Results for 'Marie Bourjade'

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    Social interaction is associated with changes in infants’ motor activity.Céline Scola, Marie Bourjade & Marianne Jover - 2015 - Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology 5.
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    Procedural Semantics for Hyperintensional Logic: Foundations and Applications of Transparent Intensional Logic.Marie Duží, Bjorn Jespersen & Pavel Materna - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    The book is about logical analysis of natural language. Since we humans communicate by means of natural language, we need a tool that helps us to understand in a precise manner how the logical and formal mechanisms of natural language work. Moreover, in the age of computers, we need to communicate both with and through computers as well. Transparent Intensional Logic is a tool that is helpful in making our communication and reasoning smooth and precise. It deals with all kinds (...)
  3.  22
    Is feyerabendian philosophy relevant for scientific knowledge development in nursing?Marie-Lee Yous, Patricia H. Strachan & Jenny Ploeg - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (3):e12309.
    To revitalize nursing science, there is a need for a new approach to guide nurse scientists in addressing complex problems in health care. By applying theoretical concepts from a revolutionary philosopher of science, Paul K. Feyerabend, new nursing knowledge can be produced using creativity and pluralistic approaches. Feyerabend proposed that methods within and outside of science can produce knowledge. Despite the recognition of Feyerabendian philosophy within science, there is currently a lack of literature regarding the relevance of Feyerabendian philosophy for (...)
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    Attitudes towards Personhood in the Locked-in Syndrome: from Third- to First- Person Perspective and to Interpersonal Significance.Marie-Christine Nizzi, Veronique Blandin & Athena Demertzi - 2018 - Neuroethics 13 (2):193-201.
    Personhood is ascribed on others, such that someone who is recognized to be a person is bestowed with certain civil rights and the right to decision making. A rising question is how severely brain-injured patients who regain consciousness can also regain their personhood. The case of patients with locked-in syndrome is illustrative in this matter. Upon restoration of consciousness, patients with LIS find themselves in a state of profound demolition of their bodily functions. From the third-person perspective, it can be (...)
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  5. Sense and certainty: a dissolution of scepticism.Marie McGinn - 1989 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.
    This dissertation aims to construct a non-dogmatic defence of common sense. It tries to show why the absence of justification for the judgements of common sense, which the sceptic reveals, does not invalidate them.
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    Motivations for Relationships as Sources of Meaning: Ghanaian and South African Experiences.Marié P. Wissing, Angelina Wilson Fadiji, Lusilda Schutte, Shingairai Chigeza, Willem D. Schutte & Q. Michael Temane - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  7. What is an animal personality?Marie I. Kaiser & Caroline Müller - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (1):1-25.
    Individuals of many animal species are said to have a personality. It has been shown that some individuals are bolder than other individuals of the same species, or more sociable or more aggressive. In this paper, we analyse what it means to say that an animal has a personality. We clarify what an animal personality is, that is, its ontology, and how different personality concepts relate to each other, and we examine how personality traits are identified in biological practice. Our (...)
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  8. Éléments de logique contemporaine.Marie Louise Roure - 1967 - Paris,: Presses Universitaires de France.
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    L'amour de Dieu chez Ġazālī: une philosophie de l'amour à Bagdad au début du XIIe siècle.Marie-Louise Siauve - 1986 - Lille: Atelier national reproduction des thèses, Université de Lille III.
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  10. Towards renewed research questions from the outcomes of the European project Labwork in Science Education.Marie‐Geneviève Séré - 2002 - Science Education 86 (5):624-644.
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  11. Repérer et combattre le capacitisme, le sanisme et le suicidisme en santé.Marie-Josée Drolet - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Bioethics / Revue canadienne de bioéthique 5 (4):89.
    Ce commentaire critique a pour objectif de définir, d’expliquer et d’illustrer trois systèmes de croyances et d’oppression généralement peu connus en santé, mais susceptibles d’influencer négativement les pratiques de professionnels de la santé et de services sociaux ainsi que celles d’organisations publiques ou privées de santé, à savoir : le capacitisme, le sanisme et le suicidisme. Il a aussi pour objectif d’identifier certaines pistes d’action pouvant contribuer à combattre ces systèmes largement répandus au sein des institutions et organisations de nos (...)
