Results for 'Marielle Ledoux'

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  1.  32
    Jbs jbs jbs.Hugues Plourde, Bertrand Nolin, Olivier Receveur, Marielle Ledoux, Masoumeh Simbar, Fatemeh Nahidi, Fahimeh Ramezani Tehrani, Monika Krzyz, Olayinka O. Omigbodun & Kofoworola I. Adediran - 2010 - Journal of Biosocial Science 42 (5).
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  2. A Higher-Order Theory of Emotional Consciousness.Joseph LeDoux & Richard Brown - 2017 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 114 (10):E2016-E2025.
    Emotional states of consciousness, or what are typically called emotional feelings, are traditionally viewed as being innately programed in subcortical areas of the brain, and are often treated as different from cognitive states of consciousness, such as those related to the perception of external stimuli. We argue that conscious experiences, regardless of their content, arise from one system in the brain. On this view, what differs in emotional and non-emotional states is the kind of inputs that are processed by a (...)
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    La crítica de Agustín a la corporeidad del alma: una recepción del pensamiento de Tertuliano.Mariel Giacomone - 2023 - Cuadernos de Filosofía 79.
    El presente trabajo propone analizar la manera en que Agustín de Hipona recepciona el pensamiento de Tertuliano, autor cristiano latino, también africano, del que lo separan unos 200 años. Las principales menciones al cartaginés tienen lugar en la crítica agustiniana a la concepción de la corporeidad del alma defendida por Tertuliano. A fin de poder analizar los argumentos y los conceptos filosóficos utilizados por el hiponense en el desarrollo de su crítica presentamos, en primer lugar, una breve introducción a Tertuliano (...)
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    De La Théologie du cœur à La Théologie réelle : la mystique d’après Pierre Poiret.Mariel Mazzocco - 2021 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 153 (1):37-48.
    Pasteur, théologien, philosophe cartésien et éditeur d’ouvrages spirituels, Pierre Poiret occupe un statut particulier et original dans l’histoire des idées religieuses : il incarne le rôle du « passeur spirituel », celui dont la mission est de transmettre à la postérité l’héritage des auteurs mystiques. Poiret n’est pas un mystique, mais un spécialiste de la « théologie mystique ». Mais qu’est-ce que le mot mystique désigne pour un protestant français du Refuge résidant en Hollande? Par quels moyens, selon Poiret, la (...)
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    Teaching Christian Health Care Ethics.Mariele Courtois - 2024 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 44 (2):283-301.
    One unique challenge in teaching Christian health care ethics involves helping students to appreciate the delicate context of clinical decision-making scenarios. Another challenge involves helping students to empathize with the perspectives and appreciate the expertise of various parties. Finally, students need clear examples of the dangers of reductive medical paradigms. Toward these goals, mock clinical ethics consultations can help students to value respectful ethical discourse and to build necessary virtues for effectively engaging in such dialogue, such as humility, gentleness, and (...)
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  6. Weiblich denken? : eine philosophische Kritik an den poulärwissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen der Neurowissenschaften in der Geschlechterfrage.Mariele Friesacher - 2017 - In Brigitte Buchhammer & Herta Nagl-Docekal, Lernen, Mensch zu sein: Beiträge des 2. Symposiums der SWIP Austria. Wien: Lit.
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  7. RAMOS, Flávia Brocchetto; PANOZZO, Neiva Senaide Petry. Mergulhos de leitura: a compreensão leitora da literatura infantil.Mariele Gabrielli - 2016 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 21 (1):250-255.
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  8. Emotions: How I've Looked for Them in the Brain.Joseph E. LeDoux - 2002 - In Robert J. Russell, Neuroscience and the person: scientific perspectives on divine action. Berkeley (USA): Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. pp. 41--56.
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  9. Paracelse: ou, Le tourment de savoir.Pierre Mariel - 1974 - Paris: Seghers.
  10.  19
    Einleitung.Mariele Nientied - 2003 - In Kierkegaard und Wittgenstein: "Hineintäuschen in das Wahre". Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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    Teil III. Anfang Angst Anapher.Mariele Nientied - 2003 - In Kierkegaard und Wittgenstein: "Hineintäuschen in das Wahre". Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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    Teil I. VorWorte und VerAntwortung.Mariele Nientied - 2003 - In Kierkegaard und Wittgenstein: "Hineintäuschen in das Wahre". Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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    Teil IV. Wittgensteins ‚Sprung‘.Mariele Nientied - 2003 - In Kierkegaard und Wittgenstein: "Hineintäuschen in das Wahre". Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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    All Incomplete.Marielle Pelissero - 2020 - Multitudes 79 (2):141-143.
