Results for 'Matthew Poon'

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  1.  21
    Cueing musical emotions: An empirical analysis of 24-piece sets by Bach and Chopin documents parallels with emotional speech.Matthew Poon & Michael Schutz - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  2. Future Generations: A Prioritarian View.Matthew Adler - 2009 - George Washington Law Review 77:1478-1520.
    Should we remain neutral between our interests and those of future generations? Or are we ethically permitted or even required to depart from neutrality and engage in some measure of intergenerational discounting? This Article addresses the problem of intergenerational discounting by drawing on two different intellectual traditions: the social welfare function (“SWF”) tradition in welfare economics, and scholarship on “prioritarianism” in moral philosophy. Unlike utilitarians, prioritarians are sensitive to the distribution of well-being. They give greater weight to well-being changes affecting (...)
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  3. Justice and Legitimacy in Upbringing.Matthew Clayton - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    At what age should children acquire adult rights? To what extent are parents morally permitted to shape the beliefs of their children? How should childbearing rights and resources be distributed? Matthew Clayton provides a controversial set of answers to these and related issues in this pivotal new work.
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    Ethical Triage Demands a Better Triage Survivability Score.Matthew K. Wynia & Peter D. Sottile - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 20 (7):75-77.
    Volume 20, Issue 7, July 2020, Page 75-77.
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    Risk and trust in public health: A cautionary tale.Matthew K. Wynia & American Medical Association - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (2):3 – 6.
    *The views expressed are the author's own. This article should not be construed as representing policies of the American Medical Association.
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    Routine screening: Informed consent, stigma and the waning of HIV exceptionalism.Matthew K. Wynia - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (4):5 – 8.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently recommended that HIV screening should become routine for all adults in the United States. Implicit in the CDC proposal is the notion that pre-test counseling would be more limited than at present, and that written informed consent to screening would no longer be required. If widely implemented, routine testing would mark a tremendous shift in the US HIV screening strategy. There are a number of considerations used to determine what screening tests (...)
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  7. The problem of retention.Matthew Tugby - 2017 - Synthese 194 (6).
    A popular version of anti-Humeanism is one that views fundamental properties as being irreducibly dispositional in nature, and it is a view to which I am attracted. Proponents of this view typically object to Humean regularity theories of laws on the basis that they do not explain why our world is regular rather than chaotic from moment to moment. It is thought that, for this reason, Humeanism does not provide firm enough foundations for induction. However, in this paper I argue (...)
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    Cognitive constraints on constituent order: Evidence from elicited pantomime.Matthew L. Hall, Rachel I. Mayberry & Victor S. Ferreira - 2013 - Cognition 129 (1):1-17.
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    Science, faith and AIDS: The battle over harm reduction.Matthew K. Wynia - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):3 – 4.
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    Implanted Desires, Self-Formation and Blame.Matthew Talbert - 2009 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 3 (2):1-18.
    Those who advocate a “historicist” outlook on moral responsibility often hold that people who unwillingly acquire corrupt dispositions are not blameworthy for the wrong actions that issue from these dispositions; this contention is frequently supported by thought experiments involving instances of forced psychological manipulation that seem to call responsibility into question. I argue against this historicist perspective and in favor of the conclusion that the process by which a person acquires values and dispositions is largely irrelevant to moral responsibility. While (...)
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  11. The Iffiest Oughts: A Guise of Reasons Account of End‐Given Conditionals.Matthew S. Bedke - 2009 - Ethics 119 (4):672-698.
    It often seems that what one ought to do depends on what contingent ends one has adopted and the means to pursuing them. Imagine, for example, that you are applying for jobs, and a particularly attractive one comes your way. It offers excellent colleagues in a desirable location, the pay is good, and acquiring a job like this is one of your ends. If practicing your job talk is a means to getting the job, the following seems true: (1) If (...)
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    Literary Prizes and Literary Criticism in Antiquity.Matthew Wright - 2009 - Classical Antiquity 28 (1):138-177.
    This article explores the role of Athenian literary prizes in the development of ancient literary criticism. It examines the views of a range of critics , and identifies several recurrent themes. The discussion reveals that ideas about what was good or bad in literature were not directly affected by the award of prizes; in fact the ancient critics display what is called an “anti-prize” mentality. The article argues that this “anti-prize” mentality is not, as is often thought, a product of (...)
