Results for 'Marcin Mołoń'

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  1. przegląd teorii sztuki od Arystotelesa do Baudrillarda.Marcin Mołoń - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 19 (19):179-182.
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    O Círculo de Bakhtin e a Linguística Aplicada.Newton Duarte Molon & Rodolfo Vianna - 2012 - Bakhtiniana 7 (2):142-165.
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    Enhancing Health and Wellbeing through Immersion in Nature: A Conceptual Perspective Combining the Stoic and Buddhist Traditions.Marcin Fabjański & Eric Brymer - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:278852.
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    Belief Changes and Cognitive Development: Doxastic Logic LCB{\mathsf {LCB}}.Marcin Łyczak - 2021 - Axiomathes 31 (2):157-171.
    We present the logicLCB{\mathsf {LCB}}LCBwhich is expressed in a propositional language constantly enriched by new atomic expressions. Our formal framework is the propositional doxastic logicKD45{\mathsf {KD45}}KD45with the belief operatorB{\mathcal {B}}B, extended by theC{\mathcal {C}}Coperator, to be readit changes that.... We describe the changing beliefs of an agent who uses progressively expanding language. The approach presented here allows us to weaken pragmatic objections to the so-called principle ofnegative retrospectionaccepted inKD45{\mathsf {KD45}}KD45and the problem oflogical omniscience. In what follows, we present the expanding (...)
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    A Note on some Characterization of Distributive Lattices of Finite Length.Marcin Łazarz & Krzysztof Siemieńczuk - 2015 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 44 (1/2):15-17.
    Using known facts we give a simple characterization of the distributivity of lattices of finite length.
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    A Note on Distributive Triples.Marcin Łazarz - 2019 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 48 (3):207-211.
    Even if a lattice L is not distributive, it is still possible that for particular elements x, y, z ∈ L it holds ∧z = ∨. If this is the case, we say that the triple is distributive. In this note we provide some sufficient conditions for the distributivity of a given triple.
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    E-Learning Initiatives in an Academic Environment—Case Study of Warsaw School of Economics.Marcin Dąbrowski - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (3):73-80.
    The aim of the paper is to describe possible e-learning activities that a university can develop. Examples of projects carried out in Warsaw School of Economics have been presented with conclusions and experience gathered during their implementation. In the last part, trends for the future of academic e-learning have been discussed.
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    Michel foucault’s new sociology of power?Marcin Hylewski - 2019 - Nowa Krytyka 42:83-107.
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  9. Grodziska strefy lasostepu pontyjskiego we wczesnej epoce żelaza: wstęp do dyskusji.Marcin Ignaczak - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica 28:173 - 186.
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    (1 other version)Komitet Obrony Robotników.Marcin Rewera - 1985 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1985 (65):185-191.
    Lipski's book on KOR can be read from one main perspective: how does opposition come about? This does not refer to opposition in general, but to opposition within totalitarian or nearly totalitarian conditions. Such conditions are interesting because they rule out social action by autonomous self-motivated subjects. Lipski answers the question directly in the chapter on “The Prehistory of KOR.” Birth is preceeded by a long process of formation of intellectuals' circles and the strengthening of social, occupational, and experiencial links, (...)
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  11. The Hard Problem Of Content: Solved (Long Ago).Marcin Miłkowski - 2015 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 41 (1):73-88.
    In this paper, I argue that even if the Hard Problem of Content, as identified by Hutto and Myin, is important, it was already solved in natu- ralized semantics, and satisfactory solutions to the problem do not rely merely on the notion of information as covariance. I point out that Hutto and Myin have double standards for linguistic and mental representation, which leads to a peculiar inconsistency. Were they to apply the same standards to basic and linguistic minds, they would (...)
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    Albert Mieczysław Krąpiec’s theory of the person for professional nursing practice.Marcin Paweł Ferdynus - 2020 - Nursing Philosophy 21 (2):e12286.
    This article presents the works of great Polish philosopher, Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec, whose creative output can be applied to professional nursing practice. Krąpiec's philosophical heritage is extensive and encompasses many philosophical fields: metaphysics, philosophical anthropology, philosophy of law, philosophy of culture, philosophy of politics and philosophy of language. Krąpiec created an original philosophical synthesis characterized by a realistic approach. In this paper, I present only one of several original philosophical concepts developed by Krąpiec: the theory of the person based on (...)
