Results for 'Marius Solum'

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  1.  16
    A Golden Age for Motor Skill Learning? Learning of an Unfamiliar Motor Task in 10-Year-Olds, Young Adults, and Adults, When Starting From Similar Baselines.Marius Solum, Håvard Lorås & Arve Vorland Pedersen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Enhancing students’ moral competence in practice.Eva Merethe Solum, Veronica Mary Maluwa, Bodil Tveit & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (6):685-697.
    Background: Nurses and student nurses in Malawi often encounter challenges in taking a moral course of action. Several studies have demonstrated a need for increased awareness of ethical issues in the nursing education. Objective: To explore the challenges experienced by nurse teachers in Malawi in their efforts to enhance students’ moral competence in clinical practice. Research design: A qualitative hermeneutic approach was employed to interpret the teachers’ experiences. Participants and research context: Individual interviews (N = 8) and a focus group (...)
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    Prevention of Unethical Actions in Nursing Homes.Eva Merethe Solum, Åshild Slettebø & Solveig Hauge - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (4):536-548.
    Ethical problems regularly arise during daily care in nursing homes. These include violation of patients' right to autonomy and to be treated with respect. The aim of this study was to investigate how caregivers emphasize daily dialogue and mutual reflection to reach moral alternatives in daily care. The data were collected by participant observation and interviews with seven caregivers in a Norwegian nursing home. A number of ethical problems linked to 10 patients were disclosed. Moral problems were revealed as the (...)
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    Virtue as the end of law: an aretaic theory of legislation.Lawrence B. Solum - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (1):6-18.
    ABSTRACTThis article investigates a virtue-centered approach to normative legal theory in the context of legislation. The core idea of such a theory is that the fundamental aim of law should be the promotion of human flourishing, where a flourishing human life is understood as a life of rational and social activities that express the human excellences. Law can promote flourishing in several ways. Because peace and prosperity are conducive to human flourishing, legislation should aim at the establishment and maintenance of (...)
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    Divine Commands and Public Reason (A Commentary on Audi).Lawrence Solum - 2001 - Modern Schoolman 78 (2-3):219-228.
  6.  30
    Ethical problems in practice as experienced by Malawian student nurses.Eva Merethe Solum, Veronica Mary Maluwa & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (1):128-138.
    Student nurses are confronted by many ethical challenges in clinical practice. The aim of the study was to explore Malawian students’ experiences of ethical problems during their clinical placement. A phenomenological hermeneutic design comprising interviews and qualitative content analysis was used. Ten students were interviewed. Three main themes emerged: 1) Conflict between patient rights and the guardians’ presence in the hospital; 2) Conflict between violation of professional values and patient rights caused by unethical behaviour; and 3) Conflict between moral awareness (...)
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  7. Natural Justice.Lawrence B. Solum - 2006 - American Journal of Jurisprudence 51 (1):65-105.
    Justice is a natural virtue. Well-functioning humans are just, as are well-ordered human societies. Roughly, this means that in a well-ordered society, just humans internalize the laws and social norms (the nomoi)--they internalize lawfulness as a disposition that guides the way they relate to other humans. In societies that are mostly well-ordered, with isolated zones of substantial dysfunction, the nomoi are limited to those norms that are not clearly inconsistent with the function of law--to create the conditions for human flourishing. (...)
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    The Decline of Roman Statesmanship in Plutarch's Pyrrhus-Marius.Gaius Marius & T. F. Carney - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55:481-497.
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  9. Semantic Originalism.Lawrence B. Solum - manuscript
    Semantic originalism is a theory of constitutional meaning that aims to disentangle the semantic, legal, and normative strands of debates in constitutional theory about the role of original meaning in constitutional interpretation and construction. This theory affirms four theses: (1) the fixation thesis, (2) the clause meaning thesis, (3) the contribution thesis, and (4) the fidelity thesis. -/- The fixation thesis claims that the semantic content of each constitutional provision is fixed at the time the provision is framed and ratified: (...)
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  10. A Statistical Referential Theory of Content: Using Information Theory to Account for Misrepresentation.Marius Usher - 2001 - Mind and Language 16 (3):311-334.
    A naturalistic scheme of primitive conceptual representations is proposed using the statistical measure of mutual information. It is argued that a concept represents, not the class of objects that caused its tokening, but the class of objects that is most likely to have caused it (had it been tokened), as specified by the statistical measure of mutual information. This solves the problem of misrepresentation which plagues causal accounts, by taking the representation relation to be determined via ordinal relationships between conditional (...)
