Jacqueline Rose [14]Julie L. Rose [9]Jonathan Rose [7]James S. Rose [6]
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  1.  89
    Free Time.Julie L. Rose - 2016 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    Recent debates about inequality have focused almost exclusively on the distribution of wealth and disparities in income, but little notice has been paid to the distribution of free time. Free time is commonly assumed to be a matter of personal preference, a good that one chooses to have more or less of. Even if there is unequal access to free time, the cause and solution are presumed to lie with the resources of income and wealth. In Free Time, Julie Rose (...)
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  2. The neurobehavioral nature of fishes and the question of awareness and pain.J. D. Rose - 2002 - Reviews in Fisheries Science 10:1-38.
  3. On the value of economic growth.Julie L. Rose - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (2):128-153.
    Must a society aim indefinitely for continued economic growth? Proponents of economic growth advance three central challenges to the idea that a society, having attained high levels of income and wealth, may justly cease to pursue further economic growth: if environmentally sustainable and the gains fairly distributed, first, continued economic growth could make everyone within a society and globally, and especially the worst off, progressively better off; second, the pursuit of economic growth spurs ongoing innovation, which enhances people’s opportunities and (...)
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  4. Corporate Directors and Social Responsibility: Ethics versus Shareholder Value.Jacob M. Rose - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (3):319-331.
    This paper reports on the results of an experiment conducted with experienced corporate directors. The study findings indicate that directors employ prospective rationality cognition, and they sometimes make decisions that emphasize legal defensibility at the expense of personal ethics and social responsibility. Directors recognize the ethical and social implications of their decisions, but they believe that current corporate law requires them to pursue legal courses of action that maximize shareholder value. The results suggest that additional ethics education will have little (...)
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  5.  91
    Money Does Not Guarantee Time: Discretionary Time as a Distinct Object of Distributive Justice.Julie L. Rose - 2013 - Journal of Political Philosophy 22 (4):438-457.
  6.  53
    Freedom of Association and the Temporal Coordination Problem.Julie L. Rose - 2016 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (3):261-276.
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  7.  24
    (1 other version)Femininity and its Discontents.Jacqueline Rose - 1983 - Feminist Review 14 (1):5-21.
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  8. The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes.Jonathan Rose - 2003 - Science and Society 67 (2):264-266.
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  9.  43
    The Effects of Compensation Structures and Monetary Rewards on Managers’ Decisions to Blow the Whistle.Jacob M. Rose, Alisa G. Brink & Carolyn Strand Norman - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):853-862.
    Recent research indicates that compensation structure can be used by firms to discourage their employees from whistleblowing. We extend the ethics literature by examining how compensation structures and financial rewards work together to influence managers’ decisions to blow the whistle. Results from an experiment indicate that compensation with restricted stock, relative to stock payments that lack restrictions, can enhance the likelihood that managers will blow the whistle when large rewards are available. However, restricted stock can also threaten the effectiveness of (...)
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  10.  44
    Rationing with time: time-cost ordeals’ burdens and distributive effects.Julie L. Rose - 2021 - Economics and Philosophy 37 (1):50-63.
    Individuals often face administrative hurdles in attempting to access health care, public programmes, and other legal statuses and entitlements. These ordeals are the products, directly or indirectly, of institutional and policy design choices. I argue that evaluating whether such ordeals are justifiable or desirable instruments of social policy depends on assessing, beyond their targeting effects, the process-related burdens they impose on those attempting to navigate them and these burdens’ distributive effects. I here examine specifically how ordeals that levy time costs (...)
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  11.  49
    Rereading the English Common Reader: A Preface to a History of Audiences.Jonathan Rose - 1992 - Journal of the History of Ideas 53 (1):47-70.
  12.  77
    Insight without cortex: Lessons from the avian brain.Janina A. Kirsch, Onur Güntürkün & Jonas Rose - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (2):475-483.
    Insight is a cognitive feature that is usually regarded as being generated by the neocortex and being present only in humans and possibly some closely related primates. In this essay we show that especially corvids display behavioral skills within the domains of object permanence, episodic memory, theory of mind, and tool use/causal reasoning that are insightful. These similarities between humans and corvids at the behavioral level are probably the result of a convergent evolution. Similarly, the telencephalic structures involved in higher (...)
