Results for 'Melanie Bowman'

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  1. Privileged Ignorance, “World”-Traveling, and Epistemic Tourism.Melanie Bowman - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):475-489.
    In this article I am concerned with how relatively privileged people who wish to act in anti-oppressive ways respond to their own ignorance in ways that fall short of what is necessary for building coalitions against oppression. I consider María Lugones's sense of “world”-travel and José Medina's notion of epistemic friction-seeking as strategies for combating privileged ignorance, and assess how well they fare when put into practice by those suffering from privileged ignorance. Drawing on the resources of tourism studies, I (...)
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    Uprooting Narratives: Legacies of Colonialism in the Neoliberal University.Melanie Bowman & María Rebolleda-Gómez - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (1):18-40.
    Two intertwined stories evince the influence of colonialism on Western universities. The first story centers on a conflict about wild rice research between the Anishinaabe people and the University of Minnesota. Underlying this conflict is a genetic notion of biological identity that facilitates the commodification of wild rice. This notion of identity is inextricably linked to agricultural control and expansion. The second story addresses the foundation of Western universities on the goals of civilization and capitalist productivity. These norms persist even (...)
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  3. 179 Melanie Klein.Melanie Klein - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery, Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 178.
  4. A calculus of individuals based on "connection".Bowman L. Clarke - 1981 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 22 (3):204-218.
    Although Aristotle (Metaphysics, Book IV, Chapter 2) was perhaps the first person to consider the part-whole relationship to be a proper subject matter for philosophic inquiry, the Polish logician Stanislow Lesniewski [15] is generally given credit for the first formal treatment of the subject matter in his Mereology.1 Woodger [30] and Tarski [24] made use of a specific adaptation of Lesniewski's work as a basis for a formal theory of physical things and their parts. The term 'calculus of individuals' was (...)
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  5. Complexity: a guided tour.Melanie Mitchell - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What enables individually simple insects like ants to act with such precision and purpose as a group? How do trillions of individual neurons produce something as extraordinarily complex as consciousness? What is it that guides self-organizing structures like the immune system, the World Wide Web, the global economy, and the human genome? These are just a few of the fascinating and elusive questions that the science of complexity seeks to answer. In this remarkably accessible and companionable book, leading complex systems (...)
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  6. All must have prizes.Melanie Phillips - 1997 - British Journal of Educational Studies 45 (3):324-325.
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    The death of a course: a case study of degree closure.Sarah Roberts-Bowman & Catherine Smith - 2019 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 23 (4):138-144.
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    Hegel and the Metaphysics of Absolute Negativity.Brady Bowman - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Hegel's doctrines of absolute negativity and 'the Concept' are among his most original contributions to philosophy and they constitute the systematic core of dialectical thought. Brady Bowman explores the interrelations between these doctrines, their implications for Hegel's critical understanding of classical logic and ontology, natural science and mathematics as forms of 'finite cognition', and their role in developing a positive, 'speculative' account of consciousness and its place in nature. As a means to this end, Bowman also re-examines Hegel's (...)
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    The Martial Arts Studies Reader.Paul Bowman (ed.) - 2018 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    The first authoritative overview of martial arts studies, written by pioneers of this dynamic and rapidly expanding new field.
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    The Untenability of Werth’s Untenability Essay.Bowman L. Clarke - 1979 - Process Studies 9 (3):116-124.
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    Have You Got Good Religion? Black Women’s Faith, Courage, and Moral Leadership in the Civil Rights Movement, by AnneMarie Mingo.Janna L. Hunter-Bowman - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (2):407-408.
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    Lessons for Teaching Social Science Research Methods in Higher Education: Synthesis of the Literature 2014-2020.Melanie Nind & Angeliki Katramadou - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (3):241-266.
    The underdevelopment of a pedagogical culture for research methods education and the lack of a body of knowledge with the potential to influence practice have been highlighted by previous studies. This systematic review explores the pedagogic approaches and strategies evident in recent literature (2014–2020) on teaching social science research methods in higher education. It synthesises 55 papers offering a detailed rationale for the approach and strategies employed in doctoral/post-doctoral education. While dispersed across journals, there is a plethora of case studies (...)
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    10 Hardly Black and White.Mélanie V. Walton - 2013 - In Mary K. Bloodsworth-Lugo & Dan Flory, Race, Philosophy, and Film. New York: Routledge. pp. 50--166.