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  11. Kant’s Early Theory of Motion.Marius Stan - 2009 - The Leibniz Review 19:29-61.
    This paper examines the young Kant’s claim that all motion is relative, and argues that it is the core of a metaphysical dynamics of impact inspired by Leibniz and Wolff. I start with some background to Kant’s early dynamics, and show that he rejects Newton’s absolute space as a foundation for it. Then I reconstruct the exact meaning of Kant’s relativity, and the model of impact he wants it to support. I detail (in Section II and III) his polemic engagement (...)
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  12. What is originalism? : the evolution of contemporary originalist theory.Lawrence B. Solum - 2011 - In Grant Huscroft & Bradley W. Miller, The challenge of originalism: theories of constitutional interpretation. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  13. Legal personhood for artificial intelligences.Lawrence B. Solum - 1992 - North Carolina Law Review 70:1231.
    Could an artificial intelligence become a legal person? As of today, this question is only theoretical. No existing computer program currently possesses the sort of capacities that would justify serious judicial inquiry into the question of legal personhood. The question is nonetheless of some interest. Cognitive science begins with the assumption that the nature of human intelligence is computational, and therefore, that the human mind can, in principle, be modelled as a program that runs on a computer. Artificial intelligence (AI) (...)
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    Indeterminacy.Lawrence B. Solum - 1996 - In Dennis M. Patterson, A Companion to Philosophy of Law and Legal Theory. Blackwell. pp. 479–492.
    This chapter contains sections titled: What Does the Indeterminacy Thesis Mean? Is the Law Radically Indeterminate? Is a Modest Version of the Indeterminacy Thesis Defensible? Conclusion References.
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    Deferentialism: Soames on legal interpretation.Lawrence B. Solum - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (6):2097-2107.
    This essay explores themes raised by Scott Soames in Chapter Twelve of The World Philosophy Made. Soames’s key contribution is the articulation of a general theory of legal interpretation and more specific theory, Constitutional Deferentialism, that is a form of public meaning originalism. His development of the connections between the philosophy of language and legal interpretation have been especially important and influential.
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    Contractual Communication.Lawrence B. Solum - 2019 - Harvard Law Review Forum 113.
    In this Response, I will investigate the foundations of both shared and unshared meaning in legal communication. Part I takes a step back from contractual communication and offers a preliminary sketch of a general model of legal communication; the sketch draws on speech act theory and the work of Paul Grice, extending and modifying many of the insights developed by Kar and Radin. Part II turns to contractual communication, differentiating distinct “situations of contractual communication” and interrogating Kar and Radin’s Shared (...)
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    Originalist Theory and Precedent: A Public Meaning Approach.Lawrence B. Solum - 2018 - Constitutional Commentary 33 (3).
    Much ink has already been spilled on the relationship of constitutional originalism to precedent. The debate includes contributions from Randy Barnett, Steven Calabresi, Kurt Lash, Gary Lawson, John McGinnis with Michael Rappaport, Michael Paulsen, and Lee Strang, not to mention Justice Antonin Scalia—all representing originalism in some form. Living constitutionalism has also been represented both implicitly and explicitly, with important contributions from Phillip Bobbitt, Ronald Dworkin, Michael Gerhardt, Randy Kozel, and David Strauss. Some writers are more difficult to classify; Akhil (...)
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  18. Kant’s third law of mechanics: The long shadow of Leibniz.Marius Stan - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):493-504.
    This paper examines the origin, range and meaning of the Principle of Action and Reaction in Kant’s mechanics. On the received view, it is a version of Newton’s Third Law. I argue that Kant meant his principle as foundation for a Leibnizian mechanics. To find a ‘Newtonian’ law of action and reaction, we must look to Kant’s ‘dynamics,’ or theory of matter. I begin, in part I, by noting marked differences between Newton’s and Kant’s laws of action and reaction. I (...)
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    Inclusive Public Reason.Lawrence B. Solum - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 75 (3-4):217-231.
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  20. Emilie du Chatelet's Metaphysics of Substance.Marius Stan - 2018 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 56 (3):477-496.
    Much early modern metaphysics grew with an eye to the new science of its time, but few figures took it as seriously as Emilie du Châtelet. Happily, her oeuvre is now attracting close, renewed attention, and so the time is ripe for looking into her metaphysical foundation for empirical theory. Accordingly, I move here to do just that. I establish two conclusions. First, du Châtelet's basic metaphysics is a robust realism. Idealist strands, while they exist, are confined to non-basic regimes. (...)
