Results for 'Mario Musu'

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  1.  49
    BEEP—Bodily and Emotional Perception of Pain. A Questionnaire to Measure Reaction to Pain in Chronic Pain Disorders.Antonio Preti, Serena Stocchino, Francesca Pinna, Maria Cristina Deidda, Mario Musu, Federica Sancassiani, Ferdinando Romano, Sergio Machado, Gabriele Finco & Mauro Giovanni Carta - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
  2.  47
    Privacy exchanges: restoring consent in privacy self-management.Mario Pascalev - 2017 - Ethics and Information Technology 19 (1):39-48.
    This article reviews the qualitative changes that big data technology introduced to society, particularly changes that affect how individuals control the access, use and retention of their personal data. In particular interest is whether the practice of privacy self-management in this new context could still ensure the informed consent of individuals to the privacy terms of big data companies. It is concluded that that accepting big data companies’ privacy policies falls short of the disclosure and understanding requirements for informed consent. (...)
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    The sociology-philosophy connection.Mario Bunge - 2013 - New Brunswick (USA): Transaction Publishers.
    Most social scientists and philosophers claim that sociology and philosophy are disjoint fields of inquiry. Some have wondered how to trace the precise boundary between them. Mario Bunge argues that the two fields are so entangled with one another that no demarcation is possible or, indeed, desirable. In fact, sociological research has demonstrably philosophical pre-suppositions. In turn, some findings of sociology are bound to correct or enrich the philosophical theories that deal with the world, our knowledge of it, or (...)
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    Conversazione sull’oggi. Scienza, filosofia e politica per tempi difficili.Andrea Zhok & Mario Cosenza - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 25:187–203.
    This interview seeks to highlight some of the main characteristics of the new pandemic world, besides the main contradictions the philosophical thought runs into in this difficult time. Between a political world which is unable to react and the scientific world which is usually moved by political aims, this work tries to understand if there is any room for a role of a long range philosophical thought, which is able to defend its clarity prerogatives but it is also able to (...)
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  5. Problemas y contradicciones del hombre actual: mundo de crustáceos.Mario Rolón Anaya - 1968 - La Paz: [Editorial del Estado].
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  6. The Historical Challenge to Realism and Essential Deployment.Mario Alai - 2021 - In Timothy D. Lyons & Peter Vickers, Contemporary Scientific Realism: The Challenge From the History of Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Deployment Realism resists Laudan’s and Lyons’ objections to the “No Miracle Argument” by arguing that a hypothesis is most probably true when it is deployed essentially in a novel prediction. However, Lyons criticized Psillos’ criterion of essentiality, maintaining that Deployment Realism should be committed to all the actually deployed assumptions. But since many actually deployed assumptions proved false, he concludes that the No Miracle Argument and Deployment Realism fail. I reply that the essentiality condition is required by Occam’s razor. In (...)
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    Fractional-Valued Modal Logic.Mario Piazza, Gabriele Pulcini & Matteo Tesi - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (4):1033-1052.
    This paper is dedicated to extending and adapting to modal logic the approach of fractional semantics to classical logic. This is a multi-valued semantics governed by pure proof-theoretic considerations, whose truth-values are the rational numbers in the closed interval $[0,1]$. Focusing on the modal logic K, the proposed methodology relies on three key components: bilateral sequent calculus, invertibility of the logical rules, and stability (proof-invariance). We show that our semantic analysis of K affords an informational refinement with respect to the (...)
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  8. Living Systems: Autonomy, Autopoiesis and Enaction.Mario Villalobos & Dave Ward - 2015 - Philosophy and Technology 28 (2):225-239.
    The autopoietic theory and the enactive approach are two theoretical streams that, in spite of their historical link and conceptual affinities, offer very different views on the nature of living beings. In this paper, we compare these views and evaluate, in an exploratory way, their respective degrees of internal coherence. Focusing the analyses on certain key notions such as autonomy and organizational closure, we argue that while the autopoietic theory manages to elaborate an internally consistent conception of living beings, the (...)
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  9.  17
    Rationalität --Placebo der Wahrheit: 2. Symposium der philosophischen akademie.Mario Vötsch, Kasra Seirafi & Christian Seewald (eds.) - 2006 - New York: Lang.
    Welche - nicht nur philosophischen - Konzeptionen des Rationalen gibt es? Wie manifestiert und determiniert die Rationalität die soziale Praxis? Wie ist unser alltägliches Handeln in Rationalitätsstrukturen eingebettet und lässt sie sich auf andere Bereiche wie Religion, Kunst, Alltagssprache oder Mythos anwenden? Auf wie viel Irrationalität beruht das, was wir heute als wahr akzeptieren? Und wie ist das Wechselverhältnis zwischen Rationalität und menschlichen Emotionen? Was steckt hinter der oft als «neutral» ausgewiesenen Rationalität, welche Interessen, Akteure, sozial-historischen Strukturen, welche Bedingungen und (...)
