Results for 'Marcus Herz'

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    Philosophisch-medizinische Aufsätze.Marcus Herz & Martin L. Davies - 1997
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    Identity Or History?: Marcus Herz and the End of the Enlightenment.Martin L. Davies - 1995 - Wayne State University Press.
    Martin Davies draws parallels between Herz's personal life and Prussian politics and culture to make sense of the end of the eighteenth century when Enlightenment tradition and Romantic thought coincided.
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    From enlightenment to Naturphilosophie: Marcus Herz, Johann Christian Reil, and the problem of border crossings.Leeann Hansen - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (1):39-64.
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    La Carta de Kant a Marcus Herz: 21 de Febrero de 1772.Andrés Lema-Hincapié - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 18.
    Por una parte, la carta que Kant escribe a Marcus Herz el 2l de febrero de 1772 es famosa, pues ella es quizá el único documento de valor que informa sobre una década previa al criticismo durante la cual Kant dejo de publicar. Ésta es la década que va desde 1770, fecha de la De Mundi Sensibilis atque Intelligibilis Forma et Principiis: Dissertatio, y la primera edición de la Crítica de la razón pura (1781). La carta de algún (...)
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  5. Kant's Letter to Marcus Herz, February 21, 1772 I. Introduction.Lewis White Beck - 1955 - Philosophical Forum 13:96.
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  6. Marcus Herz: First letter (1770) / Herz ; Second letter (1771) / Kant ; Third letter (1771) / Herz ; Observations from speculative philosophy (1771) / Herz ; Fourth letter (1772) ; Fifth letter (1776). [REVIEW] Kant - 2009 - In Eric Watkins, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  7. Carta a Marcus Herz.Immanuel Kant - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 10:165-172.
  8. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics: And the Letter to Marcus Herz, February 1772.Immanuel Kant - 2001 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    This edition of _Prolegomena_ includes Kant’s letter of February, 1772 to Marcus Herz, a momentous document in which Kant relates the progress of his thinking and announces that he is now ready to present a critique of pure reason.
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    Lettre à Marcus Herz, du 21 février 1772.Immanuel Kant - 1968 - Paris,: Aubier-Montaigne. Edited by Marcus Herz & Roger Verneaux.
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  10. Kant, Lettre à Marcus Herz du 21 février 1772, tr. par R. Verneaux. [REVIEW]J. Kopper - 1970 - Kant Studien 61 (1):143.
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    Gedanken zu einem ambivalenten Verhältnis: Marcus Herz und Immanuel Kant.Martin L. Davies - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 140-147.
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  12. On Kant's letter to Marcus Herz from 1772.Predrag Cicovacki - 1994 - Theoria 37 (1):11-22.
  13. I. Kant: Deducción Trascendental De Las Categorías – Versión De 1781 – Dos Cartas A Marcus Herz. Trad. Jorge E. Dotti. [REVIEW]Maximiliano Marcos - 2001 - Kant Studien 92 (2):223-225.
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  14. Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics That Will Be Able to Come Forward as Science, with Kant's Letter to Marcus Herz, February 27, 1772 the Paul Carus Translation.Immanuel Kant & James W. Ellington - 2001
  15. Some Questions About Kant’s “Clear Question”.Alan Schwerin - 1998 - Southwest Philosophy Review 14 (2):1-15.
    Kant's correspondence with his colleague and zealous disciple, Marcus Herz, was prophetic: only a few will understand the Critique of Pure Reason. Unfortunately, the problems are intractable and the necessary conceptual scheme to deal with the problems requires a "complete change of thinking in this part of human knowledge". But eventually people will "get over the initial numbness" Kant reassures another correspondent, Christian Garve. Fortunately, he suggests, there is a central question at the foundation of his difficult thought (...)
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    The essential Kant.Immanuel Kant & Arnulf Zweig - 1970 - New York,: New American Library. Edited by Arnulf Zweig.
    Kant's letters to Marcus Herz and J. C. Lavater.--Critique of pure reason; selections.--Fundamental principles of the metaphysics of morals.--Critique of practical reason; selections.--Critique of judgement; selections.--Metaphysics of morals: the metaphysical principles of virtue; selection.--Bibliography (p. 31).
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    Kants Wende zum Ich.Heiner F. Klemme - 1999 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 53 (4):507 - 529.