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    Four philosophical images of man and nursing from Krąpiec’s perspective.Marcin Paweł Ferdynus - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (2):e12344.
    The article describes Mieczysław Albert Krąpiec's perspective on four classic philosophical images of man and the resulting theoretical and practical implications for the nursing profession. The first three images, namely man as a set of elements, man as a soul imprisoned in the body and man as a rational animal, are regarded by Krąpiec as reductionist anthropologies and are thus inadequate for nursing. The first image reduces man to a biological element. The second one reduces man to a soul and (...)
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    The forest, the trees, or both? Hierarchy and interactions between gist and object processing during perception of real-world scenes.Marcin Furtak, Liad Mudrik & Michał Bola - 2022 - Cognition 221 (C):104983.
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  15. Explanatory completeness and idealization in large brain simulations: a mechanistic perspective.Marcin Miłkowski - 2016 - Synthese 193 (5):1457-1478.
    The claim defended in the paper is that the mechanistic account of explanation can easily embrace idealization in big-scale brain simulations, and that only causally relevant detail should be present in explanatory models. The claim is illustrated with two methodologically different models: Blue Brain, used for particular simulations of the cortical column in hybrid models, and Eliasmith’s SPAUN model that is both biologically realistic and able to explain eight different tasks. By drawing on the mechanistic theory of computational explanation, I (...)
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  16.  35
    The Philosophy of Expertise in the Age of Medical Informatics: How Healthcare Technology is Transforming Our Understanding of Expertise and Expert Knowledge?Marcin Rządeczka - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 63 (1):209-225.
    The unprecedented development of medical informatics is constantly transforming the concept of expertise in medical sciences in a way that has far-reaching consequences for both the theory of knowledge and the philosophy of informatics. Deep medicine is based on the assumption that medical diagnosis should take into account the wide array of possible health factors involved in the diagnostic process, such as not only genome analysis alone, but also the metabolome (analysis of all body metabolites important for e.g. drug-drug interactions), (...)
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  17. Satisfaction conditions in anticipatory mechanisms.Marcin Miłkowski - 2015 - Biology and Philosophy 30 (5):709-728.
    The purpose of this paper is to present a general mechanistic framework for analyzing causal representational claims, and offer a way to distinguish genuinely representational explanations from those that invoke representations for honorific purposes. It is usually agreed that rats are capable of navigation because they maintain a cognitive map of their environment. Exactly how and why their neural states give rise to mental representations is a matter of an ongoing debate. I will show that anticipatory mechanisms involved in rats’ (...)
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  18. Representational unification in cognitive science: Is embodied cognition a unifying perspective?Marcin Miłkowski & Przemysław Nowakowski - 2019 - Synthese 199 (Suppl 1):67-88.
    In this paper, we defend a novel, multidimensional account of representational unification, which we distinguish from integration. The dimensions of unity are simplicity, generality and scope, non-monstrosity, and systematization. In our account, unification is a graded property. The account is used to investigate the issue of how research traditions contribute to representational unification, focusing on embodied cognition in cognitive science. Embodied cognition contributes to unification even if it fails to offer a grand unification of cognitive science. The study of this (...)
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    Cabdrivers and Their Fares: Temporal Structures of a Linking Ecology.Marcin Serafin - 2019 - Sociological Theory 37 (2):117-141.
    The author argues that behind the apparent randomness of interactions between cabdrivers and their fares in Warsaw is a temporal structure. To capture this temporal structure, the author introduces the notion of a linking ecology. He argues that the Warsaw taxi market is a linking ecology, which is structured by religious time, state time, and family time. The author then focuses on waiting time, arguing that it too structures the interactions between cabdrivers and their fares. The author makes a processual (...)
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    Morał z przykładów frankfurtowskich (przeł. Marcin Iwanicki i Joanna Klara Teske).John Martin Fischer, Marcin Iwanicki & Joanna Klara Teske - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (4):441-465.
