Results for 'Marion Möhle'

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  1. Inclusion and Democracy.Iris Marion Young - 2000 - Oxford University Press.
    This latest work from one of the world's leading political philosophers will appeal to audiences from a variety of fields, including philosophy, political science, women's studies, ethnic studies, sociology, and communications studies.
  2. Throwing Like a Girl and Other Essays in Feminist Philosophy and Social Theory.Iris Marion Young - 1990
    Feminist social theory and female body experience are the twin themes of Iris Marion Young's twelve outstanding essays written over the past decade and brought together here. Her contributions to social theory raise critical questions about women and citizenship, the relations of capitalism and women's oppression, and the differences between a feminist theory that emphasizes women's difference and one that assumes a gender-neutral humanity. Loosely following a phenomenological method of description, Young's essays on female embodiment discuss female movement, pregnancy, (...)
  3.  36
    Epigenetic Inheritance and Evolution: The Lamarckian Dimension.Eva Jablonka & Marion J. Lamb - 1995 - Oxford University Press UK.
    '...a challenging and useful book, both because it provokes a careful scrutiny of one's own basic ideas regarding evolutionary theory, and because it cuts across so many biological disciplines.' -The Quarterly Review of Biology 'In my view, this work exemplifies Theoretical Biology at its is rampant speculation that is consistently based on cautious reasoning from the available data. Even more refreshing is the absence of sloganeering, grandstanding, and 'isms'.' -Biology and Philosophy 'Epigenetics is fundamental to understanding both development and (...)
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  4. Inheritance Systems and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis.Eva Jablonka & Marion J. Lamb - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Current knowledge of the genetic, epigenetic, behavioural and symbolic systems of inheritance requires a revision and extension of the mid-twentieth-century, gene-based, 'Modern Synthesis' version of Darwinian evolutionary theory. We present the case for this by first outlining the history that led to the neo-Darwinian view of evolution. In the second section we describe and compare different types of inheritance, and in the third discuss the implications of a broad view of heredity for various aspects of evolutionary theory. We end with (...)
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  5. Federalism and Responsibility for Health Care.Douglas MacKay & Marion Danis - 2016 - Public Affairs Quarterly 30 (1):1-29.
    Political philosophers often formulate the problem of distributive justice as the problem of how the government ought to distribute different types of goods—for example, income or health care—to its citizens. They therefore presuppose that the government is a unitary agent that governs its citizens directly. However, although a number of governments are unitary in this way, many are federations, exhibiting a division of sovereignty between two or more levels of government having independent grounds of authority. In contrast to unitary states, (...)
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    Inheritance Systems and the Extended Synthesis.Eva Jablonka & Marion Lamb - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Current knowledge of the genetic, epigenetic, behavioural and symbolic systems of inheritance requires a revision and extension of the mid-twentieth-century, gene-based, 'Modern Synthesis' version of Darwinian evolutionary theory. We present the case for this by first outlining the history that led to the neo-Darwinian view of evolution. In the second section we describe and compare different types of inheritance, and in the third discuss the implications of a broad view of heredity for various aspects of evolutionary theory. We end with (...)
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    Vie et œuvre d’un rationaliste engagé : Louis Rougier(1889-1982).Claudia Berndt & Mathieu Marion - 2006 - Philosophia Scientiae 10 (2):11-90.
    J’ai souvent songé que le propre du clerc dans l’âge moderne est de prêcher dans le désert. Je crois que j’y suis passé maître.Julien Benda Faute de savoir dans quelle catégorie vous classer, on ne vous inscrit dans aucune.Louis Rougier.
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    Expectancy and cued recall.Marion Quinn Lewis-Smith - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (2):145-147.
  9.  79
    No Exceptionalism Needed to Treat Terrorists.Chiara Lepora, Marion Danis & Alan Wertheimer - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (10):53-54.
    Gesundheit and colleagues offer dramatic examples of the medical treatment of terrorists but then pose the suggestion that those who engage in terrorism forfeit their right to medical care, and, consequently, that physicians have no obligation to treat them. Their argument presupposes that a physician’s obligation to provide medical care depends on the patients’ right to health care. Therefore, someone who commits heinous and abhorrent acts thereby waives the right to health care and the physicians’ duty to provide health care (...)
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  10.  66
    How the Body Shapes the Mind Shaun Gallagher Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2005, 284 p.Jocelyne Marion Benoît - 2008 - Dialogue 47 (1):199-.