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  13. Multiple Studies and Evidential Defeat.Matthew Kotzen - 2011 - Noûs 47 (1):154-180.
  14. Seemings and the possibility of epistemic justification.Matthew Skene - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (2):539-559.
    Abstract I provide an account of the nature of seemings that explains why they are necessary for justification. The account grows out of a picture of cognition that explains what is required for epistemic agency. According to this account, epistemic agency requires (1) possessing the epistemic aims of forming true beliefs and avoiding errors, and (2) having some means of forming beliefs in order to satisfy those aims. I then argue that seeming are motives for belief characterized by their role (...)
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    Why the Horrendous Deeds Objection Is Still a Bad Argument.Matthew Flannagan - 2022 - Sophia 61 (2):399-418.
    A common objection to divine command meta-ethics is the horrendous deeds objection. Critics object that if DCM is true, anything at all could be right, no matter how abhorrent or horrendous. Defenders of DCM have responded by contending that God is essentially good: God has certain character traits essentially, such as being loving and just. A person with these character traits cannot command just anything. In recent discussions of DCM, this ‘essential goodness response’ has come under fire. Critics of DCM (...)
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  16.  22
    Evil Media.Matthew Fuller & Andrew Goffey - 2012 - MIT Press.
    _Evil Media_ develops a philosophy of media power that extends the concept of media beyond its tried and trusted use in the games of meaning, symbolism, and truth. It addresses the gray zones in which media exist as corporate work systems, algorithms and data structures, twenty-first century self-improvement manuals, and pharmaceutical techniques. _Evil Media _invites the reader to explore and understand the abstract infrastructure of the present day. From search engines to flirting strategies, from the value of institutional stupidity to (...)
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  17.  21
    Comic Sex and ‘Fragmentary Thinking’: Damoxenus, Fr. 3 Pcg.Matthew Wright - 2022 - Classical Quarterly 72 (1):191-201.
    Our extant texts never give a fully comprehensive or representative impression of classical literature. Fragments are valuable because they tell—or hint at—a different story. They represent vestigial traces of a counterfactual alternative version of literary history, and they offer tantalizing glimpses of voices or varieties of human experience that were (accidentally or deliberately) excluded from the classical canon. To ‘think fragmentarily’ is to think beyond the canon and to question traditionally dominant modes of thought. This article uses a neglected fragment (...)
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  18.  46
    Better Regulation of Industry-Sponsored Clinical Trials is Long Overdue.Matthew Wynia & David Boren - 2009 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 37 (3):410-419.
    There is an old saw in health policy that everyone wants health care that is good, fast, and cheap — but it’s impossible to have more than two of these at one time.A similar bit of folk wisdom seems intuitively true for the development and testing of new pharmaceutical products. The public is in a bind. We want breakthrough drugs, and fast. But we also want these drugs to be affordable, thoroughly tested, safe, and effective. It seems we can’t have (...)
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  19.  28
    The Intractable and the Novel: Looking Ahead in Bioethics.Matthew K. Wynia - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (1):11-12.
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    Husserl and PTSD: The Traumatic Correlate.Matthew Yaw - 2015 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 46 (2):206-226.
    The present paper contributes to the analysis and understanding of post-traumatic stress disorder from the perspective of Husserlian phenomenology. The particular approach taken integrates the experience of a ptsd trigger into Husserl’s descriptive framework of noematic constitution. By analyzing the constituent makeup of a particular object that acts as a trigger for ptsd symptoms, a descriptive account of how an ordinary noematic correlate becomes a pathological traumatic correlate is provided. This is done in three steps. First, the traumatic correlate is (...)
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  21.  18
    Many important group-level traits are institutions.Matthew R. Zefferman & Peter J. Richerson - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (3):280-281.
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    Heuristics for choosing features to represent stimuli.Matthew D. Zeigenfuse & Michael D. Lee - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1565--1570.
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    Orphaned atoms: The first M oroccan reactor and the frameworks of nuclear diplomacy.Matthew Adamson - 2021 - Centaurus 63 (2):262-276.