    The cinematographic successes of Craig Brewer’s Black Snake Moan and Lars Von Trier's Manderlay are contingent upon the palpability of tension and attraction created by their respective, many racial and sexual relations, thus both films aggressively bring them to the fore by excessively rehearsing old stereotypes and taboos, and inverting the expected agents therein, to reveal their persistent, still-relevant power. Both films similarly test our convictions and squeamishness, but do so from entirely different moral stances. Brewer explores how an act (...)
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  14.  12
    The Routledge Doctoral Supervisor's Companion: Supporting Effective Research in Education and the Social Sciences.Melanie Walker & Pat Thomson (eds.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    Accompanying _The_ _Routledge Doctoral Student’s Companion_ this book examines what it means to be a doctoral student in education and the social sciences, providing a guide for those supervising students. Exploring the key role and pedagogical challenges that face supervisors in students’ personal development, the contributors outline the research capabilities which are essential for confidence, quality and success in doctorate level research. Providing guidance about helpful resources and methodological support, the chapters: frame important questions within the history of debates act (...)
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    Imagination, Illness, and Injury: Jungian Psychology and the Somatic Dimensions of Perception.Melanie Starr Costello - 2006 - Routledge.
    How does the body influence the way we see the world? _Imagination, Illness and Injury_ examines the psychological factors behind perceptual limitations and distortions and links a broad range of somatic manifestations with their resolution. Melanie Starr Costello applies Jungian theory to a variety of cases, attributing psychosomatic phenomena to cognitive processes that are common to us all. She analyses the role of illness in several life narratives, and interprets the appearance of somatic phenomena during important phases of analytic (...)
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  16. Purposiveness, the Idea of God, and the Transition from Nature to Freedom in the Critique of Judgment.Caroline Bowman - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann, The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 931-940.
  17.  42
    World Athletics regulations unfairly affect female athletes with differences in sex development.Hilary Bowman-Smart, Julian Savulescu, Michele O’Connell & Andrew Sinclair - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 51 (1):29-53.
    World Athletics have introduced regulations preventing female athletes with certain differences in sex development from competing in the female category. We argue these regulations are not justified and should be removed. Firstly, we examine the reasoning and evidence underlying the position that these athletes have a substantial mean difference in performance from other female athletes such that it constitutes an advantage, and argue it is not sufficient. Secondly, if an advantage does exist, it needs to be demonstrated it is unfair. (...)
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  18.  36
    Supporting patient decision-making in non-invasive prenatal testing: a comparative study of professional values and practices in England and France.Hilary Bowman-Smart, Adeline Perrot & Ruth Horn - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-13.
    Background Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), which can screen for aneuploidies such as trisomy 21, is being implemented in several public healthcare systems across Europe. Comprehensive communication and information have been highlighted in the literature as important elements in supporting women’s reproductive decision-making and addressing relevant ethical concerns such as routinisation. Countries such as England and France are adopting broadly similar implementation models, offering NIPT for pregnancies with high aneuploidy probability. However, we do not have a deeper understanding of how professionals’ (...)
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    MIREOT: The minimum information to reference an external ontology term.Mélanie Courtot, Frank Gibson, Allyson L. Lister, James Malone, Daniel Schober, Ryan R. Brinkman & Alan Ruttenberg - 2011 - Applied ontology 6 (1):23-33.
    While the Web Ontology Language (OWL) provides a mechanism to import ontologies, this mechanism is not always suitable. Current editing tools present challenges for working with large ontologies an...
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  20.  63
    Individuals and points.Bowman L. Clark - 1985 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 26 (1):61-75.
  21.  22
    Investigating How Parental Instructions and Protective Responses Mediate the Relationship Between Parental Psychological Flexibility and Pain-Related Behavior in Adolescents With Chronic Pain: A Daily Diary Study.Melanie Beeckman, Laura E. Simons, Sean Hughes, Tom Loeys & Liesbet Goubert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Ethics, government, and public policy: a reference guide.James S. Bowman & Frederick A. Elliston (eds.) - 1988 - New York: Greenwood Press.
    "[T]his is much more than a conventional reference guide. . . . An essential item in any collection that deals with the subject of ethics and public policy." Choice.