    Tirant son titre du prochain manifeste à paraître des deux auteurs, ce bref article met en relief la complicité intellectuelle entre Stefano Harney et Fred Moten au sein de nos sensibilités contemporaines. Il suggère quelques façons de les entendre dialoguer ensemble – entre eux, avec nous, parmi nous.
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    L’inceste : filiations, transgressions, identités. Avec Spinoza et Freud.Sgambato-Ledoux Isabelle - 2017 - Astérion. Philosophie, Histoire des Idées, Pensée Politique 17.
    L’inceste, comme transgression en acte, et l’incestuel, comme séduction narcissique et aliénante, constituent des figures d’une causalité que Spinoza et Freud, dans des perspectives différentes, ont explorée. Appuyée sur les grands principes qui fondent leurs démarches respectives, la confrontation de leurs analyses du procès d’individuation, de la filiation et de la transgression conduit à un éclairage réciproque des deux doctrines : apparaissent alors nettement certains de leurs points de convergence théorique comme leurs dissemblances. Elle permet aussi la reconstitution théorique de (...)
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  16.  36
    L’inceste : filiations, transgressions, identités. Avec Spinoza et Freud.Isabelle Sgambato-Ledoux - 2017 - Astérion 17 (17).
    Incest, as the acting of transgression and incestuality, as a psychic reality implying a narcissistic and alienating seduction, result of a causality explored by Spinoza and Freud, each in their own way. Founded on the main principles of their respective approach, the confrontation of their analyses of the individuation process, of filiation and of transgression, leads to each doctrine’s shedding light on the other. Then, the theoric points of convergence and the differences clearly appear. This confrontation also allows the theoric (...)
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    The Limits of Conscious Deception Detection: When Reliance on False Deception Cues Contributes to Inaccurate Judgments.Mariëlle Stel, Annika Schwarz, Eric van Dijk & Ad van Knippenberg - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Psychological wellness and self-care: an ethical and professional imperative.Marielle H. Collins & Carolyn K. Cassill - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (7):634-646.
    Psychologists, as well as other mental health professionals, face unique demands in the workplace that create increased risk for burnout. This article discusses burnout prevalence and detection, including issues of complexity regarding diagnosis and assessment. An ethical lens is utilized to explore problems that may arise due to burnout, and the ethical responsibility of practicing self-care. Recommendations for graduate clinical training programs as well as practicing professionals are suggested, including strategies for monitoring self and others for warning signs of burnout (...)
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    Japanese Prints, Sharaku to Toyokuni, in the Collection of Louis V. LedouxJapanese Prints, Hokusai and Hiroshige, in the Collection of Louis V. Ledoux.Prudence R. Myer & Louis V. Ledoux - 1952 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 10 (3):287.
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    Comment: What’s Basic About the Brain Mechanisms of Emotion?Joseph E. LeDoux - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (4):318-320.
    While it is common to think that neuroscientists are proponents of basic emotions theory, this is not necessarily the case. My ideas, for example are more aligned with cognitive than basic emotions theories.
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  21. LLMs don't know anything: reply to Yildirim and Paul.Mariel K. Goddu, Alva Noë & Evan Thompson - forthcoming - Trends in Cognitive Sciences.
    In their recent Opinion in TiCS, Yildirim and Paul propose that large language models (LLMs) have ‘instrumental knowledge’ and possibly the kind of ‘worldly’ knowledge that humans do. They suggest that the production of appropriate outputs by LLMs is evidence that LLMs infer ‘task structure’ that may reflect ‘causal abstractions of... entities and processes in the real world.' While we agree that LLMs are impressive and potentially interesting for cognitive science, we resist this project on two grounds. First, it casts (...)
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  22.  96
    Know Thyself: Well-Being and Subjective Experience.Joseph LeDoux, Richard Brown, Daniel S. Pine & Stefan G. Hofmann - 2018 - Cerebrum (2018).
  23.  37
    Professional Nurses Should Have Their Own Ethics: the Current Status of Nursing Ethics in the Dutch Curriculum.Mariël Kanne - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (1):25-33.
