Results for 'Médecine Aspect moral.'

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  1.  19
    Constitutive Aspects of Morality.Moral Domain - 2005 - In Wolfgang Edelstein & Gertrud Nunner-Winkler (eds.), Morality in context. Boston: Elsevier. pp. 137--25.
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    La réception immédiate de Rapports du physique et du moral de l’homme en France.Mariana Saad - 2020 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 57:17-40.
    Dès leur parution, les Rapports ont été accueillis comme une œuvre majeure par les médecins, la presse républicaine et les journalistes antirévolutionnaires. Cette étude examine les débats à l’œuvre dans les journaux. Le matérialisme, la portée scientifique et politique de ce livre en sont les trois axes principaux. Elle met en lumière un aspect peu connu : la réputation de grand écrivain de Cabanis.
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  3. The Moral Aspect of Nonmoral Goods and Evils.I. What Admirable Immorality & Nonadmirable Morality Are - 1999 - Utilitas 11 (1).
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    Psychological and Ideological Aspects of Human Cloning: A Transition to a Transhumanist Psychology.Nestor Micheli Morales - 2009 - Journal of Evolution and Technology 20 (2):19-42.
    The prospect of replication of human beings through genetic manipulation has engendered one of the most controversial debates about reproduction in our society. Ideology is clearly influencing the direction of research and legislation on human cloning, which may present one of the greatest existential challenges to the meaning of creation. In this article, I argue that, in view of the possibility that human cloning and other emerging technologies could enhance physical and cognitive abilities, there is a need for a different (...)
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    Le suicide assisté: héraut des moralités changeantes.Joane Martel - 2002 - Ottawa, ON: Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa.
    En 1994, Sue Rodriguez se suicide avec l’aide d’un médecin après une intense bataille judiciaire en Cour suprême du Canada dont l’objet était la décriminalisation du suicide assisté. À la suite de ce suicide, aucune accusation criminelle ne fut portée contre la ou les personnes ayant présumément aidé Sue Rodrigues à mettre fin à ses jours, et ce malgré le fait que le suicide assisté est un acte criminel au Canada. Cette non-intervention du droit pénal est examinée en fonction du (...)
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    Malscience: de la fraude dans les labos.Nicolas Chevassus-au-Louis - 2016 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    Alerte! La malscience se répand aussi vite que la malbouffe! D'apparence de plus en plus sophistiquée mais produite en masse, de plus en plus vite et de moins en moins fiable. Interrogés de manière anonyme, 2 % des scientifiques reconnaissent avoir inventé ou falsifié des données. Soit pas moins de 140 000 chercheurs fraudeurs de par le monde. Biologie et médecine sont, de loin, les plus touchées. Et ces fraudes manifestes ne sont rien à côté des petits arrangements avec la (...)
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    Review. Medecine et morale dans l'antiquite. H Flashar, J Jouanna [edd].Philip J. van der Eijk - 1999 - The Classical Review 49 (2):539-541.
  8.  55
    On Aspects, Identity Theory, and the Dual Aspect Account.D. Job Morales - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-14.
    On the powerful qualities view, every fundamental property is both dispositional and qualitative. Identity theory is the standard account of the view, which makes the stronger claim that a property’s dispositionality and qualitativity are identical to each other, and identical to the property itself. Recent defences of the powerful qualities view have involved novel theories of powerful qualities which are not also variants of identity theory. Giannotti (Erkenntnis 86:603–621, 2021a) has suggested a novel theory of his own, the dual (...) account, which makes use of a particular notion of aspects. For Giannotti, dispositionality and qualitativity are each an aspect of a property, and an aspect is a property’s way of being. The importance of aspects is twofold. Firstly, by introducing aspects to identity theory, the theory becomes more precise. Secondly, aspects allow for a novel theory of powerful qualities, the dual aspect account, which maintains that dispositionality and qualitativity are aspects, but rejects the identity claim. Giannotti’s aim is to show that even if identity theory is false, the dual aspect account remains an available theory for advocates of powerful qualities. This paper will be a critical examination of Giannotti’s ideas. Firstly, I will clarify Giannotti’s notion of aspects, explaining how it involves a misunderstanding of supervenience, and why it does not offer the advantages that he claims it does. Secondly, in light of my discussion of aspects, I will argue that the dual aspect account lacks relative advantages over the compound view of powerful qualities. (shrink)
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    Reconocimiento, igualdad y diferencia.Julio Morales Guerrero & Felipe Morales Guerrero (eds.) - 2015 - Barranquilla, Colombia: Sello Editorial, Universidad del Atlántico.
