Results for 'Marcin Mróz'

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  1.  8
    Plato in Poland 1800–1950: Types of Reception – Authors – Problems.Tomasz Mróz - 2021 - Academia – ein Verlag in der Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.
    Das vorliegende Buch unternimmt den Versuch, die polnische Platon-Rezeption einem breiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Die Jahre 1800–1950 umfassen die Schwerpunkte der Geschichte der polnischen Philosophie: Die Rezeption westlicher philosophischer Strömungen, die Entwicklung der Lemberg-Warschauer Schule, des Neo-Messianismus und der Neo-Scholastik. Das Buch erörtert, wie diese Phänomene in der modernen polnischen Philosophie zur Interpretation von Platon beigetragen haben.
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    Remarks on the History of the Navy of the Empire of Nicaea in the Light of the Chronicle of Georgios Akropolites.Marcin Böhm - 2016 - International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences 74:54-57.
    Publication date: 30 November 2016 Source: Author: Marcin Böhm The Empire of Nicaea was a successor of the Byzantium shattered in 1204. In the newly established state marine traditions of Byzantines, remain alive. The best testimony to this, are the evidence contained in the chronicle of Georgios Akropolites, devoted to activities of the rulers of Nicaea, aimed to build their own naval forces. In this paper I'll also try to answer, where was beating the heart of the Nicean shipbuilding (...)
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  3. Explaining the Computational Mind.Marcin Miłkowski - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In the book, I argue that the mind can be explained computationally because it is itself computational—whether it engages in mental arithmetic, parses natural language, or processes the auditory signals that allow us to experience music. All these capacities arise from complex information-processing operations of the mind. By analyzing the state of the art in cognitive science, I develop an account of computational explanation used to explain the capacities in question.
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  4. Child’s assent in research: Age threshold or personalisation?Marcin Waligora, Vilius Dranseika & Jan Piasecki - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):44.
    Assent is an important ethical and legal requirement of paediatric research. Unfortunately, there are significant differences between the guidelines on the details of assent.
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  5. The Fantasy of Mind-Uploading. Defaults and the Ends of Junk.Adrian Mróz - 2021 - Kultura I Historia 39 (1).
    From a behaviorist perspective, the desire to upload “minds” is already being realized on a mass, hyper-industrial scale thanks to the convergence of cognitive computing and Big Data. The accusation is that the “mind” is not an entity that exists intracranially. Instead, it is conceived as a process of individuation, which occurs in different modes and numbers. Some narratives of mind-uploading and technics in popular culture are explored: Transcendence (2014, dir. Wally Pfister) and Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut. The discussed (...)
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  6. The "Work" of Art: Stanisław Brzozowski and Bernard Stiegler.Adrian Mróz - 2021 - Humanities and Social Sciences 28 (3):39-48.
    This article relates the ideas of Stanisław Brzozowski (1878-1911) with those of Bernard Stiegler (1952-2020), both of whom problematize the "work" of art understood as a labor practice. Through the conceptual analysis of epigenetics and epiphylogenetics for aesthetic theory, I claim that both thinkers develop practical concepts relevant to contemporary art philosophy. First, I present an overview of Brzozowski's aesthetics, for whom literature and the arts are linked with ethics, and aesthetic form is tied with moral judgment. Then, I continue (...)
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    Polish Translations of Plato’s Dialogues from the Beginnings to the Mid-Twentieth Century.Tomasz Mróz - 2023 - Revue de Philosophie Ancienne 2:375-399.
    Cet article vise à présenter les principales étapes de l’histoire des traductions polonaises des dialogues de Platon, qui sont intimement liées à l’histoire de la Pologne et à la renaissance de la vie académique dans l’entre-deux-guerres. L’attention se porte en particulier sur les travaux de traductions de F.A. Kozłowski, A. Bronikowski, S. Lisiecki et W. Witwicki, qui représentaient diverses approches et appliquaient des méthodes différentes pour rendre les textes de Platon en polonais. Le développement de cette série de dialogues accessibles (...)