    This article examines the attempt by the Kingdom of Morocco—a country of pivotal geopolitical importance in the late 1970s and early 1980s—to secure a research reactor. It finds that by treating that reactor as a diplomatic object, we can observe the different diplomatic frameworks in which that object was conceived of, contextualized, and negotiated. The historical emergence of these frameworks occurred in close relationship with the IAEA, which acted as an intermediary linking various administrations, programs, and countries, including Morocco. In (...)
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    A very weak square principle.Matthew Foreman & Menachem Magidor - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (1):175-196.
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    The Moral Disillusionment Model of Organizational Transgressions: Ethical Transgressions Trigger More Negative Reactions from Consumers When Committed by Nonprofits.Matthew J. Hornsey, Cassandra M. Chapman, Heidi Mangan, Stephen La Macchia & Nicole Gillespie - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (4):653-671.
    We tested whether the impact of an organizational transgression on consumer sentiment differs depending on whether the organization is a nonprofit. Competing hypotheses were tested: that people expect higher ethical standards from a nonprofit than a commercial organization, and so having this expectation violated generates a harsher response and that a nonprofit’s reputation as a moral entity buffers it against the negative consequences of transgressions. In three experiments participants were told that an organization had engaged in fraud, exploitation of women, (...)
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  26. Physically Sufficient Neural Mechanisms of Consciousness.Matthew Owen & Mihretu P. Guta - 2019 - Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 13 (24):1-14.
    Neural correlates of consciousness (for brevity NCC) are foundational to the scientific study of consciousness. Chalmers (2000) has provided the most informative and influential definition of NCC, according to which neural correlates are minimally sufficient for consciousness. However, the sense of sufficiency needs further clarification since there are several relevant senses with different entailments. In section one of this article, we give an overview of the desiderata for a good definition of NCC and Chalmers’s definition. The second section analyses the (...)
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  27. The unified theory of repression.Matthew Hugh Erdelyi - 2006 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 29 (5):499-511.
    Repression has become an empirical fact that is at once obvious and problematic. Fragmented clinical and laboratory traditions and disputed terminology have resulted in a Babel of misunderstandings in which false distinctions are imposed (e.g., between repression and suppression) and necessary distinctions not drawn (e.g., between the mechanism and the use to which it is put, defense being just one). “Repression” was introduced by Herbart to designate the (nondefensive) inhibition of ideas by other ideas in their struggle for consciousness. Freud (...)
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  28. On Culinary Authenticity.Matthew Strohl - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (2):157-167.
    Recent discussions of culinary authenticity have focused on the problematic sociopolitical implications of Euro‐Americans seeking authenticity in food perceived as ethnic. This article seeks to rehabilitate the concept of culinary authenticity. First, the author relates the issue of culinary authenticity to other philosophical debates concerning authenticity, arguing that the concept of authenticity is value‐neutral. Second, a general theory of culinary authenticity making use of the theoretical apparatus of Kendall Walton's “Categories of Art” is developed and defended against objections. Third, a (...)
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  29. (1 other version)Four-dimensionalism and the puzzles of coincidence.Matthew McGrath - 2007 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 3:143-76.
  30.  49
    Trusting groups.Matthew Bennett - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (1):196-215.
    Katherine Hawley was skeptical about group trust. Her main reason for this skepticism was that the distinction between trust and reliance, central to many theories of interpersonal trust, does not apply to trust in groups. Hawley’s skeptical arguments successfully shift the burden of proof to those who wish to continue with a concept of group trust. Nonetheless, I argue that a commitments account of the trust/reliance distinction can shoulder that burden. According to that commitments account, trust is a distinctive kind (...)
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  31. Situationism, normative competence, and responsibility for wartime behavior.Matthew Talbert - 2009 - Journal of Value Inquiry 43 (3):415-432.
    About a year after the start of the Iraq War, a story broke about the abuse of Iraqi detainees by American soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison. Editorialists and science writers noted affinities between what happened at Abu Ghraib and Philip Zimbardo’s famous 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment. Zimbardo’s experiment is part of the “situationist” literature in social psychology, which suggests that the contexts in which agents act have a larger influence on behavior, and that personality traits have a smaller influence, (...)
