Results for 'Marijeta Bozovic'

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  1.  16
    Communion.Keti Chukhrov, Julia Bloch, Marijeta Bozovic, Ainsley Morse, Kevin M. F. Platt, Ariel Resnikoff, Stephanie Sandler, Bela Shayevich & Alexandra Tatarsky - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (1):130-148.
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    Malebranchev okazionalizem, ali o filozofiji v paradižu.Miran Božovič - 1995 - Filozofski Vestnik 16 (1).
    Filozofija prvega človeka pred grehom, tj. filozofija v paradižu, je bila malebranchevski okazionalizem. Če bi Adam vztrajal v okazionalistični drži, do greha ne bi prišlo. Prav padec iz okazionalizma je bil potemtakem tisti, ki je povzročil Adamov padec. Okazionalizem je bil očitno možen samo ob božji razveljavitvi določenih naravnih zakonov, z eno besedo, možen je bil samo v paradižu. A dejstvo, daje klonil celo najbolj prepričani okazionalist, Adam, in to v času, ko je - s tem, daje njemu v prid (...)
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  3. The philosophy of human body: Malebranche and La Mettrie.M. Bozovic - 2002 - Filozofski Vestnik 23 (1):199-208.
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    Telo v novoveški filozofiji.Miran Božovič - 2002 - Ljubljana: ZRC.
    Knjiga obravnava nekatera pojmovanja odnosa med telesom in filozofijo v 17. in 18. stoletju, natančneje v okazionalizmu, francoskem materializmu in britanskem utilitarizmu. Razdelek o okazionalizmu med drugim obravnava Malebranchevo pojmovanje telesa prvega človeka, ki je določalo njegova filozofska prepričanja, to pa celo do te mere, da je sprememba v njegovi fiziologiji, do katere je prišlo ob grehu, usodno zaznamovala ves nadaljnji potek zgodovine filozofije. Razdelek o materializmu poskuša rekonstruirati filozofijo, ki jo razvija sámo telo, ki je pri Diderotu dobesedno prišlo (...)
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  5. The material God in Diderot's D'Alembert's Dream.Miran Bozovic - 2011 - In Wayne Cristaudo & Heung-Wah Wong (eds.), From Faith in Reason to Reason in Faith: Transformations in Philosophical Theology From the Eighteenth to Twentieth Centuries. Lanham: Upa.
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  6. The philosophy of Du Marsais's' Filozofa'.Miran Bozovic - 2007 - Filozofski Vestnik 28 (3):81 - +.
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    Diderot’s ontology and Hollywood metaphysics.Miran Bozovic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (3):177-195.
    Diderot?s universe is somewhat weird, often dreamlike and hallucinatory, and his ontology fluid and elusive. It comprises the existing, the non-existent and even contradictory entities, the boundaries between which cannot always be clearly delimited. This universe in which nothing is of the essence of a particular being and everything is more or less something or other, resembles the amorphous and oneiric world of Zhuangzi in which nothing is clearly defined, while essenceless things, floating in uncertainty and indeterminacy, literally blend into (...)
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    Krepostni ateizem: Bayle in Diderot.Miran Božovič - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1).
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    An Utterly Dark Spot: Gaze and Body in Early Modern Philosophy.Miran Bozovic - 2000 - Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
    Slovenian philosopher Miran Bozovic's An Utterly Dark Spot examines the elusive status of the body in early modern European philosophy by examining its various encounters with the gaze. Its range is impressive, moving from the Greek philosophers and theorists of the body (Aristotle, Plato, Hippocratic medical writers) to early modern thinkers (Spinoza, Leibniz, Malebranche, Descartes, Bentham) to modern figures including Jon Elster, Lacan, Althusser, Alfred Hitchcock, Stephen J. Gould, and others. Bozovic provides startling glimpses into various foreign mentalities (...)
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  10. Filozofija človeškega telesa: Malebranche in La Mettrie.Miran Božovič - 2002 - Filozofski Vestnik 23 (1).
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    The God of the Transvestites.Miran Božovič - 1992 - American Journal of Semiotics 9 (2/3):91-103.
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  12. Diderot and l'ame-machine (his novel Les' Bijoux indiscrets').M. Bozovic - 2001 - Filozofski Vestnik 22 (3):139-154.
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    Filozofija na Luni.Miran Božovič - 2019 - Ljubljana: Društvo za teoretsko psihoanalizo.
    Miran Božovič, an expert in modern philosophy, in his new work begins to read some literary works from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries in the light of philosophical theories, either explicitly or implicitly contained in them. These range from little-known novels such as G. Daniel's Journey to the World of Descartes (1690) and Fontenell's State of the Philosophers (1682), through 18th century classics, Diderot's Rameau's nephew, to one of the greatest 19th century novels, Melville's Moby Dick (1851) and Tolstoy's (...)
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  14.  28
    Metaphysical Egoism and its Vicissitudes.Miran Bozovic - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 16:17-26.