    Should nurses have their own ethics to match specific problems met in their daily routines? How do nurses act in a society that is changing from a 'monocultural' to an 'intercultural' structure? What are the ethical consequences of these changes for their many tasks? How can the ethical aspects be taught to nurses? This article describes the current status of nursing ethics in the curriculum taught in schools of higher education for nurses in The Netherlands. Aspects of the debate on (...)
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    Philosophy: Today’s Manager’s Best Friend?Laurent Ledoux - 2012 - Philosophy of Management 11 (3):11-26.
    The purpose of this paper1 is to rationalise why and how philosophy can help today’s managers in their daily practices. I will first explain why today’s managers particularly should engage themselves in profound and enduring dialogue with philosophers. To this end, I will present the close links between the major managerial activities and the major philosophical domains. In the second section, I will sketch out how such a dialogue can be facilitated. To this end, I will present some of the (...)
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  25.  25
    Rethinking “Elective” Procedures for Women's Reproduction during Covid‐19.Marielle S. Gross, Bryna J. Harrington, Carolyn B. Sufrin & Ruth R. Faden - 2020 - Hastings Center Report 50 (3):40-43.
    Common hospital and surgical center responses to the Covid‐19 pandemic included curtailing “elective” procedures, which are typically determined based on implications for physical health and survival. However, in the focus solely on physical health and survival, procedures whose main benefits advance components of well‐being beyond health, including self‐determination, personal security, economic stability, equal respect, and creation of meaningful social relationships, have been disproportionately deprioritized. We describe how female reproduction‐related procedures, including abortion, surgical sterilization, reversible contraception devices and in vitro fertilization, (...)
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  26.  9
    U.S. Healthcare Provider Views and Practices Regarding Planned Birth Setting.Marielle S. Gross, Ha Vi Nguyen, Jessica L. Bienstock & Natalie R. Shovlin-Bankole - 2024 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 35 (1):23-36.
    Background: Little is known about U.S. healthcare provider views and practices regarding evidence, counseling, and shared decision-making about in-hospital versus out-of-hospital birth settings. Methods: We conducted 19 in-depth, semistructured, qualitative interviews of eight obstetricians, eight midwives, and three pediatricians from across the United States. Interviews explored healthcare providers’ interpretation of the current evidence and their personal and professional experiences with childbirth within the existing medical, ethical, and legal context in the United States. Results: Themes emerged concerning risks and benefits, decision-making, (...)
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  27. Brain, mind, and language.J. E. LeDoux - 1985 - In David A. Oakley, Brain and Mind. New York: Methuen.
  28. Emotions-A View through the Brain.Joseph E. LeDoux - 2002 - In Robert J. Russell, Neuroscience and the person: scientific perspectives on divine action. Berkeley (USA): Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences. pp. 101--118.
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    (1 other version)Philosophizing Ad Infinitum: Infinite Nature, Infinite Philosophy.Laurent Ledoux & Herman G. Bonne (eds.) - 2014 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    « Just like pearls », l'ornement de la masse de Siegfried Kracauer à Busby Berkeley.Aurélie Ledoux - 2021 - Cahiers Philosophiques 162 (3):77-90.
    Dès son article de 1927 sur « l’ornement de la masse », Siegfried Kracauer relevait l’homologie existant entre l’organisation tayloriste du travail et ces vastes compositions ornementales de danseuses dont le cinéma de Busby Berkeley devait quelques années plus tard fournir le modèle. Par leur dimension excessive aussi bien que réflexive, les numéros cinématographiques de Berkeley constituent un prolongement et un commentaire de la thèse de Kracauer. Mais, plus encore, en soulevant la question d’un « impensé fasciste » à l’œuvre (...)
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    Teil V. Dämonie und Erratum. Kierkegaards Schriftstellerei als imitatio Christi.Mariele Nientied - 2003 - In Kierkegaard und Wittgenstein: "Hineintäuschen in das Wahre". Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
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    La judicialización como medio de acceso a los medicamentos de alto costo y sus consecuencias.Mariel Viviana Aranda - 2024 - Enfoques 36 (1):97-108.