  11.  23
    23 Manifeste Zu Bildakt Und Verkörperung.Pablo Schneider & Marion Lauschke (eds.) - 2017 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Das, was gesehen, gehört oder gedacht wird, begreift der Band 23 Manifeste zu Bildakt und Verkörperung nicht als ein passives, sondern aktives Gegenüber. Dieses zeigt sich in Bildern, Objekten, Tönen, Materialien, Wörtern oder Schriftzeichen, welche die Beiträge des Bandes im Sinne einer Kulturtheorie des Entgegenkommenden deuten. Diese gründet auf einer analytischen Herangehensweise, die die Gegenstände der Betrachtung in ihrer Eigenständigkeit respektiert, um den Modus ihrer Aktivität angemessen beschreiben zu können. Die versammelten Untersuchungen aus den Bereichen Kunst- und Bildwissenschaft, Philosophie, Sprachphilosophie (...)
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  12.  52
    Mutual Respect in an Ethic of Care.Derek G. Ross & Marion Parks - 2018 - Teaching Ethics 18 (1):1-15.
    This paper explores care ethics and the roles that power, trust, and stereotypes play in establishing and building caring relationships. The work is the result of the evolution of collaboration between teacher and student as that teacher/student dichotomy evolved to one of shared trust and respect and considers the oft-neglected aspect of respect in an ethic of care. By tracing the evolution of the authors’ relationship, we argue that mutual respect in an ethic of care has the potential to enrich (...)
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  13.  37
    English Institute Essays 1946. Part I, The Critical Significance of Biographical Evidence: "John Milton"English Institute Essays 1946. Part I, The Critical Significance of Biographical Evidence: "Jonathan Swift"English Institute Essays 1946. Part I, The Critical Significance of Biographical Evidence: "Shelley's Ferrarese Maniac"English Institute Essays 1946. Part I, The Critical Significance of Biographical Evidence: "William Butler Yeats"English Institute Essays 1946. Part II, The Methods of Literary Studies: "Six Types of Literary History"English Institute Essays 1946. Part II, The Methods of Literary Studies: "Literary Criticism"English Institute Essays 1946. Part II, The Methods of Literary Studies: "Mr. Dangle's Defense: Acting and Stage History"English Institute Essays 1946. Part II, The Methods of Literary Studies: "The Textual Approach to Meaning". [REVIEW]W. K. Wimsatt, Douglas Bush, Louis A. Landa, Carlos Baker, Marion Witt, Rene Wellek, Cleanth Brooks, Alan S. Downer & E. L. McAdam - 1949 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 7 (3):264.
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    Grains of Sand: Photographs by Marion Patterson.Marion Patterson - 2002 - Stanford General Books.
    Fifty-seven outstanding black-and-white photographs from the central California coast and Sierra reflect the author's special relationship with the coastline of California, as well as capture vivid images from the deserts of California and the Southwest.
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    Herder und die Klassische Deutsche Philosophie: Festschrift für Marion Heinz.Marion Heinz, Dieter Hüning, Gideon Stiening & Violetta Stolz (eds.) - 2016 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Johann Gottfried Herder (1744-1803) gilt weithin als Autor des literarischen Sturm und Drang bzw. der philosophischen und theologischen Spataufklarung. Dass er jedoch auf vielen Gebieten die Klassische Deutsche Philosophie massgeblich beeinflusste, wird eher selten in den Blick genommen. Der Band untersucht dieses sowohl kritische als auch affirmative Rezeptionsverhaltnis Kants, Schellings, Schlegels, Humboldts oder Hegels zu Herder auf den Gebieten der Geschichtsphilosophie, der Metaphysik, der Ethik und Politik sowie der Asthetik und Anthropologie. - Mit Beitragen von Andreas Arndt, Manfred Baum, Christoph (...)
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    From Myth to Philosophy: Philosophical Implications of the Mythic Understanding of Transtemporal Identity.Natalia R. Moehle - 1987 - Upa.
    Address the philosophical idea of transtemporal identity, that is, to provide an account of the preservation of identity through changes and across time. Demonstrates that an entity may remain the same after certain substantive and temporal changes by using the example of metamorphosis and transformation in the mythic world as portrayed particularly in Ovid's Metamorphosis, and, more generally, in the mythology of other cultures. Suitable for upper-level courses in metaphysics, theories of identity, and mythic studies.
