Results for 'Małgorzata Szymkowiak'

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  1. \"Niech stanie się człowiek\" - odpowiedź nie tylko Stanisławskiemu.Małgorzata Szymkowiak - 2010 - Estetyka I Krytyka 19 (2):271-274.
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    Fairness in trade II: Export subsidies and the fair trade movement.Malgorzata Kurjanska & Mathias Risse - 2008 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 7 (1):29-56.
    Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, USA, mathias_risse{at} ' + u + '@' + d + ' '//--> It is a widespread view that support for Fair Trade is called for, whereas agricultural subsidies are pegged as unjustifiable. Though one supports farmers in developing countries while the other does the same for those in already developed ones, there are, nonetheless, similarities between both scenarios. Both are economically `inefficient', upholding production beyond what the market would sustain. In both cases, supportive arguments (...)
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    Hume on Church Establishments, Secular Politics and History.Aaron Szymkowiak - 2017 - Diametros 54:95-117.
    In the third volume of the History of England, David Hume considers the political ramifications of the Protestant reformation with a “Digression concerning the ecclesiastical state.” He advocates the establishment of a state church, believing it will dampen religious “enthusiasm” in the polity. Unlike later secularization theorists, Hume assumes an intractable basis for religion in the human passions. Tensions in Hume’s “cooptation” strategy are evident from Adam Smith’s famous attack upon it in section five of The Wealth of Nations, and (...)
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    Oh, the Humanity: Deflating a Humean Concept.Aaron Szymkowiak - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (3):197-217.
    The concept of “humanity” is integral to David Hume's Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, but barely appears in his earlier Treatise. Many consider the later “humanity” theory superior, permitting a more “extensive” sympathy not limited by proximate associations. This paper argues for Hume's consistency on humanity by surveying The History of England. Hume's History discussions lend support to the associative, and thus limited, Treatise conception. Humanity is opposed to religious enthusiasm; its positive effects are local and particular. Moreover, Hume's (...)
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    Gestimmter Raum: On the Original Unity of Spatiality and Affects (Heidegger, Schmitz, Ströker).Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak - 2019 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 46:17-44.
    On fait ici l’hypothèse que les atmosphères nous enjoignent de penser l’unité originaire, c’est-à-dire non synthétique, d’une spatialité et d’une tonalité affective. Ce problème est philosophiquement ouvert dans Être et temps par la détermination heideggerienne de la spatialité et de la Befindlichkeit, ce qui ne débouche toutefois pas sur une étude des atmosphères. L’article présente ensuite deux voies pour penser la coappartenance de l’espace et de l’intonation, c’est-à-dire pour penser l’espace intoné (gestimmter Raum) : celle qui part de la vie (...)
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    Natura post-prawdy.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 2021 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (9):147-170.
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    L' Einfühlung comme symbolisme : de l'expérience esthétique à la perception d'autrui.Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak - 2012 - Philosophie 115 (4):13-30.
    Il y a différentes manières de penser le rôle du symbolisme et des symboles dans la vie sociale. La plus obvie consiste à partir de l’idée que certaines choses matérielles un drapeau, une église ou immatérielles un dieu grec sont des symboles dans la mesure même où le lien unissant en eux un représentant et un représenté constitue, identiquement, le lien entre les hommes qui tiennent ces choses pour...
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    « Un nouveau genre de vérité ».Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak - 2010 - Archives de Philosophie 73 (3):467-483.
    L’article examine le sens de la systématisation de la philosophie transcendantale que Schelling présente en 1800 comme accomplie par l’art, « organon et document » de la philosophie. A partir d’une reconstitution du problème et de la dynamique propres au Système de l’idéalisme transcendantal, puis de la fonction systématique de la philosophie de l’art, on soutient que l’achèvement que l’art est censé accomplir prend en fait plutôt – en lien direct avec l’ambiguïté du principe du Système – la figure d’une (...)
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    Tadeusz Kotarbiński: filozof, nauczyciel, poeta.Małgorzata B. Jakubiak - 1987 - Warszawa: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza.
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    Czy ochrona środowiska naturalnego może mieć sens ekonomiczny?Małgorzata Mrówka - 1997 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 3:277-280.
