Results for 'Marga Viljoen'

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  1. Embodiment and the experience of built space: the contributions of Merleau-Ponty and Don Ihde.Marga Viljoen - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (3):306-329.
    This paper explores the problem of how we perceive built space and the ways that we relate to its abstract representations. Poincaré presented the problem that space poses for the 20th century in his essay ‘The Relativity of Space’, in which the human body and technics are already a part of our spatial perceptions. Merleau-Ponty, the “philosopher of the body”, and Don Ihde, a philosopher of technology, ground their work on the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger (to different (...)
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  2. Donnellan's distinction/Kripke's test.Marga Reimer - 1998 - Analysis 58 (2):89-100.
  3. Quotation marks: demonstratives or demonstrations?Marga Reimer - 1996 - Analysis 56 (3):131-141.
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    Introduction: The Secret Lives of Textbooks.Marga Vicedo - 2012 - Isis 103 (1):83-87.
    Textbooks have a low status in the history of science because they have been seen as mere repositories for scientific knowledge. But historians have recently shown how they play a number of roles that can illuminate different aspects of the history of science, from priority disputes to pedagogical practices. The essays in this Focus section aim to expand our vision of textbooks further by showing how they perform various hybrid functions in scientific development.
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    Karl Barth's dialogue with Catholicism in Göttingen and Münster: its significance for his doctrine of God.Amy Marga - 2010 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Amy Marga studies Karl Barth's early encounter with Roman Catholic theology during the 1920s, especially seen in his seminal set of dogmatic lectures given in..
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  6. Do Demonstrations Have Semantic Significance?Marga Reimer - 1991 - Analysis 51 (4):177--183.
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    Proverbs: Prose or poetry?Anneke Viljoen - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3):5.
    Should Proverbs be read as prose or poetry? Considering the language craft is of essential significance for a hermeneutical enquiry into the biblical book of Proverbs. Five suppositions to support the presupposition that Proverbs is best read as poetry were considered.
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  8. Pfeiffer, Konrad, Arthur Schopenhauer. Die Persönlichkeit und das Werk in eigenen Worten des Philosophen.Marga Brie - 1926 - Kant Studien 31:407.
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    The Rand afrikaans university and the needs of the community.Gerrit Viljoen - 1980 - Philosophical Papers 9 (sup001):51-71.
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  10. Informatie is macht.Marga Kool - forthcoming - Idee.
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    'Bang-Bang Has Been Good to Us': Photography and Violence in South Africa.Bronwyn Law-Viljoen - 2010 - Theory, Culture and Society 27 (7-8):214-237.
    This article considers the changing perceptions, expressions and representations of violence in South Africa post-1994, with particular reference to photography. Following the evolution of the documentary tradition in its relationship to the political history of South Africa, I will suggest that since the release of Nelson Mandela and the first democratic elections in South Africa, photography has taken a new turn, particularly with regard to its representation of violence, which had been its primary iconography up to that watershed moment. I (...)
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    Argumentarea.Andrei Marga - 2006 - Cluj-Napoca: Editura Fundației Studiilor Europene.
  13.  10
    Reconstrucția pragmatică a filosofiei.Andrei Marga - 1998 - Iași: Polirom.
    v. 1. Recuperări ; Receptarea pragmatismului ; Pragmatismul până la Peirce.
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  14. Exploring Austin's galaxy: searching for truth through the lens of ordinary language.Marga Reimer - 2017 - In Savas L. Tsohatzidis, Interpreting J. L. Austin: Critical Essays. Cambridge University Press.
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    “Hesperus is Phosphorus”: Contingent or Necessary?Marga Reimer - 2000 - Facta Philosophica 2 (1):3-21.
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    Popper en Madrid.Marga Vicedo - 1985 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 1 (1).
    Aún en nuestros días es fácil comprobar la existencia de filósofos, y también de científicos, que creen que los límites de la razón se identifican con los de su propia concepción del mundo. Desgraciadamente, el ocultamiento y la tergiversación de datos es, todavía hoy, una práctica usual. Actitud que no es más que la vertiente práctica de una postura intelectual dogmática e intolerable. Por eso resulta estimulante encontrar un hombre cuya vida y pensamiento podría definirse como la antítesis del dogmatismo, (...)
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    (1 other version)The Chromosome Theory of Mendelian Inheritance: Explanation and Realism in Theory Construction.Marga Vicedo - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:179 - 191.
    This paper examines the process that led to the identification of chromosomes as carriers of genes. It focuses on the role played by explanations in theory construction and analyzes the status given to the entities and processes introduced through such explanations. I argue that the theory of the gene was a functional explanation that, as such, could not offer decisive support for the existence of genes. However, I maintain that functional explanations set the conditions of identification needed to discover the (...)
