Results for 'Mario Salvadori'

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  1. Can there be any relationships between Mathematics and Architecture?Mario Salvadori, Signore E. Signori, Senores Y. Senoras, Mes Dames et Messsieurs & Meine Damen und Herren - 1996 - Nexus 2:9.
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  2. Quantum Theory and Reality.Mario Bunge - 1968 - Synthese 18 (4):464-467.
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  3. Il Critone: un proemio alle Leggi?Mario Montuori - 1993 - [Napoli]: Accademia pontaniana.
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    Memorias: entre dos mundos.Mario Bunge - 2014 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Eudeba.
  5. Nationalization in France and Italy.Mario Einaudi - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  6. Une secte d'hérétiques a'Medina del Campo en 1459. D'après le “Fortalicium Fidei” d'Alphonse de Spina.Mario Esposito - 1936 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 32:350-60.
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    Incompatibilidade trabalho prescrito-trabalho real: um diálogo entre a ergonomia da atividade ea psicodinâmica do trabalho;(In) Compatibility assigned work–real work: a dialogue between activity ergonomy and psychodynamics of work.Mário César Ferreira & Paloma Castro da Rocha Barros - 2002 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 16:115-128.
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    Privacy exchanges: restoring consent in privacy self-management.Mario Pascalev - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (1):39-48.
    This article reviews the qualitative changes that big data technology introduced to society, particularly changes that affect how individuals control the access, use and retention of their personal data. In particular interest is whether the practice of privacy self-management in this new context could still ensure the informed consent of individuals to the privacy terms of big data companies. It is concluded that that accepting big data companies’ privacy policies falls short of the disclosure and understanding requirements for informed consent. (...)
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  9. Democrazia e giustizia sociale.Mario Toso - 2006 - Studium 102 (3):387-408.
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  10. La dimensione universale del bene comune: la pro-spettiva della dottrina sociale della Chiesa.Mario Toso - 2008 - Studium 104 (3):331-364.
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  11. Stato laico, comunicazione dialogica e culturale, religione.Mario Toso - 2007 - Studium 103 (5):669-695.
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  12. Pensamento ocidental E oriental.Mário João Freiberger - 1977 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20:41.
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  13. Le rôle de l'aristotélisme dans le „Defensor Pacis” de Marsile de Padoue.Mario Grignaschi - 1955 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 35:301-340.
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  14. Christ, the Perfection of Man: A Philosophical-Christological Approach on Christian Anthropology.Mario C. Mapote - 2013 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 3 (1).
    The study began with an introduction to Philosophy of Man. This Philosophical-Christological approach started with sense of self-awareness on this seemingly vain technological modern world. In the history of philosophy, there were three objects of study evolving by themselves, world, man and God in orderly fashion and repeating in interval phases. Self-experience shows three objects: first, existential unity (past), second, experiential unity (present) and third, transcendental unity (future). Western Philosophy banked on Aristotle’s notion of man as rational animal that led (...)
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  15. Introduction to Philosophy as Foundation to Modern Education.Mario C. Mapote - 2013 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 3 (1).
    Philosophy seems to be an obsolete human interest today not because it is really obsolete but because its development comes into the full and thus becomes hidden into the scene in the name of development itself. The trend of this so-called modern time is technological and practical. This is so because philosophy in the history of mankind reaches its second level i.e. the level of praxis, the practical level. Even the trend in education as well as in the field of (...)
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    Socrates: an approach.Mario Montuori - 1988 - Amsterdam: J.C. Gieben.
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  17. Dynamics of subjectivity in the historical avant-garde.Mario Moroni - 2000 - In Willem van Reijen & Willem G. Weststeijn, Subjectivity. Atlanta, GA: Rodopi.
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    La razón del otro: estudios sobre el pensamiento de Luis Villoro.Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 2010 - México, D.F.: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas.
  19. Verità e soggettività.Mario Ruggenini - 1974 - Verona,: Fiorini.
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    Investigaciones sobre la estructura aporético-dialéctica de la eticidad.Mario Sambarino - 1959 - Montevideo,: Universidad de la República, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias.
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  21. Delle Rovine E Oltre Saggi Su Julius Evola.Mario Bernardi Guardi & Marco Rossi - 1995 - A. Pellicani.
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    Rage and Time: A Psychopolitical Investigation.Mario Wenning (ed.) - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    While ancient civilizations worshipped strong, active emotions, modern societies have favored more peaceful attitudes, especially within the democratic process. We have largely forgotten the struggle to make use of _thymos_, the part of the soul that, following Plato, contains spirit, pride, and indignation. Rather, Christianity and psychoanalysis have promoted mutual understanding to overcome conflict. Through unique examples, Peter Sloterdijk, the preeminent posthumanist, argues exactly the opposite, showing how the history of Western civilization can be read as a suppression and return (...)
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    Mobile Pastoralism and the Formation of Near Eastern Civilizations: Weaving Together Society. By Anne Porter.Mario Liverani - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4).
