Results for 'Meenaz Kassam'

16 found
  1.  76
    Cultural Values and Volunteering: A Cross-cultural Comparison of Students’ Motivation to Volunteer in 13 Countries. [REVIEW]Henrietta Grönlund, Kirsten Holmes, Chulhee Kang, Ram A. Cnaan, Femida Handy, Jeffrey L. Brudney, Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Lesley Hustinx, Meenaz Kassam, Lucas C. P. M. Meijs, Anne Birgitta Pessi, Bhangyashree Ranade, Karen A. Smith, Naoto Yamauchi & Siniša Zrinščak - 2011 - Journal of Academic Ethics 9 (2):87-106.
    Voluntary participation is connected to cultural, political, religious and social contexts. Social and societal factors can provide opportunities, expectations and requirements for voluntary activity, as well as influence the values and norms promoting this. These contexts are especially central in the case of voluntary participation among students as they are often responding to the societal demands for building a career and qualifying for future assignments and/or government requirements for completing community service. This article questions how cultural values affect attitudes towards (...)
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  2.  12
    Ethical issues in residency education related to the COVID-19 pandemic: a narrative inquiry study.Aliya Kassam, Stacey Page, Julie Lauzon, Rebecca Hay, Marian Coret & Ian Mitchell - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic introduced new challenges to provide care and educate junior doctors (resident physicians). We sought to understand the positive and negative experiences of first-year resident physicians and describe potential ethical issues from their stories.MethodWe used narrative inquiry (NI) methodology and applied a semistructured interview guide with questions pertaining to ethical principles and both positive and negative aspects of the pandemic. Sampling was purposive. Interviews were audio recorded and transcribed. Three members of the research team coded transcripts in duplicate (...)
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  3.  55
    Algorithmic Racial Discrimination.Alysha Kassam & Patricia Marino - 2022 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 8 (3).
    This paper contributes to debates over algorithmic discrimination with particular attention to structural theories of racism and the problem of “proxy discrimination”—discriminatory effects that arise even when an algorithm has no information about socially sensitive characteristics such as race. Structural theories emphasize the ways that unequal power structures contribute to the subordination of marginalized groups: these theories thus understand racism in ways that go beyond individual choices and bad intentions. Our question is, how should a structural understanding of racism and (...)
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  4.  27
    The combined use of the participatory dialogue method and survey methodology to evaluate development projects: A case study of a rural development project in Bangladesh.Yusuf Kassam - 1997 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 10 (1-2):43-55.
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  5. Can A Muslim Be a Terrorist?Zayn Kassam - 2003 - In James P. Sterba, Terrorism and International Justice. Oxford University Press. pp. 114--131.
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  6.  39
    Heraclitus, Seaford, and Reversible Exchange.Chris Kassam & Robbie Duschinsky - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (4):609-633.
    A "figure of reversible exchange" can be discerned in the fragments of Heraclitus. Again and again we encounter this rhetorical pattern: in the first part of a fragment multiplicity is framed and contained within unity, only for this movement subsequently to be inverted. This inversion, a chiasmus, is not merely a discursive tool of emphasis through contrast; its usage in forming watery and unstable contrasts between the Many and the One, and between Becoming and Being, suggests that the figure operates (...)
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  7.  41
    Nietzsche and Anaximander on Being and Becoming.Chris Kassam & Robbie Duschinsky - 2017 - Diacritics 45 (3):100-116.
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  8.  44
    On Becoming an Oromo Anthropologist: Dream, Self and Ritual Three Interpretations.Aneesa Kassam - 1999 - Anthropology of Consciousness 10 (2-3):1-12.
    In this autobiographical essay, I reflect on my practice as an anthropologist through the medium of a dream experience. This dream occurred shortly before I was due to attend a ritual among the Booran Oromo in northern Kenya. In my discussion, I draw on analytical materialfrom anthropology, psychology, literature and philosophy. Using these different, but complementary approaches, I give three interpretations of the dream. The first two were provided to me by members of the culture, and are based on the (...)
