Results for 'Massimiliano Valerii'

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  1.  6
    Il contagio del desiderio: statistiche e filosofia per capire il nuovo disordine mondiale.Massimiliano Valerii - 2020 - Milano: Ponte alle Grazie.
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    Le ciliegie di Hegel: una riflessione sull'idea di libertà.Massimiliano Valerii - 2022 - Milano: Ponte alle Grazie.
  3.  13
    Ментальні структури свідомості як передумова сталого розвитку і безпеки суспільства.Valerii Ananin & Viktor Horlynskyi - 2021 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 2 (1):3-18.
    Сталий і безпечний людський розвиток багатьма зв'язками пов'язаний з гуманітарною безпекою, яка зумовлена адекватною реакцією особистості на екстремальну ситуацію. Цілеспрямований вплив на поведінку і превентивну діяльність особистості в кризових ситуаціях стає можливим, завдяки формуванню особистісної структури свідомості людини – ментального патерну безпеки. Це відкрита, динамічна, відносно стійка, функціональна структура, що розвивається. Її конституювання відбувається на свідомому і підсвідомому рівнях психіки людини. Формування ментального патерну зумовлено потребами в безпеці, соціальним досвідом їх реалізації, спеціальними знаннями, гуманістичними ціннісними орієнтаціями, соціальним статусом, роллю, установками, (...)
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    Розвиток ідеї екзистенційної безпеки у філософії постмодерну.Valerii Ananin & Viktor Horlynskyi - 2022 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac 1 (1):35-51.
    Осмислення глобальних проблем існування людства заклали гносеологічні передумови формування актуальної філософської проблеми – екзистенційної безпеки. Становлення екзистенційної безпеки як теоретичної проблеми відбувалося через осмислення перспектив існування людства і пошук відповідей на екзистенційні виклики часу. Найбільш варіативне осмислення названої проблематики утворюють напрацювання представників культурологічної, феноменологічної, екзистенційної та інших течій філософії постмодерну. Аналіз праць надає підстави стверджувати, що антропогенним джерелом екзистенційних загроз є людське мислення, позбавлене моральних та гуманістичних цінностей як життєвих пріоритетів. Потреба у переформатуванні базових підстав осмислення світу, викликає необхідність розробки (...)
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    Rossiĭskai︠a︡ dilemma: imperii︠a︡ ili nat︠s︡ii︠a︡--gosudarstvo: monografii︠a︡.Valeriĭ Alekseevich Achkasov - 2019 - Moskva: I︠U︡raĭt.
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    “I See You” through a Glass Darkly.Massimiliano Cappuccio - 2014 - In George A. Dunn, Avatar and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 74–86.
    Avatar, a passionate movie about empathy, features characters who, in various ways, are able to experience the world through the eyes of another or, as the saying goes, to “put themselves into another's shoes”. But, concealed beneath a surface of ecological pantheism, a contradiction lies at the heart of the movie's portrayal of empathy. On the one hand, in ordinary empathy access to another person's mind is mediated by our perception of her unique embodied identity. On the other hand, Avatar (...)
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  7.  32
    Traces of a computational mind.Massimiliano Lorenzo Cappuccio - 2003 - Revue de Synthèse 124 (1):43-59.
    L'image de l'écriture est singulièrement fréquente dans des explications cognitivistes du fonctionnement de l'esprit, non seulement comme métaphore mais également comme paradigme conceptuel: la machine de Turing, en particulier, montre un isomorphisme structural complet avec l'utilisation de l'écriture alphabétique. La machine de Turing effectue exactement les mêmes opérations effectuées par un homme écrivant avec le stylo et le papier et cela dépend de deux raisons: 1. il a été conçu dans l'image et la similarité de la pratique concrète humaine de (...)
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  8.  24
    Evaluating non-disclosure of errors and healthcare organization: a case of bioethics consultation.Massimiliano Colucci, Anna Aprile & Renzo Pegoraro - 2015 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (4):607-612.