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  11. The Idea of Intercultural Dialogue. Evolution and Contemporary Aplications.Małgorzata Pawlisz - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (11-12):41-48.
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  12.  23
    Sur le rapport du réal et de l'idéal dans la nature.Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak - 2009 - Philosophie 102 (3):3-17.
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    Does Flo flow? Cell layer interactions during floral development.Eugene J. Szymkowiak - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (5):387-390.
    Higher plant shoot meristems are multicellular structures that are the site of postembryonic organogenesis. Analysis of chimeric plants has indicated that cells in different regions of the meristem can interact with each other so that their activities are coordinated during developmental processes. Correlations have not been demonstrated between events at a molecular level and the interactions observed at a phenotypic level in chimeras. Two recent papers(1,2) address this problem by reporting that expression of the floricaula gene in one region of (...)
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  14. Kant and the Question of the State: Freedom, Permission, and Republicanism.Aaron A. Szymkowiak - 2002 - Dissertation, Boston University
    "Republicanism" in Kant's political philosophy describes the type of state and the kind of politics demanded by freedom. Thus understood, republicanism expresses the limits of practical reason in politics. ;Kant sets his political thought against Hobbes' empirical description of political individuals, for whom norms arise through imaginative "picturing" of various conditions. For Kant free practical subjects are motivationally independent of sensed objects and possess ability for self-legislation . Kant further maintains that ideas are "regulative", not constitutive, of human understanding, such (...)
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    Syntagma in der Ausspracheschulung – prosodische Einheiten vs. syntaktische Phrasen.Małgorzata Żytyńska - 2022 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 16:47-66.
    The article deals with the prosodic competence of learners of German, and more precisely with prosodic units. It is not always easy for learners to correctly determine these units and consequently to set correct sentence accents. Lack of correspondence between prosodic and syntactic units leads sometimes to prosodic errors. The article tries to analyze these discrepancies between prosodic units and syntactic phrases in order to determine certain regularities.
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    Kant's permissive law: Critical rights, sceptical politics.Aaron Szymkowiak - 2009 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 17 (3):567 – 600.
    In recent years, English-language scholars have begun to approach the daunting field of Kant's politics by way of its technical core: the deduction of private right. In this interpretive project, t...
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  17. Twórczość Gyorgy Lukacsa w piśmiennictwie polskim.Bibliografia adnotowana (1944-1983).Małgorzata Łazarska - 1984 - Colloquia Communia 12 (1):165-206.
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    Language and meaning: cognitive and functional perspectives.Małgorzata Fabiszak (ed.) - 2007 - New York: P. Lang.
    The collection of papers addresses the perennial problem of the relation between language and meaning. It proposes various theoretical approaches to the issue ranging from a synergetic theory of meaning merging the cognitive and the socio-historical perspectives, through holistic, evolutionary models and a revision of some of the assumptions of Cognitive Metaphor Theory to the discussion of the role of pragmatic competence in meaning construction. A number of papers make recourse to corpus based studies and psycholinguistic experiments. The topics of (...)
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    Individual differences in visual and auditory processing of emotional material.Małgorzata Fajkowska & Anna Zagórska - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (2):174-180.
    Presented studies investigated the specificity of visual and auditory modalities in attentional processing of emotion, and its association with temperamental dimensions and trait-like attentional control. During preliminary study 30 participants were presented with the paper-pencil visual search task and emotional prosody detection tasks. Results revealed visual happiness superiority and auditory sadness superiority. During the main study, in addition to attentional performance, 51 subjects were administrated two questionnaires: EPQ-R and Attentional Control Scale. Introducing individual differences into analysis limited the general pattern (...)
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    Sprawiedliwość czasów reglamentacji.Małgorzata Fuszara, Iwona Jakubowska & Jacek Kurczewski - 1983 - Etyka 20:67-93.
    The article presents findings derived from questionnaires administrated to 150 randomly selected inhabitants of Warsaw in November and early December of 1981. They were asked about their preferences concerning different rules of distributing basic supplies in time of crisis. The authors begin by saying that controlled distribution corresponds to a principle that is considered fundamental in the socialist country, namely the principle of redistribution. It determines all sorts of social exchange that may be governed elsewhere by the principle of reciprocity (...)