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    Kommunisme, Euro-kommunisme en Rooms-Katolisisme.C. J. Viljoen - 1978 - HTS Theological Studies 34 (4).
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    Sophocles, Electra, vv. 137 SQQ.H. G. Viljoen - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (02):70-.
    In a previous article I have cited these lines in support of my emendation ‘Ηλεκτρατον for the MS. text Ηλεκτρα τοκν, v. 1075. With Jebb I tacitly agreed that the word-order ωδ’ ακορεστον οίμωγáν was correct. The metre of vv. 138–9 οντε γools ορτε λίταίσιν must therefore be defective.
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    The economics of primitive peoples.Stephan Viljoen - 1936 - London,: P. S. King and son.
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    A "Meinongian" Solution to a Millian Problem.Marga Reimer - 2001 - American Philosophical Quarterly 38 (3):233 - 248.
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  22. A Davidsonian perspective on psychiatric delusions.Marga Reimer - 2011 - Philosophical Psychology 24 (5):659 - 677.
    A number of philosophers have argued that psychiatric delusions threaten Donald Davidson's rationalist account of intentional agency. I argue that a careful look at both Davidson's account and psychiatric delusions shows that, in fact, the two are perfectly compatible. Indeed, a Davidsonian perspective on psychiatric delusions proves remarkably illuminating.
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  23. Only a Philosopher or a Madman: Impractical Delusions in Philosophy and Psychiatry.Marga Reimer - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (4):315-328.
    Whether your scepticism is as absolute and sincere as you claim is something we shall learn later on, when we end this little meeting: we’ll then see whether you leave the room through the door or the window; and whether you really doubt that your body has gravity and can be injured by its fall—which is what people in general think on the basis of their fallacious senses and more fallacious experience. What Could Be more dissimilar than a well-argued philosophical (...)
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  24. Demonstratives, demonstrations, and demonstrata.Marga Reimer - 1991 - Philosophical Studies 63 (2):187--202.
  25. Descriptions and beyond.Marga Reimer & Anne Bezuidenhout (eds.) - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The authors present a collection of brand-new essays on important topics at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics.
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  26. Metaphorical Meanings. Do you see what I mean?Marga Reimer - 2007 - The Baltic International Yearbook of Cognition, Logic and Communication 3.
    My intention in this paper is to propose a conception of metaphorical meaning on which the meaning of a metaphor includes propositional as well as non-propositional features. I will make two general claims on behalf of the proposed account: first, it is intuitive; second, it is of theoretical value. In claiming that the proposed account is of theoretical value, I mean only that its adoption leads to an increased understanding of the nature of metaphor: of metaphorical thought and ofmetaphorical communication (...)
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  27. A modular approach to the grammar of additive particles: The case of German auch.Reis Marga & Rosengren Inger - 1997 - Journal of Semantics 14 (3).
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    Filosofia lui Habermas.Andrei Marga - 2006 - Iași: Polirom.
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    Introducere în metodologia și argumentarea filosofică.Andrei Marga - 1992 - Cluj-Napoca: Editura Dacia.
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    Philosophia Et Theologia Hodie.Andrei Marga - 2008 - Editura Fundației Pentru Studii Europene.
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    Affective Dysfunction and the Cluster B Personality Disorders.Marga Reimer & Brandon Day - 2013 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 20 (3):225-229.
  32.  38
    Childhood Trauma and the Mentally Ill Parent: Reconciling Moral and Medical Conceptions of" What Really Happened".Marga Reimer - 2010 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 17 (3):265-267.
  33. The semantic significance of referential intentions.Marga Reimer - manuscript
    of (from Philosophy Dissertations Online).
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    Euripides, Svpplices, 1114 Sq.H. G. Viljoen - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (03):123-.
    So MSS. For xs03D5ερετε metri causa Scaliger proposed xs03D5ερετι, an emendation rightly accepted by editors. In the preceding line καιδή conceals a corruption.Wilamowitz reads:και μήν παιδωμ ταδε δή.The change,however, is too violent to recommend itself on palaeographic grounds. In his notatio critica Murray says: Fortasse παισι.
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    Modelling the Impact of HIV on the Populations of South Africa and Botswana.T. Viljoen, J. Spoelstra, L. Hemerik & J. Molenaar - 2014 - Acta Biotheoretica 62 (1):91-108.
