Results for 'Marcia Almeida'

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  1.  37
    The sensitive knowledge of dance.Marcia Almeida - 2015 - Technoetic Arts 13 (1-2):45-55.
    In this article I will discuss the dancer’s physical potential and the sensitive knowledge (‘la connaissance sensible’) that emerges from dance practice. For this, I take Lévi-Strauss’ (2010) theory of the ‘savage mind’ as a reference. This theory is important to understand how the discipline of dance does not need to be justified through modern science (Lévi-Strauss 2010). It is understood that dance operates from sensitive knowledge, while modern science is expressed through the intelligible. I will point out how the (...)
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  2. A perfomance do professor coordenador na escola burguesa.Marcia Mello & Jose de Almeida - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (3):141-154.
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo examinar a alienação que envolve a atividade do professor coordenador, relacionando esse profissional às expectativas do ideário neoliberal, reproduzido pela escola burguesa e comparar as atribuições destinadas a esse profissional com o seu fazer efetivo. O universo da pesquisa engloba a escola pública do Estado de São Paulo e a atividade do professor coordenador, especialmente as de Ciclo II. O referencial usado é o materialismo histórico dialético, e a categoria de análise é a teoria (...)
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  3. A perfomance do professor coordenador na escola burguesa.Márcia Natália Motta Mello & José Luis Vieira de Almeida - 2010 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 15 (3).
    O presente artigo tem por objetivo examinar a alienação que envolve a atividade do professor coordenador, relacionando esse profissional às expectativas do ideário neoliberal, reproduzido pela escola burguesa e comparar as atribuições destinadas a esse profissional com o seu fazer efetivo. O universo da pesquisa engloba a escola pública do Estado de São Paulo e a atividade do professor coordenador, especialmente as de Ciclo II. O referencial usado é o materialismo histórico dialético, e a categoria de análise é a teoria (...)
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    On the Relation Between Over-Indebtedness and Well-Being: An Analysis of the Mechanisms Influencing Health, Sleep, Life Satisfaction, and Emotional Well-Being.Mário B. Ferreira, Filipa de Almeida, Jerônimo C. Soro, Márcia Maurer Herter, Diego Costa Pinto & Carla Sofia Silva - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper aims to explore the association between over-indebtedness and two facets of well-being – life satisfaction and emotional well-being. Although prior research has associated over-indebtedness with lower life satisfaction, this study contributes to the extant literature by revealing its effects on emotional well-being, which is a crucial component of well-being that has received less attention. Besides subjective well-being, reported health, and sleep quality were also assessed. The findings suggest that over-indebted consumers have lower life satisfaction and emotional well-being, as (...)
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    Se as pulgas desenvolvessem um rito, ele estaria relacionado ao cão.João José Rodrigues Almeida - 2009 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 21 (29):369.
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    Robust-Output-Controlled Synchronization Strategy for Arrays of Pancreatic β-Cells.David I. Rosas Almeida & Laura O. Orea Leon - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-10.
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    Why do young infants fail to search for hidden objects?Renée Baillargeon, Marcia Graber, Julia Devos & James Black - 1990 - Cognition 36 (3):255-284.
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    Factores de riesgo y bienestar psicológico en personas mayores institucionalizadas.Tatiane Poiani Mango, Márcia Helena Archilha Rani, Maria Goretti Alves Moreira, Lilian Cláudia Ulian Junqueira & Janaína Luiza dos Santos - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:325-341.
    En nuestros días con el aumento de la longevidad, es importante una discusión sobre la calidad de vida y la salud mental de las personas mayores. Más que eso, se abren nuevos caminos para comprender las soluciones que la sociedad presenta con el tema longevidad, como la creación de entidades de larga permanencia. Así ocurre el inicio de la categorización de las personas mayores institucionalizadas. Objetivo: este estudio tiene como objetivo comprender cómo la literatura científica presenta la salud mental de (...)
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  9.  40
    Reality monitoring vs. discriminating between external sources of memories.Carol L. Raye & Marcia K. Johnson - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (6):405-408.
  10.  37
    Atividade de desenho como mediadora de interações sociais entre crianças.Talita P. Dias & Nancy Vf Almeida - 2009 - Paideia (Misc) 19 (44):313-322.
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    As vassouras da feiticeira.Jurandir Freire Costa - 2006 - Human Nature 8 (1):133-162.
