Results for 'Markus Fahlbusch'

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    Musikalische Analyse Und Kritische Theorie: Zu Adornos Philosophie der Musik.Adolf Nowak & Markus Fahlbusch (eds.) - 2007 - Hans Schneider.
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  2. Levels of organization: a deflationary account.Markus I. Eronen - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (1):39-58.
    The idea of levels of organization plays a central role in the philosophy of the life sciences. In this article, I first examine the explanatory goals that have motivated accounts of levels of organization. I then show that the most state-of-the-art and scientifically plausible account of levels of organization, the account of levels of mechanism proposed by Bechtel and Craver, is fundamentally problematic. Finally, I argue that the explanatory goals can be reached by adopting a deflationary approach, where levels of (...)
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  3. Manipulation and the Zygote Argument: Another Reply.Markus E. Schlosser - 2015 - The Journal of Ethics 19 (1):73-84.
    Alfred Mele’s zygote argument is widely considered to be the strongest version of the manipulation argument against compatibilism (about free will and determinism). Opponents have focused largely on the first of its two premises and on the overall dialectic. My focus here will be on the underlying thought experiment—the Diana scenario—and on the second premise of the argument. I will argue that reflection on the Diana scenario shows that the second premise does not hold, and we will see that my (...)
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  4. An empirically feasible approach to the epistemology of arithmetic.Markus Pantsar - 2014 - Synthese 191 (17):4201-4229.
    Recent years have seen an explosion of empirical data concerning arithmetical cognition. In this paper that data is taken to be philosophically important and an outline for an empirically feasible epistemological theory of arithmetic is presented. The epistemological theory is based on the empirically well-supported hypothesis that our arithmetical ability is built on a protoarithmetical ability to categorize observations in terms of quantities that we have already as infants and share with many nonhuman animals. It is argued here that arithmetical (...)
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  5. Better Best Systems and the Issue of CP-Laws.Markus Schrenk - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S10):1787-1799.
    This paper combines two ideas: (1) That the Lewisian best system analysis of lawhood (BSA) can cope with laws that have exceptions (cf. Braddon-Mitchell in Noûs 35(2):260–277, 2001; Schrenk in The metaphysics of ceteris paribus laws. Ontos, Frankfurt, 2007). (2) That a BSA can be executed not only on the mosaic of perfectly natural properties but also on any set of special science properties (cf., inter alia, Schrenk 2007, Selected papers contributed to the sections of GAP.6, 6th international congress of (...)
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  6. No Levels, No Problems: Downward Causation in Neuroscience.Markus I. Eronen - 2013 - Philosophy of Science 80 (5):1042-1052.
    I show that the recent account of levels in neuroscience proposed by Craver and Bechtel is unsatisfactory since it fails to provide a plausible criterion for being at the same level and is incompatible with Craver and Bechtel’s account of downward causation. Furthermore, I argue that no distinct notion of levels is needed for analyzing explanations and causal issues in neuroscience: it is better to rely on more well-defined notions such as composition and scale. One outcome of this is that (...)
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  7. W(h)ither Ecology? The Triple Bottom Line, the Global Reporting Initiative, and Corporate Sustainability Reporting.Markus J. Milne & Rob Gray - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 118 (1):13-29.
    This paper offers a critique of sustainability reporting and, in particular, a critique of the modern disconnect between the practice of sustainability reporting and what we consider to be the urgent issue of our era: sustaining the life-supporting ecological systems on which humanity and other species depend. Tracing the history of such reporting developments, we identify and isolate the concept of the ‘triple bottom line’ (TBL) as a core and dominant idea that continues to pervade business reporting, and business engagement (...)
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  8. The luck argument against event-causal libertarianism: It is here to stay.Markus E. Schlosser - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 167 (2):375-385.
    The luck argument raises a serious challenge for libertarianism about free will. In broad outline, if an action is undetermined, then it appears to be a matter of luck whether or not one performs it. And if it is a matter of luck whether or not one performs an action, then it seems that the action is not performed with free will. This argument is most effective against event-causal accounts of libertarianism. Recently, Franklin (Philosophical Studies 156:199–230, 2011) has defended event-causal (...)
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  9. The neuroscientific study of free will: A diagnosis of the controversy.Markus E. Schlosser - 2014 - Synthese 191 (2):245-262.
    Benjamin Libet’s work paved the way for the neuroscientific study of free will. Other scientists have praised this research as groundbreaking. In philosophy, the reception has been more negative, often even dismissive. First, I will propose a diagnosis of this striking discrepancy. I will suggest that the experiments seem irrelevant, from the perspective of philosophy, due to the way in which they operationalize free will. In particular, I will argue that this operational definition does not capture free will properly and (...)
