Results for 'Mekanistik, makina, bilim, madde, ruh'

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  1.  17
    An Analysis of the Mechanistic Concept of the Universe.Nurdagül Besler - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:3):89-112.
    In this study, examinations will be made on the nature of the mechanistic universe conception. The mechanistic conception of the universe has created serious effects in all areas of life by giving direction to western ways of thinking. Copernicus’ heliocentric system, Galileo’s mathematical method, Bacon’s scientific methodology, Descartes’ search for certainty and philosophical expressions by distinguishing matter- spirit, and Newton’s deterministic machine understanding shaped mechanistic understanding. The mechanistic vision, which argues that complex wholes can be understood by reducing them to (...)
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    Müslüman Örneklemler Arasında Bilişsel-Davranışla İlişkili Dua Türleri ve Ruh Sağlığı İlişkisi.Fatumetul Zehra Guldas - 2021 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 25 (1):437-454.
    Psikolojik ve öznel iyi oluş, bireyin yaşamı hakkında nasıl hissettiğine ve yaşam olaylarına nasıl tepki verdiğine bağlıdır. Bireysel olarak kişi, kontrolü dışında gerçekleşen tüm dış olayları bilişsel şemalarında istemsizce hissedebilir. Özellikle ruh sağlığı göz önüne alındığında, son yıllarda dini inanç ve uygulamaların ruh sağlığının çeşitli bileşenleri üzerindeki etkisi, din psikolojisinde en çok çalışılan konulardan biri olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çoğu çalışma, bireylerin anlam arayışları ve yaşam olaylarına tepkileri hakkında cevaplar ararken dinin rolüne odaklanmıştır. Hayatın zorluklarıyla karşılaşan ve strese maruz kalan bireylerin (...)
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    Dini Danışma ve Rehberliğin Temel Kavramları ve Tarihi Arka Planı Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme.Ömer Söylev - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (1):255-296.
    Psikolojinin bir bilim dalı olarak ortaya çıktığı 19. yüzyıla kadar, insana dair sorunlar, felsefi bir yorumla ele alınmıştır. Zaman içinde pozitivizm, materyalizm gibi felsefe akımlarının yön vermesiyle psikoloji bilimi kendine ait kavram ve yöntemlere sahip olmuştur. Bu süreçte bilimde hâkim olan paradigmaların etkisiyle din, uzun bir dönem bilimsel araştırmaların dışında tutulmuştur. Bilim adamalarının dine karşı olumsuz tutumlarına rağmen, Hıristiyan din adamaları felsefe ve psikoloji gibi alanlardaki bilimsel gelişmeleri yakından takip etmişlerdir. Kilise hizmetleri çerçevesinde geleneksel olarak sürdürülen “pastoral care” faaliyetlerinin psikoloji (...)
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    Ki̇mi̇ nöroloji̇k veri̇ler işiğinda beyi̇n-bi̇li̇nç i̇li̇şki̇si̇ üzeri̇ne kisa bi̇r tartişma I.Beyza Nur Bayat - 2019 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 31:41-46.
    Bilinç ile beyin arasındaki ilişki, düşünce tarihi boyunca tartışma konusu olmuştur. Son yüzyıla kadar zihin-beden ya da ruh-madde gibi kavramlarla anılan bu mesele, nörolojinin ivme kazanmasıyla birlikte beyin ve bilinç arasındaki ilişkiye indirgenmiştir. Bu bağlamda, insanın beyninde ortaya çıkan bilinçlilik durumunun, başka bir deyişle fenomenal deneyimlerin, nasıl meydana geldiği ve beyin ile bilincin birbirlerini nasıl etkiledikleri, hem bilimsel verilerle hem de bu verilerden hareketle ortaya konan felsefi yaklaşımlarla açıklanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, beyin ve bilinç arasındaki etkileşim sorununun nörolojinin verilerinden hareketle (...)