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    Hegel’s Metaphilosophy and Its Relevance for Contemporary Philosophy.Mario Pati - 2025 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 27 (2):263-286.
    In recent years, many studies on the relationship between G. W. F. Hegel and metaphilosophy have appeared, articulating it in various ways. The goal of this paper is to specify in what sense it is possible to speak of a Hegelian metaphilosophy, while also assessing the relevance of Hegel for the current metaphilosophical debate. In particular, I will proceed as follows. First, I will outline the main features of the contemporary metaphilosophical debate. Second, I will discuss some important metaphilosophical interpretations (...)
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  11. Architettoniche della ragione: il concetto di sistema in Kant e Hegel.Mario Pati - forthcoming - Kant E-Prints:114-143.
    L’esigenza di conferire alla filosofia lo status di scienza per il tramite della forma sistematica è una delle caratteristiche principali dell’idealismo tedesco e, conseguentemente, una peculiarità ravvisabile nella filosofia e di Kant e di Hegel. Il presente contributo mira precisamente a comparare il sistema della ragione kantiano e hegeliano, al fine di metterne in luce gli elementi teoretici distintivi. In tal modo, sarà possibile rilevare non solo l’influsso esercitato dal filosofo di Königsberg sul pensatore di Stoccarda, ma anche l’originalità con (...)
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    Hegel e la logica della filosofia: concetto, realtà, sistema.Mario Pati - 2021 - Roma: Studium edizioni.
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    El camino hacia Schelling desde la metafísica de la finitud hacia la metafísica del mal. El descubrimiento de la temporalidad más originaria de la eternidad.Mario Martín Gómez Pedrido - 2023 - Studia Heideggeriana 12:41-60.
    La recepción que Heidegger tiene del idealismo alemán data de sus primeros años de formación y ejerce una influencia duradera hasta su pensar maduro. Al interior de ella un caso paradigmático es su interpretación del Freiheitschrift de Schelling en el Sommersemester de 1936. En el presente escrito nos ocuparemos de mostrar como su lectura tiene dos consecuencias centrales. La primera, a partir de su análisis del devenir divino eterno de Dios tal como lo plantea Schelling modifica su propia teoría de (...)
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    Les principes du droit des langues en Suisse.Mario Pedrazzini - 1962 - Res Publica 4 (3):238-246.
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  15. Liberal Arts Dictionary in English, French, German [and] Spanish.Mario Pei & Frank Gaynor - 1952 - Philosophical Library.
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  16. Appunti su Nietzsche.Mario Pensa - 1962 - Bologna,: R. Pàtron.
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    Das deutsche Denken: Untersuchung über die Grundformen der deutschen Philosophie.Mario Pensa & Walter Meckauer - 1948 - Eugen Rentsch Verlag.
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  18. Das deutsche Denken. Untersuchung über die Grundformen der deutschen Philosophie.Mario Pensa - 1950 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 140:201-203.
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  19. Die italienische Philosophie der Gegenwart.Mario Pensa - 1947 - Studia Philosophica 7:182.
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    Il pensiero tedesco.Mario Pensa - 1939 - Philosophical Review 48:552.
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  21. Il pensiero tedesco: saggio di psicologia della filosofia tedesca.Mario Pensa - 1938 - Bologna: N. Zanichelli.
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  22. La poesia tedesca contemporanea.Mario Pensa - 1961 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 29:155-176.
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    Aristotele. Della Filosofia.Leonardo Taran & Mario Untersteiner - 1966 - American Journal of Philology 87 (4):464.
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  24.  42
    (1 other version)Seudociencia e ideología.Mario Bunge - 1985
    En esta oportunidad, la filosofía de Mario Bunge nos seduce con la actitud de esos científicos que, poniendo las pruebas a la vista de todos, denuncian las falsificaciones y las supercherías con soltura intelectual y minuciosidad. Les advierto, en todo caso, que éste no es un texto de divulgación sino un ensayo filosófico. No obstante, aunque el marco conceptual es denso, uno recorre sus páginas con un creciente interés, como si este repertorio sistemático de ideas fuese una necesidad ineludible (...)
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  25.  23
    Ironic Animals: Bestiaries, Moral Harmonies, and the ‘Ridiculous’ Source of Natural Rights.Mario Ricca - 2018 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 31 (3):595-620.
    The Bible recounts that in Eden, Adam gives names to all the animals. But those names are not only representations of the animals’ nature, rather they shape and constitute it. The naming by Adam contains in itself the divide between the human and non-human. Then, there is the Fall: Adam falls and forgets Being. Though he may still remember the names he gave to the animals in Eden, he is no longer sure about their meaning. Adam will have to try (...)
