Results for 'Marc-André Bernier'

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    PréfacePreface.Marc André Bernier & Suzanne Foisy - 2007 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 26:vii.
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    La Lettre sur les sourds et muets (1751) de Denis Diderot : une rhétorique du punctum temporis.Marc-André Bernier - 1999 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 18:1.
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  3. Réinventer le langage du bonheur: sagesse à l’antique et expérience du sentiment dans Les Rêveries du promeneur solitaire (avec Marc-André Bernier).Mitia Rioux-Beaulne - 2021 - In Le sentiment de l'existence. Lectures des Rêveries du promeneur solitaire de Rousseau. Paris, France: pp. 127-140.
    Dans cette contribution, nous nous penchons sur la figure du bonheur paradoxal qui, dans les "Rêveries du promeneur solitaire" de Rousseau, se définit au sein d’un jeu de tensions multiples. Si le bonheur exige la solitude, il est toujours hanté par l’altérité ; si sa source est en soi-même, il ne cesse toutefois de dépendre de circonstances contingentes ; et si, enfin, il s’éprouve tout entier dans le sentiment, il s’agit pourtant d’un sentiment augmenté d’un caractère réfléchi ou, pour mieux (...)
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    Corruption of Pharmaceutical Markets: Addressing the Misalignment of Financial Incentives and Public Health.Marc-André Gagnon - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):571-580.
    This article argues that the misalignment of private profit-maximizing objectives with public health needs causes institutional corruption in the pharmaceutical sector and systematically leads firms to act contrary to public heath. The article analyzes how financial incentives generate a business model promoting harmful practices and explores several means of realigning financial incentives in order to foster therapeutic innovation and promote the rational use of medicines.
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    Performance Expectancies Moderate the Effectiveness of More or Less Generative Activities Over Time.Marc-André Reinhard, Sophia Christin Weissgerber & Kristin Wenzel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  6. El Ser y el Espíritu.André Marc - 1968 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 24 (4):482-483.
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  7. « La dialectique de l'agir ».André Marc - 1954 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 9 (4):483-484.
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    De la phénoménologie à la psychanalyse: Freud et les existentialistes américains.Marc-André Bouchard - 1990 - Liège: P. Mardaga.
  9.  13
    Unrichtiges Recht: Gustav Radbruchs rechtsphilosophische Parteienlehre.Marc André Wiegand - 2004 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    English summary: Marc Andre Wiegand analyzes the neo-Kantian premises of Gustav Radbruch's legal philosophy.
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    Hermeneutics of translation: A critical consideration of the term dao in two renderings of the analects.Marc Andre Matten - 2004 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 31 (3):329–347.
  11. « Dialectique de l'affirmation ». Museum Lessianum, Section philosophique, no 36.André Marc - 1952 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (3):294-296.
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  12. La idea de posible y el sentido de la existencia.Andre Marc - 1951 - Sapientia 6 (19):10.
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  13. Philosophie de l'éducation nouvelle..Marc André Bloch - 1968 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  14. The struggle for meaning and acknowledgement—A psychodynamic view of the phenomenon of neuroenhancement.Marc-Andre Wulf, Ljiljana Joksimovic & Wolfgang Tress - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (1):29-42.
    Medizinethische Untersuchungen zum Thema Neuroenhancement (NE) wenden sich oft der Frage zu, inwiefern der Einzelne wie auch die Allgemeinheit durch NE zu Schaden kommen können. Gerechtigkeitsprobleme, ein befürchteter Wandel des Menschenbildes oder die Gefahr einer unerwünschten, schleichenden Veränderung der Gesellschaft werden problematisiert. Bezüglich individueller Risiken bleibt es aufgrund des vermeintlichen Zugewinns an Selbstbestimmung und Eigenverantwortung gerne beim Verweis auf die subjektive Kosten-Nutzen-Abwägung. Innerhalb der NE-Debatte gibt es bisher kaum Arbeiten, die die Aspekte der Motivation für die Nutzung von NE aus (...)
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    Un Maitre: Le père Auguste valensin.André Marc - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (2):211 - 217.
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    Privacy: an institutional fact.Marc-André Weber - 2016 - Ethics and Information Technology 18 (1):59-64.
    Let us show how property is grasped as an institutional fact. If Jones steals a computer, he does not own it in the sense of property, but only exercises control towards it. If he buys the computer, he controls it too, and moreover owns it in the sense of property. In other words, simply exercising control towards something is a brute fact. This control counts asproperty only in a certain context: the computer counts as Jones’s property only if he got (...)
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    Philosophie d'education nouvelle.Marc Andre Bloch - 1948 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
  18. Resistance? Les chretiens et Les eglises face aux problèmes relatifs à l'asile.Marc-André Freudiger - 1990 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 40:117.
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    (1 other version)L’être et l’esprit.André Marc - 1953 - Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy 3:72-77.
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  20. Philosophie de l'éducation nouvelle.Marc André Bloch - 1973 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  21. Sens et postérité de l'"Essai".Marc-andré Bloch - 1959 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 53:35.