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    Jean-Luc Nancy.Marie-Eve Morin - 2012 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Jean-Luc Nancy is one of the leading contemporary thinkers in France today. Through an inventive reappropriation of the major figures in the continental tradition, Nancy has developed an original ontology that impacts the way we think about religion, politics, community, embodiment, and art. Drawing from a wide range of his writing, Marie-Eve Morin provides the first comprehensive and systematic account of Nancy’s thinking, all the way up to his most recent work on the deconstruction of Christianity. Without losing sight (...)
  13.  32
    Ethical and social implications of approaching death prediction in humans - when the biology of ageing meets existential issues.Marie Gaille, Marco Araneda, Clément Dubost, Clémence Guillermain, Sarah Kaakai, Elise Ricadat, Nicolas Todd & Michael Rera - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundThe discovery of biomarkers of ageing has led to the development of predictors of impending natural death and has paved the way for personalised estimation of the risk of death in the general population. This study intends to identify the ethical resources available to approach the idea of a long-lasting dying process and consider the perspective of death prediction. The reflection on human mortality is necessary but not sufficient to face this issue. Knowledge about death anticipation in clinical contexts allows (...)
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    Towards an Extensional Calculus of Hyperintensions.Marie Duží - 2012 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 19:20-45.
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    Agonistic democracy: rethinking political institutions in pluralist times.Marie Paxton - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Agonistic Democracy explores how theoretical concepts from agonistic democracy can inform institutional design in order to mediate conflict in multicultural, pluralist societies. Drawing on the work of Foucault, Nietzsche, Schmitt, and Arendt, Marie Paxton outlines the importance of their themes of public contestation, contingency and necessary interdependency for contemporary agonistic thinkers. Paxton delineates three distinct approaches to agonistic democracy: David Owen's perfectionist agonism, Mouffe's adversarial agonism, and William Connolly and James Tully's inclusive agonism. Paxton demonstrates how each is fundamental (...)
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  16. Liminaire.Marie Cariou - 2000 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 2:147-148.
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    Laclau and Mouffe: The Radical Democratic Imaginary.Anna Marie Smith - 1998 - Routledge.
    Laclau and Mouffe: The Radical Democratic Imaginary is the first full-length overview of the important work of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Anna Marie Smith clearly shows how Laclau and Mouffe's work has brought Gramscian, poststructuralist and psychoanalytic perspectives to revitalize traditional political theory. With clarity and insight, she shows how they have constructed a highly effective theory of identity formation and power relations that carefully draws from the criticism of political theory from postmodern anti-foundationalist political theory.
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  18. Le féminin, avenir de l'homme.Marie-Jeanne Coutagne - 2020 - In Marie-Josèphe Conchon (ed.), Le féminin, avenir du monde: deux vies en conversation: Marguerite Teillard-Chambon et son cousin Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. [Le Coudray-Macouard]: Saint-Léger éditions.
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  19. Le parti pris de l'homme: Albert Camus-Paul Ricœur.Marie-Jeanne Coutagne - 2014 - In Jean-Marc Aveline & François-Xavier Amherdt (eds.), Humanismes et religions: Albert Camus et Paul Ricoeur. Berlin: Lit.
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    The erosion of privacy.Marie A. Wright & John S. Kakalik - 1997 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 27 (4):22-25.
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    Spinoza's Religion.Marie Wuth - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 72 (4):1067-1069.
    In Spinoza's Religion, Carlisle offers us a manual how to read and reread the Ethics to become religious in a Spinozist sense. Reading this book feels like a de.
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    La noblesse de l’avocat à Rome selon Pline le Jeune.Marie Yschard - 2023 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 64 (1):63-75.
    La correspondance de Pline le Jeune, publiée au II e siècle de notre ère, regorge de références à la mission de l’avocat. Bien que l’activité d’avocat ne soit pas la seule exercée par l’auteur, elle occupe une partie très importante de son temps, comme il le reconnaît lui-même, et remplit une fonction essentielle au sein de la société romaine. En assurant la défense des droits des femmes et des hommes qui le sollicitent, l’avocat s’assure de placer la justice et le (...)
