Results for 'Megan Finsaas'

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  1.  25
    Is Parent–Child Disagreement on Child Anxiety Explained by Differences in Measurement Properties? An Examination of Measurement Invariance Across Informants and Time.Thomas M. Olino, Megan Finsaas, Lea R. Dougherty & Daniel N. Klein - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Megan Laverty.Megan Laverty & John Patrick Cleary - 2009 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 19 (2-3):23-27.
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  3. Cultural mosaics and mental models of nature.Megan Bang, Douglas Medin & Scott Atran - unknown
    For much of their history, the relationship between anthropology and psychology has been well captured by Robert Frost's poem, “Mending Wall,” which ends with the ironic line, “good fences make good neighbors.” The congenial fence was that anthropology studied what people think and psychology studied how people think. Recent research, however, shows that content and process cannot be neatly segregated, because cultural differences in what people think affect how people think. To achieve a deeper understanding of the relation between process (...)
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    Racial, ethnic and gender inequities in farmland ownership and farming in the U.S.Megan Horst & Amy Marion - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (1):1-16.
    This paper provides an analysis of U.S. farmland owners, operators, and workers by race, ethnicity, and gender. We first review the intersection between racialized and gendered capitalism and farmland ownership and farming in the United States. Then we analyze data from the 2014 Tenure and Ownership Agricultural Land survey, the 2012 Census of Agriculture, and the 2013–2014 National Agricultural Worker Survey to demonstrate that significant nation-wide disparities in farming by race, ethnicity and gender persist in the U.S. In 2012–2014, White (...)
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    Heterogeneity in IRB Policies with Regard to Disclosures about Payment for Participation in Recruitment Materials.Megan S. Wright & Christopher T. Robertson - 2014 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 42 (3):375-382.
    The payment of human subjects is an area where Institutional Review Boards have wide discretion. Although the “Common Rule” requires the provision of full information to human research participants to secure valid consent, the Rule is silent on the issue of payment. Still, some federal agencies offer guidance on the matter. For example, the National Science Foundation cautions that high payments for risky research “may induce a needy participant to take a risk that they normally would prefer not to take.” (...)
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  6. Australian practices go overseas.Megan Jane Laverty - 2018 - In Gilbert Burgh & Simone Thornton, Philosophical Inquiry with Children: The development of an inquiring society in Australia. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
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  7. Narrative and Ethics Education.Megan Laverty - 1997 - Ethics Education 3 (4).
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    Design, objectives, execution and reporting of published open‐label extension studies.Bowers Megan, Ruth M. Pickering & Mark Weatherall - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (2):209-215.
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    Drawings, 2006–2010.Megan Vossler - 2009 - Diacritics 39 (2):2-106.
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  10. Global Justice, Natural Resources, and Climate Change.Megan Blomfield (ed.) - 2019 - Oxford University Press.
    To address climate change fairly, many conflicting claims over natural resources must be balanced against one another. This has long been obvious in the case of fossil fuels and greenhouse gas sinks including the atmosphere and forests; but it is ever more apparent that responses to climate change also threaten to spur new competition over land and extractive resources. This makes climate change an instance of a broader, more enduring and - for many - all too familiar problem: the problem (...)
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    Can you hear me now? Jean-Jacques Rousseau on listening education.Megan J. Laverty - 2011 - Educational Theory 61 (2):155-169.
    In this essay Megan J. Laverty argues that Jean-Jacques Rousseau's conception of humane communication and his proposal for teaching it have implications for our understanding of the role of listening in education. She develops this argument through a close reading of Rousseau's most substantial work on education, Emile: Or, On Education. Laverty elucidates Rousseau's philosophy of communication, beginning with his taxonomy of the three voices—articulate, melodic, and accentuated—illustrating the ways in which they both enhance and obfuscate understanding. Next, Laverty (...)
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    Beyond silence or compliance: The complexities of reporting a friend for misconduct.Megan F. Hess, Linda K. Treviño, Anjier Chen & Rob Cross - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (4):546-562.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  13. Emergent properties and the context objection to reduction.Megan Delehanty - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (4):715-734.
    Reductionism is a central issue in the philosophy of biology. One common objection to reduction is that molecular explanation requires reference to higher-level properties, which I refer to as the context objection. I respond to this objection by arguing that a well-articulated notion of a mechanism and what I term mechanism extension enables one to accommodate the context-dependence of biological processes within a reductive explanation. The existence of emergent features in the context could be raised as an objection to the (...)
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    Multidisciplinary Ethics Review for Liminal Cases in Maternal-Fetal Surgery: A Model.Megan A. Allyse, Lindsay Warner, Leal Segura, Mauro Schenone, Siobhan Pittock, Abigail Rousseau & Kirsten A. Riggan - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (3):65-68.