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  26. Ancient creationism according to David Sedley.di Mario Vegetti - 2012 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 67 (3):537-542.
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    Situación de la democracia en México.Mario Zaragoza Ramírez - 2012 - Polis 8 (2):221-226.
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    First-passage problems for asymmetric diffusions and skew-diffusion processes.Mario Abundo - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski, Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--04.
    For a, b > 0, we consider a temporally homogeneous, one-dimensional diffusion process X(t) defined over I = (-b, a), with infinitesimal parameters depending on the sign of X(t). We suppose that, when X(t) reaches the position 0, it is reflected rightward to δ with probability p > 0 and leftward to -δ with probability 1 - p, where δ > 0. Closed analytical expressions are found for the mean exit time from the interval (-b, a), and for the probability (...)
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  29.  38
    Where does metonymy begin? Some comments on Janda (2011).Mario Brdar & Rita Brdar-Szabó - 2014 - Cognitive Linguistics 25 (2):313-340.
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  30. El quiasmo: ensayo sobre la filosofía de Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 1994 - Morelia, Michoacán: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Secretaría de Difusión Cultural, Editorial Universitaria.
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    ¿Cuál es propiamente la pregunta que Frege remite a la psicologia?Mario Ariel González Porta - 2013 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 18 (2):205-234.
    It is well known that Frege separates drastically logic from psychology. Now, if we consider carefully which is the task Frege accords to psychology, we see three things, that is, first that in reality it consists not in one but in several tasks; second that in some cases it is just doubtful whether psychology can handle them and, finally, third that Frege, even if it seems the contrary, has said relevant things with respect to the aforementioned questions. From the latter (...)
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  32. Traducción de "Stagioni del panico. Prime linee di ricerca" de Mario Piccinini.Carlota Gómez Herrera & Mario Piccinini - 2021 - la Torre Del Virrey, Revista de Estudios Culturales 30:118-134.
    El intento de estas páginas es el de seleccionar dentro de la semántica del miedo que contribuye a organizar la imagen moderna del orden político y jurídico el elemento específico del pánico, en la hipótesis de que este último constituya una diferencia que es asimismo un recurso epistémico. Dicho de un modo directo: si el miedo se presenta como una referencia constitutiva del orden, de su constitución como de su mantenimiento, el pánico parece, en cambio, cargado de un signo contrario; (...)
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  33.  16
    The mindbody self: how longevity is culturally learned and the causes of health are inherited.Mario E. Martinez - 2017 - Carlsbad, California: Hay House.
    Neuropsychologist Mario Martinez is a pioneer in the science of the mindbody--his term for that essential oneness of cognition and biology--and a passionate advocate for its power to reshape our lives, if we work with it consciously. In The MindBody Self, he builds on the foundation he laid in... MindBody Code to explore the cultural conditions that coauthor our reality and shape every aspect of our lives, from health and longevity to relationships and self-esteem. Then he offers practical tools (...)
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    The Categorical Imperative: A Study in Kant's Moral Philosophy. [REVIEW]Mario M. Rossi - 1949 - Journal of Philosophy 46 (10):293-303.
  35. Elias Canetti y la férrea pureza de un premio Nobel.Mario Muchnik - 2006 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 38:49-60.
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    Inside Classical Logic: Truth, Contradictions, Fractionality.Mario Piazza & Matteo Tesi - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-30.
    Fractional semantics provides a multi-valued interpretation of a variety of logics, governed by purely proof-theoretic principles. This approach employs a method of systematic decomposition of formulas through a well-disciplined sequent calculus, assigning a fractional value that measures the “quantity of identity” (intuitively, “quantity of truth”) within a sequent. A key consequence of this framework is the breakdown of the traditional symmetry between truth and contradiction. In this paper, we explore the ramifications of this novel perspective on classical logic. Specifically, we (...)
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  37.  11
    Cultural hermeneutics: essays after Unamuno and Ricoeur.Mario J. Valdés - 2016 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
    In Cultural Hermeneutics, Mario J. Valdés offers a synthesis of the hermeneutic philosophies of Miguel de Unamuno and Paul Ricoeur, a dialectical method that has formed the basis for many of Valdés' own studies in comparative literature. As Valdés explains in these insightful essays, what Unamuno and Ricoeur shared in their hermeneutic studies was a theory of interpretation in which the meaning of a work of art comes into existence through the dialectical relationship between its creator and its readers, (...)
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    Appropriateness of colonoscopy in a digestive endoscopy unit: a prospective study using ASGE guidelines.Renzo Suriani, Mario Rizzetto, Dario Mazzucco, Silvia Grosso, Paola Gastaldi, Maria Marino, Sabina Sanseverinati, Ivo Venturini, Athos Borghi & Maria Luisa Zeneroli - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (1):41-45.