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  5. Anadolu’da İlk Tapınak: Göbeklitepe.Ali Osman Kurt & Mehmet Emin Göler - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (2):1107-1138.
    Öz: Bu makale Neolitik döneme ait ve Anadolu’da inşa edilen ilk tapınak olma özelliğine sahip Göbeklitepe’yi ele almaktadır. Arkeologlara göre burası insanlığın en eski tapınaklarından biridir. Göbeklitepe, yerleşik hayattan ve tarımsal üretimden yoksun olan avcı-toplayıcı toplulukların dinsel inanışları hakkında çok önemli bilgiler sunar. Bu tapınak, arkaik insanların dinden ve inançtan yoksun ilkel bir hayat sürmediklerini, aksine bir inanca sahip olduklarını, inançlarını yaşamak için tapınak inşa ettiklerini ve zengin bir dinî sembol kullandıklarını göstermektedir. Göbeklitepe, insanların yerleşik hayata geçip kendisi için konut (...)
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    A Medical and Philosophical Analysis on the Body.Şahin EFİL - 2023 - Beytulhikme An International Journal of Philosophy 13 (13:2):135-155.
    Klasik kültürlerde bedenin anatomik açıdan incelenmesine izin verilmediği için hekimlerin beden hakkındaki bilgi ve tecrübeleri oldukça sınırlı kalmıştır. Teşrih yasağının kalkması ve Descartes’ın bedene yeniden dikkat çekmesi onun incelenmesi bakımından oldukça kritiktir. Dahası, bilim ve tekniğin ilerlemesiyle birlikte tıbbın ve tıbbî aletlerin gelişme kaydetmesi, bedenin daha yakından ve daha detaylı bir biçimde incelenmesine imkan vermiştir. Klasik dönemde ruh felsefeye konu olurken, daha sonra beden de felsefenin ilgi alanına girmiştir. Modern tıpta ise, beden salt bir olgu ve mekanik bir sistem olarak (...)
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    Does the Conception of Spirit of the Muteqaddimūn Period Theologians Have a Correspondence in Modern Science?Mehmet Ödemi̇ş - 2023 - Kader 21 (1):270-300.
    The nature of the human being in general and the existence and nature of the soul in particular has been discussed throughout the history of thought. As a knowing subject, man firstly tried to know himself. While making this questioning, he not only wondered about his phenomenal existence (body), but also about his spiritual identity, which he did not doubt was out there somewhere. This curiosity has created an ongoing scientific journey from anatomy to physiology, from science to philosophy, from (...)
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    Innovation in Multistakeholder Settings: The Case of a Wicked Issue in Health Care.Edwin Rühli, Sybille Sachs, Ruth Schmitt & Thomas Schneider - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (2):289-305.
    In this article, we offer an approach of how participative stakeholder innovation can be evaluated in complex multistakeholder settings that address wicked issues. Based on the principle of mutual value creation, we present an evaluation framework that accounts for the social interaction process during which stakeholders integrate their resources and capabilities to develop innovative products and services. To assess this evaluation framework, we collected multiple data from the case study of the Swiss Cardiovascular Network, which represents a multistakeholder setting related (...)
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    Metaphors of AIDS from around Asia.Makina Kato & D. Macer - 2000 - International Journal of Bioethics 11 (3/5):201-218.
  10. A single-mechanism dual-route model of German verb inflection.Nicolas Ruh & Gert Westermann - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    Dionysius Areopagita im deutschen Predigtwerk Meister Eckharts.Kurt Ruh - 1987 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 13:207-223.
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    Die Neuerfindung der Arbeit und die Neuordnung des Sozialstaates.Hans Ruh - 1997 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 41 (1):162-169.
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    Die Zukunft ist ethisch--oder gar nicht: Wege zu einer gelingenden Gesellschaft.Hans Ruh - 2008 - Frauenfeld: Waldgut. Edited by Thomas Gröbly.