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  17. Heidegger and the Nazis.Karl A. Moehling - 1981 - In Thomas Sheehan, Heidegger: the man and the thinker. New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction Publishers. pp. 31--44.
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    Human rights and human nature.Marion Albers (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    This book explores both the possibilities and limits of arguments from human nature in the context of human rights. Can the concept of human nature provide a basis for understanding fundamental rights? Is it plausible to justify the claim to universal validity of human rights by reference to human nature? Or does the idea of human rights in its modern, post-1945 manifestation go, in essence, beyond human nature? The essays in this volume introduce naturalistic positions and their concomitant critiques. They (...)
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  19.  82
    Bioethicists Can and Should Contribute to Addressing Racism.Marion Danis, Yolonda Wilson & Amina White - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (4):3-12.
    The problems of racism and racially motivated violence in predominantly African American communities in the United States are complex, multifactorial, and historically rooted. While these problems are also deeply morally troubling, bioethicists have not contributed substantially to addressing them. Concern for justice has been one of the core commitments of bioethics. For this and other reasons, bioethicists should contribute to addressing these problems. We consider how bioethicists can offer meaningful contributions to the public discourse, research, teaching, training, policy development, and (...)
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  20.  46
    The Challenges of Research Informed Consent in Socio‐Economically Vulnerable Populations: A Viewpoint From the Democratic Republic of Congo.Marion Kalabuanga, Raffaella Ravinetto, Vivi Maketa, Hypolite Muhindo Mavoko, Blaise Fungula, Raquel Inocêncio da Luz, Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden & Pascal Lutumba - 2015 - Developing World Bioethics 16 (2):64-69.
    In medical research, the ethical principle of respect for persons is operationalized into the process of informed consent. The consent tools should be contextualized and adapted to the different socio-cultural environment, especially when research crosses the traditional boundaries and reaches poor communities. We look at the challenges experienced in the malaria Quinact trial, conducted in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and describe some lessons learned, related to the definition of acceptable representative, the role of independent witness and the impact of (...)
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  21.  77
    Moral Responsibility and the Boundaries of Community: Power and Accountability From a Pragmatic Point of View.Marion Smiley - 1992 - University of Chicago Press.
    The question of responsibility plays a critical role not only in our attempts to resolve social and political problems, but in our very conceptions of what those problems are. Who, for example, is to blame for apartheid in South Africa? Is the South African government responsible? What about multinational corporations that do business there? Will uncovering the "true facts of the matter" lead us to the right answer? In an argument both compelling and provocative, Marion Smiley demonstrates how attributions (...)
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  22.  8
    Colloquium of the Seven About Secrets of the Sublime.Marion Leathers Kuntz (ed.) - 2008 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    Jean Bodin, renowned for his powerful intellect and breadth of knowledge, was truly a renaissance man. His works on political and legal thought set him apart as one of the most brilliant minds of the period. Although he is perhaps less known for his writing on religious questions of his day, his _Colloquium_ remains a unique contribution to religious dialogue. It circulated in its Latin manuscript form, but it was not published until the nineteenth century. Marion Leathers Kuntz offers (...)
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  23. Climate, Collective Action and Individual Ethical Obligations.Marion Hourdequin - 2010 - Environmental Values 19 (4):443 - 464.
    Both Walter Sinnott-Armstrong and Baylor Johnson hold that under current circumstances, individuals lack obligations to reduce their personal contributions to greenhouse gas emissions. Johnson argues that climate change has the structure of a tragedy of the commons, and that there is no unilateral obligation to reduce emissions in a commons. Against Johnson, I articulate two rationales for an individual obligation to reduce one's greenhouse gas emissions. I first discuss moral integrity, which recommends congruence between one's actions and positions at the (...)
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  24.  35
    God Without Being: Hors-Texte, Second Edition.Jean-Luc Marion & David Tracy - 2012 - University of Chicago Press.
    First translated into English in 1991, God Without Being continues to be a key book for discussions of the nature of God. This second edition contains a new preface by Marion as well as his 2003 essay on Thomas Aquinas.
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    (1 other version)God without being: hors-texte.Jean-Luc Marion - 1991 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Thomas A. Carlson & David Tracy.
    Jean-Luc Marion advances a controversial argument for a God free of all categories of Being. Taking a characteristically postmodern stance, Marion challenges a fundamental premise of both metaphysics and neo-Thomist theology: that God, before all else, must be. Rather, he locates a "God without Being" in the realm of agape, of Christian charity or love. This volume, the first translation into English of the work of this leading Catholic philosopher, offers a contemporary perspective on the nature of God. (...)