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  8.  30
    Dwa wizerunki Platona w twórczości Władysława Tatarkiewicza.Tomasz Mróz - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (13).
    Author: Mróz Tomasz Title: TWO IMAGES OF PLATO IN THE WORKS OF WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ (Dwa wizerunki Platona w twórczości Władysława Tatarkiewicza) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2011, vol:.13/14, number: 2011/2-3, pages: 535-557 Keywords: WŁADYSŁAW TATARKIEWICZ, PLATO, NEO-KANTIAN, PAUL NATORP, RECEPTION OF THE PLATO IN POLAND, THE HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY IN THE 20TH CENTURY Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The paper discusses two different approaches of W. Tatarkiewicz to Plato and Platonism. As (...)
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    When Weak Modularity is Robust Enough?Marcin Miłkowski - 2008 - Análisis Filosófico 28 (1):77-89.
    In this paper, I suggest that the notion of module explicitly defined by Peter Carruthers in The Architecture of The Mind (Carruthers 2006) is not really In use in the book. Instead, a more robust notion seems to be actually in play. The more robust notion, albeit implicitly assumed, seems to be far more useful for making claims about the modularity of mind. Otherwise, the claims would become trivial. This robust notion will be reconstructed and improved upon by putting it (...)
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  10. Dark and infinite.Sue Mroz - 2007 - In George A. Reisch (ed.), Pink Floyd and Philosophy: Careful with That Axiom, Eugene! Open Court.
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    Radiowa adaptacja Platoskich dialogów w przekńadzie W. Witwickiego i jej recepcja na seminarium filozoficznym H. Jakubanisa w KUL.Tomasz Mróz - 2013 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 61 (1):43-71.
    RADIO ADAPTATION OF THE PLATO’S DIALOGUES’ TRANSLATED BY W. WITWICKI AND ITS RECEPTION AT H. JAKUBANIS’ PHILOSOPHICAL SEMINAR IN THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF LUBLIN S u m m a r y The paper presents a little-known episode in the reception of Plato’s dialogues in Polish culture in the interwar period, namely the radio adaptation of the dialogues. The adaptation was based on four dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, all of them translated by WMadysMaw Witwicki. This radio drama was very popular (...)
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  12. Sztuka a Nierzeczywistość - kilka uwag o koncepcji estetyki filozofów egzystencji.Piotr Mróz - 1990 - Studia Filozoficzne 291 (2-3).
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    Some Remarks on the Nineteenth Century Studies of the Euthyphro in Poland.Tomasz Mróz - 2011 - Peitho 2 (1):191-202.
    The present paper examined how Polish philosophers, historians and classicists understood and interpreted Plato’s Euthyphro in the 19th century. The article provides evidence for a twofold interest that Polish readers had for the dialogue in this period. Firstly, Catholic think­ers focused on the ethical issues of the dialogue and supported the reviv­al of the Scholasticism, confirming, at the same time, the vitality of Plato’s thought. Secondly, the text of Plato’s opusculum was a conveni­ent didactic material for various teachers of the (...)
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  14.  33
    The Significance of Music with Reference to Plato and the Notion of “Pharmakon”.Adrian Mróz - 2017 - Dissertation,
    The problem of interpreting music’s function or role is scrutinized by grounding music’s significance through a selected reading of Platonic philosophy and a reinterpretation of the concept of “pharmakon” familiar to ancient Greeks, and in particular, the Athenians. Views on both mousike and the artistic practice of music in that era are taken into account. The “pharmakon” is analyzed through a concept of love as a harmonizing force and a variety of contexts are explicated, showing that it concerns any object (...)
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    Illocutionary pluralism.Marcin Lewiński - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):6687-6714.
    This paper addresses the following question: Can one and the same utterance token, in one unique speech situation, intentionally and conventionally perform a plurality of illocutionary acts? While some of the recent literature has considered such a possibility Perspectives on pragmatics and philosophy. Springer, Cham, pp 227–244, 2013; Johnson in Synthese 196:1151–1165, 2019), I build a case for it by drawing attention to common conversational complexities unrecognized in speech acts analysis. Traditional speech act theory treats communication as: a dyadic exchange (...)