    The author argues that the moral of the Frankfurt stories is this: if causal determinism rules out moral responsibility, it is not in virtue of eliminating alternative possibilities, and replies the most important challenge to this claim, namely an argument called “The Dilemma Defense.”.
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    Is it true that all human beings have dignity?Marcin Paweł Ferdynus - 2024 - Nursing Philosophy 25 (1):e12464.
    The discussion around dignity in nursing philosophy has been underway for many years. The literature still lacks philosophical arguments that would justify the thesis that all people have dignity. Scholars who defend dignity as an intrinsic value most often refer to Kant. However, Kant does not seem to be the most suitable candidate to defend the thesis that all human beings possess dignity. In this paper, I attempt to show that Aristotle's and Aquinas's views can help justify this thesis. To (...)
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    Main trends in historical semantics.Marcin Grygiel - 2007 - Rzeszów: Wydawn. Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Edited by Grzegorz Kleparski & Christian Kay.
  23. Wiara religijna jako sapientia pragmatica, czyli Williama Jamesa analiza religii.Marcin Hintz - 2010 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 76:329-338.
    Artykuł omawia analizę fenomenu życia religijnego w filozofii Williama Jamesa (1842-1910). Wskazano na kalwińskie korzenie twórcy pragmatyzmu a zwłaszcza na prezbiteriański schemat zwany sylogizmem praktycznym, który w powodzeniu życiowym szukał potwierdzenia posiadania łaski religijnej. Twórca pragmatyzmu, rozpoczął swoje badania od analizy przeżyć ludzkich z perspektywy psychologicznej. Pod koniec życia coraz więcej uwagi poświęcił analizie fenomenu życia religijnego. Poglądy swoje wyłożył w wykładach edynburskich w roku 1901, które zostały wydane w książce Doświadczenia religijne. Analizie przeżyć religijnych poświęcone są też końcowe partie (...)
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    Metalinguistic comparison in an alternative semantics for imprecision.Marcin Morzycki - 2011 - Natural Language Semantics 19 (1):39-86.
    This paper offers an analysis of metalinguistic comparatives such as more dumb than crazy in which they differ from ordinary comparatives in the scale on which they compare: ordinary comparatives use scales lexically determined by particular adjectives, but metalinguistic ones use a generally-available scale of imprecision or ‘pragmatic slack’. To implement this idea, I propose a novel compositional implementation of the Lasersohnian pragmatic-halos account of imprecision—one that represents clusters of similar meanings as Hamblin alternatives. In the theory that results, existential (...)
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    Argumentation in Complex Communication: Managing Disagreement in a Polylogue.Marcin Lewiński & Mark Aakhus - 2022 - Cambridge University Press.
    A pervasive aspect of human communication and sociality is argumentation: the practice of making and criticizing reasons in the context of doubt and disagreement. Argumentation underpins and shapes the decision-making, problem-solving, and conflict management which are fundamental to human relationships. However, argumentation is predominantly conceptualized as two parties arguing pro and con positions with each other in one place. This dyadic bias undermines the capacity to engage argumentation in complex communication in contemporary, digital society. This book offers an ambitious alternative (...)
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    Toward a unified view of time: Erwin W. Straus’ phenomenological psychopathology of temporal experience.Marcin Moskalewicz - 2018 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 17 (1):65-80.
    The article covers Erwin W. Straus’ views on the problem of time and temporal experience in the context of psychopathology. Beside Straus’ published scholarship, including his papers dealing exclusively with the subject of time, the sources utilized in this essay comprise several of Straus’ unpublished manuscripts on temporality, with the primary focus on the 1952 manuscript Temporal Horizons, which is discussed in greater detail and subsequently published for the first time in this journal. In the first part of the article, (...)
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  27. Beyond Formal Structure: A Mechanistic Perspective on Computation and Implementation.Marcin Miłkowski - 2011 - Journal of Cognitive Science 12 (4):359-379.
    In this article, after presenting the basic idea of causal accounts of implementation and the problems they are supposed to solve, I sketch the model of computation preferred by Chalmers and argue that it is too limited to do full justice to computational theories in cognitive science. I also argue that it does not suffice to replace Chalmers’ favorite model with a better abstract model of computation; it is necessary to acknowledge the causal structure of physical computers that is not (...)