    Überleben und Lebensqualität als Thema der Ethik -- Ethik als Lebensweisheit -- Umwelt -- Wirtschaft -- Landwirtschaft -- Die Zukunft der Arbeit.
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    Gesellschaftlicher Handlungsbedarf versus Exaktheitsanspruch in den Naturwissenschaften.Hans Ruh - 1991 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 35 (1):2-4.
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    Neue Konzepte zum Abbau der Arbeitslosigkeit.Hans Ruh - 1994 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 38 (1):2-3.
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    Zur Frage nach der Begründung des Naturschutzes.Hans Ruh - 1987 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 31 (1):125-133.
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  17. The Goal Circuit Model: A Hierarchical Multi‐Route Model of the Acquisition and Control of Routine Sequential Action in Humans.Richard P. Cooper, Nicolas Ruh & Denis Mareschal - 2014 - Cognitive Science 38 (2):244-274.
    Human control of action in routine situations involves a flexible interplay between (a) task-dependent serial ordering constraints; (b) top-down, or intentional, control processes; and (c) bottom-up, or environmentally triggered, affordances. In addition, the interaction between these influences is modulated by learning mechanisms that, over time, appear to reduce the need for top-down control processes while still allowing those processes to intervene at any point if necessary or if desired. We present a model of the acquisition and control of goal-directed action (...)
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    (1 other version)Who cares what the people think? Public attitudes and refugee protection in Europe.Martin Ruhs - forthcoming - Sage Journals: Politics, Philosophy and Economics.
    Politics, Philosophy & Economics, Ahead of Print. This paper discusses why and how public attitudes should matter in regulating asylum and refugee protection in rich democracies, with a focus on Europe. Taking a realistic approach, I argue that public views constitute a soft feasibility constraint on effective and sustainable policies towards asylum seekers and refugees, and that a failure to take seriously and understand the attitudes of the host country’s population can have a very damaging effect on refugee protection and (...)
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  19.  31
    A neuroconstructivist model of past tense development and processing.Gert Westermann & Nicolas Ruh - 2012 - Psychological Review 119 (3):649-667.
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    Stakeholder Governance as a Response to Wicked Issues.Sybille Sachs, Edwin Rühli & Claude Meier - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 96 (S1):57-64.
  21.  63
    Without 'informed consent'? Ethics and ancient mummy research.I. M. Kaufmann & F. J. Ruhli - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (10):608-613.
    Ethical issues are of foremost importance in modern bio-medical science. Ethical guidelines and socio-cultural public awareness exist for modern samples, whereas for ancient mummy studies both are de facto lacking. This is particularly striking considering the fact that examinations are done without informed consent or that the investigations are invasive due to technological aspects and that it affects personality traits. The aim of this study is to show the pro and contra arguments of ancient mummy research from an ethical point (...)
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    Sustainable Success with Stakeholders – The Untapped Potential.Sybille Sachs, Edwin Rühli & Isabelle Kern - 2009 - The Society for Business Ethics Newsletter 20 (1):6-6.
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    Absence of Nonlinear Coupling Between Electric Vestibular Stimulation and Evoked Forces During Standing Balance.Kelci B. Hannan, Makina K. Todd, Nicole J. Pearson, Patrick A. Forbes & Christopher J. Dakin - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    The vestibular system encodes motion and orientation of the head in space and is essential for negotiating in and interacting with the world. Recently, random waveform electric vestibular stimulation has become an increasingly common means of probing the vestibular system. However, many of the methods used to analyze the behavioral response to this type of stimulation assume a linear relationship between frequencies in the stimulus and its associated response. Here we examine this stimulus-response frequency linearity to determine the validity of (...)
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    Arthur Rich.Hans Ruh - 1993 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 37 (1):3-4.
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    Arbeitsmarkt und Sozialstaat – Eine Thesenreihe.Hans Ruh - 1996 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 40 (1):205-210.
