights in the aftermath of “serious crimes under international law”. In light of such an institutionally acknowledged epistemic right of victims, this paper explores the normative foundations of the idea of epistemic reparation in the aftermath of genocide. I argue that such epistemic reparation requires not only fulfilment of (...)
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  49. What I make up when I wake up: anti-experience views and narrative fabrication of dreams.Melanie Rosen - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
    I propose a narrative fabrication thesis of dream reports, according to which dream reports are often not accurate representations of experiences that occur during sleep. I begin with an overview of anti-experience theses of Norman Malcolm and Daniel Dennett who reject the received view of dreams, that dreams are experiences we have during sleep which are reported upon waking. Although rejection of the first claim of the received view, that dreams are experiences that occur during sleep, is implausible, I evaluate (...)
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  50. Genocide Denial as Testimonial Oppression.Melanie Altanian - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (2):133-146.
    This article offers an argument of genocide denial as an injustice perpetrated not only against direct victims and survivors of genocide, but also against future members of the victim group. In particular, I argue that in cases of persistent and systematic denial, i.e. denialism, it perpetrates an epistemic injustice against them: testimonial oppression. First, I offer an account of testimonial oppression and introduce Kristie Dotson’s notion of testimonial smothering as one form of testimonial oppression, a mechanism of coerced silencing particularly (...)
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