    Wenn es eine Lehre gibt, welche neben der Raum-Zeittheorie der Inauguraldissertation von 1770 für die Genese der Kritik der reinen Vernunft von zentraler Bedeutung ist, dann ist es die von Kant in den frühen Anthropologievorlesungen der siebziger Jahre vorgetragene Theorie eines spontanen, freien und selbstbewußten Ich. Aus welchen systematischen Erwägungen heraus hat er diese Ich-Theorie entwickelt? Was hat ihn dazu veranlaßt, seine Philosophie auf einem spontanen, freien und selbstbewußten Ich zu gründen, welches als eine einfache, numerisch identische, immaterielle und freie (...)
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  18. Kant in reply to Lambert on the ancestry of metaphysical concepts.Alison Laywine - 2001 - Kantian Review 5:1-48.
    The purpose of this paper is to make sense of the immediate philosophical aftermath of Kant's Inaugural Dissertation. I will try to show what Kant himself took to be the problems left unsettled in the dissertation, and how he tried to deal with them. At the end of the paper, I will briefly sketch how he may have proceeded after the famous letter to Marcus Herz of 1772, and what path he would have had to take to recognize (...)
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    Kant on Moral Education, or "Enlightenment" and the Liberal Arts.G. Felicitas Munzel - 2003 - Review of Metaphysics 57 (1):43 - 73.
    “THE ONLY THING NECESSARY IS NOT THEORETICAL LEARNING, but the Bildung of human beings, both in regard to their talents and their character.” Kant’s epigrammatic observation in his 1778 letter to Christian Wolke, director of the Philanthropin, adumbrates not only his mature sense of “enlightenment” but also the pedagogical role of his critical philosophy and his own life’s work. Over a decade earlier, his reading of Rousseau’s Emile: or, On Education had “set him straight” about what constitutes the true dignity (...)
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    Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials.Eric Watkins (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This volume provides English translations of texts that form the essential background to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Presenting the projects of Kant's predecessors and contemporaries in eighteenth-century Germany, it enables readers to understand the positions that Kant might have identified with 'pure reason', the criticisms of pure reason that had developed prior to Kant's, and alternative attempts at synthesizing empiricist elements within a rationalist framework. The volume contains chapters on Christian Wolff, Martin Knutzen, Alexander Baumgarten, Christian Crusius, Leonhard Euler, (...)
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    A reply to Walter Kaufmann.Henry Walter Brann - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (2):246-250.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:246 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY f~ntlSetifr ~uftanbebrtn~en, [o,ba{~hie @i~e~t heeler~anbluu~ ~uaIet~ bee ~[u~e[t bee ~emu~tfein~ (~m ~e~riffe eiuer ~inie)i[t, u,b baburd~a[rerer[t em Dbieft (el, be[timmter ~a,,m) erfannt r0irb.") The notion of constructing a concept is a technical one for Kant ("r ~e@rlffabet f on ft r u i r en, beiflt: hie i~m focre[p0nblereube ~In [ c @a u u,@ a ~ c i o ~i bar[tdlen." Op. cit., B741)--to (...)
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    Kant and the Post‐Kantian Debate.Tom Rockmore - 2006 - In In Kant's Wake: Philosophy in the Twentieth Century. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 22–48.
    The prelims comprise: On the Modern Philosophical Background On Kant's Relation to the Contemporary Philosophical Background Kant's Letter to Marcus Herz Kant's Two Epistemological Solutions in the Critique of Pure Reason Kant's Copernican Revolution in Philosophy as Constructivism Kant's Copernican Revolution, Science, and Metaphysics Kant's Copernican Revolution in Philosophy and Metaphysics Kant, Hegel, and the Historical Turn.
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    The Ethics of Salomon Maimon.David Baumgardt - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (2):199-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Ethics of Salomon Maimon (1753-1800) DAVID BAUMGARDT* SALOMON MAIMON is now generally considered the most acute mind among the earliest critics of Kant. Kant himself had praised his acumen,1 though later qualifying his regard decisively.2 Johann Gottfried Herder called * We have just learned of the death of the author. David Baumgardt, born in Germany on April 20, 1890, studied in Vienna and in Berlin and taught philosophy (...)
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  24. The Subjective Deduction and Kant’s Methodological Skepticism.Huaping Lu-Adler - 2022 - In Giuseppe Motta, Dennis Schulting & Udo Thiel, Kant's Transcendental Deduction and the Theory of Apperception: New Interpretations. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 341-60.
    The deduction of categories in the 1781 edition of the Critique of the Pure Reason (A Deduction) has “two sides”—the “objective deduction” and the “subjective deduction”. Kant seems ambivalent about the latter deduction. I treat it as a significant episode of Kant’s thinking about categories that extended from the early 1770s to around 1790. It contains his most detailed answer to the question about the origin of categories that he formulated in the 1772 letter to Marcus Herz. The (...)