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    Managing ethical aspects of advance directives in emergency care services.Silvia Poveda-Moral, Dolors Rodríguez-Martín, Núria Codern-Bové, Pilar José-María, Pere Sánchez-Valero, Núria Pomares-Quintana, Mireia Vicente-García & Anna Falcó-Pegueroles - 2021 - Nursing Ethics 28 (1):91-105.
    Background: In Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical Services professionals experience situations in which they face difficulties or barriers to know patient’s advance directives and implement them. Objectives: To analyse the barriers, facilitators, and ethical conflicts perceived by health professionals derived from the management of advance directives in emergency services. Research design, participants, and context: This is a qualitative phenomenological study conducted with purposive sampling including a population of nursing and medical professionals linked to Hospital Emergency Department and Emergency Medical (...)
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    Sédation, euthanasie: éthique et spiritualité pour penser..Dominique Jacquemin (ed.) - 2017 - Paris: Éditions jésuites.
    De nos jours, les sociétés mandatent fortement la médecine, par des législations variées – sédation, euthanasie, aide médicale à mourir –, pour construire la fin de vie d'autrui à sa demande. L'éthique se trouve de plus en plus sollicitée dans les pratiques soignantes. Mais quelle éthique? Une accumulation de principes? Une éthique réduite à la seule normativité juridique, à un protocole? S'efforçant de réfléchir à quoi se trouvent aujourd'hui confrontés les professionnels s'ils deviennent, dans les faits, les "gardiens" du sens (...)
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    Pratiques soignantes et dépénalisation de l'euthanasie.Donatien Mallet - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan. Edited by Nolwenn Begat.
    Dans le contexte social et politique actuel, n'est-il pas nécessaire que les soignants réfléchissent à leur pratique au cas où le législateur envisagerait une dépénalisation de l'euthanasie? Ce livre relate le parcours effectué par des médecins de soins palliatifs qui se sont confrontés à cette question. II expose une réflexion basée sur la pratique clinique en institution et à domicile. Il est une invitation pour le lecteur à un cheminement, certes personnel, mais aussi collectif. Les champs concernés sont variés : (...)
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    Médecine personnalisée et bioéthique: enjeux éthiques dans l'échange et le partage des données génétiques.Henri-Corto Stoeklé - 2017 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La médecine personnalisée devrait être renommée "médecine des données". Les finalités de cette médecine sont, à partir d'une quantité importante de données, de déduire ou d'induire différentes informations valorisables à la fois au niveau du soin, de la recherche et de l'industrie. Pour cela, un réseau d'échange ou de partage d'échantillons biologiques, de données génétiques et d'informations entre patients, cliniciens, chercheurs et industriels est développé, grâce à des voies de communication dématérialisées. Ce réseau permet de centraliser le stockage, et une (...)
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    Les nouveaux paradigmes de la médecine personnalisée ou médecine de précision: enjeux juridiques, médicaux et éthiques.Christian Hervé & Michèle Santon-Jean (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Dalloz.
    La médecine personnalisée expérimente dans le cadre du cancer, ou thérapies ciblées, ou encore médecine prédictive, voire médecine de précision. toutes ces appellations sous-entendent un domaine qui s'ébauche tant au niveau de la recherche qu'à celui de la clinique. Ce domaine se constitue de pratiques, de normes qui s'élaborent et de règles qui établissent de véritables limites. Ce volume présente ce que les disciplines du droit, de la biologie, de la médecine et de la philosophie ont à dire conjointement sur (...)
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    Ciencia, tecnología, sociedad en Instituciones de educación superior mexicanas: conceptos, debates, innovación social.Hernanz Moral, José Antonio & Danú Fabre Platas (eds.) - 2017 - Xalapa, Veracruz, México: Universidad Veracruzana.
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    From social aspects of economic development to dependency theory: Latin America own thinking beginning.Juan Jesús Morales - 2012 - Cinta de Moebio 45:235-252.