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    Debating multiple positions in multi-party online deliberation: Sides, positions, and cases.Marcin Lewiński - 2013 - Journal of Argumentation in Context 2 (1):151-177.
    Dialectical approaches traditionally conceptualize argumentation as a discussion in which two parties debate on “two sides of an issue”. However, many political issues engender multiple positions. This is clear in multi-party online deliberations in which often an array of competing positions is debated in one and the same discussion. A proponent of a given position thus addresses a number of possible opponents, who in turn may hold incompatible opinions. The goal of this paper is to shed extra light on such (...)
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    Towards a Critique-Friendly Approach to the Straw Man Fallacy Evaluation.Marcin Lewiński - 2011 - Argumentation 25 (4):469-497.
    In this article I address the following question: When are reformulations in argumentative criticisms reasonable and when do they become fallacious straw men? Following ideas developed in the integrated version of pragma-dialectics, I approach argumentation as an element of agonistic exchanges permeated by arguers’ strategic manoeuvring aimed at effectively defeating the opponent with reasonable means. I propose two basic context-sensitive criteria for deciding on the reasonableness of reformulations: precision of the rules for interpretation (precise vs. loose) and general expectation of (...)
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  30. Explaining the Computational Mind.Marcin Miłkowski - 2013 - MIT Press.
    In the book, I argue that the mind can be explained computationally because it is itself computational—whether it engages in mental arithmetic, parses natural language, or processes the auditory signals that allow us to experience music. All these capacities arise from complex information-processing operations of the mind. By analyzing the state of the art in cognitive science, I develop an account of computational explanation used to explain the capacities in question.
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    Strukturalność a dedukcyjność matematyki: współczesny strukturalizm w filozofii matematyki.Marcin Czakon - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (2):241-268.
    Wspólne dla różnego typu strukturalizmów matematycznych jest stwierdzenie, że dla matematyki jako nauki prawdziwa jest koniunkcja: a) matematyka jest nauką o strukturach oraz b) matematyka jest nauką dedukcyjną. Przedstawiane są odmienne argumenty na rzecz tych dwóch własności matematyki i różnie rozumiane są pojęcia strukturalności i dedukcyjności, co skutkuje powstawaniem różnego rodzaju strukturalizmów. Twierdzimy, że przy pewnym ustalonym sposobie rozumienia tych pojęć możliwa jest ich równoważność. Argumentujemy na rzecz takiego rozumienia strukturalizmu, które streszcza się w stwierdzeniu: a) matematyka jest nauką o (...)
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    Distraction of attention with the use of virtual reality. Influence of the level of game complexity on the level of experienced pain.Marcin Czub & Joanna Piskorz - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (4):480-487.
    : Research done in recent years shows that Virtual Reality can be an effective tool for distracting attention from pain. The purpose of this study was to test how the complexity of Virtual Environment influences the experienced intensity of thermal pain stimuli. A within-subjects design experiment was conducted, using cold pressor test for pain stimulation. Research was done on 31 students of Wroclaw Universities. Participants played games created for the purpose of the study, using head mounted displays and movement sensors. (...)
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    Medytacja w praktyce filozoficznej jako „żywa metafizyka”.Marcin Piotr Fabjański - 2020 - Folia Philosophica 44 (2):1-9.
    This article argues that if contemporary philosophical counseling wishes to perpetuate the spirit of ancient philosophy, it must also incorporate metaphysics. This kind of incorporation means, among other things, regarding as essential the implementation of the meditation practices of certain historical schools of philosophy. Meditation was an inherent feature not only of Eastern schools of thought, but also within Western philosophy. These practices lead to a psychophysical state, known as ataraxia, which causes the perception of reality to undergo a radical (...)
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    Nowy, lepszy człowiek?Marcin Ferdynus - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (3):487-496.
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    Stworzenie i ewolucja – dwa „puzzle” chrześcijańskiego światopoglądu.Marcin Napadło - 2019 - Studia Philosophiae Christianae 55 (1):97.