    Sometimes medical errors should not be disclosed. We report a case of semen samples exchange, during a homologous artificial insemination procedure, where a bioethics consultation was required. The bioethics consultation addressed ethical and legal elements in play, supporting non-disclosure to some of the subjects involved. Through a proper methodology, gathering factual and juridical elements, a consultant can show when a moral dilemma between values and rights—privacy versus fatherhood, in our case—is unsubstantial, in a given context, because of the groundlessness of (...)
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  9. Print︠s︡ip kak forma nauchnogo poznanii︠a︡.Valeriĭ Nikitich Demin - 1976
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    Taĭny biosfery i noosfery.Valeriĭ Nikitich Demin - 2001 - Moskva: Veche.
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    Dukhovnyĭ kosmos iskusstva.Valeriĭ Dmitrievich Didenko - 1993 - [Moskva]: Rossiĭskiĭ nauch. fond.
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    Subʺektnostʹ individualʹnogo bytii︠a︡ cheloveka: monografii︠a︡.Valeriĭ Aleksandrovich ert - 2022 - Permʹ: Uralʹskiĭ gosudarstvennyĭ pedagogicheskiĭ universitet. Edited by Valeriĭ Aleksandrovich Gert.
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    La Collectio Avellana: una fonte per la topografia di Roma tardoantica?Massimiliano Ghilardi - 2018 - Augustinianum 58 (2):493-509.
    The Collectio Avellana, a collection of late antique documents which has been thoroughly investigated, above all by ancient historians and historians of Roman law, provides a wealth of historical, political-religious and legal information for the period between the middle of the 4th and the middle of the 6th century AD. This contribution, limited to the years of the pontificate of Pope Damasus, seeks to understand whether these texts can also represent a source of topographical information for the city of Rome.
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    Le catacombe di Roma tra la tarda antichità e l’altro medioevo.Massimiliano Ghilardi - 2002 - Augustinianum 42 (1):205-236.
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    A history of Russian philosophy: from the tenth through the twentieth centuries.Valeriĭ Kuvakin (ed.) - 1994 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    For the first time since the break up of the USSR, and with the help of 21 leading historians of Russian philosophy from Moscow State University including M. N. Gromov, Z. A. Kamensky, M. A. Maslin, B. G. Safronov, and V. V. Serbinenko, Valery A. Kuvakin presents a comprehensive two-volume work capturing the rich philosophical heritage of this diverse culture. These scholars discuss its interpretation of the universe, the essence of history and human existence, the ideals of knowledge and a (...)
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    Chto takoe filosofii︠a︡?: sushchnostʹ, zakonomernosti razvitii︠a︡ i print︠s︡ipy razrabotki.Valeriĭ Kuvakin - 1989 - Moskva: Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta.
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    In search of our humanity: neither paradise nor hell.Valeriĭ Kuvakin - 2003 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Avoiding both the heaven of our fantasies & the hell of our own making, humanism offers the 21st century the basis for establishing a just, free, & sane society.
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    The phenomenon of partiinost: Structure, dynamics, and dialectics: An exposition.Valerii Kuvakin - 1976 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 37 (1):25-45.
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  19. Ten Years of Humanism and Skepticism in Russia.Valerii Kuvakin - 2006 - Free Inquiry 26:29-31.
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    Psychoanalysis: Science or hermeneutics?Valerii Leibin - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (2):246-247.
  21. Choreomusicology beyond "formalism": a gestural analysis of Variations for orchestra (Stravinsky-Balanchine, 1982).Massimiliano Locanto - 2018 - In Patrizia Veroli & Gianfranco Vinay, Music-dance: sound and motion in contemporary discourse. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    The Hardiness of Adolescents in Various Social Groups.Valerii Malkin, Liudmila Rogaleva, Alla Kim & Natalya Khon - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Anima, corpo, relazioni: storia della filosofia da una prospettiva antropologica.Massimiliano Marianelli, Letterio Mauro, Marco Moschini & Giuseppe D'Anna (eds.) - 2022 - Roma: Città nuova.
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  24. Etiche e comitati di bioetica.Massimiliano Marinelli - 1991 - Brezzo di Bedero: Edizioni Salcom.
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    Kabbala i russkoe slovo: prostranstva sovmestnosti.Valeriĭ Merlin - 2015 - Moskva: I︠A︡zyki slavi︠a︡nskoĭ kulʹtury.