    In the epistemological context of theory transferand scientific exchanges, the aim of this paper is to indicate the presence of Weberian categories and ideas on dependency theory formulated by Fernando Cardosoand Enzo Faletto. Here we see how the construction of this paradigm was based on some issues, concepts, approaches and orientations of the Weberian research program formulated by José Medina Echavarría to explain Latin American development. We will also consider the contexts of enunciation and reception theories, allowing us to talk (...)
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    L'éthique biomédicale: posture ou imposture?Bernard Kanovitch - 2012 - Paris: Odile Jacob.
    Quel est le statut de l’éthique appliquée à la médecine? Dans un monde qui, à certains égards, est plus près de la déroute humanitaire que du Paradis des Anges, la question s’impose. La réflexion bioéthique cherche un équilibre entre idéologie et pragmatisme, entre utilitarisme et convenance personnelle, entre posture et imposture, ou encore entre progressisme et réaction. Ces alternatives nous entraînent loin de la bioéthique qui, elle, s’organise sur le choix de la vie, le progrès et le souci de l’autre. (...)
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    Chercheurs, éthiques et sociétés: l'avenir de l'avenir.Thierry Patrice - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Thierry Patrice, 57 ans, médecin, nommé professeur à 32 ans, Lauréat de la Faculté, est internationalement connu pour ses travaux concernant l'action de la lumière sur les tissus vivant en cancérologie. Il a reçu plusieurs Prix pour l'étude du rôle de l'oxygène dans différentes maladies, dont le diabète, mais aussi lors du vieillissement.
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  19. (1 other version)Morals and Medecine.J. Fletcher - 1956 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 18 (2):299-300.
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    L'éthique clinique et les normes.Jean-Marie Lardic, Guillaume Durand & Denis Berthiau (eds.) - 2013 - Nantes: Éditions nouvelles Cécile Defaut.
    Dans la médecine occidentale, le patient fut longtemps conçu comme un enfant à sauver, incapable ne serait-ce que de recevoir, de manière raisonnable, le savoir du médecin. Après la seconde Guerre Mondiale, la découverte des expérimentations scientifiques intolérables menées sur l’homme, mais aussi le vent libéral et individualiste des années 60, le progrès des biotechnologies, la démocratisation des savoirs ont favorisé l’émergence d’un nouveau paradigme et d’une nouvelle discipline : la bioéthique. Aujourd’hui, le médecin ne peut plus imposer son traitement (...)
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    Some Aspects of Epistemic Value and Role of Moral Instuitions in Ethics Education.Vojko Strahovnik - 2014 - Metodicki Ogledi 21 (2):35-51.
    Moral philosophy has for quite some time practiced the use of thought experiments in argumentative strategies. Thought experiments can be understood as imagined scenarios with a certain level of complexity and novelty, which are usually designed and used to elicit our responses or moral intuitions in order to make our use of key moral concepts clearer or in order to support or reject a particular ethical theory, general moral principle, hypothesis, deeply held moral belief or presupposition. Such imagined cases also (...)
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    Penser le corps.Maria Michela Marzano Parisoli - 2002 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    * Qu'est-ce que le corps? * Pourquoi une éthique du corps est-elle nécessaire? * Comment penser le corps? Parce que la médecine, le droit, la publicité, la sexualité se rapportent au corps mais ne s'attachent guère à réfléchir sur ce qu'est un corps, sur les comportements permis ou interdits à son égard, il est aujourd'hui urgent de penser le corps. C'est ce à quoi s'attache cette réflexion de philosophie pratique, afin de montrer l'importance d'une reconnaissance de la valeur du corps (...)
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    La responsabilité de protéger les aînés vulnérables: manifeste.Félix Pageau - 2020 - Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval.
    « Un soin inédit fait nouvellement partie de l’arsenal thérapeutique de la médecine occidentale. Presque un oxymore, l’aide médicale à mourir ne fait pas l’unanimité. Or, une nouvelle frontière est sur le point d’être transgressée. Parce que certains font l’erreur de considérer la perte de dignité comme possible, ils mettent de l’avant la mort comme le remède ultime aux souffrances des gens atteints de démence. On oublie alors que cette sensation de déchéance peut être soignée autrement. De plus, nous démontrons (...)