    La Constitución Nacional del año 1994 incorporó el derecho a la salud. Antes dela reforma de 1994, el derecho a la vida no estaba contemplado en el texto constitucional.Esto implica que cualquier persona que perciba que sus derechos fueronvulnerados puede disponer de un inmediato recurso de amparo para que cese tal acciónsobre él. Desde 1994 en adelante, los tratados adquieren carácter supralegal, enel sentido de que ocupan un lugar debajo de la Constitución, pero por encima de lasleyes y resto del (...)
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    Causal relational problem solving in toddlers.Mariel K. Goddu, Eunice Yiu & Alison Gopnik - 2025 - Cognition 254 (C):105959.
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    Japanese Prints, Hokusai and Hiroshige, in the Collection of Louis V. Ledoux.Ludwig Bachhofer & Louis V. Ledoux - 1952 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 72 (2):87.
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    The Deep History of Ourselves: The Four-Billion-Year Story of How We Got Conscious Brains.Joseph LeDoux - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (4):704-715.
    The essence of who we are depends on our brains. They enable us to think, to feel joy and sorrow, communicate through speech, reflect on the moments of our lives, and to anticipate, plan for, and worry about our imagined futures. Although some of our abilities are comparatively new, key features of our behavior have deep roots that can be traced to the beginning of life. By following the story of behavior, step-by-step, over its roughly four-billion-year trajectory, we come to (...)
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    Blockchain Technology for Ethical Data Practices: Decentralized Biobanking Pilot Study.Marielle Gross, Amelia J. Hood & William Lancelot Sanchez - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):60-63.
    Decentralized biobanking “de-bi” applies blockchain technology and web3 values to embed the procedural principles of transparency, accountability, and inclusion into the biomedical research ecosyst...
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  37. The mnemonic basis of subjective experience.Hakwan Lau, Matthias Michel, Joseph LeDoux & Stephen Fleming - 2022 - Nature Reviews Psychology.
    Conscious experiences involve subjective qualities, such as colours, sounds, smells and emotions. In this Perspective, we argue that these subjective qualities can be understood in terms of their similarity to other experiences. This account highlights the role of memory in conscious experience, even for simple percepts. How an experience feels depends on implicit memory of the relationships between different perceptual representations within the brain. With more complex experiences such as emotions, explicit memories are also recruited. We draw inspiration from work (...)
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  38.  18
    Styles: critique de nos formes de vie.Marielle Macé - 2016 - [Paris]: Gallimard.
    Occupy Wall Street, Indignés, Nuit Debout - plus que jamais la question est posée de définir la vie que nous souhaitons choisir et vivre. Une vie vécue est inséparable de ses formes, de ses modalités, de ses régimes, de ses gestes, de ses façons, de ses allures... qui sont déjà des idées. Le monde, tel que nous le partageons et lui donnons sens, ne se découpe pas seulement en individus, en classes ou en groupes, mais aussi en "styles", qui sont (...)
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    Breastfeeding with HIV: An Evidence-Based Case for New Policy.Marielle S. Gross, Holly A. Taylor, Cecilia Tomori & Jenell S. Coleman - 2019 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 47 (1):152-160.
    To help eliminate perinatal HIV transmission, the US Department of Health and Human Services recommends against breastfeeding for women living with HIV, regardless of viral load or combined antiretroviral therapy status. However, cART radically improves HIV prognosis and virtually eliminates perinatal transmission, and breastfeeding's health benefits are well-established. In this setting, pregnancy is increasing among American women with HIV, and a harm reduction approach to those who breastfeed despite extensive counseling is suggested. We assess the evidence and ethical justification for (...)
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  40.  28
    Respect women, promote health and reduce stigma: ethical arguments for universal hepatitis C screening in pregnancy.Marielle S. Gross, Alexandra R. Ruth & Sonja A. Rasmussen - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (10):674-677.
    In the USA, there are missed opportunities to diagnose hepatitis C virus (HCV) in pregnancy because screening is currently risk-stratified and thus primarily limited to individuals who disclose history of injection drug use or sexually transmitted infection risks. Over the past decade, the opioid epidemic has dramatically increased incidence of HCV and a feasible, well-tolerated cure was introduced. Considering these developments, recent evidence suggests universal HCV screening in pregnancy would be cost-effective and several professional organisations have called for updated national (...)
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    Stigmatizing Mothers: Qualitative Analysis of Language in Prenatal Records.Marielle S. Gross, Diana Mendoza-Cervantes, Joie L. Zabec, Ananya Dewan & Mary Catherine Beach - forthcoming - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.