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  21.  39
    The marvelous child in Heraclitus of Ephesus.Małgorzata Kwietniewska - 2020 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 30:03034-03034.
    In the sentence marked DK22 B52, Heraclitus describes a boy playing with small objects. The boy has the entire kingdom at his disposal and he himself is identified with the eon. This famous fragment has been interpreted in numerous ways both by classical philologists and philosophers. Its current interpretation is that it is a metaphor for human life. The child, not yet familiar with rules of social life, introduces elements of randomness and careless play into that life. Meanwhile, comparison of (...)
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  22. Forms of Life and Radical Translation in the Social Sciences.Aaron Szymkowiak - 1991
  23. Światopogląd Wacława Nałkowskiego.Małgorzata Walicka - 1982 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 28.
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    Erotic subset for the Nencki Affective Picture System : cross-sexual comparison study.Małgorzata Wierzba, Monika Riegel, Anna Pucz, Zuzanna Leśniewska, Wojciech Ł Dragan, Mateusz Gola, Katarzyna Jednoróg & Artur Marchewka - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Formes, forces, Einfühlung. L’esthétique de l’espace de Theodor Lipps.Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak - 2017 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 96 (4):477.
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    Człowiek w przestrzeni publicznej w filozofii Hannah Arendt.Małgorzata Augustyniak - 2011 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 17:243-258.
    Powrót do filozofii starożytnej Grecji pozwala przypomnieć etyczny wymiar politycznej aktywności, w którym umiejętność łączenia dobra własnego z dobrem ogółu postrzegano jako świadectwo rozumnej natury człowieka wolnego i odpowiedzialnego zarazem. Republikański ideał życia zostaje przez Arendt skonfrontowany z dominującymi tendencjami politycznymi oraz ekonomicznymi, które rozwinęły się w nowożytnej kulturze europejskiej. Etyczne zdeprecjonowanie sfery publicznej prowadziło do postrzegania jej w kategoriach przymusu i przemocy, stanowiących zagrożenie indywidualnej wolności. Na znaczeniu zyskała natomiast sfera indywidualnej aktywności, związanej zwłaszcza z pracą wytwórczą, zarobkowaniem oraz (...)
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    Typy idealne panowania: założenia epistemologiczne i metodologiczne.Małgorzata Augustyniak - 2010 - Olsztyn: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warnińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie. Edited by Paweł Polaczuk.
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  28. Rozważania o imionach Boga.Małgorzata Bogaczyk - 2007 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 6.
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  29. Teoria Niklasa Luhmanna w systemie nauki. Obserwacje odniesień.Małgorzata Burnecka - 2009 - Nowa Krytyka 22.
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  30. Modyfikacje klasycznego pojęcia prawdy.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 1996 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    In the article different modification of classical concept of truth are considered. The author claims that analyses of cognitive processes and ways of acquiring knowledge should be taken into account in such modification.
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  31. O typach kryteriów istnienia.Małgorzata Czarnocka - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 289 (12).
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    Philosophy and the History of Art: Reconsidering Schelling’s Philosophy of Art from the Perspective of Works of Art.Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak - 2013 - Critical Horizons 14 (3):296-320.
    Schelling’s philosophy of art between 1801 and 1807 can be defined as metaphysics of art. The object of that metaphysics is to deploy the absolute as the being of art and of the arts. Schelling has been criticized on the basis that this metaphysics of art represses the infinite diversity of existing works of art, while overlooking concrete aesthetic experience. Based on Schelling’s definition of the “philosophical construction” of art as an inseparably speculative and historical construction, the aim of this (...)
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    Schelling et l’architecture.Mildred Galland-Szymkowiak - 2020 - Archives de Philosophie 2:105-124.
    L’article analyse le sens que prend l’architecture dans la philosophie de Schelling vers 1802/05. On montre comment ce dernier subvertit la thèse de l’architecture-art comme imitation de la simple construction, pour finalement définir l’art architectural par sa capacité à présenter, dans l’inorganique, des allégories de l’organique. On illustre pour finir concrètement différents niveaux de compréhension de cette caractérisation, d’une part avec des exemples tirés de Schelling, d’autre part avec des édifices architecturaux récents relevant à divers titres de la bioinspiration.