    As members of the fetal surgery advisory board at a large tertiary care center, we read with great interest Hendriks’ et al. target article proposing a new ethical framework for fetal therap...
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    Machiavelli against Method: Paul Feyerabend's Anti-Rationalism and Machiavellian Political ‘Science’.Megan K. Dyer & Cary J. Nederman - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (3):430-445.
    SUMMARYContemporary scholars seeking to advance the study of political phenomena identify their inquiry as a ‘science' that attains success through rigorous method. Thus the ‘methodological anarchism' of Paul Feyerabend's philosophy of science might seem an inauspicious place to find a fruitful disciplinary vision. Nonetheless, it echoes a longstanding conception of the ‘science' of politics articulated by Niccolò Machiavelli. Looking to Feyerabend, we propose to surmount the impasse between Machiavelli's account of politics and the demands of modern science and recover his (...)
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  16.  23
    Modernist Fiction and Vagueness: Philosophy, Form, and Language.Megan Quigley - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    Modernist Fiction and Vagueness marries the artistic and philosophical versions of vagueness, linking the development of literary modernism to changes in philosophy. This book argues that the problem of vagueness - language's unavoidable imprecision - led to transformations in both fiction and philosophy in the early twentieth century. Both twentieth-century philosophers and their literary counterparts were fascinated by the vagueness of words and the dream of creating a perfectly precise language. Building on recent interest in the connections between analytic philosophy, (...)
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    Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collections of Genetic Heritage: The Legal, Ethical and Practical Considerations of a Dynamic Consent Approach to Decision Making.Megan Prictor, Sharon Huebner, Harriet J. A. Teare, Luke Burchill & Jane Kaye - 2020 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 48 (1):205-217.
    Dynamic Consent is both a model and a specific web-based tool that enables clear, granular communication and recording of participant consent choices over time. The DC model enables individuals to know and to decide how personal research information is being used and provides a way in which to exercise legal rights provided in privacy and data protection law. The DC tool is flexible and responsive, enabling legal and ethical requirements in research data sharing to be met and for online health (...)
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  18.  12
    What Was Hume’s Problem about Personal Identity in the Appendix?Megan Blomfield - 2008 - Lyceum 9 (2).
  19.  53
    Reinventing the soul: Posthumanist theory and psychic life (review).Megan Craig - 2008 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 22 (2):pp. 136-138.
  20. Fear, Liberty, and Honorable Death in Montesquieu’s Persian Letters.Megan Gallagher - 2016 - Eighteenth-Century Fiction 28 (4):623-644.
    I read Montesquieu’s 'Persian Letters' as an attempt to theorize a liberated alternative to despotic rule. As Montesquieu argues in 'The Spirit of the Laws,' fear—specifically fear of the ruler’s emotional and material excesses—dominates the life of the despotic subject. Although in the 'Letters' the seraglio is the despotic state’s parallel, the seraglio is the site of over owing and barely governed passions. Montesquieu’s solution to the excesses of the seraglio is not the eradication of emotion; rather, he o ers (...)
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    Teresa of Avila on Theology and Shame.Megan Loumagne - 2018 - New Blackfriars 99 (1081):388-402.
    This article examines Teresa of Avila's understanding of the relationship between spiritual dryness, intellectual frustration, and shame. It argues that Teresa presents these experiences as interconnected, as well as spiritually and intellectually valuable. This aspect of Teresa's thought provides important resources for theologians in the contemporary age in its insistence on the necessarily dynamic relationship between the spiritual and the intellectual in the life of the theologian. The article concludes with an examination of shame and its impact on theological developments (...)
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    Voiceless No More: An Examination of African American Political Mistrust, Efficacy, and Political Participation.Megan McKinley - 2017 - Alétheia: Revista Académica de la Escuela de Postgrado de la Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón-Unifé 2 (2).
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    Military Ethical Decision Making: The Effects of Option Choice and Perspective Taking on Moral Decision-Making Processes and Intentions.Megan M. Thompson, Tonya Hendriks & Ann-Renée Blais - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (7):578-596.
    We investigated the ethical decision-making processes and intentions of 151 military personnel responding to 1 of 2 ethical scenarios drawn from the deployment experiences of military commanders. For each scenario, option choice and perspective affected decision-making processes. Differences were also found between the 2 scenarios. Results add to the emerging literature concerning operational ethical conflicts and highlight the complexity and challenge that often accompanies operational ethics.
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    #My(white)BodyMyChoice.Megan Warin & Natali Valdez - 2023 - Thesis Eleven 177 (1):71-75.