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    The logic of modal changes LMC.Marcin Łyczak - 2020 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (1):50-67.
    The logic of change formulated by K. Świętorzecka, has its motivation coming from the Aristotelian theory of substantial change which is undrstood as a transformation consisting in the disappearing and becoming of individual substances. The transition: becoming/disapearing (and conversely) is expressed in by the primitive operator C, to be read: it changes that …, and it is mapped by the progressively expanding language. We are interested in attributive changes of individual substances. We consider a formalism with two non-normal and not (...)
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  17.  31
    Organizational Meeting Orientation: Setting the Stage for Team Success or Failure Over Time.Joseph E. Mroz, Nicole Landowski, Joseph Andrew Allen & Cheryl Fernandez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  18.  63
    Function and causal relevance of content.Marcin Miłkowski - 2016 - New Ideas in Psychology 40 (94-102).
    In this paper, I focus on a problem related to teleological theories of content namely, which notion of function makes content causally relevant? It has been claimed that some functional accounts of content make it causally irrelevant, or epiphenomenal; in which case, such notions of function could no longer act as the pillar of naturalized semantics. By looking closer at biological questions about behavior, I argue that past discussion has been oriented towards an ill-posed question. What I defend is a (...)
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  19. Behaving, Mattering, and Habits Called Aesthetics.Adrian Mróz - 2020 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 57 (2):57-102.
    In this two-part article, I propose a new materialist understanding of behavior. The term “mattering” in the title refers to sense-making behavior that matters, that is, to significant habits and materialized behaviors. By significant habits I mean protocols, practices and routines that generate ways of reading material signs and fixed accounts of movement. I advance a notion of behaving that stresses its materiality and sensory shaping, and I provide select examples from music. I note that current definitions of behavior do (...)
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  20.  35
    Estetyzacja polityki w ujęciu Hannah Arendt.Marcin Moskalewicz - 2005 - Filo-Sofija 5 (5):203-220.
    Author: Moskalewicz Marcin Title: AESTHETIZATION OF POLITICS ACCORDING TO HANNAH ARENDT (Estetyzacja polityki w ujęciu Hannah Arendt) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2005, vol:.5, number: 2005/1, pages: 203-220 Keywords: ARENDT, AESTHETIZATION OF POLITICS, CRITIQUE OF JUDGMENT Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:The article reflects on the problem of aesthetization of politics in Hannah Arendt’s work. It starts with the reconstruction of Arendt’s concept of the human condition, with the intention of placing (...)
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  21.  13
    Ja jako rzecz rozciągła. O tym, jak daleko prowadzi nas Kant.Marcin Poręba - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    Religia przez czarny monokl.Marcin Iwanicki - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):367-380.
    The essay critically examines the main claim of the book Religia jako idolatria [Religion as Idolatry] by Ireneusz Ziemiński, according to which religion is necessarily idolatry. The author argues that the thesis is insufficiently justified and points out several topic that require further discussion.
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    (1 other version)Argumentative Polylogues: Beyond Dialectical Understanding of Fallacies.Marcin Lewiński - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 36 (1):193-218.
    Dialectical fallacies are typically defined as breaches of the rules of a regulated discussion between two participants. What if discussions become more complex and involve multiple parties with distinct positions to argue for? Are there distinct argumentation norms of polylogues? If so, can their violations be conceptualized as polylogical fallacies? I will argue for such an approach and analyze two candidates for argumentative breaches of multi-party rationality: false dilemma and collateral straw man.
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    Albert Mieczysław Krąpiec’s theory of the person for professional nursing practice.Marcin Paweł Ferdynus - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12286.