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  25. The Subjective Deduction and Kant’s Methodological Skepticism.Huaping Lu-Adler - 2022 - In Giuseppe Motta, Dennis Schulting & Udo Thiel, Kant's Transcendental Deduction and the Theory of Apperception: New Interpretations. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 341-360.
    The deduction of categories in the 1781 edition of the Critique of the Pure Reason (A Deduction) has “two sides”—the “objective deduction” and the “subjective deduction”. Kant seems ambivalent about the latter deduction. I treat it as a significant episode of Kant’s thinking about categories that extended from the early 1770s to around 1790. It contains his most detailed answer to the question about the origin of categories that he formulated in the 1772 letter to Marcus Herz. The (...)
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    Stosunek Salomona Majmona do filozofii Kanta.Mirosław Żelazny - 2016 - Studia Z Historii Filozofii 7 (2):121-135.
    The article familiarizes us with Salomon Maimon, a self-taught philosopher of Jewish descent, and with his attitude to the scientific views of Immanuel Kant. Although Maimon depicted himself as a follower of Kant, the reality contradicts this picture. The conclusions drawn in the article are based on Maimon’s letters and his manuscript of A Dialogue between Kant and One of His Students discovered only recently. The abovementioned correspondence with Kant clearly shows Maimon’s position in relation to the views of the (...)
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    Mendelssohn contra Kant. Ein frühes Zeugnis der Auseinandersetzung mit Kants Lehre von Zeit und Raum in der Dissertation von 1770.Eva J. Engel - 2004 - Kant Studien 95 (3):269-282.
    Mendelssohn's disagreement with Kant's definition survived on a two-sided Folio sheet (Statsbibliothek zu Berlin, Preuss. Kulturbesitz:, Nachlass 162, D I.4.). The dispute relates to Kant's inaugural lecture in Königsberg (August 1770): "De mundi sensibilis atque intelligibilis forma et principiis". A copy was immediately delivered to Mendelssohn by Kant's and Mendelssohn's mutual disciple, Marcus Herz. From Herz's long letter-report we know of a four-hour long discussion concerning Mendelssohn's intention to contrast Kant's definition of 'Raum' and 'Zeit' with that (...)
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    Kants Philosophie des Subjekts: systematische und entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Selbstbewusstsein und Selbsterkenntnis (review). [REVIEW]Eric Watkins - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (3):471-473.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kants Philosophic des Subjekts. Systematische und entuncklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Selbstbewusstsein und Selbslerkennlnis by Heiner F. KlemmeEric WatkinsHeiner F. Klemme. Kants Philosophic des Subjekts. Systematische und entuncklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zum Verhältnis von Selbstbewusstsein und Selbslerkennlnis. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag, 1996. Pp. ix + 430. Cloth, DM 148.In this impressive work Klemme provides a detailed historical account of the development of Kant’s views on self-consciousness from the early 1770s (...)
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  29. Kant's Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical Philosophy.Jennifer Mensch - 2013 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Kant’s Organicism: Epigenesis and the Development of Critical Philosophy, traces the decisive role played by eighteenth century embryological research for Immanuel Kant’s theories of mind and cognition. I begin this book by following the course of life science debates regarding organic generation in England and France between 1650 and 1750 before turning to a description of their influence in Germany in the second half of the eighteenth century. Once this background has been established, the remainder of Kant’s Organicism moves to (...)
  30. Moral dilemmas and consistency.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1980 - Journal of Philosophy 77 (3):121-136.
    Marcus argues that moral dilemmas are real, but that they are not the result of inconsistent moral principles. Moral principles are consistent just in case there is some world where all principles are 'obeyable.' They are inconsistent just in case there is no world where all are 'obeyable.' What this logical point is meant to show is that moral dilemmas do not make moral codes inconsistent. She also discusses guilt, and argues that guilt is still appropriate even in cases (...)
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  31. Interpreting quantification.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1962 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 5 (1-4):252 – 259.
    Alternative readings of quantification are considered. The absence of an unequivocal translation into ordinary speech is noted. Some examples are cited which, in the opinion of the author, are a result of equivocal readings of quantification, or unnecessarily restrictive readings which obscure its primary function.
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  32. On duties to oneself.Marcus G. Singer - 1958 - Ethics 69 (3):202-205.