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    The least of all possible evils: humanitarian violence from Arendt to Gaza.Eyal Weizman - 2011 - New York: Verso.
    The principle of the lesser evil--the acceptability of pursuing one exceptional course of action in order to prevent a greater injustice--has long been a cornerstone of Western ethical philosophy. From its roots in classical ethics and Christian theology, to Hannah Arendt's exploration of the work of the Jewish Councils during the Nazi regime, the author explores its development in three key transformations of the problem: the defining intervention of Medecins Sans Frontisres in mid-1980s in Ethiopia; the separation wall in Israel-Palestine; (...)
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    Médecine, morale et psychologie.André Robinet - 1959 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149:229 - 234.
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    Bioéthique: les enjeux du progrès scientifique - France, Allemagne - (colloque, Nancy, 7 mars 1998).Françoise Furkel, François Jacquot & Heike Jung (eds.) - 2000 - Bruxelles: Bruylant.
    " La science avance plus vite que l'homme ". La formule de François Mitterrand se révèle, chaque jour davantage en matière de bioéthique, d'une étonnante actualité! Alors qu'il est encore bien malaisé de porter un jugement éthique et juridique sur le développement des biotechnologies, chacun s'interroge sur la justification et les risques des techniques les plus récentes, les perspectives qu'elles ouvrent à l'homme, mais également leur compatibilité avec la dignité de la personne. Lors d'un colloque pluridisciplinaire et international organisé par (...)
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    The discovery/justification context dichotomy within formal and computational models of scientific theories: a weakening of the distinction based on the perspective of non-monotonic logics.Jorge A. Morales & Mauricio Molina Delgado - 2016 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 26 (4):315-335.
    The present paper analyses the topic of scientific discovery and the problem of the existence of a logical framework involved in such endeavour. We inquire how several non-monotonic logic frameworks and other formalisms can account for such a task. In the same vein, we analyse some key aspects of the historical and theoretical debate surrounding scientific discovery, in particular, the context of discovery and context of justification context distinction. We present an argument concerning the weakening of the discovery/justification context dichotomy (...)
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    Nathaniel Branden's Legacy to the Science of Clinical Psychology.Teresa I. Morales Gerbaud - 2016 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 16 (1-2):207-217.
    This article presents a summary of the key aspects of the Biocentric theory of psychology proposed and developed by Nathaniel Branden. The themes of the conscious and nonconscious aspects of the mind and their interplay in healthy and psychopathological human functioning are highlighted, with the development and maintenance of self-esteem as the centerpiece of this schema. Branden's cogent, in-depth analysis and synthesis of these issues, presented for the first time over fifty years ago, is discussed in relation to issues that (...)
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    Teaching Presence vs. Student Perceived Preparedness for Testing in Higher Education Online English Courses During a Global Pandemic? Challenges, Tensions, and Opportunities.Ronald Morales, Mónica Frenzel & Paula Riquelme Bravo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the context of a global pandemic that started in 2020, the Chilean higher education institution Universidad Andrés Bello faced the challenge of giving continuity to its already established blended program for English courses while also starting the implementation of a high-stakes certification assessment for its students using the Test of English for International Communication Bridge. This study sought to evaluate how much of a mediating factor online teaching presence could be in the context of test preparation within a language (...)
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    Spiritual-Moral Aspect in Investigation of Personality's Psychological Defense.Anna Koteneva - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:255-262.
    Investigation of spiritual-moral factors of psychological defence of personality is being put in practice through Christian cognition about a man and with the help of modern psychological achievement in science. The most important spiritual factors are sin and passion. Sin is observed as one of the reasons of moral men'sdiseases, which brings to moral, psychological and body's destructions and unconscious psychological defence. Defensive mechanisms is the way to support men's sin passion, blunt conscience, keep positive illusion and unbroken “I” of (...)
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    Aspects of Relativism: Moral, Cognitive, and Literary.James E. Bayley (ed.) - 1992 - Lanham, NY: University Press of America.
    In this book nine philosophers and one literary critic address aspects of the relativism issue currently of philosophic interest.
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    Axiological aspects of moral and legal decision-making.I. M. Hoian - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:66-77.