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  26. The erotic phenomenon.Jean-Luc Marion - 2007 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    While humanists have pondered the subject of love to the point of obsessiveness, philosophers have steadfastly ignored it. One might wonder whether the discipline of philosophy even recognizes love. The word philosophy means “love of wisdom,” but the absence of love from philosophical discourse is curiously glaring. So where did the love go? In The Erotic Phenomenon, Jean-Luc Marion asks this fundamental question of philosophy, while reviving inquiry into the concept of love itself. Marion begins his profound and (...)
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    CSR Strategies in Response to Competitive Pressures.Marion Dupire & Bouchra M’Zali - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (3):603-623.
    Is corporate social responsibility a tool for strategic positioning? While CSR is sometimes used as part of a differentiation strategy, this article analyzes which specific CSR strategies arise in response to competitive pressures. The results suggest that competitive pressures lead firms to increase their positive social actions without necessarily decreasing their social weaknesses. This positive impact varies with specific dimensions of CSR and industry specificities: Competition improves social performance toward core stakeholders to a greater extent than social performance toward peripheral (...)
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    Logic, rationality and knowledge in Ramsey's thought: reassessing 'human logic'.Marion Gaspard - 2014 - Journal of Economic Methodology 21 (2):139-157.
    This paper reconsiders Frank Ramsey's essay on subjective probability (1926) as a consistent way to articulate logic, rationality and knowledge. The first part of the essay builds an axiomatic theory of subjective probability based on ‘formal logic’, defining rationality as choice-consistency. The second part seems to open up different horizons: the evaluation of degrees of belief by ‘human logic’. Because of the interest Keynes (1931) had taken in ‘human logic’, it was considered to be a possible alternative to the formal (...)
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  29. Feminist Theories.Marion Smiley - 1997 - In Encyclopedia of Multicultural Education. Onyx.
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    The Superego of Women.Marion E. Tapper - 1986 - Social Theory and Practice 12 (1):61-74.
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    Natural Pedagogy and A-not-B tasks.Marion Vorms - unknown
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    The Epistemology and Morality of Human Kinds.Marion Godman - 2020 - Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
    Natural kinds is a widely used and pivotal concept in philosophy – the idea being that the classifications and taxonomies employed by science correspond to the real kinds in nature. Natural kinds are often opposed to the idea of kinds in the human and social sciences, which are typically seen as social constructions, characterised by changing norms and resisting scientific reduction. Yet human beings are also a subject of scientific study.Does this mean humans fall into corresponding kinds of their own? (...)
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  33.  9
    The Truth of Things: Liberal Arts and the Recovery of Reality.Marion Montgomery - 1999 - Spence Publishing Company.
    Transcending the standard critique of the politically correct university, Marion Montgomery reveals the ancient sources of our educational chaos. There can be no reform, he insists, without a new openness to the truth of things, which marks the character and work of the good teacher.
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    Beyond Good and Evil: Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future.Marion Faber (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford: Oxford Paperbacks.
    This superb new translation of Nietzsche's mature masterpiece, Beyond Good and Evil, offers the most comprehensively annotated text, complemented by a lucid introduction by one of the most eminent of Nietzsche scholars, Robert C. Holub.
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    Pondering theological metaphoricity in Devin Singh’s divine currency and beyond.Marion Grau - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (1):94-97.
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    Les quatre temps d’un séjour en résidence universitaire.Marion Ink - 2018 - Temporalités 27.
    On vise à saisir les dynamiques de petits groupes sociaux et de réseaux personnels, de leur formation initiale à leur délitement. Pour cela, depuis 2011, je mène des enquêtes ethnographiques dans trois résidences universitaires en France, aux États-Unis et au Canada. J’effectue ainsi une analyse sur deux niveaux : celui de plusieurs groupes suivis conjointement sur chacun de ces terrains, et celui des relations et des réseaux qui émergent et évoluent. J’articule la représentation graphique des réseaux personnels à des données (...)
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  37.  22
    The Versions of Classical Mechanics: An Agent-Centered View on the Content of Theories.Marion Vorms - unknown
  38.  11
    What do Genetic Maps Represent (and How)?Marion Vorms - unknown
  39.  26
    Iris Marion Young: gender, justice, and the politics of difference.Iris Marion Young - 2022 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Michaele L. Ferguson & Andrew Valls.