    This article presents the works of great Polish philosopher, Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec, whose creative output can be applied to professional nursing practice. Krąpiec's philosophical heritage is extensive and encompasses many philosophical fields: metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of law, philosophy of culture, philosophy of politics and philosophy of language. Krąpiec created an original philosophical synthesis characterized by a realistic approach. In this paper, I present only one of several original philosophical concepts developed by Krąpiec: the theory of the person based on (...)
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  25. Is computationalism trivial?Marcin Miłkowski - 2007 - In Gordana Dodig Crnkovic & Susan Stuart (eds.), Computation, Information, Cognition: The Nexus and the Liminal.f. Cambridge Scholars Press.
    In this paper, I want to deal with the triviality threat to computationalism. On one hand, the controversial and vague claim that cognition involves computation is still denied. On the other, contemporary physicists and philosophers alike claim that all physical processes are indeed computational or algorithmic. This claim would justify the computationalism claim by making it utterly trivial. I will show that even if these two claims were true, computationalism would not have to be trivial.
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    Speech Act Pluralism in Argumentative Polylogues.Marcin Lewinski - 2021 - Informal Logic 42 (4):421-451.
    I challenge two key assumptions of speech act theory, as applied to argumentation: illocutionary monism, grounded in the idea each utterance has only one (primary) illocutionary force, and the dyadic reduction, which models interaction as a dyadic affair between only two agents (speaker-hearer, proponentopponent). I show how major contributions to speech act inspired study of argumentation adhere to these assumptions even as illocutionary pluralism in argumentative polylogues is a significant empirical fact in need of theoretical attention. I demonstrate this with (...)
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  27.  94
    Towards a Critique-Friendly Approach to the Straw Man Fallacy Evaluation.Marcin Lewiński - 2011 - Argumentation 25 (4):469-497.
    In this article I address the following question: When are reformulations in argumentative criticisms reasonable and when do they become fallacious straw men? Following ideas developed in the integrated version of pragma-dialectics, I approach argumentation as an element of agonistic exchanges permeated by arguers’ strategic manoeuvring aimed at effectively defeating the opponent with reasonable means. I propose two basic context-sensitive criteria for deciding on the reasonableness of reformulations: precision of the rules for interpretation (precise vs. loose) and general expectation of (...)
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  28.  13
    Practical Argumentation in the Making: Discursive Construction of Reasons for Action.Marcin Lewiński - 2018 - In Sarah Bigi & Fabrizio Macagno (eds.), Argumentation and Language — Linguistic, Cognitive and Discursive Explorations. Cham: Springer Verlag.
    The goal of this chapter is to catalogue ways in which practical argumentation —argumentation aimed at deciding on a course of action—is produced discursively in deliberative discussions. This is a topic largely neglected in the literature on PA focused primarily on the abstract features of practical inference. I connect to this literature by arguing that the complex scheme of PA inferentially hinges on three different principles for rationally selecting means to achieve the desired goal: the means have to be either (...)
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  29.  77
    Argumentative Discussion: The Rationality of What?Marcin Lewiński - 2019 - Topoi 38 (4):645-658.
    Most dialectical models view argumentation as a process of critically testing a standpoint. Further, they assume that what we critically test can be analytically reduced to individual and bi-polar standpoints. I argue that these two assumptions lead to the dominant view of dialectics as a bi-partisan argumentative discussion in which the yes-side argues against the doubter or the no-side. I scrutinise this binary orientation in understanding argumentation by drawing on the main tenets of normative pragmatic and pragma-dialectical theories of argumentation. (...)
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  30. Idyllic heroism: Nietzsche's View of Epicurus.Marcin Miłkowski - 1998 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 15:70-79.
    In this paper, Nietzsche's interpretation of Epicurus is sketched. The ancient philosopher is seen as subscribing to 'idyllic heroism', i.e., heroically adopting an idyllic way of life.