    Problem relacji między religią i nauką, rozumiany jako relacja między doktryną chrześcijańską i naukami przyrodniczymi, jest dzisiaj powszechnie znany i dyskutowany. Artykuł podejmuje bardzo praktyczne zagadnienie, jakim jest formowanie oraz rewidowanie światopoglądu chrześcijańskiego w kontekście spotkania się w człowieku religijnym dwóch wielkich idei: stworzenia i ewolucji. Wychodząc od zaproponowanej definicji światopoglądu, w artykule zostanie ukazany fundamentalny rys światopoglądu chrześcijańskiego oraz jego istotne cechy. Dopiero w takim świetle próbuje się przedstawić propozycję interpretacji spotkania i wzajemnego oddziaływania idei stworzenia i ewolucji. Zaproponowana (...)
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  36. Kant's Views on Mathematics and Constructivism.Marcin Poreba - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1).
  37. O kantowskiej krytyce dowodu ontologicznego.Marcin Poręba - 1989 - Studia Filozoficzne 286 (9).
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    Considering Carneades as a Framework for Informal Logic: A Reply to Walton and Gordon.Marcin Selinger & Marcin Koszowy - 2016 - Informal Logic 36 (2):217-237.
    The paper offers a critical analysis of the research program for formalizing informal logic proposed by Douglas Walton and Thomas Gordon. Since their proposal is based on employing the Carneades Argumentation System, this paper aims at answering two questions: what are main benefits of applying CAS as means for formalizing informal logic, and what are possible extensions of Walton and Gordon’s research program and modifications in employing CAS?
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    Formalna ocena argumentacji.Marcin Selinger - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 81 (1):89-109.
    Naszym celem jest dostarczenie formalnego modelu oceny możliwie szerokiej klasy argumentacji, w szczególności tych, które pojawiają się w kontekstach naturalnych. We wprowadzeniu przedstawiamy elementarne sposoby rozbudowywania argumentacji prostych w coraz bardziej złożone struktury. W drugim rozdziale podajemy ścisłe definicje pojęć służących do opisu tych struktur — argumentację definiujemy jako niepusty i skończony zbiór sekwentów, tj. jako niepustą i skończoną relację zachodzącą pomiędzy niepustymi i skończonymi zbio-rami zdań a pojedynczymi zdaniami danego języka; wprowadzamy także kilka pojęć (nie-spójność, rozbieżność, kolistość), które pozwalają (...)
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  40. Child’s assent in research: Age threshold or personalisation?Marcin Waligora, Vilius Dranseika & Jan Piasecki - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):44.
    Assent is an important ethical and legal requirement of paediatric research. Unfortunately, there are significant differences between the guidelines on the details of assent.
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    (1 other version)Argumentative Polylogues: Beyond Dialectical Understanding of Fallacies.Marcin Lewiński - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 36 (1):193-218.
    Dialectical fallacies are typically defined as breaches of the rules of a regulated discussion between two participants. What if discussions become more complex and involve multiple parties with distinct positions to argue for? Are there distinct argumentation norms of polylogues? If so, can their violations be conceptualized as polylogical fallacies? I will argue for such an approach and analyze two candidates for argumentative breaches of multi-party rationality: false dilemma and collateral straw man.
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    Towards Formal Representation and Evaluation of Arguments.Marcin Selinger - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):379-393.
    The aim of this paper is to propose foundations for a formal model of representation and numerical evaluation of a possibly broad class of arguments, including those that occur in natural discourse. Since one of the most characteristic features of everyday argumentation is the occurrence of convergent reasoning, special attention should be paid to the operation ⊕, which allows us to calculate the logical force of convergent arguments with an accuracy not offered by other approaches.
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    (1 other version)Computational Semantics for Monadic Quantifiers.Marcin Mostowski - 1998 - Journal of Applied Non--Classical Logics 8 (1-2):107--121.
    The paper gives a survey of known results related to computational devices (finite and push–down automata) recognizing monadic generalized quantifiers in finite models. Some of these results are simple reinterpretations of descriptive—feasible correspondence theorems from finite–model theory. Additionally a new result characterizing monadic quantifiers recognized by push down automata is proven.
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    Managing disagreement through yes, but… constructions: An argumentative analysis.Paula Castro, Marcin Lewiński, Dima Mohammed & Mehmet Ali Uzelgun - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (4):467-484.