    Este trabalho é uma réplica ao artigo A psicanálise pragmática e o paradoxo da interpretação, de João José Rodrigues Lima de Almeida. Discuto nele as noções de introspecção, linguagem privada, vida interior, linguagem referencial, sentido, ação intencional, sintomas, critérios, razões causais e objetivos da clínica psicanalítica, todas questionadas pelo autor do artigo. Sugere-se que as críticas feitas às idéias de Márcia Cavell e de Jurandir Freire Costa sobre esses tópicos devem-se a mal-entendidos teóricos e não à incompatibilidade conceitual entre (...)
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    Changes in auditory frequency guide visual–spatial attention.Julia A. Mossbridge, Marcia Grabowecky & Satoru Suzuki - 2011 - Cognition 121 (1):133-139.
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  13. Táticas de comunicação on-line na defesa de demandas indígenas na Amazônia.Thiago Almeida Barros & Edgar Monteiro Chagas Junior - 2023 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 29 (1).
    Neste trabalho analisamos a dinâmica da representação política não eleitoral de demandas indígenas em campanhas realizadas pela ONG Greenpeace Brasil da organização Mobilização Nacional Indígena (MNI). Nosso objetivo é identificar táticas de comunicação on-line a partir de conteúdos publicados pelas organizações em suas fanpages na rede social Facebook, entre março e agosto de 2016, período de intensificação de discussões sobre o licenciamento ambiental para a construção da hidrelétrica de São Luiz do Tapajós, que alagaria parte do território Munduruku, no Pará. (...)
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  14.  57
    Criacionismo e darwinismo confrontam-se nos tribunais... da razão e do direito.Paulo Abrantes & F. P. L. Almeida - 2006 - Episteme 11 (24):357-402.
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  15.  69
    Sobre o princípio e a lei universal do Direito em Kant.Guido Antônio de Almeida - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 47 (114):209-222.
  16.  45
    Termos singulares, transcategoriais e Summa Genera na lógica de Aristóteles.Wellington Damasceno de Almeida - 2013 - Manuscrito 36 (1):5-48.
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    The paradoxes of Feldman's neo-utilitarianism.Michael J. Almeida - 1992 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 70 (4):455 – 468.
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  18.  22
    Transmitting nautical and cosmographical knowledge in the 16th and 17th centuries: The case of Pedro Nunes.Bruno Almeida - 2018 - Centaurus 60 (3):216-229.
    While it is generally accepted that texts concerning navigation written by the Portuguese mathematician and cosmographer Pedro Nunes (1502–1578) were influential in erudite circles of Europe, less is known about the real impact and diffusion of his work among the less educated, such as professionals associated with sea voyages. Did Nunes' theoretical contributions reach the relevant artisans and practitioners? If so, how did this come about?This paper uses the case of Pedro Nunes to investigate how complex theoretical ideas were transmitted (...)
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  19.  15
    L’'me à la lettre – mutation de l’entre-deux (autour de Jean-Luc Nancy).Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback - 2017 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 42:73-84.
    Cet article présente une discussion sur la pensée de la mutation chez Jean-Luc Nancy, elle-même une mutation des idées philosophiques traditionnelles sur la transformation. Il entend montrer que devant le sens intransformé de transformation dans la tradition philosophique de Platon à la philosophie contemporaine, Jean-Luc Nancy ouvre une autre voie lorsqu’il comprend transformation plutôt comme touche de l’âme. Loin de soumettre la mutation à une arche-téléologie des significations, la pensée de la mutation, une pensée de la touche de l’âme, trouve (...)
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  20.  20
    Bioethics and Racism: Practices, Conflicts, Negotiations and Struggles.Carlo Botrugno, Marcia Mocellin Raymundo & Lucia Re (eds.) - 2023 - De Gruyter.
  21.  30
    To Think in the Eye of the Storm.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback - 2020 - Philosophy Today 64 (4):907-911.
    The article aims to reflect on the pandemic from the situatedness of being in the eye of the storm. It discusses the contagion between biological and digital viralization, and the politics and existential effects of the pandemic non-touching.
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  22. The Social Construction of Aesthetic Response.Marcia Muelder Eaton - 1995 - British Journal of Aesthetics 35 (2):95-95.
  23.  24
    Object location memory: Integration and competition between multiple context objects but not between observers’ body and context objects.Weimin Mou & Marcia L. Spetch - 2013 - Cognition 126 (2):181-197.
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  24.  13
    A arte retórica E a ciência da paixão.Lênia Márcia Mongelli - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (3):541-548.
    SÍNTESE - Sabe-se que as Artes Poéticas medievais derivam diretamente da Retórica clássica, a qual, a partir delas, teria desaparecido do cenário medieval para só ressurgir no Renascimento quinhentista. O que este ensaio pretende demonstrar é a permanência, durante a Idade Média, de princípios muito similares aos que os antigos estabeleceram como base da Retórica e de suas ramificações, para além de soluções meramente linguísticas e gramaticais. O terreno que se escolheu para apontar as analogias é o do lirismo trovadoresco.