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  31. From Wide Cognition to Mechanisms: A Silent Revolution.Marcin Miłkowski, Robert Clowes, Zuzanna Rucińska, Aleksandra Przegalińska, Tadeusz Zawidzki, Joel Krueger, Adam Gies, Marek McGann, Łukasz Afeltowicz, Witold Wachowski, Fredrik Stjernberg, Victor Loughlin & Mateusz Hohol - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    In this paper, we argue that several recent ‘wide’ perspectives on cognition (embodied, embedded, extended, enactive, and distributed) are only partially relevant to the study of cognition. While these wide accounts override traditional methodological individualism, the study of cognition has already progressed beyond these proposed perspectives towards building integrated explanations of the mechanisms involved, including not only internal submechanisms but also interactions with others, groups, cognitive artifacts, and their environment. The claim is substantiated with reference to recent developments in the (...)
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  32.  56
    Advancing Polylogical Analysis of Large-Scale Argumentation: Disagreement Management in the Fracking Controversy.Mark Aakhus & Marcin Lewiński - 2017 - Argumentation 31 (1):179-207.
    This paper offers a new way to make sense of disagreement expansion from a polylogical perspective by incorporating various places in addition to players and positions into the analysis. The concepts build on prior implicit ideas about disagreement space by suggesting how to more fully account for argumentative context, and its construction, in large-scale complex controversies. As a basis for our polylogical analysis, we use a New York Times news story reporting on an oil train explosion—a significant point in the (...)
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    A Note on Distributive Triples.Marcin Łazarz - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (3):207-211.
    Even if a lattice L is not distributive, it is still possible that for particular elements x, y, z ∈ L it holds ∧z = ∨. If this is the case, we say that the triple is distributive. In this note we provide some sufficient conditions for the distributivity of a given triple.
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  34. Bóg, religia i człowiek w myśli Pierre'a Teilharda de Chardin.Marcin Bogusławski - 2005 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 3.
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  35. Struktura Matematyki.Marcin Czakon - 2020 - Lublin: Tn Kul.
    Celem jaki stawiamy przed tą książką, jest chęć zrozumienia, co to znaczy, że matematyka jest nauką o strukturach. Osiągnięcie tego celu będzie zależało od zrozumienia tego, co kryje się pod pojęciem „struktury” w obrębie matematyki. Pierwszy sposób rozumienia pojęcia struktury matematycznej to struktura -jako-teoria, albo inaczej struktura teorii. Drugi ze sposobów rozumienia pojęcia struktury to struktura- jako-przedmiot, czyli obiekt badany przez matematykę. Próbując zrozumieć stanowisko strukturalistyczne w obrębie filozofii matematyki, zbadamy, jakie właściwe znaczenie ma każde z tych pojęć. Postaramy się (...)
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    E-Learning Initiatives in an Academic Environment—Case Study of Warsaw School of Economics.Marcin Dąbrowski - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (3):73-80.
    The aim of the paper is to describe possible e-learning activities that a university can develop. Examples of projects carried out in Warsaw School of Economics have been presented with conclusions and experience gathered during their implementation. In the last part, trends for the future of academic e-learning have been discussed.
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    Arguing About “COVID”: Metalinguistic Arguments on What Counts as a “COVID-19 Death”.Marcin Lewiński & Pedro Abreu - 2022 - In Steve Oswald (ed.), The Pandemic of Argumentation. Springer.
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    Incommensurability vs linguistic relativity (niewspólmiernosc a relatywizm jezykowy).Trybulec Marcin - 2009 - Filozofia Nauki 17 (3 (67)).
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  39. Studying norms and social change in a digital age : identifying and understanding a multidimensional gap problem.Måns Svensson Marcin de Kaminski, Johanna Alkan Olsson Stefan Larsson & Kari Rönkkö - 2013 - In Matthias Baier (ed.), Social and legal norms: towards a socio-legal understanding of normativity. Burlington, VT, USA: Ashgate.
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    ""The Moral Flaw in the" Pro-Choice" Position.Raymond B. Marcin - 2004 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 4 (4):701-709.
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  41. From Ingarden to Naturalistic Aesthetics: Maria Golaszewska.P. Mroz & A. Warminski - 2002 - Analecta Husserliana 80:606-607.