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    “Eyes wide shut”: Paul Ricoeur’s Biblical Hermeneutics and the Course of Recognition in John Milton’s Paradise Lost.Małgorzata Grzegorzewska - 2014 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 4 (4):53-68.
    The author of the paper analyzes John Milton’s great epic narrative through the lenses of Paul Ricoeur’s biblical hermeneutics and his philosophical reflection, in particular the second chapter of the philosopher’s last book, Parcours de la Reconnaissance, devoted mainly to the prospects and pitfalls of recognizing oneself. Two excerpts from St. Paul’s Letter to Romans and the Letter to Corinthians highlight the main points of reference in this argument: the concept of involuntary wrongdoing and the contrast between the present opacity (...)
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    Thomasa Paine'a ujęcie doktryny prawnonaturalnej: prawo naturalne wobec rewolucji.Małgorzata Gwarny - 2010 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 23:217-235.
    The natural-law doctrine drawing its roots from the political philosophy of modern authors such as Locke and Hobbes, undeniably affected the two great revolutions of the Eighteenth century, and also created the foundation for modern democratic systems. Notwithstanding these frequently emphasized dependencies, the above article focuses on something else, namely transformations inside the very doctrine and modifications of its elementary concepts (esp. natural law) catalyzed by the revolutions. Originally unalterable natural law of superior divine provenance, has proved to be insufficient (...)
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    The development of speech in early childhood in children from twin pregnancies with twin-twin transfusion syndrome.Małgorzata Lipowska, Łucja Bieleninik & Mariola Bidzan - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (1):9-20.
    The aim of the study was verifying, whether speech development is conditioned by a preterm birth, multiple pregnancy or pregnancy complicated with TTTS. We examined 52 preterm children, 15 of which were born after a single pregnancy and 42 after a multiple pregnancy. 23 children came from a pregnancy complicated by TTTS. The average age of the subjects was 32.5 months. The research methods used in our study were as follows: analysis of medical documentation, a structured clinical interview and psychological (...)
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  37. O przyjaźni i sprawiedliwości.Małgorzata Matuszak - 2004 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 16 (16).
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    Szczęście jako (najwyższy) sposób bycia człowieka (Arystoteles, \"Etyka nikomachejska 1098a 7-18).Małgorzata Matuszak - 2009 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 15:195-204.
    Według Arystotelesa szczęście jest osiągalne, bo jest dziełem człowieka; takim działaniem, którego,,po co” osiągane jest równocześnie z nim samym: wtedy, gdy działanie jest właśnie dokonywane. Odpowiedź natomiast na pytanie, jakie to jest działanie, związane jest z ontologią życia człowieka, ze sposobem, w jaki winno być dokonywane, aby było sobą. I by sobą był człowiek. Związane jest zatem z odpowiedzią na pytanie, kim jest człowiek i jakie jest jego miejsce pośród innych bytów, a przede wszystkim jakie jest jego odniesienie z jednej (...)
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    Potrzeba wrażliwości.Małgorzata Michel - 2021 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 15 (4):119-123.
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    Let Rhoda Speak Again: Identity, Uncertainty, and Authority in Virginia Woolf’s The Waves.Małgorzata Myk - 2011 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 1 (1):106-122.
    Let Rhoda Speak Again: Identity, Uncertainty, and Authority in Virginia Woolf's The Waves Performing a rereading of Virginia Woolf's 1931 experimental modernist masterpiece of The Waves, in this article I focus on the elusive and conflicted character of Rhoda, whose significance has been either overlooked or marginalized in the available criticism of the narrative. By pointing out a number of problems in the existing scholarship devoted to Rhoda, I propose to define her as a transgressive figure of uncertainty through which (...)
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    The Polish Immigrant Community in Spain in the Context of Political Changes and Modernization.Małgorzata Nalewajko - 2010 - Dialogue and Universalism 20 (9-10):29-38.
    Describing the formation of the Polish community in Spain in the 1990s, the article focuses on the political changes in both countries: processes of democratization (and, in the case of Poland, the resulting economic transformation) and then the EU enlargement, which contributed to this new influx. Polish expatriates, though not very numerous in comparison with other immigrant communities in contemporary Spain, became quite visible, especially in some towns of the Region of Madrid. In general, they enjoy a good reputation in (...)