    This article explores the circulation of #MyBodyMyChoice in a series of deeply divisive political debates – abortion rights and mask wearing during COVID-19. We trace the appropriation of this slogan for differing ideological purposes, and its shifts from collective political action concerning pro-choice to the rights of individuals to refuse to comply with mask mandates. Underpinning the values of each is a white liberal racism that operates to uphold dominant gender, class and economic structures.
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    Anonymous Temporality and Gender: Rereading Merleau-Ponty.Megan M. Burke - 2013 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 3 (2):138-157.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anonymous Temporality and Gender:Rereading Merleau-PontyMegan M. BurkeThis Essay Provides a Feminist reading of Merleau-Ponty’s notion of anonymity in order to show that it is a critical resource for a feminist account of gender. For Merleau-Ponty, anonymity is a structure of temporality that is prior to the cogito; it is a time that actualizes the reflective self. It gestures away from ontological commitments rooted in presence and calls attention to (...)
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  26.  70
    Nursing and justice as a basic human need.Megan-Jane Johnstone - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (1):34-44.
  27.  42
    “Whole Again”: Why Are Penile Transplants Less Controversial Than Uterine?Megan Allyse - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):34-35.
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    'Moral distress' - time to abandon a flawed nursing construct?Megan-Jane Johnstone & Alison Hutchinson - 2015 - Nursing Ethics 22 (1):5-14.
    Moral distress has been characterised in the nursing literature as a major problem affecting nurses in all healthcare systems. It has been portrayed as threatening the integrity of nurses and ultimately the quality of patient care. However, nursing discourse on moral distress is not without controversy. The notion itself is conceptually flawed and suffers from both theoretical and practical difficulties. Nursing research investigating moral distress is also problematic on account of being methodologically weak and disparate. Moreover, the ultimate purpose and (...)
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    Discriminatory referrals: Uncovering a potential ethical dilemma facing practitioners.Megan Shiles - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (2):142 – 155.
    An ethical dilemma exists regarding client referral. Standards 2.01(b) (Boundaries of Competence) and 3.01 (Unfair Discrimination) of the American Psychological Association's Ethical Principles of Psychologists Code of Conduct provide psychologists with contradictory reasons to take possibly conflicting and incompatible courses of action when considering whether to refer a client. The professional literature that has explored the benefits of referring clients when the psychologist does not believe that he or she is able to work with the client's presenting concern, however, has (...)
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    Dementia, Healthcare Decision Making, and Disability Law.Megan S. Wright - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (S4):25-33.
    Persons with dementia often prefer to participate in decisions about their health care, but may be prevented from doing so because healthcare decision-making law facilitates use of advance directives or surrogate decision makers for persons with decisional impairments such as dementia. Federal and state disability law provide alternative decision-making models that do not prevent persons with mild to moderate dementia from making their own healthcare decisions at the time the decision needs to be made. In order to better promote autonomy (...)
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  31. Fake News and Epistemic Vice: Combating a Uniquely Noxious Market.Megan Fritts & Frank Cabrera - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association (3):1-22.
    The topic of fake news has received increased attention from philosophers since the term became a favorite of politicians (Habgood-Coote 2016; Dentith 2016). Notably missing from the conversation, however, is a discussion of fake news and conspiracy theory media as a market. This paper will take as its starting point the account of noxious markets put forward by Debra Satz (2010), and will argue that there is a pro tanto moral reason to restrict the market for fake news. Specifically, we (...)
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    Cognitive control ability mediates prediction costs in monolinguals and bilinguals.Megan Zirnstein, Janet G. van Hell & Judith F. Kroll - 2018 - Cognition 176 (C):87-106.
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    Optimistic Environmental Messaging Increases State Optimism and in vivo Pro-environmental Behavior.Megan MacKinnon, Adam C. Davis & Steven Arnocky - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite recent empirical interest, the links between optimism and pessimism with pro-environmental behavior remain equivocal. This research is characterized by a reliance on cross-sectional data, a focus on trait-level at the neglect of state-level optimism–pessimism, and assessments of retrospective self-reported ecological behavior that are subject to response bias. To attend to these gaps, 140 North American adults were experimentally primed with bogus optimistic or pessimistic environmental news articles, and then asked to report their levels of state optimism–pessimism, intentions to purchase (...)
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    Time-Course of Motor Involvement in Literal and Metaphoric Action Sentence Processing: A TMS Study.Megan Reilly, Olivia Howerton & Rutvik H. Desai - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Video‐recording complex health interactions in a diverse setting: Ethical dilemmas, reflections and recommendations.Megan Scott, Jennifer Watermeyer & Tina-Marie Wessels - 2019 - Developing World Bioethics 20 (1):16-26.