  39. Desarrollo sostenible y valoración de la vida humana.Celso Vargas & Mario Alfaro - 1996 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 83:385-394.
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    Editorial 181 enero junio 2024.Mario Andrés Peñaranda Quintana & Franklin Giovanni Púa Mora - 2024 - Franciscanum 66 (181):1-10.
    En la Editorial Franciscanum 181 se rinde un homenaje a la memoria del Dr Enrique Domingo Dussel Ambrosini, filósofo y teólogo latinoamericano. Posteriormente se presentan los ocho artículos de este número de la revista.
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    Abduction as Deductive Saturation: a Proof-Theoretic Inquiry.Mario Piazza, Gabriele Pulcini & Andrea Sabatini - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (6):1575-1602.
    Abductive reasoning involves finding the missing premise of an “unsaturated” deductive inference, thereby selecting a possible _explanans_ for a conclusion based on a set of previously accepted premises. In this paper, we explore abductive reasoning from a structural proof-theory perspective. We present a hybrid sequent calculus for classical propositional logic that uses sequents and antisequents to define a procedure for identifying the set of analytic hypotheses that a rational agent would be expected to select as _explanans_ when presented with an (...)
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    Le concept de tradition chez Merleau-Ponty.Mario Teodoro Ramírez Cobián - 2001 - Chiasmi International 3:345-354.
  43.  18
    Nueva antropología filosófica. La idea de ser humano en las ontologías de Markus Gabriel y Quentin Meillassoux.Mario Teodoro Ramírez Cobián - 2021 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 26 (1):103-122.
    En este ensayo planteo la posibilidad de una renovación de la antropología filosófica desde la perspectiva ontológica del nuevo realismo, particularmente desde las teorías filosóficas de Markus Gabriel y Quentin Meillassoux. Previamente expongo la discusión sobre la antropología filosófica que se produjo en el siglo pasado, especialmente las disputas entre Ernst Cassirer y Martin Heidegger y entre Heidegger y Jean-Paul Sartre. Doy cuenta también de las líneas principales de la corriente filosófica del “nuevo realismo”. Concluyo con la propuesta de una (...)
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  44.  10
    Herbart, Beneke y los primeros capítulos del Psychologismusstreit.Mario Ariel González Porta - 2024 - Filosofia Unisinos 25 (2):1-12.
    La llamada “polémica en torno al psicologismo” (Psychologismusstreit) se compone en realidad de una serie de polémicas singulares que no poseen necesariamente vínculo factual entre sí. La discusión entre Herbart y Beneke es una de ellas, poseyendo particular importancia por encontrarse en el comienzo del conflicto. En ella el psicologista Beneke percibe con agudeza los puntos débiles de la posición herbartiana e inicia una línea de argumentación que, con variaciones, se mantendrá constante en el psicologismo y dará sentido a que (...)
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    Sobre el lugar que corresponde a Herbart en el psychologismusstreit.Mario Ariel González Porta - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (3):e0240031.
    To determine the place that corresponds to a particular author in the process called “the dispute about psychologism” (“Psychologismusstreit”), it is necessary to go beyond his express statements about the relationship between psychology and logic, and pay attention to his statements regarding subjectivity. In the following lines, this general principle is applied to Herbart, which will make it possible to determine the place he occupies in the dispute and clarify the relationship in which he finds himself with respect to other (...)
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    AE (Aristotle-Euler) Diagrams: An Alternative Complete Method for the Categorical Syllogism.Mario Savio - 1998 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 39 (4):581-599.
    Mario Savio is widely known as the first spokesman for the Free Speech Movement. Having spent the summer of 1964 as a civil rights worker in segregationist Mississippi, Savio returned to the University of California at a time when students throughout the country were beginning to mobilize in support of racial justice and against the deepening American involvement in Vietnam. His moral clairty, his eloquence, and his democratic style of leadership inspired thousands of fellow Berkeley students to protest university (...)
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  47. La società dei simulacri.Mario Perniola - 1980 - Bologna: Cappelli.
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  48. Humanismo para una nueva época.Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 2011 - México, DF: Siglo Veintiuno Editores. Edited by Mario Teodoro Ramírez.
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    1949. Existentialisme et philosophie mexicaine.Mario Teodoro Ramirez - 2023 - Chiasmi International 25:155-172.
    This text is based on a reflection on the context and meaning of Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s visit to Mexico in February-March 1949 and the lectures he gave at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). I rely on the information, analysis and notes of Merleau-Ponty that Michel Dalissier offers us in his book Inédits I-II. I devote myself particularly to commenting on the cultural experience that this trip represented for Merleau-Ponty – his relationship with (...)
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  50. Waiting for Hermes.Mario Radovan - 2003 - Synthesis Philosophica 18 (1-2):393-408.
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