    We develop and use mathematical models that describe changes in the South African population over the last decades, brought on by HIV and AIDS. We do not model all the phases in HIV progression but rather, we show that a relatively simple model is sufficient to represent the data and allows us to investigate important aspects of HIV infection: firstly, we are able to investigate the effect of awareness on the prevalence of HIV and secondly, it enables us to make (...)
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    Sophocles' Electra 1074 SQQ.H. G. Viljoen - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (01):1-.
    As far as I know, Kaibel is the only champion of the soundness of our text in this passage. In his edition of the Electra he has the following note : ‘Zu τòν xs22EFxs025Bxs22EF πατρóς ist, wie Haupt gezeigt hat , der Nominal-begriff aus dem Verbum zu ergäanzen, genau wie in μxs22EFανδικxs22EFζxs025Bιν, διττxs22EFν παxs1FD6σαι u. a. statt des Adjektivs steht das durch den Artikel gestützte Adverbium, vgl. Arist. Ran. 191 νxs025Bναυμxs22EFχηκxs025B τxs22EFν πxs025Bρxs22EF τxs22EFν κρxs025Bxs22EFν und das sprüchwörtliche τòν πxs025Bρxs22EF ψυχ࿆ς (...)
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    Do Adjectives Conform to Compositionality?Marga Reimer - 2002 - Noûs 36 (s16):183 - 198.
  38. Three views of demonstrative reference.Marga Reimer - 1992 - Synthese 93 (3):373 - 402.
    Three views of demonstrative reference are examined: contextual, intentional, and quasi-intentional. According to the first, such reference is determined entirely by certain publicly accessible features of the context. According to the second, speaker intentions are criterial in demonstrative reference. And according to the third, both contextual features and intentions come into play in the determination of demonstrative reference. The first two views (both of which enjoy current popularity) are rejected as implausible; the third (originally proposed by Kaplan in Dthat) is (...)
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  39. The problem of empty names.Marga Reimer - 2001 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 79 (4):491 – 506.
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    The Father of Ethology and the Foster Mother of Ducks: Konrad Lorenz as Expert on Motherhood.Marga Vicedo - 2009 - Isis 100 (2):263-291.
    ABSTRACT Konrad Lorenz's popularity in the United States has to be understood in the context of social concern about the mother‐infant dyad after World War II. Child analysts David Levy, René Spitz, Margarethe Ribble, Therese Benedek, and John Bowlby argued that many psychopathologies were caused by a disruption in the mother‐infant bond. Lorenz extended his work on imprinting to humans and argued that maternal care was also instinctual. The conjunction of psychoanalysis and ethology helped shore up the view that the (...)
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  41. (2 other versions)Metaphor.Marga Reimer & Elisabeth Camp - 2006 - In Ernest LePore & Barry C. Smith, The Oxford Handbook to the Philosophy of Language. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    A narrative hermeneutical adventure: Seafarers and their complex relationship with their families.Chris J. Viljoen & Julian C. Müller - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (2).
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    Die religieuse in Afrika-sosialisme.C. J. Viljoen - 1981 - HTS Theological Studies 37 (4).
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    Emendations in Euripides' MEDEA.H. G. Viljoen - 1916 - Classical Quarterly 10 (03):124-.
    πóθεν θράος η Θρενό ηχειρì ΤÈΚνων σÈθΕνΚαρδα τε λήψηδεινàν πpoσáγονσα τóλμαν.
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    Note on Euripides.H. G. Viljoen - 1918 - Classical Quarterly 12 (01):45-.
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  46. Davidson on metaphor.Marga Reimer - 2001 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 25 (1):142–155.
  47. Descriptively introduced names.Marga Reimer - 2004 - In Marga Reimer & Anne Bezuidenhout, Descriptions and beyond. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 613--629.
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  48. Quantification and context.Marga Reimer - 1998 - Linguistics and Philosophy 21 (1):95-115.
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    The wettstein/salmon debate: Critique and resolution.Marga Reimer - 1998 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 79 (2):130–151.
    Does Keith Donnellan's referential/attributive distinction have ‘semantic significance’? Howard Wettstein has claimed (in several papers) that it does; Nathan Salmon has responded (in several papers) that it does not. Specifically, while Wettstein has claimed that definite descriptions, used referentially, function semantically as demonstratives, Salmon has responded to Wettstein's claims by defending a unitary Russellian account of such expressions, according to which they invariably function as quantifiers. This paper involves a critique of the debate between Wettstein and Salmon, and offers a (...)
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  50.  46
    Review Essay Scientific Styles: Toward Some Common Ground in the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science.Marga Vicedo - 1995 - Perspectives on Science 3 (2):231-254.
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