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    Zwischen Kurie und Königshof: Jacques Duèse, Bischof von Fréjus, sizilianischer Kanzler und künftiger Papst.Melanie Brunner - 2010 - In David Wirmer & Andreas Speer, 1308: Eine Topographie Historischer Gleichzeitigkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 437-458.
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    Cultural Dynamics in Globalized World.Melani Budianta, Manneke Budiman, Abidin Kusno & Mikihiro Moriyama (eds.) - 2018 - Routledge.
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  25. Bonhoeffer's Question and the Future of Theology.Bowman L. Clarke - 1969 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 50 (1):60.
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    How Do We Talk About God?Bowman L. Clarke - 1968 - Modern Schoolman 45 (2):91-104.
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    Aerobic Exercise Effects on Cognition: A Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy Systematic Review.Melanie French, Felipe Fregni & Eunice Chen - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Using reflective journals and diaries to enhance practice and learning.Melanie Jasper - 2008 - In Chris Bulman & Sue Schutz, Reflective Practice in Nursing. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 163.
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    Der Begriff Gottes und das gefühlsmässige Erfassen des Göttlichen bei Fichte und Schleiermacher.Melanie Obraz - 2001 - Münster: Lit.
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  30. Das schweigende Bild und die Aussagekraft des Rezipienten in Bezug auf asthetische und ethische Werturteile (Harald Kerber).Melanie Obraz - 2008 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 61 (1):79.
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    How to read an ethics paper.Melanie Jansen & Peter Ellerton - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (12):810-813.
    In recent decades, evidence-based medicine has become one of the foundations of clinical practice, making it necessary that healthcare practitioners develop keen critical appraisal skills for scientific papers. Worksheets to guide clinicians through this critical appraisal are often used in journal clubs, a key part of continuing medical education. A similar need is arising for health professionals to develop skills in the critical appraisal of medical ethics papers. Medicine is increasingly ethically complex, and there is a growing medical ethics literature (...)
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    Nature, not books: Sally Gregory Kohlstedt: Teaching children science: Hands-on nature study in North America, 1890–1930. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010, 384pp, $45.00 HB.Melanie Keene - 2011 - Metascience 21 (2):497-499.
    Nature, not books Content Type Journal Article Category Book Review Pages 1-3 DOI 10.1007/s11016-011-9564-y Authors Melanie Keene, Homerton College, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 8PH UK Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    Self-report may underestimate trauma intrusions.Melanie K. T. Takarangi, Deryn Strange & D. Stephen Lindsay - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 27:297-305.
  34.  25
    When do Non-financial Goals Benefit Stakeholders? Theorizing on Care and Power in Family Firms.Melanie Richards - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (2):333-351.
    Research studying the effects of non-financial goals on stakeholder relationships remains inconclusive, with scholars disagreeing on which goals increase or decrease a firm’s proactive stakeholder engagement (PSE). Instead of examining which goals act as forces for good or evil, we shift the focus of recent discussions by emphasizing the mechanisms that can explain the positive and negative stakeholder outcomes of non-financial goals under the umbrella of one theoretical lens. We do so by introducing an ethics of care perspective. Specifically, we (...)
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  35. Self‐Representation and Perspectives in Dreams.Melanie Rosen & John Sutton - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (11):1041-1053.
    Integrative and naturalistic philosophy of mind can both learn from and contribute to the contemporary cognitive sciences of dreaming. Two related phenomena concerning self-representation in dreams demonstrate the need to bring disparate fields together. In most dreams, the protagonist or dream self who experiences and actively participates in dream events is or represents the dreamer: but in an intriguing minority of cases, self-representation in dreams is displaced, disrupted, or even absent. Working from dream reports in established databanks, we examine two (...)
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  36. Higher education pedagogies: a capabilities approach.Melanie Walker - 2006 - New York: Open University Press.
    This book sets out to generate new ways of reflecting ethically about the purposes and values of contemporary higher education in relation to agency, learning, public values and democratic life, and the pedagogies which support these.
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    Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing for “Non-Medical” Traits: Ensuring Consistency in Ethical Decision-Making.Hilary Bowman-Smart, Christopher Gyngell, Cara Mand, David J. Amor, Martin B. Delatycki & Julian Savulescu - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (3):3-20.