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  13.  14
    States of Fantasy.Jacqueline Rose - 1998 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Jacqueline Rose argues for an expansion of the new boundaries of `English', and for the importance of psychoanalysis to the understanding of our literary and historical lives.
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  14.  22
    Why Financial Executives Do Bad Things: The Effects of the Slippery Slope and Tone at the Top on Misreporting Behavior.Anna M. Rose, Jacob M. Rose, Ikseon Suh, Jay Thibodeau, Kristina Linke & Carolyn Strand Norman - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):291-309.
    This paper employs theory of normal organizational wrongdoing and investigates the joint effects of management tone and the slippery slope on financial reporting misbehavior. In Study 1, we investigate assumptions about the effects of sliding down the slippery slope and tone at the top on financial executives’ decisions to misreport earnings. Results of Study 1 indicate that executives are willing to engage in misreporting behavior when there is a positive tone set by the Chief Financial Officer, regardless of the presence (...)
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  15.  11
    Prediction of Gait Impairment in Toddlers Born Preterm From Near-Term Brain Microstructure Assessed With DTI, Using Exhaustive Feature Selection and Cross-Validation.Katelyn Cahill-Rowley, Kornél Schadl, Rachel Vassar, Kristen W. Yeom, David K. Stevenson & Jessica Rose - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  16. The Paradox of Consciousness and the Realism/Anti-Realism Debate.Eric Dietrich & Julietta Rose - 2009 - Logos Architekton 3 (1):7-37.
    Beginning with the paradoxes of zombie twins, we present an argument that dualism is both true and false. We show that avoiding this contradiction is impossible. Our diagnosis is that consciousness itself engenders this contradiction by producing contradictory points of view. This result has a large effect on the realism/anti-realism debate, namely, it suggests that this debate is intractable, and furthermore, it explains why this debate is intractable. We close with some comments on what our results mean for metaphysics and (...)
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  17.  23
    Justice and the Resource of Time: a Reply to Goodin, Terlazzo, von Platz, Stanczyk, and Lim.Julie L. Rose - 2018 - Law Ethics and Philosophy 5.
  18. 10. Said, Palestine, and the Humanism of Liberation Said, Palestine, and the Humanism of Liberation (pp. 443-461).Saree Makdisi, W. J. T. Mitchell, Aamir R. Mufti, Roger Owen, Gyan Prakash, Dan Rabinowitz, Jacqueline Rose, Gayatri Spivak & Daniel Barenboim - 2005 - Critical Inquiry 31 (2):526-529.
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  19. Where does the misery come from? Psychoanalysis, feminism, and the event.Jacqueline Rose - 1989 - In Richard Feldstein & Judith Roof, Feminism and psychoanalysis. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 25--39.
  20.  31
    Introduction.Cécile Laborde & Julie L. Rose - 2023 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (2):228-234.
    Recent decades have seen a dramatic transformation in the mode of governing, with government increasingly outsourced to a network of private actors, spanning education, prisons, regulation, arbitration, the military, and access to healthcare and welfare. Chiara Cordelli’s The Privatized State probes the ethical and philosophical questions raised by this transformation, and develops a distinctive account of the wrong of privatization: that a privatized government cannot be a legitimate government. In so doing, Cordelli engages and advances not only pressing questions about (...)
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  21.  20
    Rejoicing: or The Torments of Religious Speech.Bruno Latour & Julie Rose - 2013 - Cambridge, UK: Polity Press Ltd. Edited by Julie Rose.
    Bruno Latour’s long term project is to compare the felicity and infelicity conditions of the different values dearest to the heart of those who have ‘never been modern’. According to him, this is the only way to develop an anthropology of the Moderns. After his work on science, on technology and, more recently, on law, this book explores the truth conditions of religious speech acts.Even though there is no question that religion is one of the values that has been intensely (...)
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  22.  17
    Tensional Landscapes: The Dynamics of Boundaries and Placements.Sven Arntzen, Ethel Hazard, Wolfgang Luutz, Michael J. Monahan, Shannon M. Mussett, Herbert G. Reid, John M. Rose, John Ryks, John A. Scott & Dennis E. Skocz (eds.) - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    The contributors to this volume address global, regional, and local landscapes, cosmopolitan and indigenous cultures, and human and more-than-human ecology as they work to reveal place-specific tensional dynamics. This unusual book, which covers a wide-ranging array of topics, coheres into a work that will be a valuable reference for scholars of geography and the philosophy of place.