    Pregnant people experience moral judgment in healthcare settings that may be coded into clinical documentation. Stigmatizing language in medical records transmits bias between clinicians, potentially exacerbating disparities in maternal morbidity and mortality. We examined obstetrical records from 100 randomly selected patients who received prenatal and delivery care in an academic hospital system. Qualitative analysis sought to identify linguistic features conveying negative attitudes or moral judgment, revealing themes of epistemic injustice: (1) discrediting patient testimony as incompetent, unreliable, and hysterical; (2) unnecessary (...)
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    Therapeutic approaches to fibromyalgia in the Netherlands: a comparison between 1998 and 2005.Mariëlle E. A. L. Kroese, Guy J. C. Schulpen, Henk M. Sonneveld & Hubertus J. M. Vrijhoef - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (2):321-325.
  43.  18
    About behaviorology: an introduction to the incompatible paradigms and historical and philosophical developments among disciplines addressing the behavior of individuals.Stephen LeDoux - 1993 - Canton, NY, U.S.A.: ABCs. Edited by Stephen LeDoux.
  44.  17
    The Vocation of Moses and the Election of the Hebrew People in the Theologico-Political Treatise.Isabelle Sgambato-Ledoux - 2020 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 47:211-228.
    Loin de nier l’élection des Hébreux, Spinoza la naturalise et l’universalise, au moins à titre de virtualité, la vocation n’en étant qu’une spécification. Son analyse permet surtout de rendre compte, d’un point de vue mnémo-affectif, symbolique et stratégique, de la nature du pouvoir qu’un chef exerce sur son peuple, et de l’articulation de leurs ingenia respectifs. Enfin, elle éclaire le caractère exceptionnel de la destinée singulière de Moïse comme figure symbolique du bon politique, tout en permettant à Spinoza de penser, (...)
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    Oreste et Néron: Spinoza, Freud et le mal.Isabelle Sgambato-Ledoux - 2017 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    How can we think about evil if we exclude free will? Spinoza and Freud define freedom in terms of the understanding of mechanisms arising in a person by necessity. Spinoza's letters to Blijenbergh, analyzed here through a Freudian lens, allow us to formulate a response to this problem.
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    Subjectivity as Encounter: Feminine Ethics in the Work of Bracha Lichtenberg‐Ettinger and Anne Enright.Mariëlle Smith - 2013 - Hypatia 28 (3):633-645.
    The fragility of the subject is a recurring issue in the work of Anne Enright, one of Ireland's most remarkable and innovative writers. It is this specific interest, together with her attempt to make women into subjects, that inevitably links her work to Bracha Lichtenberg-Ettinger's theory of the matrixial borderspace, a feminine sphere that coexists with the Lacanian symbolic order and that, even before our entrance into this linguistic system, informs our subjectivity. By turning to a point in time before (...)
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    Het geweten – een katholiek antropologische verkenning.Mariéle Wulf - 2017 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 109 (3):365-383.
    Conscience – a catholic anthropological vision In the catholic tradition conscience always played an important role as visible in the ‘clausula Petri’ (Ac 5,30-33) or in Paul’s belief in its wisdom (Rm 2,14-16). Conscience can break rules (‘epikeia’), but should not stand up against the church as such. Luther’s historical deed left behind a distrust in conscience in the Catholic Church; it took 400 years to restore Paul’s vision of the conscience as the highest authority – if it is formed (...)
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    The deep history of ourselves: the four-billion-year story of how we got conscious brains.Joseph E. LeDoux - 2019 - New York City: Viking Press. Edited by Caio Sorrentino.
    Longlisted for the PEN/E.O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award A leading neuroscientist offers a history of the evolution of the brain from unicellular organisms to the complexity of animals and human beings today Renowned neuroscientist Joseph LeDoux digs into the natural history of life on earth to provide a new perspective on the similarities between us and our ancestors in deep time. This page-turning survey of the whole of terrestrial evolution sheds new light on how nervous systems evolved in (...)
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  49.  24
    Emotional coloration of consciousness: how feelings came about.Joseph LeDoux - 2008 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz & Martin Davies, Frontiers of consciousness. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 69-130.
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    Erasmus von Rotterdam: sein Fortleben im Bild.Mariele Petersen - 2015 - Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag. Edited by Heribert Kullmann.
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