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    Let’s Read a Poem! What Type of Poetry Boosts Creativity?Małgorzata Osowiecka & Alina Kolańczyk - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Diagnozowanie ubóstwa ekonomicznego na przykładzie Regionu Pomorskiego.Małgorzata Plecka - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):285-295.
    The main goal of this paper is a collation of methods for diagnosing subjective poverty. The comparison concerns the methods of identification of poverty in the sub-regions of the Pomeranian region. The methods of identification proposed by the author indicate that the proposed methods identify poverty much more precisely than the universal methods. It can be considered to carry on the policy of limiting poverty areas based on the local monitoring. The assembled conclusions can allow improvement of accuracy of directing (...)
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    Stage unlimited.Malgorzata Poks - 1997 - The European Legacy 2 (4):802-807.
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    The Poet’s “Caressive Sight:” Denise Levertov’s Transactions with Nature.Małgorzata Poks - 2011 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 1 (1):145-152.
    The Poet's "Caressive Sight": Denise Levertov's Transactions with Nature The scientific consciousness which broke with the holistic perception of life is credited with "unweaving the rainbow," or disenchanting the world. No longer perceived as sacred, the non-human world of plants and animals became a site of struggle for domination and mastery in implementing humankind's supposedly divine mandate to subdue the earth. The nature poetry of Denise Levertov is an attempt to reverse this trend, reaffirm the sense of wonder inherent in (...)
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    Zagadnienie lichwy w ujęciu wielkich religii monoteistycznych.Małgorzata Ramocka - 2008 - Annales. Ethics in Economic Life 11 (1):297-302.
    This article provides a comparative analysis of the attitudes of three major monotheistic religions – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – to the practice of usury and looks at why these attitudes developed in different ways. Each of the parts presents the opinions of one of the religious systems, analysing the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Koran, by looking at the duties that the Holy Scriptures required of their followers. The first part is devoted to Judaism. According to (...)
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    Hutcheson’s Painless Imagination and the Problem of Moral Beauty.Aaron Szymkowiak - 2007 - International Philosophical Quarterly 47 (3):349-368.
    A peculiar feature of Hutcheson’s system is his claim that there exist no original pains in the imagination, and hence no real displeasures concerning form or beauty. This position, when set against a clear emphasis upon the pains of the moral sense in apprehending evil, seems to render tenuous his frequent analogies between the experiences of beauty and goodness. In light of this apparent discrepancy in Hutcheson’s argument, the repeated use of the term “moral beauty” presents interpretive difficulties, particularly on (...)
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  48.  34
    Of Free Federations and World States: Kant’s Right and the Limits of International Justice.Aaron Szymkowiak - 2009 - International Philosophical Quarterly 49 (2):185-206.
    Immanuel Kant’s position on international justice is beset by some troublesome inconsistencies, most notably a conflicted set of views on the status of federations as suitable alternatives to a world state. It is tempting for contemporary readers to interpret Kant’s indecision as a lack of commitment or resoluteness. Closer inspection demonstrates that this problem involves deeper paradoxes, rooted in the concept of sovereignty. On this matter, Kant’s Rechtslehre is the source of the difficulties found in the “popular” essays. Kant’s vacillating (...)
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    Psychologically based, anti-prejudice educational intervention – project.Małgorzata Wójcik & Katarzyna Popiołek - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (4):223-232.
    The presented study explores the possibility of creating and implementing educational program which would reduce intergroup bias in realistic high school setting. The project was based on the assumption that there is the need of easily applicable, anti-prejudice intervention, which would be appropriate to introduce into foreign language course books, would be universal in terms of changing negative attitudes and would meet all methodological requirements of language lessons. Crossed categorization and the common ingroup identity model were used as theoretical basis (...)
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    Varianz und Invarianz innerhalb der statischen und dynamischen Verbvalenz.Małgorzata Żytyńska - 2014 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Germanica 10.
    This article deals with the dichotomy of static and dynamic valency. Although the attribute static means constancy and characteristic dynamic is most associated with changeability and variantibility, both types of verbal valence show fixed and variable aspects. Quite obviously this is related to the specificity of valency – to its multilayered qualities. This paper presents attempts to show in what sense static valency implies variantibility, and what fixed and what variable aspects are included in dynamic valency.
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