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    Seeing minds, matter, and meaning: The CEEing model of pre-reflective subjective construal.Matthew D. Lieberman - 2022 - Psychological Review 129 (4):830-872.
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  33. Dreams, agency, and judgement.Matthew Soteriou - 2017 - Synthese 197 (12):5319-5334.
    Sosa : 7–18, 2005) argues that we should reject the orthodox conception of dreaming—the view that dream states and waking states are “intrinsically alike, though different in their causes and effects”. The alternative he proposes is that “to dream is to imagine”. According to this imagination model of dreaming, our dreamt conscious beliefs, experiences, affirmations, decisions and intentions are not “real” insofar as they are all merely imagined beliefs, experiences, affirmations, decisions and intentions. This paper assesses the epistemic implications of (...)
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    Choosing death in depression: a commentary on ‘Treatment-resistant major depressive disorder and assisted dying’.Matthew R. Broome & Angharad de Cates - 2015 - Journal of Medical Ethics 41 (8):586-587.
    Schuklenk and van de Vathorst's paper is a very welcome addition to the literature on the assisted dying debate and will be of great interest to clinicians working in the field of mental health.1 Many psychiatrists will have had patients who have asked them to allow them to die, to desist in their efforts to prevent their suicide, and one of us has had personal experience, outside of professional life, of being asked to aid in someone's attempt to end their (...)
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    Context-specific learning and control: The roles of awareness, task relevance, and relative salience.Matthew J. C. Crump, Joaquín M. M. Vaquero & Bruce Milliken - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (1):22-36.
    The processes mediating dynamic and flexible responding to rapidly changing task-environments are not well understood. In the present research we employ a Stroop procedure to clarify the contribution of context-sensitive control processes to online performance. In prior work Stroop interference varied as a function of probe location context, with larger Stroop interference occurring for contexts associated with a high proportion of congruent items [Crump, M. J., Gong, Z., & Milliken, B. . The context-specific proportion congruent stroop effect: location as a (...)
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    Minimal perception: Responding to the challenges of perceptual constancy and veridicality with plants.Matthew Sims - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (7):1024-1048.
    Plant predictive processing suggests that plants anticipatorily perceive their environment. This hypothesis runs up against a challenge which takes the form of two constraints on per- ception advanced by Tyler Burge: the veridicality constraint and the constancy constraint. This paper argues that the veridicality constraint can be satisfied by assuming a general account of predictive processing. To show how the constancy constraint may be fulfilled, an ecologically informed account of invariant pick-up is developed and given a place within plant predictive (...)
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  37.  21
    Normativity, Meaning, and the Promise of Phenomenology.Matthew Burch & Jack Marsh (eds.) - 2019 - New York: Routledge.
    The aim of this volume is to critically assess the philosophical importance of phenomenology as a method for studying the normativity of meaning and its transcendental conditions. Using the pioneering work of Steven Crowell as a springboard, phenomenologists from all over the world examine the promise of phenomenology for illuminating long-standing problems in epistemology, the philosophy of mind, action theory, the philosophy of religion, and moral psychology. The essays are unique in that they engage with the phenomenological tradition not as (...)
  38.  50
    Locke's Geometrical Analogy.Matthew Stuart - 1996 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 13 (4):451 - 467.
  39.  20
    Cognitive masking: The disruptive effect of an emotional stimulus upon the perception of contiguous neutral items.Matthew Hugh Erdelyi & Anat Gordon Appelbaum - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 1 (1):59-61.
  40. Classical chinese landscape painting and the aesthetic appreciation of nature.Matthew Turner - 2009 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 43 (1):pp. 106-121.
  41.  34
    Representing Computer-Aided Design: Screenshots and the Interactive Computer circa 1960.Matthew Allen - 2016 - Perspectives on Science 24 (6):637-668.
    Sometimes in the course of image-making, images are asked to represent unusual things. Around 1960, scientists and engineers working on the Computer-Aided Design Project at MIT began imagining that computers could be “active partners” to human designers. They began talking about a future of “human-computer symbiosis.” And they created a new type of image—the screenshot—that represented this new possibility. This paper describes early CAD research as a site for the emergence of the ideal of the interactive computer and how this (...)