    Iris Marion Young (1949-2006) was one of the most influential and innovative political theorists of her generation who had a significant impact on a wide range of topics such as democratic theory, feminist theory, and justice. She bridged many longstanding divides among political theorists, engaging in Continental and critical theory, but also insisting on the importance of normative argument: her corpus stands as a testament to the fruitfulness of engaging in both abstract theory and the 'real world' of everyday (...)
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    La rigueur des choses: entretiens avec Dan Arbib.Jean-Luc Marion - 2012 - Paris: Flammarion. Edited by Dan Arbib.
    Historien de la philosophie, Jean-Luc Marion est l'un des philosophes français contemporains les plus discutés, les plus commentés et les plus traduits aujourd'hui. La rigueur d'une oeuvre aussi riche que dense rend ainsi très précieuse cette conversation. Le philosophe y revient sur quelques grandes figures qui ont marqué sa vie (Ferdinand Alquié, Louis Bouyer, Emmanuel Levinas qu'il a remplacé à la Sorbonne, Jean-Marie Lustiger dont il a pris la place à l'Académie française...). Il évoque également les grandes étapes de (...)
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    Eternity's Sunrise: A Way of Keeping a Diary.Marion Milner - 2011 - Routledge.
    Following on from _A Life of One’s Own_ and _An Experiment in Leisure_, _Eternity’s Sunrise_ explores Marion Milner’s way of keeping a diary. Recording small private moments, she builds up a store of ‘bead memories.’ A carved duck, a sprig of asphodel, moments captured in her travels in Greece, Kashmir and Israel, circus clowns, a painting _-_ each makes up a 'bead' that has a warmth or glow which comes in response to asking the simple question: What is the (...)
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  42.  54
    The Evolution of Anisogamy: More Questions than Answers.Marion Blute - 2013 - Biological Theory 7 (1):3-9.
    Despite a revived interest in explaining the evolution of anisogamy in recent years (i.e. different—micro and macrogametes), there remain more questions than answers. The topic is important because it is thought to be the foundation of the theory of gender differences and relations. Twelve of these questions are briefly reviewed here—(1) the distinction between sex and sexual types; (2) the distinction between mating types and anisogamy; (3) the possible role of ecological as well as social evolution in proto-gender differences and (...)
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    Introduction. Entre voie réaliste et voie normative : la politique aristotélicienne.Marion Bourbon & Valéry Laurand - 2019 - Polis 36 (1):1-4.
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  44. Philosophical Foundations of Faith.Marion John Bradshaw - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (70):179-180.
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    Ernesto Kroch e a memória do exílio: entre Uruguai e Alemanha.Marion Brepohl - 2019 - Dialogos 23 (3):78-86.
    Ernesto Kroch foi um ativista político judeu-alemão que se exilou no Uruguai a partir de 1938, logo após ter sido preso no campo de concentração de Lichtenburg pelos nazistas. Desde sua chegada, trabalhou como metalúrgico e atuou no Partido Comunista. Em virtude do golpe civil-militar de 1973, Kroch retoma atividades de resistente até 1982, quando se vê obrigado a deixar sua segunda pátria e retornar, ainda que por apenas 4 anos, à Alemanha, onde buscou refúgio político. Em 1985, regressa ao (...)
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    “I Want, Therefore I Am” – Anticipated Upward Mobility Reduces Ingroup Concern.Marion Chipeaux, Clara Kulich, Vincenzo Iacoviello & Fabio Lorenzi-Cioldi - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  47. Reactions to no. 1 Gazette.Marion Clarke - 1980 - Moreana 17 (Number 67-17 (3-4):66-66.
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    Second Language Accent Faking Ability Depends on Musical Abilities, Not on Working Memory.Marion Coumel, Markus Christiner & Susanne Maria Reiterer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Studies involving direct language imitation tasks have shown that pronunciation ability is related to musical competence and working memory capacities. However, this type of task may measure individual differences in many different linguistic dimensions, other than just phonetic ones. The present study uses an indirect imitation task by asking participants to a fake a foreign accent in order to specifically target individual differences in phonetic abilities. Its aim is to investigate whether musical expertise and working memory capacities relate to phonological (...)
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    Should Ethics Committees Study Themselves?Marion Danis - 1994 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 5 (2):159-162.
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    Quine, Strawson and logical truth.Marion Deckert - 1973 - Philosophical Studies 24 (1):52 - 56.
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