    Mobile Pastoralism and the Formation of Near Eastern Civilizations: Weaving Together Society. By Anne Porter. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. Pp. x + 389, illus. $99.
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    El pensar del alba o la confluencia de los amaneceres internos. aproximaciones a una estética de la razón mística.Mario Madroñero Morillo - 2012 - Escritos 20 (45):389-401.
    El presente texto reflexiona sobre la relación entre la experiencia mística y la exposición de sentido que la estética expresa y que evidencia la praxis de la razón mística en tanto pensamiento de la revelación. La estética de la razón mística se propone como el corpus de vivencias místicas que permiten proponer un pensar del alba, cuya partición del espacio y el tiempo, provoca relaciones de comparecencia en las que “lo otro que ser” expone el sentido de alteridad de la (...)
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    L'idea di causalità nella conoscenza scientifica.Mario Giuseppe Galli - 1973 - Roma: Edizioni Cremonese.
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    A Relational Theory of Space.Mario Bunge - 1975 - Proceedings of the XVth World Congress of Philosophy 5:527-530.
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  27. Cajas negras y translúcidas y acción a distancia.Mario Bunge - 1985 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 15 (1):271-274.
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  28. Enlightened Solutions for Global Challenges.Mario Bunge - 2006 - Free Inquiry 26:29-34.
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    (1 other version)References.Mario Bunge - 2004 - In Emergence and Convergence: Qualitative Novelty and the Unity of Knowledge. University of Toronto Press. pp. 293-314.
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  30. Reseñas.Mario Bunge - 1983 - El Basilisco 15:96.
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  31. Treatise on Basic Philosophy, vol. 7 : Epistemology and Methodology, III : « Philosophy of Science and Technology », Part I : « Formal and Physical Sciences », Part II : « Life Science, Social Science and Technology ».Mario Bunge - 1986 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 176 (3):389-393.
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  32. L'insegnamento della filosofia nelle scuole medie.Mario Casotti - 1933 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 25:191.
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  33. Neural basis of conscious and voluntary self-regulation of emotion.Mario Beauregard, Johanne Lévesque & Vincent Paquette - 2004 - In Consciousness, Emotional Self-Regulation and the Brain. John Benjamins. pp. 163-194.
  34. ! Vive feliz! Influjo de William James en el status de la felicidad Wittgensteiniana.Mario Boero - 1997 - Studium 37 (3):489-497.
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  35. Sul carattere "critico" della filosofia scolastica.Mario Casotti - 1936 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 28:495.
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  36. Diario di un'indagine preliminare sul paesaggio sonoro urbinate.Mario Corsi - 2021 - In Alessandra Calanchi, Mario Corsi, J. M. I. Klaver & Massimo S. Russo, Anche le pagine hanno orecchi =. Fano (PU): Aras edizioni.
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  37. La teoría de la verdad en Kant.Mario Laserna - 1985 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (66):21-35.
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  38. Boezio e il problema dei futuri contingenti.Mario Mignucci - 1987 - Medioevo 13:1-50.
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  39. Athenian Democracy: Politicization and Constitutional Restraints.Mario Mion - 1986 - History of Political Thought 7 (2):219-238.
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    Husserl: intenzionalità e precategoriale.Mario Autieri - 2015 - Milano - Italy: Ledizioni.
  41. Tiempo y sujeto (X): Aspectos neurofisiológicos de la conciencia del tiempo.Mario Toboso Martín - 2005 - A Parte Rei 41:9.
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    Tiempo y sujeto (V): análisis del espectro de la experiencia temporal.Mario Toboso Martín - 2004 - A Parte Rei 31:6.
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  43. Tiempo y sujeto (VII): El pasado, el futuro y la flecha del tiempo.Mario Toboso Martín - 2004 - A Parte Rei 33:6.
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  44. La logica sperimentale di John Dewey.Mario Alcaro - 1972 - Messina,: La libra.
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    Introduzione a Berkeley.Mario Manlio Rossi - 1970 - Bari, Laterza,: Laterza.
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    (1 other version)Intervenciones – Segunda ronda.Mario Rufer, Valeria Añón, María Gabriela Lugones, Jimena Rodríguez, Frida Gorbach, Zeb Tortorici & María Cecilia Díaz - 2020 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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  47. Addenda et corrigenda al artículo¿ Es posible una metafísica científica?Mario Bunge - 1973 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 3 (4):609-610.
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  48. (1 other version)Intuition and science.Mario Bunge - 1962 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
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    Molta memoria dei luoghi e pochi luoghi della memoria.Mario Caciagli - 1999 - Polis 13 (2):303-312.
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  50. Der Begriff der praktisch-dogmatischen Metaphysik.Mario Caimi - 2017 - In Andree Hahmann & Bernd Ludwig, Über die Fortschritte der kritischen Metaphysik: Beiträge zu System und Architektonik der kantischen Philosophie. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
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