Results for 'Mario Antonelli'

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  1.  7
    L'Eucaristia nell'"Action" (1893) di Blondel: la chiave di volta di un'apologetica filosofica.Mario Antonelli - 1991 - [Milano: Glossa].
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  2. Mario dal pra, "Hume". [REVIEW]M. T. Antonelli - 1950 - Giornale di Metafisica 5 (5):652.
  3. MARIO M. ROSSI, "A Plea for Man". [REVIEW]M. T. Antonelli - 1958 - Giornale di Metafisica 13 (4):506.
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    Philosophy Of Psychology.Mario Augusto Bunge & Rubén Ardila - 1987 - New York: Springer.
    This book is about some topical philosophical and methodological prob lems that arise in the study of behavior and mind, as well as in the treatment of behavioral and mental disorders. It deals with such questions as 'What is behavior a manifestation of?', 'What is mind, and how is it related to matter?', 'Which are the positive legacies, if any, of the major psychological schools?', 'How can behavior and mind best be studied?', and 'Which are the most effective ways of (...)
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    How Deployment Realism withstands Doppelt's Criticisms.Mario Alai - 2018 - Spontaneous Generations 9 (1):122-135.
    Gerald Doppelt claims that Deployment Realism cannot withstand the antirealist objections based on the “pessimistic meta-induction” and Laudan’s historical counterexamples. Moreover it is incomplete, as it purports to explain the predictive success of theories, but overlooks the necessity to explain also their explanatory success. Accordingly, he proposes a new version of realism, presented as the best explanation of both predictive and explanatory success, and committed only to the truth of best current theories, not of the discarded ones. Elsewhere I criticized (...)
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    Resisting the historical objections to realism: Is Doppelt’s a viable solution?Mario Alai - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3267-3290.
    There are two possible realist defense strategies against the pessimistic meta-induction and Laudan’s meta-modus tollens: the selective strategy, claiming that discarded theories are partially true, and the discontinuity strategy, denying that pessimism about past theories can be extended to current ones. A radical version of discontinuity realism is proposed by Gerald Doppelt: rather than discriminating between true and false components within theories, he holds that superseded theories cannot be shown to be even partially true, while present best theories are demonstrably (...)
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    Reactions to the Future: the Chronopolitics of Prevention and Preemption.Mario Kaiser - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (2):165-177.
    How do we react to uncomfortable futures? By developing the notion of chronopolitics, this article presents two ways that we typically react to future challenges in the present. At the core of the chronopolitics of prevention, we find a striving for normalization and conservation of the present vis-à-vis dangerous futures. In contrast, the chronopolitics of preemption are geared towards a reformation, if not even a revolution of the present. Two case studies in the field of science and technology policy illustrate (...)
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    The historical challenge to realism and essential deployment.Mario Alai - 2021 - In Timothy D. Lyons & Peter Vickers, Contemporary Scientific Realism: The Challenge From the History of Science. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    The notion of a hypothesis being deployed essentially in the derivation of a novel prediction plays a key role in the deployment realist reply to Laudan’s and Lyon’s attacks to the No Miracle Argument. However Lyons criticized Psillos’ criterion of essentiality, urging deployment realists to abandon this requirement altogether and accept as true all the assumptions actually deployed in novel predictions. But since many false assumptions were actually deployed in novel predictions, he concludes that the “no miracle argument” and deployment (...)
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    Attitudes towards organ donation in Syria: a cross-sectional study.Mario Tarzi, Malke Asaad, Joudi Tarabishi, Obada Zayegh, Rama Hamza, Ahmad Alhamid, Aya Zazo & Mohamad Morjan - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Background The perception of organ donation and brain death among Syrian population has not been previously explored. The goal of this study is to evaluate the attitude and knowledge of organ donation among Syrians and the willingness of this population to donate their organs. Methods We conducted a survey-based cross-sectional study in four hospitals in Aleppo, Syria in November 2019. Patient demographic, awareness of brain death; and attitude toward organ donation were collected and analyzed. Results A total of 350 individuals (...)
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    Neural correlates of conscious self-regulation of emotion.Mario Beauregard, Johanne Lévesque & Pierre Bourgouin - 2001 - Journal of Neuroscience 21 (18):6993-7000.
  11. Agazzi on Knowing the Invisible.Mario Alai - manuscript
    Against certain positivistic and neopositivistic strictures still rooted in our society, Agazzi argues that knowing the invisible is possible, not just in science, but also in metaphysics, in morals, in aesthetics, and in other areas, including, in a sense, religion. The book also examines many examples of such knowledge, surveying not only the great classics of philosophy, but various immortal masterpieces of art, music and literature. It is not just a treatise in epistemology, but a book of philosophy in the (...)
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    Defending Deployment Realism against Alleged Counterexamples.Mario Alai - 2014 - In Guido Bonino, Greg Jesson & Javier Cumpa, Defending Realism: Ontological and Epistemological Investigations. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 265-290.