    Video‐recording healthcare interactions provides important opportunities for research and service improvement. However, this method brings about tensions, especially when recording sensitive topics. Subsequent reflection may compel the researcher to engage in ethical and moral deliberations. This paper presents experiences from a South African genetic counselling study which made use of video‐recordings to understand communicative processes in routine practice. Video‐recording as a research method, as well as contextual and process considerations are discussed, such as researching one's own field, issues of trust (...)
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    Is ambiguity tolerance malleable? Experimental evidence with potential implications for future research.Megan L. Endres, Richaurd Camp & Morgan Milner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    SARS-CoV-2 safer infection sites: moral entitlement, pragmatic harm reduction strategy or ethical outrage?Megan F. Hunt, Katharine T. Clark, Gail Geller & Anne Barnhill - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):88-88.
    The pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 has led to unprecedented changes to society, causing unique problems that call for extraordinary solutions. We consider one such extraordinary proposal: ‘safer infection sites’ that would offer individuals the opportunity to be intentionally infected with SARS-CoV-2, isolate, and receive medical care until they are no longer infectious. Safer infection could have value for various groups of workers and students. Health professionals place themselves at risk of infection daily and extend this risk to their family members and (...)
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  38.  41
    Current Medical Aid-in-Dying Laws Discriminate against Individuals with Disabilities.Megan S. Wright - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (9):33-35.
    Shavelson and colleagues (2023) describe how medical aid-in-dying laws in the United States prohibit assistance in administering aid-in-dying medication. This prohibition distinguishes aid in dying...
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  39. Race, Romantic Attraction, and Dating.Megan Mitchell & Mark Wells - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (4):945-961.
    Here are two widely held positions on the ethics of dating: First, people are generally morally justified in excluding people they don’t find attractive from their dating pool. Second, people are not justified in maintaining a dating pool that is racially exclusive, even on grounds like attraction. In this paper, we demonstrate how these positions are consistent. To do so we differentiate our attitudes in dating and our dating behavior. Then we show how existing criticisms of racialized attitudes in dating (...)
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    Thinking my way back to you: John Dewey on the communication and formation of concepts.Megan J. Laverty - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (10):1029-1045.
    Contemporary educational theorists focus on the significance of Dewey’s conception of experience, learning-by-doing and collateral learning. In this essay, I reexamine the chapters of Dewey’s Democracy and Education, that pertain to thinking and highlight their relationship to Dewey’s How We Think: A Restatement of the Relation of Reflective Thinking in the Educative Process—another book written explicitly for teachers. In How We Think Dewey explains that nothing is more important in education than the formation of concepts. Concepts introduce permanency into an (...)
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    Erratum to: Inhospitable Healthcare Spaces: Why Diversity Training on LGBTQIA Issues Is Not Enough.Megan A. Dean, Elizabeth Victor & Laura Guidry-Grimes - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):173-173.
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  42. Service, Gender, and Liaison Librarianship.Megan Browndorf & Maura Seale - 2020 - In Veronica Arellano Douglas & Joanna Gadsby, Deconstructing service in libraries: intersections of identities and expectations. Sacramento, CA: Litwin Books.
  43.  24
    Play, Laugh, Love: Cynthia Willett’s Challenge to Philosophy.Megan Craig - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (1):59-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Play, Laugh, LoveCynthia Willett’s Challenge to PhilosophyMegan CraigIt is an honor to respond to Cynthia Willett’s work, which has been an inspiration for me personally as well as a crucial corrective to the biases and blind spots of Western philosophy. Reading her entails reviewing some of the most basic features of one’s life: the place you call home, the people you live with, your mother or primary caregiver, the (...)
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  44. Taking Issue: Debates in Guidance and Counselling in Learning.Megan Crawford, Richard Edwards & Lesley Kydd - 1999 - British Journal of Educational Studies 47 (4):414-415.
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  45. The place of poetry in human blessedness.Megan Furman - 2018 - In Heidi Marie Giebel, The things that matter: essays inspired by the later work of Jacques Maritain. Washington, D.C.: American Maritain Association.
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    Nursing ethics.Megan-Jane Johnstone (ed.) - 2015 - Los Angeles: SAGE Reference.
    Volume 1. Developing theoretical foundations for nursing ethics -- volume 2. Nursing ethics pedagogy and praxis -- volume 3. Politics and future directions on nursing ethics.
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    Introduction: Philosophy for Children and/as Philosophical Practice.Megan Laverty - 2004 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 18 (2):141-151.
  48. Philosophy as Consolation.Megan Laverty - 1998 - Ethics Education 4 (4).
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    Putting Ethics at the Center.Megan Laverty - 1994 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 11 (3-4):73-76.
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    The Prophetic Call to Speak the Truth.Megan McKenna - 2004 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 1 (1):117-128.
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