Results for 'Martina Hielscher-Fastabend'

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  1.  20
    Evaluating Models of Gesture and Speech Production for People With Aphasia.Carola Beer, Katharina Hogrefe, Martina HielscherFastabend & Jan P. Ruiter - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12890.
    People with aphasia use gestures not only to communicate relevant content but also to compensate for their verbal limitations. The Sketch Model (De Ruiter, 2000) assumes a flexible relationship between gesture and speech with the possibility of a compensatory use of the two modalities. In the successor of the Sketch Model, the AR‐Sketch Model (De Ruiter, 2017), the relationship between iconic gestures and speech is no longer assumed to be flexible and compensatory, but instead iconic gestures are assumed to express (...)
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    Evaluating Models of Gesture and Speech Production for People With Aphasia.Carola de Beer, Katharina Hogrefe, Martina Hielscher-Fastabend & Jan P. de Ruiter - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12890.
    People with aphasia use gestures not only to communicate relevant content but also to compensate for their verbal limitations. The Sketch Model (De Ruiter, 2000) assumes a flexible relationship between gesture and speech with the possibility of a compensatory use of the two modalities. In the successor of the Sketch Model, the AR‐Sketch Model (De Ruiter, 2017), the relationship between iconic gestures and speech is no longer assumed to be flexible and compensatory, but instead iconic gestures are assumed to express (...)
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    Participation versus Consent: Should Corporations Be Run according to Democratic Principles?Stefan Hielscher, Markus Beckmann & Ingo Pies - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (4):533-563.
    ABSTRACT:The notion of “democracy” has become a much-debated concept in scholarship on business ethics, management, and organization studies. The strategy of this paper is to distinguish between a principle of organization that fosters participation (type I democracy) and a principle of legitimation that draws on consent (type II democracy). Based on this distinction, we highlight conceptual shortcomings of the literature on stakeholder democracy. We demonstrate that parts of the literature tend to confound ends with means. Many approaches employ type I (...)
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    Ordo-Responsibility in the Sharing Economy: A Social Contracts Perspective.Stefan Hielscher, Sebastian Everding & Ingo Pies - 2022 - Business Ethics Quarterly 32 (3):404-437.
    Can private companies legitimately regulate sharing markets, and if yes, how? Whereas scholars have either criticized sharing platforms for expanding into private and public arenas or welcomed them to counterbalance encroaching government regulations, studies document their unbridled popularity. On the basis of a special version of social contracts theory pioneered by James Buchanan, we develop a heuristics that helps guide reasoning about the legitimacy of the sharing economy’s regulatory function. First, we discuss the conditions under which free and responsible individuals (...)
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  5. Martina Stieler's Memories of Edmund Husserl.Martina Stieler - forthcoming - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy.
  6.  17
    Proto-CSR Before the Industrial Revolution: Institutional Experimentation by Medieval Miners’ Guilds.Stefan Hielscher & Bryan W. Husted - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):253-269.
    In this paper, we argue that antecedents of modern corporate social responsibility prior to the Industrial Revolution can be referred to as “proto-CSR” to describe a practice that influenced modern CSR, but which is different from its modern counterparts in form and structure. We develop our argument with the history of miners’ guilds in medieval Germany—religious fraternities and secular mutual aid societies. Based on historical data collected by historians and archeologists, we reconstruct a long-term process of pragmatic experimentation with institutions (...)
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    «Une des figures les plus originales de Milan»: l’antiquario Giuseppe Baslini (1817-1887).Martina Colombi - 2022 - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano 74 (2):95-121.
    L’articolo si propone di indagare le numerose sfaccettature di un personaggio cruciale per il mercato dell’arte europeo del XIX secolo, a cui gli studi non hanno ancora rivolto la dovuta attenzione: l’antiquario Giuseppe Baslini. Ricordato dai contemporanei per l’eccezionale talento da connoisseur e la spregiudicata astuzia negli affari, Baslini fu probabilmente il più importante mercante milanese del secondo Ottocento. La sua bottega in via Montenapoleone 11 divenne riferimento e luogo di richiamo per restauratori, collezionisti e travelling agents di tutta Europa. (...)