    The goal of this study is to examine the argumentative functions of concessive yes, but… constructions. Based on interview transcripts, we examine the ways environmental activists negotiate their agreements and disagreements over climate change through yes, but… constructions. Starting from conversational analyses of such concessive sequences, we develop an account grounded in argumentative discourse analysis, notably pragma-dialectics. The analysis focuses on how in conceding arguments speakers re-present others’ discourse, what types of criticism they exercise through particular sequential patterns and which (...)
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    Temporal experience as a core quality in mental disorders.Marcin Moskalewicz & Michael A. Schwartz - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (2):207-216.
    The goal of this paper is to introduce Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences’ thematic issue on disordered temporalities. The authors begin by discussing the main reason for the neglect of temporal experience in present-day psychiatric nosologies, mainly, its reduction to clock time. Methodological challenges facing research on temporal experience include addressing the felt sense of time, its structure, and its pre-reflective aspects in the life-world setting. In the second part, the paper covers the contributions to the thematic issue concerning temporal (...)
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    A Computational Approach to Quantifiers as an Explanation for Some Language Impairments in Schizophrenia.Marcin Zajenkowski, Rafał Styła & Jakub Szymanik - 2011 - Journal of Communication Disorder 44:2011.
    We compared the processing of natural language quantifiers in a group of patients with schizophrenia and a healthy control group. In both groups, the difficulty of the quantifiers was consistent with computational predictions, and patients with schizophrenia took more time to solve the problems. However, they were significantly less accurate only with proportional quantifiers, like more than half. This can be explained by noting that, according to the complexity perspective, only proportional quantifiers require working memory engagement.
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    (1 other version)Vulnerable and Grandiose Narcissism Are Differentially Associated With Ability and Trait Emotional Intelligence.Marcin Zajenkowski, Oliwia Maciantowicz, Kinga Szymaniak & Paweł Urban - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  48. Iluzja sprawczej funkcji intencji działania a mechanizm ustanawiania i osiągania celu.Marcin Cichosz - 2010 - Studia Z Kognitywistyki I Filozofii Umysłu 4.
    W 1983 roku Benjamin Libet wraz ze współpracownikami po raz pierwszy wykazał, że w prostym działaniu dobrowolnym świadoma intencja nie pełni funkcji inicjującej. Czasowy przebieg tego typu działania wskazuje również, że intencja oraz samo działanie to produkty procesów nieświadomych. Na podstawie wyniku Libeta oraz wybranych koncepcji psychologicznych Daniel Wegner zaproponował teorię pozornej mentalnej przyczynowości, w ramach której intencja to rodzaj konstruktu umożliwiającego agentowi zrozumienie własnego zachowania w kategoriach przyczynowych, gdzie jego stan mentalny (intencja) jawi mu się jako przyczyna, a działanie (...)
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    Ouverture d’un espace de liberté : les recherches en littérature et histoire des Lumières en Pologne, 1945-1990.Marcin Cieński - 2020 - Revue de Synthèse 140 (3-4):281-310.
    Résumé L’article presente les changements qui se sont manifestes dans la recherche polonaise, essentiellement en litterature et histoire des Lumieres, entre 1945 et 1990. L’accent est mis sur l’impact du contexte politique sur la recherche. Les annees 1945-1956 ont ete marquees par de fortes contraintes ideologiques car le regime communiste imposait aux chercheurs une vision simplifiee des Lumieres censee repondre aux besoins de ses plans. Apres l’epoque stalinienne, la pression ideologique et institutionnelle s’est progressivement reduite, ouvrant la voie a davantage (...)
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    Is Non-Ontological Structuralism Hypothetical?Marcin Czakon - 2023 - Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana (Issn: 1731-0555) 39:153-171.
    Michael Resnik, the founder of modern structuralism in the philosophy of mathematics, changed his views and proposed a new non-ontological structuralism. Resnik is considered a prominent figure in modern structuralism within the realm of contemporary philosophy of mathematics, and his sui generis structuralism is regarded as one of the most significant and frequently discussed positions in the field. This article examines the motivations behind Resnik’s change of perspective. His new position is presented in detail, and an attempt is made to (...)
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