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  25.  23
    Teologia da Libertação e transições eclesiais pendentes para o futuro (Liberation theology and ecclesial pending transitions).Antonio José Almeida - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (32):1692-1709.
    Minga-Mutirão de Revistas de Teologia Latino-americanas Teologia da Libertação e transições eclesiais pendentes para o futuro (Liberation theology and ecclesial pending transitions).
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  26.  13
    The functions of seem and parecer in early medical writing.Francisco Alonso Almeida - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (2):121-140.
    This article studies the function of the verbs seem and parecer with an evidential meaning in early medical writing in a time span of two centuries. The texts for analysis are excerpted from the Corpus of Early Modern English Medical Texts in the case of English and the Corpus diacrónico del español in the case of Spanish. My hypothesis is that the forms seem and parecer are mainly evidential rather than epistemic, as suggested in the works of Johansson and Aijmer, (...)
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  27.  95
    The Unreal Problem of No Best World.Michael Almeida - 2006 - Philo 9 (2):103-112.
    Suppose it is a reasonable assumption that there is no possible world that is overall highest in value. Some theists have found in thatassumption a basis for actualizing a less-than-best world. Some atheists have found in that assumption a basis for actualizing no world at all. I present a dynamic choice model for the problem and describe the rationality assumptions necessary to generate a rational choice problem for an ideally rational agent. I show that at least one of the rationality (...)
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  28.  54
    (1 other version)Un analisis de la “res cogitans” (an analysis of “res cogitans”).Eduardo Almeida - 1997 - Theoria 12 (2):281-292.
    EI tratamiento que hace Descartes deI ‘yo pienso-existo’, lejos de todo proceder inferencial, nos muestra la condición propia de un pensamiento que es “res cogitans”: mi ‘asistir a’ como condición originaria de la fuerza de realidad que soy. Así, el conocimiento que tengo de mí como pensamiento es prejudicativo: no necesita afirmación alguna, sino que expresa prevolitivamente el ser-siendo, o acto, que soy como pensamiento, y que no se extiende a mi cuerpo. The treatment Deseartes does of ‘I think - (...)
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  29.  63
    Um exame histórico-filosófico da biologia evolutiva do desenvolvimento.Ana Maria Rocha de Almeida & Charbel Niño El-Hani - 2010 - Scientiae Studia 8 (1):9-10.
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  30.  89
    Theism and Explanation. [REVIEW]Michael Almeida - 2012 - Faith and Philosophy 29 (2):229-232.
  31.  80
    The enlargement of life: Moral imagination at work – John Kekes. [REVIEW]Michael J. Almeida - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (231):374–377.
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    Ecossocialismo e a contribuição de seu ideário político: o Manifesto Ecossocialista Internacional - doi: 10.4025/dialogos.v19i2.938. [REVIEW]Jozimar Paes de Almeida - 2015 - Dialogos 19 (2).
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    Book review: Andreas H. Jucker, Gerd Fritz and Franz lebsanft (eds), historical dialogue analysis. Amsterdam: John benjamins, 1999. 478 pp. isbn 90 272 5080 4. [REVIEW]Francisco Alonso-Almeida - 2002 - Discourse Studies 4 (2):254-256.
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  34. Interview with Marcia Eaton.Marcia Muelder Eaton & Clarke A. Chambers - unknown
    Clarke A. Chambers interviews Marcia Eaton, professor in the Department of Philosophy.
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  35. II—Marcia Baron: Culpability, Excuse, and the ‘Ill Will’ Condition.Marcia Baron - 2014 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 88 (1):91-109.
    Gideon Rosen (2014) has drawn our attention to cases of duress of a particularly interesting sort: the person's ‘mind is not flooded with pain or fear’, she knows exactly what she is doing, and she makes a clear-headed choice to act in, as Rosen says, ‘awful ways’. The explanation of why we excuse such actions cannot be that the action was not voluntary. In addition, although some duress cases could also be viewed as necessity cases and thus as justified, Rosen (...)
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  36. Reality monitoring: Evidence from confabulation in organic brain disease patients.Marcia K. Johnson - 1991 - In G. P. Prigatono & Daniel L. Schacter (eds.), Awareness of Deficit After Brain Injury: Clinical and Theoretical Issues. Oxford University Press. pp. 176--197.