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  8.  21
    Pleasant to Touch: How Touch Avoidance Influences Pleasant Perceptions of CT-targeted Touch.Hielscher Emily & Mahar Doug - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  9. Morality and Corporeality in Morality within the Life-and Social World.Martin Hielscher - 1987 - Analecta Husserliana 22:273-285.
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  10.  52
    An Analysis of Medical Laboratory Technology Journals’ Instructions for Authors.Martina Horvat, Ana Mlinaric, Jelena Omazic & Vesna Supak-Smolcic - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1095-1106.
    Instructions for authors need to be informative and regularly updated. We hypothesized that journals with a higher impact factor have more comprehensive IFA. The aim of the study was to examine whether IFA of journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports 2013, “Medical Laboratory Technology” category, are written in accordance with the latest recommendations and whether the quality of instructions correlates with the journals’ IF. 6 out of 31 journals indexed in “Medical Laboratory Technology” category were excluded. The remaining 25 (...)
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  11.  40
    Imagery of errors in typing.Martina Rieger, Fanny Martinez & Dorit Wenke - 2011 - Cognition 121 (2):163-175.
  12.  89
    Pictorial Aesthetics and Two Kinds of Inflected Seeing-In.Giulia Martina - 2016 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 53 (1):74-92.
    Inflected seeing-in is a special experience of the vehicle and subject of a picture, which are experienced as related to each other. Bence Nanay recently defended the idea that inflected picture perception is central to the aesthetic appreciation of pictures. Here I critically discuss his characterization of inflection, and advance a new one, that better accounts for the structure and content of inflected experience in terms of properties of the pictures themselves and also clarifies the distinctive contribution of inflection to (...)
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  13. 2nd Research Summer School in Genetic Phenomenology, E. Husserl‘s Limit Problems of Phenomenology. The Unconscious, Instincts, Metaphysics and Ethics, Warsaw 2nd - 6th September 2019.Martina Properzi - 2020 - Phenomenological Reviews.
  14. Merleau-Ponty's Notion of Pre-Reflective Intentionality.Martina Reuter - 1999 - Synthese 118 (1):69-88.
    This article presents an interpretation of Merleau-Ponty's notion of pre-reflective intentionality, explicating the similarities and differences between his and Husserl's understandings of intentionality. The main difference is located in Merleau-Ponty's critique of Husserl's noesis-noema structure. Merleau-Ponty seems to claim that there can be intentional acts which are not of or about anything specific. He defines intentionality by its ``directedness'', which is described as a bodily, concrete spatial motility. Merleau-Ponty's understanding of intentionality is part of his attempt to rewrite the relation (...)
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  15. Podmínky racionality reflektované z pozice poznávajícího subjektu.Martina ČÍhalovÁ - 2008 - Filosoficky Casopis 56:921-930.
    [The conditions of rationality as reflected from. the standpoint of the knowing subject].
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  16. Das denksystem Fichtes.Johannes Hielscher - 1913 - Berlin,: K. Curtius.
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  17. Fragments on Heidegger linguistic expression.Martin Hielscher - 1985 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 92 (2):380-386.
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  18.  35
    Momentary Affective States Are Associated with Momentary Volume, Prospective Trends, and Fluctuation of Daily Physical Activity.Martina K. Kanning & Dominik Schoebi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Network Epidemiology: A Handbook for Survey Design and Data Collection.Martina Morris (ed.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Over the past two decades, the epidemic of HIV/AIDS has challenged the public health community to fundamentally rethink the framework for preventing infectious diseases. While much progress has been made on the biomedical front in treatments for HIV infection, prevention still relies on behaviour change. This book documents and explains the remarkable breakthroughs in behavioural research design that have emerged to confront this new challenge: the study of partnership networks.Traditionally, public health research focused on the "knowledge, attitudes, and practices " (...)
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    To Bernd Mahr.Martina Plümacher & Günter Abel - 2016 - In Martina Plümacher & Günter Abel, The Power of Distributed Perspectives. Boston: De Gruyter.
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  21. Introduction.Martina Reuter & Frans Svensson - 2019 - In Frans Svensson & Martina Reuter, Mind, Body, and Morality: New Perspectives on Descartes and Spinoza. New York: Routledge.
