Results for 'Margaret Martinez'

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  1.  20
    Consistency and strength of grapheme-color associations are separable aspects of synesthetic experience.Simon Lacey, Margaret Martinez, Nicole Steiner, Lynne C. Nygaard & K. Sathian - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 91 (C):103137.
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  2. Lady Mary Shepherd's case against George Berkeley.Margaret Atherton - 1996 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 4 (2):347 – 366.
  3. Seeing and Caring: The Role of Affect in Feminist Moral Epistemology.Margaret Olivia Little - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (3):117 - 137.
    I develop two different epistemic roles for emotion and desire. Caring for moral ends and people plays a pivotal though contingent role in ensuring reliable awareness of morally salient details; possession of various emotions and motives is a necessary condition for autonomous understanding of moral concepts themselves. Those who believe such connections compromise the "objective" status of morality tend to assume rather than argue for the bifurcated conception of reason and affect this essay challenges.
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    Shifting the Geography of Reason as Praxis.Jacqueline M. Martinez - 2024 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 4 (1):7-20.
    The Caribbean Philosophical Association’s project of shifting the geography of reason requires five specific commitments of attunement: (1) to the languages we use, (2) to our expressive and perceptive capacities, (3) to the communities in which we are engaged and the ones we aspire to engage within, (4) to building culture through political struggle, and (5) to our situatedness and irreducible interconnectedness. Each of these commitments is developed toward identifying the mutually constructive relationship between communicology and creolization.
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  5. Scanlon on promissory obligation: The problem of promisees' rights.Margaret Gilbert - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy 101 (2):83 - 109.
    This article offers a critique of Thomas Scanlon's well-known account of promissory obligation by reference to the rights of promisees. Scanlon's account invokes a moral principle, the "principle of fidelity". Now, corresponding to a promisor's obligation to perform is a promisee's right to performance. It is argued that one cannot account for this right in terms of Scanlon's principle. This is so in spite of a clause in the principle relating to the promisee's "consent", which might have been thought to (...)
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    (1 other version)Superadded Properties: The Limits of Mechanism in Locke.Margaret D. Wilson - 1979 - American Philosophical Quarterly 16 (2):143 - 150.
  7. Notes on the Concept of a Social Convention.Margaret Gilbert - 1983 - New Literary History 14 (02):225-251.
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    Observations upon Experimental Philosophy.Margaret Cavendish & Eileen O'neill - 2004 - Philosophical Quarterly 54 (214):175-177.
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    Mother Time: Women, Aging, and Ethics.Margaret Urban Walker (ed.) - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Fifteen original essays open up a novel area of inquiry: the distinctively ethical dimensions of women's experiences of and in aging. Contributors distinguished in the fields of feminist ethics and the ethics of aging explore assumptions, experiences, practices, and public policies that affect women's well-being and dignity in later life. The book brings to the study of women's aging a reflective dimension missing from the empirical work that has predominated to date. Ethical studies of aging have so far failed to (...)
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    (1 other version)The Philosopher's Use of Analogy.Margaret MacDonald - 1938 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 38:291-312.
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  11. Bibliografia filosofica enpanola. Elenco 1976.Martinez Lg - 1976 - Pensamiento 32 (128):465-496.
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    Ockham y Wittgenstein. Acerca de los alcances y límites de la relación pensamiento-lenguaje.Jean Paul Martínez Zepeda - 2018 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 12:69-93.
    For Ockham and Wittgenstein the analysis of knowledge is based on language. Both authors uphold the conception of the world from a logical-philosophical dimension configured by the close thought-language relationship. This construct is developed on the basis of the following three aspects: first, concepts are signs of things; second, propositions describe “state of affairs”; and third, knowledge in terms of “habits” is expressed in propositions structured in terms of the “uses” of language. These propositions are established by the thought considered (...)
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  13. Is Ground Said-in-Many-Ways?Margaret Anne Cameron - 2014 - Studia Philosophica Estonica 7 (2):29.