    The essay starts with a strong thesis: the Iimits of labour-society force to renunciation of the aitn at full employment. Instead of this the relation between job-employment and other forms of work and activities have be rearranged. The new arrangement needs a new concept of social basis-security: a new form of citizen-income. The author unfolds a set of proposals to explain his concept.
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  26. Angela von Foligno.Kurt Ruh - 1987 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 61 (1):35-49.
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    Ethik und Risiko.Hans Ruh - 1990 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 34 (1):198-205.
    Calling the risks of advanced technologies into question will inevitably result in an evaluation of the inherent hazardous potential. The consideration of maintaining the bases of living for human and non-human beeings as a commonly accepted pritnary ethic value leads to the conclusion that only the criterion of forecast maximum damages can be utilized for said evaluation but not the criterion of probality. Furthermore such an evaluation will have to take into account the hazardous potential affecting mainly those who do (...)
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  28. Gerechtigkeitstheorien.Hans Ruh - 1981 - In Armin Wildermuth & Alfred Jäger (eds.), Gerechtigkeit: Themen der Sozialethik. Tübingen: Mohr.
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  29. Jean Starobinski.Tanrı Katında Ruh & Akedia Günahı - 2007 - Cogito 51:224.
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  30. Meister Eckhart e la spiritualità delle beghine.K. Ruh - 1989 - Humanitas 44 (5):647-669.
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    Meister Eckharts Pariser Quaestionen 1-3 und eine deutsche Predigtsammlung.Kurt Ruh - 1984 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 10:307-324.
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    Meister Eckhart und die Spiritualität der Beginen.Kurt Ruh - 1982 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 8:323-334.
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    Ordnung von unten: die Demokratie neu erfinden.Hans Ruh - 2011 - Zürich: Versus.
    Die Weltwirtschaft befindet sich in einer permanenten Krise, einer Krisenlatenz. Die Hauptursache liegt im Verlust einer Werteorientierung, im Verlust der Ordnung des Seins und der Legitimität; als Folge wird die Anarchie zur faktischen Grundstruktur von Weltwirtschaft und Weltgesellschaft mit verheerenden Konsequenzen für Menschen und Umwelt. Hans Ruh greift auf die Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsgeschichte zurück und setzt sich ebenso intensiv mit den brennenden Fragen des aktuellen Weltgeschehens auseinander. Er legt offen, welche Probleme uns heute beschäftigen und in Zukunft betreffen und wie (...)
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    Strategien zur Überwindung der Arbeitslosigkeit: Modell für die Transformation des menschlichen T ätigkei tshaushal tes.Hans Ruh - 1994 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 38 (1):134-141.
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    Tourismus.Hans Ruh - 1995 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 39 (1):2-7.
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    Tierrechte - neue Fragen der Tierethik: Literaturbericht.Hans Ruh - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 33 (1):59-71.
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  37. Tests on animals: using or utilizing animals.Hans Ruh - 1997 - In Denis Noble, Jean Didier Vincent & György Ádám (eds.), The ethics of life. Paris: UNESCO.
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    Vom Recht der Stärkeren.Hans Ruh - 1996 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 40 (1):2-4.
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    Zu Arthur Richs Wirtschaftsethik.Hans Ruh - 1991 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 35 (1):229-238.
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    Zur Notwendigkeit des Zusammenhangs zwischen Aids und Sexualmoral.Hans Ruh - 1988 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 32 (1):165-168.
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    Einleitung.Joachim von Soosten & Hans Ruh - 1996 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 40 (1):1-1.
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  42. English past tense inflection: regular vs. irregular or easy vs. hard.G. Westermann, V. Kovic & N. Ruh - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 739--744.
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  43. Synthetic brain imaging of English past tense inflection.Gert Westermann & Nicolas Ruh - 2009 - In N. A. Taatgen & H. van Rijn (eds.), Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1364--1369.
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    Lessons from history of socioeconomic improvements: A new approach to treating multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis.K. L. Holloway, K. Staub, F. Rühli & M. Henneberg - 2013 - Journal of Biosocial Science 46 (5):1-21.