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  21. Procedural justice.Lawrence B. Solum - 2004 - Southern California Law Review 78:181.
    "Procedural Justice" offers a theory of procedural fairness for civil dispute resolution. The core idea behind the theory is the procedural legitimacy thesis: participation rights are essential for the legitimacy of adjudicatory procedures. The theory yields two principles of procedural justice: the accuracy principle and the participation principle. The two principles require a system of procedure to aim at accuracy and to afford reasonable rights of participation qualified by a practicability constraint. The Article begins in Part I, Introduction, with two (...)
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  22.  58
    Communicative Content and Legal Content.Lawrence B. Solum - unknown
    This essay investigates a familiar set of questions about the relationship between legal texts (e.g., constitutions, statutes, opinions, orders, and contracts) and the content of the law (e.g., norms, rules, standards, doctrines, and mandates). Is the original meaning of the constitutional text binding on the Supreme Court when it develops doctrines of constitutional law? Should statutes be given their plain meaning or should judges devise statutory constructions that depart from the text to serve a purpose? What role should default rules (...)
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  23.  47
    The Interpretation-Construction Distinction.Lawrence B. Solum - unknown
    The interpretation-construction distinction, which marks the difference between linguistic meaning and legal effect, is much discussed these days. I shall argue that the distinction is both real and fundamental – that it marks a deep difference in two different stages in the way that legal and political actors process legal texts. My account of the distinction will not be precisely the same as some others, but I shall argue that it is the correct account and captures the essential insights of (...)
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  24. Newton and Wolff: The Leibnizian reaction to the Principia, 1716-1763.Marius Stan - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (3):459-481.
    Newton rested his theory of mechanics on distinct metaphysical and epistemological foundations. After Leibniz's death in 1716, the Principia ran into sharp philosophical opposition from Christian Wolff and his disciples, who sought to subvert Newton's foundations or replace them with Leibnizian ideas. In what follows, I chronicle some of the Wolffians' reactions to Newton's notion of absolute space, his dynamical laws of motion, and his general theory of gravitation. I also touch on arguments advanced by Newton's Continental followers, such as (...)
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  25. Virtue jurisprudence a virtue–centred theory of judging.Lawrence B. Solum - 2003 - Metaphilosophy 34 (1/2):178--213.
    “Virtue jurisprudence” is a normative and explanatory theory of law that utilises the resources of virtue ethics to answer the central questions of legal theory. The main focus of this essay is the development of a virtue–centred theory of judging. The exposition of the theory begins with exploration of defects in judicial character, such as corruption and incompetence. Next, an account of judicial virtue is introduced. This includes judicial wisdom, a form of phronesis, or sound practical judgement. A virtue–centred account (...)
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    Aurel Codobon, Amurgul iubirii/ The Twilight of Love.Marius Jucan - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (8):126-129.
    Aurel Codobon, Amurgul iubirii, Editura Idea, Cluj, 2004.
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    Sąvokų „kalba“, „tauta“, „valstybė“ plėtiniai jaunimo sąmonėje.Marius Smetona - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 95:177-184.
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    Abstract Beth Definability in Institutions.Marius Petria & Răzvan Diaconescu - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):1002 - 1028.
    This paper studies definability within the theory of institutions, a version of abstract model theory that emerged in computing science studies of software specification and semantics. We generalise the concept of definability to arbitrary logics, formalised as institutions, and we develop three general definability results. One generalises the classical Beth theorem by relying on the interpolation properties of the institution. Another relies on a meta Birkhoff axiomatizability property of the institution and constitutes a source for many new actual definability results, (...)
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  29.  64
    Neural mechanism for the magical number 4: Competitive interactions and nonlinear oscillation.Marius Usher, Jonathan D. Cohen, Henk Haarmann & David Horn - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):151-152.
    The aim of our commentary is to strengthen Cowan's proposal for an inherent capacity limitation in STM by suggesting a neurobiological mechanism based on competitive networks and nonlinear oscillations that avoids some of the shortcomings of the scheme discussed in the target article (Lisman & Idiart 1995).
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    The time course of perceptual choice: The leaky, competing accumulator model.Marius Usher & James L. McClelland - 2001 - Psychological Review 108 (3):550-592.