    Цель книги - конфигурация каббалистической герменевтики с русской филологической и литературной традицией. Речь идет о сборке территорий, о многомерном ансамбле текстуальных и онтологических пространств. "Компаративизм без берегов" книги "Зоар" сопоставляется с интертекстуальным подходом и лингвистической компаративистикой. Каббала понимается как проект совместности, содержание которого раскрывается во встречных сближениях с текстами Пушкина, Достоевского, Пастернака. Книги на русском языке #ReadRussia.
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    Mysli o glavnom: o zhizni i smerti.Valeriĭ Stepanovich Milovatskiĭ - 2020 - Moskva: Rodina.
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  27. Exclusiveness and political universalism in Bruno Bauer.Massimiliano Tomba Moggach - 2006 - In Douglas Moggach, The New Hegelians: Politics and Philosophy in the Hegelian School. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    O zhizni i vere.Valeriĭ Naumovich Narver - 2015 - Sankt-Peterburg: "Renome".
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    Vid hlobalizat︠s︡iï--do realʹnoï humanizat︠s︡iï suspilʹstva: zbirnyk naukovykh stateĭ.Valeriĭ Vladimirovich Pavlovskiĭ - 2009 - Chernivt︠s︡i: Vyd-vo Prut.
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  30. K voprosu o mertsanii mira.Valerii Podoroga - 1993 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 4:140.
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    Arabskai︠a︡ lingvisticheskai︠a︡ tradit︠s︡ii︠a︡: istoki, tvort︠s︡y, kont︠s︡ept︠s︡ii.Valeriĭ Sergeevich Rybalkin - 2000 - Kiev: Feniks.
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  32. Filosofii︠a︡ kak teorii︠a︡ vseobshchego i ee rolʹ v medit︠s︡inskom poznanii.Valeriĭ Nikolaevich Sagatovskiĭ - 1968
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  33. Poni︠a︡tie dei︠a︡telʹnosti v filosofskoĭ nauke.Valeriĭ Nikolaevich Sagatovskiĭ (ed.) - 1978
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  34. Vselennai︠a︡ filosofa.Valerii Nikolaevich Sagatovskii - 1972 - [Moskva],: "Mol. gvardii︠a︡,".
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  35.  20
    From Describing to Constructing Nature: The Case of Synthetic Biology.Massimiliano Simons - unknown
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  36. O nravstvennom vospitani.Valeriĭ Dmitrievich Vinogradov - 1977
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  37.  52
    Dreyfus is right: knowledge-that limits your skill.Massimiliano L. Cappuccio - 2023 - Synthese 202 (3):1-69.
    Skilful expertise is grounded in practical, performative knowledge-how, not in detached, spectatorial knowledge-that, and knowledge-how is embodied by habitual dispositions, not representation of facts and rules. Consequently, as action control is a key requirement for the intelligent selection, initiation, and regulation of skilful performance, habitual action control, i.e. the kind of action control based on habitual dispositions, is the true hallmark of skill and the only veridical criterion to evaluate expertise. Not only does this imply that knowledge-that does not make (...)
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  38.  85
    Michel Serres and French Philosophy of Science: Materiality, Ecology and Quasi-Objects.Massimiliano Simons - 2022 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Massimiliano Simons provides the first systematic study of Serres' work in the context of late 20th-century French philosophy of science. By proposing new readings of Serres' philosophy, Simons creates a synthesis between his predecessors, Gaston Bachelard, Georges Canguilhem, and Louis Althusser as well as contemporary Francophone philosophers of science such as Bruno Latour and Isabelle Stengers. Simons situates Serres' unique contribution through his notion of the quasi-object, a concept, he argues, organizes great parts of Serres' work into a promising (...)
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  39. The Parliament of Things and the Anthropocene: How to Listen to ‘Quasi-Objects’.Massimiliano Simons - 2017 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 21 (2/3):1-25.
    Among the contemporary philosophers using the concept of the Anthropocene, Bruno Latour and Isabelle Stengers are prominent examples. The way they use this concept, however, diverts from the most common understanding of the Anthropocene. In fact, their use of this notion is a continuation of their earlier work around the concept of a ‘parliament of things.’ Although mainly seen as a sociology or philosophy of science, their work can be read as philosophy of technology as well. Similar to Latour’s claim (...)