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    Mary Wollstonecraft och autonomins uppkomst.Martina Reuter - 2018 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 53 (2-3):105-118.
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  23. Erinnern, bewahren, fortsetzen. In memoriam Rudolph Berlinger.Martina Scherbel - 2007 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 33 (1):11-15.
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  24.  20
    Preschoolers are sensitive to free riding in a public goods game.Martina Vogelsang, Keith Jensen, Sebastian Kirschner, Claudio Tennie & Michael Tomasello - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The Political Role of the Business Firm.Ingo Pies, Markus Beckmann & Stefan Hielscher - 2014 - Business and Society 53 (2):226-259.
    This article contributes to the debate about the political role of the business firm. The article clarifies what is meant by the “political” role of the firm and how this political role relates to its economic role. To this end, the authors present an ordonomic concept of corporate citizenship and illustrate the concept by way of comparison with the Aristotelian idea of individual citizenship for the antique polis. According to our concept, companies take a political role if they participate in (...)
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    A four-part working bibliography of neuroethics: part 2 – neuroscientific studies of morality and ethics.Martina Darragh, Liana Buniak & James Giordano - 2015 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 10:2.
    Moral philosophy and psychology have sought to define the nature of right and wrong, and good and evil. The industrial turn of the twentieth century fostered increasingly technological approaches that conjoined philosophy to psychology, and psychology to the natural sciences. Thus, moral philosophy and psychology became ever more vested to investigations of the anatomic structures and physiologic processes involved in cognition, emotion and behavior - ultimately falling under the rubric of the neurosciences. Since 2002, neuroscientific studies of moral thought, emotions (...)
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  27.  34
    On the Reality of the Base-Rate Fallacy: A Logical Reconstruction of the Debate.Martina Calderisi - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-19.
    Does the most common response given by participants presented with Tversky and Kahneman’s famous taxi cab problem amount to a violation of Bayes’ theorem? In other words, do they fall victim to so-called base-rate fallacy? In the present paper, following an earlier suggestion by Crupi and Girotto, we will identify the logical arguments underlying both the original diagnosis of irrationality in this reasoning task under uncertainty and a number of objections that have been raised against such a diagnosis. This will (...)
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  28. Multimodality. The Sensually Organized Potential of Artistic Works, edited by Martina Sauer and Christiane Wagner, New York and São Paulo [Special Issue, Art Style 10, 01, 2022].Martina Sauer (ed.) - 2022
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    Editorial: Neuro-covid: neuropsychological implications of the pandemic.Martina Amanzio, Sara Palermo, George Prigatano & Irene Litvan - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Editorial: Unawareness of Illness in Neurological Disorders: A Focussed Neurocognitive Approach Shedding Light on Neuropsychological Deficits and Neural Underpinnings Potential Association.Martina Amanzio & Sara Palermo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    How Do Nocebo Phenomena Provide a Theoretical Framework for the COVID-19 Pandemic?Martina Amanzio, Jeremy Howick, Massimo Bartoli, Giuseppina Elena Cipriani & Jian Kong - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The Unconscious Element of Corporate Citizenship: A Psychoanalytical Perspective.Martina Battisti - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:107-112.
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  33.  50
    Hermeneutic in Nietzsche.MartinA Bertman - 1973 - Journal of Value Inquiry 7 (4):254-260.
  34.  10
    Kindsein im Holocaust.Martina Bitunjac - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 75 (3):279-284.
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  35.  15
    Hooker, C. A. (ed.) - Handbook of The Philosophy of Science. Philosophy of Complex Systems.Martina Chalupská - 2013 - Pro-Fil 14 (1):58.
    Ačkoli pojmy pro vyjádření komplexity v běžném jazyce jsou známy již od antiky, západní způsob přemýšlení o světě je ve své podstatě doménově specifický. Věda se rozdělila do mnoha specifických oblastí a suboblastí, mezi nimiž panovala jen velmi slabá spolupráce. Svět byl nahlížen jako soustava částí na sobě nezávislých, a tedy hierarchicky uspořádaných. Tento přístup je vhodný tehdy, jestliže pracujeme s velmi jednoduchými systémy, kde interakce mezi komponenty nejsou relevantní (jestli takové vůbec existují). Jestliže se ovšem chceme skutečně pokusit porozumět (...)