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  31. Verantwortung für ein Kind. Die Kontroversen um den Kommentar 'Bevölkerungspolitik und Rentenlast' der Kammer der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland für soziale Ordnung 1978.Marius Heidrich - 2019 - In Christian Albrecht & Reiner Anselm, Aus Verantwortung: der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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  32. Ethics of Health Care Allocation of Resources. The Case of Organ Transplantation.Marius Morlans Molina & Marc Antoni Broggi Trias - 2024 - In Irene Cambra-Badii, Ester Busquets, Núria Terribas & Josep-Eladi Baños, Bioethics: foundations, applications, and future challenges. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa business, A Science Publishers Book.
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    Klangsymbolik in fremden Kulturen.Marius Schneider - 1979 - Wien: Lafite.
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    Virtues and Voices.Lawrence B. Solum - unknown
    This essay explores two ideas that have recently played an important role in discourse about the American constitutional order. The first idea has emerged from the revival of civic republicanism. The republican revival has focused our attention on the classical conception of civic virtue. Our basic social arrangements ought to nourish a citizenry with the characteristics of mind and will that promote human flourishing. The second idea, expressed in critical race theory and feminist jurisprudence, is that we have an obligation (...)
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    Understanding and assessing uncertainty of observational datasets for model evaluation using ensembles.Marius Zumwald, Benedikt Knüsel, Christoph Baumberger, Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn, David Bresch & Reto Knutti - 2020 - WIREs Climate Change 10:1-19.
    In climate science, observational gridded climate datasets that are based on in situ measurements serve as evidence for scientific claims and they are used to both calibrate and evaluate models. However, datasets only represent selected aspects of the real world, so when they are used for a specific purpose they can be a source of uncertainty. Here, we present a framework for understanding this uncertainty of observational datasets which distinguishes three general sources of uncertainty: (1) uncertainty that arises during the (...)
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  36. Absolute Time: The Limit of Kant's Idealism.Marius Stan - 2019 - Noûs 53 (2):433-461.
    I examine here if Kant can explain our knowledge of duration by showing that time has metric structure. To do so, I spell out two possible solutions: time’s metric could be intrinsic or extrinsic. I argue that Kant’s resources are too weak to secure an intrinsic, transcendentally-based temporal metrics; but he can supply an extrinsic metric, based in a metaphysical fact about matter. I conclude that Transcendental Idealism is incomplete: it cannot account for the durative aspects of experience—or it can (...)
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    Poetik des Schwundes – Praktiken des Leidens.Marius Reisener - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 69 (1):48-67.
    Annette von Droste-Hülshoff’s fragment ›Ledwina‹, like its homonymous protagonist, has a primarily medial, and therefore transmissive, profile. This profiling is based on Ledwina’s suffering which at the same time provides the material for overcoming it. Assuming a – tentatively formulated – poetics of decrescence, this specific constellation can be traced insofar as the dwindling but not completely disappearing (text) body is concerned with its epistemic-poetological potential. A potential which allows for the aesthetic and human pathological approaches to (literary) figures of (...)
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  38.  99
    On the Indeterminacy Crisis: Critiquing Critical Dogma.Lawrence B. Solum - 1987 - University of Chicago Law Review 54:462.
    This essay investigates the indeterminacy thesis - roughly the claim that the content of authoritative legal materials (such as the texts of constitutions, statutes, cases, rules, and regulations) does not determine the outcome of particular legal disputes. The indeterminacy thesis can be formulated as either "strong" or weak." The strong version of the indeterminacy thesis is demonstrably false, but several weak versions of the thesis are true but lack the radical implications of strong indeterminacy.The strong indeterminacy thesis is the claim (...)
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    Patristic Apophaticism and the House of Being.Marius Portaru - 2022 - Diakrisis Yearbook of Theology and Philosophy 5:47-60.
    This essay proposes a brief reflection on language, considering Patristic apophaticism, as seen in the works of the Cappadocian Fathers, Dionysius and Maximus the Confessor. It discusses Heidegger’s critique of onto-theology and his Letter on Humanism, where language is called “the House of Being”. It tries to show that, according to Patristic apophaticism, the human nous is instead the “House of Being”. The difference between Heidegger and Patristic thought lies in how Being is understood. It also notes that the Letter (...)
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    Spiritual Intelligence: Processing Different Information or Processing Information Differently?.Marius Dorobantu & Fraser Watts - 2023 - Zygon 58 (3):732-748.