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    Beyond the “Third Wave of Positive Psychology”: Challenges and Opportunities for Future Research.Marié P. Wissing - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The positive psychology landscape is changing, and its initial identity is being challenged. Moving beyond the “third wave of PP,” two roads for future research and practice in well-being studies are discerned: The first is the state of the art PP trajectory that will continue as a scientific discipline in/next to psychology. The second trajectory links to pointers described as part of the so-called third wave of PP, which will be argued as actually being the beginning of a new domain (...)
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    Colloques et congrès.Marie Laffranque & P. -M. S. - 1967 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 157 (4):327.
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  25. La convenance de l'Incarnation.Marie-Vincent Leroy - 2009 - Revue Thomiste 109 (3):419-465.
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  26. Richard Cohen as a (Jewish) philosopher.Marie-Anne Lescourret - 2025 - In Christopher Buckman, Melissa Bradley, Jack Marsh & James McLachlan (eds.), The event of the good: reading Levinas in a Levinasian way. Albany: State University of New York Press.
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    Homonymie, de dicto/de re a význam.Duží Marie - 2001 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 8 (3):235-251.
    The paper completes a “serial” of my contributions to the hot problems of current semantics, i.e. propositional / notional attitudes, de dicto / de re, synonymy, homonymy, equivalence, meaning, sense, denotation, reference. Two kinds of believing, knowing, etc. are distinguished, namely implicit believing of an ideal believer and explicit believing of a logical / mathematical ignorant . A special case of a week, hidden homonymy is considered and we show that when claiming two expressions being synonymous we have to be (...)
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    Les illusions de l'autonymie: la parole rapportée de l'Autre dans la littérature.Marie-Françoise Marein (ed.) - 2019 - Paris: Hermann.
    La désignation de " paroles rapportées " peut masquer, sous le trompe-l'oeil d'une fidélité plus ou moins revendiquée, la réduction inévitable qu'opère toute représentation par rapport à la totalité de l'acte d'énonciation représenté. L'autonymie, et par conséquent le discours direct, sont au coeur de cette tension entre fidélité et facticité. Rapporter le discours d'autrui, même au style direct, n'est-ce pas toujours déjà se l'approprier? Ce livre rassemble les travaux de chercheurs antiquisants, littéraires, linguistes et stylisticiens sur cet aspect de l'hétérogénéité (...)
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  29. Misunderstanding and Understanding Hume's Moral Philosophy: An Essay on Hume's Place in Moral Philosophy, by Nicholas Capaldi.Marie A. Martin - 1992 - Interpretation 19 (2):169-183.
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    The logos of semantic structure.Marie Duží Bjørn Jespersen Pavel Materna, M. Duží & B. Jespersen - 2010 - In Piotr Stalmaszczyk (ed.), Objects of Inquiry in Philosophy of Language and Linguistics. Ontos Verlag.
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  31. Wittgenstein's naturalism and the skeptical paradox.Marie Mcginn - 2024 - In Claudine Verheggen (ed.), Kripke's Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language at 40. New York,: Cambridge University Press.
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    (1 other version)»Language and linguistic expression«.Marie-Cécile Bertau - 2016 - Zeitschrift Fuer Kulturphilosophie 2016 (2):317-333.
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  33. (1 other version)La Chine et Teilhard: parole d'homme.Marie-Ina Bergeron - 1976 - [Saint-Etienne]: Aubin.
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  34. Questions, Answers, and Presuppositions.Marie Duži & Martina Číhalová - 2015 - Computación y Sistemas 19 (4):647–659.
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  35. Studie o Bolzanovi.Marie Bayerová - 1976 - Praha: Ústav pro filosofii a sociologii ČSAV.
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  36. Some Political, Economic, and Ethical Aspects of the Transformation of Czechoslovak Society.Marie Bohata - forthcoming - Emerging Global Business Ethics:56.
  37. La construcción social de la familia: Una perspectiva de análisis desde los estudiantes de la Escuela de Trabajo Social de la Universidad del Zulia.Marie González - 2001 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1 (5):109-118.
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  38. Pascha nostrum.Marie Madeleine D' Hendecourt - 1950 - Paris,: J. Vrin.