    Proponents of ground, which is used to indicate relations of ontological fundamentality, insist that ground is a unified phenomenon, but this thesis has recently been criticized. I will first review the proponents' claims for ground's unicity, as well as the criticisms that ground is too heterogeneous to do the philosophical work it is supposed to do. By drawing on Aristotle's notion of homonymy, I explore whether ground's metaphysical heterogeneity can be theoretically accommodated while at the same time preserving its proponents' (...)
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    The Wide and Narrow of Reflective Equilibrium.Margaret Holmgren - 1989 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 19 (1):43 - 60.
    In a well-known series of articles, Norman Daniels has drawn a contrast between wide reflective equilibrium and a more traditional method of theory acceptance in ethics that would be employed by a sophisticated moral intuitionist. The more traditional method is geared towards achieving a narrow equilibrium, or ‘an ordered pair of a set of considered moral judgments acceptable to a given person P at a given time, and a set of moral principles that economically systematizes.’ Although we might achieve narrow (...)
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    Feminism, Ethics, and the Question of Theory.Margaret Urban Walker - 1992 - Hypatia 7 (3):23 - 38.
    Feminist discussions of ethics in the Western philosophical tradition range from critiques of the substance of dominant moral theories to critiques of the very practice of "doing ethics" itself. I argue that these critiques really target a certain historically specific model of ethics and moral theory-a "theoretical-juridical" one. I outline an "expressive-collaborative" conception of morality and ethics that could be a politically self-conscious and reflexively critical alternative.
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  16. Self-forgiveness and responsible moral agency.Margaret R. Holmgren - 1998 - Journal of Value Inquiry 32 (1):75-91.
  17.  11
    Speaking out in public: citizen participation in contentious school board meetings.Margaret Durfy & Karen Tracy - 2007 - Discourse and Communication 1 (2):223-249.
    A high level of citizen involvement in civic life is presumed crucial to the well-being of democracy, but the actual discourse of citizen involvement has rarely been analyzed. This article analyzes citizen participation in the school board meetings of one US community that was in the midst of conflict. After providing background on education governance practices and the community that was studied, citizen participation is examined. Citizen commentaries at school board meetings are shown to be a distinct speech genre and (...)
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    Wats Dyke: an archaeological and historical enigma.Margaret Worthington - 1997 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 79 (3):177-196.
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    Knowledge of Substance and Knowledge of Science in Locke's Essay.Margaret Atherton - 1984 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 1 (4):413 - 428.
  20.  23
    Negotiating Maternal Identity: Adrienne Rich’s Legacy for Inquiry into the Political-Philosophical Dimensions of Pregnancy and Childbirth.Candace Johnson - 2014 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 4 (1):65-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Negotiating Maternal IdentityAdrienne Rich’s Legacy for Inquiry into the Political-Philosophical Dimensions of Pregnancy and ChildbirthCandace JohnsonGiving birth has been described as the crossing of an imaginary threshold, which separates an independent maternal self from some sort of dual or subordinate existence. The metaphor of a border has also been employed to demonstrate this transformation, which may be liberating, oppressive, or some complex combination thereof (Weir 2006; Martinez 2004). (...)
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    Values and Uncertainty in Simulation Models.Margaret Morrison - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S5):939-959.
    In this paper I argue for a distinction between subjective and value laden aspects of judgements showing why equating the former with the latter has the potential to confuse matters when the goal is uncovering the influence of political influences on scientific practice. I will focus on three separate but interrelated issues. The first concerns the issue of ‘verification’ in computational modelling. This is a practice that involves a number of formal techniques but as I show, even these allegedly objective (...)
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  22.  61
    Unified Theories and Disparate Things.Margaret Morrison - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:365 - 373.
    Some very persuasive arguments have been put forward in recent years in support of the disunity of science. Despite this, one is forced to acknowledge that unification, especially the practice of unifying theories, remains a crucial aspect of scientific practice. I explore specific aspects of this tension by examining the nature of theory unification and how it is achieved in the case of the electroweak theory. I claim that because the process of unifying theories is largely dependent on particular kinds (...)
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  23. Terminal sedation: Pulling the sheet over our eyes.Margaret P. Battin - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (5):pp. 27-30.