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    Le scepticisme de Rousseau dans la Profession de foi du vicaire savoyard.Marc-André Nadeau - 2006 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 25:29.
  23. Méthode et dialectique.AndrÉ Marc - 1956 - Recherches de Philosophie 2:9.
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  24. La substancia.AndrÉ Marc - 1952 - Sapientia 7 (23):55.
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  25. Des livres de poche pour expliquer le protestantisme.Marc-André Freudiger - 1999 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 49:303.
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    A Note on Method.André Marc - 1934 - Modern Schoolman 11 (3):69-70.
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    Jean-Luc Vesco, Psaumes. Dieu de miséricorde célébré par des hymnes et des supplications. Marseille, Éditions La Thune, 2016, 151 p. [REVIEW]Marc-André Caron - 2018 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 74 (1):157-157.
  28. (1 other version)Dialectique de l'affirmation. Essai de Métaphysique réflexive.André Marc - 1953 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 58 (1):207-207.
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    Being and Action.André Marc - 1951 - Modern Schoolman 28 (3):175-190.
  30. Dialectique de l'agir, 1 vol.André Marc - 1959 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149:262-263.
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  31. « Psychologie réflexive ». Museum Lessianum Section philosophique, no 30.André Marc - 1952 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 7 (3):292-294.
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    Psychologie Reflexive. Tome I: La Connaissance. Tome II: La Volonte et l'Esprit.Andre Marc - 1952 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 13 (2):275-276.
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    Personne, Société, Communauté.André Marc - 1954 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 52 (35):447-461.
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    How affective states, task difficulty, and self-concepts influence the formation and consequences of performance expectancies.Marc-Andre Reinhard & Oliver Dickhäuser - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (2):220-228.
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    L'idée de l'être chez Saint Thomas et dans la scolastique postérieure.André Marc - 1933 - G. Beauchesne Et Ses Fils.
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  36. Postscriptum.André Marc - 1962 - Archives de Philosophie 25 (1).
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    On Being Linguistically At Sea Back To the Roots.Marc-André Béra - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (145):77-97.
    “Je doute qu'il y ait un dialogue de la chenille et du papillon”A. MatrauxThe most ordinary events astonish only those who think about them. What can be more natural than two people talking? They are from the same country, they speak the same language, they understand one another. They have things to say to each other and they say them. Anyone who would try to question such evident truisms would be seen as attempting to be a spinner of paradoxes. And (...)
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    A Note on Method in Philosophy (first part).André Marc & Edward B. Brueggeman - 1934 - Modern Schoolman 11 (3):51-52.
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    La méthode d'opposition en ontologie thomiste.André Marc - 1931 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 33 (30):149-169.
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    L'idée thomiste de l'être et les analogies d'attribution et de proportionnalité.André Marc - 1933 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 35 (38):157-189.
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  41. Filosofia da educação nova.Marc André Bloch - 1951 - São Paulo,: Companhia Editora Nacional.
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    Fundamentos y finaldades de la nueva educación.Marc André Bloch - 1949 - Buenos Aires,: Kapelusz.
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    Dialectique de l'afirmation: essai métaphysique réflexive.André Marc - 1952 - Desclée de Brouwer.
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    L'être et l'esprit.André Marc - 1958 - Desclée de Brouwer.
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    Le point de départ d'une psychologie rationnelle.André Marc - 1939 - Revue Néo-Scolastique de Philosophie 42 (64):533-571.
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  46. Raison philosophique et religion révélée, Collection « Textes et études philosophiques ».André Marc - 1955 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 10 (4):748-748.
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    Increasing skepticism toward potential liars: effects of existential threat on veracity judgments and the moderating role of honesty norm activation.Simon Schindler & Marc-André Reinhard - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Dark Triad and Deception Perceptions.Benno Gerrit Wissing & Marc-André Reinhard - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:468757.
    The present cross-sectional study (N = 205) tested the hypothesis that the Dark Triad traits – narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy – and the PID-5 maladaptive personality traits – Negative Affectivity, Detachment, Antagonism, Disinhibition and Psychoticism – are associated with specific deception-related perceptions: perceived cue-based deception detectability, perceived deception production, and deception detection ability. Participants completed personality and deception measures in an online setting. All three Dark Triad traits and Antagonism were associated with perceived deception production ability, but not (substantially) with (...)
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    Metaphor and music emotion: Ancient views and future directions.Alessia Pannese, Marc-André Rappaz & Didier Grandjean - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44 (C):61-71.
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    The Dark Triad and the PID-5 Maladaptive Personality Traits: Accuracy, Confidence and Response Bias in Judgments of Veracity.Benno G. Wissing & Marc-André Reinhard - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:273619.
    The Dark Triad traits—narcissism, Machiavellianism and psychopathy—have been found to be associated with intra- or interpersonal deception production frequency. This cross-sectional study ( N = 207) investigated if the Dark Triad traits are also associated with deception detection accuracy, as implicated by the recent conception of a deception-general ability. To investigate associations between maladaptive personality space and deception, the PID-5 maladaptive personality traits were included to investigate if besides Machiavellianism, Detachment is negatively associated with response bias. Finally, associations between the (...)
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