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  10. Conscious Will, Reason-Responsiveness, and Moral Responsibility.Markus E. Schlosser - 2013 - The Journal of Ethics 17 (3):205-232.
    Empirical evidence challenges many of the assumptions that underlie traditional philosophical and commonsense conceptions of human agency. It has been suggested that this evidence threatens also to undermine free will and moral responsibility. In this paper, I will focus on the purported threat to moral responsibility. The evidence challenges assumptions concerning the ability to exercise conscious control and to act for reasons. This raises an apparent challenge to moral responsibility as these abilities appear to be necessary for morally responsible agency. (...)
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  11. Language and Production. A Critique of the Paradigms.György Márkus - 1986 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 96.
  12. Die Erfahrung der Widerständigkeit der Welt als Wahrnehmung kausaler Kraft.Markus Schrenk - 2013 - In Anne Sophie Spann & Daniel Wehinger (eds.), Vermögen und Handlung: Der dispositionale Realismus und unser Selbstverständnis als Handelnde. Münster: Mentis Verlag. pp. 23-62.
    Hume glaubte, die Kausalverknüpfung sei eine „secret connection“, also eine Verknüpfung, die mindestens unerkennbar, wenn nicht sogar inexis- tent ist. Einige moderne Gegner Humes halten dem entgegen, dass apos- teriorisch entdeckte, metaphysische Notwendigkeit, wie wir sie bei- spielsweise von Kripke und Putnam kennen, diejenige objektiv-reale Verknüpfung in der Welt ist, die auch die Rolle einer kausalen Verknüp- fung in der Welt spielen kann. Ich hinterfrage diese anti-Hume’sche Identifizierung kausaler mit me- taphysischer Notwendigkeit, zeige aber auch einen anderen Weg auf, kausale (...)
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    The semantic origin of unconscious priming: Behavioral and event-related potential evidence during category congruency priming from strongly and weakly related masked words.Juan J. Ortells, Markus Kiefer, Alejandro Castillo, Montserrat Megías & Alejandro Morillas - 2016 - Cognition 146 (C):143-157.
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  14. Some critical reflections on the hiddenness argument.Imran Aijaz & Markus Weidler - 2007 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 61 (1):1 - 23.
    J.L. Schellenberg’s Argument from Divine Hiddenness maintains that if a perfectly loving God exists, then there is no non-resistant non-belief. Given that such nonbelief exists, however, it follows that there is no perfectly loving God. To support the conditional claim, Schellenberg presents conceptual and analogical considerations, which we subject to critical scrutiny. We also evaluate Schellenberg’s claim that the belief that God exists is logically necessary for entering into a relationship with the Divine. Finally, we turn to possible variants of (...)
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    Editors’ Review and Introduction: Levels of Explanation in Cognitive Science: From Molecules to Culture.Matteo Colombo & Markus Knauff - 2020 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (4):1224-1240.
    Cognitive science began as a multidisciplinary endeavor to understand how the mind works. Since the beginning, cognitive scientists have been asking questions about the right methodologies and levels of explanation to pursue this goal, and make cognitive science a coherent science of the mind. Key questions include: Is there a privileged level of explanation in cognitive science? How do different levels of explanation fit together, or relate to one another? How should explanations at one level inform or constrain explanations at (...)
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  16. Is Proprioceptive Art Possible?Markus Schrenk - 2014 - In Priest Graham & Young Damon (eds.), Philosophy and the Martial Arts: Engagement. Open Court. pp. 101-116.
    I argue for the possibility of a proprioceptive art in addition to, for example, visual or auditory arts, where aspects of some martial arts will serve as examples of that art form. My argument is inspired by a thought of Ted Shawn’s, one of the pioneers of American modern dance: "Dance is the only art wherein we ourselves are the stuff in which it is made.” In a first step, I point out that in some practices of martial arts (in (...)
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    Neo-existentialism: how to conceive of the human mind after naturalism's failure.Markus Gabriel - 2018 - Medford, MA: Polity Press.
    In this highly original book, Markus Gabriel presents 'Neo-Existentialism', an anti-naturalist view that holds that human mindedness consists in an open-ended proliferation of mentalistic vocabularies. Challenged by Charles Taylor, Andrea Kern and Jocelyn Benoist, Gabriel deftly refutes naturalism's metaphysical claim to epistemic exclusiveness.