    The paper discusses the metaphysical theory developed in the early eighteenth century in France by the so-called égoïstes, and explores some of its ramifications. In the eighteenth century French, the term égoïsme was used not only in the ethical sense, but also in the metaphysical sense, that is, to denote the extremist view that only oneself exists. The paper focuses primarily on Jean Brunet's work Projet d'une nouvelle métaphysique, published in 1703, which has since been lost, analyzing its fundamental principle (...)
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  15. Spisak radova Dr Mihajla Mudrinića.I. Bozovic-Jelisavčić, M. Pandurović, M. Mudrinić, I. Smiljanić, N. Buric, M. Mudrinic & K. Todorovic - 1998 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 1:21.
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    Central Bank in the Function of Development of National Economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina.Zoran Mastilo, Nenad Božović & Dejan Mastilo - 2021 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 90:26-36.
    Publication date: 28 April 2021 Source: International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 90 Author: Zoran Mastilo, Nenad Božović, Dejan Mastilo The paper addresses and evaluates the currency board policy and assesses whether the currency board, as a form of monetary policy, is in the function of development of Bosnia and Herzegovina's national economy. In this context, a hypothesis that the currency board provides the foundation for growth and development of a transition economy is being put to the test. (...)
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  17. The Philosophy of Du Marsais's Le Philosophe.Miran Božovič - 2008 - Filozofski Vestnik 29 (2):61 - +.
    The article considers the eponymous character of Du Marsais's Le Philosophe and examines his moral rationalism. In the eyes of Du Marsais's sage, the ways of virtue are not necessarily as painful as they might seem to those who are willing to stick to them solely in the hope of the promised post-mortem rewards, and the ways of vice are not necessarily as pleasant as they might seem to those who avoid them primarily out of fear of the threatened post-mortem (...)
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    Diderot on Nature and Pantomime.Miran Bozovic - 2018 - The European Legacy 23 (6):643-657.
    The article examines Diderot’s view of the inconstancy of nature and its corollaries, the most obvious of which is the recognition of the impossibility of philosophy and natural history. For, if everything in nature is in a state of flux, no theory can keep up with its changes, reflect on them and capture anything more than an isolated moment. Diderot’s conception of nature has important consequences for his aesthetic theory. If the goal of the fine arts is to imitate nature, (...)
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  19. The philosophy of Jacques the Fatalist (Diderot).M. Bozovic - 2003 - Filozofski Vestnik 24 (1):147-163.
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    Descartes - izganjalec hudiča.Miran Božovič - 1990 - Filozofski Vestnik 11 (1).
    Izhajajoč iz Montaignovega eseja Apologie de Raimond Sebond skuSa avtor osvetliti razliko med povezovanjem tako imenovanih razlogov za dvom, se pravi čutnih zmot, norosti in sanj pri Montaignu in v Descartesovi Prvi meditaciji. V zvezi z demonom kot razlogom oziroma sredstvom za dvom pa skuša - ob navezavi na Popkinovo tezo, da bi bilo zgodovinski vir Descarte-sovega demona mogoče iskati v znamenitem sodnem procesu zoper Urbaina Grandierja, do katerega je v začetku tridesetih let 17. stoletja prišlo v Loudunu v Franciji (...)
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    Ram za sliku.Ratko Božović - 2010 - Beograd: Čigoja štampa.
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  22. Notes on egoists.M. Bozovic - 2005 - Filozofski Vestnik 26 (3):159-168.
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  23. The philosophy of the metaphysical egoism.M. Bozovic - 2005 - Filozofski Vestnik 26 (3):135 - +.
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  24. The Virtuous Atheism: Bayle and Diderot.Miran Bozovic - 2011 - Filozofski Vestnik 32 (1):21 - +.
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  25. Kultura iz sociološke perspektive-Ratko R. Božović: Izazovi kulture, Izdavačka knjižarnica Zorana Stojanovića, Sremski Karlovci, Novi Sad, 2010.Mirko Blagojević - 2010 - Filozofija I Društvo 21 (3):189-196.
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  26. Jeremy Bentham, The Panopticon Writings (edited by Miran Bozovic).M. Haugaard - 1997 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 5:493-493.
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    The Panopticon Writings.Jeremy Bentham - 2011 - Verso Books. Edited by Miran Bo\V. Zovi\V. C..
    The Panopticon project for a model prison obsessed the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham for almost 20 years. In the end, the project came to nothing; the Panopticon was never built. But it is precisely this that makes the Panopticon project the best exemplification of Bentham’s own theory of fictions, according to which non-existent fictitious entities can have all too real effects. There is probably no building that has stirred more philosophical controversy than Bentham’s Panopticon. The Panopticon is not merely, as (...)
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    Acting Out the Kingdom of God. [REVIEW]Charles K. Fink - 2019 - The Acorn 19 (1):48-53.
    Review of Tolstoy and Spirituality (Academic Studies Press, 2018), edited by Pedrag Cicovacki and Heidi Nada Grek, with articles by Miran Bozovic, Predrag Cicovacki, Abdusalam A. Guseynov, Robert Holmes, Božidar Kante, Rosamund Bartlett, Diana Dukhanova, Liza Knapp, Inessa Medzhibovskaya, Donna Tussing Orwin, Mikhail Shishkin, and Alexandra Smith.
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