    Purpose. The study seeks to clarify the preconditions for moral and legal decision-making based on the identification of axiological foundations that correlate with the moral perceptions of good and evil and psychological phenomena such as emotions. Theoretical basis of the study is to apply comparative, axiological, systemic methods. This methodological approach allows us to analyze and disclose the essence of the process of moral and legal decision-making on the basis of certain axiological prerequisites and enables to substantiate the connection between (...)
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    A Constructivist Intervention Program for the Improvement of Mathematical Performance Based on Empiric Developmental Results (PEIM).Vicente Bermejo, Pilar Ester & Isabel Morales - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Teaching mathematics and improving mathematics competence are pending subjects within our educational system. The PEIM (Programa Evolutivo Instruccional para Matemáticas), a constructivist intervention program for the improvement of mathematical performance, affects the different agents involved in math learning, guaranteeing a significant improvement in students’ performance. The program is based on the following pillars: (a) students become the main agents of their learning by constructing their own knowledge; (b) the teacher must be the guide to facilitate and guarantee such a construction (...)
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    La croyance, le désir et l'action.Pierre Marie - 2011 - Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
    S'obstiner à établir un distinguo dans le champ des conduites humaines entre celles qui seraient morales - et, à ce titre, objet exclusif de la philosophie pratique - et les autres, qualifiées de pathologiques et abandonnées de facto au médecin ou au psychologue, c'est s'obstiner à ne rien vouloir entendre des conduites humaines, quand tout un chacun sait-il en fait sans cesse l'expérience - que si nul n'est affranchi des usages, nul, non plus, n'est exonéré du symptôme, ni exempté du (...)
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    Some Aspects of the Interpretation of the Constitution: the Possibility and Limits of Valuable (Moral) Arguments.Gediminas Mesonis - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 116 (2):45-59.
    Constitution is an exclusive legal document, and its interpretation is a process – a continuous work of explanation of its content, the end and qualitative perfection of which may only be considered taking into account the limits of intellectual potential of the particular time. The interpretation of constitution is a permanent process, which is influenced and determined by plenty of conceptual factors. Firstly the supreme juridical power of the constitution as well as its integrity determines the opportunities of its interpreter (...)
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    Some moral aspects of eugenics.William R. Inge - 1909 - The Eugenics Review 1 (1):26.
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  37. Aspects of folk morality: Objectivism and relativism.Hagop Sarkissian - 2016 - In Wesley Buckwalter & Justin Sytsma (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Experimental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 212-224.
    Most moral philosophers work under the assumption that ordinary folk morality is committed to objectivism—that ordinary folk view morality in absolute terms. This datum serves to constrain and shape philosophical metaethics, since those working in this field feel compelled to make sense of it. In this chapter, I discuss why philosophers take on this commitment. I also outline the relevant experimental research exploring whether, and to what extent, ordinary folk think of morality in absolute terms. Finally, I turn toward a (...)
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  38. Moral aspects of politics and their relation to the legitimacy of liberal democracies.Marcel Martinkovič - 2016 - In Milan Katuninec & Marcel Martinkovič (eds.), Ethical and social aspects of policy: chapters on selected issues of transformation. Bratislava: VEDA, Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, PL Academic Research.
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    The moral challenge of communism: some ethical aspects of Marxist-Leninist society.William Ernest Barton - 1966 - London,: Friends Home Service Committee.
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    What is life?: the physical aspect of the living cell ; with, Mind and matter ; & Autobiographical sketches.Erwin Schrödinger - 2012 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Erwin Schrödinger.
    "What Is Life?" is Nobel laureate Erwin Schrödinger's exploration of the question which lies at the heart of biology. His essay, "Mind and Matter," investigates what place consciousness occupies in the evolution of life, and what part the state of development of the human mind plays in moral questions. "Autobiographical Sketches" offers a fascinating fragmentary account of his life as a background to his scientific writings.
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  41. Temporal Aspects of the Representation of the Moral Point of View.Pablo De Greiff - 1993 - Dissertation, Northwestern University
    The thesis that I have been trying to establish in this dissertation is that ethical systems are constructed on the basis of certain presuppositions about the temporal horizon in which human beings live, and most importantly, of the horizon within which they ought to live. In order to take a step towards establishing this claim, I examine what I take to be the two most powerful ethical theories in the western tradition, Aristotelianism and Kantianism, reconstructing their implications for the relationship (...)