    Criticisms à la Laudan can block the “no miracles” argument for the (approximate) truth of whole theories. Realists have thus retrenched, arguing that at least the individual claims deployed in the derivation of novel predictions should be considered (approximately) true. But for Lyons (2002) there are historical counterexamples even to this weaker “deployment” realism: he lists a number of novel predictions supposedly derived from (radically) false claims. But if so, those successes would seem unexplainable, even by Lyons’ “modest surrealism” or (...)
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    Lewis, Change and Temporary Intrinsics.Mario Alai - 2016 - Axiomathes 26 (4):467-487.
    This is an attempt to sort out what is it that makes many of us uncomfortable with the perdurantist solution to the problem of change. Lewis argues that only perdurantism can reconcile change with persistence over time, while neither presentism nor endurantism can. So, first, I defend the endurantist solution to the problem of change, by arguing that what is relative to time are not properties, but their possession. Second, I explore the anti-perdurantist strategy of arguing that Lewis cannot solve (...)
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  14.  26
    Heraclean Overhaul(s): Par-a-noia, Badiou’s Un-thought, and Neurodiversity in H of H.Mario Telò - 2023 - Classical Antiquity 42 (2):280-292.
    This paper considers Carson’s rewriting of Heracles’ tragic madness— through the art of collage, an assembling and disassambling of textual fragments, scraps of papers, drawings, chromatic smears, and sketches—as an imagistic site for theorizing the anti-normative materiality, physical and metaphysical, of par-a-noia. I make a case for a materiality of par-a-noia by proposing a comparison with Alain Badiou’s Marxist political formalism. The distinctive formal trait of H of H, verbal and pictorial juxtaposition, invites us to think of par-a-noia as an (...)
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    Chapter 10 the Socioeconomic Iceberg and the Design of Policies for Scientific and Technological Development.Mario Kamenetzky - 1984 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 4 (2):193-205.
    Science and technology have been neglected factors in the struggle for equity. They have been considered as fixed instruments to be used in performing socioeconomic activities rather than as unfinished, ver satile tools that can be made to accom modate specific objectives and that have the potential to transform the original conditions of the problem being addressed.
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    Fractional semantics for classical logic.Mario Piazza & Gabriele Pulcini - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):810-828.
    This article presents a new semantics for classical propositional logic. We begin by maximally extending the space of sequent proofs so as to admit proofs for any logical formula; then, we extract the new semantics by focusing on the axiomatic structure of proofs. In particular, the interpretation of a formula is given by the ratio between the number of identity axioms out of the total number of axioms occurring in any of its proofs. The outcome is an informational refinement of (...)
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  17.  22
    First-passage problems for asymmetric diffusions and skew-diffusion processes.Mario Abundo - 2009 - In Krzysztof Stefanski, Open Systems and Information Dynamics. World scientific publishing company. pp. 16--04.
    For a, b > 0, we consider a temporally homogeneous, one-dimensional diffusion process X(t) defined over I = (-b, a), with infinitesimal parameters depending on the sign of X(t). We suppose that, when X(t) reaches the position 0, it is reflected rightward to δ with probability p > 0 and leftward to -δ with probability 1 - p, where δ > 0. Closed analytical expressions are found for the mean exit time from the interval (-b, a), and for the probability (...)
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  18. Democrazia e giustizia sociale.Mario Toso - 2006 - Studium 102 (3):387-408.
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  19. La dimensione universale del bene comune: la pro-spettiva della dottrina sociale della Chiesa.Mario Toso - 2008 - Studium 104 (3):331-364.
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  20. Stato laico, comunicazione dialogica e culturale, religione.Mario Toso - 2007 - Studium 103 (5):669-695.
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  21. Strife about complementarity (I).Mario Bunge - 1955 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 6 (21):1-12.
  22. Tre noterelle catulliane.Mario Bonaria - 1959 - Humanitas 11.
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  23. Las ciencias en la universidad.Mario Magallón Anaya - 2012 - In Ayala Barrón, Juan Carlos & Mauricio Beuchot, Ensayos de filosofía mexicana. Culiacán (Sinaloa): Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa.
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    La Verdad de la ficción.Mario A. Presas - 1996 - Buenos Aires: Editorial Almagesto.
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  25. Un secolo di filosofia: attraverso i congressi della S.F.I., 1906 - 2013.Mario Quaranta & Gaspare Polizzi (eds.) - 2016 - Acireale: Bonanno editore.
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    » El cosmopolitismo intercultural de Martha Nussbaum «.Mario Teodoro Ramírez - 2007 - In Oliver Kozlarek, Entre cosmopolitismo y conciencia del mundo: hacia una crítica del pensamiento atópico. México, D.F.: Centro de Cooperación Regional para la Educación de Adultos en América Latina y el Caribe.
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    Saltationes sceleratissimorum: La musica E la danza nei canoni conciliari E nelle epistole pontificie.Mario Resta - 2015 - Synesis 7 (1):116-123.