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  23.  13
    Field-Programmable Gate Arrays.Stephen D. Brown, Robert J. Francis, Jonathan Rose & Zvonko G. Vranesic - 2012 - Springer.
    Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) have emerged as an attractive means of implementing logic circuits, providing instant manufacturing turnaround and negligible prototype costs. They hold the promise of replacing much of the VLSI market now held by mask-programmed gate arrays. FPGAs offer an affordable solution for customized VLSI, over a wide variety of applications, and have also opened up new possibilities in designing reconfigurable digital systems. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays discusses the most important aspects of FPGAs in a textbook manner. It provides (...)
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  24.  24
    6 Checking, not trusting: trust, distrust and cultural experience in the auditing profession.Mark R. Dibben & J. Rose - 2010 - In Mark Saunders, Organizational trust: a cultural perspective. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 156.
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  25.  10
    A Swedenborg Sampler: Selections From Heaven and Hell, Divine Love and Wisdom, Divine Providence, True Christianity, and Secrets of Heaven.George F. Dole, Lisa Hyatt Cooper & Jonathan S. Rose (eds.) - 2011 - Swedenborg Foundation Publishers.
    Swedish scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg wrote volumes upon volumes based on the understanding he gained through visits to the spiritual world and from conversations with its inhabitants. For new readers of Swedenborg, knowing where to start and what to read can present an insurmountable task. This volume is a good starting point and provides samples of some of his most powerful writings, now available in new, contemporary translations. What happens to our souls after we die? What is the afterlife (...)
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  26.  17
    Working Memory as an Indicator for Comparative Cognition – Detecting Qualitative and Quantitative Differences.Lukas Alexander Hahn & Jonas Rose - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  27.  61
    The Rule of Law in the Western World: An Overview.Jonathan Rose - 2004 - Journal of Social Philosophy 35 (4):457-470.
  28.  23
    The Change of Intra-cerebral CST Location during Childhood and Adolescence; Diffusion Tensor Tractography Study.Yong M. Kwon, Hyeok G. Kwon, Jessica Rose & Su M. Son - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  29.  9
    Spiritual leadership in business: perspectives from Christianity and Hinduism.François Lépineux & Jean-Jacques Rose - 2010 - In Henri Claude de Bettignies & Mike J. Thompson, Leadership, spirituality and the common good: East and West approaches. Antwerpen: Garant. pp. 27--42.
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  30.  27
    A Précis of Free Time.Julie L. Rose - unknown
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  31.  19
    Back to the future of black struggle in theory and practice.Justin Rose - 2020 - Contemporary Political Theory 19 (S1):1-6.
  32. ch. Eight Symbols and their function in managing the anxiety of change: an intersubjective approach.James S. Rose - 2011 - In James Rose, Mapping psychic reality: triangulation, communication and insight. London: Karnac.
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  33. ch. Five Consultation or assessment: engagement and treatment decisions in psychotherapy with young people in a community-based setting.James S. Rose - 2011 - In James Rose, Mapping psychic reality: triangulation, communication and insight. London: Karnac.
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  34. ch. Nine The presence of absence in the transference: some clinical, countertransference, and metapsychological implications.James S. Rose - 2011 - In James Rose, Mapping psychic reality: triangulation, communication and insight. London: Karnac.
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  35. ch. Seven Distortions of time in the transference: some clinical and theoretical implications.James S. Rose - 2011 - In James Rose, Mapping psychic reality: triangulation, communication and insight. London: Karnac.
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  36. ch. Six Is twice a week enough? Thinking about the number of sessions per week as a determinant of the intensity of psychoanalytic psychotherapy.James S. Rose - 2011 - In James Rose, Mapping psychic reality: triangulation, communication and insight. London: Karnac.
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  37. ch. Ten Couples, doubles, and absence: some thoughts on the psychoanalytical process considered as a learning system.James S. Rose - 2011 - In James Rose, Mapping psychic reality: triangulation, communication and insight. London: Karnac.
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  38. Displacement in Zion.Jacqueline Rose - 2006 - In Kate E. Tunstall, Displacement, Asylum, Migration: The Oxford Amnesty Lectures 2004. Oxford University Press.