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  40.  30
    Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology.Massimiliano L. Cappuccio (ed.) - 2019 - MIT Press.
    The first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists considers the mind–body relationship from the perspective of athletic skill and sports practice. This landmark work is the first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists that considers the mind–body relationship from the perspective of athletic skill and sports practice. With twenty-six chapters by leading researchers, the book connects and integrates findings from fields that range from philosophy of mind to sociology of sports. The chapters show not only that (...)
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    (1 other version)The Postmodern Paradigm: Shaping the Philosophy for the Future Landscape of Public Administration.Valerii Akopian, Kostyantyn Zakharenko & Tetiana Zhyzhko - 2024 - Philosophy and Cosmology 32.
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    Coordination as Naturalistic Social Ontology: Constraints and Explanation.Valerii Shevchenko - 2023 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 53 (2):103-121.
    In the paper, I propose a project of social coordination as naturalistic social ontology (CNSO) based on the rules-in-equilibria theory of social institutions (Guala and Hindriks 2015; Hindriks and Guala 2015). It takes coordination as the main ontological unit of the social, a mechanism homological across animals and humans, for both can handle coordination problems: in the forms of “animal conventions” and social institutions, respectively. On this account, institutions are correlated equilibria with normative force. However, if both humans and animals (...)
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  43.  15
    Waarheid en relevantie, in gesprek met Arnold Burms Interview door Massimiliano Simons.Arnold Burms & Massimiliano Simons - 2023 - de Uil Van Minerva 35 (4).
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    Assertions and Hypotheses: A Logical Framework for their Opposition Relations.Massimiliano Carrara, Daniele Chiffi & Ciro De Florio - 2016 - Logic Journal of the IGPL:Doi 10.1093/jigpal/jzw036.
    Following the speech act theory, we take hypotheses and assertions as linguistic acts with different illocutionary forces. We assume that a hypothesis is justified if there is at least a scintilla of evidence for the truth of its propositional content, while an assertion is justified when there is conclusive evidence that its propositional content is true. Here we extend the logical treatment for assertions given by Dalla Pozza and Garola (1995, Erkenntnis, 43, 81–109) by outlining a pragmatic logic for assertions (...)
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  45.  7
    Epistemologia storica: correnti, temi e problemi.Massimiliano Badino - 2022 - Roma: Carocci editore. Edited by Gerardo Ienna & Pietro Daniel Omodeo.
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  46.  15
    Hegel, lo scetticismo antico e Sesto Empirico: lo scetticismo e Hegel.Massimiliano Biscuso - 2005 - Napoli: La città del sole.
  47.  9
    La tradizione come problema: questioni di teoria e storia della storiografia filosofica.Massimiliano Biscuso - 2013 - Brescia: Morcelliana.
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  48.  14
    Hydraulics and hydrology in a passage of the kitāb al-āṯār al-bāqiya by al-bīrūnī.Massimiliano Borroni & Vladimiro Boselli - 2021 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 31 (2):159-182.
    RésuméLes auteurs traduisent et commentent un passage du Kitāb al-āṯār al-bāqiya concernant l'hydrologie. Ce passage révèle comment al-Bīrūnī comprenait les régimes fluviaux, le comportement physique de l'eau, et quelques phénomènes naturels spéciaux. Al-Bīrūnī ne se contente pas d'une discussion sur la prévision météorologique et les régimes fluviaux saisonniers du Tigre, de l'Euphrate, de l'Oxus et du Nile. Il défend surtout le principe qu'en l'absence de force externe, l'eau se meut vers le bas. Ce faisant, le savant du Khwarezm touche à (...)
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  49.  33
    Richard Tutton: Genomics and the reimagining of personalized medicine: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2014, 204 pp, £60.00, ISBN: 978-1-4724-2256-9.Massimiliano Colucci - 2016 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 37 (3):243-248.
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  50. Osnovnoĭ print︠s︡ip materializma: print︠s︡ip materialʹnosti i ego rolʹ v nauchnom poznanii.Valeriĭ Nikitich Demin - 1983 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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