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  36.  40
    After Kinsey: Development, Limits and Perspectives of Empirical Studies of Human Sexuality.Martina Cvajner - 2007 - Polis 21 (2):295-324.
  37.  69
    Searching across boundaries: National information resource on ethics and human genetics.Martina Darragh, Harriet Hutson Gray, Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Susan Cartier Poland - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (1):103-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12.1 (2002) 103-113 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note Update Searching Across Boundaries: National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics* While indeed an historical moment, the announcement of the mapping of the human genome has been treated in the literature as a beginning—a new way to think about biology and the ways in which biological concepts are applied to medicine. Issues of both (...)
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  38.  17
    Transgressive Freedom.Martina Ferrari - 2016 - Southwest Philosophy Review 32 (1):93-104.
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    (1 other version)La construcción de un centro cultural desde la periferia: Juan Filloy y el Museo de Bellas Artes de Río CuartoThe construction of a cultural center from the periphery: Juan Filloy and the Museum of Fine Arts of Río Cuarto.Martina Guevara - 2018 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Reasons for Bare Respect.Martina Herrmann - 2015 - In Ralf Stoecker & Marco Iorio, Actions, Reasons and Reason. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 109-126.
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    Wie beschafft man sich moralische Intuitionen?Martina Herrmann - 1994 - In Georg Meggle & Ulla Wessels, Analyōmen 1 =. New York: W. de Gruyter. pp. 730-736.
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  42. Wie frei ist ein vernünftiger Mensch?Martina Herrmann - 1993 - Ethik Und Sozialwissenschaften 4 (4):609.
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  43.  7
    ‘The Jews and Their Doubts’: Anti-Jewish Polemics in the Fascicolo delle vanità giudaiche by Antonino Stabili.Martina Mampieri - 2016 - In Bill Rebiger, Yearbook of the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies. 2016: 2016. De Gruyter. pp. 59-76.
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    Special Announcement: BIOETHICSLINE® on the World Wide Web.Martina Darragh - 1998 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 8 (4):467-468.
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  45. The Riva of Split, Croatia-Contemporary urban waterfront in a historical context.Martina Petrinovic - 2007 - Topos 61:36.
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    Identität in Krisen: Selbstverständigungen und Selbstverständnisse der Philosophie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland nach 1945.Martina Plümacher - 1995 - Peter Lang Publishing.
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    Corpo vissuto ed esperienza virtuale. Una prospettiva fenomenologica.Martina Properzi - 2019 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 10 (3):250-264.
    Riassunto: Può la corporalità dirsi ancora una condizione costitutiva dell’esperienza nella presente era digitale? Esistono due fondamentali modi di affrontare la questione, la cui rilevanza è stata di recente sottolineata da ricercatori attivi nei campi dell’ Intelligenza Artificiale Incorporata. Il primo interpreta la questione come incentrata su un’indagine della relazione fra corporalità e digitalizzazione, il processo cioè di digitalizzare dati il quale rende possibile simulare, aumentare e perfino costruire la realtà all’interno di uno spazio di esperienza virtuale, assumendo l’idea tradizionale (...)
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  48. On the Role of Quantum Computing in Grounding Morphological Complexity.Martina Properzi - 2018 - International Journal of Current Advanced Research 7 (9):15444-15448.
    In this Short Communication we will discuss the role played by quantum computing within the emerging morphological paradigm in the unconventional natural computing. We intend merely introduce the main reasons why a coherent representation of Universality in morphological natural computing needs to be grounded on a version of Quantum Field Theory independent, in many senses, from the Quantum Mechanics formalism in fundamental physics, namely formulated as a thermal field theory. This theory describes the “emergence” of natural information and computation’s complexity (...)
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  49.  21
    Merker, Barbara , Leben mit Gefühlen. Emotionen, Werte und ihre Kritik. Paderborn: mentis. 2009.Martina Schmidhuber - 2009 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 38 (94).
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    Jacob Burckhardt as architect of a new art history.Martina Sitt - 1994 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 57 (1):227-242.
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