Results for 'Marica Šuput'

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  1.  22
    Charlambos Mpuras/Laskarina Mpura, Ἡ ἑλλαδιϰή ναοδομία ϰατὰ τòν 12ο αἰώνα. Athen, Ἐμποϱιϰὴ Τϱάπεζα τῆς Ἑλλάδος 2002.Marica Šuput - 2005 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (1):233-236.
    In der byzantinischen Welt der Kunst im breiteren Sinne ist die Baukunst in mehrere voneinander getrennte Richtungen mit unterschiedlichen Merkmalen eingeteilt. Dabei ist eine ähnliche Auffassung des Raums für alle gemeinsam, und eben dieses Element vereint sie restlos zum Kreis der byzantinischen Baukunst. In dieser Hinsicht bildet die sakrale Baukunst auf dem Gebiet Griechenlands eine besondere Ganzheit nicht nur im Hinblick auf eine grosse Anzahl von Denkmälern mit einfacheren und komplexeren Lösungen, sondern auch im Hinblick auf ihre hohen Bauwerte sowie (...)
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    Tania Velmans, Vojislav Korač et Marica Šuput, Rayonnement de Byzance. Saint-Léger-Vauban, Éditions du Zodiaque ; Paris, Desclée de Brouwer (coll. « Les grandes saisons de l'art chrétien », 2), 1999, 536 p.Tania Velmans, Vojislav Korač et Marica Šuput, Rayonnement de Byzance. Saint-Léger-Vauban, Éditions du Zodiaque ; Paris, Desclée de Brouwer (coll. « Les grandes saisons de l'art chrétien », 2), 1999, 536 p. [REVIEW]Yves Laberge - 2002 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 58 (3):654-657.
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    Testing Attention Restoration in a Virtual Reality Driving Simulator.Marica Cassarino, Marta Maisto, Ylenia Esposito, Davide Guerrero, Jason Seeho Chan & Annalisa Setti - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  4. The effect of motivation on the stream of consciousness: Generalizing from a neurocomputational model of cingulo-frontal circuits controlling saccadic eye movements.Marica Bernstein, Samantha Stiehl & John Bickle - 2000 - In Ralph D. Ellis, The Caldron of Consciousness: Motivation, Affect and Self-Organization. John Benjamins. pp. 133-160.
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    Islam e cristianesimo: mondi di differenze nel Medioevo: il dialogo con l'Islam nell'opera di Nicola da Cusa.Marica Costigliolo - 2012 - Genova: Genova University Press.
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    Metafora e trasformazione: una lettura del Principe di Machiavelli.Marica Costigliolo - 2022 - Limena, PD: edizioni.
  7.  14
    Peer Helpers’ Experience of Participation in an Adventure-Based Experiential Learning Program: A Grit Perspective.Marica Pienaar, Johan C. Potgieter, Cornelia Schreck & Ilana Coetzee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The study focused on the adventure-based experiential learning component of the North-West University peer helper training program. The aim of this study was to explore and describe a group of peer helpers’ subjective experiences of their participation in an ABEL program, with a focus on how these experiences related to the concept of grit. A total of 26 students at the North-West University, both male and female, participated in the study. A qualitative research approach with a case study research design (...)
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    Stvaralaštvo kao technê: središnji problem filozofije suvremenog doba.Marica Rajković - 2020 - Metodicki Ogledi 27 (1):13-30.
    Twenty-first century philosophy is required to re-examine the fundamental concepts upon which it is founded in order to affirm whether the course of history has caused changes in its essence and influence. One such concept is the concept of creativity, which has been tied to poietic philosophy since Ancient Greece. It is necessary to examine the validity of the division according to which creativity lies within the sphere of ποίησις, or if creativity itself has changed to such an extent throughout (...)
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    Abstract of Comments.Marica M. Eaton - 1976 - Noûs 10 (1):62 - 63.
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    A Note on the Text of Seneca's Phoenissae.Marica Frank - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (1):284-284a.
    E's ‘unam’ is the reading favoured by all modern editors. Either reading is possible in terms of sense and metre, and the choice is not an easy one. The attraction of ‘ unam’ is obvious and consists in the stress which it lays on Jocasta's isolation and vulnerability in the face of ‘omnis… iuuentus’. The appeal of ‘una’ is a little more subtle. It emphasises the coming together of the youth, whether Argive or Theban, in common cause against the aged (...)
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    Excitatory backward conditioning of defensive burying in rats.Marica L. Spetch, Lori J. Terlecki, John P. J. Pinel, Donald M. Wilkie & Dallas Treit - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (2):111-114.
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    Objašnjenje u povijesti.Marica Vernazza - 2008 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 28 (4):913-929.
    Članak tematizira različite vrste objašnjenja u povijesti, a problem značaja povijesnog objašnjenja pokušava se riješiti odbacivanjem metodološkog gledišta prema kojem se prirodne znanosti temelje na objašnjenju, a društvene samo na razumijevanju. Povijesna objašnjenja sadrže velik broj singularnih iskaza, i pri njihovu argumentiranju i objedinjavanju povjesničari se služe samo statističkim generalizacijama, budući da univerzalne zakonitosti povijesnih procesa, koji sadržavaju te činjenice, nije moguće utvrditi. No, pri rekonstrukciji povijesnih zbivanja, procesa i struktura nije ni potrebno opisati svaki njihov sastavni dio. U istraživanju (...)