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    Marek Haltof (2012) Polish Film and the Holocaust: Politics and Memory.Matilda Mroz - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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  43. Bertranda Russella spotkania z filozofią polską (L. Chwistek, W. Lutosławski, S. Themerson ).Tomasz MRÓZ - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia (3):71-82.
    The relations between Russell and three Polish philosophers are considered. Each of them exchanged letters with Russell but their professional interests in philosophy, their meta-philosophical views and their worldviews profoundly varied. Nevertheless, Russell’s wide intellectual horizon enabled him to have fruitful discussions with each of them. Chwistek’s philosophical aim was to improve Russell’s theory of types but he failed to publish his own book in English with Russell’s preface and he never met Russell in person. The English philosopher, however, helped (...)
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  44. Kazimierz Twardowski i Wincenty Lutosławski. Z dziejów pol­skich dyskusji filozoficznych Metafizyka w muzyce w ujęciu Profesora Mariana Przełęckiego.Tomasz Mróz - 2008 - Ruch Filozoficzny 65 (4).
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  45. Lwa Szestowa egzystencjalistyczna interpretacjadzieła Dostojewskiego.Piotr Mróz - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 19 (19):97-112.
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    The Axiology of Music: Systemic irrationality in judging the performance of music.Adrian Mróz - 2015 - Dissertation,
    This paper assumes that aesthetic judgements are irrational in nature. Judges and music experts often provide us with a description of their experiences as well as assessments, and thus set standards for beauty and skill. These assessments have an axionormative character. They can be evaluated by analyzing the statements made which describe the subjective and individual experiences that justify the judgment, or with the methods of heterophenomenology - proposed by Daniel Dennett - as well as through an analysis of cognitive (...)
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    Tajemnica ludzkiej nieprawości: aktualność nauki św. Tomasza z Akwinu o złu moralnym i wadach głównych.Mirosław Mróz - 2010 - Toruń: Wydawn. Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika.
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    Władysław Tatarkiewicz w pracach Czesława Głombika.Tomasz Mróz - 2023 - Folia Philosophica 47:1-10.
    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie najważniejszych publikacji C. Głombika, w których analizował on twórczość filozoficzną i historycznofilozoficzną swojego nauczyciela z czasów studiów, W. Tatarkiewicza. To właśnie dzięki Tatarkiewiczowi Głombik podjął badania nad dziejami filozofii polskiej. Na przykładzie poświęconych Tatarkiewiczowi prac Głombika ukazane zostały najważniejsze obszary jego zainteresowań historycznofilozoficznych i metody badawcze. Artykuł wzbogacony został o osobiste wspomnienia i korespondencję.
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  49. Superinteligentny Lewiatan: Zarys problemu autonomii człowieka a autonomizacji urządzeń.Adrian Mróz - 2020 - Kultura I Historia 37 (1):1-18.
    Celem niniejszej pracy jest zastosowanie wizji „Lewiatana” Thomasa Hobbesa do koncepcji superinteligencji lub nadludzkiej inteligencji, które dyskutowane jest wśród transhumanistów i poruszone jest przez takich filozofów i futurologów jak między innymi Nick Bostrom, Stanisław Lem, albo Ray Kurzweil. Inspiracją mojej pracy były pytania w rodzaju: „kiedy człowiek przestaje być autonomicznym podmiotem?” albo „czy człowiek w ogóle może być samodzielny?”. Niemniej jednak wydaje mi się, że takie pytania mogą się pojawić wtedy, kiedy człowieka rozpoznamy jako zwierzę polityczne (politikon zoon w sensie (...)
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    Correspondence Theory of Semantic Information.Marcin Miłkowski - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):485-510.
    A novel account of semantic information is proposed. The gist is that structural correspondence, analysed in terms of similarity, underlies an important kind of semantic information. In contrast to extant accounts of semantic information, it does not rely on correlation, covariation, causation, natural laws, or logical inference. Instead, it relies on structural similarity, defined in terms of correspondence between classifications of tokens into types. This account elucidates many existing uses of the notion of information, for example, in the context of (...)
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