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  9.  14
    Transcendence and the Body: Fatimah as a Paradigmatic Model.Zaya Kassam-Hann - 2002 - Feminist Theology 10 (30):77-93.
    This article demonstrates the ways in which Goldenberg raises questions of the body, transcendence and epistemology and shows how they are all ultimately questions to do with authority. The author examines the source of authority, asks how it is ascertained and what it promises. The article outlines how these become complex questions when a female figure is projected as paradigmatic for example, Fatimah.
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  10.  26
    Songs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: An Anthology of Hymns by the Satpanth Ismāʿīlī Muslim Saint, Pīr ShamsSongs of Wisdom and Circles of Dance: An Anthology of Hymns by the Satpanth Ismaili Muslim Saint, Pir Shams.Ali S. Asani & Tazim R. Kassam - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):327.
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  11.  16
    Where do Women ‘Stand’ in Islam? Negotiating Contemporary Muslim Prayer Leadership in North America.Munira Kassam Haddad & Meena Sharify-Funk - 2012 - Feminist Review 102 (1):41-61.
    This article analyses the drama surrounding the activism of female imams in North America. The image of Muslim women presiding over mixed congregational prayers evokes dramatically divergent responses among different Muslim constituencies, highlighting the disputed nature of fundamental issues pertaining to identity, community and authority. Provocative questions are raised: Can Islamic texts and communities of interpreters accommodate female religious authorities? Is it in the interest of Muslim women to seek empowerment within a domain of communal life in which male authority (...)
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  12.  15
    Child and parent perceptions of participating in multimethod research in the acute aftermath of pediatric injury.Christine Kindler, Nancy Kassam-Adams, Tia Borger & Meghan L. Marsac - 2019 - Research Ethics 15 (3-4):1-14.
    Background:Despite growing evidence that participation in psychological trauma research is well tolerated by children and parents, ethics boards may voice concerns regarding research with families...
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  13.  36
    Adolescent Decisional Autonomy Regarding Participation in an Emergency Department Youth Violence Interview.Jennifer M. Cohn, Kenneth R. Ginsburg, Nancy Kassam-Adams & Joel A. Fein - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (5):70-74.
    Much attention has been given to determining whether an adolescent patient has the capacity to consent to research. This study explores the factors that influence adolescents' decisions to participate in a research study about youth violence and to determine positive or negative feelings elicited by being a research subject. The majority of subjects perceived their decision to participate to be free of coercion, and few felt badly about having participated. However, adolescents who were alone in the room during the assent (...)
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  14.  21
    A brave one-legged general: The story of Mau Mau General, Kassam Gichimu Njogu.Julius M. Gathogo - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (4).
    This article sets out to demonstrate the role of the ‘one-legged devil’, also called General Kassam. Kassam was one of the pioneer generals of the Mau Mau, a guerrilla movement that operated from the central Kenya forests as they participated in the war of liberation from the early 1950s to the early 1960s. Was Kassam a one-legged general from the word go? Methodologically speaking, the article is partially based on interviews conducted with the general before his death (...)
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  15.  24
    Tazim R. Kassam, Françoise Mallison, ed., Gināns. Texts and Contexts. Essays on Ismaili Hymns from South Asia in Honour of Zawahir Moir. New Delhi, Matrix Publishing, 2007, xxvi-225 p.Tazim R. Kassam, Françoise Mallison, ed., Gināns. Texts and Contexts. Essays on Ismaili Hymns from South Asia in Honour of Zawahir Moir. New Delhi, Matrix Publishing, 2007, xxvi-225 p. [REVIEW]André Couture - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (3):828-830.
  16.  27
    On The Collective Catalogues Of Sivas Court Records.Abubekir Sıddık Yücel - 2018 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 22 (2):1059-1079.
    Court (Shar’iyya) recordings are at the forefront of primary written sources, which contain important documents related to Turkish history, sociology and culture. The court records shed light on city history of the period concerned with rich information and documents. These records are important books in which the documents related to the judicial, administrative, economic, architectural and social structure of a city as well as diplomatic correspondence between the center and the province were recorded. The purpose of this study is to (...)
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