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  13. Limbic Connectivities with Parietofrontal Circuits Controlling Saccadic Eye Movements: A Neurobiological Model for the Role of Affect in the Stream of Consciousness.Marica Bernstein, Sara Stiehl & John Bickle - 2000 - In Ralph D. Ellis, The Caldron of Consciousness: Motivation, Affect and Self-Organization. John Benjamins.
  14.  23
    Highlighting the Aspects to Support the Complexity of Primary Selection in Children's Alpine Skiing as a Sustainability of their Harmonious Development and Training.Maria Oana Jurca, Carmen Mariana Georgescu, Marina Iordăchescu, Laura Marica, Elena Sorina Grigore & Marian Dragomir - 2022 - Postmodern Openings 13 (2):168-197.
    The extremely rapid evolution of portable technologies and children's receptiveness to constantly accessing the latest information creates the conditions for a number of new developments in most areas of activity. Moreover, their attraction to real-time visualisation of various events and competitions projects a certain level of perception and imitation of certain behaviours. Therefore, special attention should be paid to them from the earliest stages, i.e., from the time they are selected to play various sports. Also, the complementarity of some sports (...)
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    Recenzije I prikazi.Ivana Skuhala Karasman, Franjo Zenko, Martina Žeželj, Alen Sućeska, Marica Vernazza & Lino Veljak - 2010 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 30 (1-2):335-350.
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    Vector subtraction implemented neurally: A neurocomputational model of some sequential cognitive and conscious processes.John Bickle, Cindy Worley & Marica Bernstein - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (1):117-144.
    Although great progress in neuroanatomy and physiology has occurred lately, we still cannot go directly to those levels to discover the neural mechanisms of higher cognition and consciousness. But we can use neurocomputational methods based on these details to push this project forward. Here we describe vector subtraction as an operation that computes sequential paths through high-dimensional vector spaces. Vector-space interpretations of network activity patterns are a fruitful resource in recent computational neuroscience. Vector subtraction also appears to be implemented neurally (...)
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    Hacia un cuerpo marica: una reflexión situada sobre investigación, memoria queer/cuir, infancia sexo-disidente y trols.Facundo Saxe - 2019 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 10 (19):e025.
    Este artículo busca construir una primera aproximación reflexiva desde categorías provenientes del pensamiento sexo-disidente y el análisis cultural a una serie de experiencias de investigación situadas y relacionadas con derivas identitarias vinculadas a la construcción de conocimiento desde perspectivas teóricas propias de la subversión sexo-genérica. Para esto se desarrollará una propuesta de escritura vinculada al concepto de interruqción (val flores) que pretende establecer relaciones entre ciertas trayectorias de investigación sobre memoria queer y representaciones culturales en el sistema científico con la (...)
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    Sospechas maricas de la cueca democrática: arte, memoria y futuro en “Las Yeguas del Apocalipsis”.Juliana Sandoval Álvarez - 2018 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 58:9-39.
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  19.  22
    Jonna Bornemark & Marica Sà Cavalcante Schuback (eds.), Phenomenology of Eros.Philippe Cabestan - 2012 - Alter: revue de phénoménologie 20:223-227.
    Ce volume rassemble pour l’essentiel les contributions d’un colloque organisé à l’université de Södertörn (Suède) en 2006. Dans leur introduction, les éditrices, J. Bornemark et M. Sà Cavalcante Schuback, rappellent l’importance et la diversité des travaux que des phénoménologues comme Max Scheler, Ortega y Gasset, Eugen Fink, Simone de Beauvoir, Ludwig Binswanger ainsi qu’Emmanuel Levinas et Jean-Luc Marion ont implicitement ou explicitement consacré au phénomène érotique. Comment la phénomé...
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  20. A ideia de destino da alma e suas ligações com a noção de reencarnação nas Máximas do marquês de Maricá.Paulo Margutti - 2020 - In Delmar Cardoso & Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto, III Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: coletânea de textos, 2019. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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    Las memorias de la disidencia sexual: subjetivas, individualizadas y fuera de los estándares tradicionales del “hacer memoria”.Cristian Prieto - 2019 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 10 (19):e028.
    Por fuera de todos los formatos de escritura académica, este texto da cuenta de las diferentes maneras del quehacer de una marica inmiscuida en el proceso de producción de memorias de las disidencias sexuales. Parodiando el Manifiesto de Pedro Lemebel, me hago la pregunta en singular sobre quien soy para desmontar el artilugio de lo colectivo como única manera de ser dentro de la comunidad LGTBI.
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  22.  23
    Cités et emporia dans le commerce avec les barbares, à la lumière du document dit à tort « inscription de Pistiros ».Benedetto Bravo & Véronique Chankowski-sablé - 1999 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 123 (1):275-317.
    De l'inscription de Septemvri dite « inscription de Pistiros », il ressort que Pistiros est une polis qui fut autrefois sujette du roi Kotys (I) et qui, au moment de la gravure de l'inscription, est sujette d'un des trois successeurs de Kotys. Elle doit être localisée à l'endroit où Hérodote (VII 109, 2) situe une ville de ce nom : sur la côte égéenne de la Thrace, non loin du débouché du Nestos. Les deux emporia dont il est question sont (...)
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    Monuments épigraphiques de Pistiros.Lidia Domaradzka - 1999 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 123 (1):347-358.
    The ancient centre of Pistiros, where archaeological excavations have been taking place since 1988, was founded in the 5th century BC in the Marica valley. The article examines the epigraphical evidence from this site and suggests some changes and clarifications in the reading of the text of the Vetren inscription, published in BCH 118 (1994) by the late professor V. Velkov and the author of this article. An analysis of the epigraphical evidence (4 inscriptions on stone and over 140 (...)
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