    This article introduces the concept of spiritual intelligence in terms of a natural human ability to take a different perspective on reality rather than an extraordinary ability to engage with a different/supernatural reality. From a cognitive perspective, spiritual intelligence entails a re‐balancing of the two main modes of human cognition, with a prioritization of the holistic‐intuitive mind over the conceptual one. From the psychological and phenomenological perspectives, it involves a different kind of engagement with information: slower, more participatory, less objectifying, (...)
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  41. Who controls the past?Marius Gudonis & Benjamin T. Jones - 2021 - In Marius Gudonis & Benjamin T. Jones, History in a post-truth world: theory and praxis. New York: Routledge.
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    Comparison between the respective views of John Calvin and classical Pentecostals on the role of the Holy Spirit in reading the Bible.Marius Nel - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):9.
    The growth of the Pentecostal movement in the global south implies that its pneumatological emphases be noticed by other Christian traditions, including the hermeneutical processes followed to interpret the Bible, the Christians’ source of revelation about God. The aim of this article is to reflect on the role of the Spirit in the hermeneutical process, and it is done based on two traditions, the Reformed and Pentecostal movements, both of which play an important role within South African Christianity. Whilst the (...)
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    The Dependence of St. Thomas’ Psychology of Sensation upon his Physics.Marius Schneider - 1962 - Franciscan Studies 22 (1-2):3-31.
  44. Huygens on Inertial Structure and Relativity.Marius Stan - 2016 - Philosophy of Science 83 (2):277-298.
    I explain and assess here Huygens’ concept of relative motion. I show that it allows him to ground most of the Law of Inertia, and also to explain rotation. Thereby his concept obviates the need for Newton’s absolute space. Thus his account is a powerful foundation for mechanics, though not without some tension.
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  45. Newton's Concepts of Force among the Leibnizians.Marius Stan - 2017 - In Mordechai Feingold, The Reception of Isaac Newton in Europe. Cambridge University Press. pp. 244-289.
    I argue that the key dynamical concepts and laws of Newton's Principia never gained a solid foothold in Germany before Kant in the 1750s. I explain this absence as due to Leibniz. Thus I make a case for a robust Leibnizian legacy for Enlightenment science, and I solve what Jonathan Israel called “a meaningful historical problem on its own,” viz. the slow and hesitant reception of Newton in pre-Kantian Germany.
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  46. Agency, Teleological Control and Robust Causation.Marius Usher - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 100 (2):302-324.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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  47. Metaphysical Foundations of Neoclassical Mechanics.Marius Stan - 2017 - In Michela Massimi & Angela Breitenbach, Kant and the Laws of Nature. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 214-234.
    I examine here if Kant’s metaphysics of matter can support any late-modern versions of classical mechanics. I argue that in principle it can, by two different routes. I assess the interpretive costs of each approach, and recommend the most promising strategy: a mass-point approach.
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  48. Newtonianism and the physics of du Châtelet's Institutions de physique.Marius Stan - 2022 - In Anna Marie Roos & Gideon Manning, Collected Wisdom of the Early Modern Scholar: Essays in Honor of Mordechai Feingold. Springer. pp. 277-97.
    Much scholarship has claimed the physics of Emilie du Châtelet’s treatise, Institutions de physique, is Newtonian. I argue against that idea. To do so, I distinguish three strands of meaning for the category ‘Newtonian science,’ and I examine her book against them. I conclude that her physics is not Newtonian in any useful or informative sense. To capture what is specific about it, we need better interpretive categories.
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    (1 other version)Freedom of communicative action.Lawrence B. Solum - 1989 - Northwestern University Law Review 83 (1):54-135.
    The thesis of "Freedom of Communicative Action" is that Jurgen Habermas's theory of communicative action illuminated the deep structure of the First Amendment freedom of speech. Haberams's theory takes speech act theory as its point of departure. Communicative action coordinates indivudal behavior through rational understanding. Communicative action is distinguished from strategic action--the use of communication to manipulate, deceive, or coerce. Part I offers an introduction. Part II outlines a hermeneutic approach to interpretation of the First Amendent. Part III explores and (...)
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    What’s in a gold standard? In defence of randomised controlled trials.Marius Backmann - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (4):513-523.
    The standardised randomised clinical trial (RCT) has been exceedingly popular in medical research, economics, and practical policy making. Recently, RCTs have faced criticism. First, it has been argued by John Worrall that we cannot be certain that our sample is not atypical with regard to possible confounding factors. I will argue that at least in the case of medical research, we know enough about the relevant causal mechanisms to be justified to ignore a number of factors we have good reason (...)
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