    L'analisi dei canoni conciliari e delle epistole pontificie mostra che i cristiani sono stati direttamente coinvolti con eventi spettacolari e, nonostante i ripetuti divieti, la danza e la musica rimasero centrali sia in pubblico che in privato, facendo il loro ingresso all’interno dei riti e degli edifici cristiani.
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  28. Giustizia.Mario Ricciardi - 2015 - In Mario Ricciardi, Andrea Rossetti & Vito Velluzzi, Filosofia del diritto. Roma: Carocci editore.
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  29. Practical exercises and legal ethics bar reviewer.Mario Bengzon - 1953 - Manila,: Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co..
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  30. Saggio su Francesco Bacon.Mario Manlio Rossi - 1935 - Napoli,: A. Guida.
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  31. Santo Tomás de Aquino: La exégesis de la metafísica y la refutación del nominalismo.Mario Enrique Sacchi - 2001 - Sapientia 56 (209):35-80.
    Tal como se ha plasmado en la historia, la crisis del pensamiento moderno, más que nada, ha dependido del hecho de haberse estructurado en franca colisión con las verdades relativas a la naturaleza de las cosas y al modo humano de conocerlas. Si bien tuvo su origen en una pluralidad de causas, este suceso fue provocado principalmente por el rechazo nominalista de la solución de la querella de los universales enunciada en el siglo XIII por Santo Tomás de Aquino. Rechazada (...)
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  32. L'edizione Della Corrispondenza Di Jean Le Clerc.Mario Sina - 1983 - Nouvelles de la République des Lettres 1:127-142.
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    Introduction.Mario Solis & Jay Drydyk - unknown
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    Scienza e dominio in Hegel.Mario Spagnoletti - 1973 - Bari: Tip. del Sud.
  35. La metafisica di A. G. Baumgarten.Mario Casula - 1974 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 164 (4):460-461.
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  36. (1 other version)La pedagogia di Antonio Rosmini e le sue basi filosofiche.Mario Casotti - 1938 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 45 (3):23-25.
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  37. Science for governance : the implications of the complexity revolution.Mario Giampietro, Tim Allen & Kozo Mayumi - 2006 - In Ângela Guimarães Pereira, Sofia Guedes Vaz & Sylvia S. Tognetti, Interfaces between science and society. Sheffield, UK: Greenleaf.
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    Instancias no-cognoscitivas y cognoscitivas en Freud.Mario Acosta Gómez - 1985 - Universitas Philosophica 5:73-80.
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  39. Dual Process Theories for Calculus.Mario Graziano - 2018 - In Dual-Process Theories of Numerical Cognition. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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  40. Delle Rovine E Oltre Saggi Su Julius Evola.Mario Bernardi Guardi & Marco Rossi - 1995 - A. Pellicani.
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  41. The unity of thought in Jacques Maritain.C. S. B. Mario O. D'Souza - 2018 - In Heidi Marie Giebel, The things that matter: essays inspired by the later work of Jacques Maritain. Washington, D.C.: American Maritain Association.
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  42. Renaissance historiography and political practice, or : the history of philosophy as dissent.Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori - 2025 - In Mario Meliadò & Cecilia Muratori, Dissident renaissance: rewriting the history of early modern philosophy as political practice. Boston, Massachusetts: Brill.
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  43. Il messaggio personalista di Emmanuel Mounier.Mario Montani - 1959 - Milano,: Edizioni di Comunità.
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    In principio: itinerari di riflessione metafisica.Mario Pangallo - 2014 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
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    Das deutsche Denken: Untersuchung über die Grundformen der deutschen Philosophie.Mario Pensa & Walter Meckauer - 1948 - Eugen Rentsch Verlag.
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    Die Philosophie des Nicolaus Malebranche.Mario Novaro - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3 (5):633-635.
  47.  13
    Die Spontaneität des Verstandes.Mario Schärli - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner, Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1385-1394.
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    Viver, a que se destina?Mario Sergio Cortella - 2020 - [Campinas, SP]: Papirus 7 Mares. Edited by Leandro Karnal.
    Qual o sentido da vida? Por que aqui estamos? Será destino? Será escolha? Neste livro, Mario Sergio Cortella e Leandro Karnal, dois dos maiores pensadores contemporâneos no Brasil, se encontram para refletir sobre essas questões que há séculos fascinam e intrigam a humanidade. A ciência, a filosofia, a religião e a arte têm oferecido algumas possibilidades de resposta que os autores discutem aqui. Afinal, pode ser aterrador imaginar que não há um destino, algo que explique a nossa existência. Por (...)
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  49. (1 other version)Il significato della Logica Stoica.Mario Mignucci - 1965 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 24 (2):247-247.
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    Würde als Haltung. Eine philosophische Untersuchung zum Begriff der Menschenwürde.Mario Brandhorst & Eva Weber-Guskar - 2016 - Münster: Mentis.
    Slightly revised version of the author's habilitation--Universitèat Gèottingen, 2014.
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