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  39.  13
    Editorial: Neurologic Correlates of Motor Function in Cerebral Palsy: Opportunities for Targeted Treatment.Jessica Rose, Christos Papadelis & Deborah Gaebler-Spira - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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  40.  14
    Heidegger's Poetic Writings: From Contributions to Philosophy to The Event by Daniela Vallega-Neu.John M. Rose - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 73 (3):630-631.
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  41. ‘Keep the Citizens Poor’: Machiavelli's Prescription for Republican Poverty.Julie L. Rose - 2015 - Political Studies.
    Machiavelli consistently advises that well-ordered republics must ‘keep their citizens poor’. Although this maxim recurs throughout the Discourses, Machiavelli never directly elaborates on what this prescription for civic poverty requires. To the limited extent that this maxim has received critical examination, it is commonly regarded as contending that citizens must live in a condition of material austerity. Through an analysis of Machiavelli's writings on the German free cities, this article challenges this interpretation and argues that rather than requiring that citizens (...)
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  42. Letter to D.Julie Rose (ed.) - 2009 - Wiley.
    'You're 82 years old. You've shrunk six centimetres, you only weigh 45 kilos yet you're still beautiful, graceful and desirable' – so begins André Gorz's 'open love letter' to the woman he has lived with for 58 years and who lies dying next to him. As one of France's leading post-war philosophers, André Gorz wrote many influential books, but nothing he wrote will be read as widely or remembered as long as this simple, passionate, beautiful letter to his dying wife. (...)
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  43.  85
    Management Attempts to Avoid Accounting Disclosure Oversight: The Effects of Trust and Knowledge on Corporate Directors’ Governance Ability.Anna M. Rose & Jacob M. Rose - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 83 (2):193-205.
    Management has the opportunity to promote self-serving accounting practices, such as earnings management, when management can effectively avoid oversight by the audit committee. This article investigates the effects of financial knowledge and dispositional trust on the ability of audit committee members to recognize management attempts to avoid full disclosure to the board and potentially deceive board members. The results of a controlled laboratory experiment with 40 experienced audit committee member participants indicate that: Audit committee members with less financial knowledge are (...)
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  44.  7
    Mapping psychic reality: triangulation, communication and insight.James Rose - 2011 - London: Karnac.
    This book is about how we can deepen our understanding of subjectivity through the use of the concept of triangulation. Fundamentally, this book seeks to address the question of how we can be objective about subjectivity. If psychology, as a scientific discipline, is concerned with the study of human experience, which is essentially subjective; then we are faced with the problem of how apply the scientific method, as it is commonly understood. If experience is essentially unique to the experiencer, then (...)
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  45.  17
    " Nothing of the Origin and Destiny of Cats": The Remainder of the Logos.John M. Rose - 1990 - Between the Species 6 (2):4.
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  46.  32
    On the 'Universality' of Madness: Bessie Head's "A Question of Power".Jacqueline Rose - 1994 - Critical Inquiry 20 (3):401-418.
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  47. Part I. Foundations of corruption: causes and types. The contested definition of corruption.Jonathan Rose - 2019 - In Carole L. Jurkiewicz, Stuart Gilman & Carol W. Lewis, Global corruption and ethics management: translating theory into action. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  48.  17
    Principled Limitations on Productivity in Denominal Verbs.James H. Rose - 1973 - Foundations of Language 10 (4):509-526.
    The fact that morphological elements characteristically represent several derivational relationships, and any given relationship is typically marked by multiple morphological means has led to an assumption of basic irregularity in derivational phenomena. Creativity in this area, coupled with the limited range of variation and the relatedness of the variants within that range, in both Indonesian and English, suggests a highly constrained system for the expression of cognate noun: verb relationships.
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  49.  57
    Political science approaches to integrity and corruption.Jonathan Rose & Paul Heywood - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (2):148-159.
    Integrity ought logically to be a particularly important concept within political science. If those acting within the political system do not have integrity, our ability to trust them, to have confidence in their actions, and perhaps even to consider them legitimate can be challenged. Indeed, the very concept of integrity goes some way towards underwriting positive views of political actors. Yet, despite this importance, political science as a discipline has perhaps focused too little on questions of integrity. Where political science (...)
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  50. Religion and national integration (India).J. Rose - 2000 - Journal of Dharma 25 (3-4):383-417.
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