  33. The holistic presumptions of the indispensability argument.Russell Marcus - 2014 - Synthese 191 (15):3575-3594.
    The indispensability argument is sometimes seen as weakened by its reliance on a controversial premise of confirmation holism. Recently, some philosophers working on the indispensability argument have developed versions of the argument which, they claim, do not rely on holism. Some of these writers even claim to have strengthened the argument by eliminating the controversial premise. I argue that the apparent removal of holism leaves a lacuna in the argument. Without the holistic premise, or some other premise which facilitates the (...)
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  34. (2 other versions)Generalization in ethics.Marcus G. Singer - 1955 - Mind 64 (255):361-375.
  35.  35
    Aristotle's Modal Syllogisms.Ruth Barcan Marcus & Storrs McCall - 1965 - Philosophical Review 74 (4):539.
  36. The concept of evil.Marcus G. Singer - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (2):185-214.
    Though ‘evil’ is often used loosely as merely the generic opposite of ‘morally good’, used precisely it is the worst possible term of opprobrium available. In this essay it is taken as applying primarily to persons, secondarily to conduct; evil deeds must flow from the volition to do something evil. An evil action is one so horrendously bad that no ordinary decent human being can conceive of doing it, and an evil person is one who knowingly wills or orders such (...)
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  37. Nominalism and the Substitutional Quantifier.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1978 - The Monist 61 (3):351-362.
    It has been suggested that a substitutional semantics for quantification theory lends itself to nominalistic aims. I should like in this paper to explore that claim.
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    Iterated deontic modalities.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1966 - Mind 75 (300):580-582.
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    Visualizing as a Means of Geometrical Discovery.Marcus Giaquinto - 1992 - Mind and Language 7 (4):382-401.
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  40. Dispensing with Possibilia.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1975 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 49:39 - 51.
  41. Modalities: Philosophical Essays.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1961 - New York, NY, USA: Oup Usa.
    This collection of Marcus's non-technical essays include her earlier ground-breaking axiomatizations of quantified modal logic, and explore such topics as the necessity of identity, the directly referential role of proper names as "tags", the interplay of possibility and existence, and others viewed as iconoclastic when Marcus first addressed them, but now long incorporated into current discussion.
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    Model Completeness of O-Minimal Structures Expanded by Dedekind Cuts.Marcus Tressl - 2005 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 70 (1):29 - 60.
    §1. Introduction. LetMbe a totally ordered set. A (Dedekind) cutpofMis a couple (pL,pR) of subsetspL,pRofMsuch thatpL⋃pR=MandpL Z} andZ−for the cutqwithqL= {a∈M∣a
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  43. First-order logic, second-order logic, and completeness.Marcus Rossberg - 2004 - In Vincent F. Hendricks, First-order logic revisited. Berlin: Logos. pp. 303-321.
    This paper investigates the claim that the second-order consequence relation is intractable because of the incompleteness result for SOL. The opponents’ claim is that SOL cannot be proper logic since it does not have a complete deductive system. I argue that the lack of a completeness theorem, despite being an interesting result, cannot be held against the status of SOL as a proper logic.
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  44. Reasoning about outcome probabilities and values in preference reversals.Marcus Selart, Ole Boe & Tommy Garling - 1999 - Thinking and Reasoning 5 (2):175 – 188.
    Research on preference reversals has demonstrated a disproportionate influence of outcome probability on choices between monetary gambles. The aim was to investigate the hypothesis that this is a prominence effect originally demonstrated for riskless choice. Another aim was to test the structure compatibility hypothesis as an explanation of the effect. The hypothesis implies that probability should be the prominent attribute when compared with value attributes both in a choice and a preference rating procedure. In Experiment 1, two groups of undergraduates (...)
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    Possibilia and Possible Worlds.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1986 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 25-26 (1):107-133.
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  46. Theorie einer natürlichen Magie.Ernst Marcus - 1924 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 4 (9):97-97.
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    (1 other version)The elimination of contextually defined predicates in a modal system.Ruth Barcan Marcus - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):92.
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    The fantasmatic mother.Laura Marcus - 1998 - Paragraph 21 (3):411-414.
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    2 The Gift and Globalization: A Prolegomenon to the Anthropological Study of Contemporary Finance Capital and Its Mentalities.George E. Marcus - 2002 - In Edith Wyschogrod, Jean-Joseph Goux & Eric Boynton, The Enigma of Gift and Sacrifice. Fordham University Press. pp. 38-49.
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    The High Road of Humanity: The Seven Ethical Ages of Western Man.Frederick R. Marcus, Albert William Levi, Donald Phillip Verene & Molly Black Verene - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 31 (2):106.
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