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  42. Moral “Lock-In” in Responsible Innovation: The Ethical and Social Aspects of Killing Day-Old Chicks and Its Alternatives.M. R. N. Bruijnis, V. Blok, E. N. Stassen & H. G. J. Gremmen - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (5):939-960.
    The aim of this paper is to provide a conceptual framework that will help in understanding and evaluating, along social and ethical lines, the issue of killing day-old male chicks and two alternative directions of responsible innovations to solve this issue. The following research questions are addressed: Why is the killing of day-old chicks morally problematic? Are the proposed alternatives morally sound? To what extent do the alternatives lead to responsible innovation? The conceptual framework demonstrates clearly that there is a (...)
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    Aspects of Folk Morality: Objectivism and Relativism.Hagop Sarkissian - 2016 - In Wesley Buckwalter & Justin Sytsma (eds.), Blackwell Companion to Experimental Philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell. pp. 212–224.
    Most moral philosophers work under the assumption that ordinary folk morality is committed to objectivism—that ordinary folk view morality in absolute terms. This datum concerning folk metaethics serves to constrain and shape philosophical metaethics, since those working in this field (e.g. objectivists, relativists, expressivists) feel compelled to make sense of it in their theories. In this chapter, I discuss why philosophers take on this commitment. I also outline the relevant experimental research in folk metaethics exploring whether, and to what extent, (...)
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    Moral aspects of economic growth, and other essays.Barrington Moore - 1998 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    The social sources of antisocial behavior; principles of social inequality; and the origins, enemies, and possibilities of rational discussion in public affairs ...
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    How does collaborative economy contribute to common good?Rosario Gomez-Alvarez & Rafael Morales-Sánchez - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S2):68-83.
    Collaborative economy emerged as a response to the need of people to exchange, produce and share in a more humane and cooperative manner. However, the growth of collaborative economy organizations and the terminological confusion have led to debates about their possible effects, both positive and negative. In this study, we have created a guideline that can be used to evaluate the contribution of organizations considered within collaborative economy to common good. We used the conceptualization of common good, which, from its (...)
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    Neuroethics and the Possible Types of Moral Enhancement.John R. Shook - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (4):3-14.
    Techniques for achieving moral enhancement will modify brain processes to produce what is alleged to be more moral conduct. Neurophilosophy and neuroethics must ponder what “moral enhancement” could possibly be, if possible at all. Objections to the very possibility of moral enhancement, raised from various philosophical and neuroscientific standpoints, fail to justify skepticism, but they do place serious constraints on the kinds of efficacious moral enhancers. While there won't be a “morality pill,” and hopes for global moral enlightenment will remain (...)
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  47. Moral aspects of the increase of importance of subjective factor.H. Havelkova - 1987 - Filosoficky Casopis 35 (4):546-556.
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  48. Causal judgment and moral judgment: Two experiments.Joshua Knobe & Ben Fraser - 2008 - In Walter Sinnott-Armstrong (ed.), Moral Psychology, 3 Vols. MIT Press.
    It has long been known that people’s causal judgments can have an impact on their moral judgments. To take a simple example, if people conclude that a behavior caused the death of ten innocent children, they will therefore be inclined to regard the behavior itself as morally wrong. So far, none of this should come as any surprise. But recent experimental work points to the existence of a second, and more surprising, aspect of the relationship between causal judgment and (...)
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    Moral aspects of dishonesty in public office.William Joseph King - 1949 - Washington,: Catholic Univ. of America Press.
  50.  11
    The moral brain: essays on the evolutionary and neuroscientific aspects of morality.Jan Verplaetse (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Springer.
    Scientists no longer accept the existence of a distinct moral organ as phrenologists once did. A generation of young neurologists is using advanced technological medical equipment to unravel specific brain processes enabling moral cognition. In addition, evolutionary psychologists have formulated hypotheses about the origins and nature of our moral architecture. Little by little, the concept of a ‘moral brain’ is reinstated. As the crossover between disciplines focusing on moral cognition was rather limited up to now, this book aims at filling (...)
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