  45. Psychische Störungen im Ich-Welt-Verhältnis.Gerhard Stemberger, Heinrich Schulte, Erwin Levy, Max Wertheimer, Michael Ruh, Paul Tholey, Marianne Soff, Peter Vitecek, Abraham S. Luchins, Daniel J. Luchins & Gerda Engelbracht - 2002 - Wien, Österreich: Wolfgang Krammer.
    Die vor allem unter der Bezeichnung Gestalt-Psychologie bekanntgewordeneGestalttheorie der Berliner Schule war lange Zeit vielen zu Unrecht nur für ihreBeiträge zur Wahrnehmungspsychologie ein Begriff. In letzter Zeit werden jedochdiesseits und jenseits des Atlantiks zunehmend die frühen gestalttheoretischenAnsätze für eine psychotherapierelevante Lehre des gesunden und gestörtenmenschlichen Erlebens und Verhaltens wiederentdeckt und neu aufgegriffen. Dervorliegende Sammelband stellt drei exemplarische frühe Beiträge zurPsychopathologie vor, die noch vom Begründer der Gestalttheorie MaxWertheimer geprägt wurden. Anhand der Analyse der paranoischenEigenbeziehung und Wahnbildung, der Manie und der (...)
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  46. ""Do" Image Enhancement" Functions Really Enhance X-Ray Image Interpretation?Stefan Michel, Saskia M. Koller, Markus Ruh & Adrian Schwaninger - 2007 - In McNamara D. S. & Trafton J. G. (eds.), Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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    How Stakeholder Relations Impact Corporate Strategy - An Empirical Investigation.Sybille Sachs, Edwin Rühli & Veronika Mittnacht - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:476-481.
    Practitioners and leading scholars emphasize the need of integrating the notion of stakeholder more systematically into strategy theory. In corporate reality, this process has been on its way for quite some time because companies realized that a one-sided orientation to short-term shareholder value is a too narrow conception for strategic management, especially since firms’ strategically relevant resources today are not purely of financial nature but most importantly knowledge oriented. This paper will evaluate some insights into good practices of strategic stakeholder (...)
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    Stakeholder Relations as a Corporate Core to Operate, Compete and Innovate.Sybille Sachs, Edwin Rühli & Isabelle Kern - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:470-475.
    In this paper we aim to show that based on an effective stakeholder management corporations are able to build and maintain three important licences tosuccessfully fulfil their fundamental value creation task, namely the licence to operate, the licence to compete and the licence to innovate. The corporation is regarded as an institution engaged in mobilizing resources for productive uses in order to create wealth with and for its stakeholders. Our concept of the three licences is based on the widely discussed (...)
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    Dr. Levent SEVİNÇOK, Dr. Yaşar KÜÇÜKARDALI, Dr. Çiğdem DEREBOY, Dr. Ferhan DEREBOY.Çevrimiçi Yayıncılık, Yayınlanmamış Makaleler, Tüm Metin, Genç Erkeklerde Madde Kullanımı, Sosyodemografik Özellikler & Psikiyatrik Tanılar - 2000 - Substance 11 (1):40-48.
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    Debating responses to unauthorised immigrant residence.Rainer Bauböck, Julia Mourão Permoser, Martin Ruhs & Lukas Schmid (eds.) - 2024 - EUI Working Paper.
    This working paper combines Lukas Schmid’s article “Responding to unauthorized residence: on a dilemma between ‘firewalls’ and ‘regularisations’” with three critical responses as well as a rejoinder by the author. Schmid argues that a set of liberal-democratic commitments gives conscientious policymakers strong reason to implement both so-called ‘firewall’ and ‘regularisation’ policies, thereby protecting unauthorised immigrants’ basic needs and interests and officially incorporating many of them in society. He then explains that the background imperative of immigration control creates a dilemmatic tension (...)
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