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  24. The objects of immediate perception.Margaret Atherton - 2008 - In Stephen Hartley Daniel (ed.), New interpretations of Berkeley's thought. Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
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    Aleppo's Mālikāne-Dīvānī SystemAleppo's Malikane-Divani System.Margaret L. Venzke - 1986 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 106 (3):451.
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    State and Peasant in the Ottoman Empire: Agrarian Power Relations and Regional Economic Development in Ottoman Anatolia during the Sixteenth Century.Margaret L. Venzke, Huri İslamoǧlu-İnan & Huri Islamoglu-Inan - 1997 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 117 (3):593.
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    Two Instances of Symbolism in the Sixth Aeneid.Margaret De G. Verrall - 1910 - The Classical Review 24 (02):43-46.
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    Beyond fate.Margaret Visser - 2002 - Toronto, ON: House of Anansi Press.
    By observing how fatalism expresses itself in one's daily life, in everything from table manners to shopping to sport, the book proposes ways to limit its influence.
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    Sartre, may 68 and literature.Margaret Atack - 1999 - Sartre Studies International 5 (1):33-48.
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    Berkeley's theory of vision and its reception.Margaret Atherton - 2005 - In Kenneth P. Winkler (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Berkeley. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 94.
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    The social liberalism of Jenaro Abasolo. Political path towards the empowerment of the disinherited in the industrial regime of the 19th century.Pablo Martínez Becerra & Francisco Cordero Morales - 2022 - Veritas: Revista de Filosofía y Teología 53:61-86.
    Resumen Este artículo da cuenta de la forma en que el liberalismo del filósofo chileno Jenaro Abasolo (1833-1884), al conceder un rol activo al Estado en la “habilitación de la masa desheredada”, responde al adjetivo “social”. En Abasolo, el deber de asegurar en lo posible la prosperidad de las personas, se sostiene en el derecho natural y en una teología de la historia pan[en]teísta afín al krausismo. Abasolo piensa que la redención del desheredado en naciones aun juveniles debe apoyarse en (...)
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    Una subjetividad infinita: hacia una comprensión teleológica de la conciencia desde la fenomenología levinasiana.Hugo Martínez García - 2020 - Dianoia 65 (84):135-166.
    Resumen El presente artículo ofrece una interpretación teleológica de la vida consciente y se basa, sobre todo, en la postura fenomenológica de Emmanuel Levinas. Sin embargo, es preciso tener en mente que la fenomenología husserliana está siempre presente como sustrato de ésta. Por ello, a partir de una lectura en que ambas perspectivas se complementan, trazaré un esquema en el que la totalidad de la conciencia se realiza como teleológica y explicaré el papel preponderante que cumple la síntesis en los (...)
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  33. Nuevos tiempos en la estética de las nuevas tecnologías: la eterna juventud.José Luis Molinuevo Martínez de Bujo - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 76:121-123.
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  34. Una lectura de Santo Tomás de Aquino.J. Martínez Zepeda - 2009 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 37:47-75.
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    Am I My Parents' Keeper? An Essay on Justice between the Young and Old.Margaret Pabst Battin & Norman Daniels - 1990 - Hastings Center Report 20 (2):48.
    Book reviewed in this article: Am I My Parents' Keeper? An Essay on Justice Between the Young and Old. By Norman Daniels.
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    Least Worst Death--Essays in Bioethics at the End of Life.Margaret Pabst Battin & Rodney A. Syme - 1996 - Bioethics 10 (1):79-79.
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    Of islands and interactions.Margaret Boden - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (5):53-63.
    John Ziman-- the much-missed-- reminds us that 'no man is an island', and takes us to task for working from an individualistic theoretical base. That 'us' includes nearly all social scientists, and most Anglo-American philosophers too. For sure, it includes cognitive scientists, who theorize people in terms of concepts drawn from cybernetics and/or artificial intelligence. (I'll use the term 'computational concepts' broadly, to cover both types.) Indeed, it's a common complaint that cognitive science is overly individualistic.
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    Justifying conservation: Comment on Nellson et al.Margaret Donaldson - 1983 - Cognition 15 (1-3):293-295.