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    Testing the theory of embodied cognition with subliminal words.Ulrich Ansorge, Markus Kiefer, Shah Khalid, Sylvia Grassl & Peter König - 2010 - Cognition 116 (3):303-320.
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    Well-Ordered License: On the Unity of Machiavelli's Thought.Markus Fischer - 2000 - Lexington Books.
    Interpreters of Machiavelli easily agree that his political writings have profoundly influenced our fundamental ideas of state and society, yet these interpreters rarely agree on what Machiavelli really thought. Did Machiavelli seek to recover classical republicanism in the Aristotelian tradition, or did he aspire to usher in modernity? Was he a cynic who assumed human beings to be inescapably wicked and offered technical advice to tyrants, or did he aim at some version of "the good life"? Did he create a (...)
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    The future of FemTech ethics & privacy – a global perspective.Najd Alfawzan & Markus Christen - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-4.
    We discuss the concept of women’s empowerment in FemTech, considering cultural and legal differences, ethical concerns, and legal consequences. We claim that it is crucial to prioritize privacy, a fundamental right, especially in the case of changes in laws related to women’s health, such as Roe v. Wade in the US.
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    An den Grenzen der Erkenntnistheorie: die notwendige Endlichkeit des objektiven Wissens als Lektion des Skeptizismus.Markus Gabriel - 2008 - Freiburg: Alber.
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    Human dignity and human rights in bioethics: the Kantian approach.Markus Rothhaar - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (3):251-257.
    The concept of human dignity plays an important role in the public discussion about ethical questions concerning modern medicine and biology. At the same time, there is a widespread skepticism about the possibility to determine the content and the claims of human dignity. The article goes back to Kantian Moral Philosophy, in order to show that human dignity has in fact a determinable content not as a norm in itself, but as the principle and ground of human rights and any (...)
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    I am not a brain: philosophy of mind for the 21st century.Markus Gabriel - 2017 - Malden, MA: Polity. Edited by Christopher Turner.
    Many consider the nature of human consciousness to be one of the last great unsolved mysteries. Why should the light turn on, so to speak, in human beings at all? And how is the electrical storm of neurons under our skull connected with our consciousness? Is the self only our brain's user interface, a kind of stage on which a show is performed that we cannot freely direct? In this book, philosopher Markus Gabriel challenges an increasing trend in the (...)
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    Einleitung.Dominik Perler & Markus Wild - 2008 - In Dominik Perler & Markus Wild (eds.), Sehen und Begreifen. Wahrnehmungstheorien in der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin, Deutschland: de Gruyter. pp. 1-70.
    Dass wir durch Wahrnehmung einen Zugang zur materiellen Welt haben, scheint selbstverständlich zu sein. Und dass die visuelle Wahrnehmung dabei einen prominenten Platz einnimmt, scheint ebenfalls selbstverständlich zu sein. Doch was genau sehen wir: die Gegenstände selbst oder bloß ihre wahrnehmbaren Eigenschaften? Wie gelingt es uns überhaupt, etwas zu sehen? Können wir allein aufgrund von optischen und physiologischen Vorgängen etwas sehen, oder setzt das Sehen bereits Begriffe voraus, mithilfe derer wir etwas als etwas sehen können? -/- Diese Fragen, die in (...)
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    Constructivist Curriculum Design for the Interdisciplinary Study Programme MEi:CogSci – A Case Study.Elisabeth Zimmermann, Markus Peschl & Brigitte Römmer-Nossek - 2010 - Constructivist Foundations 5 (3):144-157.
    Context: Cognitive science, as an interdisciplinary research endeavour, poses challenges for teaching and learning insofar as the integration of various participating disciplines requires a reflective approach, considering and making explicit different epistemological attitudes and hidden assumptions and premises. Only few curricula in cognitive science face this integrative challenge. Problem: The lack of integrative activities might result from different challenges for people involved in truly interdisciplinary efforts, such as discussing issues on a conceptual level, negotiating colliding frameworks or sets of premises, (...)
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    Die Mängel der Kultur: Überlegungen zu Behinderung, Moral und Pädagogik.Jörg Zirfas & Markus Dederich - 2020 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 29 (2):62-75.
    Ausgehend von historischen und sozialtheoretischen Befunden rekonstruieren wir zunächst in skizzenhafter Form, wie es zu einer Konstruktion von Behinderungen als Verkörperungen einer Mangelhaftigkeit anthropologischen Ausmaßes gekommen ist. In Anschluss hieran vertreten wir die These, dass Behinderung eine kulturelle Norm darstellt, die der Kultur selbst Grenzen setzt. Nicht der Mensch stellt das „eigentliche“ Mängelwesen dar, sondern die gesellschaftliche Kultur vorenthaltener oder eingeschränkter Teilhabe sowie die pädagogische Kultur mangelhafter Bildungsmaßnahmen. In ethischer Hinsicht begründen wir diese These von der Verantwortung gegenüber dem Anderen (...)