    The scope of noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT) could expand in the future to include detailed analysis of the fetal genome. This will allow for the testing for virtually any trait with a genetic contribution, including “non-medical” traits. Here we discuss the potential use of NIPT for these traits. We outline a scenario which highlights possible inconsistencies with ethical decision-making. We then discuss the case against permitting these uses. The objections include practical problems; increasing inequities; increasing the burden of choice; negative (...)
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    Working Together: Critical Perspectives on Six Cross-Sector Partnerships in Southern Africa.Melanie Rein & Leda Stott - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (S1):79 - 89.
    This paper examines six cross-sector partnerships in South Africa and Zambia. These partnerships were part of a research study undertaken between 2003 and 2005 and were selected because of their potential to contribute to poverty reduction in their respective countries. This paper examines the context in which the partnerships were established, their governance and accountability mechanisms and the engagement and participation of the partners and the intended beneficiaries in the partnerships. We argue that a partnership approach which has proven successful (...)
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  39. The argument from design—a piece of abductive reasoning.Bowman L. Clarke - 1974 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 5 (2):65 - 78.
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    Auditory training can improve working memory, attention, and communication in adverse conditions for adults with hearing loss.Melanie A. Ferguson & Helen Henshaw - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Critical notices.Aechibald A. Bowman - 1910 - Mind 19 (1):550-559.
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  42. Hypnotic regulation of consciousness and the pain neuromatrix.Melanie Boly, Marie-Elisabeth Faymonville, Brent A. Vogt, Pierre Maquet & Laureys & Steven - 2007 - In Graham A. Jamieson, Hypnosis and Conscious States: The Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
  43. Hegel's reception of Socrates.Brady Bowman - 2019 - In Christopher Moore, Brill's Companion to the Reception of Socrates. Leiden: Brill.
  44. Place. Tracing Mary Queen of Scots.Michael S. Bowman - 2010 - In Greg Dickinson, Carole Blair & Brian L. Ott, Places of Public Memory: The Rhetoric of Museums and Memorials. University of Alabama Press.
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  45. The Absurdity of Christianity and Other Essays.Archibald Allan Bowman - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (2):272-272.
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    Re-embodying Syrinx in the ancient Peloponnese and French colonial Belle Époque: Investigating bodily change associated with sexual assault.Melanie Chilianis - 2021 - European Journal of Women's Studies 28 (2):145-158.
    This article investigates related contexts and connections that both hide and display the coercion and sexual violence manifest in Western cultural and aesthetic artefacts during ancient Greek and Roman eras and the French imperialist epoch. Exploring ‘Pan and Syrinx’ from Ovid’s ‘Book I’ of the Metamorphoses and Claude Debussy’s Syrinx for solo flute, I historicise the meanings of rape and sexual assault that informed Ovid’s epic and then revisit the genesis of Debussy’s Syrinx because of the uneasy elements surrounding its (...)
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    Finding the Context for Science.Mélanie Frappier - 2006 - Metascience 15 (2):323-327.
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    (1 other version)The Sense of Wonder.Melanie Förg - 2019 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 19:25-27.
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    The preliminary validity and reliability of the Assessment of Barriers to Learning in Education – Autism.Melanie Howell, Tom Bailey, Jill Bradshaw & Peter E. Langdon - unknown
    Background: Few robust autism-specific outcome assessments have been developed specifically for use by teachers in special schools. The Assessment of Barriers to Learning in Education – Autism is a newly developed teacher assessment to identify and show progress in barriers to learning for pupils on the autism spectrum with coexisting intellectual disabilities. Aims: This study aimed to conduct a preliminary validity and reliability evaluation of the ABLE-Autism. Methods and procedures: Forty-eight autistic pupils attending special schools were assessed using the ABLE-Autism. (...)
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    Constructive Agents Under Duress: Alternatives to the Structural, Political, and Agential Inadequacies of Past Theologies of Nonviolent Peacebuilding Efforts.Janna L. Hunter-Bowman - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (2):149-168.
    This essay explores the viability of theologies of nonviolent peacebuilding through reflection on constructive agents under duress. John Howard Yoder’s messianic theology was once a default model of peacebuilding in Christian ethics, but he mixes eschatologies, with problematic results. This essay extends insights from participant observation in Colombia to suggest that if we relate distinct accounts of messianic and gradual eschatologies without mixing them, we articulate a relationship between church and state that is fruitful for theological peacebuilding. This relationship is (...)
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