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    Transmettre, apprendre.Marie-Claude Blais - 2014 - Paris: Stock. Edited by Marcel Gauchet & Dominique Ottavi.
    "Apprendre, qu'est-ce que cela veut dire? Qu'est-ce que cela suppose? Par quelles voies est-ce que cela passe? A ces questions, l'école contemporaine apporte une réponse catégorique : l'école traditionnelle s'est trompée, elle a voulu transmettre des connaissances détenues par un maître en les inculquant à des élèves passifs. Cette pédagogie de l'imposition ne marche pas. Il faut lui substituer une pédagogie active faisant de l'enfant l'acteur de la construction de ses savoirs. Nous sommes au moment où cette réponse se révèle (...)
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    La gestion des compétences : quelle place pour la compétence éthique dans les référentiels de compétences?Marie-Claude Boudreau - 2017 - Éthique Publique. Revue Internationale D’Éthique Sociétale Et Gouvernementale 19 (1).
    La gestion des compétences et son principal instrument, le référentiel de compétences, sont très répandus dans les grandes organisations canadiennes publiques et privées. La compétence éthique y est de plus en plus intégrée, sans toutefois qu’elle soit clairement définie. L’usage de ces référentiels pour « gérer » la compétence éthique des employés et des cadres pose également de nombreux enjeux pratiques et éthiques dont on doit prendre la mesure si l’on veut prétendre œuvrer à son développement. Ce texte vise à (...)
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    Calcul moral, ou Comment raisonner en éthique, J.-P. Cléro.Marie Gaille - 2012 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 11 (11).
    Parmi d’autres, cet ouvrage témoigne que nous sommes dans une époque de collaboration active entre la communauté médicale, notamment hospitalière, et la communauté philosophique. Son auteur, J.-P. Cléro, s’appuie en effet sur un travail mené dans le cadre de divers espaces éthiques ou écoles de soin médical et sur des échanges nourris avec plusieurs médecins. Comme il l’indique lui-même, ce contexte l’a incité à revenir à la philosophie morale et à proposer en son sein un parcours orienté par..
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  42. Aquinas on the nature of trust.Marie I. George - 2006 - The Thomist 70 (1):103-123.
  43. The problem of substance in Aristotle's Metaphysics Z.Marie-Louise Gill - 2014 - In Cristina Cerami (ed.), Nature et sagesse: les rapports entre physique et metaphysique dans la tradition aristotelicienne: recueil de textes en hommage a Pierre Pellegrin. Louvain-la-Neuve: Peeters.
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  44. The Real Problem of Others: Cavell, Merleau‐Ponty and Wittgenstein on Scepticism about Other Minds.Marie McGinn - 2002 - European Journal of Philosophy 6 (1):45-58.
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    De l'inconscient à l'existence.Marie Lenormand & Isabelle Letellier (eds.) - 2014 - Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires de Provence.
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  46. Nos qualites.Désiré Marie - 1966 - Paris: Éditions du Scorpion.
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  47. Naturalism and 'turning our examination round'.Marie McGinn - 2012 - In José L. Zalabardo (ed.), Wittgenstein's Early Philosophy. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
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  48. Between gender and subjectivity : Iris Marion Young on the phenomenology of lived experience.Marie Garrau - 2012 - In Miriam Bankovsky & Alice Le Goff (eds.), Recognition theory and contemporary French moral and political philosophy: reopening the dialogue. New York: distributed exclusively in the USA by Palgrave Macmillan.
  49. Wittgenstein and Internal Relations.Marie McGinn - 2010 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (4):495-509.
    Abstract: Interpretations of the Tractatus divide into what might be called a metaphysical and an anti-metaphysical approach to the work. The central issue between the two interpretative approaches has generally been characterised in terms of the question whether the Tractatus is committed to the idea of ‘things’ that cannot be said in language, and thus to the idea of a distinctive kind of nonsense: nonsense that is an attempt to say what can only be shown. In this paper, I look (...)
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  50. Symposium Comenianum 1986: J.A. Comenius's contribution to world science and culture Liblice, June 16-20, 1986.Marie Kyralová & Jana Přívratská (eds.) - 1989 - Praha: Academia nakladatelství Československé akademie věd.
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