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  27. Biblical Theology in Crisis.Brevard S. Childs & Markus Barth - 1970
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    Le néoexistentialisme: penser l'esprit humain après l'échec du naturalisme.Markus Gabriel - 2019 - [Québec]: Presses de l'Université Laval. Edited by Charles Taylor, Jocelyn Benoist, Andrea Kern & Jocelyn Maclure.
    Dans ce livre très original, Markus Gabriel avance une théorie du soi humain qui surmonte les blocages inhérents aux positions standards en philosophie de l'esprit contemporaine. Son point de vue, le néo-existentialisme, est intégralement antinaturaliste, en ce sens qu'il rejette toute théorie selon laquelle l'ensemble de nos meilleures connaissances scientifiques naturelles serait pleinement capable de rendre compte de l'esprit humain. L'auteur montre plutôt que l'esprit humain consiste en une prolifération ouverte de vocabulaires mentalistes. Leur rôle dans la forme de (...)
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  29. Brief Notices.Jiří Fajt & Markus Hörsch - 2008 - Speculum 83 (2):501.
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    INTERVIEW: Gedacht wird in der Welt, nicht im Kopf.Ruth G. Millikan, Markus Wild & Martin Lenz - 2010 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 58 (6):981-1000.
    This interview deals with the major themes in the work of Ruth Millikan. Her most fundamental idea is that the intentionality of inner and outer representations can be understood in analogy to biological functions. Another innovative feature is the view that thought and language stand parallel to each other. Thirdly, the basic ideas concerning the ontology and the epistemology of concepts are explained. Millikan aims at clarifying her position by contrasting it with Dretske, Fodor, Sellars, and Brandom. Finally, the interview (...)
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    Significance of joint‐spike events based on trial‐shuffling by efficient combinatorial methods.Gordon Pipa, Markus Diesmann & Sonja Grün - 2003 - Complexity 8 (4):79-86.
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    Rational Peer Disagreement Upon Sufficient Evidence: leaving the Track to Truth?Frieder Bögner, Markus Seidel, Konstantin Schnieder & Thomas Meyer - 2018 - In Ludger Jansen & Paul M. Näger (eds.), Peter van Inwagen: Materialism, Free Will and God. Cham: Springer. pp. 17-39.
    In this paper, we will discuss Peter van Inwagen’s contribution to the epistemological debate about revealed peer disagreement. Roughly, this debate focuses on situations in which at least two participants disagree on a certain proposition based on the same evidence. This leads to the problem of how one should react rationally when peer disagreement is revealed. Van Inwagen, as we will show, discusses four possible reactions, all of which he rejects as unsatisfying. Our proposal will be to point to hidden (...)
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    Sense, nonsense, and subjectivity.Markus Gabriel - 2024 - London, England: Harvard University Press.
    Philosophers have spent millennia accumulating knowledge about knowledge. But negative epistemological phenomena, such as ignorance, falsity, and delusion, are persistently overlooked. Markus Gabriel argues that being wrong is part and parcel of subjectivity itself, adding a novel perspective on epistemic failures to debates around New Realism.
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    The limits of epistemology.Markus Gabriel - 2020 - Medford, MA: Polity. Edited by Alex Englander & Markus Gabriel.
    At the centre of modern epistemology lurks the problem of scepticism: how can we know that the forms of our cognition are compatible with the world? How can we state success conditions for knowledge claims without somehow transcending our discursive and fallible nature as knowers? By distinguishing different forms of scepticism, Markus Gabriel shows how all objective knowledge relies on shared discourses and how the essential corrigibility of knowledge claims is a crucial condition of their objectivity. We should understand (...)
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    Mapping collective behavior – beware of looping.Markus Christen & Peter Brugger - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (1):80-81.
  36. 'If you are my brother, I may give you a dime!' Public opinion on multiculturalism, trust, and the welfare state.Markus Crepaz - 2006 - In Keith Banting & Will Kymlicka (eds.), Multiculturalism and the Welfare State: Recognition and Redistribution in Contemporary Democracies. Oxford University Press.
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    Bild-Beispiele: zu einer pikturalen Logik des Exemplarischen.Andreas Cremonini & Markus Klammer (eds.) - 2020 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink.