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    A Case of Distorted Communication.Margaret Canovan - 1983 - Political Theory 11 (1):105-116.
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    Evaluation of the Educative Objectives of Morphophysiology I in Dentistry.María Josefina Méndez Martínez & Hidalgo García - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (3):754-771.
    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo para identificar los procedimientos que utiliza el colectivo de Morfofisiología I de la carrera de Estomatología para evaluar los objetivos educativos de la asignatura. Conformaron el universo todos los estudiantes de primer año de la carrera del curso 2010-2011 y los profesores del colectivo de la asignatura de la Facultad de Estomatología de Camagüey. Se aplicaron encuestas a profesores y estudiantes y guías de observación a las diferentes formas de organización de la enseñanza. Los profesores (...)
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    The financial basis of french scientific education and scientific institutions in Paris, 1790–1815.Margaret Bradley - 1979 - Annals of Science 36 (5):451-491.
    In this article an attempt is made to determine what financial support was given between 1790 and 1815 to some of the principal French scientific institutions situated in Paris. Systematic budgeting was not established until after 1815, so it has not been possible to provide a complete picture of development. The financial and economic background have been surveyed, together with some political arguments for and against investment in science and education. Eight institutions have been chosen as representative of the general (...)
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  42. Filosofía y Antropología: Interconexiones.Jorge Luis Méndez-Martínez, Eva Salgado Andrade & Alberto Torrentera (eds.) - 2014 - Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios en Antropología Social (CIESAS).
    Filosofía y antropología: interconexiones reúne ensayos en donde ambas disciplinas dialogan sobre cuatro campos vertebrales: conocimiento, lenguaje, política-poder y cultura. Respecto al conocimiento, se articulan las relaciones históricas, sus hermenéuticas y problemas éticos comunes. -/- A propósito del lenguaje, se aborda la construcción simbólica de los artefactos, la pragmática y las implicaciones lógicas en la práctica antropológica. Sobre el poder, se muestran los problemas sobre el pluralismo político, el mal, las feminidades y la transexualidad. En torno a la cultura, se (...)
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    Methodology to evaluate the educative objectives of the subject Morphophysiology I in the dental career.María Josefina Méndez Martínez & Hidalgo García - 2014 - Humanidades Médicas 14 (3):687-698.
    A partir de las deficiencias detectadas en la evaluación de los objetivos educativos en la asignatura Morfofisiología I de la carrera de Estomatología, determinadas en un estudio previo realizado en la Facultad de Estomatología de Camagüey, se diseñó una metodología para facilitar a los docentes indicadores que les permitan considerar los objetivos educativos dentro de la evaluación final de los estudiantes. Se incluyen etapas, procedimientos y pasos para la instrumentación de la misma. Se considera que la misma facilitará un juicio (...)
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    Regulación de la eutanasia y el suicidio asistido en España. ¿Hacia qué modelo se dirige la opinión pública?M. ª Ángeles Molina Martínez & Rafael Serrano del Rosal - 2014 - Arbor 190 (769):a174.
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    Introduction.Margaret Macdonald, A. M. Maciver, P. T. Geach & Nathaniel Lawrence - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (3):291-292.
  46. Logica Vetus.Margaret Cameron - 2016 - In Catarina Dutilh Novaes & Stephen Read (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Logic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 195-219.
  47. Purposive Explanation in Psychology.Margaret Boden - 1974 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 25 (3):299-300.
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  48. The Influence of High-Level Beliefs on Self-Regulatory Engagement: Evidence From Thermal Pain Stimulation.Margaret T. Lynn, Pieter Van Dessel & Marcel Brass - 2014 - In Ezequiel Morsella & T. Andrew Poehlman (eds.), Consciousness and action control. Lausanne, Switzerland: Frontiers Media SA.
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    Behavior: an Introduction to Comparative Psychology.Margaret Floy Washburn - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24 (2):210-213.
  50.  28
    The concepts of dormancy, latency, and dominance in nineteenth-century biology.Margaret Campbell - 1983 - Journal of the History of Biology 16 (3):409-431.
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