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    Cognitivism, controversy, and moral heuristics.Matthew D. Adler - 2005 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28 (4):542-543.
    Sunstein aims to provide a nonsectarian account of moral heuristics, yet the account rests on a controversial meta-ethical view. Further, moral theorists who reject act consequentialism may deny that Sunstein's examples involve moral mistakes. But so what? Within a theory that counts consequences as a morally weighty feature of actions, the moral judgments that Sunstein points to are indeed mistaken, and the fact that governmental action at odds with these judgments will be controversial doesn't bar such action.
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  43. Cells, colonies, and clones: individuality in the volvocine algae.Matthew D. Herron - 2017 - In Scott Lidgard & Lynn K. Nyhart (eds.), Biological Individuality: Integrating Scientific, Philosophical, and Historical Perspectives. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
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  44.  13
    The Significance of Myth for Environmental Education.Matthew R. Farrelly - 2019 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 53 (1):127-144.
  45.  83
    Symmetry, Rational Abilities, and the Ought-Implies-Can Principle.Matthew Talbert - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (2):283-296.
    In Making Sense of Free Will and Moral Responsibility Dana Nelkin defends the “rational abilities view.” According to this view, agents are responsible for their behavior if and only if they act with the ability to recognize and act for good reasons. It follows that agents who act well are open to praise regardless of whether they could have acted differently, but agents who act badly are open to blame only if they could have acted on the moral reasons that (...)
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  46.  63
    Nietzsche's Actuality: Boscovich and the Extremities of Becoming.Matthew Tones & John Mandalios - 2015 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 46 (3):308-327.
    ABSTRACT The problem of persistence and emergence endowed with the limits of “actuality” is examined in the context of Nietzsche's appropriation of both Heraclitus and Boscovich to forge a natural philosophy of becoming. The physics of Boscovich allowed a systematic refurbishment of Heraclitean notions of becoming over being while Heraclitus's tensive dynamic of generation surpassed and overcame the limits of Anaximander's indeterminate. Nietzsche's early investigations bear overt signs of a formative philosophical outlook that seeks to marry the infinite and the (...)
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    Knowledge: Aesthetic Psychology and Appreciative Virtues.Matthew Kieran - 2011 - In Elisabeth Schellekens Dammann & Peter Goldie (eds.), The Aesthetic Mind: Philosophy and Psychology. Oxford [etc.]: Oxford University Press. pp. 32.
  48. Sentence Planning as Description Using Tree Adjoining Grammar.Matthew Stone - unknown
    We present an algorithm for simultaneously constructing both the syntax and semantics of a sentence using a Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG). This approach captures naturally and elegantly the interaction between pragmatic and syntactic constraints on descriptions in a sentence, and the inferential interactions between multiple descriptions in a sentence. At the same time, it exploits linguistically motivated, declarative specifications of the discourse functions of syntactic constructions to make contextually appropriate syntactic choices.
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  49.  13
    Revolutionary Hope: Essays in Honor of William L. Mcbride.Matthew Abraham, Matthew C. Ally, Joseph Catalano, Thomas Flynn, Lewis Gordon, Leonard Harris, Sonia Kruks, Martin Beck Matustik, Constance Mui, Julien Murphy, Ronald Santoni, Sally Scholz, Calvin Schrag & Shane Wahl (eds.) - 2013 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    Over the course of the last four decades, William Leon McBride has distinguished himself as one of the most esteemed and accomplished philosophers of his generation. This volume—which celebrates the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday—includes contributions from colleagues, friends, and formers students and pays tribute to McBride’s considerable achievements as a teacher, mentor, and scholar.
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    Bounded rationality and legal scholarship.Matthew D. Adler - manuscript
    Decision theory seems to offer a very attractive normative framework for individual and social choice under uncertainty. The decisionmaker should think of her choice situation, at any given moment, in terms of a set of possible outcomes, that is, specifications of the possible consequences of choice, described in light of the decisionmaker's goals; a set of possible actions; and a "state set" consisting of possible prior "states of the world." It is this framework for choice which provides the foundation for (...)
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