    Die Untersuchung von Strukturen des Exemplarischen ist in den letzten Jahren vermehrt in den Fokus geisteswissenschaftlicher Forschung gerückt. Der Band beleuchtet in systematischer und historischer Perspektive Funktionen der Verwendung von Bildern als Beispielen, Illustrationen und Exempla. Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht die Frage, wie Bilder in epistemologische, kunsttheoretische und philosophische Diskurse eingebunden sind. Die grundlegende Annahme lautet: Der theoretische Umgang mit Bildern gehorcht einer Logik des Exemplarischen, welche die Allgemeinheit der Argumente an die konkrete Gegebenheit eines Anschaulichen bindet. 'Logik' wird (...)
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  38. Hypothetical identities: Explanatory problems for the explanatory argument.Markus I. Eronen - 2014 - Philosophical Psychology 27 (4):571-582.
    Recently, several philosophers have defended an explanatory argument that supposedly provides novel empirical grounds for accepting the type identity theory of phenomenal consciousness. They claim that we are justified in believing that the type identity thesis is true because it provides the best explanation for the correlations between physical properties and phenomenal properties. In this paper, I examine the actual role identities play in science and point out crucial shortcomings in the explanatory argument. I show that the supporters of the (...)
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  39. Ernest Sosa: Targeting His Philosophy.Amrei Bahr & Markus Seidel (eds.) - 2016 - Cham: Springer.
    This volume provides the reader with exclusive insights into Ernest Sosa’s latest ideas as well as main aspects of his philosophical work of the last 50 years. Ernest Sosa, one of the most distinguished contemporary philosophers, is best known for his ground-breaking work in epistemology, and has also contributed greatly to metaphysics, metaphilosophy and philosophy of language.
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    In Silico Medicine: The Practitioners’ Points of View Medicine: The Practitioners’ Points of View Medicine.Matteo Cerri, Markus Reiterer & Marco Viceconti - 2016 - Humana Mente 9 (30).
    In this article, which is assembled from interviews, the main issues of in silico medicine, present and future, are discussed by three scientists who are directly involved in the implementation and development of in silico techniques.
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    Europas Auslegungsgrenzen: Das Zusammenspiel von Europarecht ut nationalem Recht.Ralph Christensen & Markus Böhme - 2009 - Rechtstheorie 40 (3):285-312.
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  42. On Wolfram Hogrebe’s Philosophical Approach.Markus Gabriel & Adam Knowles - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (2):201-218.
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    Selbstverhältnis im Weltbezug.Claudia Bickmann, Markus Wirtz & Viktoria Burkert (eds.) - 2010 - Nordhausen: Bautz.
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    O knowledge, where art thou?Markus U. Boehnert, Heinz Zimmermann & Aristomenis K. Exadaktylos - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1177-1179.
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    Postscript: More problems with Botvinick and Plaut’s (2006) PDP model of short-term memory.Jeffrey S. Bowers, Markus F. Damian & Colin J. Davis - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (4):995-997.
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    La place de la sculpture.Markus Brüderlin - 2011 - Rue Descartes 71 (1):36.
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    Allgegenwart und Unendlichkeit Gottes in der lateinischen Patristik sowie im philosophischen und theologischen Denken des frühen Mittelalters.Markus Enders - 1998 - Bochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch Fur Antike Und Mittelalter 3 (1):43-68.
    This essay intends to contribute to the history of the ideas of omnipresence and infinity as two related attributes of God in the theology of the Latin Church Fathers and in the philosophical and theological thinking of the early Middle Ages. The classical Christian doctrine of the infinite presence of God was developed within the early Latin context by Hilarius of Poitiers and foremost by Augustine, who set forth the unique omnipresence of God through the formula that God is «wholly (...)
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    Rasgos fundamentales de la mística cristiana en la Edad Media.Markus Enders - 2005 - Salmanticensis 52 (2):343-357.
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    TAMphilo: Sternstunden aus 10 Jahre philosophischer Erwachsenenbildung.Markus Enders (ed.) - 2011 - Freiburg: Centaurus.
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  50. Saber Y conciencia moral. Fichte O la doble verdad Del escepticismo.Markus Gabriel - 2006 - Ideas Y Valores 55 (132):75-99.
    Resumen: El artículo presenta una reconstrucción sistemática del esquema de El destino del hombre, de Fichte, a la luz de algunos desarrollos recientes en la metafísica de la intencionalidad. Me propongo mostrar cómo Fichte descubre una doble "verdad del escepticismo". En primer lugar, el escepticis..
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