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  37. Kantian ethics almost without apology.Marcia Baron - 1995 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    The emphasis on duly in Kant's ethics is widely held to constitute a defect. Marcia W. Baron develops and assesses the criticism, which she sees as comprising two objections: that duty plays too large a role, leaving no room for the supererogatory, and that Kant places too much value on acting from duty. Clearly written and cogently argued, Kantian Ethics Almost without Apology takes on the most philosophically intriguing objections to Kant's ethics and subjects them to a rigorous yet (...)
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  38. Becoming a subject: reflections in philosophy and psychoanalysis.Marcia Cavell - 2006 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Marcia Cavell draws on philosophy, psychoanalysis, and the sciences of the mind in a fascinating and original investigation of human subjectivity. A "subject" is a creature, we may say, who recognizes herself as an "I," taking in the world from a subjective perspective; an agent, doing things for reasons, sometimes self-reflective, and able to assume responsibility for herself and some of her actions. If this is an ideal, how does a person become a subject, and what might stand in (...)
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  39. Processing subsystems of memory.Marcia K. Johnson & William Hirst - 1991 - In R Lister & H. Weingartner (eds.), Perspectives on Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press. pp. 197--217.
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  40. Kantian Ethics Almost without Apology.Marcia W. Baron & Henry E. Allison - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (191):269-274.
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    Chemical Abortion in Australia.Marcia Riordan - 2009 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 15 (2):6.
    Riordan, Marcia Abortion providers and advocates want Australian women who face an unexpected pregnancy to have the option of choosing a chemical RU-486 abortion, instead of a surgical abortion. This article looks at this proposal, and discusses its possible repercussions. There is considerable controversy over this method of abortion, with promoters saying that it is safer, easier and private, whereas opponents call it DIY abortion or home-alone abortion and question its safety.
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  42. Victorian Abortion Law Reform Bill 2008.Marcia Riordan - 2008 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 14 (2):7.
    Riordan, Marcia This report on the Victorian Abortion Law Reform Bill 2008 particularly considers the fact that it has denied health care professionals any right of conscientious objection. It sees this as part of an international attempt to deny conscientious objection against abortion, and to enforce abortion as an international human right.
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    La morale & la politique.Piza E. Almeida & Gabriel de Toledo - 1917 - [Paris,: Impr. Levé.
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  44. Psychoanalysis and psychopharmacology: art and science of combining paradigms.Marcia Kaplan - 2004 - In Jaak Panksepp (ed.), Textbook of Biological Psychiatry. Wiley-Liss. pp. 549.
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    Diálogo/cinema.Marcia Tiburi - 2013 - São Paulo: Editora Senac São Paulo. Edited by Julio Cabrera.
    A ilusão do cinema pode ser mantida no diálogo filosófico? Não se quebra o encanto? A arte que pode emocionar, alegrar, distrair, ensinar, denunciar... quando posta sob o olhar que interroga perderia sua terceira dimensão? Segundo os autores, o cinema não se presta a ser mera ilustração de pensamentos. Ele é mais e está além de uma única interpretação, ou então seria pura propaganda ideológica. Logo, a magia não se quebra; ao contrário, se enriquece, pluraliza, expande o olhar ou o (...)
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    Ricardo de Almeida Falbo (1964–2020).Giancarlo Guizzardi, João Paulo A. Almeida, Monalessa Perini Barcellos, Renata Silva Souza Guizzardi & Vítor E. Silva Souza - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (3):241-243.
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    Paying Women for Egg 'Donation'.Marcia Riordan - 2010 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 16 (1):10.
    Riordan, Marcia Some advocates of embryonic stem cell research want women to be paid for donating their eggs. This article details reasons why this would be bad public policy that would harm women.
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  48. Merit, aesthetic and ethical.Marcia Muelder Eaton - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    To "look good" and to "be good" have traditionally been considered two very different notions. Indeed, philosophers have seen aesthetic and ethical values as fundamentally separate. Now, at the crossroads of a new wave of aesthetic theory, Marcia Muelder Eaton introduces this groundbreaking work, in which a bold new concept of merit where being good and looking good are integrated into one.
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  49. Cognitive and brain mechanisms of false memories and beliefs.Marcia K. Johnson & Carol L. Raye - 2000 - In Daniel L. Schacter & Elaine Scarry (eds.), Memory, Brain, and Belief. Harvard Univ Pr. pp. 35--86.
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  50. The expression of quantificational notions in Asurini do Trocará: against the universality of determiner quantification.Márcia Damaso Vieira - 1995 - In Emmon W. Bach, Eloise Jelinek, Angelika Kratzer & Barbara H. Partee (eds.), Quantification in Natural Languages. Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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